Word for burst of laughter

What do you call the small burst of laugh that people let out when they want to refrain from laughing, but can’t? You know the «pfft» sound? I am not sure if it only happens when you refrain from laughing, but yeah some people I guess laugh like that.

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asked May 30, 2019 at 0:43

repomonster's user avatar


You might call it a stifled laugh, as in, “Mary tried to contain herself, but couldn’t help letting out a stifled laugh.” You could also use the word snicker (either as a verb or noun) or possibly titter — though the latter might sound a little dated and silly.

answered May 30, 2019 at 0:51

Mixolydian's user avatar


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This «pfft» could be called a «snicker».

Also, sometimes the stifled laugh comes out not as a «pfft» but more of a «snort» if you try to keep the laugh inside by shutting your mouth.

At deviantart.com, you can see the entirety of a cartoon titled

What are you laughing at? «What are you Laughing at?»

It may be hard to read because the lettering is so small, but the characters are trying not to laugh, and are emitting the words «snicker» & «snort» (highlighted in yellow) instead.

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answered May 30, 2019 at 1:32

Lorel C.'s user avatar

Lorel C.Lorel C.

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How about the word snort. It could be used in a sentence like:

When Nick told his wife about the narrow escape from a traffic ticket Betty tried to withhold a chuckle that came out as a snort.

answered May 31, 2019 at 3:53

Michael Karas's user avatar

How about Titter? I came across it a while ago doing a crossword on a plane.




verb: titter; 3rd person present: titters; past tense: tittered; past
participle: tittered; gerund or present participle: tittering

  1. give a short, half-suppressed laugh; giggle.
    «her stutter caused the children to titter»

synonyms: giggle, snigger, snicker, tee-hee, give a half-suppressed laugh, chuckle;


noun: titter; plural noun: titters

  1. a short, half-suppressed laugh.
    «there were titters from the gallery»

synonyms: giggle, snigger, snicker, tee-hee, half-suppressed laugh, chuckle;

EvilDr's user avatar

answered May 30, 2019 at 4:01

Hani Umer's user avatar


According to wordhippo, a suppressed laugh is:

A half-suppressed, typically scornful laugh

The site also offers these synonyms:

snigger, snicker, giggle, chortle, sneer, cackle, chuckle, guffaw, simper

J.R.'s user avatar


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answered May 30, 2019 at 16:37

Michael Brandeis's user avatar


I tend to think of guffaw, although Merriam-Webster says this is «loud laughter,» how about a stifled guffaw?

answered May 31, 2019 at 19:20

L O's user avatar

I think at this point pfft is an onomatopoeia.

It’s a part of my vocabulary at least, but it’s more like a stand in for the word pashaw. Which is an exclamation about the hilarity of an incredulous situation. It’s a way to ‘call bullshit’ without swearing, or to preserve the lightheartedness of a conversation.

He let out a pfft but I wasn’t sure if he was actually annoyed, or just trying to not hurt my feelings by laughing it off.

answered Jun 1, 2019 at 0:14

Mazura's user avatar


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    быть дру́жным (с ) — be friends (with), be on friendly terms (with)

    дру́жная семья́ — united family

    дру́жный смех — burst of laughter

    дру́жные аплодисме́нты — burst of applause sg

    разда́лся дру́жный смех — there was a burst of laughter, they all burst out laughing

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    дру́жными уси́лиями — by concerted efforts; by mutual efforts

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    1) General subject: (to cause) screams of laughter, a burst of laughter, a peal of laughter, a roar of laughter, gale, peal of laughter, roars of laughter, whoop of laughter

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    — лопаться;


    — лопнуть

    1) break, burst, split; crack

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    разразиться смехом

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    взорваться смехом

    to break out laughing; to burst into laughter

    Rada broke out laughing.

    He added something else that Pandi and Maxim couldn’t hear, and the entire group burst into laughter.

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    разразиться смехом

    to break out laughing; to burst into laughter

    Rada broke out laughing.

    He added something else that Pandi and Maxim couldn’t hear, and the entire group burst into laughter.

    Дополнительный универсальный русско-английский словарь > разразиться смехом

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    to break out laughing; to burst into laughter

    Rada broke out laughing.

    He added something else that Pandi and Maxim couldn’t hear, and the entire group burst into laughter.

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    гомери́ческий хо́хот — Homeric [həʊ-] laughter

    взрыв хо́хота — burst of laughter

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    laughter [‘læftər]

    взрыв хо́хота — burst of laughter

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    дружба дружбой, а табачок врозь


    friends are O. K. when they don’t get in the way ; friends are all right when they don’t interfere with your career (business)

    Борис громко захохотал, очень громко и ненатурально. — А дружба? — закричал он. — А школьные годы? А молодость? Или дружба дружбой, а табачок врозь? (Ю. Герман, Я отвечаю за всё) — Boris gave a loud and obviously artificial burst of laughter. ‘What about our friendship?’ he yelled. ‘Our old schooldays? Our youth? I suppose friends are all right when they don’t interfere with your career, is that it?’

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    под микитки


    1) poke (dig) smb. in the ribs

    Пономарь вскочил, в свою очередь ударил дьячка под микитки, что вызвало всеобщий смех. (Ф. Решетников, Ставленник) — The sexton jumped up and, in his turn, poked the lay-brother in the ribs which provoked a burst of laughter.

    2) take smb. to task; take smb. by the scruff of the neck; catch (take) smb. by the throat

    Что сделать? Нет такого закона, чтоб браконьера под микитки… (В. Песков, Шаги по росе) — Nothing doing! There is no law that poachers must be taken by the scruff of the neck.

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См. также в других словарях:

  • burst of laughter — sudden explosion of loud laughter …   English contemporary dictionary

  • burst into laughter — suddenly start laughing, start giggling …   English contemporary dictionary

  • burst into something — burst into (something) to begin to produce a lot of something. The children burst into tears when they saw their ruined toys. The car burst into flames. The whole situation was so ridiculous, I simply burst into laughter. Related vocabulary:… …   New idioms dictionary

  • burst into — (something) to begin to produce a lot of something. The children burst into tears when they saw their ruined toys. The car burst into flames. The whole situation was so ridiculous, I simply burst into laughter. Related vocabulary: break into… …   New idioms dictionary

  • burst out — Synonyms and related words: be in stitches, belch, blow open, blow out, blurt, blurt out, break out, break up, burst forth, burst into laughter, burst out laughing, burst with laughter, bust a gut, cachinnate, cackle, chortle, chuckle, crow,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • burst — burst1 [bə:st US bə:rst] v past tense and past participle burst ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(break open)¦ 2 be bursting with something 3¦(move suddenly)¦ 4 burst open 5 be bursting to do something 6 be bursting 7 burst somebody s bubble 8 burst its banks Phrasal… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • laughter — Synonyms and related words: Homeric laughter, amusement, belly laugh, boff, boffola, burst of laughter, cachinnation, cackle, chortle, chortling, chuckle, convulsion, crow, fit of laughter, frivolity, fun, gales of laughter, giggle, glee,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • laughter — laugh|ter [ˈla:ftə US ˈlæftər] n [U] [: Old English; Origin: hleahtor] when people laugh, or the sound of people laughing ▪ Foster joined in the laughter. ▪ He looked shocked, then burst into laughter (=started laughing) . roar/scream/shriek with …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • laughter —    Aka, hō aka, aka aka.    ♦ Burst of laughter, hehē, hū ka aka.    ♦ Provoke laughter, hō aka, hō aka aka, ho omāke aka …   English-Hawaiian dictionary

  • burst at the seams — {v. phr.}, {informal} To be too full or too crowded. * /John ate so much he was bursting at the seams./ * /Mary s album was so full of pictures it was bursting at the seams./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • burst at the seams — {v. phr.}, {informal} To be too full or too crowded. * /John ate so much he was bursting at the seams./ * /Mary s album was so full of pictures it was bursting at the seams./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

‘BURST OF LAUGHTER’ is a 15 letter
starting with B and ending with R

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Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for BURST OF LAUGHTER

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burst of laughter 3 letter words

burst of laughter 4 letter words

burst of laughter 5 letter words

burst of laughter 6 letter words

burst of laughter 7 letter words

burst of laughter 8 letter words

burst of laughter 10 letter words

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Synonyms for Burst of laughter

  • peal of laughter

  • roar of laughter

  • gales of laughter

  • outburst of laughter

  • gale of laughter

  • guffaw of laughter

For more similar words, try Burst of laughter on Thesaurus.plus dictionary

What do you call the small burst of laugh that people let out when they want to refrain from laughing, but can’t? You know the “pfft” sound? I am not sure if it only happens when you refrain from laughing, but yeah some people I guess laugh like that.


You might call it a stifled laugh, as in, “Mary tried to contain herself, but couldn’t help letting out a stifled laugh.” You could also use the word snicker (either as a verb or noun) or possibly titter – though the latter might sound a little dated and silly.

Source : Link , Question Author : blackbird , Answer Author : Mixolydian

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