Word for being with only one person

Just like one wife man is called : monogamous.

Is there any word for one who loves just one girl throughout his life time. For him one life, one girl matters.

History has seen such people. Are such people’s action(of loving just one) also described in words ?

asked Jul 13, 2014 at 17:42

vaibhav's user avatar


You might say «one woman man», meaning for that particular man, there was only one woman. Usage: He was a one woman man, and after his wife died, he never remarried.

Equally you could say, «one man woman», meaning for that particular woman, there was only one man. Usage: She was a one man woman who remained single after her love married another.

In «one woman man», the phrase «one woman» acts as an adjective to describe the man.

In English I am unaware of a single word to convey the meaning you require, other than monogamous.

Additionally, in English, monogamous is not gender specific. A woman can be equally as monogamous as a man. Usage: Both Bill and Mary were monogamous. Luckily they were married to each other.

answered Jul 13, 2014 at 18:13

distantsmoke's user avatar


I would use «eternally devoted» or «devotes his/her life to his/her wife/husband/woman/man». I know these are not one words but they are the most pithy way I could think of to describe what you’re describing.

answered Jul 13, 2014 at 19:08

seismatica's user avatar


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If it was me trying to describe someone like this, I’d refer somehow to an animal that is well known for monogamy.

“They showed Swan-like dedication to each other.”

“She’s a real Turtle-Dove.”

“He’s an old Albatross.”

None of these are particularly good, but you could choose any one of the animals that mates for life, and create a term around it that’s highly unique and relevant to your context.

Community's user avatar

answered Jul 13, 2014 at 18:40

Dom's user avatar


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Wouldn’t it be called «Faithful»?

I mean, monogamy does not imply any emotion, it simply restricts whose name appears on your family card at any given time.

Faithful means one stays loyal to their companion

Free Dictionary entry

Merriam-Webster entry

Whether this lasts for a lifetime or lean enough to allow for another companion to fill in should the current one passes away is something I don’t know of. But this is the word that comes to mind when emotion is involved

answered Jul 14, 2014 at 8:31

Raestloz's user avatar


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I suppose there is a consensus that a single-word solution is not as easy as it sounds. I tried to find ones that would be close fits, but maybe these examples can lead to a hybrid that does take care of your needs.

Soulmate seems like it would be a close single-word solution. However, I don’t believe it guarantees love.


a person ideally suited to another as a close friend or romantic

Another generic one I came up with is love-locked. It’s not the most beautiful hyphenated combo, but it definitely portrays the fact you are locked into love with the person. Again, this one’s concern is it doesn’t guarantee your love is only for one person.

answered Jul 25, 2014 at 16:30

Xrylite's user avatar


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There are two aspects in which monogamous isn’t exactly right:

  1. Monogamy is explicitly about spouses or at least partners, not about the first and last love of your life who maybe doesn’t know about her luck yet, or worse, isn’t as thrilled as she should be.

  2. Even serial monogamy is monogamy in the proper sense of the word.

If 1 is not a problem, I would suggest perpetually monogamous.

I think what makes this problem tricky is that one actually has to be in that situation to consider it worth describing by a single word. The world around this person is much more prosaic, and unfortunately this often includes the target of the affection. (A good description of that state in general can be found in De l’amour, On Love, by the French writer Stendhal.)

A pure description with probably all the necessary connotations is romantic first-time lover. But I am afraid this has also some connotations that will make most romantic first-time lovers reject it: first time sounds as if there could be a second time, which is objectively true in practically all cases, but of course subjectively totally wrong; and romantic relativises the feelings by pigeonholing them.

answered Jul 26, 2014 at 12:18

How about ‘life monogamist’? (‘life-monogamist’ maybe?)
Or, if you wish to explicitly include informal relations: (life) monoamorist/-amorous, monoromantic (by analogy with ‘polyamorous’ & words for so-called romantic orientations). However, none of these seems to be widely used. Oh, and they are of course more general than your question, so might have to use ‘life monogamous man’, or even ‘life monogynous man’.

Animals of such behaviour are apparently called ‘mating for life’, and ‘monogamy for life’ has some results in Google. Also, less scientifically, some of the following combinations appear:
[life/lifetime/lifelong] [mate/companion/partner] or ‘… for life’, although probably in the context «he is her life mate», not «he is a life mate».

answered Jul 14, 2014 at 21:42

eudes's user avatar

After all answers given to this question, I have reached on one that is


answered Jul 30, 2014 at 15:58

vaibhav's user avatar


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You might call him or her a true-lover. (Not a true lover.) Yes, I imagine that this was coined just now — no idea whether anyone else has ever used it or ever will. But I’ll bet that it will be understood.

But no — it does not imply single love, but rather someone who believes in true love.

Closer to what you are asking would be single-lover (also probably not a known word, but also probably understandable). Again, the hyphen is significant here: this is someone who is and has been single-loving (loving only one person), not a lover who is single.

And if your question is indeed limited to loving only one girl then you could stretch it to one-girl-lover. (Of course, during the lover’s lifetime the one girl presumably ceases to be a girl at some point… ;-))

answered Jul 30, 2014 at 16:26

Drew's user avatar


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Monandry = a marriage form or custom in which a woman has only one husband at a time
Polygyny = When a man is married to more than one wife at a time.

while, Monogamy is the state or practice of being married to only one person for lifetime or at a time. (Having only one wife)

Thus, someone who loves or have only one wife can be called : «Monogamous»

answered Jul 13, 2014 at 18:15

Younesse Bagachoul's user avatar


4. Complete the sentences with the words for, out, up, on, to,in,at.

1) He was the only person to speak….against cutting the trees down.

2) Several members of Parliament called …. a reform in education.

3) I made the children pick….their toys and put them away.

4) If you want your friends at the back of the classroom to hear you, you’ll have to speak…..

5) She picked….her heavy bag and set off for the bus stop.

6) Please don’t pick…your little brother: he’s not doing anything wrong.

7) I picked my dad…at the station and drove him home.

8) I never studied French. I just picked it….when I lived in France.

9)) I can’t speak …the others but I personally would like to learn one more foreign language.

10) Jane usually calls….at the supermarket on Friday afternoons.

11) Seeing his daughter in that white dress called…. memories of his wife. 12) You are late again. Come to my office after classes. I’d like to speak ….you.

13) If you need help, raise your hand. Don’tcall……
Очень срочно, пожалуйста!

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These particular characteristics are unique to

one person,

and only one person.

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All tarted up to impress the Swells. There’s only one person here I need to impress.

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From all creatures only one person is gifted with conscious free will, i.e.

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There was probably only one person who didn’t like using sudo to install the package,

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

context icon

Был, наверное, всего один человек, которого возмутила установка пакета с использованием sudo.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

There was only one person whom she would be willing to protect at all costs.

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Essay Sample 38

ege 2

Comment on the following statement:

You can have only one true friend. 

What is your opinion? Do you agree with this statement?
Write 200-250 words.
Use the following plan:
—    make an introduction (state the problem)
—    express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for your opinion
—    express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing opinion
—   explain why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion
—    make a conclusion restating your position

pir 1

linking words 1

soch 001 001
The question of friendship has been discussed for quite a long time. Some people say that one can have only one real friend, whereas others do not agree. They believe that a person can have a lot of true fiends.

soch 001 002

In my opinion a person can have a lot of real friends. First of all, true friend is not a special number, it is more a principle, an ability to sacrifice himself for the sake of a friend. For example, a true friend is always ready to help when their friend is in times of trouble. There is a saying, “a friend in need is a friend indeed”. Secondly, a true friend can tell a person the truth no matter how hard it might sound

soch 001 003

At the same time there are people who say that there can be only one real friend. A person cannot be open to many people and share with them all his or her thoughts and ideas, being fully sincere with them

soch 001 004

I do not agree with the opinion mentioned above. There are not a prescribed number of friends for a person. This number depends on a person, his or her character, personal preferences and many other individual things

soch 001 005

In conclusion, I would like to say there are opposing views on this issue. At first sight a person can have only one real friend, but in actual fact there can be many. Thus, I strongly believe people can have not only one true friend.

Read by Ann Dole






esse edit

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На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

the longest word with only one vowel is ‘strengths’ (9 letters long).

Leonardo, however, wrote this word with only one «n.»

In other words, a film with only one character and one location.

We didn’t need a special word for interactivity in the same way that we don’t (yet) need a special word for people with only one head.

Специальное слово для интерактивности было не нужно — так же, как нам (пока что) не нужно специальное слово для обозначения человека с единственной головой.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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