Word for being the best at something

Some common synonyms of talent are aptitude, bent, faculty, genius, gift, and knack. While all these words mean “a special ability for doing something,” talent suggests a marked natural ability that needs to be developed.

In this post

  • 1 What is a natural skill called?
  • 2 What’s a word for being good at something?
  • 3 What is a word for inherently good?
  • 4 How do you say natural talent?
  • 5 What is a natural ability or talent?
  • 6 When someone is a natural at something?
  • 7 What does it mean to be great at something?
  • 8 What is a multi skilled person called?
  • 9 What do you call the good natured character?
  • 10 What does naturally inherent mean?
  • 11 What does congenitally mean?
  • 12 What is another word for innate ability?
  • 13 Can you be naturally good at something?
  • 14 What are inherent skills?
  • 15 What is an inherent ability?
  • 16 How would you describe a person who has exceptional talent?
  • 17 What do you call someone who is the best in their field?
  • 18 How do you become skilled at something?
  • 19 What is the ability to do well?
  • 20 What is a word for someone with many talents?

What is a natural skill called?

aptitude. noun. natural ability that makes it easy for you to do something well.

Some common synonyms of skilled are adept, expert, proficient, and skillful.

What is a word for inherently good?

In this page you can discover 16 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for inherently, like: innately, naturally, essentially, intrinsically, immanently, demonstrably, inseparably, natively, fundamentally, genetically and congenitally.

How do you say natural talent?

“For each one it takes a certain amount of natural ability, but it also takes devotion, time, and commitment.”
What is another word for natural ability?

faculty ability
talent aptitude
gift bent
facility knack
readiness skill

What is a natural ability or talent?

1. natural ability – ability that is inherited. aptitude – inherent ability. endowment, natural endowment, talent, gift – natural abilities or qualities.

When someone is a natural at something?

If you say that someone is a natural, you mean that they do something very well and very easily. He’s a natural with any kind of engine. If someone’s behavior is natural, they appear to be relaxed and are not trying to hide anything.

What does it mean to be great at something?

Definition of be great at
: to do (something) very well My brother is great at (playing) golf.

What is a multi skilled person called?

(also practised), professed, versed, veteran, virtuoso.

What do you call the good natured character?

amiable, good-natured, obliging, complaisant mean having the desire or disposition to please. amiable implies having qualities that make one liked and easy to deal with.

What does naturally inherent mean?

Existing in someone or something as a natural and inseparable quality, characteristic, or right; intrinsic; innate; basic.

What does congenitally mean?

Medical Definition of congenital
1 : existing at or dating from birth congenital deafness congenital heart disease. 2 : acquired during development in the uterus and not through heredity Our study primarily aimed to find out the birth prevalence of congenital toxoplasma infection in live neonates …—

What is another word for innate ability?

Frequently Asked Questions About innate
Some common synonyms of innate are congenital, hereditary, inborn, and inbred. While all these words mean “not acquired after birth,” innate applies to qualities or characteristics that are part of one’s inner essential nature.

Can you be naturally good at something?

People use “natural talent” as an excuse for why they’re not as good at something as someone else. And yeah, natural talent could factor in. The scientific community is up in the air about whether or not some people are genetically predisposed to be better at certain things.

What are inherent skills?

The inherent skills or talents that most of us have (and typically have a passion for) can be applied to any one of a variety of occupations. For example, being highly organized is a skill/talent that’s useful in most any position; being visionary is an ability that would be valuable in any leadership role.

What is an inherent ability?

adjective [usually ADJECTIVE noun] The inherent qualities of something are the necessary and natural parts of it.

How would you describe a person who has exceptional talent?

Genius is an exceptional talent or skill, something above and beyond the norm. A genius is someone who possesses this brilliance, like a child prodigy who learned the piano at age 3 and played sold-out concerts by age 5.

What do you call someone who is the best in their field?

Some common synonyms of expert are adept, proficient, skilled, and skillful.

How do you become skilled at something?

Here’s how to be an expert at anything:

  1. Be in it for the long haul. Find me something else that creates a 400% boost in results.
  2. Find a mentor.
  3. Start with what’s important.
  4. “Train like you fight.” Don’t practice drunk.
  5. Use “desirable difficulty”.
  6. Get fast, negative feedback.
  7. Study less.
  8. Naps are steroids for your brain.

What is the ability to do well?

Talent is the natural ability to do something well.

What is a word for someone with many talents?

A multipotentialite is a person who has many different interests and creative pursuits in life. Multipotentialites have no “one true calling” the way specialists do.

Is there a word or phrase to describe someone who is not formally trained at something — yet he/she is good at it?

The person could be good at drawing/art, or mathematics, or carpentry, or boxing, or a musical instrument, etc.

I thought the word for what I described is «untutored» because according to Collins Dictionary:

untutored, adjective. «If someone is untutored, they have not been formally trained to do something, although they may be quite skilled at it.»

One of the two example sentences Collins offered was:

‘This untutored mathematician had an obsession with numbers.’

So because of Collins’s definition, I took «untutored» as having to do with innate abilities, like a kid who happens to draw so great, or have a knack for a musical instrument — before any formal training.

But the problem is no other dictionary defines «untutored» this way. All the others define it along the lines of «lacking in schooling».

So any help in describing being good at something without being trained in it would be appreciated.

Continue Learning about English Language Arts

What is another word for jerk?

To pull or tug at something
Another word for jerk can be imbecile or being rude

What is another word for job satisfaction?

being pleased with something

What is another word for doing something without being asked?


What is another word to possess something?

another word for possess is «to have»

What is another word for strictly?

A good synonym for «strictly» is «stringently» or «meticulously»
depending on how the word is being used. A good antonym would be
«leniently» or «methodically,» once again depending on how the word
is being used.

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На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

лучшим в чем-то

лучшим в чем-либо

лучшими в чем-то

лучшими хоть в чем-то

лучшие в чем-то одном

в чем-то лучшим

When you’re the best at something, people notice.

Being the best at something is a very rare thing.

To be the best at something, you have to work very hard at it.

I love being the best at something [everything].

It seems that most people believe that they can only get attention by being the best at something or being a pest.

Создается впечатление, что многие люди считают, что они могут получить внимание только в том случае, если они будут лучшими в чем-то или будут вредными и надоедливыми.

So the people who tend to be the best at something tend to be consumed by self-doubt, whereas the people who are absolutely incompetent turn out to be very, very self-confident.

В результате люди, которые стремятся быть лучшими в чем-то, как правило, сомневаются в себе, тогда как люди, которые абсолютно некомпетентны, оказываются очень уверенными в себе.

All my life, I wanted to be the best at something.

You rather be the best at something specific, than mediocre at everything.

Но стоит быть лучшим в чем-то одном, чем посредственным во всем.

Because every country is the best at something!

This means acknowledging that while you may not be the best at something, you can still reach your goals if you possess the passion and drive.

Это означает признание того, что, хотя вы не можете быть лучшим в чем-то, вы все равно можете достичь своих целей, если у вас есть страсть.

There is one and only one solution to that, and that is to become the best at something.

Есть один и только один надежный способ решить эту проблему — стать лучшим в чем-либо.

While you should always strive to offer high-quality products and great service to your clients, being the best at something can be harder than being the first to arrive to a new category or niche.

Помимо того, что вы всегда должны будете стремиться предоставлять товар высокого качества и отличное обслуживание, быть лучшим в чем-то может быть намного труднее, чем быть первым в какой-то новой категории или нише.Далее…

I am a big believer in that lesson I learned there in college: you may not be the best at something, but if you find a place where you can thrive, or be comfortable, it will allow you to be your best.

Я очень сильно верю в то, что я понял тогда в колледже: ты можешь не быть лучшим в чём-то большом, но если ты найдешь себе нишу, в которой преуспеешь, или в которой тебе будет комфортно, это позволит тебе со временем стать лучшим.

Strive to be the best at something.

Ferrari is the best at something

Want to be the best at something?

Try to be the best at something.

Not everyone can say they are the best at something.

So, she can meet someone who’s the best at something.

Must be killing you not to be the best at something.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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If you want to get better at something, there’s no time like the present. The first step in the path to self-improvement is learning the skill through concentrated, focused study. Then, practicing your technique can help you make and reach long-term goals. With effort and time spent strengthening your weaknesses, you can get better at most anything.

  1. Image titled Be Better at Something Step 1


    Reduce the number of distractions while you’re learning. Distractions can inhibit your ability to focus and develop any skills. Learn or study the skill in a quiet, controlled environment with minimal distractions like loud noises, electronic devices, or anything else that inhibits your ability to concentrate.[1]

    • Try not to multitask while you’re learning a new skill. The more concentration you can give to something, the more time and brainpower you can devote to it.[2]
    • If you want to listen to music while learning, choose instrumental music. Music with lyrics are much more likely to distract you from your task.[3]
  2. Image titled Be Better at Something Step 2


    Break learning the task into parts. If you give your brain too much information at once, you may become overwhelmed and have a hard time memorizing it. Instead, learn about the new skill in small, easy-to-digest parts—a chapter or specific skill at a time.[4]

    • If you want to get better at math, for example, focus on one mathematical principle a day to build your knowledge over time.
    • Don’t cram yourself with information if you’re getting better at something for an exam. Spacing out your learning will help you develop a stronger grasp of the topic.[5]


  3. Image titled Be Better at Something Step 3


    Connect the information to something you understand. While learning something new, try to relate it to something you’ve already practiced or mastered. That way, your brain can translate the skills you learned from the first topic while learning the second.[6]

    • If you’re learning to sew better, for example, think about the finger dexterity and attention to patterns you may have learned from knitting.
  4. Image titled Be Better at Something Step 4


    Focus on what excites you about the new skill. If you’re having trouble focusing while you learn the new skill, pinpoint something about it that interests you. Use the parts that you find intriguing as motivation to spend time learning the skill.[7]

    • If you’re learning to play the piano better, for example, use music sheets for songs you enjoy to practice.
  5. Image titled Be Better at Something Step 5


    Ask yourself questions after learning about a topic. After studying a skill, write down 5-10 questions that capture important elements of the new task or concept. Try to answer the question without any outside help to solidify the topics in your brain.[8]

    • While learning how to sketch, for example, write down a few questions about key art principles, common drawing mistakes, and techniques for improving your sketching skills.
    • If you’re learning from a textbook, check for practice questions at the end of each chapter. These questions are usually formulated to teach you key elements about the concept.
  6. Advertisement

  1. Image titled Be Better at Something Step 6


    Determine a goal for your practicing session. Before you start practicing, think about what tasks you need to improve on. Make a goal that you want to reach by the end of the practicing session to give your session a specific purpose.[9]

    • While practicing how to write an essay, for example, you could make a goal to outline at least 3 introduction paragraphs by the end of the session.
  2. Image titled Be Better at Something Step 7


    Model experts in your field while you practice. Modeling people who are already skilled in a subject can help you learn how to successfully accomplish it. Research 2-3 people known for the skill you want to learn and, after studying their work, practice imitating it. You’ll be able to develop your own style over time after building a foundation from the experts.[10]

    • If you want to learn how to sing, for example, listen to the songs of a few singers you admire and practice music that they’ve sung.
    • Find a mentor in the field you want to pursue.
  3. Image titled Be Better at Something Step 8


    Seek immediate feedback while you practice. Don’t wait until the end of your practice session to check what you did right or wrong. Instead, check your progress after each task to see what you’re doing right and where you need to improve.[11]

    • This will help you improve any weaknesses you have quickly instead of practicing incorrect techniques.
    • If you’re learning to sprint, for example, time yourself after each lap or mile. If you’re not satisfied with your time, make a goal to run the next lap or mile faster.
  4. Image titled Be Better at Something Step 9


    Practice in front of someone else, when you’re ready. Once you’ve practiced on your own and feel confident in your abilities, practice in front of a friend or family member. They can evaluate what you’ve learned so far and give you a new perspective on where to improve next.[12]

    • If you’re practicing public speaking, for example, gather a few of your close friends and give them a speech. At the end of the speech, ask them for feedback and tips for improvement.
    • For skills that are more independent (like speed reading or learning European history), you could make a list of key facts about the subject and teach them to another person.
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  1. Image titled Be Better at Something Step 10


    Change your practicing habits if you feel stuck. If you feel like you’re in a rut or can’t improve a certain skill, changing the way you practice can help you approach your weaknesses through a unique lens. Focus your practicing sessions on your specific weakness, and try a variety of different exercises to strengthen your abilities.[13]

    • If you’re learning to write poetry, for example, you could practice annotating poetry for a few sessions instead of freewriting.
  2. Image titled Be Better at Something Step 11


    Join a study or practice group. Meeting other people who are learning a new task could help you find new ways of approaching a topic and strengthening weaknesses. Find a practice group or club at your school or community center, or ask others practicing the same skill if they know of any groups.

    • You could, for example, join a community basketball team if you’re having trouble learning to dunk.
    • If you can’t find any groups in your area, you can always make your own instead.
  3. Image titled Be Better at Something Step 12


    Evaluate your improvement by a new measurement. Sometimes, changing the way you evaluate your abilities can help you spot weaknesses and improve your strengths. You might focus on your accuracy or strength, for example, instead of speed or dexterity.[14]

    • Instead of measuring your painting abilities by how many pieces you make a day, for example, you could focus on how you’re improving your shading techniques.
  4. Image titled Be Better at Something Step 13


    Don’t give up if you struggle with a specific skill. If you’re having a hard time improving, keep practicing and learning more about it every day. Focus on what you’re doing well and, as you make progress in your weaknesses, celebrate your strengths to improve your motivation.[15]

    • Even if the skill doesn’t come naturally to you, you may be able to develop and strengthen the skill over time.
    • Try not to beat yourself up about mistakes you make. Mistakes can help you learn more about your technique and avoid issues in the future.[16]
  5. Advertisement

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    Brett Baughman

    Brett Baughman is a Business & Life Coach, as well as the Founder of The Brett Baughman Companies, Inc., and the renowned Action Mastery retreats. With over 20 years of experience, his specialty is helping high-performing executives and entrepreneurs to advance to the next level of success. He earned his Bachelor’s Degree from Illinois State University and was mentored by Tad James. During his work at the Tad James Company, he earned his certifications as a Master NLP Coach (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), a Certified Master Hypnotherapist, an NLP Trainer & Master Practitioner, and a Time Line Therapy Trainer & Master Practitioner. He’s also been voted the Top Coach to work with by Apple News.

    Brett Baughman

    Focus on your reason for doing it! If you don’t understand why you’re doing something, you aren’t going to be as good at it, because you’re doing it based on your mood and stress levels. Your performance dips when you don’t have a purpose behind what you’re doing.

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  • While developing new skills, make sure to get plenty of sleep every night. If you’re well-rested, you’ll have more energy to learn and focus on the task at hand.[17]

  • Take notes by hand, if you have to take notes while learning. Although taking notes electronically is faster, you are more likely to remember handwritten notes.[19]

  • Try to approach learning and developing new skills with a positive attitude. Having an open mind and believing in yourself can help you tackle even difficult tasks.

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  • Avoid using negative reinforcement to become better at something. Too much stress can worsen your self-confidence and overall ability to pick up new tasks.[20]


Thanks for reading our article! If you’d like to learn more about practicing new skills, check out our in-depth interview with Brett Baughman.


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Article SummaryX

To be better at something, try breaking up what you’re learning into smaller, easier parts. For example, if you’re trying to get better at drawing, you could practice one new technique each week. Also, research experts in the field and model yourself after them to help you achieve your goal. For example, you could look up videos of your favorite singers and practice singing like they do. If you’re ever feeling stuck, try switching up your routine and practicing habits so you start making progress again. To learn how to overcome obstacles while you’re working toward your goal, scroll down!

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We can be happy when we’re pleased with how something has gone or a certain event in our life. We can be sad when something bad has happened that’s made us feel inadequate or down. However, did you know some words mean you can experience both at the same time?

What Word Is Best To Describe The Feeling Of Being Happy And Sad At The Same Time?

Bittersweet is the best word to describe the feeling of being happy and sad at the same time. There are other choices, which we will cover, but bittersweet works perfectly to cover both emotions (“bitter” showing sadness and “sweet” showing happiness).

What Word Is Best To Describe The Feeling Of Being Happy And Sad At The Same Time?

We’ll cover the words in slightly more detail as we go through the article, but the words you’ll see are:

  • Bittersweet
  • Tragicomic
  • Rueful
  • Ambivalent
  • Emotional


The Cambridge Dictionary can help us with the definition of “bittersweet.” It is used to mean something “containing a mixture of sadness and happiness.”

A person can feel bittersweet for several reasons, but it’s the perfect example of a word that shows the mixed emotions one feels when they’re going through a hard time in their life while also feeling happy about something.

Both happy and sad are contradicting emotions, but that doesn’t mean you’re not able to feel both of them simultaneously. In fact, it’s more of a common feeling than you might realize.

The bittersweet feeling you get when you’re happy about something can arise for a number of reasons, for example:

  • If you won an event by accidentally cheating or tarnishing the competitor’s chances somehow.
  • If you recently lost a loved one but came into some really good news.
  • If something positive happened to you and not your friend, but you really wished it happened to you both.

These are just some of the ways we can see bittersweet emotions in our lives. You’ve more than likely come across it once or twice, and it’s a difficult feeling to explain.


The Cambridge Dictionary gives us a definition of tragicomedy as “a (type of) play or story that is both sad and funny.” This definition is extended to “tragicomic,” which means it relates to this same sensation you get from the play or story.

A situation often seems more tragicomic, rather than it being a direct emotional you feel. However, it’s still possible to experience a tragicomic emotion of some kind.

If you have a tragicomic feeling or sensation, it’s usually because you’re already sad for some reason, but you found something ridiculously funny. The other incident is where something is so sad you can’t help but laugh, and that laughter often helps ease your sadness a little.

It’s not the best synonym for bittersweet, but it’s definitely one of the more closely related words to it that we can use. It’s also a great word to include in your vocabulary should you ever feel the need to say it.

Not many people have heard of tragicomic as a word before, so you could impress a few people.


The Cambridge Dictionary refers to “rueful” as “feeling sorry and wishing that something had not happened.” If you look at the example they provide, it shows someone giving a “rueful laugh,” and this shows that “rueful” is used mostly in a dry and humorous way.

Generally, if we’re writing the word “rueful” in text, it comes before words like “smile” or “laugh.” It’s used in a humorous way to show that we wished something didn’t have to happen the way that it did, but there’s nothing we can do now but laugh at the situation.

Sometimes, that same feeling is applicable to normal life. Say you’re at a funeral for a loved one, and you remember something funny that the two of you did together. Sure, you shouldn’t be laughing at a funeral, but now you’re so overcome with rueful emotion you don’t know what else to do.

That’s generally when we would use “rueful” as an emotion. It shows that we’re sorry or apologetic for an outcome, but we often have to laugh at either the outcome or ourselves before it sends us spiraling into despair.


Here, The Cambridge Dictionary uses a great definition for the word “ambivalent.” It means “having two opposing feelings at the same time, or being uncertain about how you feel.”

While a feeling of ambivalence doesn’t strictly have to apply to happiness and sadness (it could be calmness and anger, for example), it works as a great synonym for bittersweet. In fact, it’s probably the best word on this list besides bittersweet that works as a way to show two contrasting emotions.

On top of that, it’s a great word to include in your vocabulary. Not many people are familiar with a word as powerful as this, and it will show how well you understand your meaning if you get a chance to use it.

A feeling of ambivalence can appear anywhere in life. We typically use it when we’re not able to process our emotions, leading us to a state where we’re not entirely sure which of the two opposing emotions we feel.

It creates this idea of emotional limbo, where we’re both happy and sad. Both of those emotions cancel each other out, almost making us feel empty, or in the case of the Cambridge definition, “uncertain.”


The Cambridge Dictionary teaches us that “emotional” means “having and expressing strong feelings.” While this doesn’t strictly imply that two contradicting emotions are felt at the same time, it works well as an alternative nonetheless.

When somebody is emotional, it’s often too difficult for that person to process their emotions and talk to you about what they’re feeling.

Significant, life-changing events can lead someone to become emotional. Say, for example, you win a lot of money in a competition that will change your life forever. Most people actually cry when they hear this news, which is a common response to sadness.

It’s this exact situation that leads the word emotional to being a really good synonym for bittersweet. When you’re so overcome with emotion, you don’t know whether to laugh or cry. If you hear bad news, you might laugh out loud; if you hear great news, you might cry happy tears. Either way, you’re so emotional that you don’t know what your body or brain is telling you!

All of the above words are an excellent way of saying you feel both happy and sad at the same time. It’s not a feeling you’ll come by often, but when you do, it’s helpful to have these words in your arsenal ready to use.

It also helps to expand your ability to write really impressive stories. If you’re able to have a strong handle on emotions in a novel, then people will be amazed at your writing skills and descriptive abilities.

Examples Of When You Can Feel Happy And Sad At The Same Time

While it’s great to know all of the words you can use to explain this feeling, that’s not enough. It’ll help if you also know when situations might occur that might lead you to feel bittersweet or ambivalent.


Graduating is a huge event in any student’s life. It’s such a happy moment for most people because it means they’re turning over to the next page of their life and exploring new options.

However, graduation is often sad because it means saying goodbye to old friends and knowing that you most likely won’t see them again.

Changing Jobs

Just like graduation, changing a job in life is often seen as a huge milestone. If you’ve made the decision to further your career, then that will have a massive impact on your life and change you for the better. Usually, it’s a happy day.

However, it can be difficult to let go of the past. It can also be hard to say goodbye to colleagues, especially those that you consider friends. That’s what leads to these bittersweet moments in life.

Having A Baby

Having a baby is by far one of the most exciting and happy moments in any parent’s life. It’s the time to take on new responsibilities and start up a family with the people that you love.

However, having a baby also leads new parents to ask sad questions like whether they’re good enough to be a good parent or whether they’re right for the baby. This emotional back and forth leads to some serious bittersweet sensations.

Beating A Friend (Sporting Event)

Beating a friend in a competition is a great way to show that you’ve earned your spot in the podium position. However, we often want to encourage our friends to be the best versions of themselves and need to push each other to get there.

While beating a friend can be exciting and lead to happiness; you may also take away their own pride, which is an unhappy sensation at the same time. There’s a very fine balance between these things.

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martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

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