Word for being true to yourself

Last Updated: December 22, 2021 | Author: Lisa McCombs


  • 1 What’s a word for being to yourself?
  • 2 What is the meaning of being true to oneself?
  • 3 What is a word for believing in yourself?
  • 4 What is a word for someone who stays to themselves?
  • 5 What is another word for self obsessed?
  • 6 What’s another word for self doubt?
  • 7 How do you describe a person that keeps to themselves?
  • 8 What do you call a person who puts themselves first?
  • 9 What do you call an egotistical person?

What is another word for keep to yourself?

keep from conceal
repress file
set by heap
hold on to store up
stifle set aside

What is the meaning of being true to oneself?

Definition of true to oneself

: acting in a way that agrees with one’s beliefs or values.

What is a word for believing in yourself?

Confidence, assurance both imply a faith in oneself. Confidence may imply trust in oneself or arrogant self-conceit.

What is a word for someone who stays to themselves?

A troglodyte is a person who lives all alone, in seclusion. You could call this type a “hermit” or a “recluse,” but it’s more fun to say troglodyte.

What is another word for self obsessed?

What is another word for self-obsessed?

narcissistic egotistical
egoistical egomaniacal
egotistic selfish
solipsistic self-absorbed
self-centredUK self-centeredUS

What’s another word for self doubt?

What is another word for self-doubt?

uncertainty insecurity
self-loathing timidity
diffidence timorousness
meekness unassertiveness
timidness self-consciousness

How do you describe a person that keeps to themselves?

Here are some of the words that are commonly used for someone who keeps to themself. Loner, introvert, hermit, recluse, mouse, wallflower, lone wolf and homebody.

What do you call a person who puts themselves first?

Someone who is altruistic always puts others first. An altruistic firefighter risks his life to save another’s life, while an altruistic mom gives up the last bite of pie so her kid will be happy.

What do you call an egotistical person?

synonyms: conceited, egotistic, self-conceited, swollen, swollen-headed, vain proud. feeling self-respect or pleasure in something by which you measure your self-worth; or being a reason for pride.

The first step of being happy in life is to be true to oneself, as said by William Shakespeare.

Accepting yourself and being honest with your feelings in life is a sign of maturity. To be true to yourself really means to respect and love their own self.

A number of well-known people over the generations have advised being true to oneself. Some of them being Henri-Frederic Amiel, Steve Maraboli, Leo Buscaglia, Anne Morrow Lindbergh, Steve Jobs, and many others. They have all spoken quotes about being true to yourself in your life. A human being in general finds quotes to be inspiring as it affects their thoughts and opinion. If you’re looking for the best quote for you and how can I be true to myself quotes, you’re in the right place. Here’s a list of quotes and sayings about being yourself and being true to yourself.

If you like this article on be true to yourself quotes, you might also like be real quotes and authenticity quotes!

Be Yourself Quotes  

It is very important for one to be self aware and not be ashamed of who they are. Here’s a list of be yourself quotes that will provoke thoughts of being comfortable in themselves:

1. «Be who you were created to be, and you will set the world on fire.»

– St. Catherine of Siena.

2. «I think the reward for conformity is that everyone likes you except yourself.»

— Rita Mae Brown.

3. «Care about what other people think and you will always be their prisoner.»

— Lao Tzu.

4. «Some people say you are going the wrong way, when it’s simply a way of your own.»

— Angelina Jolie.

5. «Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it.»

– Bruce Lee.

6. «Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind.»

– Dr. Seuss.

7. «Find out who you are and do it on purpose.»

– Dolly Parton.

8. «To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.»

— Ralph Waldo Emerson.

9. «Don’t worry what people say or what people think. Be yourself.»

–  Brett Hull.

10. «Some people like you, some people don’t. In the end, you just have to be yourself.»

–  Andres Iniesta.

11. «It’s just better to be yourself than to try to be some version of what you think the other person wants.»

– Matt Damon.

12. «Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself.»

— Coco Chanel.

13. «If you can just be yourself, then you have to be original because there’s no one like you.»

– Marc Newson.

14. «Don’t try to impress people. Always be yourself.»

—  Bella Thorne.

15. «Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.»

— Oscar Wilde.

16. «Fearlessly be yourself.»

– Anthony Rapp.

17. «I never said to be like me, I say be yourself and make a difference.»

— Marilyn Manson.

18. «Be what you are. This is the first step toward becoming better than you are.»

– Julius Charles Hare.

19. «Just be yourself, let people see the real, imperfect, flawed, quirky, weird, beautiful & magical person that you are.»

– Mandy Hale.

20. «The essential lesson I’ve learned in life is to just be yourself.»

— Wayne Dyer.

21. «Living in truth with other people means that you refuse to stay in any situation where you are unhappy with the behavior of another person. You refuse to tolerate it. You refuse to compromise.»

— Brian Tracy.

22. “Just be yourself, there is no one better.”

– Taylor Swift

Always Be True To Yourself Quotes

Child flying on balloons against the backdrop of a sunset dreams of traveling

Whatever is spoken directly to you by everyone else, you always know the truth about yourself. Here’s a list of quotes to inspire you to always be true to yourself.

23. «One of the lessons that I grew up with was to always stay true to yourself and never let what somebody else says distract you from your goals. «

— Michelle Obama.

24. «Always stay true to yourself and never let what somebody says distract you from your goals.»

— Michelle Obama.

25. «Overall I think that the most important thing is to have true friends, and always to stay true to yourself.»

— Diego Boneta.

26. «Just stay true to yourself and true to what you believe.»

Joel Madden.

27. «This above all; to thine own self be true.»

— William Shakespeare.

28. «It’s important to stay true to yourself. Have fun with fashion instead of letting it dictate.»

— Estella Warren.

29. «It’s hard to stay true to yourself and what you want in life when there are so many distractions.»

— Hilary Duff.

30. «Always stay true to yourself. Some people will like it, some people won’t. Life goes on.»

— Carmelo Anthony.

31. «Life is funny. Things change, people change, but you will always be you, so stay true to yourself and never sacrifice who you are for anyone.»

— Zayn Malik.

32. «By staying true to yourself, you keep your energy high and clear, and you provide inspirational role modeling for other healers and helpers.»

— Doreen Virtue.

33.  «You have to stay true to yourself and don’t be afraid even though people may say what you’re doing isn’t cool or isn’t right.»

— Emma Stone.

34. «I think if you stay true to yourself and keep moving forward, things come around.»

— Demi Moore.

35. «Whatever the consequences of staying true to yourself, they’re much less than the consequences of selling your soul.»

— Carly Fiorina.

36. «Just make sure you’re staying true to yourself, and do what you think is good in that craft or field and then let everything else fall where it falls.»

— Brian Regan

37. «You always have to stay true to yourself.»

— Aerin Lauder.

38. «Stay true to yourself because it goes a long way. If you don’t know who you are, who are you really?»

— Brandy Norwood.

39. «Just staying true to yourself and staying true to your passion. Following your gut.»

— Brandy Norwood.

40. «Real beauty is to be true to oneself. That’s what makes me feel good.»

-Laetitia Casta.

41. «No life is perfect; we all have our problems and issues, and I believe that it’s good to be true to who you are.»

— Liberty Ross.

42. «If my life wasn’t funny, it would just be true, and that’s unacceptable.»

— Carrie Fisher.

43. «Truth can be stated in a thousand different ways, yet each one can be true.»

— Swami Vivekananda.

44. «You can be true to the character all you want but you’ve got to go home with yourself.»

— Julia Roberts.

Best Quotes For Being You

Be yourself quotes are the best, here’s a list of such wonderful words spoken by different people on being yourself.

45. «Follow your inner moonlight; don’t hide the madness.»

– Allen Ginsberg.

46. «Never dull your shine for somebody else.»

— Tyra Banks.

47. “You cannot change what you are, only what you do.”

– Philip Pullman.

48. «Your self-worth is determined by you. You don’t have to depend on someone telling you who you are.»

— Beyoncé.

49. «Just be you, be beautiful and be comfortable in your own skin.»

— Helen Edwards.

50. «Owning our story and loving ourselves through that process is the bravest thing we’ll ever do.»

-Brené Brown.

51. «You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them.»

— Maya Angelou.

52. «You wouldn’t worry so much about what others think of you if you realized how seldom they do.»

– Eleanor Roosevelt.

53. «Being yourself is all it takes. If you want to impress someone don’t be someone else just be yourself.»

— Selena Gomez.

54. «You’ve been criticizing yourself for years and it hasn’t worked. Try approving of yourself and see what happens.»

– Louise Hay.

55. «You don’t need anybody to tell you who you are or what you are. You are what you are!»

— John Lennon.

56. «The definition of success changes. Success is to live your life with integrity and not give in to peer pressure to be something you’re not. «

— Ellen DeGeneres.

57. «Don’t worry about what people say.»

— Brett Hull.

58. «People often say that this or that person has not yet found himself. But the self is not something one finds, it is something one creates.»

— Thomas Szasz.

59. “Be yourself, don’t take anything from anyone, and never let them take you alive.”

– Gerard Way.

60. «Never follow anyone else’s path, unless you’re in the woods and you’re lost.»

— Ellen DeGeneres.

61. «You might not have a car or a big gold chain, stay true to yourself and things will change.»

— Snoop Dogg.

62. «Be yourself, who else is better qualified.»

— Frank J. Giblin.

63. «Embrace the glorious mess that you are.»

– Elizabeth Gilbert.

64. «The thing that is really hard and really amazing, is giving up on being perfect and beginning to work on becoming yourself.»

– Anna Quindlen.

65. «You have to be true to yourself and remain humble. Whether you win or lose, you’ve got to treat everyone the same, and be who you are.»

— Randy Couture.

66. «Don’t ask yourself what the world needs, ask yourself what makes you come alive. And then go do that. Because what the world needs are people who have come alive.»

– Howard Thurman.

67. «It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not.»

– André Gide.

68. «You were born an original. Don’t die a copy.»

– John Mason.

69. «The freedom to be yourself is a gift only you can give yourself. But once you do, no one can take it away.»

– Doe Zantamata.

70. «Everyone wants to belong, or be a part of something bigger than themselves, but it’s important to follow your heart and be true to yourself in the process.»

— Emily Giffin.

71. «A wise man never loses anything, if he has himself.»

— Michel de Montaigne.

Inspiring Quotes To Remain Truthful

Someone might get encouraged to trust their instincts from the words of others. Thus, here is a list of be true to yourself quotes and sayings.

72. «Nothing can be more hurtful to your heart than betraying yourself.»

— Roy T. Bennett.

73. «When you fight yourself to discover the real you, there is only one winner.»

— Stephen Richards.

74.  «Always be a first-rate version of yourself and not a second rate version of someone else.»

– Judy Garland.

75. «Regardless of others’ reactions, do your best to stay true to yourself. Make the choices that allow you to look in the mirror and feel good about the person gazing back at you.»

— Steve Pavlina.

76. «Be congruent. Be authentic. Be your true self.»

— Mahatma Gandhi.

77. «When you do something you love, you have a passion for it. It comes naturally. Staying true to yourself and doing what you love keeps you going…everything else falls into place.»

— Christian Louboutin.

78. «Stay true to yourself because at the end of the day you can’t lie to yourself.»

— Patrick Grant.

79. «It’s important to stay true to yourself. You have to know your weaknesses and recruit support when and where you need it.»

— Jillian Michaels.

80. «Establish who you are, and don’t let anybody dress you up or change the way you are, and stay true to yourself.»

— Lynn Anderson.

81. «Stay true to yourself and the answer will become clear.»

Kentaro Yabuki.

82. «What’s important is that you stay true to yourself. Because when you enter the real world, the most valuable thing you can bring is all your you-ness.»

— Bo Burnham.

83. «You’ll have unflattering pictures posted on the Internet for all to see, so you have to be able to handle yourself and stay true to yourself.»

— Katherine Webb.

84. «You have to stay true to yourself and where you’re coming from, and sometimes people see you in a different light, but you have to take it in and try to be positive about anything.»

— McKayla Maroney.

85. «My number one beauty secret is to stay true to yourself and figure out what works best for your body.»

— Adriana Lima.

86. «I am not bound to win, but I am bound to be true.»

— Abraham Lincoln.

87. «Nothing is too wonderful to be true, if it be consistent with the laws of nature.»

— Michael Faraday.

88.  «Be brave and clear. Follow your heart and don’t be overly influenced by outside factors. Be true to yourself.»

— Shirley Temple.

89. «You just have to be true to yourself and do what you love to do.»

— Mickie James.

90. «That is the definition of faith — acceptance of that which we imagine to be true, that which we cannot prove.»

— Dan Brown.

91. «The hardest thing to do is to be true to yourself, especially when everybody is watching.»

— Dave Chappelle.

92. «Being true to yourself really means being true to all the complexities of the human spirit.»

— Rita Dove.

93. «Be true to your work, your word, and your friend.»

— John Boyle O’Reilly.

94. «Be true to your heart… put your whole heart and soul into it, and then whatever you do, it will shine through.»

— Jamie Brewer.

95. «Never give up. And most importantly, be true to yourself. Write from your heart, in your own voice, and about what you believe in.»

— Louise Brown.

96. «Be true to yourself, help others, make each day your masterpiece, make friendship a fine art, drink deeply from good books…»

— John Wooden.

97. «Being true to yourself means living in truth with each person in your life.»

— Brian Tracy.

98. «Have the guts to be true to yourself. Nothing more.»

Robin Sharma.

99. «Your only obligation in any lifetime is to be true to yourself.»

— Richard Bach.

100. «Sometimes, being true to yourself means changing your mind. Self changes, and you follow.»

— Vera Nazarian.

Here at Kidadl, we have carefully created lots of interesting family-friendly quotes for everyone to enjoy! If you liked our suggestions for be true to yourself then why not take a look at be present quotes, or [be humble quotes]?

Many people are on the quest for self-discovery. External influences will always dictate who you are and what your identity should or should not be.

It is not simple to be genuine to yourself and others around you. Each of us has unique characteristics, interests, and talents that contribute to who we are.

If you’re feeling disoriented in your life or unsure which direction to take next, don’t despair; there is still time to make a change!

According to experts, the following are some methods for being true and honest to yourself:

Table of Contents

  • Be comfortable with spending time alone
  • Observe yourself both alone and in the company of friends
  • Check in with yourself
  • Take the time to acknowledge who you really are
  • Put an end to betraying your true self
  • Being intentional with your time can help you remain true to yourself
    • Step 1: Create a clear vision of success
    • Step 2: Create measurable goals based on your vision
    • Step 3: Understand where your time is currently going so you can make room for more important things
    • Step 4: Create an Intentional Calendar Map
    • Step 5: Review & Revise
  • Accept and love who you are
  • End comparison
  • Be willing to fight for you
  • Do not listen to that voice
  • The most important requirement to find one’s true nature is self-awareness
  • Be happy on your own terms with your own self
  • Peel back all those layers of identity
  • Evaluate your goals
  • Quit being a people pleaser
  • Take a stand for your possibilities
  • Never settle for less than you really want
  • Believe in yourself
  • Look behind your beautiful façade
  • Always strive to be your true self
  • Create your own unique life script
  • Authenticity is a binary phenomenon
  • Decide who you are on your own
  • Voice your opinion
  • Surround yourself with people who share your core beliefs
  • Choose to live a happy and fulfilling life
  • Achieving self-authenticity is a goal, but maintaining it is the real challenge
  • Be truthful and transparent with yourself
  • Don’t go through your day on autopilot
  • Be mindful and grateful for what you are experiencing at the moment
  • Appreciate the person in the mirror
  • Strip away the mask that you created for the world
  • Have a strong backbone to stand firm for your beliefs
  • Frequently Asked Questions
    • Why is it important to be true to yourself?
    • How do I know if I’m being true to myself?
    • What are some signs that I am not being true to myself?
    • Why do I struggle to be my true self?
    • Can being true to oneself lead to conflicts with others?
    • Can one’s true self change over time?
    • What are the benefits of being true to oneself?
    • How can I inspire others to be true to themselves?

Lena Suarez-Angelino, LCSW

Lena Suarez-Angelino

Licensed Clinical Social Worker | Writer, Choosing Therapy

Be comfortable with spending time alone

Spend time alone so that you can allow yourself to be open and honest with yourself, without external influences from family and friends, society, and especially social media.

The moment you begin to start discovering who you truly are, you are laying down the foundation of a life that is aligned for you.

If you allow yourself to be in constant company, you may never really have the opportunity to stop and ask yourself, “is this something I really want?” You will be better at making decisions, especially saying no, because it isn’t “true for you.

Observe yourself both alone and in the company of friends

One of the best ways I have done this is observing yourself when shopping with friends and when shopping alone.

For some, they may be impulsive either way (hello sale psychology) but if you’re like me, I’m way more intentional and way less likely to buy things without the influence of friends – even after visiting the same amount of stores!

Check in with yourself

Another way you can do this is to “date yourself” by taking yourself out for lunch or coffee. You could bring a book as a warm-up, however, I encourage a journal or blank paper and a pen to jot down any thoughts you have and allow room for reflection.

The more comfortable you can be in those activities the more likely you will be craving time alone to check in with yourself and ask if you are still staying aligned and true to who you are. You can check in any time, all you have to do is get quiet and listen.

Note your bodily reactions to when someone feels true to you and when something does not feel right for you. Follow your instinct, trust your gut, your heart, and most importantly your soul. Being true to yourself will reward you with unlimited self-esteem, confidence, and self-worth and it’s a beautiful journey.

Related: The 32 Best Books on Confidence and Self-Esteem

Hailey Shafir, LCMHCS, LPCS, LCAS, CCS

Hailey Shafir

Licensed Clinical Social Worker | Writer, Choosing Therapy

Take the time to acknowledge who you really are

While you might have been taught that you need to work hard to find your true self, recover it, or discover it— this isn’t true. Your true self isn’t something that can be lost, broken, or vacant… it’s the part of you that’s always there, patiently waiting to be acknowledged.

It’s who you are in your resting state when you’re not ‘thinking‘ or ‘doing‘ or ‘trying hard‘ to be a certain way.

Put an end to betraying your true self

There are a million ways we betray our true selves:

  • we let doubt or fear take over
  • we settle for less
  • do something we know is wrong
  • we try to conform to be more like other people or what they expect us to be

Don’t ask for someone else’s opinion or seek their validation when you already know what you want or need to do. Don’t edit or filter yourself to ‘fit in‘ or be liked by other people, and don’t compromise on things that really matter to you.

Rebuild the broken trust with your true self by:

  • trusting your gut
  • following your heart
  • speaking your mind
  • sticking to your principles
  • caring a little less what other people think

Related: How to Not Care What People Think

Over time, these actions create space for more of the real ‘you‘ to show up and shine through.

Jessica Bledsoe

Jessica Bledsoe

Co-founder and CEO of Pav*r

When something unexpected happens that interrupts your day or week, what’s the first thing you usually sacrifice to accommodate this unexpected intrusion? For most, it’s the time we had planned for ourselves.

Regardless if that was self-care time or time set aside for a special project, the time we created, whether in our minds or actually on our calendar, is usually the first thing to go when an inevitable wrench gets thrown into our plans.

What may seem like no big deal at the moment – simply because you didn’t have to cancel on anyone other than yourself – is actually a huge disruption to your overall success.

These unexpected interruptions are inevitable, but how you handle them can make all of the difference.

Being intentional with your time can help you remain true to yourself

To be intentional with your time means you’re making your minutes count. Time is the most valuable resource we have – we can not get, or make, more of it. By being intentional with the time we have, we can accomplish more than we ever thought possible.

How do we become intentional with our time? Here’s a simple 5-step process:

Step 1: Create a clear vision of success

If you don’t have a very clear vision of what you want to achieve in your life, both personally and professionally, it’s going to be nearly impossible to measure your success. The first step to creating intention is to get crystal clear on what you want.

Here are a few questions to help create clarity:

  • What does your business and life look like when you’ve “made it“?
  • What does your “a day in life” look like?
  • How do you feel?
  • How many hours do you work each week?
  • How much money are you making?
  • What are you wearing?
  • What are you driving?
  • Get crystal clear on what you want your days to look like and how you want to feel.

Step 2: Create measurable goals based on your vision

Understanding now what success really looks like to you, break your vision down into achievable goals. What are the baby steps you need to take to achieve your goals? How long will it take you?

I recommend using the SMART goals method to set goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-bound.

Step 3: Understand where your time is currently going so you can make room for more important things

Now that you have a clear understanding of your goals and the time you’ll need to achieve them, evaluate where your time is currently going so you can determine how to make time for working towards your goals.

  • Review your calendar – how much time are you spending in meetings or attending events? Is that time being well spent, or can you start declining invitations or shortening the amount of time you spend in these areas?
  • Review your to-do list – what is taking up the most of your time currently? Is there a way to automate these tasks or delegate them to someone else on your team?
  • Review your screen time – how much time do you spend staring at your phone?

How much time do you currently spend working on your goals? Do you think it should be more or less?

By gaining a clear understanding of where your time is going, it’s going to help you create space for the things that truly matter. When you have a clear vision of success, the steps it will take to get there, and know how much time you can dedicate to getting there, you can more easily say no to things that don’t align with your vision.

Step 4: Create an Intentional Calendar Map

If it isn’t on the calendar, it doesn’t get done.” Have you ever said those words?

Do you live and die by your calendar?

Chances are, you’re already using your digital calendar to keep track of your important meetings and events. Things that require you to “show up.” Why wouldn’t you treat your own goals with the same level of priority?

By creating an intentional calendar map, you’re making time for the things that matter to you and for everything else that needs to get done – including making time for the unexpected, or “reactive” tasks that are the things that usually pull your attention away from the appointments you set with yourself.

Here’s what needs to go on your intentional calendar map:

  1. Success time
    • This is the time you’re going to commit to spend working on your big goals. This time is non-negotiable and must get treated like an important meeting with someone you’d never dream of canceling or rescheduling on.
    • This is the key to being true to yourself and achieving that vision of success you created. Pick a day and time daily or weekly that you’ll commit to showing up for yourself and put it on the calendar.
  2. Reactive tasks
    • This is time you’re creating for things like checking email, scrolling through social media, or taking last-minute meetings and phone calls.
    • It’s important to have these reactive task blocks on your calendar map so that you can feel confident you have time for the unexpected.
  3. To-do list tasks
    • This is the time you make for everything else that’s on your to-do list. There’s still work that needs to be done and day-to-day operations that have to take place, but by creating time to work on them, you’ll know that you’re always on track to end your day/week with a list much shorter than you began with.

Once you’ve created your intentional calendar map by blocking out time on your calendar, you’ll likely see that you still have plenty of white space-time you can use however you choose while still getting everything that matters accomplished.

Step 5: Review & Revise

Just like everything else in life, remaining true to yourself through being intentional with your time is a practice inconsistency. Make sure you review your calendar map regularly (weekly is recommended) and adjust where necessary.

Every week might not look the same, but the intention behind it is what matters. Evaluate where your time is going and determine if it’s in alignment with your vision of success. If not, say no when you can and reprioritize when necessary.

Accept and love who you are

Being true to yourself first begins with accepting and loving yourself for who you are. We live in a world that’s always trying to tell us who we should be and what we should look like, so it can be difficult to buck against the systems in place and accept that who we are and how we were created is more than enough, no matter what anyone else thinks.

We look in the mirror and don’t see our favorite influencer reflected back at us. We don’t see the body of a well-known celebrity. We see us. But for some reason, seeing us has stopped being good enough.

Loving and accepting our real bodies, beautiful faces, and show-stopping smiles without the “likes” or approval of the world has become harder and harder.

We’ve stopped looking on the inside of acceptance and have turned outward, placing our self-worth and value in the thumb of strangers, “friends,” and people we don’t even care about. But for some reason, that “like” has turned into our validation that we are good enough. We are beautiful enough that we are simply… enough.

But we were enough before we took the picture. Our value didn’t flinch or change because of “likes” or a lack thereof.

I remember hearing Lisa Nichols speak, and she said something that changed how I looked at affirmation from other people. In essence, we should already love and accept ourselves for who we are. When someone else does, that’s just a bonus.

But it doesn’t add to or take away from how I already feel about myself. I don’t need to search for it. I’m not out looking for it. I’m not heartbroken if it doesn’t come. My tank of self-acceptance and self-love is already full from how I feel about myself.

End comparison

Another part of being true to yourself is to stop comparing yourself. We all know the quote, “Comparison is the thief of joy.” But there’s so much more that comparison steals from us.

Originality, confidence, peace, stability, and the ability to be true to ourselves are just a few of the things that comparison steals from us. When we compare ourselves, we automatically come in second place. Why? Because we can never be that person. We can never live their life.

We can never share the same experiences they share. We can never have their body. But we were never born to be them. We were born to be us. So when we compare ourselves, we are already setting ourselves lower than we are, when in reality, if we stopped comparing ourselves to others, we would always come in first place.

The beauty in not being them is that they could never be us. We are the only one. That makes us rare. That makes us one-of-a-kind. Why give up that rarity and compare it to another?

How can you be true to yourself if you constantly value and see someone else’s life and being over your own?

You can’t. You have to take the necessary steps to appreciate others for who they are, without wishing and hoping that one day you’ll be them. Because the reality is, you’ll never be them. You’ll only be you, and that is a blessing, whether you want to admit it or not.

Be willing to fight for you

Being true to yourself comes with battles externally and internally.

Internally, you’re fighting old mindsets, habits, and lies told to you by friends, family, and even yourself. You have to remember that when you make the decision to be true to who you are, you’re resetting your mind about how you’ve viewed yourself and how you’ve been taught to view yourself consciously and subconsciously for years.

It was much easier for you to change who you were for the benefit and the acceptance of other people. It was simply when you were able to put on masks to fit in with different crowds.

But now you’re making the decision to take the mask off and be unapologetically you in every area of your life. This will be a challenge, but one where you have no choice but to come out on top.

Externally, you’re fighting against the mindsets of others who have been used to seeing you in a certain light and have grown comfortable. Some have grown comfortable because when you weren’t true to yourself, they could manipulate you.

Others were comfortable because you were in the same boat as they were, miserable internally because you weren’t living as your true self, but fine with compromising together to be someone you’re not. People will want an explanation.

They will try their best to “put you back in your place” because when you’re true to yourself, it makes them uncomfortable. You may lose friends. You may grow distant from family.

When all of these things occur, there will be a small voice telling you to go back to the way things were. That life was easier and less complicated in your relationships with friends and family.

Do not listen to that voice

Understand that being true to yourself is not a path that many take because it requires moments of walking alone. However, when you are true to yourself, there will be people along the way who have chosen to do the same. You will find a tribe of people who are unashamedly walking in their truth.

You will share stories of what you had to overcome to get to this point in time. You will also turn around and see some people behind you, trying to defeat what you’ve overcome.

Because you know the route to take and how to make it through that previous challenge, you will turn around and offer them a hand, helping them to accomplish in a shorter period of time what may have taken you longer.

But you won’t care, simply because you know the freedom of being true to yourself and desire that others follow that same path.

The most important requirement to find one’s true nature is self-awareness

Learning to be true to oneself is a journey, an evolution of the “inner voice.” The root of not being true to oneself is low self-esteem that begins in childhood.

Children that are constantly criticized, ridiculed, ignored, or being expected to be “perfect” can become angry and turn into bullies, turn inward and become depressed, develop short attention spans, and do badly in school, or develop unhealthy perfectionism to please others.

Children who are given encouragement, are listened to, and receive attention and affection grow confidence, thrive in school, and establish trusting relationships.

The brain has a way of recording these childhood experiences, to be played back as we grow into adulthood.

People with low self-esteem will receive messages from their inner voice criticizing, punishing, shaming, and belittling their actions. The inner voice of those with healthy self-esteem will send positive and reassuring messages.

The most important requirement to find one’s true nature is self-awareness. We grew up being influenced by what family members, teachers, friends, and religious figures told us who we should be, and what we should and should not do. We bought into their stories.

By asking ourselves, “who am I?” “how do I feel?” “what do I desire?” and “what is my purpose in life?” we bring awareness to our inner voice. The more we hone it, the better it will guide us, and the more we will trust it to do so.

Only then will we be able to break away from other people’s stories, stop living to please others, and get rid of what is no longer working for us. Slowly, our true self will emerge, and our inner voice will provide us with the knowingness of what is best for us, and we become authors of our own story.

Be happy on your own terms with your own self

I actually believe that every human being in this world has a mission and purpose, but they’re different things. Purpose is the same for everybody.

It’s basically just learning how to be at peace and in acceptance with yourself and to have experience and to enjoy these experiences, whatever they may be.

Mission is what you come to this world to contribute. That’s going to be different for every single person out there. It’s what I have learned, what my soul has been through, that I can contribute to all these other souls. That’s what we call mission.

Peel back all those layers of identity

All this requires that in this life, you kind of peel back all these layers of identity of what people have told you that you are or what people have told you that you shouldn’t be.

Then, as you go through life through your relationships in your job or business or whatever health problems or whatever you face in your life. You start peeling back all these things that make you not you. They make you what somebody else made you.

Then, through this process, you start finding what you really are, what you really learn, you start connecting with your passions, you start being more true to yourself.

It sounds easy, but it actually usually requires a catalyst, a conflict in our lives actually to start building up:

  • what we really are
  • what we’re tolerating
  • what we’re doing that we’re not really loving
  • what we believe that we have to do

In order to get to where we think we should be or to fulfill other people’s expectations and that’s not being true to ourselves.

That’s just what everybody else wants me to be right, so I found that the more true you are to yourself, the more inflow you get with the universe. The energy that wants you to grow and express and prosper and contribute.

The truer you are to yourself, the sooner you find these parts of you that are not congruent with that energy that tells you that you should be doing this, or you shouldn’t be doing that because somebody else expects it from you or whatever.

The sooner you find out what these pieces of you are, and you solve them in unconditional love, you transcend these things so that you can be you.

Evaluate your goals

Do they excite you and light your soul on fire, or are they ho-hum? If it’s the latter, you might be doing what others expect of you or following in somebody else’s footsteps.

This is your life. You are living it for you, not for other people. Fire the goals that don’t light you up and allow yourself to dream bigger.

Listen to the little voice inside that keeps telling you, ‘go here, do this‘ even when it sounds far-fetched. Always follow the true desires of the heart.

Quit being a people pleaser

Set firm boundaries and be prepared to enforce them. That includes being able to say no without the need to have to give a mile-long explanation. No is a complete sentence.

Related: How to Deal With Someone Who Doesn’t Respect Boundaries

Explore what do you really want without letting what others say or think about you get in the way of your vision.

Because it’s none of your business, you will never be able to control what others say or think about the way you choose to live your life.

Take a stand for your possibilities

Make your decisions from what is possible for you, not from what your current reality reflects back to you. The question to ask is: “Will this bring me one step closer to my vision?” If it’s a yes, go for it.

The Universe’s job is to take care of the how. Instead of obsessing about the how, trust that the path is going to unfold. Your job is to decide that you are all in.

Never settle for less than you really want

Eliminate your tolerations and raise your standards. Always ask for what you really want and never settle for anything less. That goes for all areas of your life.

Believe in yourself

You are the first sale, always. Believe in your innate ability to achieve anything that you put your mind to and then act upon that belief.

This is how you stay true to yourself.

Authenticity is the key to enjoying an extraordinary life. We play roles, and some of those roles require compromise. The problem arises when we lose track of where we compromised and where we stopped being true to ourselves.

Here are some pointers on how to stay true to yourself in any situation, both professional and personal.

Look behind your beautiful façade

When was the last time you sat down and were honest – really honest – with yourself about who you are and what you want out of life? The first step towards becoming more authentic is gathering the courage to look deep within yourself to the parts that you may be tempted to hide, deny or forget.

It is only once you look behind your beautiful façade and face those aspects of yourself that you’ll have a better understanding of who you truly are.

Always strive to be your true self

Once you’ve discovered your true identity, try to remain your authentic self at all times – especially if you are in a leadership position. That’s because it’s not possible to function at an optimal level if you are wasting lots of time and energy trying to be something you’re not.

Your strength lies in your authenticity, which means you’re at your strongest when you fully embrace who you are. Being your true self can really benefit your professional life since you will need strength to be a great leader.

Related: Top 7 Leading Traits of Good Leaders

Create your own unique life script

Finally, the best way to live an authentic life, personally and in the boardroom, is to write your own life script. After all, if you’re not careful, you can easily sleepwalk through life and mindlessly follow your country’s cultural norms without actually thinking about what you want.

Many people, especially women, sacrifice their personal desires and careers for the sake of their families because they believe they don’t have a choice.

However, that’s not the case! One of the few benefits of the COVID-19 pandemic is that it transformed the way we combine both our personal and professional lives.

Authenticity is a binary phenomenon

You’re either fully authentic, or you’re not—there’s no in-between. And it is not a choice. It’s an internal process that allows you to step into your power, embrace who you are, and, more importantly – have an intimate relationship with yourself.

When you are honest with yourself, create your own life script, and are unapologetically yourself regardless of the circumstances, you’ve unlocked the secret to creating a life that you love.

Ray Sadoun

Ray Sadoun

Medical Reviewer & Addiction Advocate, OK Rehab

When we are surrounded by so many people with different quirks, likes and dislikes, and worldviews, it can be difficult to remain true to ourselves. However, there are some top tips that I give my clients to avoid being a blind follower in social situations:

Decide who you are on your own

You don’t necessarily have to be single to do this, but if you aren’t, try to reflect on a time that you were single. Remember what your passions were, what your everyday life looked like, and what you aspired to.

This will help you to remember who you were before other people got involved, and you can return to this person if you believe it’s who you are deep down.

Voice your opinion

When you agree with people to keep the peace, you aren’t being true to yourself as you’re withholding your true feelings and beliefs. Instead, practice gently stating your opinions even if everyone else in the room disagrees.

Of course, it isn’t always necessary to speak up every time you disagree with someone, but it is important if the topic is close to your heart.

This point is slightly complicated as it comes with a disclaimer that it’s a good idea to get to know a wide range of people. However, I’d advocate for your close support network to be made up of people who share your core beliefs, as this means you will feel more comfortable being yourself.

Choose to live a happy and fulfilling life

You may feel influenced by those around you or perhaps uncomfortable with the parts of yourself that make you unique. My top tips for being true to yourself are:

  1. Be honest with yourself. This includes being honest about things you like and don’t like, your goals for the future, your current mindset, etc. Being truthful with yourself can be difficult, but the more you practice it, the easier it becomes.
  2. Find your group. When you stop trying to please others and find people similar to yourself, you will begin to let go of the expectations you hold for yourself. When we feel comfortable with people around us, we begin to enjoy ourselves and live free from constraints.
  3. Become your own best friend. Listening to your inner thoughts and intuition can help you become aware of your surroundings. By treating yourself as your own best friend, you will begin to understand more about yourself and your interests. This will also help you to put yourself first.
  4. Let go. Letting go of what no longer serves you, whether this is a situation or a person, can help you live your most authentic life. To be true to yourself, you must curate the life you want to live and the life that will make you happy. Don’t be afraid to say no and uphold your boundaries. They are put in place for a reason.

Orville Wright

Orville Wright

Singer-songwriter and Music Producer, Oh Yeah Beats

Achieving self-authenticity is a goal, but maintaining it is the real challenge

Daily occurrences and life conflicts place us as individuals in predicaments that force us to either face ourselves or run away. This is similar to the fight or flight response.

When situations arrive, we have moments to determine whether we live in ourselves or in others. The mission to be true to ourselves or to be our true self is to consider the thoughts and concerns of others while sticking with the thoughts in self.

Actions of thoughts from outside of an individual are just that, but the thoughts and actions from the individual are from the true self. Some will even say that you are not living your life when you live for others, disregarding the ‘me’.

Instead, when you observe that you are thinking and acting without permission from others, what is taking place is you being your true self.

I started in music as only a songwriter, and I would not have gotten far with the thoughts and words of others. They insisted that I stick with writing, and gigs would come.

Instead, I decided to get acquainted with the other aspects of music creation and prepare for growth. I learned that I have always been eager to learn, even as a kid, so that would be the same natural approach in music.

Be truthful and transparent with yourself

Being true to myself or being my authentic self has allowed me to experience more growth and adaptation in the music industry that has also brought success into the picture.

I have been consistent in the messages that I want to have expressed publicly while representing the model me in truth and transparency. Even in adversity, the best part about our resilience is the true self that can be spotlighted and represented.

There is little fear, regret, resentment, or digression when we identify ourselves alongside the problem-solving part of the equations. In fact, the best moves are often made with a little hesitation, but when doubt is present, our true self hides.

I challenge every reader and listener to be true to themselves more often. Success is ours, and our true selves help create it.

Don’t go through your day on autopilot

Ask yourself if you are going through the motions in your day or are really looking forward to it? Do you look forward to Friday as soon as it’s Monday morning? If so, then you aren’t really living your life and not being true to yourself.

Be mindful and grateful for what you are experiencing at the moment

Are you always in a hurry? So much so that you can’t tell what your food tasted like when you ate it in a hurry. Besides making regular stops to smell those roses, you should take the time to be mindful and grateful for what you are experiencing at the moment. If not, then you are not being true to yourself.

Appreciate the person in the mirror

You are unique. In the whole world, there is no one like you. You have gone through so much in life to be where you are and become what you have. If you haven’t patted the back of the person that you see in the mirror, then you are not being true to yourself.

Strip away the mask that you created for the world

When we start to ask ourselves how we can be true to ourselves, we are often in a place where we feel out of alignment with who we are. Maybe we are making choices or acting in ways to please others or fit into society.

There often comes a moment where the energy it takes to keep up the façade is simply more than we want to continue spending. The pivot to being more true to ourselves stems from this realization that we have created a mask that we are wearing for the world, and we want to strip that away.

The question to ask yourself is:

  • “What is under that façade?”
  • “What is under the mask that you have been wearing?”
  • “Who are you that you will now present to the world?”

In answering these questions, you start to get to know what your true values are, what is important to you, and gain clarity on how you want to contribute to your community.

Understanding who you are is the foundation for you to go out and be true to yourself with strength and deep conviction.

Three simple steps to be more true to yourself:

  1. Contemplate who you want to be. Ask the question “Who am I?” and “Who do I want to be?” Understand the delta between these two answers. I recommend journaling daily or weekly as the answers to these questions evolve as you gain comfort in your own self-expression.
  2. Take one aspect of that answer and bring it to life. Pick something that is reasonable for your current life, don’t feel like you need to make sweeping changes out of the gate. Show yourself that you are strong enough to share a part of your most authentic self to the world.
  3. Check in with yourself. Did making that change help you feel more aligned with your true self? Sure, sharing that part of yourself may have been uncomfortable, but don’t confuse discomfort with misalignment. Give the change time to settle in while continually checking in on the alignment of your actions with your identity.

Have a strong backbone to stand firm for your beliefs

Why people don’t express their true selves? From my experience, people don’t act their true self to:

  • be liked by people
  • protect themselves from hurtful comments
  • make them feel better about themselves
  • to avoid confrontation so don’t share your true belief on something

However, there are many drawbacks to not being your true self. They include:

  • Losing friendships and relationships with those who know the truth about you.
  • Loss of your true identity and purpose in life.

How to be your true self?

  1. The first step is to identify your strengths and weaknesses. This can be difficult because we are often so busy with our lives that we don’t stop to think about what makes us happy.
  2. It’s important that you find people who will support your goals and ambitions no matter what they are. You need people who will help build your confidence and change your mindset on things that might have been holding you back in the past.
  3. Be resilient and have a strong backbone to stand firm in your belief because not everyone will agree with you but stand your ground and be able to defend it.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is it important to be true to yourself?

Being true to yourself is essential for various reasons:

Authenticity: Embracing your true self allows you to live authentically, leading to a more fulfilling and genuine life. You’ll be able to create deeper connections with others, as they’ll be drawn to your honesty and sincerity.

Mental health: Being genuine reduces internal conflict, promoting emotional well-being and resilience.

Self-esteem: When you are true to yourself, you build self-esteem and self-confidence, empowering you to face challenges and make better decisions.

Personal growth: Acknowledging your strengths, weaknesses, and desires enables you to grow personally and professionally, resulting in a more meaningful life.

How do I know if I’m being true to myself?

To determine if you’re being true to yourself, consider the following:

Self-reflection: Spend time reflecting on your values, beliefs, and desires. Are your actions aligned with these? If not, you may not be honoring your true self.

Gut feeling: Pay attention to your intuition. If something feels off or uncomfortable, it could be a sign you’re not being true to yourself.

Consistency: Do your words and actions consistently align? If you find yourself frequently changing your opinions or behavior to please others, you may not be honoring your true self.

Happiness: Are you content and fulfilled in your daily life? If you often feel discontent or unfulfilled, it could be a sign that you’re not being true to yourself.

Boundaries: Assess your ability to set and maintain healthy boundaries with others. If you’re constantly bending to the will of others or sacrificing your own needs, you may not be honoring your true self.

What are some signs that I am not being true to myself?

Some signs that you may not be true to yourself include:

• Feeling unfulfilled or discontent with your life choices.
• Experiencing guilt or regret for not standing up for your beliefs or values.
• Consistently seeking approval or validation from others.
• Suppressing your emotions or needs to please others.
• A lack of self-awareness makes it difficult to identify your passions or desires.
• Constantly comparing yourself to others and feeling inferior.
• A persistent sense of inauthenticity, as if you’re wearing a mask or playing a role.
• Struggling to make decisions without seeking others’ opinions.
• Frequently compromising your values to fit in or be accepted.
• Feeling disconnected from your inner self confuses you about your true desires and goals.

Why do I struggle to be my true self?

There are several reasons you might struggle to be your true self:

Social pressures: Societal norms and expectations can make it difficult to embrace your authentic self. Fear of judgment or rejection may lead you to conform to others’ expectations rather than being true to yourself.

Upbringing: Childhood experiences and family dynamics can impact your ability to express your true self. If you were taught to suppress your feelings or desires, breaking free from those patterns could be challenging.

Self-doubt: Lack of self-confidence can cause you to second-guess your thoughts, feelings, and decisions, making it difficult to be true to yourself.

Perfectionism: Striving for perfection can lead to unrealistic expectations and self-criticism, preventing you from embracing your authentic self.

Can being true to oneself lead to conflicts with others?

Yes, being true to yourself can sometimes lead to conflicts with others, especially if your values, beliefs, or actions differ from theirs. Remember that you cannot control others’ reactions, and it’s okay to have differing opinions. Prioritizing your own authenticity and respecting others’ perspectives can help maintain healthy relationships while staying true to yourself.

Can one’s true self change over time?

Yes. Personal growth, experiences, and changing circumstances can lead to a natural evolution of one’s true self. Embracing these changes and allowing yourself to adapt is a vital part of staying true to who you are. You should continually reassess your values and beliefs to ensure that you are living in alignment with your evolving self.

What are the benefits of being true to oneself?

Being true to oneself offers numerous benefits, including:

Greater self-confidence: Embracing your authentic self helps build self-esteem and trust in your abilities.

Improved relationships: Authenticity fosters deeper connections and trust with others.

Increased personal growth: Being true to yourself allows self-reflection and learning from experiences.

Better decision-making: Understanding your values and desires helps you make choices that align with your true self.

Higher life satisfaction: Living authentically can lead to greater fulfillment and happiness.

Reduced stress and anxiety: When you’re true to yourself, you’re less likely to experience the emotional turmoil that comes from trying to meet others’ expectations.

Enhanced creativity and self-expression: Embracing your unique perspective and talents allows you to share your gifts with the world.

Resilience: Authenticity builds resilience as you learn to navigate life’s challenges while staying true to your values and beliefs.

How can I inspire others to be true to themselves?

To inspire others to be true to themselves, consider the following approaches:

Lead by example: Embrace your authentic self and demonstrate the benefits of living in alignment with your values and passions.

Be non-judgmental: Offer a supportive and accepting environment where others feel safe to express themselves.

Encourage self-reflection: Prompt others to examine their values, desires, and goals to gain a deeper understanding of their true selves.

Share your journey: Discuss your experiences, challenges, and lessons learned while pursuing authenticity, providing relatable insights and inspiration.

Offer guidance: Help others identify and overcome barriers to being true to themselves, such as fear, societal pressures, or lack of self-awareness.

Celebrate uniqueness: Acknowledge and appreciate the diverse qualities and strengths of others, fostering an atmosphere of acceptance and encouragement.

Provide resources: Share books, articles, or other resources that encourage personal growth and self-discovery.

Illustration of two girls facing each other

You do you.

Be yourself.

Be who you are.

We’ve all heard these lines. We’ve all been encouraged to be true to ourselves. To do what our hearts want. And, that’s great! But, at the same time, we’re not supported in doing that.

The way our society functions does not prioritize well-being and self-preservation. So, these words become shallow then. However, they’re still important to act upon. To live a fulfilling life, a life that is truly yours, it’s important to be true to yourself.

But, I understand that it’s not easy, and sometimes it might not even be clear what it means to be true to ourselves. It’s not about just doing whatever we want to. It’s about strength and courage and balance.

It’s about honoring ourselves as we honor others. And, that’s a tricky combination sometimes because we’re not always in situations where we feel comfortable, accepted, and empowered. So, in this post, I will share my tips on how we can really be true to ourselves in day-to-day life.

6 Real Ways to be True to Yourself

  1. Take responsibility for your reactions
  2. Respect your feelings
  3. Be honest with yourself
  4. Take brave decisions patiently
  5. Deprioritise pleasing people
  6. Make time for play

1. Take responsibility for your actions

An empowered individual, in my opinion, is someone who has control of their life. The decisions that they make are theirs, and they have the autonomy to choose their life path.

So, in that sense, we have to understand that the responsibility of our words, actions, reactions, and choices lies with us.

There is a lot of independence in realizing this because when we know that we want to change something and all we need is to work on ourselves, we have all the control. We can truly be who we want to be. Someone else or situations don’t determine who we are.

2. Respect your feelings

We know what it is to be a good listener, and we try, in our capacities, to be good listeners to the people in our lives. Well, you’re also a person in your life. But, how good of a listener are you to yourself?

To be true to yourself, you’ll have to be aware of what is true to you. So here, it means to acknowledge what you feel and understand that there’s always a reason behind it.

Sadness, anger, guilt, grief, regret, fear, jealousy, and every other emotion in this spectrum has a reason to exist. It hasn’t come out of nowhere.

Since we all naturally want to avoid pain, we also tend to avoid the emotion that needs to be experienced by us. Take a pause, ask yourself, “How do I feel right now?”

Related: The Secret to Be Happy For Life

3. Be honest with yourself

What is true to you? What is important to you? What do you want to work towards? What are the values in your life? What will you not give up no matter what?

There are so many people who don’t know what they want or who they are. So how will they ever honor something when they don’t even know what it is?

You know, when you know your destination, you’ll get there even if you take a few wrong turns. But, when you don’t know where you’re headed, where will you go?

Introspection is a fundamental activity that we all must consciously give time to as early in our lives as we can. To be true to ourselves, we have to know what is true to us. Invest time into getting to know yourself.

Related: 6 Simple Tips to Live a Simple Life

4. Take brave decisions patiently

As I said before, being true to yourself is not easy.

If it were easy, we wouldn’t know of so many people who, in their middle and old age, regret not having listened to their heart, not having done what they really wanted to do, and essentially not having truly lived their lives.

So, one fundamental asset you need is courage. This is your life. You have one shot at it.

Take your time, understand yourself, assess situations, don’t take big decisions impatiently but take them. One thing that I make sure of is that I don’t leave room for me to regret in later years of life.

We really don’t know how long we have, let’s not postpone living. And, it’s not just about big decisions. Are you choosing what is right for your health? Have you started journaling your thoughts?

Other tasks will not go anywhere. Please make time for what is truly good for you.

5. Deprioritise pleasing people

What will they think? Will they be mad at me? Will they be disappointed? What if they don’t agree with me?

Instead of these questions, make sure that you are sure. If you’re choosing something for yourself, and you know in your heart that it is the best thing to do for your health, and your life, other people’s agreement should not be so important.

When we look up to someone or when they’ve played a valuable role in our lives, we fear causing them sadness, or shocking them, or disappointing them. We want them to agree with us. We want them to support us.

These wants are not nonsensical. They’re human. But, at the same time, they don’t define our lives. And, the people who care want the best for you anyway. So, if they’re the right ones, they will support you, sooner or later.

Related: 9 Tips to Stop Being a People Pleaser and Respect Yourself

6. Make time for play

And lastly, lighten up consciously. Do what you enjoy doing. Don’t let busyness get in the way of you connecting with yourself.

You know, when you’re in those activities are close to your heart, that give you peace, that make you genuinely smile, you are truly yourself. You’re having a great time.

And, it’s so important to stay connected to them. No matter how occupied we get, or how many responsibilities pile up. Remember you are responsible for your happiness.

I make sure now that I give time to drawing, playing music, singing, watching The Office, talking to my friends, cuddling with my furry brother, going cycling, looking at the sky, putting the phone away, and other little things. They’re so important to me, really. What are such for you in your life? Are you in touch with them?

Related: 7 Ways to Be a Good Friend to Yourself From Today

And, these were my 6 tips for you. I am so happy that you wanted to learn about this topic because how many of us think about it, really? You took a great step!

If you found it helpful, do share it with your friends and family.

I wish you beautiful moments in life :)

Take the 15-day New Year Challenge

Aarushi Tewari

The writer and affirmations speaker at Gratitude, Aarushi believes that one of the most effective ways of feeling inner peace is by being grateful and having a loving self-relationship.

Change is the only constant in every individual’s life, and the desire to change the mundane world seems too grandiose and insurmountable.

Even a small transient thought of self-doubt and self-distrust can crash your dreams to bring a valuable change in the world.

This article presents you with some beautiful words of wisdom and quotes about being true to yourself that will make a difference and change the way you think about yourself.

These quotes might inspire you and mold you to move on and accept you as a better version of yourself.

Table of Contents


Be passionate about yourself, do not sacrifice anything, and have fun. Always remember to remain true and real to yourself.

quotes about being true to yourself

Whatever happens and whatever you do, never let anybody talk about the way you are and look, ever.

quotes about being true to yourself

Always remember to be true to yourself as life is just too beautiful by what we choose to live with.

quotes about being true to yourself

Listen to yourself. Know what you want to be, and always be true about what you do.

quotes about being true to yourself

It takes immense courage to be honest and true to yourself.

quotes about being true to yourself

Always remember that your ideal life is the reality. Therefore, be true to yourself and honor your preferences.

quotes about being true to yourself

Always stay true to yourself as you are the only one who matters the most. 

quotes about being true to yourself

Be true enough to reveal your unique feelings, beauty, and perceptions about yourself.

quotes about being true to yourself

Everything will fall in place when we remain true to ourselves.

quotes about being true to yourself

Kind Quotes About Being True To Yourself

It may seem hard, but great people throughout history have struggled to find their identities, too. Here are a few quotes that will help you remain kind to yourself

Stay true to yourself and never let anyone rob you of yourself.

quotes about being true to yourself

Be yourself as everyone around you is already taken.

quotes about being true to yourself

Remember to follow your inner moonlight to shine with brightness and refrain from hiding the madness.

quotes about being true to yourself

To remain true to yourself in a world that keeps trying to change you constantly is a great and brave accomplishment. 

quotes about being true to yourself

Say what you feel and be who you are because those who mind your presence don’t matter, and those who matter never mind.

quotes about being true to yourself

Being true to yourself in a constantly changing world trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment in life.

quotes about being true to yourself

Be yourself but also be your best and a better self.

quotes about being true to yourself

Always be yourself as at the end of the day, that’s all you’ve got.

quotes about being true to yourself

Always remember that you are the only person you’ve got, so always remain true to yourself.

quotes about being true to yourself

Just be yourself and remember no one is better than you.

quotes about being true to yourself

To shine the brightest light and remain as the brightest star, you need who you truly are.

quotes about being true to yourself

All you need to be true to yourself and be courageous and be with full confidence.

quotes about being true to yourself

Never be bothered about what others tell you, be yourself, say what you want to say with reverence and respect.

quotes about being true to yourself

To be yourself is to be original because there is no one like you.

quotes about being true to yourself

You can change yourself by just being yourself.

quotes about being true to yourself

Best Quotes About Being True To Yourself

No matter how far you run away from yourself, there is always a path that leads you right back.

quotes about being true to yourself

You don’t need permission to be yourself. The universe has already permitted you.

quotes about being true to yourself

Be yourself, be unique, not the person someone else wants you to be.

quotes about being true to yourself

Being yourself is all it takes to impress someone.

quotes about being true to yourself

Do not let another person define you to be who you indeed are.

quotes about being true to yourself

The reward for conformity is that every other individual acknowledges and likes you but yourself.

quotes about being true to yourself

By being yourself, you become a better version of yourself.

quotes about being true to yourself

By being true to yourself, you give something beautiful and rare to the world that never existed before.

quotes about being true to yourself

It is better to be loathed and detested for the person you are than to be loved and admired for the person you are not.

quotes about being true to yourself

As simple as it sounds, if you just remain true to yourself, you’re different from anyone else.

quotes about being true to yourself

Famous quotes About Being True to Yourself

Be yourself, don’t take anything from anyone, and never let them take you alive.

Gerard Way

quotes about being true to yourself

Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind.

– Bernard M. Maruch

quotes about being true to yourself

Follow your inner moonlight; don’t hide the madness.

– Allen Ginsberg

quotes about being true to yourself

You cannot change what you are, only what you do.

Philip Pullman

quotes about being true to yourself

You are you. Now, isn’t that pleasant?

– Dr. Seuss

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I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet.

– Mahatma Gandhi

- Dr. Seuss

Find out who you are and do it on purpose.

Dolly Parton

quotes about being true to yourself

It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for something you are not.

– Andre Gide

More Quotes About Being True To Yourself And Others

Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it.

– Bruce Lee

quotes about being true to yourself

The secret to success is to be true to yourself.

-S Sreeasant

quotes about being true to yourself

Accept no one’s definition of your life, but define yourself.

– Harvey Fierstein

quotes about being true to yourself

Our time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.

– Steve Jobs

quotes about being true to yourself

No one ever made a difference by being like everyone else.

Buckminster Fuller

quotes about being true to yourself

Don’t let other people decide who you are.

Bob Goff

quotes about being true to yourself

I pay no attention whatsoever to anybody’s praise or blame. I simply follow my own feelings.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

quotes about being true to yourself

The Bottom Line

There are multiple reasons why people try to hide their identity or hide the truths about themselves.

However, when you are not yourself, you end up draining your heart, mind, and soul. Never let anyone else influence you, and learn to stand strong and be true to yourself.

We hope that these Quotes About Being True To Yourself help or inspire you to be true and real about yourself.

Also read: 30 Motivational Quotes About Keeping Your Head Up And Staying Strong

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