Word for being on the same page

be on the same page

To share the same outlook, opinion, or knowledge about something; to be in agreement or harmony about something. We all need to be on the same page before we try to present this complex idea to the boss.

See also: on, page, same

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

be on the same ˈpage

(especially American English) think the same way or have the same opinion about something: I just want to make sure we’re all on the same page about this.

See also: on, page, same

Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017

on the same page, to be

To be in complete agreement. This term, from the second half of the 1900s, alludes to reading from the same page of a book. It has largely replaced the earlier on the same wavelength, which alluded to the radio waves of a broadcast and dates from the first half of the 1900s. The newer version appears in David Baldacci’s Hour Game (2004), “We need to coordinate and keep each other informed. We all need to be on the same page.”

See also: on, same, to

The Dictionary of Clichés by Christine Ammer Copyright © 2013 by Christine Ammer

See also:

  • a/the feel of (something)
  • a whole different animal
  • a whole different ball of wax
  • a whole different beast
  • (something) to go on
  • (I) wouldn’t (do something) if I were you
  • a straw will show which way the wind blows
  • a casualty of (something)
  • a crack at (someone or something)
  • (You) wanna make something of it?

Рассказываем о значении популярных идиом и фраз, которые звучат на каждом шагу. На повестке дня – идиома On the same page.

Значение идиомы: разделять мнение, думать одинаково о чем-либо.

Дословный перевод: быть на одной странице.

Происхождение идиомы очень простое. Люди имеют одинаковое представление о чем-либо, будто читают инфолрмацию с одной страницы.

Пример использования:

– We all need to be on the same page before we try to present this complex idea to the boss.

– Нам всем нужно прийти к соглашению перед тем как презентовать идею начальнику.

on the same page значение и перевод идиомы

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The expression seems to come from the late 19th/early 19th century when it was «to sing from the same hymnal»

The idea was that if two people had different hymnals then they would be of different religions/sects and thus disagree on fundamental [religious] issues.

I found this snippet (in a business context) from 1922 in Google Books:

Reclamation Era — Page 317

Students of Main Street might surmise that Davis and I did not sing from the same hymnal. Such a surmise would be correct.

Hymnal was later replaced by hymnbook, then hymnsheet, and then simply «sheet»- and eventually page and, with the idea of singing diminishing, «being on the same page.»

Thus to be on the same sheet as someone was to share their ideas, ideals, and beliefs.

I did find earlier references to singing from the same hymnal but these tend to be literal and imply, rather than state, a unity within one sect/religion.

What Does The Useful Idiom “On The Same Page” Mean?

On the same page meaning! “On the same page” is a idiomatic expression that is used quite often during everyday communication. Here you will find the definition of this phrase and the explanation on the origin of this one. You also find example sentences to understand idiom properly in everyday conversation and learn different ways to express this idiom.


The phrase “on the same page” means to be thinking in the same manner, to have the same amount of knowledge, or to have the same general outlook or position.

On The Same Page Origin

The origin of the phrase is not clear. It is sometimes attributed to singing in a choir, where all the singers had to be on the same page.

Example Sentences of On The Same Page

  • We need to get environmentalists and businesses on the same page to improve things.
  • I think we’re all on the same page.
  • Before we make any decisions today, I’d like to make sure that everyone is on the same page.
  • Try to place them on the same page so you can see they all work together.
  • I feel uncomfortable even writing about them on the same page.
  • Tom and I are more often on the same page in the hymn book on the issues than I and Sen.
  • We all need to be on the same page before we try to present this complex idea to the boss.
  • Both words are on the same page of the dictionary, but of course you know that.
  • Before we begin with the discussion, I want to make sure that all of us are on the same page.
  • On the same page advance with some machines manageable size live piece.
  • One supposes that for everyone to remain on the same page there are programs of continued reeducation.
  • In several cases, we marked the same word more than once, even though the referenced are on the same page.
  • WordPerfect will always keep that number of lines together on the same page.
  • We are intending to have a long term relationship with FDX and we would like to get set up so we are all on the same page before we get really busy.
  • You may be a cash-and-carry kind of girl and he may be a credit-is-king kind of guy but once you’re a couple, it’s best to get your money matters on the same page.

Other ways to say “On The Same Page”

  • Go along with
  • On the same wavelength
  • In agreement
  • Preaching to the converted
  • In sync
  • On the same side
  • In line with
  • Having the same understanding

On The Same Page | Infographic

On The Same Page

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The phrase ‘On the Same Page’ means to be thinking in a similar fashion, to have the same amount of knowledge, or to have the same kind of understanding about a situation as others do.

Example of Use: “Before we make any decisions today, I’d like to make sure that everyone is on the same page.”

Interesting fact about On the Same Page

Though the origin of the idiom ‘on the same page’ is sometimes attributed to choral singing, when all singers needed to be on the same page, it is much more likely that this term can be attributed to classes and business meetings when copies of a single item are used by all members, and that all need to be reading from the same page in order to understand what is being discussed.

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