Word for being proud of who you are

Words of encouragement always uplift someone’s soul but when you mean and tell your loved one how much proud you are of them; nothing can beat that overwhelming feeling. Recognize the hard work, the struggle, the accomplishments, and feel free to express your thoughts with our messages. Tell your family, friends, partners how much you’re proud of them. Use our messages to make the days brighter for someone you love and care about.

You make me feel so proud every day with your courage, kindness, and hard work. It is a privilege knowing you in this life.

It is not necessary to succeed every time you try to achieve something. It’s okay to fail sometimes. I’m already so proud of you.

I am proud of you no matter what you do in your life. Just know that I will be always supporting you.

To my beloved daughter, I hope you know how beautiful of a person you are inside out. I am so happy and proud of the kindhearted woman you have become.

You have won even before you started. I am so much proud of you my friend!

Son, I am so proud of you. Raising you was such a wonderful experience for me. I love you.

You are such a wonderful human being inside-out. Be proud of who you are, don’t be upset over the fact that some people will always judge you no matter what.

I am really proud of you. The way you handle every challenge of your life, it inspires me a lot.

At this stage, you are killing it. I cannot tell how proud I am of you bro. You are one in a million.

I hope you already know how amazing you are and you deserve every happiness of this world. I am really proud of you.

I’m so proud of you my love. You make me happy in a way no one could ever have. You’re my forever happy place.

Thank you for being my reason to brag all the time. I am so proud of you sister. You are a gem.

You are unstoppable because you do not fear failure and doubts despite having them in your life and that is what makes me proud of you.

Amazingly, you’re doing so much at your age, but I do worry about you sometimes because you’re really doing way too much! I’m proud of you, my dear, but do stop and smell the flowers sometimes!

I’m proud of you, and I always will be. Never for a moment think that I see you as anything less than amazing. Stay confident and proud!

It might not be much but we just want you to know that you’re worthy of love, happiness, and care just like everyone else if not more. You’re worth it, and we’re proud of you.

You made us feel so blessed to have you around – I hope that one day you too will have someone you can feel proud of so that you can finally understand how I feel!

If you ever feel that you are lacking, remember our words. We’re proud of you – everything that you were, everything that you are, and everything that you’re going to become. Remember that always, our dearest son.

No one is perfect, and we are all doing our best. I know very well that you’re doing what you can too, and that is why I am proud of you. I always will be.

I am so proud of you, baby. You’ll always be my superwoman with all the wonderful feelings that you can easily bring to me. I hope that you’ll never let anyone tell you otherwise!

It’s just not in our culture to say that we are proud of anyone, but I want you to know that you truly do make me feel proud.

Every achievement, big or small, we know about them all. You make us so proud to have someone so self-driven as our child, and we hope that you never lose your passion for life!

We heard about your latest achievement from your parents and we just want to say that we’re so proud of you! You’ve always been the best student in our entire expanded family, and it seems like you always will be!

We’re proud of you! Whatever it is that you set your mind to, you always find your way to achieve it. You surely are the definition of being stubborn in a good way!

Words will never fully explain just how proud I am for who you have turned out to be today. You are someone deserving of all the good things in the world, and I truly hope that you will get them all one day.

Many people would tell you that you should honor your parents – even the bible says the same! But we have to say that we too, are proud to have you as our beloved child.

We watched you grow up as we raise you from a tiny little person in your mother’s womb, and our hearts swell with pride to see the person that you have grown into today. We love you, and we’re proud of you!

The moment you came into our lives as our children, you have changed it for the better. We want you to know that we are proud of everything you have achieved, and we know that you’re going to achieve even more.

Cheers to everything that made you who you are! You’re an amazing person, and we’re so proud to have someone so kind and understanding as our classmate. You’re the best!

We don’t need to be your parents to feel proud of you. We’ll always be honored to have known you and been friends with you, even if we’ve only known each other for a few semesters.

Every time I see just how much you have grown through the years, my heart bursts with just how proud I am of you.

It’s amazing how you’re able to go through everything you did and rise from the ashes. You’re strong, you’re empowered and you’re someone that I am so very proud to call my son.

Life hasn’t always been kind to us, but you were always my pillar of strength. For that, I salute you for being so strong through it all. I’m proud of you, and I hope that you will find your happiness one day.

Ever since you were a little girl, you’ve made me the proudest parent in the world. I love you.

The thing I’m most proud of is that you’ve become a better version of me. I will die happy, knowing that I’ve left such an amazing legacy in this world.

I am proud of you for whatever you do in your life. Just know that I will always support you.

You make me so proud every day with your courage, your kindness, and your hard work. It is a privilege to know you in this life.

You won before you even started. I am so proud of you my friend!

Thanks for being my reason for bragging all the time. I’m so proud of you sister. You are a jewel.

I am so proud of you my love. You make me happy in a way that nobody could have ever had. You are my place forever happy.

To my beloved daughter, I hope you know how beautiful you are inside. I am so happy and proud of the kind-hearted woman that you have become.

You are a wonderful upside-down human being. Be proud of who you are, don’t worry that some people will always judge you no matter what.

You are unstoppable because you do not fear failure and doubts despite having them in your life and this is what makes me proud of you.

At this point, you kill him. I can’t say how proud I am of you brother. You are one of a million.

I am really proud of you. The way you handle each challenge in your life inspires me a lot.

I hope you already know how amazing you are and that you deserve all the happiness in this world. I am really proud of you.

We may have given you the financial and emotional support you needed, but you have given us thousands of reasons to be proud of who you are today. Thank you, my son! We love you so much.

The future belongs to you, my dear son. Because you have made us proud since you took your first step on the ground. Believe in yourself and go for it.

Dear son, follow your dream, work hard and be proud of yourself. We are proud anyway. I love you!

Never think that you are alone. Wherever you are, your parents always think of you. I’m always there when you need me. I love you and so proud of you, my son.

Dear son, you can’t even imagine what you are to me. Whatever happens, I will always love you and support you. I am really proud of you.

I will not tell you that I am proud of you even if I am. I’ll tell you how pleased I am to see you proud of yourself.

My beautiful daughter, we are always proud of you. So never get angry, do what you want. We will always have your back.

Having a daughter like you is a blessing. You always make me proud of your hard work. I love you.

Seeing you transform into a beautiful butterfly of a pretty cocoon fills my heart with infinite joy and pride. You are the most beautiful and sensitive girl in the world. We love you, darling.

If you do your best and work hard, you are already successful. You have every right to be proud of yourself.

Stop worrying about our expectations and do what your heart wants. We will always be proud of you, whatever your successes and failures dear girl.

You have come so far. You worked so hard and did everything you could to make your dreams come true. Do you have any idea how proud you are of yourself? Come on, my little girl!

I hope you already know how amazing you are and you deserve every happiness of this world. I am really proud of you.

I’m so proud of you my love. You make me happy in a way no one could ever have. You’re my forever happy place.

Thank you for being my reason to brag all the time. I am so proud of you sister. You are a gem.

To my beloved daughter, I hope you know how beautiful of a person you are inside out. I am so happy and proud of the kindhearted woman you have become.

Son, I am so proud of you. Raising you was such a wonderful experience for me. I love you.

You have won even before you started. I am so much proud of you my friend!

I am so proud to see you turning from a lover to a responsible man. My heart is filled with pride to see you succeed in everything you do. I love you.

Sometimes it blows my mind to think how hard-working and enthusiastic a person you are. You have your goals and you are working so hard for them. I am really of you, my love.

I am that lucky person who gets to learn so much from you. So proud of you and best wishes on your journey towards glory.

Proud of You Message for Boyfriend

I am really proud of you. The way you handle every challenge of your life, it inspires me a lot.

Success is a process for all of us, and as long as you are making consistent progress towards your goals – sincerely giving your best effort more often than not – then you are already successful and deserve to feel proud of yourself.

“Nothing is ever wrong. We learn from every step we take. Whatever you did today was the way it was meant to be. Be proud of you.” ~ Oprah Winfrey

“I’m really proud of you for having come this far – every single one of you, wherever you are, you’re on your way – you are getting there! And – don’t worry so much! Just – that’s what we need to stop doing – stop worrying so much, and start observing a little bit more.”

“Good for you and be proud of yourself because you have your priorities in order. Be proud of yourself if you are responsible, reliable, persistent, and take your job and education seriously.”


“It takes strength to be proud of yourself and to accept yourself when you know that you have something out of the ordinary about you.” ~ Abigail Tarttelin

“You should be proud of what you’re doing, but not conceited. If you can’t be proud of yourself, you’re a failure. And discipline. To do anything in life you have to have discipline. To accomplish anything, you have a goal, challenge yourself, and work until you accomplish that goal. Practice what you preach.” ~ Jack LaLanne

“The best thing to give to your enemy is forgiveness; to an opponent, tolerance; to a friend, your heart; to your child, a good example; to a father, deference; to your mother, conduct that will make her proud of you; to yourself, respect; to all others, charity.” ~ Benjamin Franklin

“In the external scheme of things, shining moments are as brief as the twinkling of an eye, yet such twinklings are what eternity is made of — moments when we human beings can say “I love you,” “I’m proud of you,” “I forgive you,” “I’m grateful for you.” That’s what eternity is made of: invisible imperishable good stuff.” ~ Fred Rogers

“That wall is your mind playing tricks on you. You just need to say, ‘One more step, I can do this. I have more in me.’ You’ll be so proud of yourself once you push yourself past your threshold.” ~ Kerri Walsh

“When you succeed be proud of yourself and know that not everyone gets to experience the thrill of success consistently.” ~ Robert Cheeke

“Money is cool, but being proud of yourself is something that’s so rare.” ~ Lucas Till

“There has never been a day when I have not been proud of you, I said to my Son though some days I’m louder about other stuff so it’s easy to miss that.” ~ Brian Andreas

“Having a child on the way changes your perspective. You want to do things that will make them proud of you.” ~ Holly Madison

“I’m proud of you for the times you came in second, or third, or fourth, but what you did was the best you have ever done” ~ Fred Rogers

“You may have enemies whom you hate, but not enemies whom you despise. You must be proud of your enemy: then the success of your enemy shall be your success too.” ~ Friedrich Nietzsche

“Be as proud of your race today as our as our fathers were in days of yore. We have beautiful history, and we shall create another in the future that will astonish the world.” ~ Marcus Garvey

“I can be a rock star with a television show and still have a self-esteem problem. So it’s nice to have your dad go, ‘Hey Melissa, I’m proud of you – you’re doing good.’” ~ Melissa Etheridge

“Be proud of yourself. Try to eat well…and when you cheat, enjoy it!” ~ Diane von Furstenberg

“There’s a lot of talk about self-esteem these days. It seems pretty basic to me. If you eat to feel proud of yourself, you’ve got to do things you can be proud of. Feelings follow actions.” ~ Oseola McCarty

“I want to do something that people can really say, ‘Hey, man, that was good, I’m proud of you, I’m proud of that.’ ‘Pride’ and ‘Transformers’ and things like that.” ~ Bernie Mac

I am so proud of you. I want you to know no matter what you do in life, I will always be here for you. Wish you the best in life.

Thank you for making us proud. We will always be here to support you in everything that you do.

It is not easy to be where you are. You have come a long way and we are very proud of you.

The entire world may be against you, but don’t listen to what they say. Keep on doing your best, the sky is the limit. I am proud of you.

Before you start the project, you have already succeeded. I am proud of you.

Even before you start the race, you have won. I know you have been practicing for this day. I am so proud of you.

Working with you was such an amazing experience for me. I am so proud of you.

Your foundation is built on a solid rock; you have proved that nothing can shake you. We are all proud of you.

You are the most hardworking and principled person that I have ever met. You never give up on anything that you have set your mind into. I am so proud to have you in my life.

Your determination and strength are admirable. You have chosen to shine and never give up despite the challenges that you have faced in life. I am so proud of you.

I am not surprised by your excellent performance but I am proud of you for completing that extremely challenging task.

You are the reason why the word proud exists. You have always come out the best in everything you do. Proud of you!

I know life has not been that easy for you but finally, there is a better future ahead. I am so proud of your achievement. Love you.

Life sometimes can be difficult but I am glad things are working out for you. You have finally landed your dream job. I am proud of you my love.

You are my inspiration, the love of my life. I am so proud of you my love.

I am the proudest girl in the whole world. Your hard work has finally paid off. I love you, my dear boyfriend!

The way you treat me is all I ever want in life. I am really thankful to have you as my boyfriend. I am proud of you, sweetheart.

Darling, I can’t find the perfect words to express my love for you. I hope you know how much you mean to me. You are my all. I may not find the best wording but I am really proud of you.

My love, I want you to know that I will forever be beside you no matter where life takes us. I am deeply proud of you.

Sweetheart, I may not be able to express myself, but I want you to know you are my world and I am so proud of you.

Seeing you achieve all that you were working for makes me feel so happy and grateful to have you in my life. I am so proud of you, my love.

Babe, you are the best thing that ever happened in my life. I will forever treasure you and be proud of you. I love you.

My love, this is just a reminder that you are the most special person in my life. I will forever love you and I am proud of you.

Baby, never stop chasing your dreams, whatever you do in life I want you to know that I will always be proud of you.

I at a loss of words; I can say I am so lucky to have you in my life. You are my dream come true and always proud of you.

My beautiful daughter, don’t fear venturing into your dreams. Go for the sky. We are always proud of you and we will always have your back.

Having a daughter like you is such a lucky thing. You are the reason for my happiness and I am always proud of you.

Raising such a daughter has been an amazing experience. I am so proud of you, daughter.

To my beloved daughter, I am happy and proud of the kind of young woman that you have grown into. You are so amazing and beautiful inside-out.

The moment you came into this world you brought so much joy into our hearts. You are the best thing that ever happened in our lives and I am so proud of what you have become. I love you, my daughter.

We hope that the wonderful texts here will inspire you to come up with sweet and profound words to say to that wonderful person you know about the pride they make you feel.

Proud of You Quotes: Some people are really special in our life and also so close to our hearts. Whenever they achieve something, we genuinely feel happy for them. Again, we are always proud of them just for being who they are. To appreciate our close ones is an obligatory thing. They can be your mother, father, sister-brother, son, daughter, or friend. Let them know you are sincerely proud of them. It will boost up their self-confidence and they will love it. Here are some good Proud of You messages and quotes that can help you make your close ones happy.

Your hardships will always make you stronger; I am proud of you.

Your achievement fills my heart will pride and joy. I am really proud of you.

Your efforts are paying off in the form of these amazing achievements. We are proud of you, dear!

So Proud of You Quotes

I am proud of you no matter what you do in your life. Just know that I will always be supporting you.

It is not necessary to succeed every time you try to achieve something. It’s okay to fail sometimes. I’m already so proud of you.

“Always work hard, be honest, and be proud of who you are.” – Patricia Velasquez

You make me feel so proud every day with your courage, kindness, and hard work. It is a privilege knowing you in this life.

Proud is a small word to describe how I feel about you. Stay blessed and be you always, dear friend.

Son, I am so proud of you. Raising you was such a wonderful experience for me. I love you.

To my beloved daughter, I hope you know how beautiful of a person you are inside-out. I am so happy and proud of the kindhearted woman you have become.

Thank you for being my reason to brag all the time. I am so proud of you sister. You are a gem.

I’m so proud of you my love. You make me happy in a way no one could ever have. You’re my forever happy place.

You keep getting better every day, and your achievements fill my heart with so much joy and pride! I am proud of you.

I hope you already know how amazing you are and you deserve every happiness of this world. I am really proud of you.

At this stage, you are killing it. I cannot tell how proud I am of you bro. You are one in a million.

I’m so proud of you messages

I am really proud of you. The way you handle every challenge of your life inspires me a lot.

You are such a wonderful human being inside-out. Be proud of who you are, don’t be upset over the fact that some people will always judge you no matter what.

You are unstoppable because you do not fear failure and doubts despite having them in your life and that is what makes me proud of you.

In my heart, I am prouder of your achievement than I am of my own. I am very happy to see you succeed in all you do.

Your successes inspire me to work hard for my own goals. I am proud of you.

Proud of You Messages for Son

Dear Son, you are worth every sacrifice I made, and I am proud of you.

Dear son, you can’t even imagine what you are to me. No matter what happens, I will always love you and support you. I am really proud of you.

I will not tell you I am proud of you even though I am. I will tell you it makes me happy seeing you be proud of yourself.

Never think that you are alone. Wherever you are, your parents are always thinking about you. I am always right here whenever you need me. I love you and so proud of you, my son.

We may have given you the financial and emotional support you needed, but you have given us thousands of reasons to be proud of you for who you are today. Thank you, son! We love you so much.

proud of you quotes for son

Dear son, follow your dream, work hard and be proud of yourself. We are proud of you anyways. Love you!

The future belongs to you my dear son. Because you are making us proud since you have taken your first step on the soil. Believe in yourself and go ahead.

Every time I look at you, I feel like I have given this world something good. I am so proud of you and the person you are becoming.

I am proud of you because you are my child. Remember, it’s okay to fail sometimes; you can always try again.

Since the day you were born, and you’ve never let us down once in your life. I am very proud of you, son, for the man you are becoming.

Also Read: You Make Me Happy Quotes

Proud of You Messages for Daughter

Having a daughter like you is a blessing. You always make me proud of your hard work. I love you.

My beautiful daughter, we are always proud of you. So, don’t ever get upset over anything, do whatever you want to do. We will always have your back.

No matter what others say, always be proud of who you are, my little one. Your mom and dad are always proud of you.

My daughter is one hell of a gem, and I can not be proud enough of her in one lifetime. Love you, my baby.

My heart feels immense pride every time I see you. I am so proud to have a beautiful daughter like you, my love.

So Proud of My Daughter Quotes

I will always be proud of you no matter whatever you involve yourself with. Just try to stay on the good path and always make decisions with a clear conscience. Love you, sweet girl.

Raising you was the greatest adventure for me. So proud of you, my little princess.

I am so proud of you and the person you are becoming. You are the most beautiful and sensible daughter in the world. I love you, honey.

You have come so far. You worked so hard and left no stone unturned to make your dreams come true. Do you have any idea how proud you’ve made us of yourself? Go big my little girl!

Stop worrying about our expectations and do what your heart wants. We will always be proud of you regardless of your success & failures dear girl.

From the moment you were born, we knew you will achieve great things in life and you have proved this thought right. We are so proud of you.

Proud of You Messages for Girlfriend

Baby, I hope you know that I will be always by your side no matter what. I am always proud of you.

I can’t help but brag to all my friends and family about all your achievements. I am seriously so proud of you.

My love, you know sometimes I have trouble expressing my feelings. But I hope you know how much you mean to me. I may fail to express sometimes but I am really proud of you.

Watching you achieve all those things you were working hard for makes me so happy. You deserve all these successes. I am proud of you, love.

Just a small reminder that I will always be proud of you regardless of whatever you do in your life. Just keep chasing your dreams, baby!

quotes about being proud of someone you love

I am lucky to have you in my life and cannot say how much proud I am of you and your success buttercups.

You are like my world cup trophy. Sometimes it feels like I can spend years talking about you to others. I hope you understand how proud I am of you, beautiful.

If only words were enough to suffice the pride I take in your success, my love. I am so proud of your achievements.

I am proud of you today simply for existing, my dear.

If you ever feel alone, know I am and will always be there cheering for you. I am proud of you.

You are appreciated, valued, loved, and I am proud of you.

You are the most talented and creative woman I have ever met. I am in awe of you; I am so proud of you, my love.

Read: Encouraging Messages and Quotes

Proud of You Messages for Boyfriend

Baby, I hope you know that I will always be very proud of you. Keep going for your dream, love.

I know the past few months were so hard for you, but finally, you achieved what you wanted. You’ve made me the proudest girlfriend ever.

I am that lucky person who gets to learn so much from you. So proud of you and best wishes on your journey towards glory.

The way you inspire me and always cheer me up, I am really grateful to have you in my life. I am so proud of you, baby.

My heart needs more space to keep the pride and love you give to it every day. Love you, babe.

Proud of You Quotes for Lover

When I see your dedication to your ambitions and passions, it makes me proud of you more and more every day. You are very amazing.

I honestly feel that I am prouder of you than I am in love with you at times. Your accomplishment fills me with so much happiness.

First time I laid my eyes on you, I was very impressed. And now you fill me up with love and pride. You are one in a million, babe.

A small message to let you know that you make me proud like nobody else. Take my love and make me prouder, sweetheart.

I hope you already know that you make me prouder every single day. Stay like this, dear boyfriend.

Sometimes it blows my mind to think how hard-working and enthusiastic a person you are. You have your goals and you are working so hard for them. I am really of you, my love.

I am so proud to see you turning from a lover to a responsible man. My heart is filled with pride to see you succeed in everything you do. I love you.

I was impressed with you for the very first time I laid my eyes on you. And since then, you have been making me proud of almost everything you do. Love you, my man.

Proud of You Quotes for Husband

Your achievements make me so happy. I am so proud of you, my love.

I had no idea when I married you that I would be witnessing so many proud moments; you never cease to amaze me with your successes.

I will always stay by your side through your successes and failures. I am proud of you.

If there is anyone in this world who is deserving of all these achievements and successes, it is you. My darling, I am very proud of you. Your hard work was rewarded.

Your ability to maintain your positivity in the face of setbacks greatly impresses me. I am really proud of you, darling.

I am so proud of you; I hope I can become someone you can be proud of too.

I have never encountered a more determined person in my life than you. I am proud of you.

Proud of You Quotes for Wife

I can’t express how proud I am to call you my wife. You are a gifted woman.

The pride I have for you in my heart is immense. You are not just my wife; you are my inspiration too.

My heart overflows with happiness every time you accomplish anything. I feel like I’ve conquered the entire world. I am really proud of you.

The fact that you are capable of accomplishing so much more even after all of your previous accomplishments shows the magnitude of your skill. I am so proud of you.

Your enthusiasm and optimism after getting any work and doing it to the best of your ability makes me very proud of you.

If anyone in the world deserves to have their dreams fulfilled, it’s you. I am proud of you for never giving up.

I am really proud of you. You are a true role model to our entire family.

Proud of You Messages for Brother

I am so thankful and proud to have a brother like you.

Dear brother, I will always be with you. No matter what you do you will always make me proud. I love you and am so proud of you.

The way you challenged yourself and achieved the things you wanted; became an inspiration to me. I am really proud of you.

Just remember to believe in yourself, and remember that we believe in you. Your family is always there for you. I am proud of you for always doing your best.

After witnessing your success in whatever you set your mind to, I genuinely feel you are capable of anything at this point, brother. I am proud of you.

You inspire so many others to do good in their lives through your work. I am very proud to have a brother like you.

Proud of You Brother Quotes

You have always supported me whenever I needed you. And nothing makes me prouder than calling you my brother.

I am just reminding you that you have accomplished a lot so far and we cannot be proud enough of you dear brother.

Look, who’s back in the game lately! Ah, my brother or who else! You are making me prouder every day. Thanks for being my inspiration.

The way you have changed yourself over the years is commendable. My heart fills with pride seeing you so emotionally strong and independent. Keep it up.

The road to success is very bumpy, but you always have me with you, brother. I am proud of the man you are today.

You make us proud when you keep going on, even when you don’t want to.

My shoulders broaden with pride every time I call you my brother.

Read: Good Luck Messages

Proud of You Messages for Sister

Not everyone has a sister like you. I am so blessed to have you in my life. I love you and am so proud of you.

Sister, I am proud of you because you are always encouraging me and making me feel loved and cared for!

I am really proud of how you are always pushing yourself to reach your goals; I aspire to be like you.

Dear sister, you always inspire me and encourage me to do whatever I want to do. You have always helped me. I am fortunate to have you. I am so proud of you.

My lovely little sister, I am so proud of you. You have become an amazing and hardworking woman.

Just believe in yourself and remember we believe in you. You have made us proud earlier and will continue to do so in the future. You are the best sister one can have.

proud of you quotes for sister

You move me with your hard work, sister. Your siblings and parents are so proud of you. Stay blessed, dear.

Growing up with you was the most amazing experience for me. Please know that I am proud of you, dear sister.

Seeing you achieving your dreams is itself a dream. It is the perfect opportunity to tell you that I am proud of you, sissy.

Gentle reminder! Wherever you go, whatever you do, I will always be very proud of you, sister.

You are my favorite person and sister in this world. I always fall short in words when it comes to telling you how proud I am of you. Keep it coming.

Every day and night, I’ve seen how hard you have worked to reach your ambitions. Sister, I am really proud of you.

Nobody has a sister like you. I consider myself really fortunate to have you in my life. You are my superhero. I adore you and am really proud of you.

Proud of You Messages for Friend

Not about success or failure, it is all about the spirit of never letting go, never giving up. Proud of you, my buddy.

Dear best friend, not everyone is blessed to have a friend like you. I am so proud of you because of everything you do for me.

Even though we are friends, I consider you a role model because your visions and beliefs continue to inspire me. I am proud of you and genuinely admire you.

It makes me happy to see you achieve wonderful things in life, my friend. You are deserving of every success in your life.

I know you are not good with people. You don’t like socializing much but despite everything you took that challenge and went to the campaign. I am so proud of you, my friend.

Dear friend, I am so proud of your result. You really worked hard and you’ve got the result you wanted. Best wishes for your future.

i am so proud of you messages for a friend

I have not got any chance to tell you earlier, but I want to say it today. I am so proud of you, buddy. You have come a long way and will go further. Mark my words.

I will always be proud of calling you my best friend. It does not matter if our paths get separated in the coming time. You will always be my companion of joy and sorrow.

You are trying hard, fighting hard and making us prouder. You are doing better than you think. Just hold on and you will be there. Best of luck.

I wish I could tell you how much I respect you and am proud of having a friend like you. Lucky to have you in my life dude. Keep us moving with pride.

It is an honor to have a friend like you and a privilege knowing you personally. Thank you for making us immensely proud, my dear friend.

Read: All The Best Quotes and Messages

Proud of You Quotes

“I’m so proud of you that it makes me proud of me. I hope you know that.” – John Green

“Your success encourages me to think that hard effort can get you anywhere. I am proud of you.”

“I’m prouder of him than I’ve ever been of myself – I’m proud of him for standing up to me. – Marie Lu”

“It takes strength to be proud of yourself and to accept yourself when you know that you have something out of the ordinary about you.” – Abigail Tarttelin

Proud of You Quotes

“Be proud of your scars. They remind you that you have the will to live.” – Paulo Coelho

“You don’t have to be famous. You just have to make your mother and father proud of you.” – Meryl Streep

“Success is a process for all of us, and as long as you are making consistent progress towards your goals – sincerely giving your best effort more often than not – then you are already successful and deserve to feel proud of yourself.” – Hal Elrod

“Good things come to those who wait. But better things come to those who work for it.” – Brain Tracy

“I want you to know something. And I’m not saying this as your boyfriend or even as your friend. I’m saying this because it needs to be said by someone… I’m so proud of you.” – Colleen Hoover

“You have been given all the good things one must have, be proud of yourself and enjoy your gifts.” – M.F. Moonzajer

“Good for you and be proud of yourself because you have your priorities in order. Be proud of yourself if you are responsible, reliable, persistent, and take your job and education seriously.” – Ana Monnar

“If you can look in your mother’s eyes and she’s proud of you, then you’re a champion.” – George Foreman

“They may never say it, but your parents really are proud of you when you follow your heart and chase your dreams.” – Robert Cheeke

Words of encouragement always uplift someone’s soul but when you actually mean and tell your loved one how much proud you are of them; nothing can beat that overwhelming feeling. Recognize the hard work, the struggle, the accomplishments, and feel free to express your thoughts with our messages. Tell your family, friends, partners how much you’re proud of them. Nothing can make them feel happier than a proud of you message of yours. Do not spare any medium to convey your feelings whether it is through social media posts, caption, email, text, or old ways of handwritten notes, letters, etc. Use our messages to make the days brighter for someone you love and care about.

Last updated on December 26, 2021

Proud of You Quotes & Messages: We all have that special person in life that we are always proud of. When they achieve something in life, we feel so happy for them. It can be your boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, wife, brother, sister, father, mother, or friend.

When someone achieves something in life or does well it is always best to let them know that you are proud of them.

Here are some good proud of you quotes and messages that will help you send that text message to make someone happy and boost their morale.


  • Proud of You Quotes
  • Proud of You Messages
  • Proud of You Quotes for Boyfriend
  • Proud of You Quotes for Girlfriend
  • Proud of You Quotes for Daughter
  • Proud of You Quotes for Son
  • Proud of You Quotes for Him
  • Proud of You Quotes for Her
  • Proud of You Quotes for Friend
  • Proud of You Quotes for Sister
  • Proud of You Quotes for Brother
  • Proud of You Quotes for Students

In life there are ups and downs, it is not always that one succeeds. I am proud of you that you have made it this far.

I am so proud of you. I want you to know no matter what you do in life, I will always be here for you. Wish you the best in life.

Thank you for making us proud. We will always be here to support you in everything that you do.

It is not easy to be where you are. You have come a long way and we are very proud of you.

Proud of You Quotes

The entire world may be against you, but don’t listen to what they say. Keep on doing your best, the sky is the limit. I am proud of you.

Before you start the project, you have already succeeded. I am proud of you.

Every single day you make me feel proud of you with your kindness and hard work. Keep on doing your best in life. It is a blessing to have you in my life.

I am so proud of you and the person you are becoming. Keep forging forward. Never look back.

Read: I Am Deeply In Love with You Quotes

Proud of You Messages

Even before you start the race, you have won. I know you have been practicing for this day. I am so proud of you.

Working with you was such an amazing experience for me. I am so proud of you.

Your foundation is built on a solid rock; you have proved that nothing can shake you. We are all proud of you.

You are the most hardworking and principled person that I have ever met. You never give up on anything that you have set your mind to. I am so proud to have you in my life.

Your determination and strength are admirable. You have chosen to shine and never give up despite the challenges that you have faced in life. I am so proud of you.

I am not surprised by your excellent performance but I am proud of you for completing that extremely challenging task.

You are the reason why the word proud exists. You have always come out the best in everything you do. Proud of you!

Words can’t describe how proud I am of you. Thank you for making me feel this proud.

We are so proud of you and will always be.

Read: Back to School Messages

Proud of You Quotes for Boyfriend

Find proud of you message for boyfriend that will enable you write the right proud of you paragraph for boyfriend or proud caption for boyfriend.

I know life has not been that easy for you but finally, there is a better future ahead. I am so proud of your achievement. Love you.

Life sometimes can be difficult but I am glad things are working out for you. You have finally landed your dream job. I am proud of you my love.

You are my inspiration, the love of my life. I am so proud of you my love.

I am the proudest girl in the whole world. Your hard work has finally paid off. I love you, my dear boyfriend!

The way you treat me is all I ever want in life. I am really thankful to have you as my boyfriend. I am proud of you, sweetheart.

Honey, I want you to know that I’m proud to have you in my life.

I just want you to know that I am so proud of you.

Proud of You Quotes for Girlfriend

Find proud message for girlfriend that will enable you write proud girlfriend captions or proud of you paragraph for girlfriend.

Darling, I can’t find the perfect words to express my love for you. I hope you know how much you mean to me. You are my all. I may not find the best wording but I am really proud of you.

My love, I want you to know that I will forever be beside you no matter where life takes us. I am deeply proud of you.

Sweetheart, I may not be able to express myself, but I want you to know you are my world and I am so proud of you.

Seeing you achieve all that you were working for makes me feel so happy and grateful to have you in my life. I am so proud of you, my love.

Babe, you are the best thing that ever happened in my life. I will forever treasure you and be proud of you. I love you.

I am at a loss for words; I can say I am so lucky to have you in my life. You are my dream come true and always proud of you.

Baby, never stop chasing your dreams, whatever you do in life I want you to know that I will always be proud of you.

My love, this is just a reminder that you are the most special person in my life. I will forever love you and I am proud of you.

Proud of You Quotes for Daughter

The moment you came into this world you brought so much joy into our hearts. You are the best thing that ever happened in our lives and I am so proud of what you have become. I love you, my daughter.

To my beloved daughter, I am happy and proud of the kind of young woman that you have grown into. You are so amazing and beautiful inside and out.

Raising such a daughter has been an amazing experience. I am so proud of you, daughter.

Having a daughter like you is such a lucky thing. You are the reason for my happiness and I am always proud of you.

My beautiful daughter, don’t fear venturing into your dreams. Go for the sky. We are always proud of you and we will always have your back.

You are a blessing to our life. Not a single day have you ever disappointed us. We are proud of you, daughter.

Since you were a child, you have been a hardworking girl. I am so proud to have you as my daughter. I love you.

I am proud of the woman you’ve become, daughter. I love you so much.

Proud of You Quotes for Son

My son, I am so proud of you. You have never let us down. I am thankful to have you in my life. I love you.

Dear son, you are a blessing to my heart. I am already proud of you, no matter what happens in life I will still love and support you.

There is nothing as satisfying as having a son like you. I am so proud of the young man that you have turned into.

Dear son, never think that you are alone in this world. We are always there for you. Whenever you need us we will be there for you. We love you and are so proud of you.

I know you already know that I am proud of you, but I will still not forget to remind you. You are the best thing that ever happened in my life.

Dear son, follow your dreams. We are proud of you in many ways and we love you so much.

Believe in yourself son, let nothing come between your dreams. We know you will make it in life and we are so proud of you, son!

The future is so bright for you my dear son. So far you have achieved so much and we are proud of you. Continue doing what you love best and we will always be there to support you.

Proud of You Quotes for Him

Find proud of you text for him, that will spark your creativity and enable you to find the perfect proud of you messages for him.

I love the way you are organized, you have made our home so beautiful. I am proud of you my love.

Thank you sweetheart for doing things that make me feel proud. You are all I need in life.

You are doing an amazing job with the kids. Be proud of yourself.

Thank you for showing the world that with self-discipline and determination everything is possible. I am proud of you.

I am so proud of you. You have always remained focused. Never give up; you have a bright future ahead of you.

Throughout the year you have been calm and managed to overcome the challenges in life. You are a shining example to many people. I am proud of you.

Proud of You Quotes for Her

Since the day I met you, my life has been full of happiness. You make me proud and I love you so much.

Thank you for being the reason why I am this jovial. You are a treasure to my heart and I am so proud of you.

Do you know why I usually talk about you; it is because you have made me proud. I am so proud of you.

No one makes me feel the way you do, you are the queen of my heart and I am so proud of you. I love you, sweetheart.

No one makes me feel like you do, you are my happiness. I am proud to have you in my life.

What you have done for me is more than I ever imagined. You are where I want to be forever. I am so proud of you my love.

You are my heartbeat, the love of my life, the one who makes my life more enjoyable. I am proud of you sweetheart and I dearly love you.

I’m so proud of you my sweetheart. From the moment I met you, you have been the sweetest thing in my life.

Proud of You Quotes for Friend

Dear friend, this is your day, you worked so hard for this job. I am so proud of you.  Wishing you the best in your future!

Thank you friend for all that you do for me. You are such an amazing friend and I am so proud of you.

Finally, your prayers have been answered. This is what you always dreamed of in life. I am so proud of you my friend.

The results are just amazing; you have done a recommendable job. I am so proud of you my dear friend.

Dear best friend, it is a blessing to have a friend like you. Not many people get the chance to have such an honest and kind person. I am proud of you.

Proud of You Quotes for Sister

I am really proud of you. You have been such an amazing sister; you deserve all the happiness in the world.

Not everyone will be happy with your success. Be proud of who you are and what you do. Others will always judge you no matter how good you are.  But always remember we are proud of you sister.

At your age, you are really going places. I am proud of you sister. May you have no limit in whatever you do!

The way you handle life challenges inspires me, I am proud of you sister.

You are an intelligent lady; no one can stop you from achieving your dreams. You do not fear to fail and that is why I am always proud of you.

Sister, I’m so proud of you and will always be.

Proud of You Quotes for Brother

Whenever I need you, you have always been there for me. Thanks, bro! With each passing day, I am proud of you.

You are my mentor and inspiration. You always challenge me in so many ways. I am so proud of you brother.

Dear brother, you have been great. Whatever you do you will always make me proud. I will always be there to support you if you need me. I love you and I am proud of you.

There is nothing that makes me more proud than knowing you are my brother. I love you and I am proud of you.

Seeing you grow and become who you are today is God’s favor. My heart is proud of who are. Keep rising higher and higher. I love you, brother!

You have achieved more than you had ever imagined. Continue with the same spirit. We are really proud of you brother!

There is no one who has made me prouder than you have. I love you brother and thanks for making this family proud.

Brother, I’m always proud of everything you do. May you keep on shining.

Proud of You Quotes for Students

I am so proud of your achievements. Keep on doing what you know best.

You’re on the right track. Keep working harder and sooner you will achieve your goals. I am proud of you.

You have an advantage over the others as you have books and you have been able to read them. Thumbs up and I am proud of you.

You worked so hard for the exams, and you all passed with flying colors. I am so proud of you.

You have a bright future for you have been preparing for it each day. I am proud of you!

I feel great to have students like you. You make me feel proud and I am proud of you.

I am proud of the way you tackled those exams today. I know you are all going to pass with flying colors.

We teachers can open the doors, but you have to make a choice to enter. Thanks for making the best decision in life. I am proud of you.

I am so proud of you my students. Keep on doing the great work.

I am proud of my students. They have really made me appreciate every little effort in life.

If you find these Messages, Wishes & Quotes useful and lovely, kindly share them with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media. Thank You for Doing so.

Michael Andrew

Michael Andrew is a content writer for Weds Kenya. He is a loving husband proud father of two. If you have any questions or would like to add to this content, please send us an email. You can follow us on Twitter or facebook.

Telling your loved ones how much they mean to you is extremely important. However, among all our love declarations, we often forget to simply say “I’m proud of you”.

Well, let me tell you something – this is exactly what they would like to hear.

It doesn’t matter if we’re talking about your child, romantic partner, a sibling, or a friend: it’s important each one of these people knows that you feel enormously proud to have them in your life.

Here is the ultimate list of 65 “I am proud of you” quotes and messages you can use for every occasion when you are having trouble expressing yourself.

10 I Am So Proud Of You Messages For A Child

cheerful mature woman proud of her daughter beside standing gray wall

1. Ever since you were a little girl, you’ve made me the proudest parent in the world. I love you.

2. The thing I’m most proud of is that you’ve become a better version of me. I will die happy, knowing that I’ve left such an amazing legacy in this world.

3. I hope that one day, your little girls and boys will make you proud the same way you did with me.

4. When I laid my eyes on you for the first time in the hospital, I knew that you’d be hard work. But, even then, I knew that all the effort it would take to make a man out of you would be worth it because you’d already managed to make me the proudest mother in the world.

5. They say that our children’s accomplishments are a mirror of our success as parents. If that is so, I’ve been the best parent ever because everything you achieve in life makes me proud.

6. I am so proud that you’ve grown to be the amazing young woman you are today.

7. You’re the best person in the entire world and as your father I couldn’t be more proud.

8. You’ve been making me proud ever since you were born. Even when you were a young age, I knew that you were destined for great things.

9. I’m not proud of all of your diplomas. I’m not proud of how beautiful you are. I’m not proud of the money you earn. I’m proud of you for being such a good human being.

10. I’m proud of myself for managing to raise such an amazing young woman.

woman hugging a man sitting of sofa seeing eye to eye

1. I’m proud of everything you’ve done for our relationship. Proud of your sacrifices, proud of your efforts, and proud of the love you feel for me.

2. I’m proud of myself for choosing this well.

3. Having you as my wife has been the greatest of blessings. I couldn’t be more proud of the woman you’ve turned into.

4. It’s not just your husband-like qualities I’m proud of. Yes, you’re the best possible husband I could have ever dreamt of having, but you’re even better in your role as a father.

5. Thank you for making me proud of my choices. Every morning that I wake up and see your face on the pillow next to mine, I know I had some pretty good luck when I found you.

6. I’m proud of the fact that you never gave up on me. You always believed in us and I can never thank you enough for that.

7. I’m sorry for not being a better husband to you. I couldn’t be more proud of your ability to keep on putting up with me, despite all of my imperfections.

8. I know that you’re aware of how much I love you, but I’m not sure that you know how much I respect you and most importantly, how proud I am for having you.

9. We survived what we thought would kill us. I’m proud of our relationship and of all the effort you put into it.

10. Every time you think about giving up, remember that I’m there, watching your back, loving you more than anyone, and being proud of everything you’re becoming.

5 I Am Proud Of You Messages For A Sibling

proud little brother hugging woman in graduation gown with people around them

1. Dear brother, thank you for showing me the way and for being a great role model. I love you.

2. I am happy that I have the privilege of seeing you grow and become a better person.

3. “I’m very proud of my sister and protective of her. Solange is the one person I will fight for. Don’t talk about my sister; don’t play with me about my sister. If you do, you’ll see another side of me. I admire her, and though she’s five years younger than me, I strive to be like her. She’s so smart and secure. She’s sensitive to people’s feelings, but not afraid of what they think.”- Beyonce Knowles

4. I feel proud that I can call you my brother.

5. Dear big sister, ever since I was a little kid, I’ve been proud of having you in my life. Now that you’ve grown to be this awesome and powerful woman, I’m even prouder.

10 I Am Proud Of You Messages For A Best Friend

two women sitting on green grasses with arms around each other smiling

1. Always remember: you’re good enough. Never forget your worth and know that I’m proud of how far you went.

2. From the very first weeks of our friendship, back in high school, I knew that you were born for great things.

3. Everything you’ve accomplished makes me proud of being your friend.

4. I consider it a great honor and a privilege to call you my friend. Thank you for making me proud.

5. Even though we don’t talk to each other every day like we did back in high school, know that I’m proud of you

6. Dear friend, I’m so proud of you for managing to turn your life upside down. I’m proud of your empathy, of your ability to heal, and most importantly: proud of the amazing human being you are.

7. I am incredibly proud of the person you’ve become, after all the struggles you had to go through.

8. You know why I’m so proud of how far you’ve come? Because I’m the only one who knows the whole truth. The only one who was there to see everything you had to go through, while the entire world just saw the mask that hid your pain. I’m proud because you have the strength to still be smiling after the hell you’ve survived.

9. If no one has told you lately, Iet me be the one to do it: I’m proud of you and I’m proud to have you as my friend.

10. Dear friend, you’ve got this and you’re doing much better than you think. Just keep going and don’t look back.

10 I Am So Proud Of You Quotes By Famous People

two asian workers celebrating by clapping their hands inside the office

1. “There has never been a day when I have not been proud of you, I said to my daughter, though some days I’m louder about other stuff so it’s easy to miss that.” –Brian Andreas

2. “I am so proud of you that it makes me proud of me. I hope you know that.”- John Green

3. “I’m really proud of you for having come this far – every single one of you, wherever you are, you’re on your way – you are getting there! And – don’t worry so much! Just – that’s what we need to stop doing – stop worrying so much, and start observing a little bit more.” –Ysabella Brave

4. “If you can look in your mother’s eyes and she tells you: “I’m so proud of you”, then you’re a champion.”- George Foreman

5. “They may never say it, but your parents really are proud of you when you follow your heart and chase your dreams.” –Robert Cheeke

6. “ The five most important words a leader can speak are – ‘I am proud of you’ The four most important are – ‘What is your opinion?’ The three most important are – ‘If you please’ The two most important are – ‘Thank You’ And the most important single word of all is – ‘You’” -Denis Waitley

7. “You are perfect the way you are.” Blay’s voice was strong. “There is nothing wrong with who and what you have always been. I’m proud of you. And I love you. Now … and always.” Qhuinn’s vision got wavy. Hard-core. “I’m proud of you. And I love you,” Blay repeated. “Always. Forget about your old family … you have me now. I am your family.” -J.R. Ward

8. “I’m proud of you for the times you came in second, or third, or fourth, but what you did was the best you have ever done.”– Fred Rogers

9. “I am telling you that I am very grateful and am so proud of you for being a symbolic generation that is calling for change to the better, that is dreaming for a better future, and is making the future.”– Hosni Mubarak

10. “I am so proud of my parents. Through all that, they’re best friends; they still go to curries together. You don’t have to be together to show an example of how a relationship can work.” -Emily Atack

25 Proud Of Myself Quotes

woman stands on the horizon arms raised celebrating for reaching the top of the mountain

Besides telling others “I’m proud of you”, don’t forget to say these encouraging words to yourself, as well:

1. “Someday you will look back at your struggling days and feel proud of what you have achieved.” -Avijeet Das

2. “Good for you and be proud of yourself because you have your priorities in order. Be proud of yourself if you are responsible, reliable, persistent, and take your job and education seriously.” -Ana Monnar

3. “Living a short life as a proud person is more worthwhile than living a whole century as a chameleon.” -Eraldo Banovac

4. “I’m most proud of the fact that I get to keep growing.” -Paula Scher

5. “Though fallen down, be proud your mustache is not muddled” –Sir P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar

6. “The most important thing is to be proud of the work that you put into something, and put the ego aside.”– Alicia Keys

7. “Proud: Pride Rising Out of U Daily”- Christine Szymanski

8. “I hope you live a life you’re proud of. If you find that you’re not, I hope you have the strength to start all over again.” –Eric Roth

9. “If you want to be proud of yourself, then do things in which you can take pride.” –Karen Horney

10. “Be proud of your scars. They have everything to do with your strength, and what you’ve endured. They’re a treasure map to the deep self.” –Clarissa Pinkola Estes

close up photo of a woman's belly dark scar from a cesarian section

11. “I’m proud of my hard work. Working hard won’t always lead to the exact things we desire. There are many things I’ve wanted that I haven’t always gotten. But, I have a great satisfaction in the blessings from my mother and father, who instilled a great work ethic in me both personally and professionally.”- Tamron Hall

12. “Be proud of your scars. They remind you that you have the will to live.” –Paulo Coelho

13. “We are rarely proud when we are alone.”– Voltaire

14. “You always want your people to be proud of what you have accomplished.”- Dolly Parton

15.”We’re all proud of making little mistakes. It gives us the feeling we don’t make any big ones.”- Andy Rooney

16. “’Born this Way’ is about being yourself, and loving who you are and being proud.” –Lady Gaga

17.”The intelligent man who is proud of his intelligence is like the condemned man who is proud of his large cell.” –Simone Weil

18. “I’m proud of the woman I’ve become because I went through one hell of a time becoming her.” –Unknown

19. “You may have enemies whom you hate, but not enemies whom you despise. You must be proud of your enemy: then the success of your enemy shall be your success too.” -Friedrich Nietzsche

20. “You don’t have to be famous. You just have to make your mother and father proud of you.”- Meryl Streep

parents proud of their son giving him a kiss

21. “When you succeed be proud of yourself and know that not everyone gets to experience the thrill of success on a consistent basis.”- Robert Cheeke

22. “ It’s about being proud of who you are, being proud of your situation and just being stoked that things are always going to get better or always gonna get worse and that’s such a great thing. Every day is a new surprise.” -Bert McCracken

23. “Don’t use expensive clothes as a screen for your personal doubts. Be proud of yourself.”- Karl Lagerfeld

24. “Be proud of yourself when you do keep going!” –Lindsey Vonn

25. “It’s your life and we’re all going to be gone one day so just be proud of yourself.” –Marcus Hudson

65 I Am Proud Of You Quotes And Messages

I heard about your success at work today, and I am so proud of you! I know that you’ll be achieving much more in the time to come, and I’m just excited to see what you’ll be doing in the years to come.

I M So Proud of You


I’m so proud of you, my dearest sister! You have always been the overachiever in our family, and I guess the fact still holds true with your latest achievement! Remember to take a break once in a while too, alright?

Proud Of You Quotes


It’s amazing that you’re doing so much at your age, but I do worry about you sometimes because you’re really doing way too much! I’m proud of you, my dear, but do stop and smell the flowers sometimes!


I’m proud of you, and I always will be. Never for a moment think that I see you as anything less than amazing. Stay confident and proud!


It might not be much but we just want you to know that you’re worthy of love, happiness and care just like everyone else if not more. You’re worth it, and we’re proud of you.

Proud Of You Quotes


You made us feel so blessed to have you around – I hope that one day you too will have someone you can feel proud of, so that you can finally understand how I feel!


I don’t think you’ll ever understand just how we feel about you, my dearest daughter. You have never disappointed us in all the 23 years that you’ve been with us, and we cannot be more proud of you than we are right now.


If you ever feel that you are lacking, remember our words. We’re proud of you – everything that you were, everything that you are and everything that you’re going to become. Remember that always, our dearest son.

I Am Proud Of You


No one is perfect, and we are all doing our best. I know very well that you’re doing what you can too, and that is why I am proud of you. I always will be.


I am so proud of you, baby. You’ll always be my superwoman with all the wonderful feelings that you are able to easily bring to me. I hope that you’ll never let anyone tell you otherwise!


Happy Holiday Wishes

Proud Of You Quotes

It’s just not in our culture to say that we are proud of anyone, but I want you to know that you truly do make me feel proud.

I M So Proud of You


Every achievement, big or small, we know about them all. You make us so proud to have someone so self-driven as our child, and we hope that you never lose your passion for life!


We heard about your latest achievement from your parents and we just want to say that we’re so proud of you! You’ve always been the best student in our entire expanded family, and it seems like you always will be!


We’re proud of you! Whatever it is that you set your mind to, you always find your way to achieve it. You surely are the definition of being stubborn in a good way!

I Am Proud Of You


Have a great day

Words will never fully explain just how proud I am for who you have turned out to be today. You are someone deserving of all the good things in the world, and I truly hope that you will get them all one day.


Many people would tell you that you should honor your parents – even the bible says the same! But we have to say that we too, are proud to have you as our beloved child.


We watched you grow up as we raise you from a tiny little person in your mother’s womb, and our hearts swell with pride to see the person that you have grown into today. We love you, and we’re proud of you!


The moment you came into our lives as our child, you have changed it for the better. We want you to know that we are proud of everything you have achieved, and we know that you’re going to achieve even more.

I M So Proud of You


Cheers to everything that made you who you are! You’re an amazing person, and we’re so proud to have someone so kind and understanding as our classmate. You’re the best!


We don’t need to be your parents to feel proud of you. We’ll always be honored to have known you and been friends with you, even if we’ve only known each other for a few semesters.


Starting Over Quotes

I Am Proud Of You

I never say this as much as I should, but I hope you know that I am proud of you. You have achieved so much, and I know that you’re only going to be achieving even more.

I M So Proud of You


Everytime I see just how much you have grown through the years, my heart bursts with just how proud I am of you.


It’s amazing how you’re able to go through everything you did and rise up from the ashes. You’re strong, you’re empowered and you’re someone that I am so very proud to call my son.


Life hasn’t always been kind to us, but you were always my pillar of strength. For that, I salute you for being so strong through it all. I’m proud of you, and I hope that you will find your own happiness one day.

I M So Proud of You


You’ve always been the one to motivate me through the highs and lows, the good and bad. I don’t know how you always manage to pull yourself together like this, but you did. I’m proud of you.


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