Word for being old fashioned

Times have finally caught on them. To be old-fashioned is to have old ways of thinking, talking, dressing, self-expression. While being old-fashioned is not always a bad thing, like how wine ages fine, there are terms that have come to be used to refer to them. Find your place in the great timeline when you use the following slang terms for old-fashioned. 

Slang Words for Old-Fashioned (in Alphabetical Order)



  • (Adjective) To have the lowest risk and highest safety in mindset or fashion choices.
  • Example: Conservative dressing is still maintained in some religious groups

Dyed in the Wool


  • (Idiom) To be old-fashioned is to refuse new and changing beliefs or truths. “Dyed in the wool” is an expression for this turndown.
  • Example: The belief that children out of wedlock can never amount to anything is a dyed in the wool thinking of the previous generation. Nowadays, children of this origin prove to be more empathetic and understanding.

Fuddy Duddy


  • (Noun) Usually an old person who is fussy to others about their mindset.
  • Example: The tenants avoided having guests when the fuddy duddy landlady was around. She nags aloud in the hallways about responsible renting.  



  • (Adjective) For long held properties that are old-fashioned and no longer useful.
  • Example: Willow’s moth-eaten clothes at the back of her closet can’t even be donated because they are too worn out.

Museum Piece


  • (Noun) An expression for anyone or anything that is overridden by current trends.
  • Example: While marveling at the face of new instructional technology, the senior teachers felt they were starting to be museum pieces.



  • (Adjective) An endearing word for missing the days gone by.
  • Example: Despite the house being old-fashioned and rustic, Ivy felt nostalgic in its walls. She remembered warm Christmas gatherings and childhood adventures while walking around.

Okay Boomer


  • (Expression) A GenZ slang in response to anyone making a trip down memory lane marked with annoyance.
  • Example: 

Person 1: In my days, we had to walk 5 kilometers before getting to school. There were no cars around.

Person 2: Okay boomer, it’s not our fault we have bicycles, trains, and cars nowadays.



  • (Adjective) A classic slang for anything old-fashioned and nostalgic.
  • Example: Cassette tapes and Walkmans are the old-school way of listening to music. 



  • (Noun) An object or activity that is no longer practiced in the mainstream.
  • Example: Texting has become outdated while messaging through social networking sites have become the norm.

Rinky Dink


  • (Adjective) A North American slang for things that are old-fashioned and low-quality.
  • Example: You’ll know if it’s a rinky dink phone when you no longer have enough storage after the first few weeks of having it.



  • (Adjective) A party theme or music vibe of old-fashioned hues.
  • Example: Uncle Ben only played retro music in his car so I know “The Carpenters” pretty well.



  • (Adjective) An architectural slang with French origins that means “out of style” typically meant for highly textured work of pebbles and shells. Today, it can be used for interior designs that was meant for earlier times.
  • Example: Miranda is so picky of her living space. She called the 10 earlier tours ‘rococo’.

Stick in the Mud


  • (Idiom) An informal slang for a person who is inflexible in the face of change and too serious to enjoy the moment.
  • Example: Sheldon is a stick in the mud for not allowing his roommate to live with his wife.



  • (Adjective) To hold up old things, values, and practices with such high esteem even when they are old-fashioned.
  • Example: Basket weaving is a time-honored skill throughout Southeast Asia.



  • (Adjective) Commonly used for fashion and accessories that are known to be old-fashioned.
  • Example: Everyone dressed in vintage for “The Great Gatsby” themed party.

primitive, ancient, old-fashioned, obsolete, antiquated, outmoded, archaic, antique, gothic, feudal, stale, threadbare, out-of-date, age-old, venerable, crumbling, former, traditional, old-time, original.

What does it mean to dress conservatively?

Dressing “conservatively” means that you wear clothes that: have an older, more formal style (like a suit and tie for men) don’t display parts of your body like your chest, legs, stomach, or butt. You can also dress “formally”, but that’s different. People only dress formally on special occasions like ceremonies.

What colors are considered conservative?

Blue is usually associated with centre-right or conservative parties, originating from its use by the Tories (predecessor of the Conservative Party) in the United Kingdom.

How do you dress modestly and fashionably?

Here you will find eight secrets regarding what to choose and how to be stylish while keeping a modest look at the same time.

  1. Turtleneck tops.
  2. Midi and maxi skirts.
  3. Maxi dresses.
  4. Palazzo pants.
  5. Bon ton collars.
  6. Long cardigans.
  7. Classical striped print.
  8. Polka dots.

What does it mean when someone calls you modest?

A person is modest if he or she is very successful but does not call attention to this. Modest generally means “big enough but not huge” — like a modest house or a modest income. Around the turn of the 17th century, modest referred to proper or decent dress and behavior especially in women.

What’s another word for modest?

Modest Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for modest?

humble unpretentious
demure shy
meek bashful
retiring diffident
reserved lowly

What is the opposite of permissive?

permissive(adj) not preventive. Antonyms: blockading, hindering, obviating(a), deterrent, preventative, thwarting, precautionary, prohibitory, preemptive, preclusive, frustrative, obstructive, prohibitive, pre-emptive, unpermissive, impeding, precautional, frustrating, clogging, preventive.

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

They may stay in this kitchen for many years, without the risk of being old-fashioned.

But that’s just me being old-fashioned and provincial.

As a result, IUCN was criticized by some as being old-fashioned and irrelevant.

Well, excuse me for being old-fashioned, I’m just not comfortable with us living in sin.

Извини, если я старомоден, но мне некомфортно жить во грехе.

«I think we are kind of cool being old-fashioned

And in Russia and abroad, many people seriously believe that the PLA so far stands at 90 (not 80) in the sense of being old-fashioned techniques and in the best case can copy something from us or the West.

И в России, и за рубежом очень многие всерьез считают, что НОАК до сих пор находится на уровне 90-х (если не 80-х) в смысле архаичности техники и в лучшем случае может что-то скопировать у нас или на Западе.

What’s wrong with being old-fashioned?

You’re being old-fashioned, darling.

All I want, and excuse me for being old-fashioned, is for you to be healthy… for you to be as close to happy as possible.

Все, что я хочу, и извини за старомодность, чтобы ты была здорова…

For example, Hillary Clinton was condemned for showing indulgence towards the public and being old-fashioned when she tried to speak on the same level as young internet users by using memes and trending hashtags.

Хиллари Клинтон в свое время, наоборот, уличили в потворстве аудитории и старомодности, когда она пыталась найти общий язык с молодой интернет-аудиторией, используя для этого мемы и модные хэштеги.

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But that’s me being old fashioned and thinking the man should be older.

Но я старомоден и считаю, что мужчина должен работать.

Wooden houses still have a reputation for being old fashioned, low value structures that present a fire risk.

Деревянные дома по-прежнему имеют репутацию старомодных строений с низкой стоимостью и высокой пожароопасностью.

As frustrating as this might’ve been for me in college, I just chalked it up to him being old fashioned.

Как разочаровывает, как это, возможно, уже было для меня в колледже, я просто записал на свой счет его к нему будучи старомодным.

It’s just that the actual music we saw as being quite old-fashioned.

It may carry the connotation of being an old-fashioned building.

I suppose you think I’m being a bit old-fashioned.

After being exposed to old-fashioned smoke for six (6) hours, the cells died.

После воздействия старомодного дыма в течение шести (6) часов, клетки погибли.

And some region transportation problems are being solved the old-fashioned way.

Впрочем, транспортные проблемы района постепенно решаются.

In the 1950s, in the difficult communist times, he was accused of being too old-fashioned and reactionary and that his paintings did not correspond with the new socialist world.

В 1950-е годы художника обвинили в старомодности и реакционности, в несоответствии его произведений новому социалистическому строю.

The play itself is the opposite of cutting-edge, deriving much of its charm from being forthrightly old-fashioned: Just two men rehearsing in an empty, turn-of-the-century London theater.

Сама пьеса — противоположность всему ультрасовременному, большая часть ее очарования происходит от ее старомодности: два человека репетируют в пустом лондонском театре начала века.

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Word index: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Expression index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Phrase index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Translation examples

  • быть старомодным

быть старомодным

You’re too young to be old-fashioned.

Ты слишком молод, чтобы быть старомодным.

Okay, I’m the one that’s supposed to be old-fashioned here.

Не думаю, что это уместно. Это мне тут полагается быть старомодным.

I don’t mean to be old-fashioned, but the company only wants employees— nerds— driving the Nerd Herd-mobile.

Чак, дай мне твои ключи. Не хочу быть старомодным. Но компания хочет что бы лишь работники, нерды водили Нёрд-Хёрд-мобили

старинный, старомодный, устарелый


- старомодный, вышедший из моды

old-fashioned style — старомодный /немодный/ фасон
old-fashioned dress — немодное платье

- устарелый, вышедший из употребления
- старомодный, придерживающийся старых идеалов, обычаев и т. п.

old-fashioned man [servant] — старомодный /старого закала/ человек [слуга]

- преим. диал. взрослый не по летам, подражающий манерам взрослых (о ребёнке)

old-fashioned look — а) насмешливый взгляд; б) осуждающий взгляд
to give smb. an old-fashioned look — взглянуть на кого-л. критически


- коктейль из виски, горького пива, сахара и лимонной корочки
- широкий стакан для коктейля

Мои примеры


Примеры с переводом

Her clothes are so old-fashioned!

Она одевается так старомодно!

The idea seems rather old-fashioned now.

Эта мысль сейчас кажется довольно старомодной.

An old-fashioned bonnet succours the ears.

Старомодная шляпа закрывает уши.

In old-fashioned schools, the desks were screwed to the floor.

Раньше в школах парты привинчивались к полу.

The chairman has always clung onto old-fashioned ideas.

Председатель всегда цеплялся за устаревшие идеи.

A frock was at once old-fashioned and tremendously contemporary.

Платье было одновременно старомодным и очень современным.

He’s very old-fashioned when it comes to music.

Что касается музыки, у него очень старомодные вкусы.

ещё 14 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

It took muscle to work in an old-fashioned kitchen.

He sang a few old-fashioned melodies.

She wears really old-fashioned clothes!

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