at one with nature
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > at one with nature
he is made one with nature
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > he is made one with nature
to be ot one with
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > to be ot one with
one more… — noch ein…
it’s one [o’clock] — es ist eins od. ein Uhr; see also academic.ru/23561/eight»>eight 1.; half 1. 1), 3. 2); quarter 1. 1)
in any one day/year — an einem Tag/in einem Jahr
not one [little] bit — überhaupt nicht
one and the same person/thing — ein und dieselbe Person/Sache
be one as a family/nation — eine einige Familie/Nation sein; see also with 1)
one morning/night — eines Morgens/Nachts
one day — einmal; eines Tages
contrasted with ‘other’/‘another’ ein
2) Eins, die; see also eight 2. 1)
one of… — ein… (+ Gen.)
one of them/us — etc. einer von ihnen/uns usw.
2) replacing n. implied or mentioned ein…
the older/younger one — der/die/das ältere/jüngere
you are or were the one who insisted on going to Scotland — du warst der-/diejenige, der/die unbedingt nach Schottland wollte
this one — dieser/diese/dieses [da]
these ones or those ones? — die [da] oder die [da]?
these/those blue etc. ones — diese/die blauen usw.
not one — keiner/keine/keines; nicht einer/eine/eines
one by one, one after another or the other — einzeln
[the] one… the other — der/die/das eine… der/die/das andere
our dear or loved ones — unsere Lieben
[not] one who does or to do or for doing something — [nicht] der Typ, der etwas tut
6) : man; as indirect object einem; as direct object einen
give somebody one on the head/nose — jemandem eins über den Kopf/auf die Nase geben
* * *
1) die Eins
2) die Eins
1) der/die/das(jenige)
2) man
1) ein/e/es
2) eins
3) einer Meinung
— one-
— oneself
— one-night stand
— one-off
— one-parent family
— one-sided
— one-way
— one-year-old
— all one
— be one up on a person
— be one up on
— not be oneself
— one and all
— one another
— one by one
— one or two
* * *
1. attr (not two) ein(e)
we have two daughters and one son wir haben zwei Töchter und einen Sohn
one hundred/thousand einhundert/-tausend
one million eine Million
one third/fifth ein Drittel/Fünftel nt
the glass tube is closed at one end das Glasröhrchen ist an einem Ende verschlossen
he can’t tell one wine from another er schmeckt bei Weinen keinen Unterschied
3. attr (single, only) einzige(r, s)
her one concern is to save her daughter ihre einzige Sorge ist, wie sie ihre Tochter retten kann
do you think the five of us will manage to squeeze into the one car? glaubst du, wir fünf können uns in dieses eine Auto quetschen?
we should paint the bedroom all one colour wir sollten das Schlafzimmer nur in einer Farbe streichen
he’s the one person you can rely on in an emergency er ist die einzige Person, auf die man sich im Notfall verlassen kann
not one man kein Mensch
to have just one thought nur einen [einzigen] Gedanken haben
the one and only… der/die/das einzige…
ladies and gentlemen, the one and only Muhammad Ali! meine Damen und Herren, der einzigartige Muhammad Ali!
4. attr (some future) irgendein(e)
I’d like to go skiing one Christmas ich würde gern irgendwann an Weihnachten Skifahren gehen
one afternoon next week an irgendeinem Nachmittag nächste Woche, irgendwann nächste Woche nachmittags
one day irgendwann
one evening/night irgendwann abends/nachts
one moment he says he loves me, the next moment he’s asking for a divorce einmal sagt er, er liebt mich, und im nächsten Moment will er die Scheidung
one afternoon in late October an einem Nachmittag Ende Oktober
one day/evening/night eines Tages/Abends/Nachts
one night we stayed up talking till dawn an einem Abend plauderten wir einmal bis zum Morgengrauen
her solicitor is one John Wintersgill ihr Anwalt ist ein gewisser John Wintersgill
his mother is one generous woman seine Mutter ist eine wirklich großzügige Frau
that’s one big ice cream you’ve got there du hast aber ein großes Eis!
it was one hell of a shock to find out I’d lost my job ( fam) es war ein Riesenschock für mich, als ich erfuhr, dass ich meinen Job verloren hatte fam
he was one hell of a snappy dresser ( fam) er war immer todschick gekleidet fam
all types of training meet one common standard alle Trainingsarten unterliegen den gleichen Maßstäben
to be of one mind einer Meinung sein
one and the same ein und der-/die-/dasselbe
that’s one and the same thing! das ist doch ein und dasselbe!
one is a difficult age mit einem Jahr sind Kinder in einem schwierigen Alter
to be one [year old] ein Jahr alt sein
little Jimmy’s one today der kleine Jimmy wird heute ein Jahr alt
she’ll be one [year old] tomorrow sie wird morgen ein Jahr alt
one [o’clock] eins, ein Uhr
it’s half past one es ist halb zwei
at one um eins
I’ve got a hundred and one things to do this morning ich muss heute Vormittag hunderttausend Dinge erledigen
▶ what with one thing and another ( fam) weil alles [o viel] zusammenkommt
what with one thing and another she hadn’t had much sleep recently da alles [o viel] zusammenkam, hat sie in letzter Zeit nicht viel Schlaf bekommen
there is no evidence one way or the other about the effectiveness of the drug es gibt keinerlei Beweise für die Wirksamkeit oder Unwirksamkeit des Medikaments
the bills have to be paid one way or another die Rechnungen müssen irgendwie bezahlt werden
II. n
one hundred and one einhundert[und]eins
three ones are three drei mal eins gibt [o ist] [o macht] drei
the front door bore a big brass one auf der Eingangstür prangte eine große kupferne Eins
3. (size of garment, merchandise) Größe eins
little Jackie’s wearing ones now die kleine Jackie trägt jetzt Größe eins
▪ to be one eins sein
to be made one getraut werden
1. (single item) eine(r, s)
four parcels came this morning, but only one was for Mark heute Morgen kamen vier Pakete, aber nur eines war für Mark
I’d rather eat French croissants than English ones ich esse lieber französische Croissants als englische
I have two apples, do you want one? ich habe zwei Äpfel, möchtest du einen?
not a single one kein Einziger/keine Einzige/kein Einziges
one at a time immer nur eine(r, s)
[all] in one [alles] in einem
with this model you get a radio, CD player and cassette deck [all] in one dieses Modell enthält Radio, CD-Player und Kassettendeck in einem
one after another [or the other] eine(r, s) nach dem/der anderen
one after another the buses drew up die Busse kamen einer nach dem anderen
one [thing] after another [or the other] eines nach dem anderen
one or another [or the other] irgendeine(r, s)
not all instances fall neatly into one or another of these categories nicht alle Vorkommnisse fallen genau unter eine dieser Kategorien
this/that one diese(r, s)/jene(r, s)
these/those ones diese/jene
which one do you want? — that one, please! welchen möchten Sie? — den dort, bitte!
▪ one of sth:
Luxembourg is one of the world’s smallest countries Luxemburg ist eines der kleinsten Länder der Welt
electronics is one of his [many] hobbies die Elektronik ist eines seiner [vielen] Hobbys
our organization is just one of many charities unsere Organisation ist nur eine von vielen wohltätigen Vereinigungen
two could live as cheaply as one zwei könnten so günstig wie einer wohnen
she thought of her loved ones sie dachte an ihre Lieben
to [not] be one to do [or who does] sth (nature) [nicht] der Typ sein, der etw tut, [nicht] zu denen gehören, die etw tun; (liking) etw [nicht] gerne tun
she’s always been one to take [or who takes] initiative es war schon immer ihre Art, die Initiative zu ergreifen
I’ve never really been one to sit around doing nothing untätig herumzusitzen war noch nie meine Art
he’s always been one that enjoys good food ihm hat gutes Essen schon immer geschmeckt
he’s not one to eat exotic food er isst nicht gerne exotische Speisen
she’s [not] one to go [or who goes] to parties sie geht [nicht] gerne auf Partys
to not [or never] be one to say no to sth nie zu etw dat Nein sagen können
to be [a] one for sth ( fam) etw gerne mögen, sich dat viel aus etw dat machen
Jack’s always been one for the ladies Jack hatte schon immer viel für Frauen übrig
to not be [a] one ( fam) for sth [or to not be much of a one] ( fam) etw nicht besonders mögen, sich dat nicht viel aus etw dat machen
I’ve never really been [much of a] one for football ich habe mir eigentlich nie viel aus Fußball gemacht
to [not] be [a] one for doing sth ( fam) etw [nicht] gerne machen
he’s a great one for telling other people what to do er sagt anderen gerne, was sie zu tun haben
one and all ( liter) alle
the news of his resignation came as a surprise to one and all die Nachricht von seinem Rücktritt kam für alle überraschend
well done one and all! gut gemacht, ihr alle!
like one + pp wie ein(e)…
Viv was running around like one possessed before the presentation Viv lief vor der Präsentation wie eine Besessene herum
one after another eine/einer nach der/dem anderen
one by one nacheinander
▪ one of:
she’s one of my favourite writers sie ist eine meiner Lieblingsautoren
to be one of many/a few eine(r) von vielen/wenigen sein
▪ the one der-/die[jenige]
Chris is the one with curly brown hair Chris ist der mit den lockigen braunen Haaren
3. (expressing alternatives, comparisons)
they look very similar and it’s difficult to distinguish one from the other sie sehen sich sehr ähnlich, und es ist oft schwer sie auseinanderzuhalten
one or the other der/die/das eine oder der/die/das andere
choose one of the pictures. you may have one or the other, but not both such dir eins der Bilder aus. du kannst nur eines davon haben, nicht beide
one without the other der/die/das eine ohne der/die/das andere
one has an obligation to one’s friends man hat Verpflichtungen seinen Freunden gegenüber
one must admire him er ist zu bewundern
one gets the impression that… ich habe den Eindruck, dass…
one has to do one’s best wir müssen unser Bestes geben
I for one ich für meinen Teil
I for one think we should proceed was mich betrifft, so denke ich, dass wir weitermachen sollten
what’s the capital of Zaire? — oh, that’s a difficult one wie heißt die Hauptstadt von Zaire? — das ist eine schwierige Frage
this one’s on me! diese Runde geht auf mich!
she likes a cool one after a hard day nach einem harten Tag braucht sie einen kühlen Drink
8. ( fam: joke, story) Witz m
that was a good one! der war gut!
did I tell you the one about the blind beggar? habe ich dir den [Witz] von dem blinden Bettler schon erzählt?
9. BRIT, AUS ( dated fam: sb who is lacking respect, is rude, or amusing)
you are a one! du bist mir vielleicht einer! fam
she’s a one! das ist mir vielleicht eine! fam
▶ to be all one to sb Chinesisch für jdn sein fam
Greek and Hebrew are all one to me Griechisch und Hebräisch sind Chinesisch für mich fam
▶ to be as one on sth ( form) bei etw dat einer Meinung sein
we have discussed the matter fully and are as one on our decision wir haben die Angelegenheit gründlich erörtert, und unsere Entscheidung ist einstimmig
▶ to be at one with sb ( form) mit jdm einer Meinung sein
▶ to be at one with sth ( form) mit etw dat eins sein
they were completely at one with their environment sie lebten in völliger Harmonie mit ihrer Umwelt
▶ to be one of the family zur Familie gehören fig
▶ to get sth in one ( fam: guess) etw sofort erraten; (understand) etw gleich kapieren fam
▶ to get [or be] one up on sb jdn übertrumpfen
▶ in one (draught) in einem Zug, [auf] ex fam
▶ to be one of a kind zur Spitze gehören
in the world of ballet she was certainly one of a kind as a dancer in der Welt des Ballet zählte sie zweifellos zu den besten Tänzerinnen
▶ to land [or sock] sb one [on the jaw] ( fam) jdm eine reinhauen fam
▶ one or two ( fam) ein paar
I hear you’ve collected over 1,000 autographs! — well, I do have one or two ich habe gehört, du hast über 1.000 Autogramme gesammelt! — na ja, ich habe schon ein paar
▶ in ones and twos (in small numbers) immer nur ein paar; (alone or in a pair) allein oder paarweise [o zu zweit]
we expected a flood of applications for the job, but we’re only receiving them in ones and twos wir haben eine Flut von Bewerbungen für die Stelle erwartet, aber es gehen [täglich] nur wenige ein
to arrive/stand around in ones and [or or] twos einzeln oder paarweise [o zu zweit] eintreffen/herumstehen
* * *
1) ein/eine/ein; eins
one girl was pretty, the other was ugly —
she was in one room, he was in the other — sie war im einen Zimmer, er im anderen
one morning/day etc he realized… — eines Morgens/Tages etc bemerkte er…
one Mr Smith — ein gewisser Herr Smith
he is the one man to tell you — er ist der Einzige, der es Ihnen sagen kann
they all came in the one car — sie kamen alle in dem einen Auto
God is one — Gott ist unteilbar
1) eine(r, s)
the one who… — der(jenige), der…/die(jenige), die…/das(jenige), das…
he/that was the one — er/das wars
the red/big etc one — der/die/das Rote/Große etc
my one — meiner/meine/mein(e)s
not (a single) one of them, never one of them — nicht eine(r, s) von ihnen, kein Einziger/keine Einzige/kein Einziges
that one — der/die/das, jene(r, s)
that’s a good one — der (Witz) ist gut; (das ist ein) guter Witz
I’m not usually one to go out on a week night, but today… — ich gehe sonst eigentlich nicht an Wochentagen aus, aber heute…
he’s a great one for discipline/turning up late — der ist ganz groß, wenns um Disziplin/ums Zuspätkommen geht
she is a teacher, and he/her sister wants to be one too — sie ist Lehrerin, und er möchte auch gern Lehrer werden/ihre Schwester möchte auch gern eine werden
I, for one, think otherwise — ich, zum Beispiel, denke anders
take one or the other —
one who knows the country —
in the manner of one who… — in der Art von jemandem, der…
like one demented/possessed — wie verrückt/besessen
to wash one’s face/hair — sich das Gesicht/die Haare waschen
* * *
A adj
1. ein, eine, ein:
2. (emphatisch) ein, eine, ein, ein einziger, eine einzige, ein einziges:
3. all one nur präd alles eins, ein und dasselbe:
it’s one fine job es ist eine einmalig schöne Arbeit
4. ein gewisser, eine gewisse, ein gewisses, ein, eine, ein:
one day eines Tages (in Zukunft od Vergangenheit);
B s
1. Eins f, eins:
I bet ten to one (that …) ich wette zehn zu eins(, dass …);
at one o’clock um ein Uhr;
one-ten ein Uhr zehn, zehn nach eins;
2. (der, die) Einzelne, (das) einzelne (Stück):
one by one, one after another, one after the other einer nach
3. Einheit f:
a) alle gemeinsam,
b) alles in einem
4. Ein(
)er m, besonders Eindollarnote f
C pron
1. ein(er), eine, ein(es), jemand:
as one wie ein Mann, geschlossen;
one so cautious jemand, der so vorsichtig ist; ein so vorsichtiger Mann;
have you heard the one about …? kennen Sie den (Witz) schon von …?;
2. (Stützwort, meist unübersetzt):
3. man:
4. one’s sein, seine, sein:
break one’s leg sich das Bein brechen;
lose one’s way sich verirren
5. umg
a) ein anständiges Ding (hervorragende Sache, besonders tüchtiger Schlag)
b) Kanone f fig, Könner(in):
that’s a good one! nicht schlecht!;
you are a one! du bist mir vielleicht einer!; → land C 6
* * *
one more… — noch ein…
it’s one [o’clock] — es ist eins od. ein Uhr; see also eight 1.; half 1. 1), 3. 2); quarter 1. 1)
in any one day/year — an einem Tag/in einem Jahr
not one [little] bit — überhaupt nicht
3) ein
one and the same person/thing — ein und dieselbe Person/Sache
be one as a family/nation — eine einige Familie/Nation sein; see also with 1)
one morning/night — eines Morgens/Nachts
contrasted with ‘other’/‘another’ ein
2) Eins, die; see also eight 2. 1)
one of… — ein… (+ Gen.)
one of them/us — etc. einer von ihnen/uns usw.
2) replacing n. implied or mentioned ein…
the older/younger one — der/die/das ältere/jüngere
you are or were the one who insisted on going to Scotland — du warst der-/diejenige, der/die unbedingt nach Schottland wollte
this one — dieser/diese/dieses [da]
these ones or those ones? — die [da] oder die [da]?
these/those blue etc. ones — diese/die blauen usw.
not one — keiner/keine/keines; nicht einer/eine/eines
one by one, one after another or the other — einzeln
[the] one… the other — der/die/das eine… der/die/das andere
our dear or loved ones — unsere Lieben
[not] one who does or to do or for doing something — [nicht] der Typ, der etwas tut
6) : man; as indirect object einem; as direct object einen
7) :
give somebody one on the head/nose — jemandem eins über den Kopf/auf die Nase geben
* * *
(number) n.
n. adj.
ein adj.
eins adj. pron.
man pron.
English-german dictionary > one
1. [wʌn]
1. 1) (число) один
one and two make three — один плюс /и/ два — три
2) единица (;
figure of one)
3) (of) один из ()
one, two, three… — раз, два, три…
5) один, одиночка
by /in/ ones and twos — по одному и по двое
goods that are sold in ones — товары, продаваемые в розницу
7) час
he will come at one [between one and two] — он придёт в час [между часом и двумя]
a train due at one twenty-five — поезд, отправляющийся в час двадцать пять
(a, the one) человек, примечательный в каком-л. отношении; герой; мастер
oh, you are a one telling that joke in front of the manager — ну, ты даёшь, так шутить в присутствии управляющего
one in a thousand — один на тысячу, редкостный
one too many — а) слишком много; to have one too many — выпить лишнего, перебрать; б) лишний
he was one too many — он оказался лишним /был некстати/
to be one too many for smb. — превосходить кого-л. в чём-л.; быть для кого-л. недостижимым
the one about — шутка, анекдот
have you heard the one about the travelling salesman? — вы знаете /слышали/ анекдот о коммивояжёре?
all one (to smb.) — всё равно, всё едино; безразлично
as one — как один, все вместе
at one — заодно; единодушно
we are at one in thinking that… — мы едины во мнении, что…; мы оба все думаем, что…
to give smb. a four penny one — отшлёпать, отлупить кого-л.
in the year one — очень давно; ≅ при царе Горохе
to go one better than smb. — превзойти, перещеголять кого-л.
one up [down] to smb. — одно очко [не] в чью-л. пользу
one up on — преимущество, перевес
they are trying to get one up on each other — они стараются обогнать /перещеголять/ друг друга
a right one — дурак, «дубина»
you’re a right one losing the tickets again — и как это тебя угораздило снова потерять билеты
the Holy One, One above — бог
the Evil One — чёрт, дьявол
like one o’clock — быстро, энергично [ тж. 1, 7)]
2. [wʌn]
1. один
no one reason will do — ни одно (отдельное) соображение не может нас удовлетворить
2. единственный
one (and) only — единственный, уникальный
this is the one thing we can feel certain about — это единственное, в чём мы можем быть уверены
that’s the one thing I needed — это единственное, что мне было нужно
you’re the one man I can trust — вы единственный человек, которому я доверяю
3. 1) единый; одинаковый
to have /to hold/ one opinion — иметь единое /такое же/ мнение
I am one with you /of one mind with you/ — я такого же мнения, что и вы
all face one way — ≅ все там будем
целый, единый, неразлучный
to be made one — пожениться, сочетаться браком
we have been both one these two months — эти два месяца мы были неразлучны /не разлучались друг с другом/
4. 1) тот же самый, этот же
one and the same — один и тот же; тот же самый
одинаковый, неизменный
5. 1) какой-то, неопределённый
3. [wʌn]
1) число один
2) (номер) один; (номер) первый
number one — номер первый [ тж. ]
|| one-and-twenty, one-and-thirty, etc — двадцать один, тридцать один
number one — а) сам; свой интерес, заботы ; to look after /to take care of/ number one — не забывать о себе, заботиться о своих интересах; he’s always thinking of number one — он всегда думает только о себе /о своём благополучии/; б) самое главное, самое важное, значительное, срочное ; в) ≅ пописать, сходить «по-маленькому»; [ тж. 2)]
one man no man — ≅ один в поле не воин
4. [wʌn]
one has to do one’s best — нужно делать всё возможное /прилагать все усилия/
one never knows what may happen — никто не знает, что может случиться
I’ve lost my umbrella and have to buy a new one — я потерял зонтик, и теперь мне приходится покупать новый
which kitten will you have? — The black one — какого котёнка вы возьмёте? — Чёрного
3. 1) :
the little ones and the great ones — и малые, и большие
my own one — родной, дорогой ()
2) any, some, every
под соответствующими словами
1) я, ваш покорный слуга
разг. необычайно, невероятно
I tell you, she was one wonderful girl — поверьте мне, она была просто замечательная девушка
1. 1) этот, тот (самый)
the one that /which/ is lying on the table — тот, который лежит на столе
not the one they expected — не тот (человек), которого ждали
2) (такой) человек предмет
he is not one to refuse — он не такой человек, чтобы отказываться
she said it in the voice of one who repeats a lesson — она произнесла это тоном человека, повторяющего урок
2. один, этот
at one end of the street and at the other — на одном /на том/ конце улицы и на другом
one with another — а) в среднем; б) вместе
one or other is sure to be sick in the bus — в автобусе обязательно кого-то укачает
the one and the other — оба, один и другой
the one…, the other… — первый ()…, второй…
one by one, one after one — один за другим, друг за другом; по одному, поодиночке
one and all — все до одного, все как один; все без исключения
(all) in one — в одном лице; одновременно
he is manager and secretary (all) in one — он (одновременно) и управляющий, и секретарь
in one — с одной попытки, сразу
done it in one! — удалось с первого захода!
I for one — что касается меня, я со своей стороны
I for one don’t believe it — я, например /скажем/, не верю в это
one had like (to)… — он(а) чуть не…
like one dead [possessed] — как мертвец [одержимый]
one who /that/ (+ ) — из тех, кто…
I’m not usually one to complain, but… — я вообще не из тех, кто жалуется, но…
НБАРС > one
1. [wʌn]
1. 1) (число) один
one and two make three — один плюс /и/ два — три
2) единица (;
figure of one)
3) (of) один из ()
one, two, three… — раз, два, три…
5) один, одиночка
by /in/ ones and twos — по одному и по двое
goods that are sold in ones — товары, продаваемые в розницу
7) час
he will come at one [between one and two] — он придёт в час [между часом и двумя]
a train due at one twenty-five — поезд, отправляющийся в час двадцать пять
(a, the one) человек, примечательный в каком-л. отношении; герой; мастер
oh, you are a one telling that joke in front of the manager — ну, ты даёшь, так шутить в присутствии управляющего
one in a thousand — один на тысячу, редкостный
one too many — а) слишком много; to have one too many — выпить лишнего, перебрать; б) лишний
he was one too many — он оказался лишним /был некстати/
to be one too many for smb. — превосходить кого-л. в чём-л.; быть для кого-л. недостижимым
the one about — шутка, анекдот
have you heard the one about the travelling salesman? — вы знаете /слышали/ анекдот о коммивояжёре?
all one (to smb.) — всё равно, всё едино; безразлично
as one — как один, все вместе
at one — заодно; единодушно
we are at one in thinking that… — мы едины во мнении, что…; мы оба все думаем, что…
to give smb. a four penny one — отшлёпать, отлупить кого-л.
in the year one — очень давно; ≅ при царе Горохе
to go one better than smb. — превзойти, перещеголять кого-л.
one up [down] to smb. — одно очко [не] в чью-л. пользу
one up on — преимущество, перевес
they are trying to get one up on each other — они стараются обогнать /перещеголять/ друг друга
a right one — дурак, «дубина»
you’re a right one losing the tickets again — и как это тебя угораздило снова потерять билеты
the Holy One, One above — бог
the Evil One — чёрт, дьявол
like one o’clock — быстро, энергично [ тж. 1, 7)]
2. [wʌn]
1. один
no one reason will do — ни одно (отдельное) соображение не может нас удовлетворить
2. единственный
one (and) only — единственный, уникальный
this is the one thing we can feel certain about — это единственное, в чём мы можем быть уверены
that’s the one thing I needed — это единственное, что мне было нужно
you’re the one man I can trust — вы единственный человек, которому я доверяю
3. 1) единый; одинаковый
to have /to hold/ one opinion — иметь единое /такое же/ мнение
I am one with you /of one mind with you/ — я такого же мнения, что и вы
all face one way — ≅ все там будем
целый, единый, неразлучный
to be made one — пожениться, сочетаться браком
we have been both one these two months — эти два месяца мы были неразлучны /не разлучались друг с другом/
4. 1) тот же самый, этот же
one and the same — один и тот же; тот же самый
одинаковый, неизменный
5. 1) какой-то, неопределённый
3. [wʌn]
1) число один
2) (номер) один; (номер) первый
number one — номер первый [ тж. ]
|| one-and-twenty, one-and-thirty, etc — двадцать один, тридцать один
number one — а) сам; свой интерес, заботы ; to look after /to take care of/ number one — не забывать о себе, заботиться о своих интересах; he’s always thinking of number one — он всегда думает только о себе /о своём благополучии/; б) самое главное, самое важное, значительное, срочное ; в) ≅ пописать, сходить «по-маленькому»; [ тж. 2)]
one man no man — ≅ один в поле не воин
4. [wʌn]
one has to do one’s best — нужно делать всё возможное /прилагать все усилия/
one never knows what may happen — никто не знает, что может случиться
I’ve lost my umbrella and have to buy a new one — я потерял зонтик, и теперь мне приходится покупать новый
which kitten will you have? — The black one — какого котёнка вы возьмёте? — Чёрного
3. 1) :
the little ones and the great ones — и малые, и большие
my own one — родной, дорогой ()
2) any, some, every
под соответствующими словами
1) я, ваш покорный слуга
разг. необычайно, невероятно
I tell you, she was one wonderful girl — поверьте мне, она была просто замечательная девушка
1. 1) этот, тот (самый)
the one that /which/ is lying on the table — тот, который лежит на столе
not the one they expected — не тот (человек), которого ждали
2) (такой) человек предмет
he is not one to refuse — он не такой человек, чтобы отказываться
she said it in the voice of one who repeats a lesson — она произнесла это тоном человека, повторяющего урок
2. один, этот
at one end of the street and at the other — на одном /на том/ конце улицы и на другом
one with another — а) в среднем; б) вместе
one or other is sure to be sick in the bus — в автобусе обязательно кого-то укачает
the one and the other — оба, один и другой
the one…, the other… — первый ()…, второй…
one by one, one after one — один за другим, друг за другом; по одному, поодиночке
one and all — все до одного, все как один; все без исключения
(all) in one — в одном лице; одновременно
he is manager and secretary (all) in one — он (одновременно) и управляющий, и секретарь
in one — с одной попытки, сразу
done it in one! — удалось с первого захода!
I for one — что касается меня, я со своей стороны
I for one don’t believe it — я, например /скажем/, не верю в это
one had like (to)… — он(а) чуть не…
like one dead [possessed] — как мертвец [одержимый]
one who /that/ (+ ) — из тех, кто…
I’m not usually one to complain, but… — я вообще не из тех, кто жалуется, но…
НБАРС > one
1) en, et; ett(all)
2) ettårsalder
1) den(ne)/det(te); den/det røde osv.
2) en, man
1) en
2) ett (år gammel)
3) som én, av samme mening
— oneself
— one-night stand
— one-off
— one-parent family
— one-sided
— one-way
— one-year-old
ettårs-, ettårig
— be one up on a person
— be one up on
— not be oneself
— one and all
— one another
— one by one
— one or two
1) ettall
2) ener
3) enhet
by ones en og en, en av gangen
you are a one! ( hverdagslig) du er en fin en!
1) en, et, ett
2) eneste
3) den ene, det ene
4) (en og) samme
be one with være ett med, høre sammen med være enig med
for one for noens vedkommende, hva noen angår
for one thing for det første, først og fremst for eksempel
(all) in one (alt) i ett i forening, i samstemmighet til sammen i en og samme person
one and all hver eneste en, alle sammen, alle som en
the one and only…! den/det eneste ene…!, den uforlignelige!
one by one en og en, en av gangen den ene etter den andre
one or other den ene eller den andre, en eller annen
• marry her or leave her, one or the other
one or two et par (stykker), to-tre (stykker)
(the) one… the other (det) ene.. det andre, en… en annen, den første… den neste
one thing and/with another det ene med det andre
one with another det ene med det andre i gjennomsnitt, stort sett
1) man, en
3) en (viss)
• one Mr. John Smith
4) en, noen, noe, den
• where is my umbrella? — you didn’t bring one
• he is not a great man, but he hopes to become one
han er ingen stor mann, men han håper på å bli det
5) (etter adjektiv og som adjektiv brukt som substantiv, ofte uten tilsvarende i norsk) en, (som) sådan
• take the red box, not the black one
ta den røde boksen, ikke den svarte
• do you want hard pears or soft ones?
• pick me out a good one!
• give me some good ones!
han var en soldat, og en tapper sådan
have one on me! ta en drink, jeg spanderer!
one’s ens, sin, sitt, sine
• the party was good, but I had one too many, I’m afraid
festen var bra, men jeg er redd jeg drakk for mye
that was one for you! ett poeng til deg! den satt!
that was one on you! der fikk du!, den var myntet på deg!
• which ones do you like?
English-Norwegian dictionary > one
1. числ. колич.
1) один (число
1) one book ≈ одна книга one million ≈ один миллион one half ≈ половина one third ≈ одна третья one pound ten ≈ один фунт и десять пенсов One from seven leaves six. ≈ От семи отнять один будет шесть.
2) номер один, первый Chapter One ≈ Глава первая/Глава 1 ∙ one too many ≈ слишком много one or two ≈ немного, несколько
2. сущ.
1) единица (цифра ‘1’) the row of ones ≈ ряд единиц
2) один, одиночка — one by one
3) эллипс. а) один год( о возрасте) б) час( о моменте времени) в) первый размер( одежды) г) однодолларовая купюра
4) употр. как слово-заместитель а) во избежание повторения ранее упомянутого существительного;
б) в знач. ‘человек’ the great ones of the earth one for smth. ∙ at one all in one be made one for one
3. прил.
1) единственный, уникальный the one person she wanted to marry ≈ единственный человек, за которого она хотела выйти замуж Syn: only
1., single
2) определенный, единственный в своем роде one fine person ≈ один хороший человек Syn: certain
1., particular
3) одинаковый, такой же They are both of one species. ≈ Оба они относятся к одному и тому же виду. I am one with you on this. ≈ В этом вопросе я с тобой заодно. Syn: same I
4) какой-то, некий, неопределенный I will see you again one day. ≈ Когда-нибудь однажды мы снова увидимся. Syn: some
4. мест.;
1) кто-то, некий, некто Some of them couldn’t eat a thing. One couldn’t even drink. ≈ Некоторые из них не могли ничего есть. Кто-то не мог даже пить. Syn: somebody
1., a certain
2) употр. в неопределенно-личных предложениях: Where does one go from there? ≈ Куда отсюда пойдешь? Shares can bring one quite a considerable additional income. ≈ Владение акциями может принести довольно значительный дополнительный доход. ∙ in the year one any one
один (число) ;
— * and two make three один плюс два — три единица (цифра) ;
— write down two *s напишите две единицы один из;
— * of the family член семьи;
— * of the best skaters один из лучших конькобежцев раз (при счете) ;
— *, two,three,… раз, два, три… один, одиночка;
— by *s and twos по одному и по двое;
— * at a desk по одному за партой;
— goods that are sold in *s товары, продаваемые в розницу год (о возрасте) ;
— the baby is * ребенку год час;
— * o’clock час;
— he will come at * он придет в час;
— a train due at * twenty-five поезд, отправляющийся в час двадцать пять( философское) идея, сущность( эмоционально-усилительно) человек, примечательный в каком-л отношении;
— oh, you are a * telling that joke in front of the manager ну, ты даешь, так шутить в присутствии управляющего > * in a thousand один на тысячу, редкостный;
> * too many слишком много;
> to have * too many выпить лишнего, перебрать;
> he was * too many он оказался лишним;
> to be * too many for smb. превосходить кого-л в чем-л;
быть для кого-л недостижимым;
> the * about шутка, анекдот;
> have you heard the * about the traveling salesman? вы знаете анектод о коммивояжере?;
> but * предпоследний;
> the topmost stair but * предпоследняя сверху ступенька;
> all * все равно, все едино;
> as * как один, все вместе;
> at * заодно;
> to give smb. a four penny * отшлепать, отлупить кого-л;
> in the year * очень давно;
при царе Горохе;
> since the year * с незапамятных времен;
> to go * better than smb. одно очко в чью-л пользу;
> * up to smb. одно очко в чью-л пользу;
> * they are trying to get * up on each ofter они стараются обогнать друг друга;
> a right * losing the tickets again и как это тебя угораздило снова потерять билеты;
> the Holy O., O. above Бог;
> the Evil O. черт, дьявол;
> * over the eight( военное) (жаргон) пьяный, подвыпивший один — no * man can do it в одиночку это никому не под силу;
— no * reason will do ни одно соображение не может нас удовлетворить единственный;
— * only единственный, уникальный;
— there is * answer to it на это может быть только один ответ;
— this is the * thing we can feel cartain about это единственное, в чем мы можем быть уверены;
— that’s the * thing I needed это единственное, что мне было нужно;
— you’re the * man I can trust вы единственный человек, которому я доверяю единый;
— * and undivided единый и неделимый;
— to have * opinion иметь единое мнение;
— I am * with you я такого же мнения, что и вы;
— all face * way все там будем целый, единый, неразлучный;
— to be made * пожениться, сочетаться браком;
— he is made * with nature он близок к природе;
— we have been both * these two months эти два месяца мы были неразлучны тот же самый, этот же;
— * and the same один и тот же;
тот же самый одинаковый, неизменный;
— to remain for ever * всегда оставаться самим собой какой-то, неопределенный;
— * day last summer как-то прошлым летом;
— * fane morning в одно прекрасное утро;
— * day I shall do it когда-нибудь я это сделаю некий, некто;
— * John Smit некто Джон Смит число один;
— * page одна страница;
— * apple одно яблоко один;
(номер) первый;
— number * номер первый;
— chapter * первая глава;
— Room * комната один — *-and-twenty, *-and-thirty двадцать один, тридцать один > number * сам;
свой интерес, заботы;
самое главное, самое важное, значительное, срочное;
пописать, сходить «по-маленькому»;
> to look after number * не забывать о себе, заботиться о своих интересах;
> he’s always thinking of number * он всегда думает только о себе > * man no mam один в поле не воин в неопределенно-личных предложениях: — * must admit следует признать;
— * has to do *’s best нужно делать все возможное;
— * never khows what may happen никто не знает, что может случиться во избежание повторения: — laws and old *s новые законы и старые;
— I’ve lost my umbrella and have to buy a new * я потерял зонтик, и теперь мне приходится покупать новый;
— which kitten will you have? — The black * какого котенка вы возьмете? — Черного в сочетании с определенным артиклем или притяжательным местоимением и прилагательным;
— the little *s дети;
— the great *s of the earth великие мира сего;
— the little *s and the great *s и малые, и большие;
— my own * родной, дорогой в сочетании с any, some, every под соответствующими словами (усилительно) я, ваш покорный слуга;
— * is rather busy just now я сейчас несколько занят;
— * glad to have seen you очень рад был вас повидать (американизм) (разговорное) необычайно, невероятно;
— I tell you, she was * wonderful girl поверьте мне, она была просто замечательная девушка в грам знач указательного мест: этот, тот — the * that is lying on the table тот, который лежит на столе;
— not the * they expected не тот, которого ждали человек или предмет;
— * with a beard человек с бородой;
— he is not * to refuse он не такой человек, чтобы отказываться;
— she said it in the voice of * who repeats a lesson она произнесла это тоном человека, повторяющего урок один, этот;
— at * end of the street and at the ofter на одном конце улицы и на другом в сочетаниях: — * another друг друга;
— they hit * another они поколотили друг друга;
— to bay * another’s goods покупать друг у друга;
— * with another в среднем;
(устаревшее) вместе;
— * and another несколько;
— * after another один за другим;
— * or another кто-то;
— * or other is sure to be sick in the bus в автобусе обязательно кого-то укачает;
— the * and the other оба, один и другой;
— the *…, the ofter… первый…, второй…;
— * by *, * after * один за другим, друг за другом;
по одному, поодиночке > * and all все до одного, все как один;
все без исключения;
> to thank * and all поблагодарить всех вас;
> in * в одном лице;
> he is manager and secretary in * он и управляющий, и секретарь;
> in * с одной попытки, сразу;
> done it in *! удалось с первого захода!;
> I for * что касается меня, я со своей стороны;
> I for * don’t believe it я, например, не верю в это;
> * had like… она чуть не…;
> I’m not usually * to compain, but… я вообще не из тех, кто жалуется, но…
all in ~ все вместе;
to be made one пожениться, повенчаться;
I for one что касается меня
the great ones of the earth великие мира сего;
a one( for smth.) разг. энтузиаст( в каком-л.) деле;
at one в согласии;
~ неопределенный, какой-то;
at one time I lived in Moscow одно время (прежде) я жил в Москве;
one fine morning в одно прекрасное утро
all in ~ все вместе;
to be made one пожениться, повенчаться;
I for one что касается меня
~ единый;
to cry out with one voice единодушно воскликнуть;
one and undivided единый и неделимый
the great ones and the little ~s большие и малые;
my little one дитя мое (в обращении)
the great ones of the earth великие мира сего;
a one (for smth.) разг. энтузиаст (в каком-л.) деле;
at one в согласии;
~ употр. как словозаместитель в знач. «человек»: he is the one I mean он тот самый( человек), которого я имею в виду;
the little ones дети
~ употр. как словозаместитель во избежание повторения ранее упомянутого существительного: I am through with this book, will you let me have another one? я кончил эту книгу, не дадите ли вы мне другую?
all in ~ все вместе;
to be made one пожениться, повенчаться;
I for one что касается меня
~ pron indef. некто, некий, кто-то;
I showed the ring to one Jones я показал кольцо некоему Джонсу;
one came running кто-то вбежал
if ~ wants a thing done ~ had best do it himself если хочешь, чтобы дело было сделано, сделай его сам
~ must observe the rules нужно соблюдать правила;
in the year one очень давно;
= при царе Горохе
~ один, одиночка;
one by one поодиночке;
they came by ones and twos приходили по одному и по двое;
it is difficult to tell one from the other трудно отличить одного от другого
the great ones and the little ~s большие и малые;
my little one дитя мое (в обращении)
no ~ никто
one pron indef. употр. в неопределенно-личных предложениях: one never knows what may happen никогда не знаешь, что может случиться ~ единица, число один;
write down two ones напишите две единицы ~ единственный;
there is only one way to do it есть единственный способ это сделать ~ единый;
to cry out with one voice единодушно воскликнуть;
one and undivided единый и неделимый ~ употр. как словозаместитель в знач. «человек»: he is the one I mean он тот самый (человек), которого я имею в виду;
the little ones дети ~ употр. как словозаместитель во избежание повторения ранее упомянутого существительного: I am through with this book, will you let me have another one? я кончил эту книгу, не дадите ли вы мне другую? ~ pron indef. некто, некий, кто-то;
I showed the ring to one Jones я показал кольцо некоему Джонсу;
one came running кто-то вбежал ~ неопределенный, какой-то;
at one time I lived in Moscow одно время (прежде) я жил в Москве;
one fine morning в одно прекрасное утро ~ num. card. номер один, первый;
Room one комната номер один;
volume one первый том ~ один, одиночка;
one by one поодиночке;
they came by ones and twos приходили по одному и по двое;
it is difficult to tell one from the other трудно отличить одного от другого ~ num. card. один;
one hundred сто, сотня;
one in a thousand один на тысячу;
редкостный ~ одинаковый, такой же;
to remain for ever one оставаться всегда самим собой the great ones of the earth великие мира сего;
a one (for smth.) разг. энтузиаст (в каком-л.) деле;
at one в согласии;
заодно ‘un: ‘un разг. см. one
~ единый;
to cry out with one voice единодушно воскликнуть;
one and undivided единый и неделимый
~ один, одиночка;
one by one поодиночке;
they came by ones and twos приходили по одному и по двое;
it is difficult to tell one from the other трудно отличить одного от другого
~ pron indef. некто, некий, кто-то;
I showed the ring to one Jones я показал кольцо некоему Джонсу;
one came running кто-то вбежал
~ неопределенный, какой-то;
at one time I lived in Moscow одно время (прежде) я жил в Москве;
one fine morning в одно прекрасное утро
~ num. card. один;
one hundred сто, сотня;
one in a thousand один на тысячу;
~ num. card. I’ll meet you at ~ я встречу тебя в час;
Pete will be one in a month Питу через месяц исполнится год;
one too many слишком много;
one or two немного, несколько
~ num. card. один;
one hundred сто, сотня;
one in a thousand один на тысячу;
редкостный thousand: ~ тысяча;
one in a thousand один на тысячу, исключительный
~ must observe the rules нужно соблюдать правила;
in the year one очень давно;
= при царе Горохе
one pron indef. употр. в неопределенно-личных предложениях: one never knows what may happen никогда не знаешь, что может случиться
~ num. card. I’ll meet you at ~ я встречу тебя в час;
Pete will be one in a month Питу через месяц исполнится год;
one too many слишком много;
one or two немного, несколько
~ num. card. I’ll meet you at ~ я встречу тебя в час;
Pete will be one in a month Питу через месяц исполнится год;
one too many слишком много;
one or two немного, несколько
~ up (down) (to smb.) одно очко (один гол и т. п.) (в чью-л. (не в чью-л.) пользу)
~ num. card. I’ll meet you at ~ я встречу тебя в час;
Pete will be one in a month Питу через месяц исполнится год;
one too many слишком много;
one or two немного, несколько
~ одинаковый, такой же;
to remain for ever one оставаться всегда самим собой
~ num. card. номер один, первый;
Room one комната номер один;
volume one первый том
square ~ точка отсчета
~ единственный;
there is only one way to do it есть единственный способ это сделать
~ один, одиночка;
one by one поодиночке;
they came by ones and twos приходили по одному и по двое;
it is difficult to tell one from the other трудно отличить одного от другого
~ num. card. номер один, первый;
Room one комната номер один;
volume one первый том
~ употр. как словозаместитель во избежание повторения ранее упомянутого существительного: I am through with this book, will you let me have another one? я кончил эту книгу, не дадите ли вы мне другую?
~ единица, число один;
write down two ones напишите две единицы
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > one
* danh từ
— tự nhiên, thiên nhiên, tạo hoá
=the struggle with nature+ cuộc đấu tranh với thiên nhiên
=according to the laws of nature+ theo quy luật tự nhiên
=in the course of nature+ theo lẽ thường
=to draw from nature+ (nghệ thuật) vẽ theo tự nhiên
— trạng thái tự nhiên; trạng thái nguyên thuỷ
— tính, bản chất, bản tính
=good nature+ bản chất tốt, tính thiện
— loại, thứ
=things of this nature do not interest me+ những cái thuộc loại này không làm cho tôi thích thú
=in (of) the nature of+ giống như, cùng loại với
— sức sống; chức năng tự nhiên; nhu cầu tự nhiên
=to ease (relieve) nature+ đi ỉa, đi đái; thoả mãn một nhu cầu tự nhiên
— nhựa (cây)
=full of nature+ căng nhựa
!against (contrary to) nature
— phi thường, siêu phàm, kỳ diệu
!debt of nature
— (xem) debt
!to pay one’s debt to nature
— (xem) debt
English-Vietnamese dictionary > nature
[‘nei ə]
1) narava
2) narava
3) narava
4) vrsta
— in the nature of
* * *
narava, priroda; čud, vrsta, lastnost;
kaliber, premer; življenjska sila, primitivizem;
drevesna smola
English-Slovenian dictionary > nature
one’s heart’s desire
заветное, сокровенное желание; предмет желания
At this dark moment of discouragement there seemed, even to her hold-fast nature, no way out. How deal with it — how sway and bend things to her will? and get her heart’s desire? (J. Galsworthy, ‘To Let’, part II, ch. IX) — В этот мрачный час уныния она, такая по природе стойкая, не видела выхода. Как быть? Как подчинить обстоятельства своей воле и добиться того, к чему она стремилась всей душой?
Large English-Russian phrasebook > one’s heart’s desire
one’s heart’s desire
зaвeтнoe, coкpoвeннoe жeлaниe; пpeдмeт жeлaний, вoждeлeний
At this dark moment of discouragement there seemed, even to her hold-fast nature, no way out. How deal with it — how sway and bend things to her will and get her heart’s desire? (J. Galsworthy)
Concise English-Russian phrasebook > one’s heart’s desire
second nature
To turn to Hilary was second nature with him — and, surely in such a task two heads were better than one! (J. Galsworthy, ‘Maid in Watting’, ch. XXVII) — Он привык обращаться в трудную минуту к Хилари, да и вообще в таком деле ум хорошо, а два лучше.
Carping was second nature to him, and a child was an easy target to carp at. (M. Dickens, ‘Joy and Josephine’, part I, ch. III) — Ворчание вошло в привычку у мистера Абинджера. А на ребенка так легко ворчать.
Large English-Russian phrasebook > second nature
follow one’s nose
1. सीधे चलना
You cannot miss the station if you follow your nose.
2. अपनी सहज प्रेरणा से
One should follow his own nose in matters of personal and confidential nature instead of discussing with everyone.
English-Hindi dictionary > follow one’s nose
be out of one’s mind
We’ve got to stop her! We’ve got to do something! We’ve got to stop her leaving for her own good! The poor girl is completely out of her mind! Just look at what she’s doing! (E. Caldwell, ‘Jenny by Nature’, ch. XII) — Нам надо остановить Бетти! Надо что-то сделать! Нельзя дать ей уехать ради ее же блага. Бедная девочка прямо-таки не в своем уме. Посмотрите только, что она делает!
‘Carol! Carol! Are you out of your mind? What the hell are you doing?’ Grant was saying. (J. Jones, ‘Go to the Widow-Maker’, ch. 11) — — Кэрол! Кэрол! Ты что, рехнулась? — сказал Грант. — что ты делаешь, черт возьми?
2) сходить с ума, быть вне себя от волнения, безумно волноваться
she’s out of her mind with worry. — Она с ума сходит от беспокойства.
Large English-Russian phrasebook > be out of one’s mind
end one’s days
окончить дни свои, окончить свой жизненный путь, умереть
‘If life could be relived, I’d make a drastic revision of it,’ he was saying as if speaking only to himself. ‘I certainly would not end my days the way I am now — living in a big empty house with Sam Moxley cooking my meals and making my bed and pressing my pants.’ (E. Caldwell, ‘Jenny by Nature’, ch. II) — — Если б можно было начать жизнь сначала, я бы ее перетряхнул до основания, — сказал судья Рейни, словно беседуя сам с собой. — Уж, верно, я не доживал бы свою жизнь так, как теперь, в большом пустом доме, где Сэм Моксли готовит мне еду, стелет постель и гладит мои брюки.
Large English-Russian phrasebook > end one’s days
lose one’s head
потерять голову, растеряться
And this girl was French, not likely to lose her head, or accept any unlegalized position. (J. Galsworthy, ‘In Chancery’, part I, ch. I) — Девушка эта была француженка, по-видимому, не склонная поступить опрометчиво или согласиться на неузаконенное положение.
She must always have been a cold, self-possessed woman, but it is just with people like that that nature at times plays strange tricks. I am prepared to believe that she lost her head completely. (W. S. Maugham, ‘Complete Short Stories’, ‘A Casual Affair’) — Леди Кастеллан и в ту пору была, вероятно, такой же сдержанной и так же умела владеть собой. Но ведь именно над такими людьми природа порой подшучивает самым неожиданным образом. Видно, она совсем потеряла голову.
Dr. Macphail bent down — he was not a man to lose his head in an emergency — and turned the body over. (W. S. Maugham, ‘Complete Short Stories’, ‘Rain’) — Доктор Макфейл нагнулся — он был не из тех, кто теряется в трудную минуту, — и перевернул тело.
Large English-Russian phrasebook > lose one’s head
2. (harmony) Einigkeit f, Übereinstimmung f
3. (identity) Gleichheit f, Identität f
4. (being unique) Einzigartigkeit f
5. (being one in number) Einssein nt
* * *
Einheit ; Geschlossenheit ; Einklang
* * *
1. Einheit f
2. Gleichheit f, Identität f
3. Einigkeit f, Übereinstimmung f, Einklang m
4. Einzigartigkeit f
* * *
Einheit —en f.
English-german dictionary > oneness
I. 1. помагам на, оказвам помощ/съдействие на, съдействувам/допринасям за, подпомагам
HELP me across/to cross/in crossing the street помогнете ми да пресека улицата
God/Heaven HELP you! Господ да ти е на помощ! please HELP me up/down/out with this trunk моля помогнете ми да кача/сваля/изнеса този сандък
he HELPed his friend’s ruin той допринесе за опропастяването на приятеля си
every little HELPs и най-малката помощ е от полза
2. подобрявам, по-правям, облекчавам (и главоболие)
bright curtains will HELP the room светли/ярки пердета ще направят стаята по-приятна
3. сервирам (храна), поднасям, сипвам (to)
to HELP someone to soup сипвам супа на някого
HELP yourself вземете си, заповядайте
to HELP oneself to something вземам си (нещо)
4. с can
cannot HELP с ger не мога да не…
things we cannot HELP (happening) неща, които не можем да предотвратим
they couldn’t HELP the accident не можаха да предотвратят злополуката
I can’t HELP it безсилен съм, нищо не мога да направя (да спра, да престана да правя, да отстраня нещо)
it can’t be HELPed неизбежно е, няма как (да се избегане)
one cannot HELP one’s nature човек не може да си промени характера
I can’t HELP laughing не мога (да се въздържа) да не се разсмея
I don’t do more than I can HELP правя само колкото е нужно/само абсолютния минимум
so HELP me (God) бог да ме убие, ако лъжа, заклевам се, че не лъжа
help along помагам (някому) да напредне, придвижвам (работа, въпрос)
come across to our table and HELP things along ела на нашата маса, та да пооживиш разговора
help down вж. help
help forward подтиквам, придвижвам, улеснявам хода на (работа и пр.)
help in помагам (някому) да влезе/да се качи в превозно средство
help into помагам (някому) да влезе, помагам (някому) да облече (дреха), държа (някому дреха, за да се облече)
help off помагам (някому) да тръгне/да се измъкне
to HELP someone off with his coat помагам някому да си свали/съблече палтото
help on подпомагам, придвижвам, тласкам напред (работа, проговори и пр.), поддържам (разговор), продължавам да помагам (някому)
to HELP someone on with his overcoat държа на някого палтото да се облече
help out помагам (някому) да излезе/да изнесе (нещо), изваждам от затруднение, спасявам от беда, помагам (някому) да се справи
I was HELP ing out with Russian when the Russian teacher was ill замествах учителя по руски, когато той беше болен
допълвам (данни и пр.) (with)
help over помагам (някому) да мине над (ограда и пр.)
help through помагам (някому) да премине (труден период, времена)
help up помагам (някому) да стане/се надигне, help
II. 1. помощ, подкрепа
can I be of any HELP (to you)? мога ли да ви помогая/да ви бъда полезен с нещо? it wasn’t (of) much HELP to me това не ми помогна особено много
your advice was a great HELP съветите ви много ми помогнаха/бяха много полезни
to go to someone’s HELP отивам/притичам се на помощ на някого
2. средство, спасение
there is no HELP for it това не може да се оправи
3. помощник, наемен работник, прислуга
4. разг. helping
* * *
{help} v 1. помагам на, оказвам помощ/съдействие на, съдействува(2) {help} n 1. помощ, подкрепа; can I be of any help (to you)? мог
* * *
съдействам; спомагам; улеснявам; помагам; отмяна; помощ;
* * *
1. bright curtains will help the room светли/ярки пердета ще направят стаята по-приятна
2. can i be of any help (to you)? мога ли да ви помогая/да ви бъда полезен с нещо? it wasn’t (of) much help to me това не ми помогна особено много
3. cannot help с ger не мога да не..
4. come across to our table and help things along ела на нашата маса, та да пооживиш разговора
5. every little helps и най-малката помощ е от полза
6. god/heaven help you! Господ да ти е на помощ! please help me up/down/out with this trunk моля помогнете ми да кача/сваля/изнеса този сандък
7. he helped his friend’s ruin той допринесе за опропастяването на приятеля си
8. help along помагам (някому) да напредне, придвижвам (работа, въпрос)
9. help down вж. help
10. help forward подтиквам, придвижвам, улеснявам хода на (работа и пр.)
11. help in помагам (някому) да влезе/да се качи в превозно средство
12. help into помагам (някому) да влезе, помагам (някому) да облече (дреха), държа (някому дреха, за да се облече)
13. help me across/to cross/in crossing the street помогнете ми да пресека улицата
14. help off помагам (някому) да тръгне/да се измъкне
15. help on подпомагам, придвижвам, тласкам напред (работа, проговори и пр.), поддържам (разговор), продължавам да помагам (някому)
16. help out помагам (някому) да излезе/да изнесе (нещо), изваждам от затруднение, спасявам от беда, помагам (някому) да се справи
17. help over помагам (някому) да мине над (ограда и пр.)
18. help through помагам (някому) да премине (труден период, времена)
19. help up помагам (някому) да стане/се надигне, help
20. help yourself вземете си, заповядайте
21. i can’t help it безсилен съм, нищо не мога да направя (да спра, да престана да правя, да отстраня нещо)
22. i can’t help laughing не мога (да се въздържа) да не се разсмея
23. i don’t do more than i can help правя само колкото е нужно/само абсолютния минимум
24. i was help ing out with russian when the russian teacher was ill замествах учителя по руски, когато той беше болен
25. i. помагам на, оказвам помощ/съдействие на, съдействувам/допринасям за, подпомагам
26. ii. помощ, подкрепа
27. it can’t be helped неизбежно е, няма как (да се избегане)
28. one cannot help one’s nature човек не може да си промени характера
29. so help me (god) бог да ме убие, ако лъжа, заклевам се, че не лъжа
30. there is no help for it това не може да се оправи
31. they couldn’t help the accident не можаха да предотвратят злополуката
32. things we cannot help (happening) неща, които не можем да предотвратим
33. to go to someone’s help отивам/притичам се на помощ на някого
34. to help oneself to something вземам си (нещо)
35. to help someone off with his coat помагам някому да си свали/съблече палтото
36. to help someone on with his overcoat държа на някого палтото да се облече
37. to help someone to soup сипвам супа на някого
38. your advice was a great help съветите ви много ми помогнаха/бяха много полезни
39. допълвам (данни и пр.) (with)
40. подобрявам, по-правям, облекчавам (и главоболие)
41. помощник, наемен работник, прислуга
42. разг. helping
43. с can
44. сервирам (храна), поднасям, сипвам (to)
45. средство, спасение
* * *
help [help] I. v 1. помагам на, оказвам помощ (съдействие) на, съдействам (допринасям) за; подпомагам; help me across the street помогни ми да пресека улицата; God ( Heaven) help you Господ да ти е на помощ; so help me God заклевам се; 2. подобрявам, поправям, облекчавам; 3. сервирам (храна), поднасям, сипвам (to); to help s.o. to soup сипвам супа на някого; help yourself вземете си, не се стеснявайте; 4. с can: попречвам на, възпрепятствам, предотвратявам; things we cannot help happening неща, които не можем да предотвратим; I can’t help the rain не съм крив, че вали дъжд; I can’t help it нищо не мога да сторя (направя); it can’t be helped няма какво (що) да се прави, няма как (да се избегне); how can I help it? какво да правя? що да сторя? one cannot help o.’s nature човек не може да си промени характера; I can’t help laughing не мога да се сдържа да се не разсмея; he can’t help going той не може да не отиде; don’t be away longer than you can help гледай да не отсъстваш по-дълго, отколкото е необходимо; I don’t do more than I can help правя само неизбежното, минималното, нищожното (абсолютния минимум); II. n 1. помощ, опора, съдействие, подкрепа; past help загубен, на когото не може да се помогне; can I be of some help to you? мога ли да ви помогна с нещо? elected with help from the Left избран с поддръжката на левицата; 2. средство; спасение; there is no help for it това не може да се оправи; тук няма какво да се прави; 3. помощник; наемен работник; прислуга; mother’s help евфем. бона, гувернантка; lady help евфем. домашна помощничка; 4. рядко, диал. порция.
English-Bulgarian dictionary > help
■ Archilochus (1971). In M. L. West (Ed.), Iambi et elegi graeci (Vol. 1). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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■ Glass, A. L., K. J. Holyoak & J. L. Santa (1979). Cognition. Reading, MA: AddisonWesley.
■ Gruber, H. E., & S. Davis (1988). Inching our way up Mount Olympus: The evolving systems approach to creative thinking. In R. J. Sternberg (Ed.), The nature of creativity: Contemporary psychological perspectives. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
■ Herzmann, E. (1964). Mozart’s creative process. In P. H. Lang (Ed.), The creative world of Mozart (pp. 17-30). London: Oldbourne Press.
■ Hobbes, T. (1651). Leviathan. London: Crooke.
■ Hume, D. (1955). An inquiry concerning human understanding. New York: Liberal Arts Press. (Originally published in 1748.)
■ Hume, D. (1975). An enquiry concerning human understanding. In L. A. SelbyBigge (Ed.), Hume’s enquiries (3rd. ed., revised P. H. Nidditch). Oxford: Clarendon. (Spelling and punctuation revised.) (Originally published in 1748.)
■ Hume, D. (1978). A treatise of human nature. L. A. Selby-Bigge (Ed.), Hume’s enquiries (3rd. ed., revised P. H. Nidditch). Oxford: Clarendon. (With some modifications of spelling and punctuation.) (Originally published in 1690.)
■ Hunt, E. (1973). The memory we must have. In R. C. Schank & K. M. Colby (Eds.), Computer models of thought and language. (pp. 343-371) San Francisco: W. H. Freeman.
■ Johnson, M. L. (1988). Mind, language, machine. New York: St. Martin’s Press.
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■ Kant, I. (1891). Solution of the general problems of the Prolegomena. In E. Belfort (Trans.), Kant’s Prolegomena. London: Bell. (With minor modifications.) (Originally published in 1783.)
■ KoЁhler, W. (1927). The mentality of apes (2nd ed.). Ella Winter (Trans.). London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
■ Langer, E. J. (1989). Mindfulness. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.
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■ Leґvi-Strauss, C. (1963). Structural anthropology. C. Jacobson & B. Grundfest Schoepf (Trans.). New York: Basic Books. (Originally published in 1958.)
■ Lipman, M., A. M. Sharp & F. S. Oscanyan (1980). Philosophy in the classroom. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
■ Lippmann, W. (1965). Public opinion. New York: Free Press. (Originally published in 1922.)
■ Locke, J. (1975). An essay concerning human understanding. P. H. Nidditch (Ed.). Oxford: Clarendon. (Originally published in 1690.) (With spelling and punctuation modernized and some minor modifications of phrasing.)
■ Martin, R. M. (1969). On Ziff’s «Natural and formal languages.» In S. Hook (Ed.), Language and philosophy: A symposium (pp. 249-263). New York: New York University Press.
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Historical dictionary of quotations in cognitive science > Bibliography
8 Words for nature lovers
Are you a naturalist? And wants to tell other about it correctly. Obviously explaining yourself in the precise and factual way leaves a positive impact on others. If you appreciate the beauty of nature you should be aware of some good words about nature lovers. No need to be left floundering, because these 8 words for nature lovers are exactly the words you are searching for. Let’s start
An ecologist is a person who is concerned with the ecosystem as a whole. You can call yourself an ecologist because ecology is all about learning and studying plants, animals, and people. Ecologist can be the most attractive word for describing a naturalist personality.
We all love to hug something that we purely love. So isn’t it good for you to be called a Tree-hugger? This word is used for those who love to be in between trees and likes greenery. The person purely in love with trees and plants.
Green Panther

Green Panther is used as a synonym of nature lover. Green Panther is the one who looks deep in nature and understands its beauty so thoroughly, also adopts the pace of nature. If you want to be called a pure nature lover then you can call yourself Green Panther.
Green Activist

Perfect word for a nature lover, the person who loves to get involved in natural activities is called Green Activist. If you are someone who loves trees and want to save every tree around you then are a Green Activist. It is a beautiful word to explain the love of nature in your personality.

It’s a very cute and small word for a nature lover. Greenie refers to the person who keeps contributing for the betterment of trees. Environmentalists can be a Greenie because environmentalists take part in green activities and save trees.
Yoghurt knitter

Yoghurt Knitter is a fantastic word for expressing the personality of nature lover. This word is used for persons who are naturalists in one or another way. Yoghurt Knitter word shows decency of a person who feels a strong connection with nature.

Its a most suitable word for the nature lover. Nemophilist is basically used to describe a person who loves nature and forests. Nemophilist can be used for one who is a great fond of nature, Use Nemophilist to express your love for forests and trees around you.

Do not hesitate to use the word Dendrophile if you are a nature lover. Dendrophile refers to a person who loves trees a lot and love being surrounded by trees. The literal meaning of Dendrophilia is the love of trees. As a nature lover, you can use this word for a person who loves forests full of tree.
Perfect word for a nature lover, the person who loves to get involved in natural activities is called Green Activist. If you are someone who loves trees and want to save every tree around you then are a Green Activist. It is a beautiful word to explain the love of nature in your personality.

It’s a very cute and small word for a nature lover. Greenie refers to the person who keeps contributing for the betterment of trees. Environmentalists can be a Greenie because environmentalists take part in green activities and save trees.
Yoghurt knitter

Yoghurt Knitter is a fantastic word for expressing the personality of nature lover. This word is used for persons who are naturalists in one or another way. Yoghurt Knitter word shows decency of a person who feels a strong connection with nature.

Its a most suitable word for the nature lover. Nemophilist is basically used to describe a person who loves nature and forests. Nemophilist can be used for one who is a great fond of nature, Use Nemophilist to express your love for forests and trees around you.

Do not hesitate to use the word Dendrophile if you are a nature lover. Dendrophile refers to a person who loves trees a lot and love being surrounded by trees. The literal meaning of Dendrophilia is the love of trees. As a nature lover, you can use this word for a person who loves forests full of tree.
Its a most suitable word for the nature lover. Nemophilist is basically used to describe a person who loves nature and forests. Nemophilist can be used for one who is a great fond of nature, Use Nemophilist to express your love for forests and trees around you.

Do not hesitate to use the word Dendrophile if you are a nature lover. Dendrophile refers to a person who loves trees a lot and love being surrounded by trees. The literal meaning of Dendrophilia is the love of trees. As a nature lover, you can use this word for a person who loves forests full of tree.
Human behavior is subject to the same laws as any other natural phenomenon.
Our customs, behaviors, and values are byproducts of our culture. No one is born with greed, prejudice, bigotry, patriotism and hatred; these are all learned behavior patterns. If the environment is unaltered, similar behavior will reoccur.
As soon as you touch this limit, something happens and you suddenly can go a little bit further. With your mind power, your determination, your instinct, and the experience as well, you can fly very high.
You are one with your skis and nature.
This is something that develops not only the body but the soul as well, and it has a deeper meaning for a people than most of us perceive.
The servant-leader is servant first… It begins with the natural feeling that one wants to serve, to serve first. Then conscious choice brings one to aspire to lead. That person is sharply different from one who is leader first.
Nothing will stop us. The road to the stars is steep and dangerous. But we’re not afraid . . . Space flights can’t be stopped. This isn’t the work of one man or even a group of men. It is a historical process which mankind is carrying out in accordance with the natural laws of human development.
Uniformity is not nature’s way; diversity is nature’s way.
All things are parts of one single system, which is called nature;
the individual life is good when it is in harmony with nature.
She was a sweet girl but not really pretty, a rough sketch of a woman with a little of everything in her, one of those silhouettes which artists draw in three strokes on the tablecloth in a café after dinner, between a glass of brandy and a cigarette. Nature sometimes turns out creatures like that.
Nature gave men two ends — one to sit on and one to think with.
Ever since then man’s success or failure has been dependent on the one he used most.
The best remedy for those who are afraid, lonely or unhappy is to go outside, somewhere where they can be quiet, alone with the heavens, nature and God. Because only then does one feel that all is as it should be.
To be the first to enter the cosmos, to engage, single-handed, in an unprecedented duel with nature-could one dream of anything more?
Jesus Christ knew the only way He would stop Satan is by becoming one in nature with him…He became one with the nature of Satan, so all those who had the nature of Satan can partake of the nature of God.
In the course of history periods of capitalism and socialism alternate with one another; capitalism is the unnatural, socialism the natural economic system… The National Socialists and the Red Front have the same aspirations. The Jews falsified the Revolution in the form of Marxism and that failed to bring fulfilment.
I believe in the cosmos. All of us are linked to the cosmos. So nature is my god. To me, nature is sacred. Trees are my temples and forests are my cathedrals. Being at one with nature.
Provide lots of opportunities for children’s natural curiosity to manifest itself. With very young children, our role is one of supporter and guide.
I have been carrying on a dialogue between the landscape and the female body (based on my own silhouette) I am overwhelmed by the feeling of having been cast from the womb (nature). Through my earth/body sculptures I become one with the earth I become an extension of nature and nature becomes an extension of my body
Some may wonder why I chose wildflowers when there are hunger and unemployment and the big bomb in the world. Well, I, for one, think we will survive, and I hope that along the way we can keep alive our experience with the flowering earth. For the bounty of nature is also one of the deep needs of man.
Our economy is at war with many forms of life on earth, including human life.
What the climate needs to avoid collapse is a contraction of humanity’s use of resources; what our economic model demands to avoid collapse is unfettered expansion. Only one of these sets of rules can be changed, and it’s not the laws of nature
When one loses the deep intimate relationship with nature, then temples, mosques and churches become important.
With Crazy Horse, it’s all one big, growing, smoldering sound, and I’m part of it. It’s like gliding, or some sort of natural surfing.
There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature.
Choose only one master — Nature.
No one is so rich that he does not need another’s help;
no one so poor as not to be useful in some way to his fellow man; and the disposition to ask assistance from others with confidence and to grant it with kindness is part of our very nature.
We experience ourselves our thoughts and feelings as something separate from the rest. A kind of optical delusion of consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us.
Come into the mountains, dear friend Leave society and take no one with you But your true self Get close to nature Your everyday games will be insignificant Notice the clouds spontaneously forming patterns And try to do that with your life.
Let us first teach little children to breathe, to vibrate, to feel, and to become one with the general harmony and movement of nature. Let us first produce a beautiful human being, a dancing child.
Of the gladdest moments in human life, methinks, is the departure upon a distant journey into unknown lands. Shaking off with one mighty effort the fetters of Habit, the leaden weight of Routine, the cloak of many Cares and the slavery of Civilization, man feels once more happy.
The servant leader is servant first. It begins with the natural feeling that one wants to serve.
Yes, I am very lucky, but I have a little theory about this.
I have noticed through experience and observation that providence, nature, God, or what I would call the power of creation seems to favor human beings who accept and love life unconditionally, and I am certainly one who does with all my heart.
Not to sound too deep or weird, but I think that the times when you really appreciate surfing are the times you’re really sort of becoming one with nature. Surfing’s as raw of a sport as it gets.
When you examine the lives of the most influential people who have ever walked among us, you discover one thread that winds through them all. They have been aligned first with their spiritual nature and only then with their physical selves.
A nation is born into freedom on the day when such a people, moulded into a nation by a process of cultural evolution and sense of oneness born of common struggle and suffering, announces to the world that it asserts its natural right to liberty and is ready to defend it with blood, life, and honor.
The word enlightenment conjures up the idea of some superhuman accomplishment, and the ego likes to keep it that way, but it is simply your natural state of felt oneness with Being.
This is one of man’s oldest riddles. How can the independence of human volition be harmonized with the fact that we are integral parts of a universe which is subject to the rigid order of nature’s laws?
There are plenty of people in the world that love nature. Of course, it would help to know a few words that we could use to describe some of these people. This article will help you to understand some of the best choices out there!
What Do You Call Someone Who Loves Nature?
You should check out one of the following to see which one works best for you:
- Biophilic
- Outdoorsman
- Nemophilist
- Nature freak
- Nature enthusiast
- Outdoor enthusiast
- Nature lover
- Camper
- Rambler
- Walker
- Tree hugger
The preferred version is “biophilic.” It works to show that someone has a genuine love or passion for things in nature. We can use this word to describe plenty of people, which is why it’s great for this article, as “biophilia” is believed to be a natural human trait.
“Biophilic” works well to show that someone loves nature. It uses the Greek root suffix “-philic” to show “love.” “Bio-” is a prefix in Greek that means “living things” and “nature,” so we can use “biophilic” to mean “nature lover.”
The definition of “biophilic,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “love of living things and nature, which some people believe humans are born with.”
These examples will teach you all you need to know about it:
- I’m biophilic, and there’s no denying that. Nature just makes me feel things that nothing else can.
- My biophilia flares up when I’m looking at the wilderness and countryside. I love them so much!
- I think she has biophilia. That’s why her eyes light up at the first sight of a tree!
The definition of “outdoorsman,” according to The Merriam-Webster Dictionary, is “one who spends much time in the outdoors or in outdoor activities.”
These examples will help you to understand it:
- The outdoorsman that lives opposite us is out on another adventure again.
- I have found that my boyfriend is just as much of an outdoorsman as I am! That’s why we work so well.
- You’re the only outdoorsman I know. That’s why I’m coming to you to help me understand more about camping!
“Nemophilist” is another way that the Greek word “philia” comes into play. This time, we use “nemo” as the prefix, which means “woods” or “forest.” In this case, we can translate “nemophilist” to mean “forest lover.”
Check out some of these examples to see it in action:
- I’m not a nemophilist, but I absolutely love being out in the wilderness whenever I get the chance.
- You’re quite the nemophilist, aren’t you? I think that’s really admirable, and I wish I could appreciate nature more.
- As a nemophilist, Darren loves to spend most of his time outdoors.
Nature Freak
“Nature freak” works both as a compliment and an insult. You should double-check with the person you’re using it toward first to make sure they don’t mind being labeled as a “freak.”
In this context, “freak” means that someone has a great deal of passion or interest in “nature.”
Here are a few examples to help you with it:
- I’m a nature freak at heart. I know all there is to know about the trees in this area, so ask away!
- I think you’re a bit too much of a nature freak for me. I’m sure someone out there would like that, but I don’t.
- You’re a nature freak! I can’t stand that idea! I need to get out!
Nature Enthusiast
“Nature enthusiast” works well to show that somebody loves nature a great deal. If someone is an “enthusiast,” it means they have a lot of fun or have a great interest in something. In this case, that thing is “nature.”
Most nature enthusiasts feel at home while out in nature. Even if they are not surrounded by their usual home comforts, the idea is that the trees and the greenery are enough to make them feel calm and happy.
These examples will help you make some sense of it:
- Peter is somewhat of a nature enthusiast. I really like that sensitive side about him.
- We’re a group of nature enthusiasts. That’s why we cannot let you tear down this beautiful tree.
- I’m not a nature enthusiast, but I know that most of my family are. Therefore, I have to respect their choices to keep the garden as is.
Outdoor Enthusiast
“Outdoor enthusiast” is another great way to use the “enthusiast” adjective. We can use it to show that someone loves being “outdoors” and will do anything they can to make sure they have a chance to.
While it doesn’t strictly mention “nature,” “outdoors” is still a good word to use. We can consider both options synonymous because most people who like to be “outdoors” often do so because they enjoy the nature surrounding them.
Check out these examples if you want to see more about it:
- Harrison is an outdoor enthusiast. You’ll find him amongst the trees whenever he gets the opportunity.
- She’s quite an outdoor enthusiast, though I’m not entirely sure who she inherited that from. I’m a city man myself.
- You think that I’m too much of an outdoor enthusiast. I say that you’re not enough of one!
Nature Lover
“Nature lover” is a simple way to describe somebody who loves nature. It works well because we can simply use the adjective “lover” to show that there is a great deal of “love” between the person and the “nature” that they enjoy.
Here are a few ways you can make it work:
- It’s true; I’m a nature lover. I’m not ashamed of it either. You should all love nature!
- Jackson is a nature lover, which is why you’ll always find him out in the campus park during lunch hours.
- I think it’s time I started trying to be more of a nature lover!
“Camper” works to show that someone likes to spend great lengths of time outdoors. Usually, they’re attracted to the natural side of things, and they want to be as close to nature as they can to try and make the most of their time.
The definition of “camper,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “a person who stays and sleeps in an outside area for one or more days and nights, usually in a tent.”
Here are some examples to help you with it:
- I’ve become somewhat of a camper myself. I have to say; it’s the most fun I’ve had in years!
- You’re going to become a camper if you don’t stop talking about how much fun you had out there.
- I like that he’s a camper. It shows that he cares about nature!
“Rambler” means that someone enjoys long walks in the countryside. Often, they will take in the scenery and nature around them, which is why we can consider nature lovers to be “ramblers.” The allure of the walk comes mostly from nature.
The definition of “rambler,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “a person who enjoys long walks in the countryside.”
These examples will help you:
- I’m a rambler! That means I love the country lanes, and I’ll always be sure to visit ones that interest me.
- She’s a rambler, and you’ll always find that she’s out in the middle of nowhere just taking in the scenery around her.
- I think he’s a rambler, but I’m not interested in that! I hope he doesn’t invite me on one of his walks.
“Walker” works well to simply show that someone enjoys walking. Often, walkers will venture out into the countryside to take in the scenery and enjoy the natural paths that surround them. That’s why nature lovers can sometimes be called “walkers.”
The definition of “walker,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “a person who walks, especially for exercise or enjoyment.”
These examples should help you to understand it better:
- I like to think of myself as a walker. I always make sure to visit new locations that take my breath away.
- We’re a family of walkers. We always like to explore areas that have the most spectacular nature reserves.
- You should become a walker! I hear it’s a lot of fun, and it allows you to be more in touch with nature!
Tree Hugger
“Tree hugger” is a bit more of a rude word than the others in this list. We typically use it to describe activists or people willing to do things to try and protect nature that others might frown upon.
While they may not direct “hug” a “tree,” we still use it as an insult. It’s best not to use this word when you’re trying to be polite or talking to someone that you care about.
These examples will help you learn more about it:
- Johnny is nothing more than a tree hugger. I don’t know why he’s so obsessed, but I really can’t stand it.
- Sarah is a tree hugger. She keeps trying to get me to sign her stupid petitions for nature as well!
- I can’t stand the tree-hugger mentality. It’s really not for me, so I will not be signing up to the group!
You may also like: 10 Other Words For “Hidden Gems”
Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.
If you’re looking for the best captions for your nature photos, you’re going to love these 250+ nature captions and quotes for Instagram and to inspire you to get outdoors!
Does anything compare to being out in nature? There’s just something about an outdoor adventure, surrounded by beautiful scenery that is so freeing and relaxing!
There’s no better way to forget about your problems for a little while and enjoy some peace and quiet than getting outdoors!
It always helps me clear my head and return home refreshed and relaxed. Whether it’s taking a creekside trail through town, chasing waterfalls, climbing mountains, exploring forests or just getting out and enjoying the sunshine, getting into nature really makes you feel wild and free.
I don’t know about you, but finding a caption for Instagram stresses me out. I have a whole camera roll full of photos and love sharing the beauty of the great outdoors but I get held up by finding the perfect words! That’s why I thought I’d help others like me with this list of the best nature captions and quotes for Instagram!
From short nature quotes, forest captions, stunning scenery quotes, famous quotes about nature and much more, you won’t have to worry about finding that perfect Instagram caption for your nature photography!
Related: 200+ Best Travel Captions and Quotes for Instagram
Nature Quotes for Instagram
- Study nature, love nature, stay close to nature. It will never fail you. – Frank Lloyd Wright
- The Sea, once it casts its spell, holds one in its net of wonder forever. – Jacques-Yves Cousteau
- If you truly love nature, you will find beauty everywhere. – Vincent Van Gogh
- I felt my lungs inflate with the onrush of scenery — air, mountains, trees, people. I thought, ‘This is what it is to be happy. – Sylvia Plath
- For a time, I rest in the grace of the world, and am free. – Wendell Berry
- I like this place and could willingly waste my time in it. – William Shakespeare
- The earth laughs in flowers. – Ralph Waldo Emerson
- The Earth is what we all have in common. – Wendell Berry
- I don’t like formal gardens. I like wild nature. It’s just the wilderness instinct to me, I guess. – Walt Disney
- Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience. – Ralph Waldo Emerson
- Just living is not enough. One must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower. – Hans Christian Andersen
- When you do something noble and beautiful and nobody noticed, do not be sad. For the sun every morning is a beautiful spectacle and yet most of the audience still sleeps. – John Lennon
- The poetry of the earth is never dead. – John Keats
- Being able to smell the fresh air and disconnect from the news and your phone—there’s nothing like it. – Jason Ward
- If you can’t be in awe of Mother Nature, there’s something wrong with you. – Alex Trebek
- Nature, time, and patience are the three great physicians. – Chinese Proverb
- Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under trees on a summer’s day, listening to the murmur of the water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is by no means a waste of time. – Sir John Lubbock
- My wish is to stay always like this, living quietly in a corner of nature. – Claude Monet
- Not just beautiful, though—the stars are like the trees in the forest, alive and breathing. And they’re watching me. – Haruki Murakami
- ‘Where are you going?’ They asked. ‘To the hills’, I replied. And that was that. – Unknown
- Live in each season as it passes; breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit, and resign yourself to the influence of the earth. – Henry David Thoreau
- If you truly love nature, you will find beauty everywhere. – Laura Ingalls Wilder
- Every flower is a soul blossoming in nature. – Gerard De Nerval
- All water has a perfect memory and is forever trying to get back to where it was. – Toni Morrison
- To walk into nature is to witness a thousand miracles. –Mary Davis
- Those who find beauty in all of nature will find themselves at one with the secrets of life itself. – L. Wolfe Gilbert
- There are times when solitude is better than society, and silence is wiser than speech. – Charles Spurgeon
- What is the good of your stars and trees, your sunrise and the wind, if they do not enter into our daily lives? – E.M. Forster
- Some old-fashioned things like fresh air and sunshine are hard to beat. – Laura Ingalls Wilder
- The silence of nature is very real. It surrounds you. You can feel it. – Ted Trueblood
- The fairest thing in nature, a flower, still has its roots in earth and manure. – D.H. Lawrence
- Nothing is art if it does not come from nature. – Antoni Gaudi
- May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. – Edward Abbey
- I just wish the world was twice as big and half of it was still unexplored. – David Attenborough
- Rainbows apologize for angry skies. – Sylvia Voirol
- Nature’s like your favourite aunty. It doesn’t matter how much time passes between visits – it’ll always hold a special place in your heart. – Unknown
- Life sucks a lot less when you add mountain air, a campfire and some peace and quiet. – Brooke Hampton
- Live in each season as it passes; breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit, and resign yourself to the influence of the earth. – Henry David Thoreau
- There is a way that nature speaks, that land speaks. Most of the time we are simply not patient enough, quiet enough, to pay attention to the story. – Linda Hogan
Nature Captions for Instagram
- Go where you feel most alive
- If you love nature, you will find beauty anywhere
- Adopt the pace of nature
- Nature is my medicine
- There’s no Wi-Fi in the forest, but I promise you’ll find a better connection
- Mother Nature never lies
- The call of the wild is loud and true
- Nature is not a place to visit. It is home
- Breathe in the wild air
- It never hurts to keep looking for sunshine. – A.A. Milne
- More adventure, less worry
- Keeping it natural
- This is my happy place
- There is no better designer than nature
- Nature never ceases to amaze me
- Nature makes you realize what it means to live
- See the wonder of nature around you
- Once in a while go somewhere that is unspoiled by man
- To be at one with nature is to be content with life
- Mother Nature doesn’t set out to be beautiful. She just is.
Short Nature Captions for Instagram
- Find me where the forests are
- I belong in the forest
- Into the wild
- Where the wild things are
- Time spent in the forest is never wasted
- Be a force of nature
- I feel most alive in the woods
- Life hurts, nature heals
- Powered by nature
- It is up to you to see the beauty of everyday things
- Leave the roads, and take the trails
- I have a therapist, her name is Nature
- Beautiful things don’t ask for attention
- The sound of rain needs no translation
- I find my happiness where the sun shines
- There is a pleasure in the pathless woods
- I wish my eyes could take photos
- Stay close to what keeps you feeling alive
- Let’s sleep under the stars
- The voice of the sea speaks to the soul
- Nature is not on the internet
- Live in the sunshine, drink the wild air
- Sometimes, nature is all you need
- Kind soul, brave spirit
- Never stop exploring
- Beauty in abundance
- Follow your soul. It knows the way
- Wander where the Wi-Fi is weak
- Nature at its best
- Not all classrooms have four walls
- This is where I belong
- This is love
- Lost in nature
- Roam far. Wander wide.
- Let nature be your muse
- Nature is my definition of beautiful
- Nature transcends all
- If sky is the limit, then go there
- I love places that make you realize how tiny you and your problems are
- Happiness comes in waves
Best Forest Quotes for Instagram
- I love the forest. It is the place where you hear yourself better. – Fahadh Faasil
- No one who loves the woods stays on the path. – Millie Florence
- Every forest branch moves differently in the breeze, but as they sway they connect at the roots. – Rumi
- The woods are lovely, dark and deep. But I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep. – Robert Frost
- Nothing is more beautiful than the loveliness of the woods before sunrise.– George Washington Carver
- Our forests offer much more than just beautiful landscapes and wildlife. Each one has a different story to tell. – Raveena Tandon
- Between every two pines there is a doorway to a new world. –John Muir
- There is a serene and settled majesty to woodland scenery that enters into the soul and delights and elevates it, and fills it with noble inclinations. – Washington Irving
- The woods invite me into themselves so that I might be drawn out of myself. – Craig D. Lounsbrough
- It would seem from this fact, that man is naturally a wild animal, and that when taken from the woods, he is never happy in his natural state, ‘till he returns to them again. – Benjamin Rush
- The art of forest bathing is the art of connecting with nature through our senses. – Dr. Li
- You showed me there is something in the forest to cure most anything that bothers you. – Donald Smith
- In the woods we return to reason and faith. – Ralph Waldo Emerson
- I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. – Henry David Thoreau
- The clearest way into the Universe is through a forest wilderness. – John Muir
- Nature soothes us. Nature heals us, and something more, the woods are a place of power. – Frederick Lenz
- My instincts led me to meditate in the woods when I was a kid. I would emerge at sunset and announce to my family that we are all connected beings. I would watch the grass grow and dance with trees and realize that I was a necessary part of the inter-workings of the world. — Tara Stiles
- The places of quiet are going away, the churches, the woods, the libraries. And it is only in silence we can hear the voice inside of us which gives us true peace. – James Rozoff
- The woods seemed all answer and healing and more than enough to live for. – Josephine Winslow Johnson
- And into the forest I go, to lose my mind and find my soul. – John Muir
- Nothing can match the joy of a forest in the morning. – Millie Florence
- The clearest way into the Universe is through a forest wilderness. – John Muir
- Time spent amongst trees is never wasted time. – Katrina Mayer
- You’ll fill up my senses like a night in a forest, like the mountains in springtime, like a walk in the rain. – Annie’s Song, John Denver
Outdoor Captions for Instagram
- Over the mountains and through the woods.
- When life gives you mountains, put on your boots and hike.
- Psithurism: the sound of wind in trees.
- As free as a bird.
- Where the wild things are.
- Another day, another sunrise.
- The mountains are calling and I must go
- Tranquil sounds capture my mind.
- All my life through, the new signs of Nature made me rejoice like a child. – Marie Curie
- Leave the roads; take the trails. – Pythagoras
- If you want to shine like a sun, first burn like a sun. – A.P.J. Abdul Kalam
- No matter how old you get, may you always stop to fill your pockets with smooth stones, empty snail shells & other little treasures. – Nicolette Sowder
- Colours are the smiles of nature
- Every sunset is an opportunity to reset
- Behind the clouds the sun is still shining
Instagram Captions for Exploring Nature
- Always say yes to adventure
- Let your heart be your compass
- Life is better in hiking boots
- Adventure is out there.
- Hike more. Worry less.
- Wander often – wonder always
- The greatest adventure is what lies ahead
- Getting back to my roots
- Afoot and lighthearted I take to the open road, healthy, free, the world before me. – Walt Whitman
- I go to Nature to be soothed and healed, and to have my senses put together. –John Burroughs
- It is not so much for its beauty that the forest makes a claim upon men’s hearts, as for that subtle something, that quality of air that emanation from old trees, that so wonderfully changes and renews a weary spirit. – Robert Louis Stevenson
- Earth and sky, woods and fields, lakes and rivers, the mountain and the sea, are excellent schoolmasters, and teach of us more than we can ever learn from books. – John Lubbock
- Woodland in full color is awesome as a forest fire, in magnitude at least, but a single tree is like a dancing tongue of flame to warm the heart.
Instagram Captions for the Beauty of Nature
- A change in scenery can help everything.
- Blessed are the curious, for they shall have adventures.
- Great views are not meant to be captured. They are meant to be experienced.
- All of a sudden my problems seem so small.
- Nothing to lose and a beautiful world to see.
- Just another day in paradise.
- It’s always worth taking the scenic route.
- In all things nature, there is something marvellous.
- There is no time to be bored in a world as beautiful as this.
- The easy path won’t lead you to the best views.
- Slow down and enjoy the moment.
- Find comfort in the chaos.
- The poetry of Earth is never dead.
- Searching for the views that take my breath away.
- Peace is always beautiful.
- Heaven on Earth.
- The world is ours to explore.
- Nature is endlessly beautiful.
- On Earth, there is no heaven, but there are pieces of it.
- Nature always wears the colours of the spirit. – Ralph Waldo Emerson
- I wonder if the snow loves the trees and fields, that it kisses them so gently? And then it covers them up snug, you know, with a white quilt; and perhaps it says ‘Go sleep, darlings, till the summer comes again.’ – Lewis Carroll
- Nature’s beauty is a gift that cultivates appreciation and gratitude. – Louie Schwartzberg
- I’ve seen the majestic beauty of nature and the overwhelming perfection of it. To me, there’s nothing closer to God than that. – Cote De Pablo
Deep Nature Quotes for Instagram
- A forest shares a history which each tree remembers even after it has been felled. – Anne Michaels
- Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better. – Albert Einstein
- We don’t inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children. – Native American proverb
- I took a walk in the woods and came out taller than the trees. – Henry David Thoreau
- In nature, nothing is perfect and everything is perfect. Trees can be contorted, bent in weird ways, and they’re still beautiful. – Alice Walker
- Forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair. –Khalil Gibran
- To me, a lush carpet of pine needles or spongy grass is more welcome than the most luxurious Persian rug. –Helen Keller
- Love the world as your own self; then you can truly care for all things. – Lao Tzu
- Heaven is under our feet as well as over our heads. —Henry David Thoreau
- I love walking in the woods, along the trails, by the beaches. I love being part of nature. I love walking alone. It is therapy. One needs to be alone, to recharge one’s batteries. – Grace Kelly
- Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. – Lao Tzu
- Because when you stop and look around, this life is pretty amazing. – Dr. Seuss
- All the trees are losing their leaves, and not one of them is worried. – Donald Miller
- Over every mountain there is a path, although it may not be seen from the valley. – Theodore Roethke
- In every walk in with nature one receives far more than he seeks. – John Muir
- By discovering nature, you discover yourself. – Maxime Lagacé
- I firmly believe that nature brings solace in all troubles. – Anne Frank
- There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature — the assurance that dawn comes after night, and spring after the winter. – Rachel Carson
- We do not see nature with our eyes but with our understandings and our hearts. – William Hazlitt
- Nature speaks softly. You have to listen to it carefully.
- Within nature lies the cure for humanity
- No turning or looking back. The path ahead holds the answers you need.
- If we surrendered to earth’s intelligence, we could rise up like rooted trees. – Rainer Maria Rilke
- Deep in their roots, all flowers keep the light. – Theodore Roethke
- You think you own whatever land you land on, the Earth is just a dead thing you can claim. But I know every rock and tree and creature has a life, has a spirit, has a name. – Pocahontas, in Pocahontas
- You didn’t come into this world. You came out of it, like a wave from the ocean. You are not a stranger here. – Alan Watts
Funny Nature Captions for Instagram
- Finland is officially the world’s happiest country. It is also 75 per cent forest. I believe these facts are related. – Matt Haig
- I chose the road less travelled and now I don’t know where I am.
- An optimist is someone who gets treed by a lion but enjoys the scenery. – Walter Winchell
- Real jungle > concrete jungle
- I pine for you
- Tree’s company
- Just another day in the office
- Planting myself here for a while
- Trails before ales, pines before wines
- Just trying to branch out a bit
- Think outside – no box required
- Got lost in nature and found myself
- I’ll always root for you
- You leaf me breathless
- Nature – cheaper than therapy
- Don’t stop be-leafing
- A heaping slice of perfection, please
- Some see a weed; some see a wish
- Getting back to my roots
- Dew you love morning walks in the woods?
- Take it or leaf it
- I’ve found the mountain of youth
- I need Vitamin SEA
Green Nature Quotes
- I am in love with the green earth – Unknown
- For still there are so many things that I have never seen: in every wood in every spring there is a different green. – J.R.R. Tolkien
- Green is the prime color of the world, and that from which its loveliness arises. –Pedro Calderon de la Barca
- Nature in her green, tranquil woods, heals and soothes all afflictions. – John Muir
- Green is my favourite colour of nature
- Learn of the green world what can be thy place in scaled invention or true artistry. – Ezra Pound
- According to Mother Nature, green is a primary colour
- Turns out the grass isn’t always greener on the other side
- The future will either be green or not at all. – Bob Brown
- When the green woods laugh with the voice of joy, And the dimpling stream runs laughing by; When the air does laugh with our merry wit, And the green hill laughs with the noise of it. – William Blake
- Green was the silence, wet was the light, the month of June trembled like a butterfly. – Pablo Neruda
- Green calm below, blue quietness above. – John Greenleaf Whittier
One Word Nature Captions for Instagram
- Free
- Wild
- Happy
- Bliss
- Peace
- Breathe
- Ignited
- Vibrant
- Untouched
- Escape
- Tranquil
- Believe
- Wander
- Thankful
- Paradise
- Green
- Illuminating
- Silence
- Clarity
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