Word for buildings and roads

English Words for Construction and Work
English Words for Construction and Work

You can use the following construction vocabulary and phrases in English to talk about schools, hospitals, roads, streets, factories, and other buildings which are constructed, reconstructed and/or are under construction or reconstruction. You can use the phrases and vocabulary below besides your own words.

English Words for Construction and Work




Pave/ Paving roads.


To cover (something) with a material (such as stone, tar, or concrete) that forms a hard, level surface for walking, driving, etc.



1. A person who designs buildings/2. The art or science of designing and creating buildings.



To plan and make decisions about (something that is being built or created).



1. A soft gray powder that is mixed with water and other substances to make concrete/2. the very tiny, loose pieces of rock that cover beaches, deserts, etc.



A person who specializes in a branch of engineering.



The basic equipment and structures (such as roads and bridges) that are needed for a country, region, or organization to function properly.



A planned piece of work that has a specific purpose.



To build (something) again after it has been damaged or destroyed.



The skill or work of making or fixing wooden objects or wooden parts of buildings : the skill of a carpenter or the work done by a carpenter.



A photographic print that shows how something (such as a building) will be made.



The act or process of returning something to its original condition by repairing it, cleaning it, etc.

Wrecking ball


A large, heavy ball that is used to knock down buildings.

Building permit


A document authorizing the holder to construct a building of a particular kind on a particular lot.



Something (such as a hammer, saw, shovel, etc.) that you hold in your hand and use for a particular task.



1. A system of pipes that carries water through a building/2. a person whose job is to install or repair sinks, toilets, water pipes, etc.



A temporary or movable platform or structure on which a person stands or sits while working high above the floor or ground.

Drainage system


The process of removing water or liquid from a place or thing.



The activity of painting houses, walls, etc.

Masonry/ Bricklaying


Work was done using stone, brick, or concrete: work done by a mason. Mason: a skilled worker who builds or works with stone, brick, or concrete.

What vocabulary do you need in English? Comment them using the comment section below. Moreover, you can check more important vocabulary form the following link.

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Below is a massive list of road building words — that is, words related to road building. The top 4 are: pavement, lane, highway and bridge. You can get the definition(s) of a word in the list below by tapping the question-mark icon next to it. The words at the top of the list are the ones most associated with road building, and as you go down the relatedness becomes more slight. By default, the words are sorted by relevance/relatedness, but you can also get the most common road building terms by using the menu below, and there’s also the option to sort the words alphabetically so you can get road building words starting with a particular letter. You can also filter the word list so it only shows words that are also related to another word of your choosing. So for example, you could enter «pavement» and click «filter», and it’d give you words that are related to road building and pavement.

You can highlight the terms by the frequency with which they occur in the written English language using the menu below. The frequency data is extracted from the English Wikipedia corpus, and updated regularly. If you just care about the words’ direct semantic similarity to road building, then there’s probably no need for this.

There are already a bunch of websites on the net that help you find synonyms for various words, but only a handful that help you find related, or even loosely associated words. So although you might see some synonyms of road building in the list below, many of the words below will have other relationships with road building — you could see a word with the exact opposite meaning in the word list, for example. So it’s the sort of list that would be useful for helping you build a road building vocabulary list, or just a general road building word list for whatever purpose, but it’s not necessarily going to be useful if you’re looking for words that mean the same thing as road building (though it still might be handy for that).

If you’re looking for names related to road building (e.g. business names, or pet names), this page might help you come up with ideas. The results below obviously aren’t all going to be applicable for the actual name of your pet/blog/startup/etc., but hopefully they get your mind working and help you see the links between various concepts. If your pet/blog/etc. has something to do with road building, then it’s obviously a good idea to use concepts or words to do with road building.

If you don’t find what you’re looking for in the list below, or if there’s some sort of bug and it’s not displaying road building related words, please send me feedback using this page. Thanks for using the site — I hope it is useful to you! 🐨

That’s about all the road building related words we’ve got! I hope this list of road building terms was useful to you in some way or another. The words down here at the bottom of the list will be in some way associated with road building, but perhaps tenuously (if you’ve currenly got it sorted by relevance, that is). If you have any feedback for the site, please share it here, but please note this is only a hobby project, so I may not be able to make regular updates to the site. Have a nice day! 🐥

The idea for the Describing Words engine came when I was building the engine for Related Words (it’s like a thesaurus, but gives you a much broader set of related words, rather than just synonyms). While playing around with word vectors and the «HasProperty» API of conceptnet, I had a bit of fun trying to get the adjectives which commonly describe a word. Eventually I realised that there’s a much better way of doing this: parse books!

Project Gutenberg was the initial corpus, but the parser got greedier and greedier and I ended up feeding it somewhere around 100 gigabytes of text files — mostly fiction, including many contemporary works. The parser simply looks through each book and pulls out the various descriptions of nouns.

Hopefully it’s more than just a novelty and some people will actually find it useful for their writing and brainstorming, but one neat little thing to try is to compare two nouns which are similar, but different in some significant way — for example, gender is interesting: «woman» versus «man» and «boy» versus «girl». On an inital quick analysis it seems that authors of fiction are at least 4x more likely to describe women (as opposed to men) with beauty-related terms (regarding their weight, features and general attractiveness). In fact, «beautiful» is possibly the most widely used adjective for women in all of the world’s literature, which is quite in line with the general unidimensional representation of women in many other media forms. If anyone wants to do further research into this, let me know and I can give you a lot more data (for example, there are about 25000 different entries for «woman» — too many to show here).

The blueness of the results represents their relative frequency. You can hover over an item for a second and the frequency score should pop up. The «uniqueness» sorting is default, and thanks to my Complicated Algorithm™, it orders them by the adjectives’ uniqueness to that particular noun relative to other nouns (it’s actually pretty simple). As you’d expect, you can click the «Sort By Usage Frequency» button to adjectives by their usage frequency for that noun.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source mongodb which was used in this project.

Please note that Describing Words uses third party scripts (such as Google Analytics and advertisements) which use cookies. To learn more, see the privacy policy.

1896 results for ‘buildings’


Labelled diagram

by Yescenter2022

Welcome 2. Buildings

Welcome 2. Buildings

by Biysk07

Welcome 2



by Lsnew



by Eldanileyko


Match up

by Lobbba


Random wheel

by U68946904



Find the match

by School1718



by Natalie2901



by Vertigo76


Random wheel

by U68946904



Balloon pop

by U68946904




by Valushka1



by U68946904




by Annakudelinaa



by U24111258


Match up

by Gulnazgumerova2



by Dianakoyava

prepare 2

Buildings crossword

Buildings crossword

by Rootvole


Match up

by Kirakai666777


Random cards

by Maltaza


Match up

by Gulnazfav


Spotlight 6 2c Places in town

Spotlight 6 2c Places in town
Find the match

by Tatinka

Places in Town
Spotlight 6


Find the match

by Alekhina


Image quiz

by U68946904




by Vaannyn94


Missing word

by Burzilla


Matching pairs

by Kol188484


Group sort

by Mypost1994


Open the box

by Sarkisova94



by U85485991


Random wheel

by Koledaevaev8


Random wheel

by Smilingbone8


Match up

by Olesyachirkova1



by Inchina27



by Katya42

Spotlight 4


Matching pairs

by Mizina

Spotlight 4


Match up

by Maslovaad23



by Thejustfunk1998


Open the box

by Egrigorovich


Balloon pop

by Yescenter2022

Impact Foundation - U6 City - Grammar-Vocab p117 (hangman)

Impact Foundation — U6 City — Grammar-Vocab p117 (hangman)

by Lordfranklin

5-й класс
Начальная школа / начальная
Средняя школа



by Rootvole


Random wheel

by Alice51


Match up

by M080598

Buildings in town

Buildings in town

by Mariyagordienko


Impact 0 - U6 City - reading -quiz

Impact 0 — U6 City — reading -quiz
Gameshow quiz

by Lordfranklin

5-й класс

Impact 0 - U6 City - vocabulary (crossword)

Impact 0 — U6 City — vocabulary (crossword)

by Lordfranklin

5-й класс

Impact 0 - U6 Speaking - p185 cards

Impact 0 — U6 Speaking — p185 cards
Random cards

by Lordfranklin

5-й класс

Unit 9 - I love my town - wordsearch

Unit 9 — I love my town — wordsearch

by Lordfranklin

Look 3

Haunted Buildings

Haunted Buildings

by Botnarma

The City Buildings - Prepare 2

The City Buildings — Prepare 2
Labelled diagram

by Alexia0104

Prepare 2

GG2 Unit 5 buildings

GG2 Unit 5 buildings
Random cards

by Ajulia3063


Impact 0 - U6 - vocabulary

Impact 0 — U6 — vocabulary
Missing word

by Lordfranklin

5-й класс

Buildings and places

Buildings and places
Find the match

by Annskidan

Prepare 2. Unit 5. Buildings

Prepare 2. Unit 5. Buildings
Find the match

by Englishcampus

Prepare 2

NEF 4th Elementary 10A VOCABULARY places and buildings part 2

NEF 4th Elementary 10A VOCABULARY places and buildings part 2
Labelled diagram

by Engrexx

NEF 4th eddition Elementary
places and buildings

buildings adjectives

buildings adjectives
Random wheel

by Allissabelz

Buildings 2

Buildings 2
Random cards

by Alice51

Today 3 U7B Buildings

Today 3 U7B Buildings
Random cards

by Milksen88

Today 3

B2 Buildings

B2 Buildings
Match up

by Lanabush00


Министерство науки
и высшего образования РФ

Самарский колледж
строительства и предпринимательства (филиал) федерального государственного
бюджетного образовательного учреждения высшего образования


Московский государственнный
строительный университет”

Методическое пособие для практических работ

по английскому языку

для студентов специальности 08.02.05.

Строительство и эксплуатация автомобильных дорого и



– цикловой комиссией

протокол № ___ от

Председатель ПЦК ______С.Г. Калинина

“ ___ “ ___________
2020 г.


Методическим советом СКСП НИУ МГСУ

Протокол № ___ от “__” _____ 2020 г.

Председатель Методического совета

Заместитель директора по УП и НМР

Ю.И. Дудникова



Л.В. – преподаватель высшей квалификационной категории

пособие направлено на формирование лексических навыков профессиональной
тематики, развитие навыков чтения и перевода текстов строительной тематики,
умение практически использовать приобретённые знания в устной и письменной

пособие включены тексты по специальным учебным дисциплинам. Каждый раздел
пособия снабжён лексико-грамматическими упражнениями, которые позволят учащимся
закрепить изученный ранее материал.

Изучение лексического материала и текстов строительной тематики обеспечит
эффективное достижение общеобразовательных и развивающих целей и создаст
большие возможности для дальнейшего поддержания мотивации учащихся.   

Пояснительная записка

         На современном этапе развития образования одной из
наиболее актуальных проблем является необходимость улучшения знания
иностранного языка. Успешное овладение иностранным языком – необходимое условие
получения интересной работы в стране и за её пределами, для профессионального
роста, для укрепления дружбы с представителями различных стран.

         Настоящее учебно-методическое пособие предназначено
для студентов 3 курса специальности 08.02.05 Строительство и эксплуатация
автомобильных дорог и аэродромов

пособия – развить умения и навыки чтения текстов строительной тематики,
способствовать развитию умения воспринимать информацию и умения выразить в
письменной и устной форме собственные суждения о прочитанном, развить
стремление к изучению иностранного языка, 

условия для творческой самореализации учащихся и их личностного развития,
привлечь к интеллектуальной и творческой деятельности.

Тематика пособия ориентирована на выбор будущей
профессии и продолжение образования. К концу работы над пособием студенты
должны овладеть устной и письменной речью на английском языке в пределах
пройденной лексики и грамматики. В пособие включены лексико-грамматические
упражнения, позволяющие закрепить ранее изученный  материал.

можно использовать в аудиторной и самостоятельной работе.


Unit One (1) Road Construction ……………………………………………… 5

Unit Two (2) Construction of Tunnels, Bridges and Dams
…………………. 18

Unit Three (3) Materials for Road Construction ……………………………..

References …………………………………………………………………… 39

Unit One


Part I

I. Learn the following words and word combinations:

multistageмногоступенчатый                externalвнешний

coatingпокрытие, слой                                  safety безопасность

to enableспособствовать

to repair ремонтировать                         
to reduceуменьшать

to carry outвыполнять                               termсрок

исполнение, работа             
to paveмостить

wear resistanceизносостойкость              luxuryроскошь

to provideобеспечивать

to lay out a road
прокладывать дорогу       to traverseпересекать

to keep in mind
помнить                            permeable  — водонепроницаемый

trial lineпробная линия                             
насыпь, набережная

survey геодезическая съёмка                     

stream ручей

II Read and
translate the text.

         Road work is a necessary and very important
part of building of an infrastructure of various objects. Their working life
and safety depend on quality of road construction.

On laying out a new road certain general
principles have to be kept in mind. A careful survey of two or three trial
lines should be made before the route is finally decided on. This involves also
an examination of geological features of the district and of streams which have
to be crossed by bridges. It all requires a great engineering skill.

It is important to be well acquainted with
the nature of the country which is to be traversed. It is equally important to
consider the weather conditions. To make tunnels, embankments, foundations for
bridges, constructing canals or roads it is necessary to know the character of
the rock met with, especially whether hard or soft and whether permeable or not
to water.

Road construction is a multistage process
that includes excavation works, asphalt coating and timely repair of roads.
Each stage should be carried out in a skillful way. External esthetics of roads
as well as the safety of all road users, that is the most important thing,
depends on it.

Modern machinery enables to reduce
considerably terms of work performance. High technologies enable to carry out
road building works all year round. Asphalt paving and improvement of
territories make life more comfortable and provides high wear resistance.
Nowadays a car is not a luxury and good roads and safe sidewalks are especially

III. Answer the
following questions.

1. Is road work a
necessary and very important part of building of an infrastructure of various

2. Is it very
important to examine geological features of the district before road

3. Does it all
require a great engineering skill?

4. What stages
does road construction include?

5. In what way should each stage be carried out?

6. What enables to
reduce terms of work performance?

7. High
technologies enable to carry out road building all year round, don’t they?

IV. Make up a
dialogue according to the questions.

V. Give the
main idea of the text above.

VI. Grammar material. Impersonal Sentences. Именные безличные предложения.

          Структура английского предложения отличается от
русского тем, что в английском предложении всегда есть подлежащее и сказуемое.
Поэтому в безличных предложениях, когда нет подлежащего с конкретным предметным
значением, используется в качестве формального грамматического подлежащего
it, например:

                                      It               is dark.       

(подлежащее)      (сказуемое)

предложения такого типа состоят из местоимения
it, которое
на русский язык не переводится, глагола-связки
to be в необходимом по смыслу времени и именной части
сказуемого, которое может быть выражено именем прилагательным, именем
существительным или числительным. Такие безличные предложения называются именными:

                            It is summer now. Сейчас лето.

                            It was nine o’clock when we got home.

                            Было 9 часов, когда мы пришли домой.

часто безличные предложения описывают явления природы, состояние погоды,
обозначают время и расстояние.

VII. Read and translate the following sentences into
Russian and write them down in the negative form.

1. It is summer

2. It is always
cold in January.

3. It was 5
o’clock when I came home.

4. It was
difficult to translate that text.

5. It will be warm

6. It is too windy

7. It will be
autumn very soon.


From the History of Road Construction

I. Learn the following words:

разрушитель                    lime известь,

rapidly быстро                            to drainосушать

to conquerзавоёвывать                

to traverse пересекать                 splendidпрекрасный

to connectсоединять                  ditch
канава, траншея

entireвесь                                      to drive pilesвбивать сваи

to supposeполагать                      rubble щебень, булыжник

amountколичество                       to ramутрамбовывать

to defyне поддаваться                to bind (bound)связывать

pottery керамика                          to mark out

basisоснование, основа

II. Read and translate the text.

         The importance of road construction was
realized in the far off times. It was realized by the Romans who constructed
roads through the territories they administrated. They are the first systematic
road builders of which we have got the knowledge of road building.

Road building progressed very rapidly.
Every conquered province was soon traversed with connecting roads and the
entire Roman road is supposed to have amounted to 5,000 miles. The Romans built
so well that their work defied the ravages of time.

 Sometimes, though they drained many of the
swamps, their work was such that new swamps originated by thy cutting through
the forests. And what had been a forest became on the course of years a deep

             And yet the Romans left a net of splendid
roads. To mark out a road ditches were built parallel to one another. The
surface between them was excavated until a firm foundation wasn’t reached. If a
foundation was not available, one was constructed by driving in piles.

             On the basis were placed three layers.
First 9 inches of rubble followed. Small stones were rammed together and
solidly bound with lime. On the top of it followed 6 inches of broken brick,
pottery and the whole was again cemented by lime. Lastly on those foundations
the Romans built their surfaces of large blocks of the hardest stone they could
find carefully fitted in together so they should not lift under the influence
of the traffic.

             Many of the old Roman roads were covered
by modern roads during the period following 1800. When the English road
builders repair their roads it is difficult to imagine that they use the
foundation laid by the Romans.

III. Answer the following questions.

1. Was the importance of road construction realized in
the far off times?  

2. Who was the first to realize the importance of road

3. Roman roads defied the ravages of time, didn’t

4. What did the Romans do to mark out a road?

5. Did the Romans excavate the surface until a firm
foundation wasn’t reached?  

6. How many layers were placed on the basis?     

7. What was the first layer?

8. What was the second layer?

9. What was the last layer?

IV. Make up a
dialogue according to the questions.

V. Give the
main idea of the text above.

VI. Translate the following sentences into English
using Impersonal Sentences.  

1. Вчера было тепло.

2. Зима. Довольно холодно.

3. В комнате темно, не так

4. Сейчас слишком рано
обсуждать этот вопрос.  

5. Невозможно выучить
иностранный язык за два года.

6. Сегодня ветрено, не так

7. Сейчас
часов вечера.

VII. Grammar material. Impersonal Sentences. Глагольные безличные предложения.

          Кроме именных безличных предложений в английском языке
есть глагольные безличные предложения, которые отличаются от именных
тем, что сказуемое этих предложений – простое глагольное сказуемое,
которое выражено безличными глаголами типа
to rain (идти
– о дожде),
to snow (идти – о снеге).

                   It often rains in autumn.          Осенью часто идёт дождь.

                   It snowed yesterday.                 
Вчера шёл снег.

русском языке существует категория безличных глаголов: темнеть, светать и т.д.,
которые используются для образования безличных предложений, например:

                   Its getting dark.                    Темнеет.

в русском языке в безличном предложении нет подлежащего, тогда как в английском
языке наличие подлежащего обязательно.

и отрицательная формы глагольных безличных предложений образуются по тем же
правилам, что вопросительная и отрицательная форма предложений с обычным

         Is it raining now?                            Сейчас идёт дождь?

         Does it often rain in autumn?            Осенью часто идёт дождь?

         Did it snow yesterday?                     Вчера шёл снег?

VIII. Read and translate the following sentences into
Russian and write them down in the negative form.

1. It was snowing hard.

2. It is going to

3. It often rains
in autumn.

4. It rained all
day yesterday.

5. It doesn’t rain
here very often.

Part III

Evolution of Road Building

I. Learn the following words and word combinations:

evolution эволюция                                    fall

workableпригодный, осуществимый        shoreберег

to provideобеспечивать                           to paveмостить                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

to maintain
поддерживать, содержать        
to crush размельчать, дробить

to depend onзависеть от

availableимеющийся в наличии                 to dare осмеливаться


spongyгубчатый                                       to surfaceпокрывать

coachкарета                                             highwayшоссе

to improveулучшать

II. Read and translate the text.

         Following the fall of the Roman Empire in 400 AD no country was
interested in international roads and that aspect of road construction was
completely forgotten for a period of almost 1,500 years.

Various countries were trying to find
workable methods of providing and maintaining road building. Travelling between
towns was by coach, the roads were poor and travelling was very difficult
during many months of the years. The roads were so bad that very few people
dared to travel over them. Then the roads were improved and mail-coaches
started running. This increased the number of travellers.

            In the past the kind of roads that were built depended
greatly on the building materials available. The easiest highway built in early
days was a water route or canal. In Russia wood was highly used for road
construction in such regions where forest soils were soft and spongy. Many
roads on sea shore were paved with crushed shells. The first improved roads
were surfaced with stone, many miles of which were built in Britain and
throughout Europe.

III. Answer the following questions:

1. Were various countries interested in international
roads after the fall of the Roman Empire?

2. Various countries were trying to find workable
methods of providing and maintaining road building, weren’t they?

3. Were the roads so bad in the past that very few
people dared to travel over them?

4. What did the kind of roads that were built depend

5. What was the
easiest highway built in early times?

6. What building
material was highly used for road construction in Russia?

7. Many roads on
sea shore were paved with crushed shells, weren’t they?

8. What were the
first improved roads surfaced with?

IV. Make up a
dialogue according to the questions.

V. Give the
main idea of the text above.

VI. Translate the following sentences into English
using Impersonal Sentences.  

1. Вчера весь день шёл снег.

2. Сейчас идёт дождь, не так

3. Завтра будет дождь?

4. В ноябре часто идёт снег.

5. На прошлой неделе часто
шёл дождь.

Part IV

The Programme of Improved Roads

I. Learn the following words:

to advance продвигаться             worn spots
изношенные места

chieflyглавным образом                consequenceследствие

осушение                        durableпрочный

вклад                         smoothгладкий

improvement улучшение              apparent
явный, очевидный

self-propelledсамоходный           to

lorryгрузовик                             scuffтрение

cargo truckгрузовик                     rubberрезина

severeжёсткий                              tireшина

gasolineбензин (US)                     thereafter
с того времени

II. Read and translate the text.

            The programme of improved roads advanced especially
after 1770 when Thomas Telford and John Mac Adam introduced improved methods
for road

 construction with a surfacing of broken stone.

            Mac Adam and Telford applied engineering principles to
the design of this broken stone surface providing drainage. They are chiefly
famous because of their contribution to highway administration including
methods of construction and maintenance that were a great improvement.

            In 1900 the self-propelled lorry had come
into limited use and ten years later the gasoline-driven automobile and truck
became factors of consequence to road builders. After 1919 the self-propelled
vehicle was the dominant factor in highway traffic which required durable road
and smooth surfaces. It was apparent

that there was need of highways surfaced with some
materials that withstand scuffing of rubber tires and would be smooth to permit
high speeds, and strong

enough to carry the weight of the cargo truck.

                Thereafter the requirements for
durability in highway surfacing became more severe, imposing serious problems
upon the highway engineer. There also appeared roads of concrete which made
travelling comfortable and worn spots on such roads are easily repaired.

III. Answer the following questions:

1. When did the programme of improved roads advance?

2. Who introduced improved methods for road

3. What methods did these engineers introduce?

4. When had the self-propelled lorry come into limited

5. There was need of highways surfaced with some
materials that withstand

scuffing of rubber tires, wasn’t there?

6. What kind of
roads made travelling comfortable?

7. Are worn spots
on concrete roads easily repaired?

IV. Make up a
dialogue according to the questions.

V. Give the
main idea of the text above.

VI. Grammar
material. The Passive Voice.

         В английском языке глаголы имеют два залога:
действительный (
the Active Voice) и
страдательный (
the Passive Voice). Глагол-сказуемое в действительном залоге
показывает, что действие выполняется лицом или предметом,  обозначенным
подлежащим. Глагол-сказуемое  в страдательном залоге показывает, что подлежащее
является объектом действия со стороны другого лица или предмета,

                   Electricity moves machines.

приводит в движение машины.

                   Machines are moved by electricity.

приводятся в движение при помощи электричества.

английском языке страдательный залог образуется с помощью вспомогательного
to be в
соответствующем времени, лице и числе и причастия  прошедшего времени –
Participle II (III форма глагола).

Present Simple

                                 I am
We are asked

                                 You are asked                      You
are asked

                                 He, she, it is asked                They
are asked


                               I was asked                           We
were asked

                               You were asked                  You
were asked

                               He, she, it was asked            They
were asked

Future Simple

I, you, he, she, it we,
they will be asked

VII. Read and
translate the following sentences into Russian. Determine the grammar tense and
voice of the predicate.

1. When was this
house built?

2. Who is the book
written by? 

3. You are wanted
on the telephone.

4. He was shown
the way to the Ministry.

5. Houses are
built very quickly now.

6. The delegation
was met at the station.

7. English is
spoken in many countries.

8. I was born in
1999 in a small town.

9. You will be
driven to the airport.

10. The coast of
the Crimea is washed by the Black Sea.

Part V

Rules of Road Construction

I. Learn the following words and word combinations:

to compact утрамбовывать            to expect ожидать

trimming подравнивание                ideal идеальный

неподходящий               to complete завершать

roadbed полотно дороги                sign знак

to decompose разлагаться               
crash barricades предохранительные

rock горная порода, камни                                                           барьеры

II. Read and
translate the text.

during earthwork include excavation, removal of materials that

can be spoiled,
filling, compacting, construction and trimming. If rock or other unsuitable
material is discovered it is removed. Blasting is not frequently used to
excavate the roadbed as the rock structure forms an ideal road base.

General fill material should be free of
organics. The lower fill generally comprises sand or sand mixture with fine
gravel, which prevents the growth of plants or other vegetable matter. The
compacted fill also serves as lower stratum drainage. Second fill should be
composed of gravel or decomposed rock.

             Geosynthetics such as geotextiles are
frequently used in various pavement layers to improve road quality.     Geosynthetics
perform four main functions in roads: separation, reinforcement, filtration and

             The completed road way is finished by paving or left
with a gravel or other natural surface. The type of road surface depends on
economic factors and expected usage. Safety traffic signs, crash barricades and
other forms of road surface marking are installed.

III. Answer the following questions:

1. What do
processes during earthwork include?

2. Why is blasting
of rock not frequently used?

3. Should general
fill material be free of organics?

4. What fill
serves as lower stratum drainage?

5. What should
second fill be composed of?

6. What materials
are frequently used in various pavement layers?

7. What four main
functions geosynthetics perform in roads?

8. What does the
type of road surface depend on?

9. What signs are
installed in road surface marking?

IV. Make up a
dialogue according to the questions.

V. Give the
main idea of the text above.

VI. Translate
the following sentences from Russian into English. Determine the grammar tense
and voice of the predicate.

1. Её часто спрашивают на занятиях.

2. Письмо будет отправлено
только завтра.

3. Много домов строится в
нашем городе сейчас.

4. Эти вопросы обычно
обсуждаются после работы. 

5. Меня попросили помочь ему
закончить эту работу.

6. Мне предложили очень
интересную работу.

7. Эти картины написаны
знаменитым художником.

VII. Grammar material.
The Passive Voice (continued).


                         I am being asked                    We are
being asked

                          You are being asked              You are
being asked

                           He, she, it is being asked       They
are being masked


                           I was being asked                   We
were being asked

                            You were being asked             You
were being asked

                            He, she, it was being asked      They
were being asked


I, you, he, she, it, we,
they will be being asked

VIII. Read and
translate the following sentences into Russian. Determine the grammar tense and
voice of the predicate.

1. A new shop is
being built in our street.   

2. The text is not
being translated at the moment.

3. The fax was
being sent when the director called.

4. Excuse the
mess. The house is being painted.

5. When you
come home the walls will be being painted.

6. We couldn’t get
inside. The floors were being washed.

7. They will be
being passed exams at this time tomorrow. 

Part VI

Types of Roads

I. Learn the
following words:         

permanent постоянный                            carriageway
проезжая часть

local местный                                          proper надлежащий, приличный

rural сельский                                         drainage
дренаж, канализация

track тропа, колея                                    favourable

speed скорость                                       certain

possible возможный                                to exist

проходимый                              cart телега,

отвечающий требованиям         facilityприспособление

maintenanceуход, содержание                regulations

II. Read and translate the text.

          Every kind of road serves its own purpose.
According to their technical characteristics roads can be classified as
primitive roads, seasonal roads, permanent roads of local transport and
permanent motor car roads or motorways.

          Primitive roads are natural roads where no road has
been made. To these belong the natural rural roads and tracks. Only the lowest
speeds are possible here as a rule. Such roads are only passable for a part of
the year.

           Seasonal roads are roads that have a specially
constructed carriageway. In this case proper drainage must be made. In
favourable seasons great speeds are possible here. These roads are not passable
in certain parts of the year. There exist seasonal cart roads, tractor roads
and motor roads.

             Permanent roads of local transport have a specially
constructed stable carriageway, adequate drainage facilities and adequate road
surfacing securing traffic all the year round. With proper maintenance high
speeds are possible on these roads.   

               Permanent motor car roads or motorways have a
specially constructed stable carriageway with a road surface of an improved
type. These roads are constructed for high speed traffic. They usually cover
long distance and constructed according to strict technical regulations. These
roads are constantly being improved so as to meet all the requirements of
comfortable driving.

III. Answer the
following questions:

1. What types of
roads do you know?

2. What types of
roads do we call primitive roads?

3. In what case
must proper drainage be made?

4. Are seasonal
roads not passable in certain parts of the year?

5. Can permanent
roads of local transport secure traffic all the year round?

6. What types of
roads constructed for high speed traffic?

7. Permanent car
roads are constructed for high speed traffic, don’t they?

IV. Make up a
dialogue according to the questions.

V. Retell the
text given above.

VI. Grammar
material. The Passive Voice (continued).

Present Perfect

I have been
We have been asked

You have been
You have been asked

He, she, it has been
They have been asked

         Past Perfect

I, you, he,
she, it we, they had been asked

            Future Perfect

I, you, he, she, it, we,
they will have been asked

VII. Read and
translate the following sentences into Russian. Determine the grammar tense and
voice of the predicate.

1. A new shop has
been built in our street.

2. The problem had
been discussed by 7 yesterday.

3. The new project
has not been finished yet.

4. I have been
asked very difficult questions today.

5. Many new houses
have been constructed this year.

6. This work will
have been done when you come.

7. He has already
been told about our problem.

Part VII


I. Learn the
following words and word combinations:        

highway шоссе                                         toll gate место платы за проезд

network сеть                                                 to connect соединять, связывать

according toсогласно

municipal road городская дорога               

junctionузел, пересечение                         
в сущности

free of charge
бесплатный                           repair stationмастерская

toll roadплатная дорога                              fuel топливо, горючее

II. Read and
translate the text.       

      Highway networks in Japan consist of national expressways, national
highways and municipal roads. As a rule, all roads should be free of charge to
all users and administrated by national municipal government. But there are
also toll roads such as national expressways and other similar roads,
constructed and administrated by Japan High Public Corporation, local public
corporations and

local governments.   National highways together with
national expressways connect the main industrial areas and other important
junctions with each other. According to the long-term plan for road improvement
roads must be developed as a whole system. All the national expressways in
Japan have been constructed and operated as a toll road primarily for the
reason of financing.

    The national expressways, which are fully
controlled, must be separated from other crossing roads. Therefore the national
expressways are essentially made up of series of embankments, bridges and
tunnels which require high construction cost.

      As the national expressways are based upon the
toll road system, toll gates have to be installed at about 15 km interval. Also
service areas are to be equipped with fuel and repair stations, rest-houses and
cafes must be located at about 50 km interval, and parking area at about 20 km.

III. Answer the
following questions:

1. What types of
roads do highway networks in Japan consist of?

2. Should all
roads be free of charge to all users?

3. What types of
roads are toll roads in Japan?  

4. What was the
reason that all the national expressways in Japan have been constructed and
operated as a toll road?

5. What distance
do toll gates have to be installed at?

6. Are service
areas to be equipped with fuel and repair stations, rest houses and cafes?

IV. Make up a
dialogue according to the questions.

V. Retell the
text given above.

VI. Grammar
material. The Passive Voice (continued).

       1. При изменении глагола из действительного залога в
страдательный залог меняется вся конструкция предложения: дополнение
предложения в активной форме становится подлежащим предложения в пассивной
форме; сказуемое действительного залога становится сказуемым страдательного
залога; а подлежащее предложения в активной форме становится предложным
дополнением, которое часто вводится предлогом

                       The boy fed the dog.      The dog was
by the boy.

      2. Инфинитив страдательного залога образуется из
инфинитива глагола
to be и III формы глагола (причастия
прошедшего времени).

Инфинитив страдательного глагола можно образовать от
любого объектного глагола, например:

                              to give – to be given

                              He can’t be given
a holiday now.

                              Ему нельзя давать отпуск сейчас.

VII. Read and
translate the following sentences into Russian. Find passive constructions.

1. They can be
seen in our library every day.

2. The delegation
was met at the airport.

3. The child was
often left home alone.

4. The machine is
being tested now.

5. His work has
already been finished.

VIII. Read and
translate the following sentences into Russian. Change the Active Constructions
into Passive.

1. Bees gather
honey from the flowers.

2. They offered
her some interesting work.

3. Yesterday we
discussed this question.

4. The teacher
told us the news.

5. Mass media
inform, educate and entertain people.

Unit Two


Part I

Bridge Construction

I. Learn the following words:

invention изобретение                                

to undertake (undertook) предпринимать     arch

self-taught самоучка                                   

court двор                                                   
according to

keen острый, страстный                              
span пролёт

to dareосмеливаться

to appointназначать                                   

II. Read and translate the text.

history of Russian science and technique proves that talented Russian

 people made great
inventions and designed engineering constructions which had never been
undertaken before.

         Such was
Kulibin, one of the most talented self-taught engineers at the court of
Catherina II. From his early childhood Kulibin showed a keen interest to all
kinds of mechanical devices and liked to build models of different machine
details. He realized that in order to master a secret mechanism it was
necessary to study mathematics and physics.

instruments necessary for his work were not to be got in Nizhniy Novgorod where
he lived. He succeeded to get to Petersburg where he was appointed mechanic to
the Academy of Science and since then he spent all his free time and all his
money on new inventions.   

Petersburg Kulibin undertook a very difficult engineering problem – to design a
bridge across the Neva as there was not a single permanent bridge in the city
to provide a crossing at any season of the year. Temporary pontoon bridges had
to be taken to pieces at high water.

was the first to think of an arched bridge. According to his plan the bridge
was to have a single span leaving free water for ships and barges. Arched
bridges of similar construction had not been built before, but no engineer
dared even to think of construction a bridge with a three hundred meter span.
This was a construction which even now is used in modern bridge building.                                          

III. Answer the following questions: 

1. What does the history of Russian science and
technique prove?  

2. What was Kulibin?

3. Why was it
necessary for him to study mathematics and physics?

4. What town did
Kulibin live?

5. Why did he
decide to get to Petersburg?

6. Where did
Kulibin work in Petersburg?

7. What did he

8. Is Kulibin’s
construction used even now in modern bridge building?

IV. Make up a
dialogue according to the questions.

V. Retell the
text given above.

VI. Grammar material. The Construction “Complex
Object” after the verbs “to want”, “to expect” and the expression “would like”.

«Сложное дополнение» характерна  для английского языка. Она состоит из имени
существительного в именительном падеже
the child,
the boy, the students) или местоимения в
объектном падеже
me, him, her, it, you, them) и либо глагола в неопределённой форме
to или
без неё), либо
Participle I (причастия
настоящего времени).

конструкция выполняет в предложении функцию дополнения и часто переводится на
русский язык придаточным дополнительным предложением.

                            I want the boy (him) to understand

                            Я хочу, чтобы мальчик (он)  понял меня.

                            We saw you crossing the street.

                            Мы видели, как вы  переходили улицу.  

            Complex Object употребляется
после трёх групп глаголов:

включает глаголы
to want (хотеть), to expect (ожидать)
и структуру
would like:                   

                            I would like you to help me.

                            Я бы хотел, чтобы вы мне помогли.

VII. Read and
translate the following sentences into Russian. Find the construction “Complex
Object” in each sentence.

1. Do you want me
to help you?

2. They didn’t
expect us to come back so soon.

3. I want you to
understand me.

4. I would like
you to read this book.

5. I expect you to
write to me.

6. I want him to
go home.

7. What do you
want him to do for you?

VIII. Translate
the following sentences into English using Complex Object

1. Я не хочу, чтобы ты

2. Мне бы хотелось, чтобы он
закончил эту работу.

3. Хотите ли вы, чтобы мы
сегодня встретились?

4. Мы не ожидали, что они нас

5. Мне бы хотелось, чтобы работа
была сделана вовремя.

6. Вы хотите, чтобы мы
обсудили этот вопрос сегодня?

7. Мы не ожидали, что вы
вернётесь так рано.

Part II

Tunnel Construction

I. Learn the following words:

гигантский                           rate скорость,

динамит                             to go ahead продвигаться

to breakломать,
разрушать              to accelerateускорять

to obstruct препятствовать

by handвручную                               obstacleпрепятствие

gunpowderпорох                              to prove

to advanceпродвигаться                  per hourв час

inchдюйм                                          solutionрешение

II. Read and
translate the text.

         The tunnel construction dates back to 1857,
when French and Italian engineers undertook the gigantic task of building the
Mont Ceris tunnel. It was the main railway line from south-eastern France to
north-eastern Italy. The tunnel, nearly 8 miles long, is of great technical
interest, because air compressor and rock drills operated by compressed air
were first used. It was also the first large project on which dynamite was
employed for breaking the rock. But when it was started, drilling was done by
hand. Black gunpowder was used for breaking the rock.

         For the first 4 years the tunnel advanced
only 9 inches a day on each side and if it had continued at this rate, it would
have taken 75 years to complete. With the introduction of compressed air drills
and dynamite progress went ahead and was accelerated to 6 foot a day.

When the proposed road or railway is
obstructed by a hill, a waterway or some construction, the engineer designing
the project has to decide to construct a tunnel through or under the obstacles.
In making decision, he has not only to consider the economic aspect, but also
weigh up all the constructional advantages and disadvantages of tunneling or
the alternative method of passing around or over the obstacle. In practice
tunneling proves to be less expensive than any other alternative system.

Should a motorway pass under or over a
large waterway? For a narrow waterway it is not a problem, the water is always
bridged. The choice often falls on a bridge because it can carry more vehicles
per hour. Bridge and tunnel combinations form the best solution for crossings
of great length.

               It is easy to predict that in the next
decades an increasing number of important tunnels will be built, and that the
existing methods of building will be improved and perfected and new techniques
will be developed.

III. Answer the
following questions:

1. What year does
the tunnel construction date back?

2. What equipment
and methods were used when the main railway line from south-eastern France to
north – eastern Italy was being built?

3. What decisions
do the engineers make when the proposed road or railway is obstructed by some

4. Does tunneling
prove to be less expensive than any other alternative system?

5. What forms the
best solution for crossing of great length?   

IV. Make up a
dialogue according to the questions.

V. Retell the
text given above.

VI. Grammar material. The Construction “Complex
Object” after the verbs

of sensory perception.

второй группы глаголов, выражающих восприятие посредством органов чувств,
to see
to watch (наблюдать), to notice (замечать),
to hear
to feel
(чувствовать) в конструкции
Complex Object
возможно использование как инфинитива (неопределённой формы
глагола) без частицы
to, так и причастия I

                             I saw her walk into the house.

                            Я видел, как она вошла в дом.

                            We saw you crossing the street.

                            Мы видели, как вы переходили улицу.  

этой группе глаголов инфинитив употребляется для обозначения завершённого
действия, а причастие
I используется для обозначения действия в процессе:

                            I saw him enter the house.

                            Я видел, как он вошёл в дом.

                            I saw him entering the house.

                            Я видел, как он входил в дом.

VII. Open the
brackets read and translate the sentences into Russian.

1. Would you like
me (read) now?

2. I want her
(learn) foreign languages.

3. I saw him (go)
out of the house.

4. The teacher
advised us (use) dictionaries.

5. Her father
doesn’t allow her (go) to the cinema alone.

6. We expect our
basketball team (win) next game.

7. I saw them
(open) the window.

Part III

Dam Construction

I. Learn the following words and word combinations:


flood наводнение                                     to ensureобеспечивать

branchотрасль                                           to percolate throughпросачиваться

impressive впечатляющий                     
to overflowразливаться

achievement достижение                        

source of powerисточник энергии          
to irrigate
орошать, поливать

civil engineeringгражданское строительство

II. Read and translate the text.

         Dams have a history as long as such branches
of civil engineering as bridge building, road construction and laying down of
canals. Dams represent some of the most impressive achievements of engineering
over the centuries. Dams were built to supply water to towns and cities, to
irrigate dry lands, to provide a source of power and to control floods.

         In antiquity Romans built very big dams many
of which lasted for a very long time. It was a result of their better methods
of construction based on better materials, especially hydraulic mortar and
concrete. Moreover, great attention was paid to hydraulic problems to ensure
that the water could not percolate through the dams and that when it overflowed
them, spillways were provided.

III. Answer the following questions: 

1. Do dams have a
long history?

2. What was the
reason of dam construction?

3. What materials
did the Romans build dams of?

4. Was great
attention paid to hydraulic problems?

5. Why were
spillways provided?

IV. Make up a
dialogue according to the questions.

V. Retell the
text given above.

VI. Grammar
material. The Construction “Complex Object” after the verbs “to let”, “to

группа включает глаголы
to let (позволять),
to make
после которых инфинитив
употребляется без частицы

                            They let us watch the film.

                            Они позволили нам смотреть фильм.  

                            What makes you think so?

                            Что заставляет вас так думать?

В конструкции «Сложное дополнение» после глагола
to make вторая
часть может быть выражена прилагательным, и всё сочетание слов вместе с
to make переводится на русский язык как
, например:

                              to make smb. sorry – огорчать кого-либо

to make smb. angryрассердить кого-либо

                              to make smb. happyобрадовать кого-либо

                                    Don’t make Mother angry, Kate!

                                    Не серди маму,

VII. Read and
translate the following sentences into Russian. Find the construction “Complex
Object” in each sentence.

1. He made me do
it all over again.

2. Her father made
her learn the lessons.  

3. She wouldn’t
let the children play in his study.  

4. He made us wait
for two hours. 

5. Please let me
know the results of your exam as soon as possible.  

VIII. Translate the sentences into English
using the construction “Complex Object”

1. Она заставила его
почистить ковёр.  

2. Мы заставили его показать
нам его рисунки. 

3. Не разрешайте ребёнку
гулять одному.

4. Я думаю, это заставит вас
прочитать книгу снова.  

5. Я уверена, это обрадует

6. Вы не должны сердить его.

7. Ничто не заставит меня

Unit Three


Part I

Geotextile Materials

I. Learn the
following words:

fabric ткань,
структура                 separationразделение

тряпка                        annualежегодный

to wrapзаворачивать                   additionдобавление

to keepхранить,
сохранять           isolationизоляция

weedсорняк                                 to suitгодиться,

sinceтак как
applicationнанесение, применение

erosion эрозия                               vital жизненно необходимый


II. Read and translate
the text.

        Geotextile fabric is cloth which can be
wrapped around drainage pipes for the purpose of keeping the drainage. It is also
widely used to control weed growth and to separate layers of different

         Since geotextile fabric provides separation
between soil and gravel or other materials, the annual addition of gravel is
usually not necessary. Geotextile materials have very good filter isolation
best suited for various applications. They are used for reinforcing road
covering, strengthening of embankments, and erosive strengthening of soil as
these materials combine strength and high durability.    

It is only in recent times that the
construction industry has started seriously considering geotextile materials as
vital ingredients for road construction. Geotextile materials increase the
strength and stability of underlying soil in a roadway. They are used as a
separating (filtering) layer between soils and fill materials (sand, gravel,
etc.) and as a reinforcement layer on flexible soils. It is a complete resource
for erosion control.

III. Answer the
following questions.

1. What is
geotextile fabric?

2. Why is it
widely used in road construction?

3. What does
geotextile fabric provide?

4. Are geotextile
materials vital ingredients for road construction?

5. Geotextile
materials increase the strength and stability of underlying soil in a roadway,
don’t they?

6. They are used
as a separating layer between soils and fill materials, aren’t they?

7. Is it a
complete resource for erosion control?

IV. Make up a
dialogue according to the questions.

V. Retell the
text given above.

VI. Grammar
material. The Construction “Complex Subject”

       Инфинитивная конструкция «Сложное подлежащее»
состоит из личного местоимения в именительном падеже или существительного в
общем падеже и инфинитива, которые вместе образуют сложное подлежащее:

He is expected to come back tonight.

                                Ожидают, что он вернётся сегодня вечером.

конструкция употребляется, когда сказуемое выражено:

а) глаголами to know (знать),
to believe (верить),
to consider (считать),
to expect (ожидать, полагать), to seem (казаться),
to suppose (полагать),
to say (говорить) и др. в
Passive Voice:

He is said to study here.     

Говорят, что он здесь учится.   

b) глаголами
to seem (казаться), to appear (появляться,
to happen (случаться, происходить),
to prove (доказывать, удостоверить)
и др. в форме
Active Voice:

He seems to know her very well.

                                 Кажется, что он знает её очень хорошо.     

c) глаголом
to be в сочетании с
likely (вероятный),
unlikely (невероятный),
certain (определённый,
sure (уверенный):  

He is sure to come.

                                Он обязательно придёт.   

VII. Read and
translate the following sentences into Russian. Find the construction Complex
Subject in each sentence.

1. This scientist
is supposed to deal with this investigation.

2. They seem to
have entered this university.

3. You are
unlikely to enter this college.

4. She is certain
to have prepared a report.

5. He is known to
be a good physics.

Part II

Asphalt Coating

I. Learn the
following words:

нанесение, применение   to coat покрывать

to heat нагревать                                 

aggregate заполнитель                                          

to dictate диктовать                            
bitumen битум                                                                           

viscosity клейкость, вязкость            

II. Read and
translate the text.

         When an asphalt pavement is reaching the end
of its life cycle, it can be overlaid with a new surface using a number of
different techniques.

         Which technique to choose depends on a number
of factors, including geographical location, available equipment, road depth,
road condition, climate, traffic flow, quality of existing materials and some

         Hot mix asphalt (HMA) production and
application requires materials to be heated to 1801350 C. The
temperature is dictated by the viscosity of the bitumen binder and is needed to
ensure a homogenous and thorough coating of aggregates by the bitumen.

III. Answer the
following questions.  

1. What happens
when an asphalt pavement is reaching the end of its life cycle?

2. What
factors influence the technique of asphalt pavement?

3. To what
temperature are required materials to be heated?

4. What is the
required temperature dictated by?

5. What coating
must be ensured by the bitumen aggregates?

IV. Make up a
dialogue according to the questions.

V. Retell the
text given above.

VI. Fill in the blanks to practice the use of the
Complex Subject and translate the sentences into Russian. The words in brackets
will help you.

1. He … to come to
the conference (

2. Their plans …
to change in the future (

3. They … to agree
with you (

4. She … to give
you this book (
вряд ли).

5. He … to
be right (

6. He … to be a
good researcher (

7. They … to be
well-informed persons (

VII. Grammar material.
The Gerund.

Герундий – неличная форма глагола, являющаяся промежуточной формой между
глаголом и существительным. По форме герундий совпадает с причастием
I (Participle I).

своим функциям герундий во многом совпадает с инфинитивом:

может быть в предложении подлежащим, дополнением, определением, составной
частью сказуемого и обстоятельством.   

1. Подлежащее

To read is useful.    Читать полезно.

Reading is useful.    Чтение/читать полезно.

2. Дополнение

          I like to read.        Я
люблю читать.

          I like reading.       Я люблю читать.

          3. Составная часть сказуемого   

          We began to read this book.    Мы начали читать эту книгу.

           We began reading this book. Мы начали читать эту книгу.

          4. Определение

          This is
the book to be read.  
Это книга, которую
нужно прочитать.

I have the wish of reading this book. У меня есть желание прочитать эту           книгу.

          5. Обстоятельство     

           I can’t explain it without reading this

           Я не могу это объяснить, не прочитав эту книгу.

Part III

Aggregates of Asphalt Coating

I. Learn the
following words:

to introduce вводить                      
to facilitate способствовать

to foam пениться              
rutting образование борозд

to cause являться причиной            to reduce

via через                                       
amount количество

damp сырой

recycled переработанный

fineмелкий нагревать                     
to contaminate загрязнять

to dictate
диктовать                           tar дёготь

II. Read and
translate the text.

         Introducing small (controlled) amounts of
water to hot bitumen causes the bitumen to foam and a thorough coating is
possible. Water is introduced into the asphalt via damp aggregates (coarse or

The foamed bitumen has a reduced viscosity
and greater surface area which facilitates mixing, coating at reduced
temperatures. This mix improves resistance to rutting and allow early opening
to traffic.

Emulsionbased cold mixes also allow
a far higher proportion of recycled material than it is possible with hot
mixes. And emulsions can also coat surfaces contaminated with tar. Usage of
reduced temperature asphalts maximizes the energy savings.

The decision to apply bitumen emulsion is
due to the low temperatures during the harsh winters in northern areas. It
ensures a higher flexibility of the base course and reduces the possibility of
future road damage through cracking.

III. Answer the
following questions.  

1. What causes
bitumen to foam?

2. When is a
thorough coating possible?

3. What mix
improves resistance to rutting and allow early opening to traffic?

4. What maximizes
the energy savings?

5. Bitumen
emulsion reduces the possibility of future road damage through cracking,
doesn’t it?

IV. Make up a
dialogue according to the questions.

V. Retell the
text given above.

VI. Read and
translate the sentences. State the function of the Gerund.

1. Talking with
you is a real pleasure.                                                  

2. She preferred
staying at home.

3. I don’t like
walking slowly.

4. Stop shouting
and sit quietly.

5. We spoke about
visiting our friend.

6. Her task was
looking after small children.

7. Spending your
free time is better in one of the parks of our city.

Part IV

Polyester Asphalt Reinforcement Grids

I. Learn the
following words:

геосинтетики                         bond перевязка

полиэфирный                                 to avoid избегать

reinforcement grid
армирующая сетка         to investigate исследовать

to claim заявлять                                           

grid сетка,
решётка                                        simulated

due to из-за                                                     
wide широкий

frostdew cyclesциклы промерзания           width

to propagateраспространять                       expansion увеличение, рост

reflection crack “зеркальная трещина”        to thawоттаивать

to preventпредотвращать

кроме того

значительно, существенно

II. Read and
translate the text.

         The leading manufacturer of geosynthetics and
technical textiles, Synthetic Company, claims that polyester reinforcement
grids demonstrate effective results in the prevention of cracks in asphalt
layers. As a result of daily temperature variations, but especially due to the
frostdew cycles, existing cracks in an old asphaltic layer reflect
through to the surface of the newly applied layer of asphalt. The existing
cracks which propagate very quickly through to the new layer of asphalt are
called reflection cracks. By installing a polyester asphalt reinforcement grid,
the development of reflection cracks can be substantially slowed down, or even
completely avoided. 

The Belgium Road Research Center developed
a test method at the beginning of 1990s, investigating the effect which asphalt
reinforcement influences on the reduction of cracks. For the test, a 65 mm
thick layer of asphalt is installed over a pre-cracked surface. The simulated
crack is 4mm wide and is widened by 1mm cycle, then returned to a 4 mm width. 
The opening of the crack by 1mm cycle corresponds to the expansion volume of
water which exists in the crack. The widening of the crack is achieved by means
of a controlled liquid which freezes and then thaws.

The reinforcement products differ mainly by
the choice of the raw material and the use of the bituminous coating. The
tested products which are available on the market consist of glass, carbon,
polypropylene, steel and polyester.

The asphalt interlayer systems clearly show
differences in their effectiveness, completely preventing reflection cracks.
The polyester used by manufactures shows that it is the ideal raw material for
asphalt reinforcement. It consists of special high module polyester covered
with a protective bituminous coating. Furthermore, this special coating ensures
a high bond with the surrounding asphalt layers. 

III. Answer the following questions.

1. What
demonstrates effective results in the prevention of cracks in asphalt layers?

2. What is called reflection crack?  

3. What helps to slow down or even completely avoid
the development of reflection cracks?

4. When did the Belgium Road Research Center develop a
test method investigating the effect which asphalt reinforcement influences on
the reduction of cracks?

5. How was this test performed?

6. What do the tested products consist of?

7. What is the ideal raw material for asphalt

IV. Make up a
dialogue according to the questions.

V. Retell the
text given above.

VI. Translate
the following sentences into English paying attention to the usage of the

1. Пожалуйста, перестаньте

2. Они начали работать ровно
в 9 часов.

3. Невозможно представить
Англию без дождя.

4. Он начал писать пьесы в
раннем возрасте.

5. Я бы хотела, чтобы вы
перестали задавать мне вопросы.

6. Я думаю, что мы можем
продолжить обсуждение этого вопроса.

VII. Grammar material. Sequence of Tenses. Согласование времён в главном и придаточном

В английском сложноподчинённом предложении с придаточным дополнительным
соблюдаются правила согласования времён в главном и придаточном предложениях.
Эти правила сводятся к следующему:

Если глагол-сказуемое главного
предложения стоит в настоящем или будущем времени, то
глагол-сказуемое придаточного дополнительного предложения может стоять в
любой временной форме
, требуемой по смыслу, например:

He says that you are

                         Он говорит, что ты прав.

                         He will tell us why he wasn’t at
school yesterday.   

Он скажет нам, почему он не был
в школе вчера.

Если глагол-сказуемое главного
предложения стоит в прошедшем времени (обычно в
Past Simple), то и глагол дополнительного придаточного
предложения должен стоять в одном из прошедших времён, в том числе – в будущем
прошедшем (
Future in the Past), например:

                         He said that he would not go
to school tomorrow.

                         Он сказал, что не пойдёт завтра в школу.

                           I didn’t know that you lived here.

Я не знал, что вы здесь живёте.

Для обозначения действия,
предшествующего действию, выраженному сказуемым главного предложения, обычно
Past Perfect. На
русский язык глагол-сказуемое придаточного предложения в данном случае
переводится глаголом в прошедшем времени:

                           I didn’t know that he had left
for Moscow.

                           Я не знал, что он уехал в Москву. 

4. Если в придаточном дополнительном предложении утверждается
какая-нибудь общеизвестная истина, то, несмотря на прошедшее время
главного предложения, в придаточном предложении можно употреблять настоящее
время, т.е. в этих случаях закон согласования времён не действует:

The teacher told us
that the earth moves round the sun.

                 Учитель сказал нам, что земля вращается вокруг солнца.

       5. Указательные
местоимения и наречия времени и места заменяются по смыслу следующими словами:          

вместо this, these может употребляться that, those

вместо here
может употребляться

вместо now
может употребляться

вместо yesterday может употребляться the day before

вместо today может употребляться that day

вместо tomorrow может употребляться next day, the following day

вместо last week, last year может употребляться the week (the year)  before

VIII. Put the
verbs in brackets into the required tense according to the rules of Sequence of

1. I thought he
(to come) in time.

2. We have heard
that he (to be) very clever.

3. She told me
that in an hour she (to go) for a walk.

4. The boy didn’t
know that water (to boil) at 100 C.

5. Last year I
skated much better than I (to do) now.

6. The teacher
told us that there are 26 letters in the English alphabet.

7. Mark remembered
that he (to leave) the cab at the hotel.

Part V

Polymers in Road Construction

I. Learn the following words:

to assumeпредполагать                             success успех

rubber каучук                                          in spite ofнесмотря на

competitiveконкурентоспособный          fundamental

                to base

demandтребование                                     suitability  пригодность

green product экол. чистый

II. Read and
translate the text.

         Polymers have for many years been widely
used by people. Back in the year 1500 the Mayan civilization in Central America
are assumed to be among the first to find an application for polymers, as their
children played with a ball made from local rubber trees.

         Nowadays it is widely used in various forms.
In the construction of buildings and in the construction of roads it is
considered as fundamental. Usage of polymer products is based on their
suitability for soil stabilization. The relative economy of polymers made them
competitive with other stabilizing agents. The
                frequently used material is cement; however cement soil has low
resistance to mechanisms.

today’s chemical industry many special polymers have been developed to meet a
particular demand. The manufactures of this project have a 15 year history. A
representative from the local European distributors of this polymer states that
although this product is a success as it is, researches are being done on this
polymer in spite of the fact that it is a “green” product, easy to use and

III. Answer the
following questions.  

1. Polymers have
for many years been widely used by people, haven’t they?

2. Who first found
an application for polymers?

3. Where is this
material considered as fundamental?

4. What made
polymer materials competitive with other stabilizing agents?

5. How long are
polymer materials used?

IV. Make up a
dialogue according to the questions.

V. Retell the
text given above.

VI. Translate
the following sentences into English paying attention to the usage of Sequence
of Tenses.

Он сказал, что ему нравится эта пьеса.

Я знаю, что его отец профессор и живёт в Москве.

Он сказал мне вчера, что его отец профессор и живёт в Москве.

В прошлом году они думали, что никогда не будут хорошо читать по-английски.

Мы решили на прошлой неделе, что будущим летом мы все поедем в Крым.

Я никогда не слышал, что ты бывал в Англии.

Он сказал мне, что встретит меня в колледже.

                                             Part V

Way for
Flood Protection

I. Learn the following words:

drainage канализация, дренаж        volume

issueвопрос, суть                        


to tryстараться, пробовать              pavement дорожное покрытие

to absorbвсасывать, поглощать     to cleanse очищать

impurity —  нечистоты                        treatmentобработка

downpour ливень                             

rate скорость, уровень, ставка

to easeуменьшать, ослаблять

II. Read and
translate the text.

         Drainage control and effective water management are important issues
for industry. One solution is the use of porous asphalt, a method which has
been tried and tested but not still widely used. Porous road pavement
technology helps to manage the risk of flooding by easing flow rates through
the traditional drainage systems and road system.

         Porous pavement can absorb water up to 30% of
its volume which can then be channeled into existing drainage system. The
system has a permeability designed to cope with up to 10,000 mm of rain per
hour. As the rainwater drains through the porous reservoir, it is cleansed of
impurities like oil, and sand and enters the drainage system as grey water and
can be used without further treatment. This helps to reduce the demand of
drinking water supplies.

          Traditional roads are designed to keep
rainwater out, and are structured so that the rain drains off the surface when
there is a downpour. This porous technology changes the makeup of the
road surface, making it more like a sponge.

III. Answer the following questions.

1. Drainage control and effective water management are
important issues for industry, aren’t they?

2. What helps
to manage the risk of flooding?

3. How many per
cent of water volume can porous pavement absorb?

4. Where is water
cleansed of impurities like oil and sand?

5. What helps to
reduce the demand of drinking water supplies?

6. How are
traditional roads designed?

7. What technology
changes the make-up of the road surface?

IV. Make up a
dialogue according to the questions.

V. Retell the
text given above.

VI. Grammar
material. Direct and Indirect Speech.  
Прямая и косвенная речь.

Правила согласования времён особенно важны при переводе из прямой речи,
непосредственно передающей слова говорящего, в косвенную речь, передающую слова
говорящего описательным путём.

Примеры перевода из прямой речи в косвенную речь

Повествовательное предложение

В повествовательном предложении слова she said, he repeated и т.д. служат главным предложением, затем следует дополнительное
придаточное предложение, начинающееся с союза
that или бессоюзное. Глагол
придаточного предложения согласуется во времени с глаголом главного предложения
по правилам согласования времён. Личные местоимения придаточного предложения
соответственно смыслу могут меняться:

                    He said,
I was ill.”                 

                    Он сказал: “Я болел”.

                              He said (that) he had been ill.  

                              Он сказал, что болел.

2. Вопросительное

Когда в косвенной речи надо передать вопрос, употребляется прямой порядок слов.
Косвенный вопрос вводится или каким-нибудь соединительным местоимением, или
наречием (
what, which, who, when, where, why и т.д.), или союзами whether, if, которые равны по значению
русской частице ли.

                             He asked me: “Do you know English?”

                             Он спросил меня: “Ты знаешь английский язык?”

He asked me whether I knew

                             Он спросил меня, знаю ли я английский язык.

                             She asked me: “Where do you live?”

                             Она спросила меня: “Где ты живёшь?”

She asked me where I lived.

                             Она спросила меня, где я живу.

3) Повелительное

       При передаче просьбы
или приказания в косвенной речи употребляется простое предложение с
инфинитивной конструкцией:

                     The teacher said to me: “Put the
book on the table.”

                     Учитель сказал мне: “Положи книгу на стол.”

                       The teacher told me to put the book
on the table.

                      Учитель сказал мне положить книгу на стол.

       Отрицательная форма
повелительного наклонения
dont +
Infinitive меняется на                      not to + Infinitive:

                        She told me: “Don’t be late.”

                        Она сказала мне: “Не опаздывай”.

                      She told me not to be late.

Она сказала мне не опаздывать.

VII. Change the
following sentences from Direct into Indirect Speech. Translate the sentences
into Russian.

1. She said: “I
will be very glad to see you”.

2. He said: “Who
is this man?”

3. I thought: “He
is a very clever man.”

4. The teacher
said: “Open your books and begin reading the new lesson.”

5. The girl asked:
“What is the price of this dress?”

6. I asked Sophy:
“Will you help me in my work?”

7. The secretary
said: “Please pass me the paper.”

Part VI

Concrete Roads

I. Learn the following words:

pavement дорожное покрытие                       composite

applicationприменение                                 challenge вызов,

particleчастица                                              owner

to embedвделывать                                       rigid жёсткий

durability долговременность                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

semi наполовину

to permit позволять                                        flexible гибкий

frequentчастый                                              share
доля, часть

цементирование                         to permit позволять

высокие эксплуатационные качества

II. Read and
translate the text.

         High performance cementation material (HPCM) is an innovative product
which was developed and tested for road surfacing applications. The pavement
consists of a layer of concrete, steel fibre-reinforced fine mortar, in which
hard resistant aggregate particles are embedded, forming a 10 mm composite
layer. Testing showed that HPCM has great strength and durability.

            Maintaining safe, comfortable and durable
surfaces on heavy traffic motorways has long been a major challenge to road
owners, who manage the construction and maintenance of their roads. Rigid
concrete roads are often chosen for roads with heavy traffic as they offer high
strength and durability.

            Semi rigid pavements permit the use of
flexible surfacing which can meet the requirements for a heavy-duty road, but
will require relatively frequent maintenance and repaving in order to provide
the safety and comfort required on motorways with high volumes of passenger
vehicles at relatively high speeds.     Flexible pavements in which the base
layer is made of bitumen-bound materials are probably most common pavement type
for high traffic roads, despite their problems of deformation under the loads
of the heavy vehicle share of the traffic.

III. Answer the
following questions.  

1. What material
is an innovating product which was developed and tested for road surfaces

2. What does the
pavement consist of?

3. What did
testing show?

4. What has long
been a major challenge to road owners?

5. Why are rigid
concrete roads often chosen for roads with heavy traffic?

6. What do semi
rigid pavements permit?

7. What pavements
are probably most common pavement types for high traffic roads?

IV. Make up a
dialogue according to the questions.

V. Retell the
text given above.

VI. Grammar
material. The Subjunctive Mood.

       В английском языке так
же как и в русском языке существует три наклонения:

1) Повелительное
наклонение  (
the Imperative Mood), которое выражает побуждение к действию (просьбу или

                  Answer the question, please.
Ответь на вопрос, пожалуйста.

2) Изъявительное
наклонение (
the Indicative Mood), которое выражает реальность действия в настоящем,
прошедшем или будущем:

                     We often play tennis. Мы часто играем в теннис.

If the weather is fine he will go to the country.    

Если погода будет хорошей, он
за город.     

                     If I learn his address I will
to him.   

Если я узнаю его адрес,
я ему напишу.   

3) Сослагательное
наклонение (
the Subjunctive Mood), которое
выражает возможность,  нереальность или предположительность действия:

                     Without the sun there would be no
light, no heat.

                     Без солнца не было бы ни света, ни тепла.

       В английском языке
существует две формы сослагательного наклонения:
Subjunctive I и Subjunctive II.

Subjunctive I
выражает реальные  действия,
которые осуществимы лишь  при определённых условиях,    например:

                      If I had time.   Если бы у меня было время.

                      If he were at home now.   Если бы он  был дома сейчас.

                      If I knew his address I would

Если бы я знал его адрес, то
навестил бы его.

                     If the weather were fine we
would go
to the country.

                     Если бы погода была хорошей, мы бы поехали за

                     If I were you I would go to

                     Я бы на твоём месте поехала в Лондон.

Глагол в придаточном предложении стоит в
Past Simple, в главном – в форме Future in the Past.   

Для глагола
to be во всех
лицах в сослагательном наклонении употребляется форма 

bSubjunctive II выражает
нереальные, неосуществимые действия
так как они относятся к прошлому, например:

                       If I had known his address I would have visited him.

                     Если бы я знал его адрес (в прошлом), я бы его

                       If the weather had been fine yesterday we would have gone to     the

Если бы погода была вчера хорошей, я
бы навестил его.

случае, если действие относится к прошедшему времени, в главном предложении
используется форма будущего совершённого прошедшего—
Future Perfect in the Past, а в придаточном – прошедшее совершённое – Past Perfect.

VII Translate the following sentences into Russian paying attention to Subjunctive Mood.

1. If we were

2. If I could
explain everything to you.

3. If I came later
I would be late for the lesson.

4. I wish I had
known this before the examination.

5. If he had known
the time-table he wouldn’t have missed the train.

6. I would have
come to you if you had not lived so far away.

7. If I had seen
you yesterday I would have given you my text-book.

8. If I were in
your place I wouldn’t buy tickets beforehand.

9. If I had known
that you needed help I would have helped you.

                                            Part VII

Demolition Technique for Removing


I. Learn the following words:

demolitionснос                                             to

pressureдавление                                          rough
грубый, шероховатый

jetструя                                                        repellent

damageповреждение                                    lining

crucialрешающий, важный                           in case в случае

restorationреставрация                                 deck настил, покрытие

to includeвключать

II. Read and translate the text.

popularity of hydro demolition is growing worldwide. This technique, which uses
high pressure water jets to remove damaged concrete from various structures, is
playing a crucial role in the major restoration of the Central Bridge and
Tunnel in the centre of Sweden capital Stockholm.

repairs include the removal of the concrete surface from the ceiling and lower
parts of the tunnel walls, and removal of the bridge’s damaged concrete deck,
followed by applying of fresh concrete.                                                                                                                                                                                          

Robots worked on the tunnel roof removing
10 mm of concrete, leaving a rough and textured crack-free surface for the new
fire repellent overlay. Hydro demolition was followed by spraying a 35 mm thick
fire resistant concrete lining to complete the restoration. On the prepared
tunnel walls about 60 mm thick layer of reinforced concrete was sprayed and
then the walls were covered by precast concrete panels, which can be easily
replaced in case of any future salt corrosion.

III. Answer the following questions.

1. Is the popularity of hydro demolition growing

2. What does this technique use?  

3. What is this technique used for? 

4. What was hydro demolition followed by?   

5. The last layer consisted of precast concrete
panels, didn’t it?

IV. Make up a
dialogue according to the questions.

V. Retell the
text given above.

VI. Make up sentences according to the models to
practice the use of the Subjunctive Mood.

a) Model: Хотелось бы, чтобы новый
спектакль понравился вам.

                I wish you liked the new

1. Хотелось бы, чтобы вы
приняли участие в этом спектакле.

2. Хотелось бы, чтобы они
посмотрели этот фильм.

3. Хотелось бы, чтобы вы
послушали эту песню

4. Хотелось бы, чтобы они
приходили на занятия вовремя.

5. Хотелось бы, чтобы они
лучше готовились к занятиям.

b) Model:  If I saw this film I would tell
you about it.

                If I had seen this film I would
have told
you about it.

1. If you came
later you would watch TV.

2. If you
investigated this problem you would answer this question.

3. If they knew
the facts they would prove it.

4. If I bought a
ticket to the cinema I would see this film.

5. If I had a lot
of money I would buy a car.

c) Model: I am sorry. I don’t know
Mr. Smith.

                 I wish I knew Mr. Smith.

1. I am sorry I
cannot do this.

2. I am sorry you
cannot read this book in the original.

3. I am sorry the
play isn’t a success. 

4. I am sorry I
cannot change it.

5. I am sorry I
cannot come in time.

VII. Express
the same in English.

1. Если бы мы встретили Анну,
мы бы её всё рассказали.

2. Жаль, что сейчас не лето.

3. Если бы сегодня было
тепло, мы бы поехали на озеро.

4. Если бы я знал
французский, я бы мог поговорить с нашим гостем.

5. Если бы мы сейчас были в
Москве, мы бы пошли осматривать город.


Агабекян И.П. Английский для технических вузов. – Ростов-на Дону: Феникс, 2012

Бурлак А.И. и др. Пособие по английскому языку для студентов
курсов строительных курсов. – М: Высшая школа, 2011.

Н.А. и др. Учебник английского языка.– М: Деконт, 2013  

Гарагуля С.И. Английский язык для студентов строительных специальностей. –
Ростов-на-Дону: Феникс, 2011

Голицинский Ю.Б. Упражнения по грамматике. – М: КАРО, 2011. 

Луговая А.Л. Английский язык для строительных специальностей. –
Высшая школа, 2012  

Полякова Т.Ю. и др. Английский язык для инженеров. –
M: Высшая школа,

Поздняков А.А. Англо-русский словарь по строительству и новым технологиям. –
М.: русский язык, 2013.    

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