Word for best wishes


Greeting our near and dear ones with best wishes for weddings, birthdays or any other special occasions is something that all of us do. Even though there are no compulsions or a set of rules that one has to follow, but saying All the best for Future or sending your regards via Good Luck Quotes and Messages is considered felicitous or courteous on most occasions.

The good thing is that you don’t always have to wait for any special opportunity as sending your best wishes or regards is just another way of building and maintaining a strong relationship with the person. You can wish your loved ones even when they sick or going through a phase where your good wishes and sayings can help them get through that phase with your support. As it is rightly said, the quality of your life is determined by the quality of the relationships you cultivate.

Even though the best way to stay in touch with any individual is to stay connected in real life, but that’s not always possible. Thanks to technology, we can always stay connected with our loved ones via WhatsApp and Facebook. You can always send your Best wishes through hand-written greeting cards or simply through text and calls. It does not even matter even if the words aren’t yours, the sincerity of the effort is all that matter.

We have put together an amazing collection of Best Wishes Quotes and Sayings that you can send to your friends and family. This will only make it easier for you to find words or expressions for feelings that you have inside your heart. These Messages will also help them to easily sail through the journey of life with your love and support.

1. Wishing you all the best for the future. May you achieve everything that you want.

2. The harder you work, more luck you will have by your side. All the best.

3. Wishing you the best for every step in your journey. Go and conquer your dreams.

4. Good Luck for great beginnings.

5. Start where you are with what you have and do what you can do. The rest will follow.


6. May this wish work as a lucky charm that helps you achieve success, joy, and prosperity in life. Good Luck.

7. May God shower his blessings on you today. All the best.

8. Don’t let your mind wander between past and future. Conquer your present and you can conquer your life.

9. Wishing you a bright and colorful future in which all your dreams come true.

10. Exhale the negativity. Inhale the positivity. Turn your dreams into reality.

11. Make a habit of saying yes to life and you will automatically attract peace, happiness, and love into your life.

12. Gratitude is the secret weapon which makes you blind to the things you lack. May God keep you grounded in gratitude and lift you to the new heights of success and prosperity.

13. You belong to a small minority of people who are dreamers, believers, thinkers and the doers. Keep inspiring us. All the best for a bright future.

14. Your positive attitude and personality are infectious. Thank you for being a part of my life. May you be blessed with all the happiness, love and joy in this world,

15. You deserve every bit of your success, Good luck for future.

16. Blessing you with health, happiness, peace, love, and prosperity in this new phase of your life. Good Luck.

17. The road always seems long and tough in the beginning, but once you put your feet on the peddle, it becomes a journey that you will remember for a lifetime. My best wishes are with you.

18. May the first kiss of sun rays in the morning light up the fire in your belly to achieve health, happiness and riches. Today, Tomorrow and Beyond.

19. If you can dream and believe, then your job is already 50% done.

20. Your destiny is decided by how involved you are in each moment of your work. Live in present and give your best. Your dreams will soon come into life.


21. May peace, health, and happiness be with you in every walk of your life. And may each new moment brings the best for you. All the best.

22. Wishing you good luck in whatever you do, May Joy and Happiness be with you. May Peace and Love fill your days, And I hope that you win every Race. Good Luck to you.

23. Just wanted to mention that I still care, When you need me… I’ll always be here. We might fight once and then, But I wish that you achieve your dreams…Again and again. Good Luck My Love.

24. It’s okay to feel a bit anxious about the future, its okay to be a bit insecure. But true success lies in giving your best and overcoming your fears. I wish nothing but the best for you.

25. Just like the waves in the ocean, there will always be ups and downs in life. May you continue to sail through life like an experienced Surfer. Good Luck to you.

26. May Love, Peace, and Happiness continue to follow you in your life, like the puppy in the Vodafone Ad. Good luck.

27. Just remember that you have the capability to scale the tallest of mountains. Never doubt yourself. Good Luck.

28. May you have the courage to face each problem in your life with a smile. Stay strong and positive. We are always with you.

29. Kites and Airplanes rise against the wind and never with it. May you continue to soar in life like Kites.

30. Each morning brings with it a new opportunity and a new hope. Bury your past in the past and face the Present with a smile. Good Luck My Dear.

31. Time and luck favor the one who believes in themselves despite everything. Wishing you lots of joy and happiness in the future.

32. Here’s wishing you a future filled with Success and Prosperity.

33. Believing in your dreams is the only way to reach your destination. Good Luck.

34. May your new venture, reach new heights of success. All the Best.

35. Good Luck to you as you enter a new phase of life. May you continue to enjoy success in all areas of life.

36. All the best to you as you continue to learn and grow each day. Wishing you well for your continued success.

37. The wise men said,” That Nothing in this life is guaranteed”. But we know you have the skills and experience to thrive in each phase of your life.

38. Keep walking steadily towards your goals and you will surely achieve them. Good Luck.

39. May you continue to rise higher in your life and career. All the best to you.

40. The ones who are willing to put their head down and work and unwilling to quit after facing the small hurdles are the ones who will one day change the world. Wishing you All the Best.


41. When you encounter many hurdles and obstacles in your life, Face them with strength. Life has better things in store for you. Good Luck.

42. The ones who seek the beauty of the future are the ones who can turn their dreams into reality.

43. Let the Sunlight up your path towards success and let the gentle winds give you a slight nudge in the right direction. Wishing you tons of happiness and Joy in your New Journey.

44. Wear your confidence like your armor and it will protect you from all the negative vibes. Wishing you loads of Success.

45. May you attract success, joy, and prosperity like a magnet. All the best.

46. Face your fears and overcome all challenges. Seize every moment and the victory is yours.

47. May this new phase of life be very fruitful for you. Best of Luck!

48. No one truly knows what the future holds for us. But I wish and hope that the future has lots of happiness and prosperity in store for you.

49. May you become more wiser, prosperous and successful than the day before. Good Luck.

50. May each chapter of your life be filled with elegance, grace, and prosperity. Best of Luck.

51. Wishing you lots of good fortune. May you build a strong relationship with success and prosperity in this new phase of your life.

52. The actions that you undertake today will hold the key for your future. Conquer each moment. Good Luck.

53. Life at times can be full of puzzles, confusions, and hurdles. But if you have strong determination then it can be full of new thrills and adventure. Attitude is the difference between a journey of a lifetime and an ordeal.

54. We already knew that with your dedication, sincerity, and patience, you will achieve everything that you dreamed about. Our best wishes for your new phase of life.

55. Time, Money and Energy are the only assets a man has. Most people don’t have money at the beginning, but if you can learn to manage your time and energy, success will belong to you.

56. Life is much bigger than just securing top positions in exams. Give your best, but if you want to aim then aim for happiness and joy at each moment of your journey. Wishing you tons of Best wishes.

57. I hope you have lots of happy moments and good lucks today. If not, you can create them. You are a warrior.

58. There can’t be a better time for new beginnings. All the best.

59. Just wanted to send a special note to you, Wishing you all the success and happiness in life. All the best for future.

60. I want you to just close your eyes and make a wish. The future has a lot in store for you.


61. Wishing you lots of love and peace for your future. Good Luck.

62. You continue to inspire many with your work. You truly deserve all the best wishes in this world.

63. Sending my regards and best wishes to you and your family. May you continue to receive all the love and blessings that you deserve.

64. Love, Laughter, and Joy are the key ingredients of a happy and Peaceful life. May you be blessed with all of them.

65. Life is nothing but just a collection of moments. Enjoy and Celebrate each one of them. Best of Luck.

66. Prediction for today: Your day is going to be awesome!

67. Since you are about to begin a new partnership with the love of your life, I wish you all the best for this new chapter of your life.

68. If you can gather the courage to face the obstacles with determination, half of the problem is already solved. Good luck.

69. All I wish for you is Love and Happiness. May you continue to scale new heights of success each day.

70. There are 2 things you can do when you face failure; Get bogged down by it or Take it as a Lesson. Each lesson takes you one step closer to success. All the best.

71. Just because your success isn’t immediate doesn’t mean it will not be sweet. Continue your hard work and the right opportunity will knock on your door at the right time.

72. Don’t look for how far you have to go, Just look back and see how far you’ve come. Wishing you All the best for a bright and wonderful future.


73. Just keep your eyes fixed to the aim and its just a matter of time when you achieve it.

74. May you be always surrounded with grace and blessings of people who love you and this will protect you from all the bad vibes.

75. All the best for all the upcoming ventures in your life.

76. My heartiest wishes to you so that you achieve success in everything that you do. Good luck for a bright future.

77. Success belongs to those who believe in preparation and persistence. Good Luck.

78. I wish nothing but the best for you. God Bless You.

79. Each new stage in life comes with its own challenges. Keep moving and all the best for all your endeavors. Conquer the Future.

80. It’s a different kind of thrill to do the impossible. All the Best.


81. May health, happiness, and prosperity always be with you. Good Luck to you.

82. Wishing you the very best. Do your best. Come out with flying colors.

83. Wishing you all the success and happiness in life. Good Luck.

85. May you rise and shine and success be with you always.

86. Just try to be a little better than you were the day before and all the success will come knocking on your door.

87. Keep trying without losing your enthusiasm. You can only lose if you give up.

88. The future belongs to those who can shut the noise and keep working on their purpose without losing hope. All the Best.

89. Be strong. Be Positive. Take action and you will definitely experience the joy of Success.

90. Size of the dog is not something that matters in a fight, what matters is the “size of a fight” in that dog. Stay Strong and Keep Fighting.

91. May this next chapter of your life brings even more happiness and joy. Hope you welcome it with open arms.

92. Tons of best wishes for your bright future. Good Luck my dear friend.

93. You worked very hard and gave your best. We are proud of you.

94. You have truly proven yourself to be a hard-working individual who has the potential to reach great heights in life. Wishing you all the best for upcoming challenges and adventures.

95. Just close your eyes and make a wish and the universe will make it happen.

96. Sending you our best wishes for this special occasion in your life.

97. Just wanted to quickly wish you all the best for today. May you be blessed with abundance.

98. The Magnanimity of an individual is known by how deeply they touch the lives of others. May you be blessed with a smile on your face and happiness within your soul.

99. There is no right time to something wrong. There is no wrong time to do something good. All the best.

100. Live with no regrets and no fear. It’s the only way to live.


101. Success is more of a journey than a destination. Enjoy every moment of it. Good Luck.

102. If you can do what is right in the right manner and at the right time, Success will follow. Good Luck.

103. “The road to success is always under construction.” – Lily Tomlin

104. You don’t need extraordinary things to be successful. Just a desire, a framework, and massive action. Good Luck.

105. True Success lies in preparation. Opportunity always knocks at some point, you just need to be prepared for it.

106. Identify things that will take you closer to your dreams and make them habits. Religiously follow those habits, till you achieve success.

107. Just like Gold gets its shine after withstanding high temperatures, People get Success by enduring struggles. May you have an amazing life with no worries.

108. Hardships are the stepping stones of success. Don’t Give Up. All the best.

109. Wishing you all the Happiness and Success in Life, Good Luck!

110. Give your everything in the smallest of acts and the Success will belong to you.

111. Most successful people in the world are not the ones who were the most Genius but who were most consistent with their hard work. Keep Moving Forward. Good Luck for a Bright Future.

112. Your Positive attitude and mindset will determine your success. I wish you very Good Luck for the Future.

113. “Success is getting what you want. Happiness is wanting what you get.” – Dale Carnegie

114. The secret of your Success is hidden in your daily routine. Wishing you all the best.

115. Don’t announce your dreams to people. Show them the Results. My Best Wishes for your Successful future!

116. Thoughts and Talks are Ordinary. Execution is what brings Real Success.

117. Failure is a part of the journey towards Success. All the Best.

118. If you can do ordinary things extraordinarily well, You will achieve Success sooner or later.

119. Dream big and all your dreams will one day come true.

120. Dream. Believe. Execute. Succeed. Good Luck.


121. Miracles start to happen when you start to give power to the positive thoughts rather than negative ones.

122. Every Successful person was once a dreamer. Keep Dreaming and Moving towards your Goals.

123. Give your all to make your dreams come true and you Life will become the most thrilling adventure ever.

124. Dream, then take actions to convert those dreams into reality.

125. Shut all the noise and commit to your true passion and you will definitely achieve all that you want.

126. May Success meet you at every step of your Journey. Wishing you All the Best for Future!

127. May your hard-work and self-belief bring success to you, that you truly deserve. Best of luck to chase and achieve all your dreams.

128. True Glory is meant for those who never fail to show up. And you deserve every bit of it. All the Best.

129. Success does not mean that you do not fail, but how well you persist through that difficult phase. Keep working and Nothing can stop you.

130. Believe in yourself. It will lay the foundation of success in all your future ventures.

131. True Success does not come through magic; it takes hard work, sacrifice, and persistence. The future belongs to you, my dear friend. Wishing you all the best for all your future endeavors.

132. Make Winning your favorite habit and you will definitely get addicted to Success. Good Luck.

133. Sometimes you don’t truly need motivation, just put your head down and work and let your work reveal what is true. My Best wishes for your Bright Future.

134. Most people never succeed just because they give up just before the finish line -when they are just about to touch success. Don’t be most people.

135. Dream. Take Massive Action. Affirm. Believe. Show Gratitude. This is the simple formula for Success. Hope you taste it soon.

136. Just stay true to your purpose and you will definitely have Success within your feet.

137. Success is the natural consequence of being passionate and totally in love with you are doing. All the best.

138. Never give or accept an excuse. And you will achieve whatever you set your mind to.

139. Keep Moving Forward despite all the mistakes and obstacles. Future belongs to you.

140. Whatever it is that you are working on, Make sure you give your all to finish it. The ability in men is rated by what they finish and not what they start. Good Luck.


141. Perseverance is the seed which gives birth to Success. All the Best.

142. Success begins with your mind. If you want to succeed then you need to start believing yourself as a success. Good luck.

143. Just devote every moment of your life to make yourself better than you were a second before, You will definitely achieve success. All the best.

144. Dedicate yourself to the process and the results will surely come. All the Best.

145. The number one reason people succeed is because, they think they can. Keep Believing in Yourself. Good Luck.

146. Here are my best wishes that your work always brings happiness and satisfaction to you. Make your parents proud.

147. Happy Graduation! The adventure just begins. May you be blessed with all the happiness and contentment in your life.

148. Never hesitate before making a decision and never doubt what you are capable of. Wishing you All the Best.

149. Sending best wishes so that you are granted happiness in every moment of your life. You will always be loved.

150. From all of us to you, We wish and hope that you achieve each goal that you once dreamed.

151. Hard-Work is yours, Greetings are Mine, You will achieve your dreams and your future will always shine.

152. May you have the courage to let go of the past. Embrace the present and a better future waits for you.

153 We wish you all the best for all your efforts and endeavors in the coming year.

154. Don’t Stress. Just Give your best and Destiny will take care of the rest.

155. If you keep working towards your goals, you will eventually taste success.

156. Only you hold the key to your future.

157. Each sunrise is a new opportunity in itself. Keep moving towards your goal. Good day!

158. Enjoy every Moment of your silent work. Every single one of it. It will definitely make noise in the future.

159. If all you can do is crawl, start crawling.

160. Don’t wait or hesitate. Each moment becomes a memory. Celebrate every second.


161. Sending you positive vibes for a positive life. Good Luck.

162. Life is all about doing small experiments that can unleash your true potential.

163. You need to first ‘begin’ before you win.

164. Just heard the Good News, May you be blessed with even more happiness in your coming future.

165. May all your dreams become a living reality.

166. So glad to hear the good news. May your life be filled with happiness throughout your life.

167. May God shower his blessings on you today. All the best.

168. Your integrity and honesty deserve all the best wishes in this world.

169. Win within your mind and conquer your fears. Winning in real life will become just a formality. Wish you Good Luck to chase your dreams.

170. Cultivating a positive mindset is the best investment you can make, that can give you manifold returns in the future.

171. May you never fall short of optimism and positivity in life. Wishing you all the best.

172. Your actions inspire me to become a little better each day. Thank you so much and wishing you all the best in life.

173. Wishing you courage and inner strength to face challenges in your life. Stay strong and Life will turn around.

174. I hope both of us get to see other in life at some point. Best of luck for the future.

175. Just like all the planets revolve around the Sun, I wish that even you will attract peace, love, and happiness in your life. All the best.

176. May you continue to create your own luck at every step of your Journey. Good Luck to you.

177. Don’t worry too much about what the future will hold for you, Just face today with sincerity, courage, and positivity. And everything will fall in place. All the best.

178. We just want you to know, irrespective of what your exam results are, we are proud of you and we will continue to love you…No matter what. All the best.

179. You already know what you need to do. We just want to wish you all the very best for your continued success.

180. Wishing you Best of luck in everything you have planned.

Wish you all the best quote sayings

181. Just heard about the good news. Congratulations and may you continue to make us proud in the future.

182. Just like night is followed by a day, rainbow which comes after rains, I wish you a future filled win fun, peace, love, and happiness. Good Luck.

183. Wishing you a wonderful life in which you never have to worry about anything.

184. May you be blessed with good luck and success in your near future. Good Luck.

185. They tell you to dream big and imagine a great future. They tell you to look back and take lessons from your mistakes. But as your mind constantly shuttles between future and past, the most important thing is to just be in the present and do your best. Everything else will fall into place.

186. Sometimes all it needs is a bit of courage and determination to turn around a problem into an opportunity. May God continue to light up your path and give you strength to face any difficulty. Good Luck.

187. Wishing you a lot of good luck so that your life is blessed with happiness, friends, love, peace, and prosperity in abundance.


188. The ups and downs are a part of the cycle in life. When the floods come, fishes eat ants from fields and when the water drops, the same ants then eat the fishes. Just wait for your time to come and all good things will fall in place. Good Luck.

189. Hesitation, Worry, and Stress are the enemies of success. Once you overcome your fears and anxieties with a firm belief in yourself and determination, Success will definitely come knocking on your door.

190. Actions are what bring your dreams to life. Make strong habits that will produce great results and never give up. Wishing you lots of success and happiness in the time to come.

191. The perfect life is just a dream that everyone in the world is chasing. In reality, we need to work hard to create our own perfect life from not so perfect ingredients. The one who understands this is forever blessed with eternal contentment, peace, and joy.

192. Oxygen is just something we need to keep our bodies alive. But if you look at it, all of us need dreams and a strong will to achieve them to keep us going in this world. Otherwise, there is no difference between cattles and humans.


193. If you want to achieve greatness then you need to say ‘Yes’ to everything in life. Say ‘Yes’ to difficulties, and face them with courage. Say ‘Yes’ to menial tasks and do them with integrity. Say “Yes” to life and you will achieve all your dreams.

194. Take a pause if you have to, but never quit. Each difficulty gives you a unique opportunity to learn and grow as a person. You just need to approach it with a positive mindset. Wishing you a great life ahead.

195. “Willpower is the key to success. Successful people strive no matter what they feel by applying their will to overcome apathy, doubt or fear.” – Dan Millman

196. “There are people who make things happen, there are people who watch things happen, and there are people who wonder what happened. To be successful, you need to be a person who makes things happen.” – Jim Lovell

197. “Nothing good comes in life or athletics unless a lot of hard work has preceded the effort. Only temporary success is achieved by taking shortcuts.” – Roger Staubach


198. “I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed.” – Michael Jordan

199. “The size of your success is measured by the strength of your desire; the size of your dream; and how you handle disappointment along the way.” – Robert Kiyosaki

200. “The path to success is to take massive, determined action.” – Tony Robbins

201. “The true success is the person who invented himself.” – Al Goldstein

202. “Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life – think of it, dream of it, live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body, be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success.” – Swami Vivekananda

203. If you love what you do and do it with passion, Success will come naturally to you.

204. Learn to get along with people and make them a part of your journey. This is the secret of Success. Good Luck.


205. Having a strong team of people around you will only make your journey much more easier and enjoyable. May you find such good spirits who can walk with you on your path towards success. All the Best.

206. Every new skill that you learn doubles your chances of success.

207. We are all born with our special qualities and power. If you can spend some time to find your own uniqueness, you will naturally achieve success in whatever you do. Wishing you are blessed with happiness, health, and Peace in abundance.

Best Wishes: Life is full of struggles and every day brings new challenges before us. To overcome those situations and achieve our desired success, we need support and appreciation from our close ones. Support can be given in many forms, even though the best wishes and encouraging messages. A message containing inspiring words, heartwarming wishes, and genuine thoughts is enough to boost up a person’s confidence and courage. Check out these simple best wishes and all the best messages below if you are looking for the perfect, heart-touching phrases to wish good luck to someone!

May your life be full of happiness, success, and love. Sending my best wishes to you!

All the best for all your future endeavors! Hoping that your hard work always brings out the best results for you.

I pray for a happy, healthy, and prosperous life for you. May God always bless you and help you. Best wishes!

Best Wishes

Life might throw challenges at you, but you are the one in charge of your future! Good luck!

Sending best wishes on your engagement! May your love for each other keep growing.

I wish you a happy and prosperous married life that lasts forever. All the best wishes for both of you!

Happy anniversary! Wishing you another year of being together. Best wishes to both of you.

May God bless you with a happy and safe pregnancy with a healthy and joyous baby. Best wishes to the Mother-To-be!

Congratulations and a very warm welcome to your newborn. Best wishes to the new baby and the parents.

Happy Birthday! I hope you will have an amazing year ahead as well. My best wishes are with you!

May you flourish on your own time and prosper in every aspect of your life! Good luck!

If you believe in yourself, you do not have to fear any challenge. I wish you all the success in your exam!

Wishing you all the success in this competition! Just have faith in yourself because we believe in you too.

Wishing you success in everything you pursue! Way to go towards a bright future!

best wishes

Congratulations to you on being a graduate! Best wishes for the new journey of your life!

We are so glad to hear about your achievement. You have always been an extraordinary one among us. Our best wishes are always with you!

Accept my good wishes and sincere prayers for your bright future! I am sure that the future has so many things to offer you. Good luck!

Wishing you the very best for your new job! Good luck for the upcoming endeavors!

I am so happy to learn about the new job offer you have got! I am sure you will do amazing work there. Best of luck for your future life!

Congratulations on your job promotion. I wish for more success to come your way.

Sending all my best wishes to you for starting a new business. Best of luck.

We wish you all the best on this very special day of your life. Hope your new journey will be full of love, happiness, success, and prosperity!

The treasure lies at the end of the road, so don’t stop running! Best wishes to you!

Wishing you nothing but love, happiness, and success for your new life. Hope you will be able to achieve great things. May God bless you!

Dear friend, my best wishes and love are always with you. You can always count on me for anything. Hope you have a great life ahead!

Happy Birthday! I’m sending you all my love and best wishes.

good wishes quotes

May good fortune always favor you and help you attain the impossible! Best wishes!

All the best to you for reaching your goal and making your dreams come true. You are always in my good thoughts!

Wishing very good luck to you and your family. May you all be showered with love and happiness and overcome all the obstacles together!

Best wishes for your upcoming exams! I am sure you will nail all the subjects and ace in your class.

My heartfelt wishes are with you and your health! Hope you will be able to take good care of yourself and will not fall sick again.

You have always been a sincere and responsible person, and you have always achieved your goals. Good luck for the future ones!

If you are working hard and staying true to yourself, you will see the result of your efforts in no time. Best wishes for success and prosperity!

Don’t be disheartened by failures cause success is waiting for you. Sending good thoughts and wishes your way! All the best for a successful life!

Life is made up of ups and downs, smiles, and sorrows. But I wish that you will receive nothing but happiness in this new phase of your life!

You have struggled your way through the top and you deserve to be happy now! Sending best wishes for a better life on your way!

We know how important this competition is for you. We wish you all the best for this one! I am sure you will make us proud!

Best Wishes Texts

You did a great job at taking perfect preparation for your upcoming exam. Now do not stress much and relax! All the very best for your exam!

Wishing you all the best on your latest success! May you keep succeeding in life like this. Many more victories to come your way! Make us proud!

Your birthday is a very special day for me. On this occasion, I wish you happiness and prosperity in your future life. Many happy returns of the day!

Today you are taking a big step towards your new life and we could not be happier for you. Our heartfelt wishes are with you and your family!

My dearest, I am so proud of how far you have come on your own. I wish you all the success and happiness in your future life!

Best Wishes for Good Luck and Fortune

May good fortune always accompanies you in every venture of your life! All the best for your prosperous journey ahead!

Don’t lose heart if you fail to achieve your goal once, rather move ahead with more boast! Wishing you abundant luck!

You’re a winner, not a quitter! Wishing you luck and fortune in your future attempts!

Hope the luck is always by your side! All the best for your future endeavors!

May your dreams come true through your compassion! Wishing you a bounty of fortune!

good wishes

Give your best shot at everything and let destiny decide the rest for you! Wishing you luck!

Hard work paves the way to victory, while fortune ensures a smooth voyage. Wishing you good luck!

Best wishes for the challenges you are to face, for the roads you have to take, and for the decisions you have to make. Good luck!

Read More: Good Luck Messages

Best Wishes for Success and Prosperity

Life doesn’t end with one failure. So push yourself towards victory, and success will be yours! Best wishes for a glowing future!

Best wishes for the achieved glories, as well as the new beginnings of your life! I hope you reach the pinnacle of success!

Your diligence is bound to result in prosperity and progress! Warm wishes for you!

Lucky are those who are blessed with an unwavering goal in their lives! Good luck for your success!

Best wishes to you as you move forward with solid determination! Success will be yours!

May you achieve everything you deserve and earn your place in the world! Wishing for your prosperity!

Best Wishes for Success

Success and failure don’t determine your worth; you are progressing as long as you keep trying! Best wishes!

Wishing you all the best for the new phase of your life. We are sure that you will succeed and make us proud as always!

Now that you are starting a new life, I wish you all the success and good health along the way. Take care and stay warm!

Hard work always results in success, so keep being patient and diligent! All the best for reaching your goals swiftly!

Read More: Best Wishes for Success

Best Wishes for Joy and Happiness

Happiness cannot be measured in numbers but in moments and memories! Wishing you abundant happiness in your life!

May you find joy in the little achievements of life and hold on to that positive energy! Best wishes for a jolly life ahead!

Here’s to more cheerful moments and bright days to come! May you always stay happy!

One laugh a day keeps the stress away! I hope you keep finding reasons to be happy about!

Good luck to you as you rise from your past mistakes! Wishing you endless joy ahead!

Heartfelt Best Wishes

A moment spend sad is a moment wasted in despair. Stay happy, stay gorgeous!

I wish you boundless smiles and merriment in your daily life! Good luck for a bright future!

Happiness and contentment are the true achievements of life. Wishing you joy and prosperity!

Best Wishes Quotes

“May the forces of evil become confused on the way to your house.” – George Carlin

“Luck is yours, wishes are mine Let’s your future be always shine. Best of Luck.” – Ralph Chaplin

“Best wishes to you as you progress from one stage in life to another.” – Rajesh Mankar

Hope your endeavors bear fruit to endless accomplishments at every step of your life! Best wishes!

“Keep your best wishes, close to your heart and watch what happens.” – Tony DeLiso

“Best wishes for a great marathon. Be sure to savor it. The first marathon is something special. Run long and healthy.” – Amby Burfoot

Best Wishes Blessings

May you be triumphant in your daily struggles and thrive for better days! Good luck!

“I am glad to hear that you are starting your own business after the excellent work experience. My Good Wishes are always with you…” – Ralph Chaplin

You made it to the top through your compassion and sincere efforts! Best wishes for all the roads you will take ahead!

“As we grow older together, As we continue to change with age, There is one thing that will never change. I will always keep falling in love with you.” – Karen Clodfelder

My earnest warm wishes go to you, who always shines brightly among a crowd!

“A little smile, a word of cheer, A bit of love from someone near, A little gift from one held dear, Best wishes for the coming year. These make a merry Christmas!” – John Greenleaf Whittier

“Here is the best wish for the new year: Let there be more freedom of thought throughout the world! Fields need rain; truths need freedom of thought!” – Mehmet Murat ildan

Read More: Best Appreciation Messages

New situations can be nerve-wracking and scary to anyone. When a dear person of your life is about to take up a new challenge, he/she deserves nothing but unending support and cheers from you! You are one little message away from calming your nervous friend, hyping up your sibling, making your parents feel loved, or helping your partner to chin up and be confident. Some simple words can help them more than we can imagine. So forget fancy words while you can express from the bottom of your heart! Wish them good luck and send love and best wishes their way anytime they need!

Last updated on September 7, 2021

Good luck! Buena suerte! Ich drücke dir die Daumen! Félicitacions! Omedetou! There is always a way to say “good luck” or “congrats” in every language. However, you don’t need to be a polyglot to be well versed in positive language.

Jump ahead to these sections:

  • Best Wishes Message Ideas
  • Good Luck Message Ideas
  • Congratulations Message Ideas
  • Best Wishes Messages for a Coworker
  • Best Wishes Messages for a Coworker, New Job, or Retirement
  • Best Wishes Messages for a Wedding or Bridal Shower
  • Best Wishes Messages for a Birthday
  • Best Wishes Messages for a Baby Shower

No matter what you say, the easiest way to be positive is to speak from the heart. Once you’ve got that nailed down, then sending your best wishes, congratulations, and hope for good return is easy.

When choosing the best message to convey any of these thoughts, first consider who your audience is and then their back story. For some, like your friends or your partner, the messages will be straightforward, fun, and easy to craft.

For others, you may find that there’s a level of professionalism, tone, or seriousness that requires a more somber tone—and some due respect. Below, you’ll find lots of ideas for lots of events, accomplishments, and endeavors.

Best Wishes Message Ideas

Best wishes message with flowers in the background

Are you wishing someone well in their next job or school? Are they getting married? Or, have they been ill? These messages cover the sincere wishes you may have for anyone from a coworker to a friend or loved one.

1. Way to grab the bull by the horns!

This message works for that person in your life who has the «failure is not an option» mantra whether. It works in situations like a new job, starting an ultramarathon training program, or even quitting their job to explore the world.

2. You made every day in this place so much brighter. Thank you for all of your wit and wisdom. You will be greatly missed.

It’s tough to replace your teacher or mentor in any situation but wishing them the best is what they would do for you. So, take this opportunity to show them that you learned something from their gift.

3. Your next boss doesn’t know how lucky they are. I hope they appreciate you as much as we have.

A great send-off includes telling someone that they made a positive impact, that their contributions were appreciated, and that they will be missed.

4. Wishing you all the best!

This message works for those who didn’t know the person very well but should sign the card. Saying something short and kind is better than saying nothing at all.

5. We are all going to miss you, and we wish you well on your next endeavor.

Sincere and straightforward messages always go over well, and they’re perfect whether they are moving out of state or to the job next door.

6. I am so glad you are getting out of this place! 

If you know someone who is about to go home after convalescing in a nursing home for quite a while, then this message will add some humor to their very obvious cabin fever frustration.

7. I hope you have a speedy recovery! We’re all pulling for you.

Knowing what to say when someone is sick is essential. Start with some genuine positivity, and then continue with something heartfelt. If you stick with that formula, then anything you say will be perfect.

8. I hope you’re back to gardening faster than your last speeding ticket!

As an inside joke, this well-wishing is perfect for the closeted lead foot in your life. Plus, everyone needs a good laugh when they’re not feeling well.

9. The gang and I wanted to offer our best wishes for your health and happiness. We can’t wait to see you back at the dog park again.

Try to include as many people as you can into your get well wishes and sentiments so that the person feels special and loved. Have each one of them sign the card, too.

10. Here’s hoping that your day is everything you’ve ever wanted.

If you know someone who is about to have a big day, this message lets them know you’re rooting for them. It works for days as simple as a birthday, to something as expansive and detailed as a wedding and the first day of college.

11. Praying for your peace of mind.

If you know that someone is struggling, but they haven’t expressed it to everyone, then being ambiguous in your words lets them know you’re joining them in solidarity without a peep.

12. Just checking in with you…

Any time you send a quick note to let someone know you care is an easy way to show that you’re a good friend and that you send your goodwill.

13. Congratulations on your continued military successes. We hope that your career is rewarding!

You could tailor this message to anyone joining or someone who is already in the military. It works for soldiers who have either received a recent commission to a military branch or will be receiving a promotion in rank.

» MORE: An online memorial is a perfect ending to honor and celebrate someone’s life. Create one for free.

Good Luck Message Ideas

Good Luck message with flowers in the background

People everywhere and in any situation need to hear “good luck” from time to time whether they are embarking on a new journey or a big life change.

Even those pursuing a military career, a new business venture, or having a serious surgery would appreciate a note that lets them know you value them.

14. The boss said he was just about to give you a big raise and two extra weeks of time off every year, but now that you’re leaving, it doesn’t matter. Good Luck! 

This message works if you have a great relationship with your no-longer coworker. Plus, if you’ve also had some of those water cooler or after-work conversations about employee benefits, this might be a cheeky thing to say.

15. It was such a pleasure working on the last project with you. Good Luck, and please stay in touch.

Whether you work on multiple teams, a tree-planting group, or a political sub-committee, there’s always going to be that one person with whom you mesh the most.

16. You don’t need luck—you never have. But Good Luck anyways!

This message is similar to saying, «break a leg,» but without the theater references. It works in any situation where someone you know is about to embark on a journey or new work situation.

17. Sometimes a new challenge is what we need to wake up the soul. I hope you find everything you are searching for!

Making change to fulfill one’s soul takes a lot of courage. So, these words can provide some soothing support for the person who has been struggling to find their way—and make that necessary, but life-altering move.

18. “May the force be with you.”

Yes, the phrase has become somewhat cliché over the years. However, if you know someone who is a huge Star Wars fan—it’ll never be outdated for them.

19. “If you build it, [he] will come.”

Movie quotes are great because they already come dressed up for the party. This one works for anyone who has started their own business. Or, for anyone undertaking a new project at their nonprofit. Or building a baseball park, thanks to Field of Dreams.

20. We are so proud of you!!

Maybe this is understated for adults, but there’s something really strengthening for kids and teenagers when they hear how proud you are of them.

21. “Fortune favors the bold.”

A quote from Virgil, this message adds the most significant value for new service members who are embarking on a lifelong journey of a military career.

22. Good luck! Don’t stress! You can totally do it!

Everyone needs a cheer team in their corner.

23. I wish you luck!

This is another version of the simple and sincere wishes, which are always well received.

24. You’ve got the truth on your side.

Reassurance, coupled with some well-wishes, will work for those who are staring down the justice system.

25. You’ve worked hard for this—I believe in you.

If your partner is heading in for an interview, send them a quick text to let them know you’re right there with them. Be just as positive no matter what the outcome is, too.

26. I’ll be there when you wake up. You got this!

Knowing the right thing to say to someone before surgery can be reassuring. It’s also best to avoid any accidental innuendos with your well-wishes.

Congratulations Message Ideas

Congratulations message with flowers in the background

Supporting life changes and another’s personal growth journey is rewarding just to watch. It’s particularly so when that person is your partner or a kid that really struggled through school.

Plus, being able to find joy in other people’s successes makes you a good friend, neighbor, or coworker.

27. I hear that you and your partner were finally taking that leap… Good for you!

It’s better to be supportive than a naysayer.

28. You rock! 

Continued personal growth is deserving of applause.

29. Killin’ it!

This message works well in a text message, especially if your best buddy just landed another promotion.

30. Good Job!

If you don’t know what else to say, then keep it simple.

31. My Hero!

If your partner just received a long-awaited promotion, this would make an excellent text before a much longer card or conversation.

32. Bravo!

This is a very understated way of congratulating someone who just had their music, writing, or art recognized for the first time.

33. I always knew you had it in you!

This message is filled with both pride and congratulations. This message works especially well for the kid who struggled in school but overcame the obstacles to succeed.

34. Not Worthy! Not Worthy!

This very informal message works for those who have a super casual report.

35. How does it feel to make it to the top?

If your good friend just made their first magazine or newspaper article, this message would be a fun way of celebrating their success.

36. Congratulations on your well-deserved success.

If you were up for a promotion but lost to someone else, this is a very adult and formal way to tell them congratulations.

37. We are thrilled to hear your fantastic news!

This quick message works for the extended family member referencing school, work, or even personal life successes. 

38. You have earned every bit of success coming your way. 

Although this message is on the lower end of formality, it’s still perfectly acceptable for any work situation.

Best Wishes Messages for a Coworker

Look for messages that will convey just about anything you need, from a friendly to a business-like tone. Note the additional Spanish translations for those working in diverse environments.

39. Congratulations on your latest adventure. We wish you nothing but success!
Español: Enhorabuena por tu última aventura. ¡No le deseamos nada más que éxito!

This message offers well wishes in a somewhat vague context that could mean just about anything from preparing to hike Mt. Everest or tackling an online business. 

40. It’s your birthday! FYI, I am closing for you tonight so you can take off early with your friends. I hope you have fun!! 
Español: ¡Es tu cumpleaños! Para tu información, estoy cerrando para ti esta noche para que puedas despegar temprano con tus amigos. ¡¡Espero que os divirtáis!! 

When the gesture speaks volumes, keep the message simple. 

41. I hope you have the best time in Spain! You better not think of work or any of us while on vacation!!
Español:  ¡Espero que lo pases de maravilla! ¡¡Es mejor que no pienses en el trabajo o en cualquiera de nosotros mientras estás de vacaciones!!

Even though we’re workaholics in the United States, remind your coworker it’s okay to take time off and go radio silent. 

42. We will miss you, but that baby needs [her] [mama] and [papa]! Wishing you all health and happiness (and a lot of rest)!!
Español: ¡Te extrañaremos, pero ese bebé necesita [ella] [mamá] y [papá]! ¡¡Deseándoles toda la salud y felicidad (y mucho descanso)!!

When your coworker takes time for maternity leave, make sure they know you support these critical developmental moments between babies and new parents.

43. Congratulations! I heard you just added a new family member… May your shoes and sofa remain in one piece.
Español: ¡Felicidades! Escuché que acabas de agregar un nuevo miembro de la familia … Que tus zapatos y sofá permanezcan en una sola pieza.

While the absolute joy of getting a new pup certainly overshadows any damage to a shoe collection or a sofa, your coworker may need to hear you can relate.

44. I just heard some news that’s nothing short of amazing. You’re going to do great, but if you need some support, I’m always here for you.
Español: Acabo de escuchar algunas noticias que son nada menos que increíbles. Lo vas a hacer muy bien, pero si necesitas algo de apoyo, siempre estoy aquí para ti.

Use this message for those occasions when you don’t want to advertise what you’ve heard but still want to send well wishes in a coworker’s direction.

» MORE: Create a tribute to your loved one and raise funds to help with practical needs, like meal delivery and childcare. Start your fundraiser. 

Best Wishes Messages for a Coworker, New Job, or Retirement

You’re seeing it more and more. People are making career changes searching for better opportunities, greener pastures, or because early retirement is calling. Included is a Spanish translation for diverse working communities.

45. Best wishes on all of your retirement adventures, wherever and whatever they may be. May you discover life’s abundance from spring and summer to fall and winter, and back again.
Español: Los mejores deseos en todas sus aventuras de jubilación, dondequiera y sean las que sean. Que descubras la abundancia de la vida desde la primavera y el verano hasta el otoño y el invierno, y viceversa.

Here’s a message for a short, super positive, and almost poetic look at retirement life.

46. Welcome to the team! You’re going to make a great addition!
Español: ¡Bienvenido al equipo! ¡Vas a hacer una gran adición!

Everyone has a first day, so why not send a message that helps your new coworker have one that’s less stressful.

47. I just heard that you landed an amazing new job. Wishing you tremendous success in your new role.
Español: Acabo de escuchar que conseguiste un nuevo trabajo increíble. Deseándole un tremendo éxito en su nuevo rol.

Some messages are keen on conveying a business-like agenda while still offering support to someone you respect.

48. We’ll be at a loss without you, but I’m thrilled you’ve found something you’ll enjoy. Best of luck to you!
Español: Estaremos perdidos sin ti, pero estoy encantado de que hayas encontrado algo que disfrutarás. ¡Mucha suerte para ti!

Here’s a quick message for when a great employee leaves and hate to see them go.

49. You’re a stand-up type. I won’t forget how you always had my back. I wish you the absolute best of luck. 
Español: Eres un stand-up tipo. No olvidaré cómo siempre me respaldaste. Les deseo la mejor de las suertes. 

Words flow a little differently when you’re a peer and coworker instead of being the boss.

50. It’s a shame we’re losing such a valuable employee, but our loss is certainly your new employer’s gain. Good luck, best wishes, and please stay in touch.
Español: Es una pena que estemos perdiendo a un empleado tan valioso, pero nuestra pérdida es ciertamente la ganancia de su nuevo empleador. Buena suerte, mis mejores deseos, y por favor manténgase en contacto.

If you’re a company owner, here’s a quick message to let your soon-to-be-former employee know they were a valuable member of the team. 

51. Run! And don’t ever look back. You’re so much better than this place could ever be. Wishing you luck—even though you won’t need it.
Español: ¡Corre! Y nunca mires hacia atrás. Eres mucho mejor de lo que este lugar podría ser. Deseándote suerte, aunque no la necesites.

When a job is anything but rosy, make your message plump with praise.

Best Wishes Messages for a Wedding or Bridal Shower

Wondering what to say to the happy couple? Choose anything that speaks from your heart whether it’s a lengthy message or something short and sweet. A Spanish translation is included.

52. When two people as well-suited as you find love and decide to marry, it’s apparent they’ll last. So, here’s to a happy marriage. May it be filled with open minds, hearts full of love, and laughter longer than life. 
Español: Cuando dos personas tan adecuadas como tú encuentran el amor y deciden casarse, es evidente que durarán. Entonces, aquí está un matrimonio feliz. Que esté lleno de mentes abiertas, corazones llenos de amor y risas más largas que la vida. 

In a relationship, there’s not much more you need than grace, love, and that kind of ‘tilt your head back’ laughter.

53. We are so happy for your joy! 
Español: ¡Estamos muy felices por su alegría!

When less is more, choose a short message. Besides, it’s usually the gift people remember, not the card.

54. Blessings and best wishes on your upcoming nuptials. 
Español: Bendiciones y mejores deseos en sus próximas nupcias.

If you’re not sure about the faith of the bride-to-be, you can choose a phrase that’s nondescript.  

55. Happy wishes for the bride-to-be. 
Español: Felices deseos para la futura novia.

eGifts don’t always leave a lot of space for messages. In that case, keep it simple and let the gift speak for you.

56. Best wishes to you both on creating memories that will fill a lifetime. 
Español: Los mejores deseos para ambos en la creación de recuerdos que llenarán toda una vida.

Here’s how to wish the happy couple well as they are about to embark on a lifelong journey filling their life with moments of utter joy and endless days of conversation.

57. May you build a foundation of love to stand the test of time. 
Español: Que construyas una base de amor para resistir la prueba del tiempo.

The beginning of a relationship is where the foundation begins and what the rest of the relationship will rely upon when times are difficult or trying.

Best Wishes Messages for a Birthday

Our communities are expanding, and so are our friend groups. Below, you can look for ways to offer birthday wishes or messages in English and Spanish.

58. Happiest of happy birthday wishes to you today, tomorrow, and throughout your [30th] year! 
Español: ¡El más feliz de los deseos de feliz cumpleaños para usted hoy, mañana y durante todo su [30º] año!

Wording such as this is basic enough to work for any year but genuine enough not to seem so generic.

59. We send birthday wishes to you for a marvelous day, healthy life, and a wonderful year. 
Español: Le enviamos deseos de cumpleaños para un día maravilloso, una vida saludable y un año maravilloso.

You could elaborate a little more using that last message, offering a few additional specifics.

60. May you make room in your heart for love and witness the simple joys. 
Español: Que hagas espacio en tu corazón para el amor y para ser testigo de las alegrías sencillas.

We live in a rush, rush, rush society, so make a wish for someone to slow down, enjoy the day, and enjoy life with loved ones.

61. May you invite time for stillness every morning but create space to smile and laugh out loud. 
Español: Que invites a la quietud todas las mañanas, pero creas espacio para sonreír y reír a carcajadas.

Here’s another way of saying that last message. The difference is that you hope they find an abundance of happiness that makes them really belly laugh.

62. We hope you find time to rest when needed but run amok when no one is looking. 
Español: Esperamos que encuentre tiempo para descansar cuando sea necesario, pero se vuelva loco cuando nadie está mirando. 

Here’s a short birthday message for friends who take self-care and wilderness adventures to a new level. 

» MORE: It’s OK to ask for help after a death. Start a fundraiser to help pay for childcare, meal delivery, and other unexpected expenses.. Create your fundraiser now.

Best Wishes Messages for a Baby Shower

When those newest bundles of joy enter the world, you want the perfect baby shower message to convey your happiness for the new parents. A Spanish translation is also included.

63. Happy, healthy wishes to the newest member about to join your family. 
Español: Felices deseos saludables para el miembro más nuevo a punto de unirse a su familia. 

The baby shower is about getting the new parents ready to welcome that incredible little bundle of joy.

64. May you find joy in the small but rewarding moments in this, your newest and most wonderful journey. 
Español: Que encuentres alegría en los pequeños, pero gratificantes momentos en este, tu viaje más nuevo y maravilloso. 

With a new baby comes some serious stress and many sleepless nights, but so does an immense, rewarding joy.

65. May your [son or daughter] have unsurmountable health and a bright future.  
Español: Que tu [hijo o hija] tenga una salud insuperable y un futuro brillante.  

Wellness and a prosperous future are two things all parents want for their little ones, so couple these wishes with a savings bond and you’ll be right on the mark.

66. Happy wishes to the new parents.
Español: Felices deseos a los nuevos padres.

For a short, simple wish, use the message above.

67. We hope the arrival of your newest little one brings you both pure joy.
Español: Esperamos que la llegada de tu nuevo pequeño os traiga a ambos pura alegría.

Here’s a nice but short little wish for two people who are already parents.

68. Congratulations!  You are going to be the most amazing mom!!!
Español: ¡Felicidades!  ¡¡¡Vas a ser la mamá más increíble!!!

All new parents have reservations or fears about being the best parent possible. Here’s a simple way to reassure them that they’ll do just fine.

Kindness is Free

Being compassionate and insightful regarding someone else’s journey is a sure-fire way of paying it forward. Plus, it’s super easy to take a moment out of the day to send a quick note to someone who may need to hear those particular words of encouragement.

best wishes quotes

During special occasions such as birthdays and weddings, whether within family or friends, giving our best wishes has become an unofficial tradition. It’s unofficial since there’s really no rule to follow, rather it’s something that we naturally do for our loved ones. We express our concern and love through giving gifts along with our best wishes. We do not just do this during special events but also when a person dear to us is sick and we want them to know we’re praying for their fast healing.

It’s a beautiful thing to do this because it reminds the person how important they are in our lives and that we will always wish them well in whatever they’re going through in life. Aside from writing our best wishes using cards, it can also be done in person or in a face to face conversation.

There are a lot of cards sold in stores these days containing pre-written best wishes with different designs, lengths, and prices. Although buying a card saves us time, it’s more personal and extra special if we do handwritten wishes for our loved ones. It doesn’t matter if you copy the quotes from the internet, as long as it’s what your heart says. If we are sincere, our loved one will surely appreciate our effort. If you also give your best wishes through a speech, everyone will be able to see your honesty which is sometimes much better than expensive gifts. Wishing someone the best is something we should be doing all the time because it’s a great way to show kindness and love to everyone.

You might want to take a look at the long list of best wishes quotes we prepared for people like you who are having a difficult time looking for the right words to write or say. We hope you like them and please let your special someone know that we wish them well too!

1. And here’s wishing you the very best for all the new ventures, that life has in store for you.

2. I find my heart singing a chorus at your happy news. Good luck to you during this joyous time.

3. Keep your best wishes, close to your heart and watch what happens.

4. Don’t be afraid of moving forward. The future is bright.

5. Good luck and tons of best wishes. God bless you in whatever you do. This is my heartiest wish just for you.

6. Here’s wishing you success in everything you do. Good luck.

7. Success comes only to those who believe in themselves and are prepared to win. Good Luck.

8. I wish nothing but the best for you.

9. Moving on to a new stage in life can be a challenging process. We wish you the best of luck in all of your future endeavors, you will be great.

10. It’s kind of fun to do the impossible. All the best.

11. Good luck to you as you move onto the next stage in your life. Without a doubt, you will continue to have success in all areas.

12. May success be with you, always. Wishing you good luck.

13. May you do well and come out with flying colors. All the best.

14. May you fly high in life & success be with you always.

15. Try a little harder to be a little better. All the best.

16. The future is bright and beautiful. Love it, strive for it and work for it.

17. My heart is filled with joy at the sound of your good news. Best of luck to you dear friend.

18. Be strong as you fight your way to success, the difficulty you face is nothing compared to the joy of success.

19. Good luck to you as you move toward the next chapter life brings your way.

20. Good luck and tons of best wishes. God bless you in whatever you do. This is my heartiest wish just for you.

21. If you can dream it, you can do it. Best wishes for your bright future.

Good Luck and Best Wishes Quotes

22. I wish you all the success, happiness, and joy in life.

23. You have worked incredibly hard. Good luck. We are proud of you.

24. Don’t look back. For a bright future is ahead of you.

25. You have proven yourself to be a very skilled individual who has the capacity to do great things with their life. Continue to make us proud as you face new challenges and adventures.

26. Dream Big. Sparkle More. Shine Bright.

27. A little smile, a word of cheer, a bit of love from someone near, a little gift from one held dear, best wishes for the coming year. These make a merry Christmas. – John Greenleaf Whittier

28. To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream, not only plan but also believe, best wishes for your exam. – Ralph Chaplin

29. Keep your best wishes and your biggest goals close to your heart and dedicate time to them every day. If you truly care about what you do and you work diligently at it, there’s almost nothing you can’t accomplish. – Melchor Lim

30. Keep your best wishes, close to your heart and watch what happens. – Tony Deliso

31. A birthday wish you should make when you blow out the candles on your cake, but this special year that I’ve known you, I’d like to make ‘my’ wish come true. The friends we are now will continue forever, as the girl I know now might be my best friend forever. – Leanne Davis

32. Luck is yours wishes are mine. Let your future always shine. Best of Luck. – Ralph Chaplin

33. I am glad to hear that you are starting your own business after the excellent work experience. My Good Wishes are always with you. – Ralph Chaplin

34. Best wishes to you on your birthday may the day be filled with happiness, a day that’s so special for you and memories you will cherish. – Susan Smith

35. Best wishes to you as you progress from one stage in life to another. While this can be a difficult time, the results that you will achieve are worth all of the hard work that you will put in. – Rajesh Mankar

36. Here is the best wish for the new year: Let there be more freedom of thought throughout the world! Fields need rain; truths need freedom of thought. – Mehmet Murat ildan

37. You were born together, and together you shall be forevermore but let there be spaces in your togetherness. And let the winds of the heavens dance between you. – Kahlil Gibran

38. I wish you for all your dreams of tomorrow, I wish you’re having faith they all come true. I wish you all these things–but remember, sometimes wishes and dreams are all up to you. – Ralph Chaplin

39. I wish I had it in my power to furnish you with accommodation I should feel proud to do it, shall be happy to hear from you at anytime when you engagements will allow you an hour and remain with best wishes for yourself, family and circuit.      – John Hawley

40. My anxious recollections, my sympathetic feeling, and my best wishes are irresistibly excited whensoever, in any country, I see an oppressed nation unfurl the banners of freedom. – George Washington

41. Hope your burdens are feeling lighter, and each day is a little bit brighter.

Good Luck and Best Wishes Quotes

42. I am thrilled to know that luck has finally found you. Warmest wishes my friend.

43. We dropped by to say we will miss you lots. All the best to you.

44. I believe in you. Good Luck.

45. May your pockets be heavy and your heart be light.

46. May Good luck pursue you each morning and night.

47. Sending you good luck vibes.

48. Changing the face can change nothing, but facing the change can change everything. Good Luck.

49. May your good luck be always good.

50. Sending this lucky butterfly to shower you with love, luck & blessings.

51. You have worked incredibly hard. Good luck. We are proud of you.

52. The way in which you approach a challenge is exemplary. May you make it happen. Good Luck.

53. May God be kind, generous and rewarding. Good Luck.

54. As long as you have hard work in your stride good Luck will always
be by your side.

55. You deserve it, go for it. Good Luck.

56. Good luck with all your efforts. May you get what you truly deserve.

57. My good wishes are always with you. Go for it.

58. The road may seem rough, life may seem tough, but for a smooth sailing, my good luck wishes are enough.

59. May the wings of the butterfly kiss the sun. And find your shoulder to light on.To bring you luck, happiness and riches. Today, tomorrow and beyond.

Good Luck and Best Wishes Quotes

60. May your troubles be less and your blessings be more. And nothing but happiness come through your door.

61. Best of Luck for success to be there with you in every walk of life. May all the dreams that your heart hold, dear, come true. And may each day of life bring the best for you. All The Best.

62. I want to wish you good luck in whatever you do, may you get all things new, you have done your best in case. You will definitely win the race of life so just a little strive, and you would be there. You will get your fair share so do your best you can and you will get the plan.

63. Happiness doesn’t stay in your life for long. So when you have it, enjoy it to the fullest. Wishing you all the best.

64. Happiness is always in your life, may God prosper happiness, wealth and good luck forever in your life.

65. Luck is for the lazy. Success is for those who work hard.

66. A champion is scared of losing while everyone else is scared of winning.

67. There will be no success without hardship. All the best.

68. Don’t tell people your dreams. Show them! Best wishes for your future.

69. Sending well wishes and plenty of sunshine your way to brighten up your day.

70. You are a truly talented person and I wish you well throughout your life.

71. May you always get what you want and may you be at the right place. I wish you a very good luck for the future and may you have a wonderful life with no worries.

72. Good Luck. Hope you enjoy your new life.

73. The best time for new beginnings is now. All the best.

74. Do your best. That’s all you can do!

75. May you always walk the glorious road to success. All the best in life. May you achieve greatness and touch all your dreams.

76. Your effort is sure to win. Keep up the spirit.

77. Set your goals high, and don’t stop till you get there. All the best.

78. Close your eyes and make a wish.

79. May you get all your wishes but one, so you always have something to strive for. – An Irish Blessing

Good Luck and Best Wishes Quotes

80. The universe works in crazy ways. Your good luck will come in waves, and so does your bad, so you have to take the good with the bad and press forward. – Nick Cummins

81. If I have to wish you something, I would have to say have a very nice day.

82. May your pockets be heavy and your heart be light. May Good luck pursue you each morning and night.

83. May the wings of the butterfly kiss the sun. And find your shoulder to light on. To bring you luck, happiness and riches. Today, tomorrow and beyond.

84. The good luck you have made for yourself is an inspiration to many. May it continue throughout your life.

85. I wish you a very happy life ahead in which you do not need to worry about anything. May you get all the thing you want in life. Best Wishes Always.

86. If we had one wish for you on this special day it would be: May the best of your past be the worst of your future. – Catherine Pulsifer

87. May the sun always shine on your window pane; may a rainbow be certain to follow each rain. – Irish Proverb

88. Good luck is a residue of preparation. – Jack Youngblood

89. To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe. – Anatole France

90. Here are best wishes that your profession brings satisfaction, and pride to you always.  

91. Best wishes that your new degree will be a source of success you so richly deserve.

92. Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. – Mark Twain

93. And in today already walks tomorrow. – Samuel Taylor Coleridge

94. You are never given a wish without also being given the power to make it come true. You may have to work for it, however. – Richard Bach

95. Fear not for the future, weep not for the past. – Percy Blythe Shelley

96. Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined. – Henry David Thoreau

Good Luck and Best Wishes Quotes

97. When it comes to the future, there are three kinds of people: those who let it happen, those who make it happen, and those who wonder what happened. – John M. Richardson

98. Happy Graduation! Make a difference, live the dream, relish the adventure and stand strong.

99. You’re off to great places! Today is your day. Your mountain is waiting. So get on your way. – Dr. Seuss

100. We wanted to wish you well during this very special time in your life.

101. Never doubt your abilities for a moment in life. Wish you good luck and all the best.

102. If you can’t see the bright side of life, polish the dull side.

103. Sending best wishes to hope to show that how much I love you.

104. From all of us to you, we wish you well and hope that all of your dreams come true.

105. Luck is yours, greetings are mine, you get every success and let your future always shine. Best Wishes & Greetings.

106. Wish you the very best in everything as you deserve nothing less.

107. Wishing your dreams begin to come true, and every tomorrow be happy for you.

108. As you start this new journey in life, may every day hold wonderful experiences.

109. Be brave to let go of the past. And fight for the present that you deserve. A better future is always yours.

110. Here’s wishing you all the best for your endeavors in the coming year.

111. Don’t stress. Do your best. Forget the rest.

112. If you keep working as hard in the future, nothing can stop you. All the best.

113. We wish you all the very best for your future life. May everything that you do make you happy and rise.

114. Good luck. Hope everything turns out to be simply great for you.

115. Only you can control your future.

116. Every sunset gives us one day less to live! But every sunrise gives us one day more to hope. So, hope for the Best. Good Day.

117. If all you can do is crawl, start crawling.

118. The secret to a rich life is to have more beginnings than endings. – Dave Weinbaum

119. Don’t be afraid to move on and start a new chapter.

120. Do not wait until the conditions are perfect to begin. Beginning makes the conditions perfect.

121. Don’t wait. Make memories today. Celebrate your life.

122. Life is a great big canvas, and you should throw all the paint on it you can.

123. Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself. – George Bernard Shaw

124. Sending you good luck vibes.

125. Your future will always be bright when you stay focused optimistic and confident.

126. Follow your dreams. Never say never.

127. Smile knowing that good luck has finally found you. Wishing you plenty of joy, happiness, and health.

128. Don’t be afraid to start over. It’s a brand new opportunity to rebuild what you truly want.

129. Just remember – when you think all is lost, the future remains.

Good Luck and Best Wishes Quotes

130. All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better.

131. I just took a trip to your future in my time machine, and it looks bright. All the best.

132. I’m making a prediction that you are going to keep being awesome.

133. Good seasons start with good beginnings.

134. Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step. – Martin Luther King, Jr.

135. You will never win if you never begin.

136. Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

137. Start wherever you are and start small. All the best.

138. So happy to hear your wonderful news. Here’s to wishing you the best of luck.

139. May all your dreams come true.

140. Don’t ever change. Stay as amazing as you are, my friend

141. Here’s to the sweetest and loveliest person I know. Happy birthday.

142. You will meet many people in life who will hate you much. But you have to stand strong and straight and you have to be yourself. Define yourself with how strong you stand at that time. Good luck, have a happy life.

143. Being failure or loser is totally up to you. Just remember one thing that the failure is a defeat for the loser and it is nothing less than inspiration for the winners. Get inspired by your failure and get success next time. I wish you the best of luck and may you be a winner every time in life.

144. Wishing you strength to face every problem, joy and happiness to enjoy your wonderful life, love to make life beautiful, talent to make life good and worth living, and a very happy life. Best of luck my dear.

145. They say that successful people are those who dream big, but I believe that they not only believe but their actions are more important in their success. They do hard work to get their desires and to change their dreams into a reality. I wish you strength and a good luck in life.

146. If your good luck is with you, all the good things happen to you in life. You get happiness, friends, love and success in life. Best of luck to achieve your desires.

147. You may be hurt sometimes, you may fail and lose sometimes. You may not get what you want, but never stop thinking good and struggling. By struggles, you will get everything you want. This is the real success. I wish you good luck with your tasks.

148. Success is never permanent and it comes to only those people who try again and who do not wait and hesitate. It comes to those people who are ready to do anything. I wish you the best of luck. May you have a successful life ahead.

149. Success may be for some time but what you have achieved will always be yours and will stay with you forever. Work hard to achieve things, it may take your time today but you will cherish it tomorrow. Good luck to you dear.

150. Actions are much more important than dreams in order to achieve something really great. You must have a proper plan for how to achieve it. And the most important thing is that you must believe yourself that you can do it. I wish you good luck with all the things you have to achieve.

151. Yes, no perfect life is there. But it can be made perfect by having lots of perfect moments and celebrating them. Best of luck dear

152. Life is not perfect but you can make it perfect yourself. All you need to make your life perfect is love, happiness, laughter and lots of luck. I wish you the best of luck for a perfect life with happiness all the way.

153. They say that you need oxygen to live. But I believe that there are some other things without which life will be so difficult. Those important things are love, happiness and most importantly Luck. Luck is very important to survive in life. I wish you the best of luck in all your life. May you have a great life ahead.

154. Never stop believing in yourself. Never think of quitting in life. You can do everything and you can get through every problem if you don’t quit and if you have belief in yourself. I will always be there for you to help you out whenever you need me and I will stand beside you every time. Wishing you the best of luck for the future.

155. Be prepared for any kind of tasks every time. Always believe in yourself. If you follow these two things then you will surely get success in every field of life. I hope that you win each task and you have a very happy life. Have a best of luck in all your life.

156. Never ever think of quitting. Think about winning and you will win for sure. Keep on running and struggling and then there is no force that can stop you from getting success in life. Have courage and belief in yourself and then go ahead and face every problem with all the courage. Then nothing can stop you from winning. Best of luck to you my friend.

157. My prayers and best wishes are always with you. May you have a very good luck. You can make your future bright and shining when you will believe in yourself and never think of quitting. Good luck with everything you do!

How to Say Best Wishes to Someone

Best Wishes

These are examples of non-specific best wishes messages. Add in any details that will make your wording more personal and relevant.

  • I know you’re working hard to achieve your goals. Best wishes and good luck in all your endeavors!
  • Thank you for being such a wonderful friend. Best wishes to you and your family for happiness and success in all that you do.
  • I’m so proud of all that you’ve accomplished. Best wishes for continued success and happiness in your life.
  • I’m confident that you will be blessed. You deserved the best!
  • It’s fun to watch you on your path to greatness. This is just one of many ways you have impressed me.
  • I would wish you luck, but I don’t think you need it. You will be successful.
  • I’m making a prediction that you are going to keep amazing me.
  • If you keep working as hard in the future, nothing can stop you.
  • I’m always rooting for you. I’m your biggest fan. Best of luck to you!
  • My money is on you. You’re a sure bet!
  • I just took a trip to your future in my time machine, and it looks bright.
  • You affect so many people by the meaningful work you do, so when we wish you luck we are actually wishing many people an improved life. Thank you for working hard and making a difference. Best wishes to you and all those whose lives you touch.
  • If I had to choose one word to describe you, it would be determined.
  • I don’t see how there’s any chance that someone like you can fail, but I’ll say good luck to you anyway just in case you need a little.
  • I’ve enlisted God’s help for you, and I’m praying for your success. But I figure a little luck won’t hurt either. So, I’m wishing you luck.
  • We’re hoping your wildest dreams come true… Well, maybe not your wildest dreams. We’re wishing that your tame dreams come true.
  • Never stop dreaming, and never give up. Now that I think of it, who am I talking to? I know that will never happen with you. I’ll just say good luck.
  • I’m sending my prayers, good thoughts, and a little luck toward you just to let you know that I wish the best for you. I appreciate what you are working to accomplish.
  • We’re hoping you do well on your big test/interview.  We’re praying that you have the peace, wisdom, and clarity of thought to do the best you possibly can.
  • We would wish you luck, but we know that what you are trying to do requires so much more. You must have determination and work very hard.
  • You are the perfect person for the job already. We’re wishing you more of what you already have: determination, intelligence, and willingness to roll up your sleeves.
  • Most things in life that are worth a big pay off are worth the wait and hard work. We know you are willing to sacrifice and be patient.
  • Finding a strong purpose and dream in your life the way you have serves to inspire those around you. In some ways you have already been a success in your pursuit of greatness. Congratulations on your accomplishments so far, and good luck on your inspiring future.
  • Be careful as you begin to accomplish the goals you have set out to achieve. Sometimes you will find that the pursuit of goals is more rewarding than the attainment of those goals. The remedy is to always set new goals as you achieve more.
  • No one can ever totally plan for all the surprises in this life, but I would wager that you are one of the most well-prepared, flexible, and resilient people I know. I am confident you will continue to do awesome things.
  • Many great accomplishments were preceded by resistance to change of the status quo. Keep that in mind as you face challenges, and you will know that you are not the first to fight such ignorance. Stay energized to move forward.
  • No one ever said that the things you are trying to do are easy, but you went ahead and tried anyway. Now you are making challenging things look easy. Good luck on your future of making things look easy.
  • I am confident in your abilities, and I hope others will see your value and give you the chance you deserve.
  • I admire your decision to make great changes in your life. I am rooting for you!
  • Life will undoubtedly throw curve balls at you. Make yourself good at hitting curve balls.
  • I am already proud of you and all that you have accomplished, but I am still looking forward to what you have ahead of you.
  • If I had a time machine I’d be saying congratulations because I’d have gone to the future and seen your success.
  • You surprise me only because you manage to exceed my exceptionally high expectations.
  • If you had luck it would be put to shame by your hard work ethic.
  • Your future called and told me to tell you that the best is yet to come.
  • I would tell you to surprise me, but I’d be more surprised if you don’t succeed.
  • You inspire me with your brave actions. I’m looking forward to seeing what comes from you in the future.
  • I’m one of your biggest fans when it comes to wishing you the best.
  • Best wishes to you on your upcoming exam! I’m confident you’ll do great!
  • I heard you’re going through a tough time. Please know that you’re in my thoughts and I’m sending you all my best wishes.
  • Congratulations on your new job! Best wishes for your continued success in your career!
  • Sending you lots of love and best wishes on your special day. Happy Birthday!
  • I’m sorry to hear about your loss. My deepest condolences to you and your family. Best wishes during this difficult time.
  • I hope your surgery goes well and that you have a speedy recovery. Best wishes for your health and well-being.
  • Congratulations on your engagement! Best wishes for a happy and fulfilling life together.
  • I know you’re working hard to achieve your goals. Best wishes and good luck in all your endeavors!
  • Thank you for being such a wonderful friend. Best wishes to you and your family for happiness and success in all that you do.
  • I’m so proud of all that you’ve accomplished. Best wishes for continued success and happiness in your life.

Best Wishes for an Exam

  • I hope you perform as well as you can on your test and that you’re happy with your score.
  • May your test turn out easier than you expected and your score higher than you hoped.
  • I’ll wish you luck, but I’m guessing you won’t need it since you’ve been studying so much.
  • You got this! I know you’ll do an excellent job on your test.
  • Time to put all that studying to good use. I know you’ll do fine because you’ve put in the time.
  • I’m praying that all right knowledge comes to mind at the right time while you’re taking your exam.
  • It’s amazing how much can be at stake when you go do take an exam. I know what you desire and I hope you get the score that you deserve.
  • I’m proud of that big beautiful brain of yours. I know you’ll do just fine on your big test coming up.

Best Wishes for Surgery

  • I hope your surgery goes as smoothly as possible with the least pain possible.
  • I won’t be disappointed if you come out of your surgery with super powers.
  • Surgery can be nerve racking. Relax and let me do the worrying.
  • I’m looking forward to celebrating with you about your successful surgery when it’s all over and you’re in recovery.
  • Don’t think of it as a surgery. Think of it as taking a nap while you get fixed.
  • Whether it’s major of minor surgery doesn’t matter. I hope it goes well!
  • I’ll cut out any jokes I might have thought of writing in the card and just tell you to have a good surgery.
  • Surgery is for brave people. You are demonstrating your bravery well.
  • I see a full recovery in your near future!

Best Wishes for an Election Candidate

Show support for a candidate running for office with one of these:

  • May the best candidate win, which is you!
  • The issues are too important for you not to win.
  • You are the only candidate I trust to take office. I hope you win by a landslide.
  • Time will tell what the outcome of the election will be, but I’ll support you either way.
  • I would say good luck, but you have voters. That’s better than luck.
  • Your campaign should speak for itself. Let’s hope the voters have the sense to choose the best candidate!
  • I have been praying for you from before you even started your candidacy. I’ll continue to support you and pray for you.
  • The wise decision would be to choose the wise candidate. That’s you!
  • Here’s to you winning the election!
  • You’ll do great things in your positions when you are elected!

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