Word for being praised

150 praise and encouragement phrases you can use to show you appreciate your co-workers, classmates, students, friends

Different  ways to Praise and encouragement phrases 

How to praise your co-workers, students, friends or class friends. 





Out Of Sight!


Unbelievable Work!

Two Thumbs Up!

You’ve Got It!

Way To Go!


Outstanding Performance!

You’ve Outdone Yourself!


Your Help Counts!

Amazing Effort!





You’re Special!

Keep Up The Good Work!

First Rate Work!

Fantastic Work!

You Should Be Proud!

I Knew You Had It In You!

Very Good!



A+ Work!

What An Imagination!


You’re A Great Example For Others!

You Made It Happen!

You’re A Real Trooper!

It Couldn’t Be Better!

Good For You!

You’re A Good Sport!

You Made The Difference!

Take A Bow!

Super Job!

You’re Unique!

It’s Everything I Hoped For!

How Thoughtful Of You!

Nice Going!

You’re A Class Act!

Well Done!

You’re Inspiring!

How Artistic!

You Go The Extra Mile!

Hooray For You!

Great Answer!

You Deserve A Hug!

High Five!

Extra Special Work!


You’re Getting Better!

You’re Tops!

You’re Amazing!

What A Great Idea!

You Figured It Out

You’ve Got What It Takes!

You’re Neat!

You’re A Joy!

You’re A Shining Star!

Spectacular Work!

You’re #1!

You Tried Hard!

The Time You Put In Really Shows!


Far Out!

How Extraordinary!

You’re A Winner!

You Came Through!

That’s Incredible!

5 Star Work!

You’re Super!

You Can Do It!

You’re The Greatest!


Great Effort!

How Original!

What A Genius!

You’re A Natural!

Very Brave!

You’re A Pleasure To Know!

Way To Go!

You’re Sharp!


I’m Proud Of You!

Thank You For Caring!

I’m Impressed!

You’re Very Talented!

Great Discovery!

You’re A Champ!

Right On!

You’re So Kind!

Thanks For Helping!

You’re A-OK!


You’ve Earned My Respect!

You’ve Made Progress!

Outstanding Effort!

Neat Work!

I Love It!




That’s Perfect!

Right On!

Your Best Work!


You’ve Improved!

Keep It Up!

Nice One!




I Appreciate Your Help!

Good Leadership!

Great Job!


You Rule!

That’s Very Kind!

Keep On Trying!

You Make Me Smile!

You Rock!

You’re An Angel!

That’s The Way!

Good For You!

A Job Well Done!

You’re A Good Friend!

Way To Use Your Head!



You’re Very Patient!


Way To Be Responsible!

Getting Better All The Time!

Worthy Of An Oscar!

Better Than Ever!

Super Duper!

Great Dedication!

Top Notch!

Hats Off To You!


Good Try!

Very Courageous!

I Like It!

Great Enthusiasm!


Very Resourceful!

It’s A Masterpiece!

 Praising in a classroom

Praising students in a classroom

Lessons that might be related to words that mean happy

Descriptive words other ways to say English lesson

Happy different ways to say happy

Ways to say goodbye English basic lesson

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Во время работы в США у меня была возможность понаблюдать за несколькими начальниками, их поведением и стилем общения с работниками компании. И я заметила одну объединяющую их черту – они знали, что вовремя сказанные слова похвалы (words of praise) на порядок повышают качество работы подчиненных.

Несколько раз после особенно трудного рабочего дня наш босс благодарил нас словами Great job, guys! (Отличная работа, ребята), I don’t know what I’d do without you!(Не знаю, что бы я без вас делал!) Мы тут же расплывались в улыбке, чувствуя себя супергероями, которые как минимум спасли планету от катастрофы.

Не буду утверждать, что похвала – составляющая часть американской культуры, но мой опыт показал, что носители языка довольно часто используют ее как успешный инструмент общения. Так почему бы и нам не выучить пару фраз, которые принесут пользу как окружающим, так и нам самим?

Ни для кого не секрет, что похвала творит чудеса (praise works wonders). Даже самые уверенные в себе люди время от времени желают (longed for) получить похвалу (to be praised / receive praise), как подтверждение своей состоятельности в том или ином деле. Такова наша природа.

Рассмотрим самые популярные выражения для того, чтобы похвалить (to praise / give praise to) человека на английском.

  1. Первое в нашем рейтинге – словосочетание well done, оно же эквивалент русского «молодец», оно же самая распространенная похвала в английском.

    – I passed the test. – Я сдал экзамен.
    Well done! I’m proud of you. – Молодец! Горжусь тобой.

  2. Good job! / Way to go! – Хорошая работа!, Так держать!, Молодец!

    Используется для того, чтобы оценить не только работу человека, но и выполнение какого-либо дела. Первое выражение более формальное, чем второе.

    The house looks great – good job, guys! – Дом выглядит прекрасно – отличная работа!

    Way to go!” said Mary when Bob finally got the car started. – «Молодец!» – сказала Мэри, когда Бобу наконец-то удалось завести машину.

  3. Good thinking! – Хорошая мысль!

    Фраза используется, когда вы активно ищете новые идеи и кто-то подсказывает вам отличный вариант.

    – The best way would be to get our customer feedback before we proceed to the next stage. – Лучше всего было бы получить отзывы клиентов перед тем, как переходить к следующей стадии.
    Good thinking, Max. – Отличная идея, Макс.

  4. Good/Excellent idea! – Хорошая/Блестящая идея!

    – Pizza, anyone? – Кто-нибудь хочет пиццу?
    Excellent idea. Where’s the menu? – Отличная идея. Где меню?

  5. You’ve outdone yourself! – Вы превзошли себя!

    Oh my god, your new painting is fascinating. You’ve outdone yourself! – Боже мой, твоя новая картина потрясающая. Ты превзошел сам себя!

  6. Let’s hear it for… / Hats off to… – Наши поздравления… / Давайте воздадим должное…

    Оба выражения употребляются в ситуации, когда вы хотите обратить внимание на заслуги другого человека.

    Let’s hear it for the winning team. – Наши поздравления команде победителей.

    Hat’s off to Perry for planning the dinner and finding such a good band. – Воздадим должное Пэрри, который спланировал ужин и нашел такую замечательную группу.

  7. Compliments to the chef! – Комплименты шеф-повару!

    Это выражение пригодится вам и в ресторане, и когда вы едите вкусные блюда в гостях.

    The food was delicious! My compliments to the chef! – Еда была потрясающая! Мои комплименты шеф-повару!

  8. You rock! / You rule! – Ты жжешь! / Ты крут!

    Парочка неформальных выражений, которые обязательно пригодятся в кругу друзей.

    That was the best party ever! You rock! – Это была лучшая вечеринка! Ты крут!

  9. Если у человека все еще не получается довести дело до конца, можно поддержать его следующими выражениями:
    • Don’t give up. – Не сдавайся.
    • Nice try. – Хорошая попытка.
    • You can do it! – Ты сможешь.
    • You are improving. – Ты делаешь успехи.
    • You are nearly there. / You are almost there. / You are getting there. – У тебя почти получилось.
  10. Ну а если случится так, что вы не можете вспомнить соответствующую ситуации фразу, хвалить окружающих можно и с помощью одного слова, например: perfect (идеально), brilliant (блестяще), great (великолепно), fantastic (превосходно), excellent (отлично), bravo (браво).

А теперь давайте посмотрим видео о том, как сделать комплимент на английском, ведь это тоже немаловажно. Видео охватывает четыре темы: комплименты характеру, одежде, внешности, а также выражения, которые можно использовать, будучи приглашенным в гости.

Список полезной лексики из видео:

  • To make something from scratch – делать/готовить «с нуля».
  • Cozy – уютный.
  • Gorgeous – великолепный, ослепительный.
  • Spacious – просторный.
  • Stunning – великолепный, ослепительный.
  • Can I just say that… – Могу я просто сказать…
  • I hope you don’t mind me saying, but… – Я надеюсь, ты не будешь возражать, если я скажу…
  • I wish I was as organized as you. – Хотел бы я быть таким же организованным, как ты.
  • You’re looking beautiful/handsome today. – Ты прекрасно выглядишь сегодня (beautiful – для женщин, handsome – для мужчин).
  • What a lovely scarf. – Какой красивый шарф.

И напоследок хочу сказать: не спешите закрывать статью по прочтении. Наверняка рядом с вами есть человек, которому необходима похвала. Почему бы не сказать ему подбадривающие слова на английском прямо сейчас? :-)

Не забудьте скачать список слов и выражений по теме.

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We have always observed that people get boosted when they are appreciated or praised for their work. Similarly, kids also feel boosted or motivated when they are appreciated for their homework or any task completion. Being motivated also builds self-confidence.

Children also face some situations regularly they might feel sad or upset, hence your motivating words will help them to overcome their self-doubt and help in building their own abilities appearances and personalities.

When teachers praise students it indicates both teacher approval and informs student about that his academic performance matches with teacher expectations. Praise is a natural classroom reinforcer, because it has the ability to improve student academic as well as behavioral performance.

Words to Appreciate Your Student’s Work

Here are several sentences and phrases for shaping praise to increase its effectiveness and boost students performance.

Wow Way to go Super
You’re special Outstanding Excellent
Great Good Neat
Well done Remarkable Fantastic
I knew you could do it Superstar Nice work
I’m proud of you Beautiful You’re incredible
Looking good Bravo You’re on target
You’re on top of it You’re fantastic You are on your way
Now you’re flying Hooray for you How nice
You’re catching on Now you’ve got it How smart
Good job That’s incredible You rock
Dynamite You’re beautiful You’re unique
Nothing can stop you now Good for you I like you
You’re a winner Remarkable job Beautiful work
Spectacular You’re spectacular You’re darling
You’re precious Great discovery You’re so smart
You’ve figured it out Fantastic job Hip, hip, hooray
Bingo Magnificent Marvelous
Terrific You’re very important Phenomenal
You’re sensational Super work Creative job
Super job Exceptional performance You’re wonderful
A big hug You’re a real trooper You are responsible
You’re exciting You learned it right What an imagination
What a good listener You are fun You’re growing up
You tried hard You care Beautiful sharing
Outstanding performance You’re a good friend I trust you
You’re important You make me happy You belong
You’ve got a friend You make me laugh You brighten my day
I respect you You mean the world to me That’s correct
You’re a joy You are a treasure You are perfect
Awesome A+ job You’re A-OK
I’m proud of you You made my day That’s the best
Amazing You are a winner! I love you!

We hope that by using these words you’ll keep your children motivated and focused.

Keep learning different ways of appreciating your students work using EnglishBix!

Quick Links

  1. Positive Adjectives to Describe Children
  2. Adjective Words to Describe Students

Learning to praise in English!

как похвалить на английском
Details Karina Galchenko

: 25 December 2019


: 5/5

Why don’t we learn a few words and phrases that will help praise in english? The materials in this article will show you how to be polite in any situation. We recommend that you choose and remember at least a couple of phrases in order to quickly praise the interlocutor if necessary. 

How to shortly praise in English?

Let’s start with the easiest ways praise in english… You’ve probably already come across these words in a variety of contexts. So why not start using them to show that you value the other person and motivate him to work or learn in the same spirit? 

For the simplest version of praise, you can use perfect, fantastic, great, excellent, brilliant, magnificent, fine, amazing. The following expressions will also work:

Good job! — Good job! (while praising is not necessarily for the work performed)

Well done! — Well done!

I’m proud of you! — I am proud of you!

That’s it! — What is required.

How else to praise in English?

If you want to surprise with your English praise, use the options below. All phrases have the same translation: «that’s it!» or «what you need!»

In an informal setting, you can use «atta boy» or «atta girl», which means «well done!» As you already understood, there is a version for the male and female sex.

How to give praise in English using more difficult phrases?

Those who do not want to skimp on good words should learn how to praise in englishusing stable phrases, phrasal verbs and simply longer expressions.

Keep it up! — Keep up the good work! Keep it up!

That’s what I have asked you to do. “This is what I asked you to do.

I’m sure you’ll manage it. “I’m sure you can handle it.

Keep it going. — Continue.

You’ve got it. — You did it.

You are doing great! — You’re doing great!

Great! Go ahead! — Fabulous! Continue!

I have seen nothing better! — I have not seen anything better!

A big hug. — I hug; Congratulations.

Source: http://fluenglish.com/stati/studentam-na-zametku/433-uchimsya-khvalit-na-anglijskom.html

Compliments in English to a girl and a man

как похвалить на английском

It’s nice to give and receive compliments, isn’t it? How to express your admiration, appreciation in English, just say a few kind phrases?

This delicate topic is covered in detail by the English courses at the YES Center, and for those who have not joined us yet, we have prepared a cheat sheet — a list of the right compliments for all occasions.

It includes:

  • Kind phrases that attract the interlocutor to you.
  • Flattering expressions addressed to girls.
  • Compliments to a man.
  • Praise response options.
  • Universal formulas for building a compliment.

«The best way to cheer yourself up is to cheer somebody else up.»
Mark Twain

The best way to cheer yourself up is to make someone else happy.

The art of complimenting

There are many ways to give an overt or implicit compliment to the other person. You can emphasize pleasant character traits, note a tastefully furnished house, well-chosen accessories for a dress, or highly appreciate talents and achievements. You can praise those who are dear to him. External beauty, in accordance with English traditions, is usually celebrated only in women, leaving men with compliments of a different kind — those that relate to character and success.

Praising personality

The most correct way, far from flattery, is to note the exceptional or simply pleasant sides of human nature.

  • I how organized you are. I like how organized you are.
  • You have a beautiful personality. You have wonderful qualities.
  • Talking to you makes my day. Talking to you makes the day special.
  • You have a heart of gold.
  • You have a beautiful soul.

Recognition of success

An impeccable way to compliment is to acknowledge the high accomplishments of the other person. Demonstrate an ability to be happy for others:

  • You gave the best presentation at the conference. You gave the best presentation at the conference.
  • You are great at being creative. You are great at creativity.
  • You did a great job today.
  • You are such a good student. You are a very good student.
  • You deserve a promotion. You deserve a promotion.

Admiration for things

Why not note that a person’s clothing suits a person, especially if it is a new thing?

  • What a beautiful skirt! What a beautiful skirt!
  • Those sunglasses really suit you. Those glasses suit you very much.

Parents: compliments to children

Parents are pleased when their children are praised. They rightly take credit for the good upbringing of a son or daughter, and therefore take the compliment at their own expense.

  • Your children are very well-behaved. Your children are very well behaved.
  • What an adorable face! What a lovely face!

Gratitude as a compliment

Complete the usual «thank you!» compliment and emphasize your gratitude with this:

  • You brightened up my day! You have brightened this day!
  • Thank you. That is very kind of you. Thanks. You are very kind.

Compliment for good looks

When complimenting a girl’s beauty, point out those features that are least obvious — in this case, your attention will certainly be noticed.

It is easier to give a beautiful compliment in English to a girl than to a man. Suffice it to note a cute detail that catches the eye:

  • Iyournewhaircut. I love your new hairstyle.
  • You have great taste in fashion. You have great taste in fashion.
  • You have the most beautiful eyes. You have the most beautiful eyes.
  • I love seeing your smile. I like to admire your smile.

In English, there are many ways to say you are beautiful. At the end of the article you will find a list of epithets that are appropriate in describing female beauty, but for men, English offers the only brutal version of the word «handsome» — handsome.

  • Does the man seem outwardly handsome? The girl has the opportunity to say about it in English:
  • You look very handsome. You are very beautiful. You are handsome.

Fortunately, compliments to a man are not limited to this phrase in English. You can express sympathy more subtly, giving a high assessment to his spiritual qualities, intelligence, success.

Love is

paying each other compliments.

Love is giving each other compliments.

— Morning, handsome! Good morning handsome!

— Hello, gorgeous! Hello Beautiful!

Best compliments in English for a man and a young boy

One of the most valuable male compliments is the one that speaks of the ability to make the right decisions:

  • It was the right choice. It was the right choice.
  • The decision you made was right. You made the right decision.
  • One of the things I admire about you most is your ability to stick to a decision. One of the things I admire the most is your ability to stick to a decision.
  • I really how you can quickly decide. I really like your ability to make decisions instantly.
  • It was excellent! It was great!
  • It was a smart choice. It was a smart choice.

Some guys are serious and laconic, while others are a combination of charm and wit. Why not mark these character traits in them?

  • Ever notice how easy it is for people to speak with you? It’s you vibe out calmness. Ever notice how easy it is for people to talk to you? You seem to radiate an atmosphere of calm.
  • I love your personality traits: smart, cute and quirky — all rolled into one.
  • I’m impressed with how charming you can be with people. It’s one of the reasons I fell in love with you. I’m impressed with how nice you can be to people. This is one of the reasons why I fell in love with you.
  • People just seem to you naturally. It’s a gift. You fascinate everyone. This is talent.

How do I respond to a compliment in English?

It is considered extremely impolite to ignore the compliment on a deaf ear. Even if it happens due to embarrassment, it will still be regarded as bad manners. So memorize a few standard responses to praise:

  • How kind of you to say so. How kind that sounds of you.
  • It’s nice of you to say so. That’s very kind of you.
  • Really? I’m not sure about that, actually. Truth? Actually, I’m not sure.
  • Thank you. Thanks.
  • Thanks a lot. Thanks a lot.
  • I’m glad you it. I’m glad you like it.
  • It was nothing really. Nothing special.
  • I’m delighted to hear that. I glad to hear it.
  • Thanks for your compliment. Thanks for the compliment.

We hope you feel much more confident after reading the basic phrases and expressions. Each time you compliment another person, you will make the world one smile richer and, as a bonus, strengthen your relationship.

5 simple formulas for complimenting

It is useful to have a few templates on hand that will make it easy for a novice linguist to compose a short compliment in English.

1. You + are / look * + Adjective

* to look — to look

  • You look amazing! You look amazing!
  • You are gorgeous. You are insanely beautiful.
  • You are very funny. You are very funny.

2. Your + Noun (noun) + is / looks * + Adjective (adjective)

* to look — to look

  • Your daughter looks fabulous. Your daughter looks amazing.
  • Your dog is very obedient. Your dog is very obedient.
  • Your style is unique. Your style is unique.

3. This / That * + is + Adjective + Noun (noun)

* This is

* That is

  • This is a good job! This is a good job!
  • This is a very nice outfit. Very nice outfit.

4. I + / love / enjoy * + Noun Phrase (phrase)

* to — to like

* to love — to love

* to enjoy — enjoy

  • I the presentation you gave. I like your presentation.
  • I really love your homemade pancakes. I really like your homemade pancakes.
  • I love your sense of humor. I love your sense of humor.

As flattering characteristics, use adjectives in these formulas (Adjective):

1 awesome cool, amazing
2 beautiful / handsome beautiful (in a conversation with a woman) / beautiful (in a conversation with a man)
3 Brave courageous
4 confident confident
5 creative creative
6 dazzling dazzling
7 fantastic fantastic
8 incredible incredible
9 inspirational inspirational
10 just WOW! just wow!
11 majestic magnificent
12 marvelous wonderful
13 motivated motivated
14 optimistic optimistic
15 phenomenal phenomenal

Source: https://www.yescenter.ru/blog/articles/kak-delat-i-prinimat-komplimenty-na-anglijskom-yazyke/

20 English phrases for approval and motivation

как похвалить на английском

Do you know how much praise, a kind word or good motivation influences the performance and success of your subordinates, students or family and friends? Our psychology is structured in such a way that we constantly yearn for recognition, so that we will be praised and supported once again.

Indeed, when we say to a person who has done something excellently that he is a fine fellow and has worked hard, you can see how “lights” of joy and pride light up in his eyes; he understands that his work is appreciated and does his best not to lose the level of trust and respect.

The English phrases for approval and motivation that we will learn with you today will help you to cheer up your employees or loved ones when they need it.

1. You are doing a good job!

Translation: You are doing wonderful!

3. Couldn’t have done it better myself

Translation: I myself would not do that (better)!

5 Super! / Tremendous! /terrific! / Wonderful!

Translation: Super! / Awesome! / Wonderful! /Perfectly!

8. I’ve never seen anyone do it better

Translation: I’ve never seen anyone do it better.

9.Great! /Superb! / Wow!

Translation: Excellent! / Fine! / Wow!

10. You’re the best!

Translation: You are the best! (You’re the best!)

11. I’m very proud of you!

Translation: I am very proud of you (you)!

12. You’re learning fast

Translation: You learn quickly.

14. Sensational! /Outstanding!

Translation: Sensational! / Outstanding work!

15. You did that very well!

Translation: You did a very good job!

16. You should be very proud of yourself

Translation: You should be proud of yourself.

18. I’m happy to see you working that

Translation: I am very glad to see that you are doing so well.

19. Keep up the good work

Translation: Keep up the good work!

20. You’re getting better every day!

Translation: You are getting better every day!

Praise family and friends, your colleagues and employees, and yourself as often as possible. After all, it is faith in ourselves, the knowledge that we are appreciated and respected, as well as good motivation that help us move forward, right?

You will succeed! You are doing a good job. Keep going!

See you soon. Bye-bye for now!

Source: https://preply.com/blog/2016/04/20/20-anglijskih-fraz-dlya-odobreniya-i-motivatsii/

Let’s compliment each other!

I am ready, following my beloved classic of bard songs and a wonderful poet, to urge you to pay compliments as often as possible.

After all, a sincere compliment is not only praise or an element of flirting, it is always an expression of a positive attitude, a charge of kindness and joy directed outward, which will certainly return a hundredfold to the speaker, making him a little happier.

Therefore, it is so important to learn how to competently say compliments in English to friends, loved ones, colleagues, and strangers. This is what we will do today.

For full communication, it is important to be able to adequately support the conversation in any capacity, and we will also talk about how to respond to a compliment made in English.

Some new vocabulary

As usual, let’s start with a small set of new words that will be useful for our topic and that are unlikely to be found in standard English courses. Let’s start with the «protagonist» of today’s article:

Let’s remember a few adjectives that express your attitude towards the person or object to which you want to compliment:

Amazing amazing
Awesome grandiose, phenomenal
Caring caring
Charming charming
Cool cool
Cute cute
Gorgeous great
Handsome cute, attractive
Irreplaceable indispensable
Marvelous wonderful
Pretty pretty
Stunning tremendous
Sumptuous luxurious, lush
Terrific amazing, colossal

And now we will compose phrases using these and other words for different occasions and in different situations.

It is logical to start our topic with compliments addressed to the person. After all, they will provide an opportunity to support a friend in time, to express gratitude to a colleague. And they will help the timid guy say to the girl who captivated him: “I like you” in the beautiful language of half-hints.

For personal compliments, you can use a simple construction:

You are +

youare a +.

As an adjective, you can use any of the above words, as well as any other adjectives that carry praise: nice, lovely, intelligent, Beautiful, excellent etc.

To strengthen the expression, you can add adverbs before the adjective so, Such, very.

Using this structure, you can make hundreds of general compliments in English, note the merits, abilities, character traits or appearance, professional skills and much more:

Such compliments can be addressed to both the woman and the man.

Learning to say the usual compliments to a beautiful girl in English is useful in order to be able to express your admiration for external beauty.

Here are three of the easiest ways to craft many compliments for different situations.

  1. With verb toHave+ + Any physical traits or personality traits can be praised. Please note: if the word is used in the singular, then we need to use the indefinite article, and if in the plural, then we do not need it.
you Have nice eyes. You have beautiful eyes.
you Have gorgeous legs.       You have gorgeous legs.
you Have a stunning sense of humor. You have an amazing sense of humor.

However, in colloquial speech, especially among young people, you can limit yourself to an assessment of the detail you like:

Nice smell!   Nice scent!
Lovelymake-up!   Perfectly put on makeup!

2. Compliment with a verb tocool + Is a great way to talk about visual appeal:

you cool great. You look awesome.
you cool marvelous.   You look wonderful.
you cool cool with these new shoes. You look cool in these new boots.

3.Exclamation with a pronoun What+ a +:

What a beautiful hairdress!     What a beautiful hairstyle!

Or you can combine the first and third methods:

What lovely earrings you have!    What cute earrings you have!

Of course, in the first two cases, compliments can be strengthened using familiar adverbs. so, Such, very:

You have such as nice figure.   You have such a beautiful figure.
you look absolutely charming tonight.    You are very charming today.

And to make speech imagery, turnover comes to the rescue cool in the meaning of «look like»:

you cool  a morning flower.   You look like a morning flower.

The verb will again help us to compliment the style in clothes, makeup, and the selection of accessories cool in the meaning of «look», «look»:

This blouse formal and casual looks great on you.         This blouse looks great on you.

For this kind of compliment, it is also useful to remember the verb suit — to fit, to fit.

This smoky eyes make-up really suits you.   This makeup really suits you.

Very often we are so overwhelmed with feelings that we want to say something more than a regular compliment or simple praise. Beautiful, poetic and imaginative expressions that are easily composed in their native language, as a rule, do not have a direct translation into English.

But, even being at an average level of language proficiency, you can enrich your speech if you use the verb of sensory perception (feel) and some other verbs.

Here are some examples of how to express indirect compliments in English with translation into Russian:

feel better whenever I see you.    Whenever I see you, I feel better.
you make me feel happy I am happy with you.
you bring out the best in me.   You make me be better.

You need to answer quickly and out loud

In a situation where compliments are directed to you, it is important to learn how to respond quickly and with dignity. In some cases, it is enough just to thank the interlocutor. Of course, even in this case, you should not limit yourself to the standard thanks (thanks), it is better to use phrases like this:

If you are embarrassed by the too assertive behavior of the interlocutor and an overly flamboyant compliment, you can politely besiege the unlucky gentleman with a simple phrase

you are flattering me.      You flatter me.

And transfer the conversation to another topic.

Well, if the compliment is said sincerely and the interlocutor is pleasant to you, then it is best to delicately “return” the compliment to him, emphasizing his dignity. After all, pleasant conversation and harmonious relationships are always based on reciprocity. Do not put your interlocutor in the position of the hero of the famous song of the Norwegian group Kollektivet, who desperately begs his friend “Give me compliments”!

Now, using new words and simple constructions, you can easily express your admiration for the beauty of people and things, for the wonderful spiritual qualities and abilities of friends and colleagues, compliment men and women, and respond to compliments confidently and without getting lost.

But first, you should consolidate the material you just learned. A table with new terms encountered in the article will help you with this:

Source: https://englishteacup.org/slovarnyj_zapas/give-me-compliments

And if you praise?

More and more often I hear from teachers that children have become very difficult, that they do not want to learn, do not want to behave well, have ceased to respect teachers, and something, but they definitely do not deserve praise. But still, what if you praise?

Praise for success, for diligence, for victories, including over oneself, is a huge part of developing self-esteem and confidence in every person, and even more so in a child. 

The study room, within the walls of which words of praise are rarely heard or not heard at all, is a cold space that is not capable of motivating to study the subject. On the other hand, an overabundance of praise can likewise kill the motivation of children: why bother when they will be praised anyway?

I was once the kind of teacher who abused positive reinforcement. I was generous with praise, I looked for and found a reason to tell each child that he is a fine fellow, that he is good at what he does.

It seemed to me that I was doing the right thing, because in the classroom there was a light, warm atmosphere in which both the children and I swam. Far from immediately, but I noticed that the children began to be lazy, that they were used to waiting for words of approval for any, even minimal, own effort.

It became clear to me that I had overdid it, and now there is a difficult and slow process of returning children to reality.

So how do you find the sweet spot and make praise a teacher’s assistant?


In most cases, standard abstract words of approval, such as «You are great!» or «You are doing everything right!» do not do as much good as they could.

It makes sense to praise for something specific, for even a small but quite successful step forward, for example: “I liked this idea in your composition” or “You got the right somersault, exactly what it should be”.

Such praise makes it clear to the child what exactly he did well, that he is moving in the right direction.

For other students, this information will also be useful, they will see what exactly you consider to be a high-quality task, what the sample looks like.

Praise is a catalyst

The purpose and meaning of praise is not only to create a positive attitude in the lesson and summarize some part of the class work, but also to serve as a catalyst for a reaction that occurs in the student community and in each child, the consequence of which should be «Increased efforts.»

The teacher should praise students who have demonstrated perseverance and resilience in trying to overcome difficulties, regardless of their intellectual starting point. By praising the children for the real effort they put into completing the assignment, the teacher motivates them to try even harder.


Naturally, there are situations when a student has absolutely nothing to praise for: he did not make an effort, did not achieve something, negligently treated the task given to him. Sometimes it seems that praise is capable of pulling such a student out of the swamp of indifference, stirring up, showing him that the teacher is loyal to him. But this is often not the case at all.

Praising when there is nothing to praise for is a big mistake. Such behavior of the teacher not only fails to motivate the object of praise, but can also demotivate the entire class.

Children are usually very jealous of their classmates, their successes and failures, and unfounded praise to someone who did not deserve it devalues ​​praise to someone who tried and received the teacher’s approval. 

Children are different

Even praise can be harmful. And not only its overabundance or groundlessness, but also simply ill-considered, whom how to praise. There are children for whom general attention is unbearable, for whom it is extremely uncomfortable to be singled out, even if by teacher’s praise. Most likely, in order not to find themselves in such an unpleasant position again, they will make efforts not to deserve the teacher’s praise again.

This does not mean that such children cannot be praised. It is important to see such a child and express your approval of what he did in private, for example, at recess or after school. Even in this question, the question of praise, the knowledge of psychology is necessary for the teacher. 


Pupils can be repelled from the teacher by thoughtful and clearly prepared praise, which the students will regard as an educational tool, and not sincere approval from the teacher. But natural, spontaneous praise, caused exclusively by the success of the student, will become both a well-deserved reward and a good motivation for further diligence.

Praise colleagues

I also think it is very important to praise not only students, but also colleagues. Winning a competition, publishing in a magazine, a student’s successful performance at the Olympiad, a brilliantly prepared school concert — all this can be a reason to express your approval. The habit of praising, thanking, congratulating colleagues that exists in the team harmonizes the atmosphere both among teachers and in the school as a whole. 

I hope that the collection of praises I have collected for students will be useful to some of the readers. 

1. Well done! 2. Great! 3. Good! 4. Much better than I expected! 5. You pleasantly surprised me! 6. Great! 7. Great! 8. You made me very happy! 9. This is what I have been waiting for from you for a long time! 10. It is said great — simple and clear! 11. You are, as always, accurate! 12. A very good answer! 13. Talented! 14. You jumped over your head today! 15. I’m amazed! 16.

Already much better! 17. Amazing! 18. Great! 19. Great start! 20. Keep it up! 21. You are on the right track! 22. Great! 23. This is exactly what you need! 24. I’m proud of you! 25. Every time you get better! 26. We have not worked in vain! 27. I see how you are trying! 28. You are growing above yourself! 29. You have done a lot, I can see it!


Now you will definitely succeed!

Source: https://pedsovet.org/beta/article/a-esli-pohvalit

Classroom English. Phrases of the teacher in the English lesson

Are you an English teacher and want to deliver your lessons brilliantly? Speak more phrases in English! After all, it is believed that English lessons need only be taught in English for complete immersion in the atmosphere of the target language. Below are the phrases, the so-called Classroom English, which you will certainly need in the lesson. Phrases are categorized into situations, speech activities, and other useful expressions for an English teacher.

I. Typical situations in an English lesson

  1. Getting Acquainted
  2. About Newcomers
  3. About Latecomers
  4. Absentees (Marking the Register / Absentees)
  5. Illnesses
  6. Phrases at the beginning of the lesson (Beginning a Lesson)
  7. Checking Homework
  8. Introducing New Words
  9. Requests
  10. Bringing the class to order
  11. Praises, Encouragement, Criticism
  12. Phrases at the end of the lesson (At the End of the Lesson)
  13. Phrases during the break (During the break)

II. English phrases by activity

  1. When Translating
  2. When Reading
  3. When Writing
  4. Pair Work
  5. Group Work
  6. Role Play
  7. Lesson work. Tasks (Classroom Activity / Tasks)
  8. Checking Understanding
  9. When Discussing
  10. Summing up the lesson (Summary)

III. Additional useful words in an English lesson

  • Names of the Classrooms
  • Miscellaneous (and some more)

Situations in the lesson:

1. Getting Acquainted:

  1. Let me introduce myself. My name is
  2. I am your new English teacher.
  3. Now I’d you to give me your names.
  4. Introduce yourself, please.

2. About Newcomers:

  1. There are two newcomers in your class.
  2. Would you introduce yourself?
  3. What was your last school?
  4. Which textbook did you use?
  5. I’d you to give me your names.
  6. Introduce yourself.

3. About Latecomers:

  1. Where have you been until now?
  2. What’s your excuse?
  3. Didn’t your alarm clock go off?
  4. You have been late twice this week. Give me your record book. I’ll make a note for your parents.
  5. Don’t be late next time./ Try not to be late next time!
  6. Have you brought the doctor’s note / a note from your parents?

4. About absent (Marking the Register / Absentees):

  1. Now I’ll call the register.
  2. Is there anyone missing / absent / away today?
  3. Who is missing / absent / away?
  4. And where is Maslova? Is she coming?
  5. Do you have any idea where she is?
  6. Why isn’t she at school?
  7. Who is her friend?
  8. Do you know when she will be back at school?
  9. Could you take her homework?

5. About Illnesses:

  1. And what about Masha? Is she still in hospital or has she come home?
  2. Is she getting better?
  3. Are you unwell?
  4. Olya, will you take Lena to the sick room?
  5. Oh, Dima, so you are back at school.
  6. You are behind in my subject.
  7. Are you unwell?
  8. You’d better go to the sick room.

6. Phrases at the beginning of the lesson (Beginning a Lesson):

  1. We are beginning our lesson.

Students can repeat in chorus: The bell has gone. The lesson has begun.

  1. The topic of our lesson today is ..
  2. To begin with, we have to.
  3. Where did we leave off last time? (stopped)
  4. First, I’ll give your exercise-books out.
  5. All right, class, let’s get down to work.
  6. Take (get) out your books.
  7. Last time we were talking about. Today we will be talking about.
  8. I expect you already know something about.
  9. Does anyone know.?
  10. Can anyone explain.?
  11. Describe briefly.

7. Checking Homework:

  1. What did I give you for homework?
  2. How did you get on with your homework?
  3. How long does it take you to do your homework?
  4. Did you find it difficult?
  5. Why haven’t you done your homework?
  6. What did you mean you forgot?
  7. What did you mean you didn’t know what to do?
  8. Why didn’t you write it down everyone else?
  9. Why didn’t you ask smb in the class what had to do?
  10. That’s a poor excuse.
  11. Do that homework and bring it to me the first thing tomorrow.

Source: http://englishinn.ru/classroom-english.html

Well done how to say in English?

There are many different expressions used to express praise in English, which, in turn, differ in the degree of formality. Let’s consider the most popular ones.

Formal expressions

Well done! — literally “well done”, “well done”. It is the most common equivalent of the Russian «well done».
He looked at my reports, and said, “Well done!”.

good job / work! — literally «Good job!» It is used to evaluate someone’s performance of some business or work.
You’ve done all the exercises. Good job!

good thinking! / Good (excellent) idea! — literally «Good idea» / «Good (excellent» idea! «). This expression is appropriate for expressing praise in a situation where you are looking for a certain solution, and someone suggested you a great option.
I think it’s better for you to leave this city. — Good thinking, Jane. You’re right!

Informal expressions

Way to go! — «Good job! Keep it up!». An expression that is synonymous with “Good job!” But is used in less formal circumstances.
Way to go! Thanks, you’ve made it!

yourock🇧🇷 🇧🇷 yourule! — «You’re burning!» / «You’re cool!». This is a type of expression of praise, common mainly in the circle of close friends.
Guys, you rock! You’ve won that match!

Attaboy! — an abbreviation formed from “that a boy”, which is also used to praise a person for doing some kind of work.
Atta boy! You’re really good at this.

bullyforyou! — comes from the English “to bully” (to scoff, bully). Unlike all of the above options, this expression is used only in an ironic sense, when there is nothing to praise a person for.
Bully for you! Shame on you, Anna!

Other options

In any situation, praising a person can also be done with one word.
Perfect! — Ideally!
Fan-tas-tic! — Fantastic!
Superb! — Fine!
Brilliant! — Brilliant!
Excellent! — Well!
Bravo! — Bravo!
Magnificent! — Fabulous!

All of these words and the above expressions in the appropriate context are equivalent to the Russian «Well done!»

Source: https://kak-pravilno.net/molodets-kak-skazat-na-anglijskom/

The art of making and receiving compliments in English

“Ah, nowadays we are all of us so hard up, that the only pleasant things to pay are compliments. They are the only things we can pay. «

“Yes, we are all so impoverished now that compliments are the only offering we can afford. We simply cannot present anything else, «wrote the British writer and poet Oscar Wilde in his famous play» Lady Windermere’s Fan «back in 1892. Indeed, no matter what difficult situation we are in, we can still afford to give someone a compliment.

The importance of complimenting

Compliments play a very important role in our life: a sincere compliment is a powerful communication tool (and seduction :)). Pleasant words spoken from the heart will make the speaker more attractive and the receiver happier.

Restless English scientists investigated the effect of compliments on a person’s self-esteem and relationships between people, and this is what they found (English subtitles available):

We invite you to replenish your vocabulary with phrases that allow you to express and accept compliments like true ladies and gentlemen:

Compliments regarding clothing and appearance

These phrases will help you express your admiration for the appearance of other people. They can be divided into two categories: for women and for men.

Etiquette is a delicate matter. And it is very important not to be mistaken in choosing the right words for a compliment. Otherwise, your compliment may not be received the way you would like it to be.

In a formal setting

Please note that if you want to compliment someone in an official situation (for example, at a reception with the Queen of England), you must first ask permission for this, so that your words are not misinterpreted.

May I be so bold as to compliment your + (dress / hair / outfit / etc.)? May I dare to express my admiration for your dress / hairstyle / suit, etc.?
You are looking beautiful / handsome today. Today you look great (use beautiful in a conversation with a woman, and handsome in a conversation with a man).
May I pay you a compliment? You really look beautiful / handsome / elegant / etc. today. Will you allow me to compliment you? You look beautiful / attractive / elegant (etc.) today.

Source: https://skyeng.ru/articles/iskusstvo-delat-i-prinimat-komplimenty-na-anglijskom

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It’s always great to hear from a loved one that you look great. Compliments are such small pleasures that make our day better and maintain self-confidence. At the same time, making them yourself is no less pleasant than receiving them.

From this article, you will learn not only what compliments can be given to a girl in English, but also how to say nice words to a friend or colleague, as well as other compliments in English for different occasions.

«Compliment» is translated into English simply: compliment, with an emphasis on the first syllable. At the same time, «compliments» are called not only comments about the appearance and personal qualities of a person, but also small gifts. For example, you can get a compliment from a restaurant in the form of a dessert or a glass of wine, or a gift from a brand. But today we will talk just about those compliments that are expressed in words.

The art of making and receiving compliments

Pleasant words, unless this is of course outright flattery, are the easiest and most affordable way to cheer up a person. As Oscar Wilde wrote in Lady Windermere’s Fan: Yes, we are all so impoverished now that compliments are the only offering we can afford. We simply cannot present anything else.

Compliments do not require any effort from us, but they play an important role in interpersonal communication and society in general. A good compliment should be:

Even simple words like “You are so beautiful today” will sound great when spoken from the bottom of my heart.

Standard phrases are always appropriate, but if you compliment, emphasizing the personal characteristic of a particular person, it becomes twice as pleasant.

The kind of compliments a person makes to another speaks a lot about himself, about his inner world and sense of beauty.

Accepting compliments correctly is equally important if we do not want to offend the person. A smile and a sincere «thank you» will be enough. You should not scatter in warm thanks, but it is quite appropriate to make a compliment in return and “exchange pleasantries”.


The easiest way to compliment a person is about their appearance or new hairstyle. True, it should be remembered that you need to express your admiration for the appearance of other people depending on the situation and environment. It is worth considering who exactly you are complimenting: a man or a woman, and also do not forget about the status and age of the person.

For an informal setting, the following standard phrases are suitable:

  • You look great today! — You look great today!
  • You look amazing! — You look amazing!
  • You always look so beautiful — You always look so beautiful.

Source: https://puzzle-english.com/directory/compliments

Praising words in English vocabulary are very powerful. Even a single word is enough to bring miraculous changes. Just like the existence of good and evil in our world, English vocabulary has good words and bad words. And praising words belongs to the category of good words in the English language.

Praising words are words which are used for expressing approval or admiration for a person. Such commendations have the potential to levitate the mood of a person and to experience a state of ecstasy.

Are you a person who loves bringing smiles to others? Then the following comprehensive list of praising words in the English language will definitely be helpful for you. Learn them and use these words to praise someone.

Table of Contents

  • 100+ Words to Praise Someone in English
  • Praising Words for Girls In English
  • Praising Words for Boys In English
  • Frequently Asked Questions on Praising Words in English

100+ Words to Praise Someone in English

Here is a list of praising words in English. Go through them and try to learn as many words as possible to strengthen your English vocabulary.

List of Praising Words in English:

Amazing  Adorable  Admirable  Astonishing  Amusing 
Super  Great  Right  Nice  Cool 
Outstanding  Fantastic  Better  Wonderful  Patient 
Perfect  Sensational  Beautiful  Excellent  Exceptional 
Charming  Delightful  Remarkable  Inspiring  Motivating 
Extraordinary  Humorous  Loyal  Witty  Righteous 
Openhearted  Kindhearted  Simple  Lovely  Gentle 
Pleasant  Proud  Enjoyable  Affable  Amiable 
Phenomenal  Polite  Sympathetic  Considerate  Honest 
Understanding  Kind  Straightforward  Sincere  Intriguing 
Proud  Respectable  Brilliant  Genius  Accomplished 
Significant  Substantial  Courageous  Bright  Dynamic 
Efficient  Intelligent  Fearless  Energetic  Diligent 
Hardworking  Versatile  Enthusiastic  Adventurous  Trustworthy 
Persistent  Determined  Funny  Observant  Hilarious 
Impressive  Splendid  Proactive  Powerful  Non-judgemental 
Organised  Flexible  Breathtaking  Resourceful  Tactical 
Practical  Adaptable  Positive  Well-educated  Authentic 

Praising Words for Girls In English

Active engaging or ready to engage in physically energetic pursuits
Attractive pleasing or appealing to the senses
Beautiful pleasing the senses or mind aesthetically
Bright giving out or reflecting a lot of light
Calm not showing or feeling nervousness, anger, or other strong emotions
Caring displaying kindness and concern for others
Charming delight greatly
Cultured characterised by refined taste and manners and good education
Cute attractive in a pretty or endearing way
Darling used as an affectionate form of address to a beloved person
Dependable trustworthy and reliable
Empowered give someone the authority or power to do something
Entertaining provide someone with amusement or enjoyment
Feminine having qualities or an appearance traditionally associated with women
Forgiving ready and willing to forgive
Graceful having or showing grace or elegance
Intelligent having or showing intelligence, especially of a high level
Likeable a person who is pleasant, friendly, and easy to like
Lovely exquisitely beautiful
Magnetic very attractive or alluring
Pragmatic dealing with things sensibly and realistically in a way that is based on practical rather than theoretical considerations
Radiant sending out light; shining or glowing brightly
Romantic characterised by the expression of love
Sassy lively, bold, and full of spirit
Self-confident trusting in one’s abilities, qualities, and judgement
Selfless concerned more with the needs and wishes of others than with one’s own
Sweet pleasing in general; delightful
Unconventional not based on or conforming to what is generally done or believed
Understanding the ability to understand something
Unique being the only one of its kind
Wise having or showing experience, knowledge, and good judgement

Praising Words for Boys In English

Assertive having or showing a confident and forceful personality
Athletic physically strong, fit, and active
Attentive paying close attention to something
Caring having feelings for another person
Clean-cut giving the appearance of neatness and respectability
Coherent a person who is able to speak clearly and logically
Compelling evoking interest, attention, or admiration in a powerfully irresistible way
Dapper a person who is neat and trim in dress and appearance
Dashing a person who is attractive, adventurous, and full of confidence
Earnest resulting from or showing sincere and intense conviction
Eloquent fluent or persuasive in speaking or writing
Fit in good health, especially because of regular physical exercise, good looking
Focused pay particular attention to
Funny causing laughter or amusement
Generous a person showing kindness toward others
Good-natured kind, friendly, and patient
Gregarious a person who is fond of company
Grounded well-balanced and sensible
Handsome good-looking
Helpful giving or ready to give help
Hero a person who is admired or idealised for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities
Humble having or showing a modest or low estimate of one’s own importance
Mirthful full of merriness, laughter, and happiness
Personable a person having a pleasant appearance and manner
Polite having or showing behaviour that is respectful and considerate of other people
Prodigious remarkably or impressively great in extent, size, or degree
Prodigy a young person with exceptional qualities or abilities
Protective capable of or intended to protect someone or something
Proud feeling deep pleasure or satisfaction as a result of one’s own achievements
Reliable consistently good in quality or performance; able to be trusted
Robust a person who is strong and healthy
Self-aware having conscious knowledge of one’s own character and feelings
Smart having or showing a quick-witted intelligence
Strong able to withstand great force or pressure
Stunning extremely impressive or attractive
Zestful characterised by great enthusiasm and energy

Frequently Asked Questions on Praising Words in English


List 10 praising words for girls in English.

Girly – characteristic of or appropriate to a girl or young woman
Feminine – having qualities or an appearance traditionally associated with women
Pert – a girl or young woman who is attractively lively or cheeky
Sassy – lively, bold, and full of spirit
Attractive – pleasing or appealing to the senses
Beautiful – pleasing the senses or mind aesthetically
Charming – delight greatly
Lovely – exquisitely beautiful
Cute – attractive in a pretty or endearing way
Wise – having or showing experience, knowledge, and good judgement


List 10 praising words for boys in English.

Assertive – having or showing a confident and forceful personality
Clean-cut – giving the appearance of neatness and respectability
Coherent – a person who is able to speak clearly and logically
Dapper – a person who is neat and trim in dress and appearance
Dashing – a person who is attractive, adventurous, and full of confidence
Eloquent – fluent or persuasive in speaking or writing
Generous – a person who is fond of company
Hero – a person who is admired or idealised for courage, outstanding
achievements, or noble qualities
Prodigious – remarkably or impressively great in extent, size, or degree
Zestful – characterised by great enthusiasm and energy


List 15 praising words in English that start with the letter ‘A’.

Amazing, Adorable, Admiring, Astonishing, Amusing, Affable, Amiable, Achievement, Adventurous, Adaptable, Accomplishment, Assertive, Athletic, Attentive, Attractive, and Active.

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