Word for boring work

To emphasise that the work is boring and without reward, consider one of:

Grunt work: work that is menial and thankless. During the summer, I earned money doing grunt work. I did all of the grunt work on the project, but my boss got all of the credit. The Free Dictionary

Grind: to do tedious, laborious, and sometimes menial work. The Free Dictionary

The latter has some nice idioms: back to the grind (going back to work after a break or vacation), daily grind (a tedious daily routine/job), grind away [at a job] (e.g. «he had to grind away for years at redecorating the old mansion»). You sometimes also see grind work and on your grind.

If you want to emphasise the ongoing physical difficulty of the work, and the exhaustion it can cause, toil (which can be used both as noun and verb) would be a good choice. The fact the work is mundane is often implied, but it isn’t so explicit.

Toil: hard and continuous work; exhausting labor or effort. Dictionary.com

To emphasise that the work is continuous and unrelenting, consider working like a dog or (a common metaphor) being on the treadmill (which particularly hints at how one feels little sense of progress or having «got anywhere»).

Work like a dog (UK also work like a Trojan): to work very hard. You can work like a ​dog and still not make ​ends ​meet.
Cambridge Online

Treadmill: a monotonous routine or set of tasks. The Free Dictionary

April 17, 2022

Is there an English word for “work which is repetitive (and often boring), but which must be done”?


Drudgery is routine or dull work like domestic drudgery. Donkey work is an informal (British) synonym.

“The donkey work had been done – the intricate brushing away of thousands of years of dust and soil was a task undertaken by the steady handed experts.”

Source : Link , Question Author : user1387866 , Answer Author : V.V.


Wednesday, March 30, 2016

English word for «repetitive, boring work»?

Is there an English word for «work which is repetitive (and often boring), but which must be done»?


Drudgery is routine or dull work like domestic drudgery. Donkey work is an informal (British) synonym.

«The donkey work had been done — the intricate brushing away of thousands of years of dust and soil was a task undertaken by the steady handed experts.»

March 30, 2016

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Whether you like it or not, one must work to survive in this world. You need to hustle and show your mettle. Working takes effort, time, and determination. 

Did you know that there are some surprising and varying slang words for work? We compiled them into this article for you to read. Enjoy reading!

Slang Words for Work (in Alphabetical Order)

110 Percent


  • (Noun) It is a slang for giving your best effort at work or working at your maximum capabilities.
  • Example: Johnny has been giving it his 110 percent but his projects are unsuccessful because of his unsupportive boss.

9 to 5


  • (Noun) A regular, normal, routine job, often considered to be boring or unfulfilling. 
  • Example: Amy had to quit school and get a 9 to 5 because her mom got sick. 

Back To The Drawing Board


  • (Verb) This phrase means to start from “square one” or start again at the beginning because the current work leads to a dead end.  
  • Example: The automation project managers had to go back to the drawing board because of major glitches in the system.

Bang-Up Job


  • (Noun) An excellent work or amazing job. 
  • Example: Jennifer did a bang-up job with that account. She deserves a promotion. 



  • (Noun) Work that involves hard and manual labor.
  • Example: My dad is a proud blue-collar worker. He sweats a lot but he earns honest money.

Bumped Up


  • (Verb) Getting moved to a higher position at work. A promotion. 
  • Example: Randy got bumped up so he is getting his own office.

Bust One’s Butt


  • (Verb) to work hard to the point of exhaustion. 
  • Example: I have been busting my butt even before sunrise The workload is just too much.

Getting Axed


  • (Verb) Getting removed or fired. 
  • Example: For destroying some company property, he got axed immediately.



  • (Noun) A slang term for work, job, or event. 
  • Example: I got a freelance gig every Tuesday assisting the elderly at the local nursing home.



  • (Verb) To work in an unforgiving and difficult situation.
  • Example: My grandfather used to grub at the mine. It was dangerous but he couldn’t find any other work.

Nose On The Grindstone


  • (Expression) This slang means hard work or labor.  
  • Example: Becky wanted a more manageable workload so she put her nose on the grindstone to get a promotion.

Pink Slip


  • (Noun) An official documentation of dismissal at work. It has become synonymous with getting fired from a job. 
  • Example: Ralph got handed the pink slip yesterday because he went out of his way to save his colleague. I still think he shouldn’t have been fired.

Plug Through


  • (Verb) To come out of and produce favorable results from a difficult situation.
  • Example: Sammy always plugs through everything. That is why she is the boss.

To Pull An All-Nighter


  • (Verb) This slang phrase means sacrificing sleep and forcing one to do extra work at night.  
  • Example: Trent and I were pulling an all-nighter when the burglar suddenly entered. 

White Collar


  • (Noun) The counterpart of “blue-collar.” This means tasks or work that are usually done in the office. 
  • Example: I am pretty content with this white collar job. It pays well and it allows me to enjoy my hobbies in my free time. 

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

скучную работу

скучной работы

скучная работа

скучной работой

скучной работе

скучную рабочую

скучный труд

Real cowboys, however, spent most of their time doing difficult, dirty, and often boring work.

Однако настоящие ковбои проводили большую часть своего времени, выполняя сложную, грязную и зачастую скучную работу.

A revolutionary new software product is taking the long hours of boring work out of the hands of online marketers.

Революционно новый программный продукт занимает долгие часы скучную работу из рук торговцев онлайн.

Perseverance can mean putting in countless hours of excruciatingly difficult or boring work.

Настойчивость может означать избавление от бесчисленных часов мучительной, трудной или скучной работы.

Every worker tired of monotonous and boring work or having free time, can…

Каждый работник уставший от однообразной и скучной работы или имеющий…

Long working hours, long commute, boring work, average salary or whatever.

Долгие рабочие часы, длительные поездки на работу, скучная работа, средняя зарплата или что-то еще.

But a «new life» is long, boring work.

In any city there is a simple but very boring work which is enough for the school knowledge.

В любом городе найдется несложная и не очень скучная работа, для выполнения которой вполне хватает школьных знаний.

He said it’s a boring work.

You abhor routine and boring work, and you are not very good at staying with everyday tasks that must be finished on time.

Вы ненавидите рутинную и скучную работу и не очень хорошо справляетесь с повседневными задачами, которые должны быть завершены в срок.

It turns the Web Design process, which should be fun, into the complicated and boring work.

Это превращает процесс веб-дизайна, который должен быть веселым, в сложную и скучную работу.

However, at the age of 22 he left the career of a professional boxer for an unpromising and boring work as a clerk at a cotton exchange.

Однако в 22 года он оставил карьеру профессионального боксёра ради ничего не обещающей и скучной работы клерком на хлопковой бирже.

Monotonous or boring work (22%)

Just sit back and let us carry out the boring work for you!

Просто сядьте и позвольте нам выполнить скучную работу для вас!

These protest forms were associated with a wider social process of countercultural exodus from the dominant forms of boring work and boring social roles.

Эти формы протеста были связаны с более широким социальным процессом контркультурного бегства от распространенных форм скучной работы и скучных социальных ролей.

Tired of boring work in the office?

Rarely have wellness programmes proposed interventions in the corporate culture or included alterations in work organization such as stressful management styles, the content of boring work or noise levels.

До сих пор программы здоровья редко предлагали вмешательство в корпоративную культуру или включали в себя изменения в организации труда, например в стилях управления, связанных со стрессом, в содержании скучной работы или в уровнях шума.

This is a monotonous and boring work that professional journalists do not like to do, and the AI «is satisfied with everything».

Это монотонная, однообразная и скучная работа, которую не любят выполнять профессиональные журналисты, а ИИ «все устраивает».

The online viewing of Cancun (Mexico) in real time allows for a while to be distracted from routine activities and boring work.

Просмотр веб-камер Канкуна (Мексика) в реальном времени позволяет на некоторое время отвлечься от рутинных занятий и скучной работы.

Charlie Countryman lives in the United States to escape with the help of hallucinogenic substances from the boring work and longing unremarkable existence.

Чарли Кантримен живет в США, спасаясь с поддержкою галлюциногенных веществ от скучной работы и тоски ничем не примечательного существования.

The Frenchman filed a suit for €360 thousand to the company for boring work

Француз подал иск на €360 тыс. к компании за скучную работу

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 78. Точных совпадений: 78. Затраченное время: 81 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

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Turning and milling, grinding, boring work, gear shaping and gear hobbing operation.

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Токарная и фрезерная обработка, шлифовка, расточные работы, зубодолбежные и зубофрезерные операции.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Monotonous and boring work should be done by the robot,

and the man at this time is to do what it’s really interesting, and not to waste his time on routine.

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человек в это время должен заниматься тем, что ему действительно интересно и не терять времени на рутину.

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Let’s suppose that we live in a

perfect world where robots do all the boring work, where we have technologies everywhere,

and free trade rules are followed.

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Давайте представим, что мы живем в идеальном мире, где всю скучную работу делают роботы,

повсеместно распространены цифровые технологии, и действуют правила свободной торговли.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

This office version of the game, when you can get away from the boring work and amuse themselves by such a game.

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Это офисный вариант игры, когда вы можете отвлечься от скучной работы, и позабавить себя такой игрой.

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icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Our capabilities include band sawing, multi-axis machining, turning, milling, drilling,

coordinate grinding and boring works, threading services.

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Наши возможности включают в себя: ленточнопильная резка, многоосевая токарная обработка, фрезеровка,

накатные, расточные работы, шлифовка, нарезание и накатывание резьбы.

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Okay, you know how when he tells you boring work stories you’re supposed to listen?

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Ладно, ты знаешь, что когда он рассказывает тебе скучные истории про свою работу, ты должна слушать?

A couple of hours of flight can turn a boring work day an unforgettable holiday!

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Ведь от скучных трудовых будней до незабываемого отдыха всего один пару часов полета!

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Do me a favor. Please tell your boring work stories at this dinner we’re going to.

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Прошу тебя, не забудь рассказать свои скучные истории о работе за грядущим ужином.

While I suffered a boring work far from the modelling, Adam WIlder made all the interesting modelling projects.

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Пока я страдал от далекой от моделизма скучной рутины, Адам работал над всеми интересными модельными проектами.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

A revolutionary new software

product is taking the long hours of boring work out of the hands of online marketers.

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Революционно новый программный продукт занимает долгие часы скучную работу из рук торговцев онлайн.

With appropriate terminals

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С соответствующими терминалами

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Routine work boring everyday life and everyday familiar- sometimes all it is incredibly depressing.

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Рутинная работа, скучная повседневная жизнь и обыденные знакомые- иногда все это невероятно угнетает.

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Everyone knows the police can handle the boring dirty work, unlike you FDNY glory hounds.

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Все знают, что у полиции самая скучная и грязная работа, а вот у пожарных самый благородный труд.

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Boring, grinding, work on covers, axles, diesel nozzles.

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You can quickly eating your Granola, and then, waiting for commuter trains,

spend the day with colleagues and chihajushhimi boring paper work.

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Вы можете быстро съев свои мюсли, и затем, дождавшись пригородного поезда,

провести день с чихающими коллегами и скучной бумажной работой.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

But few use at least half of the opportunities that exist in the IDE,

thus making a part of their work boring, monotonous, slow.

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Но далеко не все используют хотя бы половину возможностей, которые есть в IDE,

тем самым делая свою работу местами скучной, монотонной, медленной.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Machines which have often been

showed as competitors to employees in fact free them from boring mechanical work to have more intellectual and creative one.

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Машины, которые часто изображались

как конкуренты рабочим, на самом деле, освобождают их от скучной механической работы для более интеллектуальной и творческой.

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Moreover, this operation is quite routine and boring, distracting from productive work.

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Более того, эта операция довольно рутинная и скучная, отвлекающая от продуктивной работы.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

You are so

much more creative than all of the other dry, boring morons that you work with.

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Вы гораздо креативнее всех остальных скучных и занудных дураков, с которыми вы работаете.

The lack of interesting tasks and projects, performed duties monotonous, boring and routine work,

can lead to loss of interest in


which is also one of the common causes of dismissal.

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Отсутствие интересных задач и проектов, однообразность выполняемых обязанностей, скучная и рутинная работа,

могут привести к потере интереса к


что тоже является одной их распространенных причин увольнения.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

But unfortunately, not always desired ceases reality ahead of us cleaning and

only depends on us whether it would be boring, monotonous work, or fun, funny occupation, after which the apartment is simply unrecognizable.

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Но к сожалению, не всегда желаемое стает действительностью, впереди нас ждет уборка

и только от нас самих зависит, будет ли это скучный, монотонный труд, или веселое, забавное занятие, после которого квартира станет просто неузнаваемой.

Asian animation presents an unusual, sometimes paradoxical,

often very serious look at familiar things whether it is a boring lesson, the work of a postal office or a simple game of badminton.

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Азиатская анимация- это необычный, иногда парадоксальный,

а зачастую просто очень вдумчивый взгляд на привычные вещи, будь то скучный урок, работа почтовой службы или даже просто игра в бадминтон.

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  • 1
    boring work

    1. работы буровые

    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > boring work

  • 2
    boring work

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > boring work

  • 3
    boring work

    Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > boring work

  • 4
    boring work

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > boring work

  • 5
    boring work

    English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > boring work

  • 6
    boring work

    English-russian automobile dictionary > boring work

  • 7
    boring work

    Англо-русский словарь по машиностроению > boring work

  • 8
    boring work

    English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > boring work

  • 9

    Англо-русский словарь по машиностроению > boring

  • 10

    1) работа || работать

    3) обработка || обрабатывать

    10) изделие; продукция

    12) печать || печатать

    Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > work

  • 11

    English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > work

  • 12
    boring fixture

    English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > boring fixture

  • 13
    boring spindle

    English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > boring spindle

  • 14
    work fixture

    English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > work fixture

  • 15
    drilling work

    1. работы буровые

    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > drilling work

  • 16

    Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > растачивание

  • 17
    drilling operations

    1. работы буровые
    2. буровые работы

    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > drilling operations

  • 18
    drilling operation

    1. работы буровые
    2. операция бурения

    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > drilling operation

  • 19

    Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > сверление

  • 20

    English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > unit


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4

См. также в других словарях:

  • Boring (mechanical) — In machining, boring is the process of enlarging a hole that has already been drilled (or cast), by means of a single point cutting tool (or of a boring head containing several such tools), for example as in boring a cannon barrel. Boring is used …   Wikipedia

  • boring machine — Metalworking. a machine for boring holes in which the cutter is rotated, usually about a horizontal axis. * * * Machine tool for producing smooth and accurate holes in a workpiece by enlarging existing holes with a cutting tool, which may bear a… …   Universalium

  • Boring, Edwin G. — ▪ American psychologist in full  Edwin Garrigues Boring   born October 23, 1886, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S. died July 1, 1968, Cambridge, Massachusetts       American psychologist first recognized for his experimental work but later known… …   Universalium

  • boring mill — noun Etymology: boring (I) : a large machine tool essentially a lathe but commonly with rotating work table, fixed cutting tools, and a vertical axis * * * Metalworking. a machine for boring large holes in heavy work, having a table on which the… …   Useful english dictionary

  • boring — [[t]bɔ͟ːrɪŋ[/t]] ADJ GRADED Someone or something boring is so dull and uninteresting that they make people tired and impatient. Not only are mothers not paid but also most of their boring or difficult work is unnoticed. …boring television… …   English dictionary

  • work — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 effort/product of effort ADJECTIVE ▪ hard ▪ It s hard work trying to get him to do a few things for himself. ▪ It doesn t require skill it s a matter of sheer hard work. ▪ arduous, back breakin …   Collocations dictionary

  • boring mill — Metalworking. a machine for boring large holes in heavy work, having a table on which the work rotates while the hole is bored vertically. [1825 35] * * * …   Universalium

  • work — {{11}}work (n.) O.E. weorc, worc something done, deed, action, proceeding, business, military fortification, from P.Gmc. *werkan (Cf. O.S., O.Fris., Du. werk, O.N. verk, M.Du. warc, O.H.G. werah, Ger. Werk, Goth. gawaurki), from PIE root *werg to …   Etymology dictionary

  • boring —   Hoihoi ole, manakā, ho omanakā.   Also: kuanui, ho okuanui, kualana, ho okuānea, pū, kūkaikea, pōka o, uihā, lūlā.    ♦ A boring task, he hana ho okuānea.    ♦ Don t work in such a bored fashion, mai hana ho omanakā oukou …   English-Hawaiian dictionary

  • boring block — noun 1. : a slotted block for holding work to be bored 2. : the cutter holder on a boring rod …   Useful english dictionary

  • boring — 1. noun A pit or hole which has been bored. It is common in urban areas that a great many borings exist from prior construction work. 2. adjective That which incites boredom in a person. Syn: dull …   Wiktionary

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