Word for best friend forever

Sincerely, there’s nothing as sweet as having a friend you can trust and give your allegiance to. And what’s as soothing and satisfying as the feeling you get having a friend who is ready to give you every support you will ever need, whether you ask for it or not? When you have such a friend, you are very confident to call them a friend indeed – or best friend forever.

So do you have such a friend? If yes, they deserve these sweet messages for best friend forever. Just pick the one you know they will enjoy reading and send to them.

Sweet Message for Best Friend Forever? Friends Forever SMS or Friends Forever Messages? You have the best to copy and paste.

So, Happy reading!

Cute Message for My Best Friend Forever

The best collection of “cute message for my best friend forever” – your best friend forever. Sweet messages for best friend in English.

1. My life has turned out so amazing because I grew up with the best personality I’ve ever seen. You complement my life and you’ve made my existence worthwhile. I love you above all.

2. A lot of people have friends, I have you as my blood, my twin, and my chum. I feel blessed to have you in my life. My life has been beautiful ever since I met you. You are the best.

3. We meet many people through the journey of life, some stay a while, some are meant to be forever. I can’t imagine how I would have coped without you. Together forever my sweet friend.

4. When a lot of people gave up on me, when I felt so worthless that I didn’t deserve any good, you came and believed in me, you cleaned the dirt and made me whole. I owe you my life. You’re the best friend ever.

5. Through the storms and winds that made me fall, you picked me up again and walked side by side with me. You gave me strength and you made me wanna prove a point with my life. I can’t love you less. A wonderful friend indeed. Heart touching Thoughts on Friendship

6. “If only I saw you” this is what’s always on my mind when I’m down, you have a way to make me smile and forget all my sorrows, you’re my inspiration and my source of joy. I love you, my dear friend.

7. I don’t know where you saw it but I know you possess the key to my heart. Even when I’m too lazy to do things, you fire up my energy, when I’m too blind to see, your flashlight always ready. You’re indeed a friend.

8. You know exactly the right words to say per time, always soothing my pain as would a balm, massaging my ego, challenging my abilities and celebrating my feats. You’re indeed a great friend.

9. Hurting me for my good is what you won’t hesitate doing, you love me too make to say to my face when I’m wrong and make me do the right things. What did I do to deserve such a wonderful person like you?

10. You’re a combination of mummy, sibling, friend, and baby. Just having you around is enough motivation to do all I plan. You are the best thing that happened to me, my lovely friend.

11. Even though you had your own struggles, you made sure I wasn’t lagging behind. You sacrificed everything you had to make me who I am today. If not for you I’d have been lost, trying to find myself. My friend, my life.

12. Instead of you to cry, you were strong because of me, when you were weak, you gathered the strength to keep me going. I owe you everything in my life. You are my friend, you are my blood, can’t stop loving you.

13. We played together, sang together, laughed together, danced together and cried together. Your memories are sealed in the deepest parts of my heart. You made life worth living for me. I love you with all my heart.

14. Even if I decide to die for you, I cannot pay back everything you did for me, now I believe you’re my angel sent from heaven. You’ve sacrificed so much for me and I promise to pay back loving you every day of my life.

15. Through the thick and thin, the deep and shallow, whenever I look back you were always there giving me reassuring smiles that wherever I go you follow. It’s really sweet having you around all these years. I love you.

16. Knowing that someone got your back no matter what is the best feeling ever, there’s a ready shoulder to cry on, a ready heart to love and ready lips to soothe the pains. Now I can go into my day with all confidence that I’ve got the best friend in the world.

17. Remember the naughty things we used to do, the hide and seek, the silent dares and pranks. We’ve come a long way and we’re still here in love. I celebrate you my one and only best friend in the world.

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18. I think about our sweet memories and a tear drops from my eyes. Life has been the best it can’t be, the blend of sweet and sour and having to experience all this with you is the best feeling ever. I love you so much my friend and I can’t stop loving you.

19. I would just stay here, enjoying the memories that we share. The places we went to, the things we did, the days of hunger and plenty, all these things are what makes life worth living and I’m happy I’m living it with you.

20. I close my eyes and I get lost in thoughts, I tried removing your influence from my life and I saw a disaster. I would have fumbled and struggled through life without you. You’re indeed a friend like a family.

Sweet Words for My Best Friend

Sweet words for my best friend. Sweet Messages for Best Buddies.

21. Waking up with the thought that you’re there gives a surge of energy to my bones. We may not individually amount to much in life. But together we can shake the foundations of this Earth. Let’s go do exploit my friend, the world is waiting for us.

22. I dunno how to say this without making your head swell, it’s not as if I love you that much so you won’t start feeling yourself. I just can’t afford to live without you, you are my everything. I love you, friend, I really do.

23. You’re my partner in crime, remember those funny things we used to do. Life was so fun back then and the fun hasn’t reduced yet. You’re such a great friend, and I wouldn’t trade that for anything in the world.

24. The first time we met so casually, I never knew we would become this inseparable. Now I know our paths was divinely orchestrated, that k you for coming into my life. You’re such a wonderful person.

25. You have everything I lack, it’s as if you’re the completing part of me. You strengths tower over my weakness and cover them up and together we make a formidable team. You’re the best friend ever.

26. Oh, when my heart yearns for a partner… When I just want to let it out and scream. You were there to absorb the pains and induce the strength. You are the best friend in the world.

27. Truly man cannot live alone, who will carry him when he falls? who will he celebrate with when he wins? Having to share everything that happens with a ready heart is the best feeling in the world. I have that in you.

28. If I could turn the feelings of love in me to a river of words, they’d drown you. I feel like the luckiest person in the world for having a friend like you. You are the definition of true friendship, I’d never stop loving you.

29. I cannot count how many times you’ve sacrificed your comfort and time for me. It got to a point I started feeling guilty about it. Thank you for seeing the good in me. You are a great friend and I love you.

30. To get a friend who isn’t envious of your success and achievements is rare. A friend that supports your aspirations even when they’re struggling with theirs is divine. I owe you everything I am. I love you with everything my dear friend.

31. When I’m down and weak, I rely on your strength, your presence alone strengthens my bones and take away my loneliness. My heart yearns for you always. You are my everything. I love you, my dear friend.

32. Even if I whine and complain, I miss your teasing, the challenging words you say that make me do what I wouldn’t have done, I miss the reassuring words you give when I would have given up. I miss everything we did together, I miss you, my lovely friend.

33. Through the journey of my life, at different junctures, many people come in and others left, but someone has been there all through and is still there and that’s you. I can’t appreciate you enough for being a dear friend.

34. Even though I do not see you every day, your presence lingers around me, and the memories are fresh. You have been such a wonderful person to me. You are my one and only best friend.

35. A lot of people have siblings, and others have friends. Having both in one person is very rare, that’s why I am not taking it for granted. Thank you for being both to me. I wouldn’t have been who I am without you. Sweet Message for My Best Friend

36. You understand me, even more, than I do myself when I just needed someone to tell me “all will be well”, the times I needed a hand to just hold me without saying a word. You are the true definition of a friend. I’m happy to have you.

37. I would have been a locked treasure chest, if not for the motivation you gave me to explore and manifest my hidden gifts. You are the reason why I’m here today. I owe you everything, my lovely friend.

38. I know I’ve been selfish, I’m always claiming busy, but today I’m taking time off to celebrate you for being a great friend all these years. You never gave up on me despite my flaws. I can’t appreciate you enough, you’re the best.

39. When I think about what we’ve passed through together, I know we are divinely chosen to be friends. Together we would achieve greater feats. Thank you so much for being my friend. I would never take this privileged for granted.

40. So many times I wondered what made you stay, despite my hurting words and tantrums, despite the disappointment and what I made you go through. You stood by me in trying times. You are my angel and I’m lucky to have you.

Special Messages for My Best Friend

Friends are special part of our life. Although, some friends may have bad influence on you, while some will turn your life around for good. Here are Special Text Messages for Best Friend you can use to show how important your friends are to you.

41. Even when I had nothing to offer, you never stopped investing and believing in me. You sacrificed so much for me to make who I am today. I’d do anything to appreciate your efforts over me. You are indeed the best.

42. If I can, I’d make all the writers in the world write you sweet words of how I feel. You are a blessing beyond my imagination, I wonder what I would have done without you. I love you, my special friend.

43. You are divinely sent indeed, your timing was perfect. When I was swayed by evil distractions, you made me retrace back my steps. Everything I am today, I have you to thank for it.

44. Shout out to my special, naughty, caring, supportive and loyal friend. You’re my ordained twin from heaven, keep enjoying and basking in the euphoria of greatness. I love you more than you can ever imagine.

45. Even though I don’t say it often, you are very special to me, and I appreciate all your sacrifices for me. I can never forget you, I love you my dear friend and I’m sure you know I do.

46. Even though we quarrel and fight a lot, I still love you. Even though I don’t sometimes see things your way, you still hold an important seat in my life. Even when I act tough, my heart cannot stop loving you. You’re my wonderful friend.

47. God keep you for me, my friend, you are my backbone and the thought of you energizes me daily to achieve and make things happen. You are my drive and I can never stop loving you, my wonderful friend.

48. With the swelling of emotions in my heart, I can’t seem to find the right words to say and how to say it to please the yearning in me. I’m just going to wrap up the emotions in this four words. “I owe you everything.”

49. Wonder what has been keeping me going all these while? It has been you. The great feats you achieve challenge me to do something worthwhile with my life too. You are my inspiration and my friend.

50. You made success so easy that I had to change my mentality about failure. Just hearing you speak, I feel motivated and I wanna achieve things to repay you for believing in me. You are the best kind of friend anyone could ever have.

51. The distance may be far, but your presence is felt. You’ve done to me so much good, nothing can change the way I feel about you. You are a rare gem

52. Everyone would love to have somebody like you in their lives. If I’m in the mud, we are there together and when on the big podium, you are always by my side. Our Friendship makes things happen.

53. Anytime I face a challenge, I come back to draw strength, because I know I have a friend who is always ready to go all the way with me. Together we can make anything happen. You are the best. Can’t stop loving you.

54. There was a time you forced me to face my fears and you were there mumbling words of prayers for me. How would I have survived if not for you? You are indeed very special, I appreciate you, my dear friend.

55. If everyone in the world had a friend like you, the world would have been a better place. You are one in a million and a rare gem like you should be appreciated and honoured. I love you, my friend.

56. I just can’t fathom how one person can be full of so much positivity. The audacity and confidence you use in conquering challenges are captivating. I am so lucky to have a friend like you.

57. You have infected me so much with your possibility mentality that I can never recover from. If not for you I would have been contented with my struggling self. Thank you for making me see the good in me. I love my good pal.

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58. When you complain about my bad lifestyle, I thought you were just so mean and jealous you didn’t want me to enjoy life. Thank God I listened to you, and thank you for standing by me. You are a wonderful friend.

59. Sitting down at my spot this cool evening thinking how I got here. After God, I have one more person to thank and that’s you, my friend. You’ve done so much for me and I appreciate it.

60. God bless the day I met you, never would I have known you’d be a blessing to me this much. You are the best thing that happened to me, and I thank God I have somebody like you in my life.

Cute Messages for My Best Friend Male or Female

Friend is friend be it male or female, they have one or two contribution to the type of person you are. Cute Messages for My Male and Female Friends are all you need to prove your friendship to your friends.

61. The days where we have no worries, we live life the way it comes. Those times when all that matters was having fun, that we grew to face responsibilities and now we are here enjoying the fruits of our labour. Thanks for being there.

62. The two greatest things I hate to do, accepting faults and accountability vanished when you came into my life. You demanded them and I had no choice, this made me a better person. I have you to thank for it, you’re a wonderful friend.

63. One thing I know for certain is that, even if I don’t have money and plenty possessions. I have a loyal friend that wouldn’t leave me no matter what and that’s you. I love you, my sweet friend.

64. Your love overwhelmed me and I could never have imagined I could get this much love from one person. What did I do to deserve such an amazing person like you? You are the best.

65. Now I understand that you love me as I am but you love me too much to leave me the way I am. You’re so interested in me being a better person and I thank you for pushing me to greatness. God bless you for me, my friend.

66. We have come a long way my friend, and we are still going on. It’s been wonderful having you as a life journey partner. I appreciate your presence in my life and I can’t afford to lose you.

67. You’ve spoilt me so much by doing everything for me. I still can’t believe everything you’ve done for me all these years. I wish I can repay you but I know I can’t stop loving you. You’re the greatest friend ever.

68. The way you smile and act calm whenever I’m pissed and raging made me do away with anger. You are always peaceful and happy no matter the situation. You are the best personality I’ve ever met my great friend.

69. Smiling at myself here remembering those funny moments we had, these memories makes life sweet. I miss those times and I enjoy now because they soon would become a sweet memory. God bless you, my friend.

70. I want nothing than for you to be happy and free from all evil. I can’t stand anything bad happening to you, I love you like my own life and I can’t do without you, my friend. We are made to be together from heaven.

71. I know I can be strong headed and stubborn but no matter what I love you beyond words. Even when I intentional frustrate you, its born out of love. You are my everything, can’t stop loving you, my dear friend.

72. I just want God to keep you for me. I cannot afford to lose you, you’re the reason why I face the raging storm and conquer. I can’t imagine what would happen if you leave. You are my powerhouse.

73. Starting my day and ending it with you is my greatest motivation. You’re my Muse and you bring out the best in me. I don’t think I would cope without you. I appreciate you, my lovely friend.

74. You’re the fuel in my engine and I would stop working without you. I keep being grateful to God for giving me a friend like you, and I would never take you for granted. I love you so much.

75. I want to show you off to the world because I have the best of friends. You are the answer to my prayers, you came when I needed a backbone and you’ve never let me down. I appreciate you, my wonderful friend.

76. I love the way you got my back always, even when I know I’m wrong you make me understand that I am and encourage me to make am amend. You are so sweet my friend.

77. Because I know you won’t condemn me, that’s why I come to you with confidence that you would understand me in love and help me with what I’m passing through. You have never disappointed me. I love you, my good friend.

78. You are the first on my mind whenever I’m down. Your words bring encouragement, renewed confidence and ignite Life in me. Thank you, my dear. I have you to thank for everything.

79. With assurance, I could close my eyes and trust you with my life. On countless times you’ve earned my trust that I sometimes feel you’re too good to be true. You are my angel. Thank you, my wonderful friend.

80. You know this feeling you get when you have a backbone and Godfather somewhere. You do things with confidence and confront anything that comes your way. That’s the feeling I have because you are my backbone. I can’t do without you.

Inspirational Messages for My Best Friend

When you want to keep your best friend inspired, send these sweet messages for my best friend to him or her.

81. I always thought you are the best friend ever, I had this feeling that I was very lucky to have but I was damn right. You are the best thing that happened to me, you are so irreplaceable. I love you, my dear friend.

82. As if God knew I couldn’t survive alone, he gave me somebody to help me through the journey. Not just somebody but a complement, a confidant and somebody that understands me more than I do myself. He gave me you. I love you.

83. How do you feel when you know there’s somebody somewhere that is ready to stake whatever they have to help you. That sweet feeling is what I enjoy daily because I have you. You are a wonderful friend.

84. I feel on top of the world whenever I’m with you. Even if the whole world doesn’t see anything good in me. I know all you see is greatness and I’ve been so infected by your positivity that I believe this greatness myself. You are the best.

85. I would do anything you want for you. You’ve done so much for me that I feel guilty. I feel very lucky and special to have you as a friend and I won’t stop appreciating you. You are the best of all bests.

86. I don’t need a perfect friend, I just need somebody that understands me the way I am and wouldn’t give up on me no matter what. I have all that in you and I am satisfied. You mean the world to me, my wonderful friend.

87. Thank you for being the one, the one that cares, the one that is always available and knows exactly what I want per time. I love you, my sweet friend. You mean everything to me.

88. Your presence in my life is the greatest thing that happened to me, strengthening and encouraging, consoling and energizing, challenging and pushing me to confront whatsoever comes my way. I love you, my dear.

89. You pushed me out to face my fears, standing at my tail making sure I wouldn’t run back. You built confidence in me and all I today I have you to thank for it.

90. I wouldn’t have come this far if not for you, you wouldn’t take No for an answer from you. You never allowed me to say I can’t do it and since you say I can, then I become confident and I eventually do. I owe you, my sweet friend.

91. It would be so ungrateful to me not to appreciate. I know it’s hard to put up with my unyielding self but you kept the faith. Thank you for not giving up on me. I wouldn’t be here if not for you. You are a friend indeed.

92. Even when I fall, I have your shoulders to carry me, I am so confident that I face each day with great confidence that Failure now fears me. I have you to thank for my success. Thank you for being a wonderful friend.

93. Remember when we use to sit together and talk about the future, here we are now living the future. It’s being a very fruitful journey all this while with you. Thank you, my lovely friend.

94. We planned it, we prepared for it and now we are here living it happily. We are doing our best to make the coming future better. I have you to thank for everything because we’ve come a long way together, my friend.

95. Life is a blend of happy and sad, joy and sorrows with memories that linger. You brought these memories and I’d keep them with me forever. You are worth everything to me. I love you, my dear friend.

96. Despite our fights and disagreements, the rough and bumpy roads we passed, our journey together never stopped. We are indeed meant to be forever. God bless you, my friend.

97. Even when things are not going smoothly, we stood together and never parted now we are enjoying the memories and living our dreams. Let’s continue into the future, my wonderful friend.

98. Whenever I think about your love, I feel overwhelmed and I can’t help saying a prayer for you because you have been my guardian angel. Thank you for coming into my life.

99. I pray God will bless you and keep you going, you’ve done so much for me that I wouldn’t do for myself. You’ve shown me love so great that I didn’t think I deserve it. I love you, dear.

100. I learned every good thing from you, you have injected me with your positivity and sacrifice. Now I am a better person and I have you to thank for everything. May God reward you greatly.

Table of Contents

  1. What is another word for best friends forever?
  2. What does BFF forever mean?
  3. Who is your best friend forever?
  4. Do best friends last forever?
  5. Do best friends break up?
  6. What friendships last the longest?
  7. Do all friendships end?
  8. Why do so many friendships end?
  9. What can cause a friendship to end?
  10. How do you know a friendship is over?
  11. How do you tell if a friend doesn’t like you anymore?
  12. How do you know if your losing your best friend?
  13. How do I get my bestie back?
  14. Why do I lose interest in friends?
  15. What is a real friendship like?
  16. What is a bad friendship?
  17. Should I forgive my friend?
  18. Do true friends forgive?
  19. Should you forgive a toxic friend?
  20. What you should never forgive?
  21. Can a liar be forgiven by God?
  22. What sin will God not forgive?
  23. Does God punish me if I sin?
  24. Will God forgive me if I keep sinning?
  25. What are the three unforgivable sins?

What is another word for best friend forever?

best friend BFF
best bud faithful friend
chum main man
ally friend
bosom friend comrade

What does BFF forever mean?

Best friends forever

Who is your best friend forever?

15 Signs She’s Your Best Friend Forever

  • You have too many inside jokes.
  • People often think you are sisters.
  • You have to talk at least once a day.
  • You fight all the time, but make up real quick.
  • You tell each other everything.
  • People don’t get your kinda crazy.
  • She’s your cheerleader.
  • You’re possessive about each other.

Do best friends last forever?

Best friends can last fondly in your memory forever, even if you’ve both moved on. If you feel like it’s time to leave a friendship, there are ways to release your former BFF with love. Learn more about letting go of old friendships here.

Do best friends break up?

However, one of the hardest relationship break downs can often be the ones you have with your best friend. Sometimes you never see it coming, or others you get “that feeling” that you’re starting to move in different directions and your friendship might not withstand the test of time.

What friendships last the longest?

Here’s what they said.

  • 1 Have open communication.
  • 2 Don’t judge each other.
  • 3 Be a good listener.
  • 4 Be consistent.
  • 5 Keep in touch.

Do all friendships end?

Time and circumstances have just slowly caused it to fade away. And that’s how the majority of friendships end, according to Bill. Not with a bang, but a whimper. “Most friendships lapse until there’s no expectation of seeing that friend or having that friend act like a friend.”

Why do so many friendships end?

Values change. Sometimes a friend changes or you change and you realize you don’t receive the same level of comfort you once did. There is an awkwardness to the friendship. Sometimes you make it through the difficult patch and remain friends and sometimes the friendship ends.

What can cause a friendship to end?

Reasons for Ending a Friendship

  • Circumstances: Your lives have changed (no longer working together, going to the same school, etc.).
  • Distance: You’ve grown apart in terms of interests or commitments.
  • Lying: Your friend is deceitful.
  • Negativity: Your friend spends more time cutting you down than building you up.

How do you know a friendship is over?

But if you find that a certain friendship is consistently one-sided, it may be time to say goodbye. “If you are finding your friend only pops up when they need something or they are going through a hard time — but often go silent or provide very little in your time of need — it’s time to say bye to this friend.”

How do you tell if a friend doesn’t like you anymore?

  1. They Don’t Seem As Interested In Your Life Anymore. Ashley Batz/Bustle.
  2. They Aren’t Inviting You Out. Hannah Burton/Bustle.
  3. They’re No Longer Opening Up To You.
  4. They Keep Making Excuses When You Ask To Hang Out.
  5. They’re Constantly Arguing & Complaining.
  6. They Seem Quiet Whenever You Hang Out.
  7. They’re Straight Up Avoiding You.

How do you know if your losing your best friend?

Noticing the signs that you’re losing a best friend can be just as difficult as seeing the mistakes they make.

  • You don’t talk as often.
  • You take long to answer or don’t answer at all.
  • Your interest in the conversation is minimal.
  • No effort is made to see each other.
  • The other person blames you.

How do I get my bestie back?

Fortunately, best friends usually end up making up because they care about each other. Things may feel rough, but stay positive. Whether you’ve had a fight, they’ve met someone new, or they’ve moved away, it’s possible to get your best friend back….Meet new people.

  1. Join a club.
  2. Hang out with other friends.
  3. Host a party.

Why do I lose interest in friends?

There may not be a deeper reason why you quickly lose interest in people. Maybe you’re in a busy phase in your life, and new friendships aren’t your priority. It may simply be the way you’re wired, and you bounce between hobbies and interests as quickly as you do friends. Maybe you’ll change one day, maybe not.

What is a real friendship like?

A true friend is not only honest about themselves, but they are also honest about you. They are able to have difficult conversations in telling you things that sometimes you may not be eager to hear. They don’t tear you down but rather a true friend will hold you to a standard they know your character is worthy of.

What is a bad friendship?

If you’re feeling degraded or mistreated by your friend, you are in a negative relationship that can damage your self-esteem and mental health. Malicious Behavior. If your friend speaks to you or calls you names with the intent to hurt your feelings, you are experiencing a bad friendship.

Should I forgive my friend?

You can forgive your friend for his or her hurtful words and deeds and gain the mental health benefit from such forgiveness. As long as you’re earnest in your forgiveness, it doesn’t matter whether your friend accepts the forgiveness or not. You’ve extended the kindness and begun the healing process.

Do true friends forgive?

Forgive you for anything Real friends will know that sometimes you’ll mess up. They will forgive you because they value your friendship more than your (temporary) mistake.

Should you forgive a toxic friend?

“Bottom line: toxic friendships cause pain on a regular basis.” Further, Masini says that if you have a toxic friend, they’re most likely not going to change, meaning that it’s best for you to just say goodbye.

What you should never forgive?

Here are some of the most heart-wrenching, shocking, and unbelievable things that people simply couldn’t forgive.

  1. “Cheated On Me With My Mum”
  2. Drunk Driving.
  3. Infidelity During Illness.
  4. Abuse.
  5. Forgetting They Had Cancer.
  6. Claiming Sexual Assault Never Really Happened.
  7. Deceased Spouse’s Family.
  8. Saying Things You Can’t Take Back.

Can a liar be forgiven by God?

Yes. If they confess their sins, turn away from lying and start walking in truth, and do not lie anymore, then He will forgive lying. If they do not repent and turn away from it, then He will not, (Revelation 21:8; Revelation 22:14–15; 2 Thessalonians 2: 7–12).

What sin will God not forgive?

New Testament passages And so I tell you, any sin and blasphemy can be forgiven. But blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven. Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but anyone who speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come.”

Does God punish me if I sin?

Originally Answered: Will God punish us for doing bad things? God does not punish anyone. He does not know to punish. He does not hold any grudge against anyone, like we humans do.

Will God forgive me if I keep sinning?

If you sin again, God will forgive you again. Ask for his forgiveness once more- his mercy and grace for you are boundless. Where sin increases, and we are in Christ, “grace abounds all the more” (Romans 5:20). Peter once asked the Lord how many times he must forgive those who sinned against him.

What are the three unforgivable sins?

I believe that God can forgive all sins provided the sinner is truly contrite and has repented for his or her offenses. Here’s my list of unforgivable sins: ÇMurder, torture and abuse of any human being, but particularly the murder, torture and abuse of children and animals.

Message for Best Friend: Searching for Message for Best Friend Forever? Having a friend is one of the best things that can happen in one’s life. Therefore it’s good to express our feelings towards our friends as we grow our Friendship.

You can tell them how much you care by sending them one of these best friend messages. Tell them how much you love them and care. Inspire them every day.


  • Short Message for Best Friend
  • Short Message for Best Friend Forever
  • You Are My Best Friend Message
  • Best Friend Text Messages
  • Text Message for Best Friend
  • Text best friend Messages
  • Good Message for Friend
  • Message for Best Friend
  • Sweet Message for Best Friend
  • You Are My Best Friend Poem

Below are some of you are my best friend SMS. They are ideal for friends girls or boys.

1. You are my true friend, always there when I need you most, loving and comforting. You always encourage me through life. I Love you, my friend.

2. Friends are known to be protective and caring. You are that friend who will always be cherished.

3. I have never met a person like you; you have such a great personality. You are just the best.

Short Message for Best Friend

4. You are the brother that I didn’t have; your presence is calming and loving. You always give me hope and a sense of living.

5. No matter how much we fight, we will always be friends. You are a wonderful person, and will always appreciate our friendship.

6. A good friend is always there when you need them most; you are always there for me. Thank you for being there for me.

7. Since I met you, you have always shared everything you have with me. You are an amazing person. May our friendship last forever!

8. It is difficult to keep friends, though you are always in my heart. One of a kind friend, I love you.

best friend forever quotes

9. You are a great friend, I love the thought that you are always in my heart. Thanks for being that special person in my life.

10. I am glad to have a friend like you that I can always count on. Dear friend, you are one in a million.

11. What else do I need in a friend, or what else can I ask for? You are responsible, caring, reliable, and understanding.

Read: Reasons Why I Love my Best Friend

Short Message for Best Friend Forever

12. You are my mentor, sister, my advisor, and friend. I will always treasure our friendship.

13. The greatest thing that has ever happened in my life is being part of you. Thanks for being a great friend.

14. I celebrate this day with you because you are a special friend in my life.

15. Thank you for the inspiration, you are such a wonderful pal.

16. Thank you for filling my life with happiness, life without people like you is worthless.

best friend forever status

17. You are a true friend, everywhere I go, you are always in my heart.

18. You are an angel sent to guide me, if it was not for you, I would be lost.

19. No matter how hard I try, I cannot find a friend like you, you have shaped my life in many ways.

20. I am glad this friendship has brought a new meaning to my life. You gave me hope and a purpose to work hard.

21. Money cannot buy friendship, you are a true friend. The bond will remain forever.

Best Friend Text Messages

You Are My Best Friend Message

22. I feel comfortable and able to say anything when I am with you. Thanks for being that special friend.

23. We were once strangers, now you are part of me, you are too dear to me, a good friend indeed.

24. Thank you for being that special friend in my life, you are just an amazing person.

25. You are the greatest thing that ever happened in my life. You are full of love and compassion.

26. Thank you for being there for me, you are a caring and loving friend. I love you.

27. Our friendship started when we were young kids, we have grown together, played together and here we are, great friends. You are a wonderful friend.

28. When you are not near, I can always feel your absence, you are part of my heart. Thank you for being my best friend.

word for best friend forever

29. The best thing that came into my life is a friend like you, Thank you for being there for me

30. I will always cherish our friendship.

31. My dear friend, our friendship will last forever, I will always make sure the bond lasts.

Read: Trust Messages

Best Friend Text Messages

Looking for Best Friend Text Messages or text messages for a best friend? When you have a friend, they normally play a very important role in your life.

Best friends understand us better even before we utter a word. It’s good to appreciate our best friends and one way to do so is through special messages for friends.

Find more messages for best friend below

Thank you for always seeing the positive side of me, you have really motivated me.

Without you in my life, I don’t know where I would be. I really value our friendship. Thank you for being my best friend.

Text best friend Messages

Friends like you make the world a better place to live. I cherish you, my dear friend.

I’m so grateful for this friendship I share with you. You are a very special friend to me.

You are my best friend ever as you have never betrayed my trust. My secrets are always safe with you and yours with me.

I don’t know where I would be without you my best friend. I treasure our friendship so much. You are my best friend ever.

Every single day when I wake up, I feel truly blessed to have you in my life. You are my best friend!

Text Message for Best Friend

Life is awesome with you!

You are an amazing friend; you are always honest about everything. You never lie just to make me happy even if I am in the wrong. I will always treasure our friendship

You give meaning to true friendship. Thank you for always sticking with me.

You know how to make me happy even when I am sad and have the ability to make me smile in my worst moments. You have the most beautiful heart ever.

You are the best friend ever, and I promise I will never let you down.

You have been my guide and support. Thank you so much my best friend.

Best friends are the ones who will always be there when you need them. Thank you for proving to be the best friend in my life.

Text best friend Messages

Having you as a friend is the best gift that ever happened in my life.

I am very happy to have you as a friend, a friend who does not see me as unworthy.

I thank God for giving me a friend like you, a person to love and spend time with.

Friendship makes life magical, spending time together, and having fun, I can wish for another person other than you.

My friend, I can’t imagine a day without you. Loneliness would wear me out.

You have become part of my family. The one who never lets me down, I love you best friend.

There is no doubt our friendship will last forever. You’re my best friend

Good Message for Friend

Thank you for teaching me the true meaning of friendship. You are the type of best friend that I would never like to lose.

My life has been full of joy and happiness since I met you. Thank you for being the best friend ever.

Sometimes I feel like I received the best gift ever. I am extremely lucky to have found a friend like you. It is my prayer for our friendship to last forever.

I know no matter what happens in life, you will always be there for me. You are the best thing that ever happened to me. I truly value our friendship.

Everyone has got something good in their life. For me, you are the best thing that ever happened to me.

I am sure we will be best friends forever because we never have time to look for new friends.

When I am sad and low, you are the one who brightens my day.

I don’t know how you do it; you know how to complete every word before I say it. No one understands me better than you do.

Message for Best Friend

Best friends are more than a family; they will never desert you in time of need.

Best friends are more like diamonds, the more you keep them, the more precious they become.

Whenever I need support, you are always there for me. I am so lucky to have a friend like you. You are a true friend. I love you best friend.

Best friends make good moments more enjoyable and difficult moments easy.

Don’t expect to find someone like you, we are all made differently. You are unique and special in every way. A good best friend!

You are the light to my darkness. You make me happy when I am sad in a matter of seconds. You are a great best friend.

Sweet Message for Best Friend

I love you the way you are, I don’t want anything to change between us. You are my best friend.

If our friendship was more like a garden, I would water it every day so that it never dries for you are the type of best friend that everyone would wish to have.

Just the way you have my back is the same as I have got yours. Best friends, that’s what we were meant to be.

You are the one who understands me better than anyone else in the whole world. You are my best friend.

I am grateful for your kindness, love, and support. Thank you for being my best friend.

There are no words that can express my love for you. It is hard to live in this world without best friends like you. Thank you for being such a wonderful friend.

You Are My Best Friend Poem

You are my best friend
From the time I met you
I knew you were the one
The love grew into what it is

You brought love into my life
I never knew it would feel this way
You brought meaning into my life
You gave me a reason to live

You brought happiness into our family
You are my happiness when I am sad
You are my strength when I am weak
You are my best friend

When I need you
You are always there
You are my hope and inspiration
You are my best friend

You’re my sunshine
The best friend that I ever had
Oh! I have never been this close to someone
You are my best friend

When you have a best friend you have found a treasure. Best friends are always there for you; they will inspire and support you in every way. There are those that brighten your days and others come to your rescue when you are faced with problems. It is always good to cherish and appreciate your best friend. Pick one of these text messages for best friend and send them.

If you find these Messages, Wishes & Quotes useful and lovely, kindly share them with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media. Thank You for Doing so.

Michael Andrew

Michael Andrew is a content writer for Weds Kenya. He is a loving husband proud father of two. If you have any questions or would like to add to this content, please send us an email. You can follow us on Twitter or facebook.

20+ Words for True Friends Forever that touch the Heart, Words of True Friendship as an Expression of Your Gratitude. Friendship is one of the meaningful relationships in life. If you want to express gratitude for the presence of a friend who is always loyal to your side, the words of a true friend forever in this article may be used as inspiration. Let’s look at the full review here.

Here, you can choose words for true friends forever or true friendship quotes freely according to your heart’s content. Starting from words that can touch a friend’s heart, to funny quotes that can be used as entertainment.

Looking forward to knowing what words to use to describe your true friendship? lets, see the full list below.

20+ Words for True Friends Forever

20+ Words for True Friends Forever

1. Meaning of Friends

What is a friend? One soul residing in two different bodies. Aristotle

Many people try to define the meaning of the word friend. One of them is Aristotle, who considers friends as one soul in two different bodies.

Do you feel like you have a close resemblance to your friends in behavior and attitude? If so, the definition of a true friend expressed by the famous Greek philosopher seems to be true.

2. Take the Limousine and Bus

A lot of people want to ride the limousine with you, but what you want is him who wants to ride the bus with you when the limousine dies. Oprah Winfrey

When you are at the peak of success, there will probably be a lot of people who try to be friends with you. However, you need to be careful because they may have other intentions and are not sincere about making friends.

These words to a true friend forever from Oprah Winfrey above can be a reminder not to forget the people who have accompanied you from scratch. Don’t let them waste their existence because finding true friends is not easy.

3. Aligned

Friends are a relationship of feelings between two or more people that are based on high harmony, not only because of the high frequency of being together. Sitta Karina

One of the things that might interest you in becoming friends with someone is liking the same things. Whether it’s hobbies, music, films, and so on.

Starting from there, over time you and your friends are getting closer because they are comfortable with each other. Therefore, it is not wrong that Sitta Karina in the words of wisdom above underlines the importance of harmony in the formation of true friendship.

4. Grow Apart

The best discovery about true friends is that they can grow apart without growing apart. Elizabeth Foley

The distance can not only separate people who love each other but also the friendships that may have been forged over the years. You and your friend who used to spend time together easily end up seeing each other less often because he moved out of town.

As long as you and your friends still frequently exchange greetings over the phone, it feels like distance is not a significant obstacle. Elizabeth Foley considered the incident to be the best find in the words of true friendship above.

5. A Responsibility

Friendship is not an opportunity, but a sweet responsibility. Khalil Gibran

Making friendships can be an opportunity to get to know new people who may have the same preferences as you. However, behind the relationship, there is actually a responsibility to trust and care for each other.

It is not friendship if someone only wants to take advantage of the sincerity of the attitudes of those closest to him for his own benefit. This is in line with the message conveyed in words for the true friend of Khalil Gibran above.

Heartfelt Words of True Friendship

20+ Words for True Friends Forever

20+ Words for True Friends Forever

1. Different from Other People

Friends look for you when others insult you. They embrace you when others hit you. Fiersa Besari

If unpleasant rumors circulate about you, a friend is one of those people who will seek the truth from your own mouth. This is different from other people who may have said scorn before knowing whether the rumors were true or not.

If you want to express your gratitude to him for believing in you, the words for a true friend forever from Fiersa Besari above can be sent as a short message. Or, just make it a status on social media so that other people know how valuable the existence of friends is to you.

2. An Analogy

A rose will be my garden. A true friend will be my world. Leo Buscaglia

Roses are one of the most loved flowers by people all over the world. Not only has the color and shape of the petals beautiful, but the fragrant flowers can also provide peace of mind. Therefore, many roses are planted in the garden or house yard.

The meaning of true friendship in the words for friendship above shows that his presence can make an impact in your life, just like a rose in a garden. Therefore, it’s no exaggeration if a true friend can become your world.

3. Believe In You

A friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future, and accepts you for who you are.

Not everyone you meet in life can accept you for who you are. If you have found a friend who can understand and is always there in times of joy or sorrow, don’t ever waste his presence.

If you want to send him a beautiful message, the words to a true friend forever above can be an option. You can send the quote as a short message or in the form of a greeting card to make it look cuter.

4. Do not see the appearance

A friend is someone who ignores your broken fence and admires the flowers in your garden.

A person’s image and appearance are not always a reflection of his true character. Other people may see you as a bad person, but not friends who already know you.

It is similar to what is described in the words for a true friend forever above. The quote is at the same time a reminder message so that you don’t just judge people from the outside.

5. Lift You Higher

Surround yourself with people who can lift you higher. Oprah Winfrey

It is undeniable that the quality of your circle of friends can affect your life. When you are surrounded by supportive friends, their encouragement will make you even more excited to be better.

On the other hand, if you make friends with condescending people, you will definitely not make progress because you are already afraid. If you don’t want your life to be ruined just because of hanging out with the wrong people, just follow these words of true friendship from Oprah Winfrey above.

Funny Words for True Friends Forever

1. Different Attitudes

God Friends used to buy you food,Best friends ate your food.

Being nosy seems to have become commonplace in a circle of friends. Especially when it comes to food matters. Your hands or friends may be idly stealing food from each plate.

It shows the closeness of your friendship with him because you are not awkward with one another and are comfortable with each other. What you and true friends do, justifies the words for true friends forever above.

2. Not easily offended

True friends are less likely to take offense if you make fun of them. They just smile and insult more painfully.

Because you know each other’s characters, you may know what kind of sense of humor your friend can accept. Therefore, your taunts will not offend him.

Based on the funny friendship words above, your best friend will probably respond with even more hurtful insults. No one feels hurt because of you and he knows that it is just a joke.

3. Forgot your real name

Real friendship is when you prefer to call friends by their nicknames rather than real names.

The first time you become friends, you may be more comfortable using your real name as a nickname. When you are comfortable, you and your friends begin to use nicknames to greet each other.

Using a nickname shows how close you are to someone. This is in line with the quote about the true meaning of friendship above.

4. The True Meaning of Friendship

Always remember if you fall, I will help you get up. But after I finished laughing.

Normally, when you see someone fall, an instinct to help might come to your mind. However, that doesn’t seem to apply to your playmates.

If you fall, they will laugh first before helping you. It has become a kind of joke that has unconsciously been mutually agreed upon, as is expressed in the words of true friendship above.

5. Just as crazy

My friend and I are crazy. That’s the only thing keeping us sane. Matt Schucker

If it doesn’t strengthen you mentally, the harshness of the tests life gives you can stress you out. To stay sane, you and your friends may do silly things to cheer yourself up.

This is in line with what Matt Schucker experienced in the funny quote about a true friend above. Spending time with a friend who is as crazy as you is is good for your mental and mental health as long as it doesn’t go overboard.

Aphorisms for comrades in arms

1. Forgive each other

Two people can no longer be friends if they can’t forgive each other’s failings. Jean de la Bruyere

Sometimes you will face difficult things that can damage the friendship you have. When finally the relationship is cut off, feelings of regret may arise in your mind even though you still feel hurt.

If she suddenly calls out and intends to work on the relationship, forgiving each other’s mistakes would be a good place to start. It is as suggested by Jean de la Bruyere in the words of true friendship that touches the heart above.

2. Going Hand in Hand

Don’t walk behind me, I might not take the lead. Don’t walk in front of me, I probably won’t follow. Walk beside me and be my friend. Albert Camus

Good friendships are relationships in which you and your true friends complement each other. So, no one feels superior or inferior because it will only cause problems that can affect your friendship with him.

Albert Camus also conveyed the same message in words for true friends forever above. This man is happier if he and his friends can go hand in hand to face the future.

3. Remember

In the end, we won’t remember the words of the enemy, but the silence of our friends. Martin Luther King Jr.

You will probably never escape the comments of people who question the way you live your life. You can easily ignore those comments because they are nothing.

On the other hand, you may feel odd when close friends don’t care about whatever you do. Their attitude will haunt your mind as stated by Martin Luther King Jr. in words for true friends above. In order not to misunderstand, communicate with your friends so that the problem can be resolved immediately.

4. Connection of Life

A good friend is a life connection – a bond to the past, a path to the future, the key to sanity in a truly crazy world. Lois Wyse

The presence of friends who always encourage you to be better is indeed something to be grateful for. God seems to make him a savior for you in facing the twists and turns of life.

To Lois Wyse herself, a true friend is like a living connection that can make your steps easier. If you agree with him, maybe you can send the quote to your beloved friend.

5. Imprinted in the Heart

Many people will come in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave traces in your heart. Eleanor Roosevelt

You may have met many people with all kinds of characters in life. Some come to give happiness, some leave with memories for you.

According to Eleanor Roosevelt, a friend is one of those people whose departure will leave a mark in your heart. You can use the words of true friendship above as a farewell that touches the heart.

Also read: 20 Words of sarcasm for friends annoying

Send Friendship Words to Your Real Friends

That is a collection of words for true friends forever that we can summarize. Hopefully, of the quotes that have been mentioned above, some can represent your feelings.

Apart from this article, there are many other inspirational articles that you can find on Lovepsychologys. Call it a collection of life mottos, words of romantic love, and expressions of heartache in words of sadness.

Your best friend is your best go-to person whenever you are having difficulty or feeling down.
It’s almost magical to have someone who knows you better than anyone in the world.
It is just proper to let them know how much they are appreciated.
Here are some quotes to send them and to relate to.

I don’t need many friends to make my world brighter. All I need is you. You are the most shining star who can light up my entire world.

You are my friend that, if not a girl, I would have married because you are the dearest person to me.

I feel privileged to have you as my best friend. I don’t get along with anyone and I am very lucky to have found you.

I am very picky when it comes to choosing friends, that’s why I only have a few. Wait a second! I only have you! You passed my delicate taste! Congratulations!

Having a best friend that will last a lifetime is the best gift in the world and I am thankful that I got you!


If I only have to choose one friend to stay with me forever, I will choose you. Besides, I don’t have any other friend.

The world is a better place to live when you have friends, especially if they are close to you like you are to me.

100 Happy Birthday

Having the best buddy will entitle you to have random breakouts without having to explain yourself because you are accepted, loved and appreciated just the way you are.

Loving someone like you love yourself is almost greater than loving someone on a romantic level. Having a best friend that is there for you without expecting something in return is awesome.

Real friends will try their best to share their joys with you and not their sorrows. You, being a real friend to them, will just make you realize their sufferings.

I cannot and will not even imagine my life without you. Thanks for being the most awesome friend that one could have.

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People say that I am only crazy when I am around you they don’t know that I am the real me when you are around and I don’t have the courage to be crazy when I am around normal people. Thanks for being another crazy soul!

My friends are not a goody two shoes. We make mistakes together and do crazy stuff. That doesn’t mean we are good-for-nothing. It just means we are real people.

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My best friend is like my twin soul. It’s just that I am the pretty one and you are the kind one.

You know you are really close to someone when you can bluntly tell him or her about her mistakes and is openly criticizing him straight to the face.

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Friends are a treasure and you are my most prized treasure, though I know that you are not a possession—you just chose to stay with me no matter what and I am very thankful for that.

With you, I am never afraid of being stabbed in the back since you keep on stabbing me right on my face. A highly appreciate how honest and real friend you are to me.

You know you are with your best friend when you can be totally off-guarded and silly. I love you and you will always be my best friend ever.

If I will choose between you or superman to be my best friend, I’d still choose you because I know that no kryptonite will stop you from saving my day.

I don’t need a lot of money in this world when I am already blessed with the best friend that would make me smile during my darkest hour. Thanks so much for being my best bud!

Happy 50th Birthday Quotes

You are the best friend that fairy godmothers are jealous about. You can magically turn the bad times into great ones just by being there and listening to my stories.

I would love to spend the rest of my life being a kid or a teenager with a best friend like you by my side. If I could just stop the world for us to be young, crazy and carefree together, I would.


If you did not exist, I would have given up life and my fate in humanity, trusts and friendships. Now you have the idea how your plain existence.

I’d rather be not popular if you are not going to be my best friend. The great thing about not being popular is that you get to have the truest friend available. Thanks for being one!

Congratulations On Your Engagement Quotes

I know that it’s tough to walk through the difficult times with you, but I’d rather walk the difficult path, rather than walk in the easy path alone.

Liquors are there for a reason, they teach as that the longer you stay the more valuable you become. So thanks for being my most valuable friend up to date.

The thing I love about my best friend is that he treats me exactly the way I treat him and I am a very crazy friend. So he is.

When a true friend realizes you’re confused, he will not give any advice. He will just be there by your side listening until you figure out the problem on your own. He knows that advising you in your state of confusion will just get you more confused.

You are trusted by your friend if he can tell your weaknesses straight to your face. He trusts you more than himself when he tells you his own weaknesses.


If a friend cannot share with you your darkest hours, then he is not worthy to share with your blessings.

What’s the use of having all the wealth on the world if you don’t have a friend to share it with?

It is funny how people associate friendship with sufferings and blessings when all people encounter such. Before you start pointing that your friend is not always there for you, how about think first if your friend is also suffering her own burdens.

It’s easier to gain friends by being interested in them rather than trying to be more interesting to them.

The fun of having real friends is that you stay close even if you don’t have time for each other and you have been away for too long. It’s not like a relationship where people have breakups.

I need a friend who will stay beside me more than lovers could. I need a friend who will not lie to me just like lover might.

Friendships were created because God knew he couldn’t send all of the angels down to earth.


Being taken care of by a friend is way better than being rich, powerful and independent.

Not every friend has the capability of staying with you all your life. But every friend has the capability to make you happy, be it for a certain period of time or forever.

You know you are dealing with your best friend when you are being criticized to the bones yet you don’t feel offended at all.


Having a friend will make you feel that you are the very blessed despite not having a money on your pocket.

You know why they are called best friends? It’s not just because they are the best. They can also be the beast that irritates you, criticizes you and condemn you but you know at the end of the day that they love you.

Have you ever felt that moment when you felt much closer to your best friend than your own family? That’s what I have always felt with you.


Best friends may laugh at you when you slip or fall, but they will sure break the face of anyone else who would.


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Having you, as a best friend, is like having an enemy that attacks me right of my face.

The main difference between a friend and a best friend is that a friend will not tell your shortcomings because they feel that they have a duty of loyalty to you, while a best friend will slam your mistakes on your face because it’s their duty to correct you.

When family and friends are not able to connect with you, trust that a best friend would. He understands you like no one else can.

Your worst enemy has the possibility of becoming your best friend while your best friend can turn into your worst enemy.


I think you are an enemy who likes to keep your enemies closer because you tend to make me insane when you are around. I love you, my crazy friend!

Do not worry what other people may think of you. Your true best friends can only tell you who you are and that’s the most important opinion that you should only consider.


I am the type of friend who will break someone else’s face for telling bad things about you even if we are not in good terms, even if we don’t talk anymore and even if you won’t let me.

Those people who kept on telling that a dog is a man’s best friend might have mistaken you for one! Kidding, I love you my pretty friend!


You are the best friend in the world ever! It almost feels like having you is unfair for everyone else.


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No other friend was able to bring light in my darkest hours and laughter n my sorrows like you had! Thanks for being my best friend!

They say a friend in the times of need will always be a true friend. I need some money best friend.

Distance will never be an issue for a true friend. It’s almost amazing to talk to your best friend for hours like it was yesterday when you’ve been away for years.

If a friend cannot understand the way you are feeling, then he or she is a friend who does not know you. And not knowing you means not interested in you.

They say every friendship is built on self-interest. Well, that’s true since I wanted you to be my friend so that I would have the best friend in the world. That’s pure self-interest.

Best friends forever quotes that make you cry

I will always be your best friend and I will always give all that I can toward making your life a little brighter and a little better.

Best friends are there for you when you are sad, and they help to make the bad days a little better.

Best friends look out for one another and step in to save each other, and they are always giving and forgiving.

Best friends make the world brighter and they help to change lives and positively affect the worlds of one another.


I will always care about you and be grateful for the friendship that we have… I cannot imagine having a better best friend than you.

Best friends are always there, without fail, never disappearing when times start to get hard and the world starts to get dark.

Best friends will do what they need to do to look out for one another, even when that puts their life and happiness at risk.

I am thankful each time that I realize just how blessed I am to have a best friend like you in my life, and I would not want to go through life without you.

A best friend is someone who is there in the good times but also there when things start to get crazy and difficult.

A best friend is always loving and always going to look past the mistakes of that person that they care about.

The world needs more best friends, people who are looking out for one another and helping to make life a little happier.

Without a best friend like you, I would not be half of the person that I am today, and I am grateful for your friendship.

I know that I am lucky to have a best friend like you, and I hope that you feel the same way about me.

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