Word for birds of a region


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The Times Concise 24 April 2022 AVIFAUNA
Universal 4 August 2014 AVIFAUNA
USA Today 1 December 2013 AVIFAUNA
L.A. Times Sunday 25 April 2010 ORNIS

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The words highlighted in colour are linked to articles about the words.

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Please note that this glossary was first posted in October 2006 and the articles will progressively appear on my blog over the following twelve months.

  • Aberrant: something that is unusual or abnormal
  • Accidental: when a species is observed in an area or region where it is a long way from its normal range or distribution, it is said to be ‘accidental’.
  • Adult: a bird mature enough to be able to breed
  • Axillaries: feathers that cover the underside of the wing in the region of the ‘armpit’ of the bird, that is, where the wing joins the body. In some species it is distinctly coloured.
  • Bar: a band across the breast, tail or wing that is contrasting in colour or shading.
  • Belly: the lower underpart of the body of a bird down to where the tail feathers start.
  • Bird watcher: a birder, someone who watches birds as a hobby.
  • Birder: a bird watcher, a person who enjoys watching and studying birds.
  • Birding: the hobby of watching and studying birds
  • Breeding plumage: feathers that are usually more brightly coloured than non-breeding feathers and which appear during the breeding season.
  • Cap: a patch of colour on the top of the head or the crown of a bird.
  • Casual: a bird that has been observed outside its normal range.
  • Cere: the bare fleshy part of the upper beak of a bird that contains the nostrils.
  • Collar: a contrasting coloured band of feathers on the neck of a bird.
  • Colonial: species of birds that roost or nest in communal groups, or colonies, are said to live in colonial groups
  • Colour morph: variations of colours of individuals of the same species, either lighter or darker plumage, as in some eagles.
  • Corvids: birds that belong to the crow or raven family of birds
  • Courting display: a display by either a male or female bird, or both, used to attract a mate with the aim of breeding.
  • Coverts: the smaller feathers that cover the bases of the tail feathers or wing feathers.
  • Crown: the top of the head of a bird
  • Cryptic: something that is hidden. A bird may have cryptic colours or markings that help it to hide from predators in its preferred habitat. A bird’s behaviour may also be cryptic, meaning it acts in ways to prevent it being seen by other species.
  • Diagnostic: a feature of a bird that helps to distinguish it from other species being observed. It can refer to plumage colour, size, shape, behaviour or call. For example, the call of a Laughing Kookaburra is diagnostic; no other species of kingfisher sounds like it except perhaps the similar Blue-Winged Kookaburra. The colour of a Blackbird distinguishes it from a Grey Shrike Thrush. The size of a pelican sets it apart from a tern or gull. The beak of a thornbill is slender compared with a finch.
  • Dip: to miss out on seeing a bird common in the area, or to miss seeing a species one particularly wanted to see, especially frustrating if everyone else has seen it and it is rather rare. Can be compared to scoring a duck (0 runs) in cricket when the team has scored over 600 runs.
  • Distribution: a description of where a bird can normally be found, also called its range. This is sometimes accompanied or replaced by a map with shading or colour indicating where it is found.
  • Diurnal: a bird species that is active by day, the opposite of nocturnal.
  • Duetting: a male and a female of the same species singing together, usually in response to each other, and with different song patterns. The Magpie Lark and the Pied Butcherbird are good examples of this song pattern.
  • Ear-coverts: the small feathers that cover the area of the ear, sometimes distinctively coloured.
  • Eclipse Plumage: for some months after breeding some species, for example, some male ducks and male wrens, take on a duller plumage colour before resuming their normal plumage.
  • Endangered: a species so few in number it is in danger of becoming rare or even extinct.
  • Endemic: a species of bird that is confined to a particular region. The Chestnut-breasted Whiteface is endemic to my home state, South Australia. It is not found anywhere else. It is also our only endemic species.
  • Extinct: a species that has died out and is no longer in existence.
  • Feral: a domesticated species that has been released or has escaped into the wild and is now living independently.
  • Field Guide: a book giving details of all the birds found in a region or country. Field guides usually include colour illustrations of the birds, descriptive notes to help identify the bird and a distribution map.
  • Fledge: a bird is said to fledge when it is able to fly.
  • Fledgling: a young bird that is partly or wholly covered in feathers. It is also used of a young bird when it first begins to fly.
  • Flight feathers: these are the well developed feathers on the wings and tail which are used in flight. The wing feathers consist of primaries, secondaries and tertiaries.
  • Gregarious: some birds live in groups and are said to be gregarious. One such species is the White-Winged Chough. They are usually seen in groups of from 5 to 10, though the family group that visits my garden has been up to 12 in size. I have seen larger groups than that in other places.
  • Hackles: long feathers on the throat or neck, as in ravens and crows.
  • Hybridisation: the cross- breeding between different species
  • Immature: this is the stage of a bird’s life from when it fledges, or flies, until it is ready to breed.
  • Irruption: when large numbers of a particular species move to an area where they are not commonly found in large numbers, often in response to drought, rainfall or other environmental changes. In Australia, some species of hawks and kites can irrupt into areas experiencing mouse plagues or locusts. Water birds irrupt into areas experiencing sudden flooding.
  • Juvenile bird: a young fledged bird that has not yet reached sexual maturity.
  • Life list: a list of birds a birder has seen in their life time. Many also keep year lists, month lists, week lists or day lists. Other lists include place lists, state lists, country lists, lists of birds seen on television, in movies, from their office window – in fact, this listing is limited only by the birder’s imagination, time available and interests.
  • Lifer: the first ever time that a birder sees a species of bird it is called a ‘lifer’ or a ‘tick’.
  • Mallee: this is a word I use often in my blog because I live in the Mallee districts of South Australia. Mallee is a group name for eucalypt trees which form dense scrublands and are usually found in arid or semi-arid parts of Australia. They are usually multi-trunked trees growing from a single underground stump called a lignotuber.
  • Mandibles: the two parts of a bird’s beak, namely, the upper mandible and the lower mandible.
  • Migration: the regular seasonal or annual movement of a species from one area to another.
  • Month list: a list of all the bird species seen in a particular month.
  • Nocturnal: active at night, such as owls. (The opposite is diurnal, or active in the day time.)
  • Nomadic: some species are able to move erratically between different regions in response to drought, rainfall or lack of food sources. For example, honeyeaters may move from their normal habitat to another area where there is an abundance of flowering trees.
  • Oriental:  the region consisting of the Himalayas, India, SE Asia and Indonesia.
  • Ornithologist: another name for a birder or bird watcher, but usually someone who takes their interest very seriously. Those who study birds as part of their work are best called ornithologists.
  • Ornithology: the serious study of birds, the habits, life cycle, habitats and characteristics of birds, often involving keeping of detailed records and writing articles or books about birdlife.
  • Passerine: more than half the birds in the world are in the order called Passeriformes. They are sometimes called perching birds, or, less accurately, songbirds. The name comes from the Latin name for the common House Sparrow Passer domesticus. All Passerines have three toes pointing forward with no webbing, and one toe pointing backward. Non-Passerines have a variety of arrangements of toes.
  • Pelagic: a bird that is ocean living. This term is also used to refer to boat trips especially organised to travel out to sea to observe pelagic species such as the Albatross.
  • Pellet: a chunk of material consisting of undigested food particles such as feathers, bones and other things regurgitated by some raptors, owls, corvids, and other species.
  • Pied: having feathers in a black and white pattern.
  • Plumage: all the feathers covering a bird are called its plumage. The colours and condition of the plumage can change with age, sex and the time of the year. Some species have special breeding plumage for a part of the year, for example.
  • Plume: a long feather or group of feathers often used by males when displaying to females before mating.
  • Range: the normal distribution of a species of bird, where it is normally found.
  • Raptors: birds of prey such as eagles, hawks and owls.
  • Ratites: birds that have a flat breastbone, such as ostriches, emus, cassowaries, rheas and kiwis. All ratites are flightless.
  • Resident: a bird that remains in the same place all year round is said to be resident, as opposed a species that is migratory. The New Holland Honeyeater, for example, is resident in my garden because it is found here all year round.
  • Roost: the act of sleeping by birds; the word can also be used of the perch, such as a branch, where the bird sleeps.
  • Rump: this is the part of the bird below the back and above the tail feathers.
  • Scrape: a shallow depression on the ground made by some birds for a nest.
  • Species: a group of birds (or animals, insects, plants, etc) that breed among themselves and not normally with other species and which usually look very similar. All species have been given a two part scientific name (in a Latin form), the first name being capitalised and refers to the genus, the second name is not capitalised and refers to the species. For example, the common House Sparrow is called Passer domesticus. The genus name Passer is used for many different kinds of sparrows, and the species name domesticus refers to ‘house’ because this bird is usually found around human habitation. The Spanish Sparrow is known as Passer hispaniolensis and the Italian Sparrow is known as Passer italiae. See also Sub-species.
  • Status: the relative current standing or condition of a species. For example, a species could be common, widespread and increasing its range. Another species may be uncommon, rare in some areas and vagrant in other regions. Some species are endangered, meaning their status could become rare, or even extinct.
  • Sub-species: some species of birds are split into recognisable sub-species because there are significant regional or geographic differences between them. Each sub-species is given a third scientific name. For example, all magpies in Australia are known as Australian Magpies or Gymnorhina tibicen tibicen. The widespread sub-species White-Backed Magpie is quite easily distinguished in the field and is known as Gymnorhina tibicen leuconota.
  • Talons: these are strong, sharp, curved claws used by birds like eagles, kawks and owls.
  • Terrestrial: living on the ground, or spending a great deal of time on the ground.
  • Territory, territorial [details coming soon]
  • Tick: the first time a birder sees a bird they are said to “tick” it on their “life list”. It is also called a “lifer”.
  • Twitcher: someone who is prepared to travel great distances or go to great effort or expense in order to see birds, often just a single bird, that they have never seen before so that it can be marked on their list of birds seen (called a “tick” or “lifer”). The word ‘twitcher’ might have originated from their propensity to develop a nervous twitch until the rare or desired bird has been ticked off their list.
  • Twitching: the habit or behaviour of some very keen or compulsive birders, ‘twitchers,’ who must travel great distances or go to great effort in order to see a rare or unusual bird, or a species they have never seen before.
  • Vagrant: a bird is a vagrant if it is present in an area or habitat where it normally would not be found. Birds sometimes get wind swept by storms or individuals may become lost of disoriented.
  • Vent: the area of a bird’s body around the cloaca.
  • Wattle: In plants: members of the acacia genus. In birds: a long, brightly coloured, fleshy lobe hanging from the face or neck, such as in the Red Wattlebird.
  • Year list: a list of all the bird species seen in a calendar year.

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Prefixes of bird

  • hummingbird

    • noun tiny American bird having brilliant iridescent plumage and long slender bills; wings are specialized for vibrating flight

    • More ‘hummingbird’ Meaning
    • hummingbird Idioms/Phrases
    • hummingbird Associated Words
    • hummingbird Prefix/Suffix Words
    • hummingbird Related Words
  • blackbird

    • noun any bird of the family Icteridae whose male is black or predominantly black
      New World blackbird.
    • noun common black European thrush
      ouzel; Turdus merula; merle; merl; ousel; European blackbird.

    • More ‘blackbird’ Meaning
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    • blackbird Related Words
  • seabird

    • noun a bird that frequents coastal waters and the open ocean: gulls; pelicans; gannets; cormorants; albatrosses; petrels; etc.
      sea bird; seafowl.

    • More ‘seabird’ Meaning
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    • seabird Related Words
  • bluebird

    • noun fruit-eating mostly brilliant blue songbird of the East Indies
      fairy bluebird.
    • noun blue North American songbird

    • More ‘bluebird’ Meaning
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  • mockingbird

    • noun long-tailed grey-and-white songbird of the southern United States able to mimic songs of other birds
      mocker; Mimus polyglotktos.

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  • songbird

    • noun any bird having a musical call

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  • catbird

    • noun any of various birds of the Australian region whose males build ornamented structures resembling bowers in order to attract females
    • noun North American songbird whose call resembles a cat’s mewing
      gray catbird; Dumetella carolinensis; grey catbird.

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  • firebird

    • noun the male is bright red with black wings and tail
      scarlet tanager; Piranga olivacea; redbird.
    • noun eastern subspecies of northern oriole
      Baltimore oriole; hangbird; Baltimore bird; Icterus galbula galbula.

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  • ladybird

    • noun small round bright-colored and spotted beetle that usually feeds on aphids and other insect pests
      ladybug; ladybird beetle; ladybeetle; lady beetle.

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  • snowbird

    • noun medium-sized Eurasian thrush seen chiefly in winter
      fieldfare; Turdus pilaris.
    • noun white Arctic bunting
      Plectrophenax nivalis; snowflake; snow bunting.

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  • cowbird

    • noun North American blackbird that follows cattle and lays eggs in other birds’ nests

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  • thunderbird

    • noun (mythology) the spirit of thunder and lightning believed by some Native Americans to take the shape of a great bird

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  • waterbird

    • noun freshwater aquatic bird
      water bird; waterfowl.

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  • lovebird

    • noun small Australian parakeet usually light green with black and yellow markings in the wild but bred in many colors
      budgerygah; budgereegah; budgie; budgerigar; grass parakeet; Melopsittacus undulatus; shell parakeet.
    • noun small African parrot noted for showing affection for their mates

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  • lyrebird

    • noun Australian bird that resembles a pheasant; the courting male displays long tail feathers in a lyre shape

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  • shorebird

    • noun any of numerous wading birds that frequent mostly seashores and estuaries
      shore bird; limicoline bird.

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  • bowerbird

    • noun any of various birds of the Australian region whose males build ornamented structures resembling bowers in order to attract females

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  • ovenbird

    • noun American warbler; builds a dome-shaped nest on the ground
      Seiurus aurocapillus.
    • noun small brownish South American birds that build oven-shaped clay nests

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  • weaverbird

    • noun finch-like African and Asian colonial birds noted for their elaborately woven nests
      weaver; weaver finch.

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  • redbird

    • noun the male is bright red with black wings and tail
      scarlet tanager; Piranga olivacea; firebird.
    • noun crested thick-billed North American finch having bright red plumage in the male
      cardinal grosbeak; Cardinalis cardinalis; Richmondena Cardinalis; cardinal.

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  • kingbird

    • noun large American flycatcher
      Tyrannus tyrannus.

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  • tropicbird

    • noun mostly white web-footed tropical seabird often found far from land
      tropic bird; boatswain bird.

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  • yellowbird

    • noun yellow-throated American wood warbler
      golden warbler; Dendroica petechia; yellow warbler.
    • noun American finch whose male has yellow body plumage in summer
      New World goldfinch; goldfinch; Spinus tristis.

    • More ‘yellowbird’ Meaning
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  • butcherbird

    • noun shrikes that impale their prey on thorns
    • noun large carnivorous Australian bird with the shrike-like habit of impaling prey on thorns

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  • bellbird

    • noun any of several tropical American birds of the genus Procnias having a bell-like call

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  • yardbird

    • noun a military recruit who is assigned menial tasks
      yard bird.
    • noun a person serving a sentence in a jail or prison
      inmate; convict; yard bird; con.

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  • nightbird

    • noun a person who likes to be active late at night
      nighthawk; night owl.

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  • jailbird

    • noun a criminal who has been jailed repeatedly
      gaolbird; jail bird.

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  • jaybird

    • noun common jay of eastern North America; bright blue with grey breast
      blue jay; Cyanocitta cristata.

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  • whirlybird

    • noun an aircraft without wings that obtains its lift from the rotation of overhead blades
      helicopter; eggbeater; chopper.

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Suffixes of bird

  • bird

    • noun warm-blooded egg-laying vertebrates characterized by feathers and forelimbs modified as wings
    • noun the flesh of a bird or fowl (wild or domestic) used as food

    • More ‘bird’ Meaning
    • birds Associated Words
    • birds Prefix/Suffix Words
    • birds Related Words
  • birdie

    • noun (golf) a score of one stroke under par on a hole
    • noun badminton equipment consisting of a ball of cork or rubber with a crown of feathers
      shuttle; shuttlecock; bird.

    • More ‘birdie’ Meaning
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    • birdie Associated Words
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    • birdie Related Words
  • bird

    • noun warm-blooded egg-laying vertebrates characterized by feathers and forelimbs modified as wings
    • noun the flesh of a bird or fowl (wild or domestic) used as food

    • More ‘bird’ Meaning
    • bird Idioms/Phrases
    • birding Associated Words
    • birding Prefix/Suffix Words
    • birding Related Words
  • birder

    • noun a person who identifies and studies birds in their natural habitats
      bird watcher.

    • More ‘birder’ Meaning
    • birders Associated Words
    • birders Prefix/Suffix Words
    • birders Related Words
  • birdwatch

    • verb watch and study birds in their natural habitat

    • More ‘birdwatch’ Meaning
    • birdwatching Related Words
  • birdie

    • noun (golf) a score of one stroke under par on a hole
    • noun badminton equipment consisting of a ball of cork or rubber with a crown of feathers
      shuttle; shuttlecock; bird.

    • More ‘birdie’ Meaning
    • birdies Associated Words
    • birdies Related Words
  • birder

    • noun a person who identifies and studies birds in their natural habitats
      bird watcher.

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    • birder Associated Words
    • birder Prefix/Suffix Words
    • birder Related Words
  • birdsong

    • noun the characteristic sound produced by a bird
      birdcall; call; song.
      • a bird will not learn its song unless it hears it at an early age

    • More ‘birdsong’ Meaning
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  • birdbath

    • noun an ornamental basin (usually in a garden) for birds to bathe in

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  • birdcage

    • noun a cage in which a bird can be kept

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    • birdcage Associated Words
    • birdcage Prefix/Suffix Words
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  • birdhouse

    • noun a shelter for birds

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  • birdseed

    • noun food given to birds; usually mixed seeds
      bird feed; bird food.

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    • birdseed Idioms/Phrases
    • birdseed Associated Words
    • birdseed Related Words
  • bird

    • noun warm-blooded egg-laying vertebrates characterized by feathers and forelimbs modified as wings
    • noun the flesh of a bird or fowl (wild or domestic) used as food

    • More ‘bird’ Meaning
    • bird’s Associated Words
    • bird’s Related Words
  • birdwatch

    • verb watch and study birds in their natural habitat

    • More ‘birdwatch’ Meaning
    • birdwatch Associated Words
    • birdwatch Prefix/Suffix Words
    • birdwatch Related Words
  • birdcall

    • noun the characteristic sound produced by a bird
      call; birdsong; song.
      • a bird will not learn its song unless it hears it at an early age
    • noun a device for imitating a birdcall

    • More ‘birdcall’ Meaning
    • birdcalls Associated Words
    • birdcalls Related Words
  • birdsong

    • noun the characteristic sound produced by a bird
      birdcall; call; song.
      • a bird will not learn its song unless it hears it at an early age

    • More ‘birdsong’ Meaning
    • birdsongs Related Words
  • birdcall

    • noun the characteristic sound produced by a bird
      call; birdsong; song.
      • a bird will not learn its song unless it hears it at an early age
    • noun a device for imitating a birdcall

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    • birdcall Prefix/Suffix Words
    • birdcall Related Words
  • birdie

    • noun (golf) a score of one stroke under par on a hole
    • noun badminton equipment consisting of a ball of cork or rubber with a crown of feathers
      shuttle; shuttlecock; bird.

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    • birdied Associated Words
    • birdied Related Words
  • birdfeeder

    • noun an outdoor device that supplies food for wild birds
      bird feeder; feeder.

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    • birdfeeder Prefix/Suffix Words
    • birdfeeder Related Words
  • birdbrain

    • noun a person with confused ideas; incapable of serious thought
      loon; addle-head; addlehead.

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    • birdbrain Associated Words
    • birdbrain Related Words
  • birdbath

    • noun an ornamental basin (usually in a garden) for birds to bathe in

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    • birdbaths Related Words
  • birdhouse

    • noun a shelter for birds

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    • birdhouses Related Words
  • birdcage

    • noun a cage in which a bird can be kept

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    • birdcages Associated Words
    • birdcages Related Words
  • birdlime

    • noun a sticky adhesive that is smeared on small branches to capture small birds
    • verb spread birdlime on branches to catch birds

    • More ‘birdlime’ Meaning
    • birdlime Associated Words
    • birdlime Related Words
  • birdwatch

    • verb watch and study birds in their natural habitat

    • More ‘birdwatch’ Meaning
    • birdwatcher Associated Words
    • birdwatcher Prefix/Suffix Words
    • birdwatcher Related Words

Derived words of bird

  • seabird

    • noun a bird that frequents coastal waters and the open ocean: gulls; pelicans; gannets; cormorants; albatrosses; petrels; etc.
      sea bird; seafowl.

    • More ‘seabird’ Meaning
    • seabirds Associated Words
    • seabirds Related Words
  • hummingbird

    • noun tiny American bird having brilliant iridescent plumage and long slender bills; wings are specialized for vibrating flight

    • More ‘hummingbird’ Meaning
    • hummingbirds Associated Words
    • hummingbirds Related Words
  • waterbird

    • noun freshwater aquatic bird
      water bird; waterfowl.

    • More ‘waterbird’ Meaning
    • waterbirds Associated Words
    • waterbirds Related Words
  • lovebird

    • noun small Australian parakeet usually light green with black and yellow markings in the wild but bred in many colors
      budgerygah; budgereegah; budgie; budgerigar; grass parakeet; Melopsittacus undulatus; shell parakeet.
    • noun small African parrot noted for showing affection for their mates

    • More ‘lovebird’ Meaning
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    • lovebirds Related Words
  • songbird

    • noun any bird having a musical call

    • More ‘songbird’ Meaning
    • songbirds Associated Words
    • songbirds Related Words
  • shorebird

    • noun any of numerous wading birds that frequent mostly seashores and estuaries
      shore bird; limicoline bird.

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    • shorebirds Related Words
  • bluebird

    • noun fruit-eating mostly brilliant blue songbird of the East Indies
      fairy bluebird.
    • noun blue North American songbird

    • More ‘bluebird’ Meaning
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    • bluebirds Related Words
  • blackbird

    • noun any bird of the family Icteridae whose male is black or predominantly black
      New World blackbird.
    • noun common black European thrush
      ouzel; Turdus merula; merle; merl; ousel; European blackbird.

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    • blackbirds Related Words
  • cowbird

    • noun North American blackbird that follows cattle and lays eggs in other birds’ nests

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    • cowbirds Related Words
  • thunderbird

    • noun (mythology) the spirit of thunder and lightning believed by some Native Americans to take the shape of a great bird

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    • thunderbirds Related Words
  • lyrebird

    • noun Australian bird that resembles a pheasant; the courting male displays long tail feathers in a lyre shape

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    • lyrebirds Associated Words
    • lyrebirds Related Words
  • mockingbird

    • noun long-tailed grey-and-white songbird of the southern United States able to mimic songs of other birds
      mocker; Mimus polyglotktos.

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    • mockingbirds Associated Words
    • mockingbirds Related Words
  • bowerbird

    • noun any of various birds of the Australian region whose males build ornamented structures resembling bowers in order to attract females

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    • bowerbirds Related Words
  • catbird

    • noun any of various birds of the Australian region whose males build ornamented structures resembling bowers in order to attract females
    • noun North American songbird whose call resembles a cat’s mewing
      gray catbird; Dumetella carolinensis; grey catbird.

    • More ‘catbird’ Meaning
    • catbirds Associated Words
    • catbirds Related Words
  • ovenbird

    • noun American warbler; builds a dome-shaped nest on the ground
      Seiurus aurocapillus.
    • noun small brownish South American birds that build oven-shaped clay nests

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    • ovenbirds Related Words
  • weaverbird

    • noun finch-like African and Asian colonial birds noted for their elaborately woven nests
      weaver; weaver finch.

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    • weaverbirds Related Words
  • antbird

    • noun any of various dull-colored South American birds that feeding on ants some following army ant swarms
      ant bird.

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    • antbirds Related Words
  • snowbird

    • noun medium-sized Eurasian thrush seen chiefly in winter
      fieldfare; Turdus pilaris.
    • noun white Arctic bunting
      Plectrophenax nivalis; snowflake; snow bunting.

    • More ‘snowbird’ Meaning
    • snowbirds Associated Words
    • snowbirds Related Words
  • ladybird

    • noun small round bright-colored and spotted beetle that usually feeds on aphids and other insect pests
      ladybug; ladybird beetle; ladybeetle; lady beetle.

    • More ‘ladybird’ Meaning
    • ladybirds Associated Words
    • ladybirds Related Words
  • redbird

    • noun the male is bright red with black wings and tail
      scarlet tanager; Piranga olivacea; firebird.
    • noun crested thick-billed North American finch having bright red plumage in the male
      cardinal grosbeak; Cardinalis cardinalis; Richmondena Cardinalis; cardinal.

    • More ‘redbird’ Meaning
    • redbirds Associated Words
    • redbirds Related Words
  • kingbird

    • noun large American flycatcher
      Tyrannus tyrannus.

    • More ‘kingbird’ Meaning
    • kingbirds Prefix/Suffix Words
    • kingbirds Related Words
  • firebird

    • noun the male is bright red with black wings and tail
      scarlet tanager; Piranga olivacea; redbird.
    • noun eastern subspecies of northern oriole
      Baltimore oriole; hangbird; Baltimore bird; Icterus galbula galbula.

    • More ‘firebird’ Meaning
    • firebirds Associated Words
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  • tropicbird

    • noun mostly white web-footed tropical seabird often found far from land
      tropic bird; boatswain bird.

    • More ‘tropicbird’ Meaning
    • tropicbirds Related Words
  • yardbird

    • noun a military recruit who is assigned menial tasks
      yard bird.
    • noun a person serving a sentence in a jail or prison
      inmate; convict; yard bird; con.

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    • yardbirds Related Words
  • bellbird

    • noun any of several tropical American birds of the genus Procnias having a bell-like call

    • More ‘bellbird’ Meaning
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  • nightbird

    • noun a person who likes to be active late at night
      nighthawk; night owl.

    • More ‘nightbird’ Meaning
    • nightbirds Related Words
  • jailbird

    • noun a criminal who has been jailed repeatedly
      gaolbird; jail bird.

    • More ‘jailbird’ Meaning
    • jailbirds Associated Words
    • jailbirds Related Words
  • jaybird

    • noun common jay of eastern North America; bright blue with grey breast
      blue jay; Cyanocitta cristata.

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    • jaybirds Associated Words
    • jaybirds Related Words
  • sunbird

    (Zoöl.) (a) Any one of numerous species of small brilliantly colored birds of the family Nectariniidæ, native of Africa, Southern Asia, the East Indies, and Australia. In external appearance and habits they somewhat resemble humming birds, but they are true singing birds (Oscines). (b) The sun bittern.

    • More ‘sunbird’ Meaning
    • sunbirds Associated Words
    • sunbirds Related Words
  • blackbird

    • noun any bird of the family Icteridae whose male is black or predominantly black
      New World blackbird.
    • noun common black European thrush
      ouzel; Turdus merula; merle; merl; ousel; European blackbird.

    • More ‘blackbird’ Meaning
    • blackbirding Related Words


About Prefix and Suffix Words

This page lists all the words created by adding prefixes, suffixes to the word `bird`. For each word, youwill notice a blue bar below the word. The longer the blue bar below a word, the more common/popular the word. Very short blue bars indicate rare usage.

While some of the words are direct derivations of the word `bird`, some are not.

You can click on each word to see it’s meaning.

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