many accounts of Al-Qaida, the Taliban and their associates being involved in crime, particularly credit card and cheque fraud,
illegal drugs trade, robbery, hostage-taking and the production of false identity documents.
Имеется целый ряд счетов<< Аль-Каиды>>,<< Талибана>> и связанных с ними организаций, которые задействованы в преступной деятельности, особенно
мошенничестве с кредитными картами и
чеками, незаконной торговле наркотиками, ограблениях, захвате заложников и изготовлении фальшивых удостоверений личности.
Несовершеннолетние, которые не имеют семей или члены семьи которых занимаются преступной деятельностью, подвергаются опасности вновь пострадать от жестокого обращения.
The accident might a lot of publicity and that will mean serious consequences: Kazak has just signed a lucrative deal with foreign investors who
Происшествие может получить громкую огласку и серьезные последствия: Казак только что заключил выгодную сделку с зарубежными инвесторами, которые наверняка откажутся от сотрудничества, если узнают,
In the context of the workshop, community involvement
in crime
prevention refers to agencies and organizations
communities that, traditionally,
social and health services and transportation or recreational agencies.
В контексте семинара- практикума участие общин
означает привлечение к этой деятельности учреждений и организаций
например, школ, социальных служб и органов здравоохранения, а также транспортных агентств и организаций рекреационного характера.
According to the World Bank,
a survey conducted on public insecurity
Central America
the perception that local police were involved in crime(close to 50 per cent of respondents believed that they
appeared as one of the most important contributors to feelings of insecurity; it
followed by drug trafficking and the presence of gangs.
По данным Всемирного банка,
ходе проведенного
2009 году обследования проблемы неустойчивости общественной безопасности
странах Центральной Америки мнение о том, что местная полиция вовлечена в преступную деятельность( почти 50 процентов респондентов считали, что
это так), оказалось третьим по важности фактором, приводящим к возникновению чувства отсутствия безопасности; за ним следовали незаконный оборот наркотиков и наличие банд.
Under numerous statements of the RSO President Eduard Kokoity and the representatives of the government,
South Ossetia
ready to receive all refugees, except those who are involved in crimes against the Ossetian people.
По неоднократным заявлениям президента РЮО Эдуарда Кокойты и уполномоченных им представителей правительства,
Южная Осетия готова принять всех беженцев, за исключением тех, кто причастен к преступлениям против осетинского народа.
Interference with and disrespect for the rule of law by the military,
particular when its members are involved in crimes, contributes to a situation of impunity.
Вмешательство военных и неуважение ими законов, особенно
тех случаях, когда военнослужащие замешаны в преступлениях, способствует тому, что в этих районах царит безнаказанность.
Metropolitan of Sardinia, Januarius,
not able to keep the island
order and to control his subordinate clerics;
Митрополит Сардинии Януарий не был
состоянии обеспечить порядок на острове, следить за поведением подвластных клириков,
Victims may be common criminal suspects or suspected of violent politically motivated
who may also
treated as being involved in drug-related crime.
Жертвами пыток могут быть подозреваемые
или лица, подозреваемые
в преступлениях,
связанных с политическим насилием, которые также могут рассматриваться или рассматриваются как замешанные в преступлениях
области торговли наркотиками.
coordination with the competent authorities,
of criminals and persons suspected of being involved in matters of terrorism and organized crime.
координации с компетентными органами, уголовных
преступников и лиц, подозреваемых в участии в действиях, связанных с терроризмом и организованной преступностью.
Ингве Ридберг также сказал, что,
Coordination among different government bodies involved in crime prevention
considered a key element.
Координация между различными правительственными органами, участвующими в деятельности по предупреждению преступности, считается одним из ключевых элементов.
Consequently, unless States scale up efforts to create jobs,
Соответственно, если государство не будет принимать радикальные меры по созданию рабочих мест,
The State party adds, making reference to various sources, that persons suspected of being involved in a serious
or of acting on behalf of specific political groups
also risk
Государство- участник со ссылкой на различные источники добавляет что опасность подвергнуться аресту угрожает также лицам, подозреваемым в причастности к серьезным преступлениям или выступающим от имени конкретных политических групп.
Совершенно по-другому обстоит дело, когда в противоправной деятельности участвует организованная преступность.
У меня основания считать, что он причастен к серьезному преступлению.
In July 2018, Germany banned the organisation on allegations it is involved in organized
and represents a threat to the general public.
В июле 2018 года Германия запретила организацию« Osmanen Germania» по обвинениям в причастности к организованной преступной деятельности и так как представляет угрозу для широкой общественности.
Firstly, the emotional, physical, psychological and intellectual development of children and
affected by crime when members of these groups are involved in
as offenders or affected by criminal acts as victims or witnesses,
whether on specific occasions or through repeated exposure violence
the family, for instance.
Во-первых, преступность влияет на эмоциональное, физическое, психологическое и интеллектуальное развитие детей и молодежи, когда члены этих групп оказываются вовлеченными в преступную деятельность
качестве правонарушителей
или когда преступные деяния затрагивают их
качестве потерпевших или свидетелей, как
конкретных случаях, так и
силу повторяющегося воздействия например,
случаях насилия
What noun can be used for persons who are likely to commit a crime? The scenario is that the person might have never committed a crime in their life but if you analyze the current state of things in their life, you’d conclude that they are most probably going to commit a crime in the foreseeable future.
Just like sci-fi movies, based on predictive modeling and data analysis, we can identify _______. (word for those who are likely to commit a crime)
Words considered but that don’t fit:
suspect — A person thought to be guilty of a crime or offense
perpetrator — A person who carries out a harmful, illegal, or immoral act.
I guess both words signify that the crime has already occurred. Please correct me if I am wrong.
asked Sep 6, 2016 at 12:38
13.4k13 gold badges71 silver badges107 bronze badges
How about precriminal?
The OP’s example:
Just like sci-fi movies, based on predictive modeling and data
analysis, we can identify precriminals (word for those who are
likely to commit a crime).
Precriminal is a natural extension of precrime, which defines as follows:
precrime: of or relating to law-enforcement efforts and strategies to deter crime by predicting when and where criminal activity will
So precriminal pertains to law-enforcement efforts and strategies to deter crime by predicting who is likely to engage in criminal activity for the first time, i.e., who is «primed» to commit criminal offenses.
Postscript: For interesting background reading on precrime, google precrime.
answered Sep 6, 2016 at 14:33
Richard KayserRichard Kayser
17.8k3 gold badges23 silver badges54 bronze badges
Person at risk (in this context: to commit a crime) or simply potential criminal. The term person at risk is suitable for a metric: a risk of 75% in the next 18 months, etc.
answered Sep 6, 2016 at 15:14
In his article Juvenile Diversion and the Get-Tough Movement in Japan, presented at conferences in Muenster, Germany and then in Nashville, Tennessee in 2004, before being published in Ritsumeikan University’s Law Review in 2005, Dr. KUZUNO Hiroyuki, currently Dean and Professor of Law at Hitotsubashi University, cited Japan’s Juvenile Law of 1948 (“modeled after the Standard Juvenile Court Act of
1943 in the United States”), which in Article 3 (on page 3 of the linked Law Review article) includes the following mention and definition of pre-offender:
(3) pre-offender; a juvenile under 20 who is likely to commit an
offense or act in violation of penal provisions, in view of his or her
character or circumstances, because of specific factors.
Although the “circumstances” and “specific factors” are unspecified, they might include some of the ones that you originally included parenthetically in your question (and they might have been left unspecified in the Law for the same reason you edited them out of your question).
«Just like sci-fi movies, based on predictive modeling and data analysis, we can identify pre-offenders.»
answered Sep 6, 2016 at 15:42
Papa PoulePapa Poule
9,6592 gold badges19 silver badges45 bronze badges
There is reprobate and rogue, both of which describe an unprincipled person (which is also a characteristic of a criminal).
Delinquent is typically, but not necessarily, a young person, given that there is also juvenile delinquent. Finally there is the term «at-risk» usually in reference to youth who could become delinquents.
answered Sep 6, 2016 at 14:30
3792 silver badges9 bronze badges
Based on predictive modeling and data analysis, we can identify potential offenders (word for those who are likely to commit a crime). Or high risk individuals. In the latter case, you’d need the context to know exactly what is meant.
You can also get the idea across in a simple way, with a little rewriting: Based on predictive modeling and data analysis, we can identify certain likely profiles. (As some comments pointed out, what you are talking about is called «profiling».)
If I just go by your description of the word you’re looking for, without considering your example sentence, I would also suggest:
shifty character (a little old-fashioned, but it still works for me)
suspicious character
Side question for OP: what does sci-fi have to do with this?
answered Sep 6, 2016 at 20:57
21.4k10 gold badges53 silver badges91 bronze badges
На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.
На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.
вовлечен в преступление
причастны к преступлению
замешан в преступлении
причастен к преступлению
вовлечены в преступление
The police officers recognised that they may be involved in a crime.
Many witnesses, understandably so, refuse to give statements or information to people that were allegedly involved in a crime, for fear of their own safety.
Многие свидетели, по понятным причинам, отказываются давать заявления или информацию людям, которые якобы были причастны к преступлению, опасаясь собственной безопасности.
I’m afraid that Tom is involved in a crime.
You don’t seem very surprised that Gordon Rimmer might have been involved in a crime.
So it’s always been assumed that under the Patriot Act, if the government had even any suspicion that you were involved in a crime or terrorism, they could get a lot of information about you.
Патриотический акт предполагал, что если у правительства есть всего лишь подозрение в том, что вы причастны к преступлению или терроризму, они могут собирать о вас всю информацию.
I imagine it’d be embarrassing for the Bureau to find out a witness wasn’t where he was supposed to be, living unprotected, or worse, involved in a crime the NYPD knows more about than the FBI.
Представляю, как это было бы неловко для Бюро обнаружить, что свидетель был не там, где должен быть, живет без защиты, или еще хуже, замешан в преступлении, о котором полиция Нью-Йорка знает больше, чем ФБР.
Her life spirals out of control when she becomes unwittingly involved in a crime involving four corrupt police officers.
Ее жизнь выходит из под контроля, когда она становится невольно замешана в преступлении с участием четырех коррумпированных полицейских.
This helps makes the analysis of fingerprints still one of the main means in which to identify people involved in a crime.
Это помогает сделать анализ отпечатков пальцев по-прежнему одним из основных средств идентификации лиц, причастных к преступлению.
You were involved in a crime against your country long before you met me.
Rather, follicles are put under a microscope and inspected against hair samples of parties involved in a crime.
the representative of a non-resident company (involved in a crime).
To be involved in a crime it is not necessary to be directly being involved in the crime.
About 80 percent of the time, the mathematicians could narrow it down to three gang rivalries that were most likely involved in a crime.
Примерно в 80% случаев учёные смогли ограничить количество вероятных участников преступления до трёх банд, одна из которых действительно оказывалась виновной.
Any leak becomes a problem, and if someone high-ranking is involved in a crime, then detectives put a stick in the wheels.
Любая утечка превращается в проблему, а, если в преступлении замешен кто-то высокопоставленный, то детективам ставят палки в колёса.
Article 26: In all cases, the arms and ammunition involved in a crime shall be confiscated, in addition to the prescribed penalties.
Статья 26: Во всех случаях, помимо названных мер наказания, оружие и боеприпасы, задействованные в преступлении, подлежат конфискации.
In contrast, not having one of these greatly increased the chances that one might be charged when involved in a crime, so only a handful of people chose not to wear them.
И напротив, отсутствие одного из них значительно увеличивает вероятность предъявления обвинения в причастности к преступлению, поэтому лишь немногие люди решили не носить их.
Everyone should have the technical assistance and advocacy of a legal practitioner, from the time they are held as allegedly involved in a crime, or when they voluntarily surrender and make a declaration, until the sentence has been fully executed.
Каждый человек может рассчитывать на техническую и юридическую помощь профессионального юриста с момента задержания по подозрению в участии в преступном деянии или в момент, когда он добровольно дает показания, до полного отбывания наказания.
South Yorkshire Police said the vehicle had been involved in a crime.
It is reported that in the book, which bears the working title «homeland» and written in collaboration with journalist Damien Lewis, George will talk about how a teenager he was involved in a crime involving the possession of drugs.
Сообщается, что в книге, носящей рабочее название Родина и написанной в сотрудничестве с журналистом Дэмиеном Льюисом, Джордж расскажет о том, как он подростком оказался замешанным в преступлении, связанном с хранением наркотиков.
Mineo was sentenced to 5 years in prison for being involved in a crime committed by the mafia in 1986 to 1992.
Минео ранее был приговорен к пяти годам лишения свободы в ходе судебного процесса над верхушкой мафии, который длился с 1986-го по 1992 год.
Результатов: 28. Точных совпадений: 28. Затраченное время: 80 мс
Корпоративные решения
Справка и о нас
Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900
Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200
Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200
involved in a crime
причетний до злочину; втягнутий у злочин
English-Ukrainian law dictionary > involved in a crime
English-Ukrainian law dictionary > involved
Politics english-russian dictionary > crime
to be involved in teaching/banking dedicarse a la enseñanza/la banca
to be/get involved with somebody tener una relación (sentimental) con alguien
3 (abstraido, enfrascado)
to get involved in a book/film enfrascarse en un libro/una película
4 complicado(a), embrollado(a) (complicated)
5 involucrado, complicado, envuelto.
6 complejo, farragoso, complicado.
participio pasado del verbo INVOLVE.
pretérito del verbo INVOLVE.
Nuevo Diccionario Inglés-Español > involved
be involved in
be involved in (a crime)
быть вовлеченным в (преступление)
English-Russian mini useful dictionary > be involved in
youths involved in crime rings
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > youths involved in crime rings
1) suponer, implicar
2) implicar, envolver
— involvement
implicar / enredar
I don’t mind what you do, as long as you don’t involve me no me importa lo que hagas, mientras no me impliques a mí
suponer / implicar
■ what does the job involve? ¿en qué consiste el trabajo?
2 (include, affect, concern) tener que ver con, afectar a
involucrar, enredar, implicar
concernir, afectar
conectar, relacionar
suponer, incluir, consistir en
ɪn’vɑːlv, ɪn’vɒlv
transitive verb
a) (entail, comprise) suponer*
b) (affect, concern)
where national security is involved… — cuando se trata de la seguridad nacional…
to involve somebody IN something/-ING — ( implicate) implicar* or involucrar a alguien en algo; ( allow to participate) darle* participación a alguien en algo
to be/get involved IN something — (implicated, associated)
whenever there’s an argument, he has to get involved — siempre que hay una pelea, él tiene que meterse
to be/get involved WITH somebody/something: the people you’re involved with la gente con la que andas metido or mezclado; how did you get involved with people like them? — ¿cómo te mezclaste con gente de esa calaña?
to be/get involved WITH somebody/something — estar* dedicado/dedicarse* a alguien/algo
to be/get involved WITH somebody: she doesn’t want to get too involved with him — no quiere llegar a una relación muy seria con él
1) implicar, involucrar
• to be involved (in sth), how did he come to be involved? — ¿cómo llegó a meterse en esto?
he/his car was involved in an accident — él/su coche se vio involucrado en un accidente
I was so involved in my book that… — estaba tan absorto en el libro que…
• to become or get involved (in sth), the police became involved — la policía tomó cartas en el asunto
• to be/become/get involved with sth/sb, she’s so involved with the project she doesn’t have time for me — está tan liada * con el proyecto que no tiene tiempo para mí, el proyecto la absorbe tanto que no tiene tiempo para mí
2) suponer
* * *
[ɪn’vɑːlv, ɪn’vɒlv]
transitive verb
a) (entail, comprise) suponer*
b) (affect, concern)
where national security is involved… — cuando se trata de la seguridad nacional…
to involve somebody IN something/-ING — ( implicate) implicar* or involucrar a alguien en algo; ( allow to participate) darle* participación a alguien en algo
to be/get involved IN something — (implicated, associated)
whenever there’s an argument, he has to get involved — siempre que hay una pelea, él tiene que meterse
to be/get involved WITH somebody/something: the people you’re involved with la gente con la que andas metido or mezclado; how did you get involved with people like them? — ¿cómo te mezclaste con gente de esa calaña?
to be/get involved WITH somebody/something — estar* dedicado/dedicarse* a alguien/algo
to be/get involved WITH somebody: she doesn’t want to get too involved with him — no quiere llegar a una relación muy seria con él
English-spanish dictionary > involve
English-spanish dictionary > implicar
detain in custody
English-Ukrainian law dictionary > detain in custody
English-Ukrainian law dictionary > be
transitive verb
involve somebody in a game/fight — jemanden an einem Spiel beteiligen/in eine Schlägerei [mit] hineinziehen
become or get involved in a fight — in eine Schlägerei verwickelt werden
4) mit sich bringen; erfordern; bedeuten
* * *
1) einschließen
2) verwickeln
— involvement
* * *
[ɪnˈvɒlv, AM -ˈvɑ:lv]
▪ to involve sth (include) etw beinhalten; (encompass) etw umfassen; (entail) etw mit sich bringen, etw zur Folge haben; (mean) etw bedeuten
criminal law involves acts which are harmful to society das Strafrecht beschäftigt sich mit Handlungen, die sich gegen die Gesellschaft richten
what does the work involve? worin besteht die Arbeit?
the operation involves putting a tube into the heart während der Operation wird ein Röhrchen ins Herz eingeführt
▪ to involve sb/sth jdn/etw betreffen
that doesn’t involve her sie hat damit nichts zu tun
this incident involves us all dieser Zwischenfall geht uns alle an [o betrifft uns alle]
the person involved die betreffende Person
▪ sth involves sb/sth jd/etw ist an etw dat beteiligt
the accident involved two cars an dem Unfall waren zwei Fahrzeuge beteiligt
the crime involved a drug dealing gang an dem Verbrechen war eine Drogenhändlerbande beteiligt
the crime involved two schoolgirls [as victims] zwei Schulmädchen wurden Opfer dieses Verbrechens
▪ to involve sb in sth jdn an etw dat beteiligen; (unwillingly) jdn in etw akk verwickeln [o hineinziehen]
to involve sb in a discussion jdn an einer Diskussion beteiligen
to involve sb in expense jdm Kosten verursachen
to get involved in sth in etw akk verwickelt [o hineingezogen] werden
I don’t want to get involved ich will damit nichts zu tun haben
▪ to involve sb in doing sth:
they involved the staff in designing the packaging sie ließen die Belegschaft am Entwurf der Verpackung mitwirken
you should involve the kids more in cooking du solltest die Kinder mehr mitkochen lassen
▪ to involve oneself in sth sich akk in etw dat engagieren
he’s become very involved in the community er engagiert sich sehr in der Gemeinde
to involve oneself in local politics sich akk kommunalpolitisch [o in der Kommunalpolitik] engagieren
▪ to be involved in sth (be busy with) mit etw dat zu tun haben, mit etw dat beschäftigt sein; (be engrossed) von etw dat gefesselt sein
▪ to be involved with sb (have to do with) mit jdm zu tun haben; (relationship) mit jdm eine Beziehung haben; (affair) mit jdm ein Verhältnis haben
* * *
1) verwickeln (sb in sth jdn in etw
); beteiligen (sb in sth jdn an etw
); betreffen
to be/get involved with sth — etwas mit etw zu tun haben
he’s very involved with her —
2) mit sich bringen, zur Folge haben; umfassen; bedeuten
what does the job involve? —
this problem involves many separate issues to involve considerable expense/a lot of hard work — dieses Problem umfasst viele verschiedene Punkte or schließt viele verschiedene Punkte ein beträchtliche Kosten/viel Arbeit mit sich bringen or zur Folge haben
about £1,000 was involved — es ging dabei um etwa £ 1.000
* * *
involve [ınˈvɒlv; US ınˈvɑlv] v/t
in in akk):
I don’t want to get involved ich will damit nichts zu tun haben;
be completely involved in one’s work von seiner Arbeit völlig in Anspruch genommen sein
b) jemanden, etwas angehen, berühren, betreffen:
we are all involved (in this case) es (dieser Fall) geht uns alle an, wir sind alle davon (von diesem Fall) betroffen;
c) etwas in Mitleidenschaft ziehen:
a) zu tun haben mit jemandem, etwas,
b) enge Beziehungen haben zu jemandem:
get involved with sb mit jemandem engen Kontakt bekommen, pej sich mit jemandem einlassen;
involve o.s. in sich einsetzen oder engagieren für
3. a) mit sich bringen, zur Folge haben, nach sich ziehen
b) verbunden sein mit:
c) erfordern, nötig machen:
d) umfassen, einschließen
4. etwas verwirren, komplizieren:
* * *
transitive verb
involve somebody in a game/fight — jemanden an einem Spiel beteiligen/in eine Schlägerei [mit] hineinziehen
become or get involved in a fight — in eine Schlägerei verwickelt werden
get involved with somebody — sich mit jemandem einlassen; eine Beziehung mit jemandem anfangen
4) mit sich bringen; erfordern; bedeuten
* * *
(in, with) v.
angehen v.
beteiligen (an) v.
betreffen v. (to be a matter of) v.
gehen um ausdr.
sich drehen um ausdr.
sich handeln um ausdr. v.
bedeuten v.
einschließen v.
erfordern v.
etwas komplizieren ausdr.
hineinziehen v.
involvieren v.
mit sich bringen ausdr.
nach sich ziehen ausdr.
nötig machen ausdr.
umfassen v.
verbunden sein mit ausdr.
verwickeln v.
verwirren v.
zum Gegenstand haben ausdr.
zur Folge haben ausdr.
English-german dictionary > involve
1) fiesta, reunión
2) grupo
3) partido
1 (dress) de fiesta; (mood, atmosphere) festivo,-a
2 SMALLPOLITICS/SMALL (member, leader) del partido
I ‘pɑːrti, ‘pɑːti
I was invited to a tea/dinner party — me invitaron a un té/a una cena
to have o (colloq) throw a party — dar* or hacer* una fiesta; (before n) < mood> festivo; < game> de salón; < dress> de fiesta
2) ( Pol) partido m; (before n) <member, leader> del partido
the guilty/innocent party — el culpable/inocente
• to give or have or throw a party — dar or frm ofrecer una fiesta
house 3.
2) (Pol) partido
• to join a party — afiliarse a un partido, hacerse miembro de un partido
• to be (a) party to sth, I will not be a party to any violence — no me voy a prestar a la violencia
third 4., warring
ir a fiestas; irse de juerga
, irse de marcha (
let’s party! — ¡vámonos de juerga! *, ¡vámonos de marcha! (Sp) *
party game N — juego de fiestas; juego de sociedad
party line N — (Telec) línea compartida
party mood N — ganas de fiesta
• to be in the party mood — tener ganas de fiesta
party official N — (Pol) funcionario(-a) / f de partido
party politics NPL — política de partido; pej partidismo pej, politiqueo pej
• it’s party time! — ¡es hora de fiesta!
* * *
I [‘pɑːrti, ‘pɑːti]
I was invited to a tea/dinner party — me invitaron a un té/a una cena
to have o (colloq) throw a party — dar* or hacer* una fiesta; (before n) < mood> festivo; < game> de salón; < dress> de fiesta
2) ( Pol) partido m; (before n) <member, leader> del partido
the guilty/innocent party — el culpable/inocente
English-spanish dictionary > party
1. [ə’səʊʃɪət]
1) (colleague, partner) socio m. (-a)
AE univ.
= diploma universitario
1. [ə’səʊʃɪeɪt]
verbo transitivo
1) associare, collegare [idea, memory] ( with a)
verbo intransitivo
to associate with sb. — frequentare qcn
* * *
1. [ə’səusieit]
1) associare
2) frequentarsi
2. [-et]
1) associato
2) associato
socio; collega
— in association with
* * *
associate /əˈsəʊʃɪət/
♦ (to) associate /əˈsəʊʃɪeɪt/
1 associarsi; unirsi
* * *
1. [ə’səʊʃɪət]
1) (colleague, partner) socio m. (-a)
AE univ.
= diploma universitario
1. [ə’səʊʃɪeɪt]
verbo transitivo
1) associare, collegare [idea, memory] ( with a)
verbo intransitivo
to associate with sb. — frequentare qcn
English-Italian dictionary > associate
1. 1) включать, содержать
2) подразумевать, предполагать
2. влечь за собой, вызывать (); приводить ()
3. вовлекать, втягивать, впутывать, вмешивать
to involve smb. in debt — заставить кого-л. влезть в долги
to involve smb. in a crime — вовлечь /втянуть/ кого-л. в преступление
to involve a question in difficulty — запутывать /осложнять/ вопрос
4. затрагивать
to involve smb.’s rights — затрагивать чьи-л. права
we all are involved, whether we like it or not — это касается нас всех, нравится нам это или нет
5. привлекать к участию
workmen involved in building a house — рабочие, занятые на строительстве дома
6. 1) углубляться, погружаться (); быть занятым, увлечённым ()
she was involved in working out a puzzle — она была погружена в решение головоломки
2) увлекаться ()
7. окутывать; покрывать; обволакивать
the outcome of the matter is involved in doubt — исход дела неизвестен, неизвестно, чем кончится дело
свёртывать спиралью; обвивать
НБАРС > involve
in·volve [ɪnʼvɒlv, Am -ʼvɑ:lv] vt
1) (concern, affect)
to involve sth/sb etw/jdn betreffen;
criminal law involves acts which are considered harmful to society as a whole das Strafrecht beschäftigt sich mit Handlungen, die die ganze Gesellschaft beeinträchtigen;
the accident involved two cars an dem Unfall waren zwei Personenwagen beteiligt;
the crime involved two underage schoolgirls in das Verbrechen waren zwei minderjährige Schulmädchen verwickelt;
to involve sb with sth sich akk für etw akk engagieren
2) (include, incorporate)
to involve sb/ sth in sth jdn/etw in etw akk verwickeln [o hineinziehen];
to involve sb in negotiations jdn an Verhandlungen beteiligen;
to involve sb in doing sth jdn an etw dat beteiligen;
the four men were all involved in carrying out the murders alle vier Männer waren an der Ausführung des Mordes beteiligt
3) (entail, necessitate)
to involve sth etw mit sich dat bringen, etw zur Folge haben;
the operation involves putting a small tube into your heart während der Operation wird ein kleines Röhrchen in das Herz eingeführt
to be involved in sth (be engrossed, pre-occupied) von etw dat gefesselt sein;
he’s become very involved in a local church er engagiert sich sehr in der örtlichen Gemeinde
English-German students dictionary > involve
transitive verb
belasten [Verdächtigen usw.]
* * *
▪ to implicate sb in sth jdn mit etw dat in Verbindung bringen
to be implicated in a crime/scandal in ein Verbrechen/einen Skandal verwickelt sein
▪ to implicate sth etw andeuten
she waved her hand and implicated that he should come over to her sie winkte mit der Hand und gab ihm zu verstehen, dass er zu ihr kommen sollte
▪ to implicate sth etw zur Folge haben
* * *
* * *
1. fig verwickeln, hineinziehen ( beide:
in in akk), in Zusammenhang oder Verbindung bringen ( with mit):
2. →»>imply 4
* * *
transitive verb
belasten [Verdächtigen usw.]
* * *
zur Folge haben ausdr. v.
verwickeln v.
English-german dictionary > implicate
accessory [to something] — zusätzlich [zu etwas]
3) Accessoire, das
* * *
1) das Zubehör
2) der/die Mittäter(in)
* * *
3. (tool) Extra nt
he became an accessory to the crime er machte sich am Verbrechen mitschuldig; LAW
accessory after the fact nach der Tat Beteiligte(r) f(m)
to be an accessory before the fact sich akk der Beihilfe schuldig machen
to be charged with being an accessory after the fact der Beihilfe beschuldigt werden
* * *
* * *
A adj
1. zusätzlich, Bei…, Neben…, Begleit…, Hilfs…, Zusatz…:
2. nebensächlich, untergeordnet, Neben…
3. beitragend, Hilfs…:
4. teilnehmend, mitschuldig (to an dat)
B s
1. Zusatz m, Anfügung f, Anhang m
2. MED Begleiterscheinung f
3. Zubehörteil n, (Mode auch) Accessoire n, pl auch Zubehör n
4. JUR
* * *
accessory [to something] — zusätzlich [zu etwas]
3) Accessoire, das
* * *
Accessoire n.
Zubehörsatz m.
Zusatz —¨e m.
English-german dictionary > accessory
1) Partei, die; attrib. Partei[apparat, -versammlung, -mitglied, -politik, -politiker usw.]
3) Party, die; Fete, die ; Gesellschaft, die
be [a] party in or to something — sich an etwas (Dat.) beteiligen
parties to an agreement/a dispute — Parteien bei einem Abkommen/streitende Parteien; see also»>third party
* * *
1) die Party; Party-…
2) die Gruppe
3) die Partei
* * *
[ˈpɑ:ti, AM ˈpɑ:rt̬i]
I. n
all-night party Party f bis zum frühen Morgen
2. + sing/pl vb POL Partei f
opposition party Oppositionspartei f
the party in power die regierende Partei
working party Arbeitsausschuss m
3. + sing/pl vb (group) [Reise]gruppe f
coach party Gruppe f von Busreisenden
royal party Gruppe f von Mitgliedern des Königshauses
school party Schülergruppe f
fishing party Gruppe f von Anglern
search party Suchtrupp m
4. (person involved) Partei f
the guilty party die schuldige Partei
third party Dritter m, dritte Person
to be [a] party to an arrangement etw von einer Abmachung wissen
to be [a] party to a secret in ein Geheimnis eingeweiht sein
to be [a] party to a crime LAW an einem Verbrechen beteiligt sein
party balloons Luftballons pl
party spirit Partylaune f, Partystimmung f
party snack Partysnack m, [Party]häppchen nt
2. POL Partei-
party donation Parteispende f
party affiliations Parteizugehörigkeit f
party candidate Kandidat(in) m(f) einer Partei
party convention Parteiversammlung f
Democratic Pparty Convention Versammlung f der Demokraten
the party faithful die [treuen] Parteianhänger pl
III. vi
( fam) feiern
* * *
2) Gruppe
, Gesellschaft
; Kommando
, Trupp
3) Party
, Fete
; Gesellschaft
a party by the name of Johnson — ein gewisser Johnson
feiern, eine Party machen
* * *
A s
1. POL Partei f:
2. Trupp m:
a) MIL Abteilung f, Kommando n
c) (Rettungs- etc) Mannschaft f:
3. Partie f, Gesellschaft f:
4. Einladung f, Gesellschaft f, Party f:
the party is over! fig die schönen Tage sind vorüber!;
it’s your party! US umg das ist dein Bier!
5. JUR (Prozess- etc) Partei f:
contracting party, party to a contract Vertragspartei, Kontrahent(in); → third party 1
6. Teilnehmer(in) ( auch TEL), Beteiligte(r) m/f(m):
be a party to sth an einer Sache beteiligt sein, etwas mitmachen, mit etwas zu tun haben;
7. umg Kerl m
8. SPORT Aufgebot n:
B adj
1. Partei…:
party chairman (chairwoman) Parteivorsitzende(r) m (Parteivorsitzende f);
2. Party…:
party game Gesellschaftsspiel n (besonders für Kinder);
3. Heraldik: in gleiche Teile geteilt
* * *
1) Partei, die; attrib. Partei[apparat, -versammlung, -mitglied, -politik, -politiker usw.]
3) Party, die; Fete, die ; Gesellschaft, die
be [a] party in or to something — sich an etwas (Dat.) beteiligen
parties to an agreement/a dispute — Parteien bei einem Abkommen/streitende Parteien; see also third party
* * *
Feier —n f.
Fest —e n.
Gesellschaft f.
Partei —en f.
Partie —n f.
Party —s f.
English-german dictionary > party
причастный I
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > причастный I
1) no pl. Implikation, die
2) no pl. Verwicklung, die (in in +
3) no pl. Betroffenheit, die (in von)
4) Implikation, die
* * *
die Andeutung
* * *
the implication is that… daraus kann man schließen, dass…, das impliziert, dass…
by implication indirekt, implizit
3. usu pl (effect) Auswirkung[en] f[pl], Folge[n] f[pl]
▪ the implications for sb/sth die Folgen pl für jdn/etw
I’m not sure what the implications are for us ich bin mir nicht sicher, was das für uns bedeutet
what are the implications of the new law wie wird sich das neue Gesetz auswirken?
4. MATH Implikation f
* * *
1) Implikation
; Auswirkung
; Bedeutung
no pl
, Implikation
the implication of your statement is that… — Ihre Behauptung impliziert, dass…
by implication —
* * *
1. Verwicklung f
2. Implikation f, Einbegreifen n, Einbeziehung f
3. Einbegriffensein n
4. (stillschweigende oder selbstverständliche) Folgerung:
a) als natürliche Folgerung oder Folge,
b) stillschweigend, ohne Weiteres, durch sinngemäße Auslegung
5. Begleiterscheinung f, Folge f, Auswirkung f, pl auch Weiterungen pl:
6. (enger) Zusammenhang, Verflechtung f, pl auch Hintergründe pl
7. tieferer Sinn, eigentliche Bedeutung
8. (versteckte) Andeutung (of von)
9. Logik: Implikation f (Beziehung zwischen zwei Sachverhalten, von denen der eine den anderen in sich schließt oder schließen soll)
* * *
1) no pl. Implikation, die
2) no pl. Verwicklung, die (in in +
3) no pl. Betroffenheit, die (in von)
* * *
Auswirkung f.
Folgerung f.
Implikation f.
Verwicklung f.
English-german dictionary > implication
На этой странице вы найдете английскую лексику на тему «Преступление» (Crime).
Crimes — Преступления | |
burglary | кража со взломом |
robbery | грабеж |
rape | насилие |
murder | убийство |
arson | поджог |
assault | словесное оскорбление |
inciting racial hatred | разжигание расовой ненависти |
contract killing | заказное убийство |
forgery | подделка (документов, денег) |
manslaughter | убийство по неосторожности |
shoplifting | магазинные кражи |
theft | воровство |
treason | гос.измена |
vandalism | вандализм |
white-collar crime | должностное преступление |
homicide | убийство человека |
house-breaking | проникновение в дом, взлом |
extortion | вымогательство |
hacking | компьютерные атаки |
motor vehicle theft | угон автомобиля |
pilferage | мелкая кража |
pickpocketing | карманная кража |
hijack | угон самолета |
smuggling | контрабандный ввоз |
kidnapping | похищение с целью выкупа |
drug traffic | торговля наркотиками |
disorderly conduct | нарушение общественного порядка |
mugging | уличное ограбление |
bribery | взяточничество |
slander | клевета (устная) |
libel | клевета (письменная) |
perjury | лжесвидетельство |
complicity | соучастие в преступлении |
harassment | домогательство |
money laundering | отмывание денег |
Punishment — наказание | |
penal servitude | каторга |
exile | ссылка |
banishment | депортация |
penitentiary | исправительная колония |
to reprimand | сделать выговор |
death penalty | смертная казнь |
capital punishment | высшая мера наказания |
confinement | тюремное заключение |
imprisonment | лишение свободы |
a heavy fines | крупный штраф |
a prison sentence | приговор к тюремному заключению |
a suspend sentence | условное заключение |
a corporal punishment | телесное наказание |
crucifixion | распятие |
electrocution | казнь на электрическом стуле |
eviction | лишение имущества |
firing squad | расстрел |
gas chamber | газовая камера |
hanging | казнь через повешение |
lethal injection | смертельная инъекция |
life imprisonment | пожизненное заключение |
lynching | линчевание, самосуд |
probation | условное освобождение |
public execution | публичная смертная казнь |
solitary confinement | одиночное заключение |
community service | общественные работы |
In the court — в суде | |
a solicitor | адвокат |
convict | осужденный |
culprit | обвиняемый, подсудимый |
a prosecutor | обвинитель, прокурор |
suspect | подозреваемый |
a witness | свидетель |
felony | уголовное преступление |
cross-examination | перекрестный допрос |
to serve a sentence | отбывать наказание |
to serve on a jury | выступать в роли присяжного |
a circuit judge | окружной судья |
petty offence | незначительные правонарушения |
a plaintiff | истец, заявитель |
attorney for defense | адвокат по защите |
presiding judge | главный судья |
bailiff | судебный пристав |
defendant | ответчик, обвиняемый |
jury | присяжные |
misdemeanor | судебно наказуемый проступок |
a sentence/verdict | приговор |
to accuse/charge with | обвинять |
to bring lawsuit | привести иск |
a clerk of the court | секретарь суда |
to condemn/sentence to death | приговорить к смерти |
to file a complaint | подавать жалобу |
to interrogate/question | допрашивать |
to plead guilty | признать себя виновным |
to put in prison | заключать в тюрьму |
warrant of arrest | ордер на арест |
In English, there are a lot of specific words for different types of crimes and the criminals who commit them. Unfortunately, the list of crimes and criminals is long! Because the words have specific legal meanings, only a short, basic definition is given below. You may wish to download and print out the list, and write the correct translation of the words in your own language. This would give you the exact meaning.
** hacker does not technically mean a cyber criminal, but the word is often used to describe those who commit computer crimes.
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I am drawing up an email in these terms:
What do you think of the new policy to implicate/involve the private sector in the running of the public transport system
Well, I really don´t know which of the bold words to use in this context. I often use «involve» but saw that the word «implicate» exists and now I came into this question.
Thanks in advance!
I often use «involve» but saw that the word «implicate» exists…
Beware of thesauri! Remember, no two words are exactly synonymous. We mostly use «implicate» to indicate that it seems that someone has been involved in a crime or some other unethical/immoral action.
I think it’s often better to use the words you know and understand. Sometimes, when you attempt to use a fancy new word, you can create some unexpected and unwanted connotations — especially in English, since we have so many words.
If you will check the dictionary here for implicate, you will see that the first two definitions show the word’s pejorative definitions … and that’s how we generally use it.
I don’t think that’s your intention.
Edit: Cross-posted with lucas-sp, who offers excellent advice.
Last edited: Dec 18, 2012
I totally agree Lucas-sp about using a fancy new word you have just learnt, but that is because one wants to widen/broad his vocabulary.
NO, clearly that´s not my intention sdgraham, .
So, definitely I have to use «involve», don´t I?. I don´t know what I would do without so helpful people like you!!.
<< — threads merged here — >>
I trying to make this sentence:
«They are trying to carry out that policy to implicate/involve the private sector in the running of several public affairs»
Should I used «implicate» or instead «involve»?. I also am doubting whether I should use the gerund (implicating/involving). In my opinion, as a non-native speaker, «implicate» or «implicating» fits in much properly.
Thanks in advance!
Last edited by a moderator: Jan 31, 2013
It depends what you want to say. The words ‘implicate’ and ‘involve’ have different meanings (you can look them up in the Wordreference dictionary).
«to implicate» means to
to be involved.
I don’t see how you could use the gerund here. Could you write the sentence in full to show what you mean?
Thanks Biffo!!
Yes, I checked the dictionary but sometimes is not that easy to figure out words that seems so similar.
What do you mean «in full» ? . I already wrote the whole sentence, if that is what you refer to.
Last edited: Jan 31, 2013
Thanks Biffo!!
Yes, I checked the dictionary but sometimes is not that easy to figure out words that seems so similar.
What do you mean «in full» ? . I already wrote it the whole sentence, if that is what you refer to.
If you ‘implicate’ someone, it means that you show that they were involved in something, e.g
The police found some evidence that implicated John in the crime —> The police found some evidence that showed that John was involved in the crime.
I meant can you write a full sentence using the gerund. You cannot simply substitute «to involve» with «to involving». I presume you have some other formulation.
If you ‘implicate’ someone, it means that you show that they were involved in something, e.g
The police found some evidence that implicated John in the crime —> The police found some evidence that showed that John was involved in the crime.
I meant can you write a full sentence using the gerund. You cannot simply substitute «to involve» with «to involving». I presume you have some other formulation.
Thanks again Biffo!
I am trying to figure out your example about the police. I am sure that when I read tomorrow all your replies I´ll understand it much better because sometimes I am so much into something that I need a bit of «fresh» air or just make up 4 sentences , things like those.
As for the gerund, I don´t have other formulations, just that sometimes (to my amazement) I see «to + gerund» , because I thought that after «to» always came «infinitive» and not «gerund».
…As for the gerund, I don´t have other formulations, just that sometimes (to my amazement) I see «to + gerund» , because I thought that after «to» always came «infinitive» and not «gerund».
Can you give an example that you have seen that uses ‘to’ with the gerund? I can’t think of a plausible one. I expect it is possible but not as a substitute for the infinitive.
Well, I really don´t remember now Biffo, but whenever I saw it I got a bit puzzled. …I just found this one (but I know of others): «I am looking forward to seeing you» . But I know of others I can´t remember now.
Thanks alot Biffo!
Well, I really don´t remember now Biffo, but whenever I saw it I got a bit puzzled. …I just found this one (but I know of others): «I am looking forward to seeing you» . But I know of others I can´t remember now.
Thanks alot Biffo!
I realise now that there are two separate questions in this thread, one about the meaning of «to implicate» and one about the use of gerunds!
I wonder if you would like to start a separate thread about «I am looking forward to seeing you» ?
Yes, I should (start another thread) . Thanks once more Biffo for your priceless assistance!!
There are many words in English dealing with crime, the courts and punishment.
a – acquit / acquittal
acquit = to decide that someone is not guilty of a crime: “All the defendants were acquitted.”
b – barrister, bail
barrister = a lawyer who is trained to defend or prosecute in a court: “The barrister asked many difficult questions.”
bail = a sum of money that can be paid in some situations to allow someone accused of a crime to stay out of prison before the court case: “He won’t get bail – he’s extremely violent.”
c – court, custody, conviction, cross-examination
court = the place where a crime is discussed and judged: “He’s in court again – this is the second time this year!”
a court case = what happens in a court: “This is an interesting court case, as many people are involved.”
in custody = when the police keep someone in prison before the person goes to court: “He’s being kept in custody until the trial begins.”
custodial sentence = when someone is sent to prison for a crime: “Custodial sentences are getting shorter.”
conviction = when someone is found guilty of a crime: “He had a string of convictions going back twenty years.”
cross-examination = when what someone says is questioned by the barrister representing the other side: “Under cross-examination, her evidence showed some inconsistencies.”
d – defend, defendant
to defend – to argue the innocence of the person who is accused of a crime (the defendant):”The barrister defending him is going to have a hard time.”
e – evidence
evidence = information that proves someone is guilty: “The forensic evidence shows that he committed the murder.”
f – fine
fine = a sum of money that is paid as a punishment for a minor crime: “He got a small fine for speeding.”
g – guilty
find someone guilty = when it is decided that someone has committed a crime: “He was found guilty of murder and sentenced to life imprisonment.”
h – hearsay
hearsay = when you hear something from someone, but you don’t know if it is true or not: “Although the police are suspicious, they can’t prosecute him on what the neighbours think – it’s all hearsay.”
i – illegal
illegal = against the law: “The brothers carried out an illegal trade in rare and endangered animals.”
j – judge, jury, justice
judge = a person who is in control of a court. The judge makes sure that both sides of the argument are heard, sums up or explains things to the jury, if necessary, and passes sentence if the defendant is found guilty. “She’s a well-respected judge.”
jury = 12 citizens who are selected at random to decide whether someone is guilty or not in a criminal trial: “I have to do jury service next month and I’m a little nervous.” “The jury took five hours to find him not guilty.”
justice = how people are judged: “The British justice system is unlike other European systems.”
l – life sentence
life sentence = when someone guilty of murder or other serious crimes is sent to prison for “life”: “He’s currently serving two life sentences for murder.”
m – magistrate, magistrate’s court
magistrate = someone who judges less serious crimes: “She was in the magistrate’s court for shoplifting.”
n – not guilty
not guilty = when someone is found to be innocent of a crime: “The jury found her not guilty.”
o – Old Bailey
Old Bailey – famous law courts in London, where serious crimes are tried: “The public gallery at the Old Bailey is a good place to witness the British justice system.”
p – prosecution, parole, plea, plaintiff
prosecution = the lawyers arguing against the defendant: “The doctor was a witness for the prosecution.”
parole = when a convicted criminal is allowed out of prison before the end of the sentence: “He was sentenced to ten years, but with parole, he’ll serve seven years at the most.” “She’s on parole.”
plea = a statement in court saying whether a person is guilty or not: “The defendant entered a plea of not guilty.”
plaintiff = someone who takes a person to court and brings a legal action against them: “The plaintiff stated that the defendant had deliberately destroyed his fence.”
q – QC
QC (Queen’s Counsel) = a senior barrister.
r – diminished responsibility
diminished responsibility = when someone cannot be held responsible for a crime, because they are mentally ill: “A plea of diminished responsibility was accepted.”
s – statement, sentence
statement = something that a person says is true and which is officially written down: “In your statement to the police, you said that you had left the party at 11 pm.”
sentence = the punishment that a judge gives someone who is guilty of a crime: “People are no longer sentenced to death in the UK.”
t – trial
trial = the court process which decides if someone is guilty or not: “The murder trial is being reported in all the newspapers.”
u – unsafe
unsafe conviction = when someone has been found guilty because the evidence was wrong or the witnesses didn’t tell the truth: “The judge ruled the convictions unsafe and they were released from prison.”
v – victim, verdict
victim = the person who has the crime committed against him or her: “The murder victim was aged between 25 and 30.”
verdict = what the jury decides: “The jury returned a verdict of not guilty.”
w – witness
witness = someone who sees a crime being committed: “The police are appealing for witnesses to come forward.”