Word for being on time to work

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на работу вовремя

вовремя на работу

вовремя пришла на работу

It must’ve been traumatic to be stuck behind all those people who are going to be on time for work.

Вас наверняка травмировало времяпрепровождение среди тех людей, которые торопятся приехать на работу вовремя.

This does not just mean to be on time for work.

Thousands of people arrived on time for work.

Avoid these and never miss a class and have more of a chance at being on time for work.

Избегайте их и никогда не пропускайте занятия, и у вас будет больше шансов быть вовремя на работу.

Those who believed more strongly that they were in control of their own actions showed up on time for work more frequently and were rated by supervisors as more capable.

Те рабочие, которые твердо верили в то, что контролируют свои действия, чаще приходили на работу вовремя и оценивались начальниками как более трудоспособные.

Jack was not on time for work.

Were you on time for work today?

If you’re going to live in the office, at least be on time for work.

Фрай, дружище, если ты так и собираешься жить в офисе, то хотя бы не опаздывай на работу.

someone shows up on time for work?

If you can’t make it on time for the interview, how do they know you’ll be on time for work every day?

Если вы не можете вовремя придти на собеседование, то как вы собираетесь каждый день приходить с утра на работу?

Alright then. Welcome. Make sure you’re on time for work.

Хорошо тогда.Добро пожаловать.Убедитесь, что вы на время работы.

I’m always on time for work.

He’s always on time for work.

You don’t have to be on time for work.

Тебе не обязательно приходить вовремя.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 16. Точных совпадений: 16. Затраченное время: 458 мс


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Franciszek Kolpanowicz

  • #1


In my Business English workbook it’s said that we say «to arrive at work», but then there is this sentence: «I always arrive on time FOR work». Are they both correct? And can we say «to arrive to work»?


  • e2efour

    • #2

    You arrive at work. See arrive (to).

    If you say to arrive to work it would mean to arrive in order to work (where to is part of the infinitive). Anything else is informal or non-standard English.

    Franciszek Kolpanowicz

    • #3

    Ok, so the sentence should be: «I always arrive on time at work»? Or rather «I always arrive at work on time»?


    • #4

    Both are possible, although I would prefer at work on time.

    (A more colloquial version is I always get to work on time.)


    • #5

    «I always arrive on time at work»?

    I don’t find the word order natural and it sounds odd to me. I would really go for your second sentence out of the two.

    Last edited: Apr 12, 2016

    Franciszek Kolpanowicz

    • #6

    I had the same feeling, but wanted to make sure. Still, I have one doubt… isn’t it like this that there is an expression «on time for» (e.g. «on time for breakfast») and then it’s correct to say «I always arrive on time for work»?


    • #7

    I don’t have any problem with «»on time for…». What makes it sound odd in your sentence is «at work» following «on time» — the prepositional phrase of place should come before the time phrase, usually.


    • #8

    You may be thinking of in time for, which is not usually used in the same way as on time (punctually)

    Franciszek Kolpanowicz

    • #9

    Thank you for answers — I’m still confused though, whether the sentence «I always arrive on time for work» is correct or not. On one hand, as e2efour pointed out, you can only arrive AT work, but on the other, Englishmypassion seems to find the sentence correct.

    I’ve also found this thread: be in/on time for , which makes me think that maybe you can say «to be on time for work», but you can’t say «to arrive on time for work». Is my guess right?


    • #10

    I would not myself say I always arrive on time for work in BE, but I always arrive at work on time.

    Let’s say a meeting starts at 9 am. You can be in time for the meeting (9 am or earlier) or on time for the meeting (9 am), if people say this instead of arrive at the meeting on time.

    Last edited: Apr 13, 2016


    • #11

    In my Business English workbook it’s said it says that we say «to arrive at work», but then there is this sentence: «I always arrive on time FOR work». Are they both correct? And can we say ?

    They are all correct if you have the correct context:

    To arrive at work -> to arrive at the place where you work. -> at indicates a place (in space or time)
    «I always arrive on time for work» -> «I always arrive on time for the purpose of work[ing
    «To arrive to work» = «to arrive in order to work»->
    A: «Have you come [in order] to take photographs?»
    B: «No, I have come [in order] to work.»

    The order of modifying phrases in English is Place, Manner, Time.

    I went to London ..by train yesterday.
    ……………Place,.. Manner,… Time.

    «I always arrive for work on time:tick:

    The order can be changed to add emphasis. The first element is emphasised.

    Last edited: Apr 13, 2016

    Franciszek Kolpanowicz

    • #12

    Thanks, PaulQ, for such an exact and exhaustive explanation (and correcting my mistake, too) — that’s been a great help!

    • #13

    I don’t find the word order natural and it sounds odd to me. I would really go for your second sentence out of the two.

    this one word work better as «I always arrive at work on time» not «I always arrive on time at work»


    • #14

    That’s what I said, Caitlin. Thanks a ton.

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    Okay, um,

    can you just sign this paperwork saying that I showed up to work on time and sober?

    Not all of the employees are coming to work on time and vice versa, leaving


    before the end of



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    If you do intend


    get to work on time, however, it would be advisable



    a car into your relocation package.

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    Однако, если вы намерены довраться до работы вовремя, рекомендуется включить в ваш релокационный пакет автомобиль.

    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

    Business coach Svetlana Berger explains that

    in such a situation, Anna dozhlna come to work on time, do their jobs effectively,

    schedule meetings no later than 18 hours and be willing


    staff a good evening.

    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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    Бизнес- коуч Светлана Бергер объясняет,

    что в такой ситуации Анна дожлна приходить на работу вовремя, эффективно выполнять свою


    назначать встречи не позже 18 часов и желать сотрудникам хорошего вечера.

    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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    context icon

    context icon

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    The basis of employability includes, amongst other, the so-called»soft skills»: literacy, numerical skills,

    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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    В основе возможностей получения работы лежат, среди прочего, так называемые» дополнительные навыки»: грамотность,

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    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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    Однако по ту сторону входной двери город страдает от дорожных пробок и устаревшей инфраструктуры,

    поэтому не рассчитывайте вовремя добираться на работу каждый день.

    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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    If you want


    control your anger, you have to work on it every time when anger rises.

    context icon

    Если вы хотите победить свой гнев, работайте над этим, каждый раз, когда поднимается гнев.

    Meanwhile, it continues to work on plans


    reduce the time necessary


    resume nuclear tests and has allocated millions of dollars


    that effort.

    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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    Между тем оно продолжает работать над планами по сокращению времени, необходимого для возобновления ядерных испытаний, и направляет на это миллионы долларов.

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    Mark suspended

    work on

    Bootstrap 3


    September 6, 2016,

    context icon

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    над Bootstrap 3,

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    Не употребляют наркотики, чистые досье, на работе во- время.

    In a follow-up conference call


    29 October 2013,

    initially by assessing data availability for the two indicators




    caring and total work(domestic and paid


    in the minimum set of gender indicators.

    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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    На селекторном совещании по вопросам последующей деятельности, состоявшемся 29 октября 2013 года,

    Группа приняла решение работать над статистикой использования времени

    и первоначально провести оценку наличия данных по обоим показателям, касающимся работы по дому, ухода и работы в целом( работа по дому и оплачиваемый труд) и отраженным в минимальном наборе гендерных показателей.

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    That might delay hearings and affect the ability of the Tribunals


    complete their work on time.

    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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    Это может задержать процесс и повлиять на способность трибуналов вовремя завершить свою работу.

    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

    However, despite those efforts,

    enormous challenges had made it impossible for the Tribunal


    complete its work on time.

    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

    context icon

    Несмотря на предпринятые

    усилия Трибунал столкнулся с рядом серьезных проблем и не смог вовремя завершить работу.

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    Why is it so important to be one time and why do people care so much when I’m late?

    If this is a question you’ve found yourself asking recently, we’ve got all the answers you need.

    This article covers some of the reasons why you should prioritize being on time, as well as some top tips to help you achieve it.

    6 Reasons Why Punctuality Is Important

    So why is it so vital to try to be on time as much as possible? What does it matter, really?

    1. It shows respect.

    Arriving on time shows that you value whatever it is you’re about to take part in.

    Being punctual for a meeting shows that you respect the other people in that meeting, and that you don’t want to waste their time.

    You’re essentially sending a message that you understand how valuable their time is and you are honored to share some of it.

    2. It shows you care.

    If you’ve made plans with friends, turning up on time is a way of showing that you care.

    You want to spend time with them doing something nice, planning a fun trip, or perhaps helping them through a breakup.

    Getting to the right place at the right time shows that you’ve made the effort to be with them or support them.

    If you’re in a relationship, showing up on time also sends your partner the message that you’re still interested and invested and want to spend quality time with them.

    Being late shows that you don’t prioritize them and could lead to more issues further down the line.

    3. It makes everything run smoothly.

    Being punctual is really important in a lot of ways, and one of them is scheduling.

    Work-wise, being on time to meetings with new clients may help you gain new business and make more money for your company.

    It also shows loyalty to existing clients and lets them know that you still care about them, even though they’re already paying you.

    In general life, it means no missed travel arrangements, no rushing to fit things in, and no compromising on things.

    4. People depend on you.

    People depend on you to be on time.

    Sometimes that means completing and delivering a project within a deadline so that other people can do their jobs properly.

    Sometimes it means showing up to dinner on time so that your table isn’t given away and your date night isn’t ruined!

    Whatever it is, people make plans around times and you need to show up in order to keep those plans on the right track.

    5. Your reputation is at stake.

    This is very important when it comes to your career.

    If you’re always late to meetings or miss deadlines, you start to look pretty sloppy – it seems like you don’t really care and that you can’t be bothered to make an effort.

    Word will spread and you’re unlikely to be taken seriously.

    This may lead to people not wanting to work with you as they’ll worry you’ll mess things up for them.

    It can also mean that senior colleagues are less likely to put you forward for promotions or exciting opportunities – they can’t trust you to take your job seriously, so why should you be rewarded?

    6. It shows you’re taking it seriously.

    Getting somewhere on time implies that you’re taking it seriously, whether it’s work-related or social.

    This is really important if you already have a bit of a reputation for arriving late!

    Each time you’re late, you make people feel a little bit less important in your life.

    Nobody wants to feel like they’re forcing someone to spend time with them, and being late (or even cancelling plans last-minute!) can feel like rejection.

    Take it seriously, commit to it and show up!

    You may also like (article continues below):

    • How To Grow Up And Be A Mature Adult: 13 No Bullsh*t Lessons!
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    • How To Teach People How To Treat You

    So, now you can understand the value of being on time, here are some great ways to ensure you follow through.

    1. Set alarms.

    If you struggle with arriving on time, we’d suggest you set alarms – and lots of them!

    Plan your day the night before and walk through how it will go in your mind.

    Decide what time you need to set an alarm to get ready, then a reminder halfway through the allotted time to give you a nudge, and then another 2 reminders for when you need to leave.

    By having a walk-through, you’ll be able to identify any areas of your plan that may cause trouble.

    For example, if you’ve got an early morning meeting, plan your day the night before.

    Walk through it all – you wake up (2 alarms), shower, get dressed (having your clothes ready helps), make coffee (program your machine to make it for a set time), get your bag (by the door, packed and ready), and a final alarm reminds you to leave the house in the next 2 minutes. Easy!

    Okay, so it might not be that easy if you’re not a very organized person, but the more you use and stick to alarms to help you get things done, the more automatic it will become.

    2. Avoid distractions.

    Distractions are the enemy of punctuality.

    When you have limited time to do something or be somewhere, you cannot afford to waste precious seconds by turning your attention to other things.

    The key here is to catch yourself in the act and promptly return your focus to the thing you need to do.

    It’s about being conscious and mindful of your thoughts and actions.

    This is a habit that comes with time. At first, you’ll find it hard to register when your mind has been taken away from the task at hand.

    But each time you realize that you’ve been distracted, you’ll get better at catching the next one a little bit quicker.

    3. Write it in your diary.

    Some of us need to physically make a note of something in order to remember it.

    It almost doesn’t seem real if it’s spoken about in a passing conversation, but once you’ve written it (in pen) in your diary, it really does exist.

    Keep your diary with you at all times, even when you’re grabbing coffee with the girls.

    This will help you make a note of anything that comes up while you’re chatting and means you’re more likely to write down a plan – and stick to it.

    Go for a mini pocket notebook so you’re not weighed down!

    4. Reverse the situation.

    If you’re having trouble following through and actioning all of this, have a think about what being late means.

    Reverse the situation and imagine it’s you who’s waiting – sat alone in a coffee shop unsure of whether to wait or just buy the coffee because your friend is always 20 minutes late.

    Or waiting in a meeting room, agonizing about your presentation for an extra 10 minutes because your boss was too busy.

    It’s not a great feeling, is it?

    You’re probably imagining experiencing a bit of embarrassment (is it you that got it wrong, you don’t want to look silly on your own!), rejection (why don’t they care enough to want to see you?), and confusion (did you do something to upset them?).

    Remember these feelings next time you’re making a plan and then make sure you follow through with what you promised.

    And if you are the type of person who doesn’t think twice if someone else is late, just bear in mind that most people aren’t so laid back.

    You may be perfectly content to wait, but you are in the minority. The majority of people probably find it quite annoying.

    Hopefully our tips on how to be punctual have helped, and you now fully understand why it’s important to be on time.

    You’ll probably notice that people treat you slightly differently the more events you arrive at on time…

    …they’ll be friendlier and more open as you’ve shown you care and value them.

    …they’ll give you more responsibility now that they know you can be trusted to take things seriously.

    …and you’ll feel much better about yourself too!

    Which one is correct:

    • Submit your work in time.
    • Submit your work on time.

    RegDwigнt's user avatar


    96.4k39 gold badges305 silver badges399 bronze badges

    asked Mar 22, 2011 at 17:49

    aliya's user avatar


    «In time» usually has an implicit «for (some event)», whereas «on time» means «before some deadline».

    The «event» could be a deadline, but in that case «on time» is much more common.


    «I got there in time for the parade»

    «I delivered the report in time for him to read it before the meeting»

    «I got to town in time (for)/(to catch) the last train»

    «I got there in time» — meaning «in time for some event which is assumed to be known».


    «I got there on time» — meaning «before the deadline» — which may be known to the hearer, but does not need to be, because the phrase itself implies a deadline as opposed to some other event.

    answered Mar 22, 2011 at 18:15

    Colin Fine's user avatar

    Colin FineColin Fine

    76k1 gold badge94 silver badges196 bronze badges


    On time means at a particular designated time, i.e. neither especially early nor late. The train is scheduled to arrive on time at 13:36.

    In time means early enough, i.e. before a deadline or another cutoff. Passengers were required to be at the gate by 3:05pm; we didn’t get to the airport till 3, but there was no line at security, so we still made it in time.

    RegDwigнt's user avatar


    96.4k39 gold badges305 silver badges399 bronze badges

    answered May 5, 2012 at 4:40

    choster's user avatar


    43k21 gold badges104 silver badges165 bronze badges


    In this case, «on time» is the proper choice.

    More details about the differences:

    «In time» is used to suggest that I was able to perform an action before another event occurred:

    I was able to reach you in time.

    The difference between «in time» and «on time» would be deadlines or schedules that revolve around very specific date or hour:

    The train was on time.

    The project was completed on time.

    Of note, the phrases can also be used in other unrelated contexts:

    (in music) Step in time.

    Dorian Gray was stuck in time.

    Community's user avatar

    answered Mar 22, 2011 at 17:57

    MrHen's user avatar


    35.4k31 gold badges121 silver badges260 bronze badges


    Without further reference, on time is probably a better construction. A time has been set (a deadline) and the task will be done by then.

    The project was scheduled for three months and it came in on time.

    In time is usually used to refer to being completed in relation to something else.

    I arrived at home in time to see my children before they left for school.

    answered Aug 1, 2012 at 17:36

    bib's user avatar


    72.3k12 gold badges117 silver badges224 bronze badges

    It seems to be the prepositional phrase for xxx that makes the difference. If I say,

    Please submit your paper in time.

    You may ask

    In time for what?

    But if I say

    Please submit your paper on time.

    You might ask

    When is it due?

    answered Mar 22, 2011 at 23:00

    kojiro's user avatar


    2,0958 gold badges19 silver badges30 bronze badges


    The two are both proper grammar. However, they carry different meanings. «Let the task be done on time.» implies it to be completed by a certain time (usually a scheduled deadline) and no later. «Let the task be done in time.» implies the task should be completed by the specified time.

    Let’s use different verbs: «Let the task be started on time.» implies it to be started at a certain time and no earlier. «Let the task be started in time.» implies the task should be started by the specified time and no later.

    Because of limited context, it is hard to say which would fit this case better.

    answered Aug 1, 2012 at 17:34

    American Luke's user avatar

    American LukeAmerican Luke

    2,5233 gold badges24 silver badges36 bronze badges


    You would use «on time» to mean by a certain specific date an time. «In time» describes an event in which the chronology may not be that explicit.

    Papers are due on 11/15 by noon. All students are expected to submit their papers on time.

    Do you think we can get help on this project in time for it to be useful?

    Community's user avatar

    answered Mar 22, 2011 at 17:55

    Robusto's user avatar


    150k39 gold badges359 silver badges596 bronze badges


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