Word for boring and long


Boring adjective — Causing weariness, restlessness, or lack of interest.

Long and boring are semantically related In some cases you can use «Long» instead an adjective «Boring».


Long adjective — Of great extent from end to end.

Boring and long are semantically related in property topic. Sometimes you can use «Boring» instead an adjective «Long», if it concerns topics such as tedious.

Mutual synonyms

Both words in one sentence

  • The Storyteller Vernon from Psychonauts is an limitless warehouse of incredibly long and boring stories.
  • Once it’s down to two players, this is all gone, leading to the long and boring fight (or quick Curb-Stomp Battle).
  • Fast Five: Felt that it was a couple of cool (but not spectacular) car chases bookending an overly long and boring story that’s too caught up in phony machismo, taking way too long to get genuinely good.
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Synonyms for boring

Synonyms for long

Google Ngram Viewer shows how «boring» and «long» have occurred on timeline

  • #1

A while ago, I heard a British person explain why he didn’t want to go into training for a certain job by saying, «It’s long». Is long a slang term in British English for «dull, boring»?

The person who said «It’s long» might simply have meant that the training would take too long for him to be interested, but I’m not sure.

Part of why I ask is that I’m currently studying a language where the word for «boring» literally means «long-time», so I wonder if there’s a cross-linguistic pattern involved here.


    • #2

    As far as I know, it would only be the context and intonation that would make any link between the two words. (It’s not unlikely that they will go together, but that’s not what you are asking) Current BrE speakers/residents would have to confirm that this meaning hasn’t arisen since I left :D



    English — United Kingdom (London)

    • #3

    There are people I know that say that something is «long» as a slang term. By using this term, they are saying that it is something they aren’t very motivated to do because it’s tedious; it would take a long time and be boring for them. :)

    • #4

    He possibly meant «The training will take too long a time.»

    Nothing special….

    • #5

    There are people I know that say that something is «long» as a slang term. By using this term, they are saying that it is something they aren’t very motivated to do because it’s tedious; it would take a long time and be boring for them. :)

    So, for example, if you asked a person who found football boring whether s/he wanted to go play football, could that person respond by saying, «Nah, it’s long»?



    English — United Kingdom (London)

    • #6

    So, for example, if you asked a person who found football boring whether s/he wanted to go play football, could that person respond by saying, «Nah, it’s long»?

    Yes, in terms of that slang phrase, the person could reply with «Nah, that’s long». :)



    Senior Member

    Native language: English (BrE)

    • #7

    There are people I know that say that something is «long» as a slang term. By using this term, they are saying that it is something they aren’t very motivated to do because it’s tedious; it would take a long time and be boring for them. :)

    I’d never heard that slang meaning before, but then I’m not currently UK-resident, so perhaps it’s sprung up since I lived there. Maybe it says something about some people’s attention span in these days of texting and Twitter: if it’s long, it’s of no interest! (?).




    English — United Kingdom (London)


    • #9

    «Long» does not mean boring. It seems to me that the person who said, «It’s long.» would not have a long attention span or be unable to appreciate the training or anything that was both complex and long.



    Senior Member

    Native language: English (BrE)

    • #10

    Well, Gavril, from Harantony’s Urban Dictionary link, it looks as if «long» is a slang term in American English as well.


    icon forward

    context icon

    context icon

    This book will be

    good for people who do not like reading long and boring texts with trivial tips.

    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

    context icon

    Книга будет полезна людям, которые не любят читать длинные и скучные тексты с тривиальными советами.

    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

    Do not make me go through the long and boring process of proving that which all of us here already know.

    context icon

    Не заставляй меня пройти через долгий и нудный процесс доказать то, что все мы здесь уже знаете.

    Your long and boring tale of why you’re late to a meeting you’re not even necessary at.

    context icon

    Ваша долгая и нудная сказка о том, почему вы опоздали на совещание, никому не нужна.

    no class here, all is equal



    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

    context icon

    здесь нет класса, все равны



    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

    The section will be long and boring, so I will begin with a funny story

    which is an abstract of the section.

    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

    context icon

    Глава будет длинная и скучная, поэтому начну с анекдота, который является ее кратким содержанием.

    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

    As you can see in the video that I have presented below, the long and boring aspect that we can see on console is not there.

    context icon

    Как вы можете видеть на видео, которое я представил ниже, сторона, которую долго и скучно на консоли не является.

    If you value your time


    don’t want to spend it on long and boring questing we can boost you in Warlords of Draenor

    from 90 to 100 as quickly as possible.

    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

    context icon

    Если вы цените свое время


    не хотите тратить свои драгоценные часы на нудную и долгую прокачку, то мы предлагаем вам помощь в прокачке вашего персонажа в дополнении Warlords

    of Draenor с 90 по 100 уровень в кратчайшие сроки.

    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

    If you enjoy driving your car,

    independently moving on your own routes


    rates, without long and boring expectations of public transport,

    car renting in the airport of Kiev is precisely what you need.

    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

    context icon

    Если вы получаете удовольствие от вождения своего авто,

    независимо перемещаясь по собственным маршрутам


    темпам, без длительных и нудных ожиданий общественного транспорта,

    то аренда автомобиля в Киеве это именно то, что вам нужно.

    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

    context icon

    context icon

    context icon

    Most of men torment themselves with long expectation and boring courting for girls that you should not do.

    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

    context icon

    Большинство самцов мучают себя длительным ожиданием и скучным ухаживанием за девушками, чего делать не стоит.

    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

    After my long and very boring questioning, I was awarded the characterization of»Worse

    than an Irishman on St. Patrick’s Day», but received at least some information that I hasten to share with you.

    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

    context icon

    После моих длительных и весьма занудных расспросов я был удостоен характеристики« Хуже,

    чем ирландец в День Святого Патрика», но получил хоть какие-то сведения, которыми спешу поделиться с вами.

    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

    context icon



    conditions rules of the website are boring, difficult and long.

    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

    Such high-intensity workouts instead of the usual long boring cardio exercises and weight lifting,

    not only do you get more build faster, you cause a significant boost in your metabolism!

    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

    context icon

    Такой высокой интенсивности тренировок вместо обычных долгое скучное и кардио- тренировки для поднятия тяжестей,

    не только вы получите больше опираться быстрее, вам причинить значительный импульс в ваш метаболизм!

    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

    In previous year it was boring and long, most people left half way through the session


    the president was quite upset.

    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

    context icon

    В предыдущий год она была скучной и длинной, большинство людей покинуло зал на середине церемонии,


    президент[ ассоциации] был крайне огорчен этим.

    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

    context icon

    context icon

    context icon

    They can stay alert through the long, boring hours of waiting, ready for action at any second.

    context icon

    Они могут оставаться начеку долгие, скучные часы ожидания, и быть готовыми к действию в любую секунду.

    context icon


    long and 

    boring and complicated, and half the time you still come up empty.

    context icon

    Это долго, скучно и сложно,


    после долгих поисков ты можешь ничего не найти.

    Each new medicine should be licensed, and this incredibly

    long and 

    boring procedure is scaring off potential investors.

    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

    context icon

    Любые новые медицинские средства надо лицензировать, и эта нудная процедура отпугивает потенциальных инвесторов.

    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

    Results: 174,
    Time: 0.0289





    На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

    На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

    долго и нудно

    длинного и скучного

    долгой и скучной

    длинную и скучную

    In this case, you cannot exhaust yourself with a long and boring run on a treadmill.

    В этом случае вы не можете утомиться долгим и скучным бегом по беговой дорожке.

    Instead of a long and boring description of employment history, you can draw a timeline with notes where and by whom you worked.

    Вместо длинного и скучного описания истории трудоустройства можно нарисовать временную шкалу с пометками где и кем вы работали.

    Now I’m not going to give you a long and boring story about each show.

    Anyway, a long and boring story, but I have probably made about 100 pieces.

    Вообще-то это скучная история, я, наверное, сделала вещей сто.

    For example, a long and boring journey will be shown as a screensaver.

    Например, длинное и скучное путешествие будет выглядеть как заставка.

    You will have a long and boring life.

    I am NOT going to give you a long and boring speech.

    No one wants to read a long and boring post about what the team did.

    Вряд ли кто-то будет читать длинную и сложную информацию о том, чем занимается Ваше предприятие.

    Many consider crossing the Nullarbor Plain a long and boring trek that should be travelled as quickly as possible.

    Многие считают пересечение равнины Налларбор длинным и скучным путешествием, во время которого нужно ехать как можно быстрее.

    We could name a long and boring list of all the nominations and awards received by our company in order to establish its high reputation and prove the high professional level that it demonstrates.

    Чтобы подтвердить репутацию компании и продемонстрировать высокий профессиональный уровень, можно долго и нудно перечислять все ее регалии и награды.

    But if at least one of these conditions is absent or not completely fulfilled, you won’t be able to turn on Wi-Fi, and this simple procedure will turn into a long and boring setup.

    Но если хотя бы одно из этих условий отсутствует или выполнено не полностью, включить вай-фай не удастся, и эта несложная процедура превратится в долгую и скучную настройку.

    The program of the party was more or less the same, election after election, a long and boring list of wishes for a just, more democratic, equal and ecological society.

    Программа партии оставалась почти неизменной от выборов к выборам: все тот же длинный и скучный перечень пожеланий насчет построения справедливого, более демократического, равноправного и экологичного общества.

    The so-called experts on Trump over at the New York Times wrote a long and boring article on my cellphone usage that is so incorrect I do not have time here to correct it, he tweeted.

    «Так называемые эксперты по Трампу из The New York Times написали длинную и скучную статью о моих телефонных звонках, которая настолько не соответствует действительности, что у меня нет времени исправлять ее», — написал он.

    It is obvious to look for a tussle-free transportation after a long and boring flight.

    Делается она вовсе не для того, чтобы помыть борт после долгого и тяжелого рейса.

    You may remember that the world’s first look at Command&Conquer: Rivals was during a long and boring part of EA’s 2018 EA Play press conference.

    Возможно, вы помните, что С&С: Rivals анонсировали во время долгой и скучной пресс-конференции EA Play 2018.

    And the work of scientists bears fruit, otherwise you would not be able to rely on their 80 years of a long and boring life (for comparison, in the beginning of the century you could count only on 50).

    И работа учёных приносит плоды, иначе бы ты не мог рассчитывать на свои 80 лет долгой и скучной жизни (для сравнения, в начале века ты бы мог рассчитывать лишь на 50).

    In addition, illustrations, diagrams and infographics are a hundred times better looking than a long and boring description in a thousand words!

    Кроме того, иллюстрации, диаграммы и инфографика в сто раз лучше длинного и скучного описания чего-либо, независимо от того, насколько хорошо оно написано.

    Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

    Результатов: 17. Точных совпадений: 17. Затраченное время: 71 мс


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    Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

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    Tiresome, Wearisome, Irksome, Humdrum, Tedious, Boring. We have included 5 synonyms for boring with detailed usage in a sentence. 

    boring, wearisome, tedious, tiresome, humdrum

    5 Synonyms for boring are here:

    What is the meaning of Tiresome?

    The adjective tiresome means something that makes you feel bored, or annoyed. You can describe someone or something as tiresome if you find them irritating or boring. A boring lecture can be tiresome; You uncle who always asks you science questions can be tiresome.

    • All the stories in this book is tiresome.
    • The oldest, most tiresome game is: What If.
    • I don’t like tiresome old drama.

    What is the meaning of  Wearisome?

    The adjective wearisome means something that makes you feel very bored and tired. It has all capability to exhaust energy, and strength of your body. A long and repetitive song can be wearisome; a long journey can be wearisome.

    • The customer care has to listen to the usual wearisome complaints.
    • I find my grandmother endless chatter very wearisome. 
    • Gossips can get a little wearisome.

    What is the meaning of Irksome?

    The adjective irksome means annoying, or irritating.
    If something is irksome, it irritates or annoys you.

    • So when do chefs get to be heard above the noise of irksome customers who believe they are always right?
    • I found the rules irksome.

    What is the meaning of  Humdrum?

    The adjective humdrum means not interesting, boring and always the same. Humdrum is something that lacks variety and excitement.

    • She liked the movie, but it found it was humdrum.
    • My daily routine was very humdrum.
    • At the time, it seemed like a fairly humdrum update to Apple’s flagship laptop.

    You can learn the meaning of humdrum by using the word drum, as drumbeat is always boring because it has one rhythm.

    What is the difference between tiresome, wearisome, irksome, and humdrum?

    Tiresome is a thing or person that is dull or boring, and that doesn’t show any fun.Tiresome thing is so boring that makes you feel fatigued.
    Tiresome is more physical than mental.

    Wearisome suggests extremely tiresome; It is so tiresome that can wear you down into a lethargic state.
    Merriam-Webster says,»A person or, especially, a thing is wearisome that exhausts one’s strength or patience through long-continued or constant call for effort, exertion, or attention, or through tiresome uniformity or character.»

    Irksome causes impatience; an angry customer that tests your patience can be known as irksome: an irksome task is one that you have to do despite the fact that you don’t have any interest in that either its process or its result. You would find it irksome to attend lectures by one whose delivery is tedious and whose subject matter is dull.
    Irksome creates a mixture of bodily and mental pain.

     Humdrum is like drumbeat that continues monotonously for a long time; the word thus means the automatic monotony(lack of variety) of routine. A humdrum thing is dull because of the persistent repetition. It lacks diversity, fun, and excitement.
    Living in a room for a long time can be humdrum; a dish without 
    spice can be humdrum; drumbeat can be humdrum.

    A tedious thing is colorless, unenliven, slow, and lengthy. 
    Tedious is more mental than physical. A long article full of heavy word come in category of tedious things. A lecture more than one hours become tedious.
    Tedious is not used for a person.

    Boring includes all the preceded words.

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    Handbook of English Grammar and Usage


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    Do you just sometimes find yourself losing focus or getting detached because something is just too boring? Getting bored is one of the worst feelings you can experience because you don’t get anything, you waste time, and you wish you were just doing something else. Boredom frequently enters our lives and we just have to deal with it. Maybe try reading this list of slang words for boring may help you fight boredom. Enjoy reading!

    Slang Words for Boring (in Alphabetical Order)



    • (Noun) An acronym for “Boring Old Fart.” Used mainly in the UK and the US. It is used for dull old people. 
    • Example: My grandpa isn’t a BOF. We would go hunting and camping in the woods.



    • (Noun) A slang of Filipino or Tagalog origins. It was first used for mountains or rural areas but it became widely associated with places that are boring or without any excitement.
    • Example: The annual carnival has become just another boondocks. Maybe it’s because we’ve grown up. 



    • (Noun) An altered version of  “boondocks.” Any place that is “in the middle of nowhere” or no fun at all. 
    • Example: I hate going to children’s birthday parties. It’s all boonies with loud crying kids.



    • (Noun) Something disappointing or unpleasant. Comes from the German word “brummein” which is used for mindless wandering or strolling.
    • Example: The spaghetti was a big bummer. They lost the original recipe so it’s no longer the same.



    • (Adjective) Boring, without pleasure, dull, or just disappointing.  
    • Example: The event was bunk because they pulled out the best bands.



    • (Adjective) Normally, this is used for something that is lacking moisture but it can also be used to describe something that is lacking or does not produce any satisfaction.
    • Example: The party started to get dry so we left as fast as we could. 



    • (Noun) A combination of dull and village. This slang is simply used to refer to places that are monotonous or boring.
    • Example: My hometown was such a dullsville until the new mayor started improving it. 

    Fun Sponge


    • (Noun) Someone who takes away the fun of something or just sucks the fun out of everything, thus making them boring.
    • Example: Marcus is a fun sponge. All he cares about is the rules.



    • (Adjective) This slang refers to something very dull or without any “spice.” 
    • Example: I was expecting something exciting for our anniversary but it was all humdrum. 

    Like Watching Paint Dry


    • (Expression) A slang or expression that is somewhat sarcastic. It may be used to describe something as lacking any fun, thrill, or excitement. 
    • Example: Filling out paperwork is very exciting. It is like watching paint dry. 



    • (Expression) Short for more of the same, referencing that something is boringly just the same or without any changes. 
    • Example: The new principal is mots. He doesn’t listen to students and lacks any exciting ideas.



    • (Noun) An event that makes you fall asleep because it is too boring.
    • Example: Your birthday party was a snoozefest. We need to make up for that.



    • (Noun) A vulgar placeholding slang for any location or place far away from anything interesting 
    • Example: Las Vegas was a twittlefuck desert. It was only because of the erection of casinos that the city gained some life. 

    Upper Robot Boot


    • (Noun) Another placeholder for somewhere that is unhip.
    • Example: He lives in Upper Robot Boot, Arizona. Nothing ever happens there.

    Wet Blanket


    • (Noun) A person that spoils or ruins the fun. 
    • Example: Quit being such a wet blanket! You have the chance to be cool for once.

    Tasks can be boring or fun. There seems to be no in between, and a lot of that enthusiasm depends on the length of the task in question. This article will specifically look into words we can use for tasks that will take a long time.

    Which Words Can Describe A Task That Will Take A Long Time?

    We can provide plenty of options to describe tasks of this nature. You should check out some of the following:

    • Time-consuming
    • Resource-intensive
    • Lengthy
    • Drawn-out
    • Extended
    • Prolonged
    • Protracted
    • Cumbersome
    • Arduous
    • Tedious
    • Boring

    Words For A Task That Will Take A Long Time

    The preferred version is “time-consuming” because it highlights the exact meaning we’re looking for. We can call tasks that are either boring or fun time-consuming. The idea is that they “consume” a lot of “time,” but we need not indicate whether we like the task or not.


    “Time-consuming” is a great adjective we can use to talk about long tasks. We mainly use it negatively to show that we’re not happy about the amount of time something takes to complete. However, it can also be a positive adjective when needed to be.

    The definition of “time-consuming,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “taking a lot of time to do or complete.”

    • These tasks are very time-consuming, but I’m a diligent worker and get them done.
    • I hate how time-consuming my days can be when the boss sets these tasks.
    • Stop setting time-consuming work for him. He’s suffered enough already!


    “Resource-intensive” is a good adjective we can use with a more specific meaning. It refers to tasks that take a long time because of the amount of “resources” they demand from what is available in an office.

    For example, if a system requires a lot of memory to run, it can be slower than usual. This is made worse if your office’s equipment is old-fashioned and lacks memory. The work could be slow through no fault of your own because it’s “resource-intensive.”

    • The resource-intensive tasks always make me lose my mind!
    • I don’t think you realize how resource-intensive this one was!
    • Stop giving us such resource-intensive tasks! How are we ever going to complete them?


    “Lengthy” works when we want to show that a task continues for a long time. We use it mainly negatively, but it can also show that we might be happy with certain tasks that require more time than usual.

    The definition of “lengthy,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “continuing for a long time.”

    • The lengthy tasks are always the ones that I look forward to doing.
    • Sometimes, it’s nice to have lengthier tasks! That way, you can switch your brain off and just get them done.
    • I want to stop with these lengthy jobs. I need to take a break from them!


    “Drawn-out” shows that we are not best pleased with the length of a task. It is a negative adjective we can use to describe a task that takes more time than it deserves.

    It’s a good word to share your disappointment with a superior. If you believe that the task did not require as much time or effort as you gave to it, you might want to use a word like this to explain yourself.

    The definition of “drawn-out,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “lasting longer than is usual or necessary.”

    • You’ve managed to make this task more drawn-out than I thought possible!
    • I feel like this task has drawn-out for longer than I wanted it! I’m so sick of it already.
    • Can we stop handing out drawn-out jobs for the lackeys to do now, please?


    “Extended” means that something is longer than usual. If someone is used to shorter tasks or jobs, we can use “extended” whenever we’ve decided to set them one that might take more time than they’re used to.

    The definition of “extended,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “long or longer than usual.”

    • I have extended the hours required to complete this task. Hopefully, you’ll find them more suitable now.
    • If you’d like any more of these extended tasks, please do not hesitate to contact me.
    • I think you should look into getting an extended record for this. The longer the employment, the better.


    “Prolonged” means that something is designed to last for a long time. Often, tasks like this don’t require much brain power, but they certainly require a great deal of dedication.

    Sometimes, the most boring jobs are the ones that take the longest time. Therefore, we need to find somebody who is willing to commit some hours into a task no matter how boring it might seem to them.

    The definition of “prolonged,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “continuing for a long time.”

    • The prolonged tasks have managed to keep my workforce busy for a very long time.
    • I didn’t mean to set so many prolonged jobs for you. I’ll try to find someone to help you lighten the load.
    • Oh, no! This task is going to be a prolonged one! I need to find the time to set aside for it.


    “Protracted” means that something takes a long time to complete. It works well when we want to use something other than “prolonged” to show that it requires a great deal of effort or time.

    The definition of “protracted,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “lasting for a long time or made to last longer than necessary.”

    • I have set a few tasks that might be a little protracted, but they’re necessary.
    • You should find attached a list of protracted jobs that I need you to delegate for me.
    • If you think I’m going to do a job that protracted for you anytime soon, you can think again!


    “Cumbersome” is great to show that we aren’t particularly thrilled with the length of a task. It means that we have a difficult time managing our time and effort because we find it much longer than it needs to be.

    The definition of “cumbersome,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “difficult to do or manage and taking a lot of time and effort.”

    • These tasks are particularly cumbersome. I think we should talk to the boss about them.
    • Do you mind giving me such cumbersome tasks when I’m supposed to be on vacation?
    • I need to find a job that’s less cumbersome. I’m sick of the long hours!


    “Arduous” works when we want to show that something is difficult because it is long and requires a lot of effort. Typically, arduous jobs are difficult because they require our minds to be active at all times.

    Some people only have another “bandwidth” for a certain amount of time in their job roles or with the tasks they do. Therefore, if a task is not only long but challenging, it can prove too difficult for some people.

    The definition of “arduous,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “difficult, needing a lot of effort and energy.”

    • The arduous tasks set by our managers are getting a little out of control.
    • I can’t handle all these arduous tasks! I need a break before I go mad.
    • Let’s not agree to do any more of the arduous tasks! They’re not worth our time!


    “Tedious” allows us to be a little more specific with our inspiration or enjoyment from a job. We can use it to show that it’s long, but it also shows that we are not happy about doing it and will find it boring.

    “Tedious” is a bit harsh when used to talk about all long tasks. While some tasks are long, they don’t always have to be synonymous with the word “boring.” However, some people simply avoid tasks that take more than a few hours for this very reason.

    The definition of “tedious,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “boring.”

    • The boss has set some pretty tedious tasks for us over the coming weeks.
    • These tasks are very tedious. I think we might be able to speed them up if we work together but not by much.
    • I don’t want to have to do any more tedious data-entry jobs. I’m sick of them!


    Again, if we want to be more specific about whether we will enjoy the task (or not), then “boring” is a good option. It doesn’t specifically refer to the amount of time the task will take, but the implication is that it will be long and uninspiring.

    Most people find longer tasks to be boring. If they take up far too much of someone’s time, they might find that they’re bored beyond belief. That’s why we can use this word just as well as “tedious.”

    The definition of “boring,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “not interesting or exciting.”

    • This task is so boring! I really didn’t want to do it, but the boss made me.
    • I think this is incredibly boring! I wish there were something else I could be doing right now.
    • Well, it’s definitely going to be a boring task. It’s going to take at least a couple of hours!

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    martin lassen dam grammarhow

    Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

  • 1
    long boring

    глубокое растачивание; глубокое сверление

    English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > long boring

  • 2
    long boring

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > long boring

  • 3
    long boring

    глубокое растачивание; глубокое сверление

    Англо-русский словарь по машиностроению > long boring

  • 4
    long-hole boring

    English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > long-hole boring

  • 5

    English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > boring

  • 6

    1. n долгий срок; длительный период; большой промежуток времени

    for long — надолго, на большой срок

    2. n стих. долгий слог

    long term — долгий срок; долгосрочный

    3. n фон. долгий гласный

    4. n муз. лонга

    5. n бирж. покупатель ценных бумаг

    6. n бирж. спекулянт, играющий на повышение

    7. n бирж. брюки

    8. n бирж. большие роста

    9. a длинный

    at long range — на большом расстоянии; с большого расстояния

    10. a редк. высокий, долговязый

    11. a долгий, продолжительный, длительный

    12. a имеющий такую-то длину; длиной в …

    13. a имеющий такую-то продолжительность; продолжительностью в …

    14. a отдалённый

    15. a фин. долгосрочный

    16. a медленный, медлительный

    17. a томительный, скучный

    long, unlively debate — длинные, скучные дебаты

    18. a разг. большой

    19. a разг. удлинённый, продолговатый

    20. a разг. грам. полный

    21. a разг. целый

    long mile — добрая миля, не меньше мили

    22. a разг. богатый; сильный

    long head — проницательность; предусмотрительность

    23. adv долго; длительно

    24. adv давно; долгое время

    25. adv усил. полностью; с начала до конца

    long house — длинный вигвам; общий дом нескольких семейств

    26. adv бирж. на повышение

    so long as — если только, при условии, что

    27. v страстно желать; стремиться

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. boring (adj.) boring; long-winded; prolix; tedious; verbose; wordy

    2. lengthy (adj.) attenuated; dragging; drawn out; drawn-out; elongate; elongated; extended; extensive; interminable; lengthy; long-drawn-out; longsome; overlong; prolonged; protracted; unending

    3. age (noun) aeon; aeons; age; ages; blue moon; coon’s age; dog’s age; donkey’s years; eternity

    4. ache (verb) ache; covet; crave; desire; dream; hanker; hanker for; hunger; itch; long for; lust; pant; pine; pine for; sigh; suspire; thirst; wish; yearn; yearn for; yen

    Антонимический ряд:

    brief; compact; compressed; concise; condensed; curt; disdain; ephemeral; evanescent; fleeting; forgo; interesting; laconic; pithy; short

    English-Russian base dictionary > long

  • 7

    имя прилагательное:

    долгосрочный (long, long-term, long-time, long-distance)


    имя существительное:


    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > long

  • 8

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > long-winded

  • 9

    1. a с хорошими лёгкими, могущий долго бежать не задыхаясь

    2. a многоречивый

    3. a скучный, тягучий

    Синонимический ряд:

    wordy (adj.) boring; diffuse; dragging; effusive; grandiloquent; long; palaverous; periphrastic; profuse; prolix; redundant; tautological; tedious; verbose; voluble; windy; wordy

    English-Russian base dictionary > long-winded

  • 10
    long jumper

    English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > long jumper

  • 11
    long projection boring

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > long projection boring

  • 12
    long-hole boring

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > long-hole boring

  • 13
    long-hole boring apparatus

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > long-hole boring apparatus

  • 14
    long projection boring

    English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > long projection boring

  • 15
    long-hole boring apparatus

    устройство для глубокого растачивания, устройство для глубокого сверления

    English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > long-hole boring apparatus

  • 16
    long projection boring

    Англо-русский словарь по машиностроению > long projection boring

  • 17
    long-hole boring

    глубокое растачивание; глубокое сверление

    Англо-русский словарь по машиностроению > long-hole boring

  • 18
    diamond boring

    Англо-русский словарь по машиностроению > diamond boring

  • 19

    14) Программирование: географически привязанные сервисы

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > LBS

  • 20

    14) Программирование: географически привязанные сервисы

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Lbs

  • См. также в других словарях:

    • long — long1 longly, adv. longness, n. /lawng, long/, adj. longer /lawng geuhr, long /, longest /lawng gist, long /, n., adv. adj. 1. having considerable linear extent in space: a long distance; a long handle. 2. having considerable duration in time: a… …   Universalium

    • Boring, Oregon — Boring is an unincorporated community located in Clackamas County, Oregon, United States. It is located along Oregon Route 212, approximately eight miles south of Gresham and about the same distance from Clackamas, both suburbs of… …   Wikipedia

    • long-winded — long wind|ed [ˌlɔŋ ˈwındıd US ˌlo:ŋ ] adj 1.) continuing to talk for too long or using too many words in a way that is boring ▪ His speeches tend to be rather long winded. 2.) if a way of doing something is long winded, it is very complicated ▪… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

    • long-winded — speech or writing continues for too long in a way that is boring. She launched into a long winded explanation of how she d found the books and I m afraid I didn t really listen …   New idioms dictionary

    • long — long1 W1S1 [lɔŋ US lo:ŋ] adj comparative longer superlative longest ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(great length)¦ 2¦(great distance)¦ 3¦(large amount of time)¦ 4¦(particular length/distance/time)¦ 5¦(writing)¦ 6¦(clothing)¦ 7¦(tiring/boring)¦ …   Dictionary of contemporary English

    • long — long1 W1S1 [lɔŋ US lo:ŋ] adj comparative longer superlative longest ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(great length)¦ 2¦(great distance)¦ 3¦(large amount of time)¦ 4¦(particular length/distance/time)¦ 5¦(writing)¦ 6¦(clothing)¦ 7¦(tiring/boring)¦ …   Dictionary of contemporary English

    • long-horned beetle — /lawng hawrnd , long / any of numerous, often brightly colored beetles of the family Cerambycidae, usually with long antennae, the larva of which bores into the wood of living or decaying trees. Also called longhorn. [1830 40] * * * ▪ insect also …   Universalium

    • long-horned beetle — noun long bodied beetle having very long antennae • Syn: ↑longicorn, ↑longicorn beetle • Hypernyms: ↑beetle • Hyponyms: ↑sawyer, ↑sawyer beetle • …   Useful english dictionary

    • long — I adj 1. extensive, extended, expanded, expansive; broad, wide, widespread, spread out, outspread, stretched out, outstretched. 2. lengthy, protracted, prolonged, elongated, elongate, sustained; longish, overlong, long drawn, long drawn out,… …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

    • boring — Synonyms and related words: acupunctuation, acupuncture, arid, bore, boresome, broach, dead, drab, dreary, drill hole, drudging, dry, dull, empiercement, exhausting, fatiguing, fixing, flat, goring, gray, humdrum, impalement, irksome, lancing,… …   Moby Thesaurus

    • boring — adj 1. tedious, monotonous, humdrum, repetitious, routine, unvaried; dull, flat, dead, bland, insipid, Sl. blah, Sl. ho hum; uninteresting, uninspiring, unanimated, unexciting, dry as dust; mediocre, Inf. nothing to write home about, Sl. nothing; …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

    • dull
    • humdrum
    • lifeless
    • monotonous
    • mundane
    • stale
    • stodgy
    • stuffy
    • stupid
    • tame
    • tedious
    • tiresome
    • tiring
    • trite
    • uninteresting
    • bomb
    • bummer
    • cloying
    • commonplace
    • dead
    • drab
    • drag
    • drudging
    • flat
    • nothing
    • nowhere
    • plebeian
    • routine
    • stereotyped
    • zero
    • arid
    • bromidic
    • characterless
    • colorless
    • ho-hum
    • insipid
    • interminable
    • irksome
    • moth-eaten
    • platitudinous
    • prosaic
    • repetitious
    • spiritless
    • threadbare
    • unexciting
    • unvaried
    • vapid
    • wearisome
    • well-worn

    On this page you’ll find 103 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to boring, such as: dull, humdrum, lifeless, monotonous, mundane, and stale.

    Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

    TRY USING boring

    See how your sentence looks with different synonyms.

    How to use boring in a sentence


    OCTOBER 26, 1985


    • boring
    • colorless
    • drab
    • dreary
    • dry
    • dull
    • flat
    • insipid
    • lackluster
    • lifeless
    • tedious
    • unanimated
    • uninspired
    • vapid
    • wearisome
    • boring
    • dull
    • dulled
    • trite
    • uninterested
    • banausic
    • bland
    • boring
    • dreary
    • humdrum
    • monotone
    • monotonous
    • pedestrian
    • plodding
    • yawn producing
    • banal
    • blah
    • boring
    • dull
    • dull as dishwater
    • flat
    • flavorless
    • ho-hum
    • humdrum
    • insipid
    • milk-and-water
    • monotonous
    • nerdy
    • nothing
    • pabulum
    • sapless
    • tame
    • tedious
    • unexciting
    • uninspiring
    • uninteresting
    • unstimulating
    • vanilla
    • vapid
    • waterish
    • watery
    • weak
    • white-bread
    • wimpy
    • wishy-washy
    • zero
    • boring
    • buttoned-down
    • conformist
    • conservative
    • conventional
    • old-fashioned
    • strait-laced
    • stuffy
    • traditional
    • unimaginative
    • boring
    • buttoned-down
    • conformist
    • conservative
    • old-fashioned
    • strait-laced
    • stuffy
    • traditional
    • unimaginative

    Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

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