Word for bringing back to life

  • energize
  • invigorate
  • rejuvenate
  • restore
  • resurrect
  • revitalize
  • arouse
  • awaken
  • enkindle
  • enliven
  • renovate
  • save
  • breathe new life into
  • bring to
  • come to life
  • give mouth-to-mouth resuscitation
  • perform CPR
  • wake up

On this page you’ll find 38 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to bring back to life, such as: refresh, regenerate, rejuvenate, energize, invigorate, and renew.

  • destroy
  • bore

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


OCTOBER 26, 1985


  • bounce back
  • breathe new life into
  • bring back to life
  • come to life
  • energize
  • invigorate
  • reenergize
  • refresh
  • regenerate
  • rejuvenate
  • renew
  • restore
  • resuscitate
  • revive
  • arouse
  • awaken
  • breathe new life into
  • bring back to life
  • bring to
  • come to life
  • energize
  • enkindle
  • enliven
  • give mouth-to-mouth resuscitation
  • invigorate
  • perform CPR
  • rejuvenate
  • renovate
  • restore
  • resurrect
  • revitalize
  • save
  • wake up

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

What is another word for bring back to life?

wake resurrect
revitalizeUS revivify
rouse animate
restore reawaken
regenerate resuscitate

What is the meaning of bring me back?

1 to carry, convey, or take (something or someone) to a designated place or person.

What is the meaning of bring back memories?

If something brings back a memory, it makes you start thinking about it. Your article brought back sad memories for me.

What is the meaning of bring back?

1 : to come back with (something or someone) What did you bring back (with you) from your vacation? Bring your roommate back with you when you come home for the holidays. You promised to bring me back a present.

How do I use bring back?

bring somethingback

  1. 1to make someone remember something or think about it again The photographs brought back many pleasant memories.
  2. to make something that existed before be introduced again synonym reintroduce Most people are against bringing back smoking on airplanes.

What is the meaning of keep up?

transitive verb. : to persist or persevere in kept up the good work also : maintain, sustain keep standards up. intransitive verb. 1 : to keep adequately informed or up-to-date keep up on international affairs.

What’s the meaning of keep up with?

1 : to go or make progress at the same rate as (others) : to stay even with (others) in a race, competition, etc. The other runners struggled to keep up with the leader. He found it difficult to keep up with the rest of the class.

What is the meaning of make up?

transitive to invent an explanation for something, especially in order to avoid being punished or embarrassed. He made up some excuse about the dog eating his homework.

What kind of word is they ve?

They’ve is the usual spoken form of ‘they have,’ especially when ‘have’ is an auxiliary verb.


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Photo search results for Bring back to life

Man in White and Blue Jersey Shirt Standing on Tennis Court Small chickadee bird sitting on wooden surface in nature From above of male Midwife toad frog or Alytes obstetricans with fertilized eggs on back sitting on ground in nature Eurasian nuthatch or wood nuthatch bird with blue and gray plumage with black and white stripes and orange belly sitting on wooden surface in nature in daytime Rear View of Bride Holding Bouquet Two People Sitting on Log

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Synonyms for Bring back to life. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 14, from https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/bring_back_to_life

Synonyms for Bring back to life. N.p., 2016. Web. 14 Apr. 2023. <https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/bring_back_to_life>.

Synonyms for Bring back to life. 2016. Accessed April 14, 2023. https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/bring_back_to_life.

bring you back to life — перевод на русский

If you want to save yourself, you’d better bring him back to life.

Если ты хочешь спасти себя, тебе лучше вернуть его к жизни.

Yes, but I know how to bring him back to life.

Да, но я знаю, как вернуть его к жизни.

I must bring him back to life, even if I have to continue staining my hands with blood.

Я должна вернуть его к жизни… Даже если мне придётся продолжать окрашивать свои руки кровью.

But we can bring it back to life again.

Но мы можем вернуть его к жизни.

Bring him back to life?

Вернуть его к жизни?

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Okay, all right, so that means we need to bring him back to life, right?

— Ясно, хорошо, а это значит, что нам нужно его воскресить, да?

How is he gonna bring him back to life?

Как он собирается его воскресить?

Bring her back to life…

Воскреси её…

Bring her back to life.

Воскреси её.

You must bring him back to life.

Воскреси его, воскреси его! Он мой! Пабло мой!

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We have to get the scroll, find Horath and stop them bringing him back to life!

Мы должны найти свиток, найти Хората и не позволить его оживить!

You’re going to bring him back to life, aren’t you?

Ты собираешься его оживить, да?

When a person dies and is buried, it seems there are certain voodoo priests who… Who have the power to bring him back to life.

Когда человека хоронят после смерти, видимо, есть такие колдуны вуду, способные оживить умершего.

And he just started to do an Indian dance to bring them back to life.

И он начал свой танец индейцев чтоб всех их оживить.

But you’re not going to bring him back to life, are you?

Но Вы ведь не сможете оживить его, не так ли?

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I feel it bringing me back to life, bringing me closer to you.

Я чувствую, что он возвращает меня к жизни, делает меня ближе тебе

If we can accomplish total metabolic arrest with no tissue damage… we will be able to freeze people for thousands of years and bring them back to life.

Если мы сможем полностью восстановить обмен веществ без вреда тканям, мы сможем замораживать людей на тысячи лет и возвращать к жизни.

I don’t know how you figured out how to do it, but you’re killing yourself a little bit, making yourself into a ghost so you can see people’s secrets, and then you bring yourself back to life so you and your partner can blackmail them.

Я не знаю, как Вы это делаете но Вы немного убиваете себя, превращаетесь в призрака и можете видеть тайны людей, а потом Вы возвращаете себя жизни И так Вы и Ваш партнер можете шантажировать их.

Then he claimed that they brought him back to life because they were extraterrestrials,

Тогда он заявил, что они возвращали его к жизни потому что он был инопланетяном

You have a curtain at the end that brings you back to life.

У тебя есть занавес, который опускается в конце спектакля и возвращает тебя в жизнь.

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Now bring him back to life.

А теперь верни его.

Bring him back to life or go back where you came from.

Просто верни его или проваливай откуда пришёл.

Aya, I’ll bring you back to life.

я верну тебя!

In fact, it was his suddenly dispatched energy which jumpstarted the girl’s body — and brought her back to life. — That’s absurd.

На самом деле, именно его внезапно переданнаяя энергия перезапустила тело девочки и вернула её к жизни.Это абсурд.

I brought you back to life.

Я вернул тебя.

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Just my being here has brought you back to life.

Просто мое присутствие здесь вернуло вас обратно к жизни.

Could that energy somehow be used to reactivate Optimus and bring him back to life?

Каким нибудь образом использовать ее, чтобы реактивировать Оптимуса и вернуть его обратно к жизни?

And bring him back to life.

А затем верну его обратно к жизни.

My father had to bring me back to life.

Отцу приходилось биться, чтобы вернуть меня обратно к жизни.

They brought me back to life.

Они вернули меня обратно к жизни.

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You are bringing Me back to life!

Вы жизнь мне возвратили!

You’ve brought me back to life!

Вы жизнь мне возвратили!

The others use the power to bring them back to life.

Остальные используют энергию, чтобы возвратить их к жизни.

Made a choice a long time ago that it would be Gilbert blood that brought her back to life.

Они много лет назад решили, что именно кровь Гилбертов возвратит её к жизни.

You have brought me back to life.

Вы возвратили меня к жизни.

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  • вернуть его к жизни
  • его воскресить
  • его оживить
  • что он возвращает меня к жизни
  • верни его
  • вернуло вас обратно к жизни
  • жизнь мне возвратили

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In the process of finding and bringing back to life these folklore instruments, which had acquired the status of artifacts, Sergei noticed that playing those instruments so as to make music flow was not easy at all.

Находя и возвращая к жизни народные инструменты, приобретшие статус артефактов, Сергей отмечает, что играть на них так, чтобы музыка свободно лилась, совсем непросто.

This is not a reincarnation but a bringing back to life of the same personality.

Речь идет не о реинкарнации, а о том, что к жизни вернется тот же самый человек.

Bartoli is also renowned for her talent in bringing back to life long forgotten composers and repertoires.

Чечилия Бартоли известна также своим талантом возвращать к жизни давно забытые произведения композиторов-классиков.

All of these buildings were brought here from 1961 onward bringing back to life this most prosperous period of the Zaan region.

Все эти здания были перенесены сюда с 1961 года, вернув к жизни самый процветающий период Заанского региона.

Surely, anyone who has a relation with such family can support them in bringing back to life.

Надеюсь, все, кто только решается на то, чтобы воссоединиться с родными, получат такую же поддержку».

Doesn’t bringing back to life what was once dead hold any intrigue for you?

Неужели возрождение того, что уже было мертво не интригует вас?

Jeep is currently working on bringing back to life its Grand Wagoneer model.

В настоящее время Jeep работает над тем, чтобы вернуть к жизни свою модель Grand Wagoneer.

In essence, the Organization would have to take the lead in bringing back to life a society whose physical and social infrastructure had been destroyed and must therefore be given the necessary resources to do so.

По существу, Организации предстоит возглавить деятельность по возрождению жизни общества, физическая и социальная инфраструктуры которого были разрушены, и поэтому ей должны быть предоставлены необходимые ресурсы для этой цели.

Scientists at the Harvard Universty are a step closer in bringing back to life the woolly mammoth.

Ученые из Гарвардского университета стали на один шаг ближе к цели в попытке вернуть мамонтов к жизни.

The competition aimed at bringing back to life city square by Soviet architect Chechulin built in 1958, that in the last years became a transit space, half occupied by parking.

Конкурс поставил задачу вернуть к жизни городскую площадь, основанную советским архитектором Чечулиным в 1958 году, ставшую в последние годы транзитной областью, наполовину занятой паркингом.

The word revitalization (- life) can be literlly interpreted as «bringing back to life«.

Слово ревитализация (от латинского «vita» — жизнь) дословно можно перевести как возвращение к жизни.

Another success is the redevelopment of the Spīķeri district, bringing back to life each of the obsolete red brick warehouses by opening galleries, museums, shops and cafes.

Еще один пример успешной реновации — район Спикери, в котором старые склады, построенные из красного кирпича, обрели вторую жизнь — в них открылись галереи, музеи, магазины и кафетерии.

Japanese electronics giant Sony is marking the year of the dog by bringing back to life its robot canine — packed with artificial intelligence and Internet capability.

Японский гигант электроники Sony возродил свою роботизированную собаку — уже с искусственным интеллектом и возможностью подключения к Интернету.

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Bring Back to Life Meaning

Definition: To become alive after being dead.

This expression can mean literally resuscitating a person who has died, or it can refer to a project or place that has lost momentum and then has been given new energy or “new life.”

In this latter sense, it is about restoring vitality through an influx of time, energy, or money.

Origin of Bring Back to Life

another word for come back to lifeIts exact origins are unclear, but this phrase seems to have already been a common one by the early 1800s and is expected to be understood in the following example from an 1846 copy of Ypsilanti Sentinel from Washtenaw Co., Michigan:

  • She had been proud of saving lives before; but now she had saved her lover. “Zetzos!” she cried, “Zetzos! Have I then brought him back to life?”

Similarly, the Vermont Phoenix, from June 1846, reads,

  • Earth responds to the voice of gratitude; and widowed mothers receive their dead brought back to life again, and wives, that have prayed for many years, have answers to their prayers in their husbands restored.

Examples of Bring Back to Life

bring it back to lifeIn the modern day, it is common to say someone has been brought back to life if he or she has been given renewed energy, even if the person wasn’t dead.

For example, “Writing that book gave Samuel a new purpose and brought him back to life after his wife died.” means that he was depressed and lackluster until he began writing the book.

Also, it can be said of projects.

For example,

  • The project was brought back to life after years of being on the table by a new team who took it in a slightly different direction.

It can also be said of places.

  • The store was brought back to life by new advertising and the fun, energetic management by the children of the original owners. Now it is a popular destination on Main Street.

More Examples

  • Japanese whisky distillery is brought back to life with crowdfunding. –South China Morning Post
  • Meanwhile, if it’s dinosaurs you really want to see brought back to life, you’re better off marking your calendar for 2018, when the next “Jurassic Park” sequel is scheduled for release. –The New York Post


To be brought back to life means to be revived or to be given new energy.


  • 1 Bring Back to Life Meaning
  • 2 Origin of Bring Back to Life
  • 3 Examples of Bring Back to Life
  • 4 More Examples
  • 5 Summary

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