Word for being honest

Words related to honest

virtuous, genuine, straightforward, fair, impartial, decent, sincere, trustworthy, authentic, equitable, conscientious, proper, honorable, reliable, forthright, true, direct, ethical, frank, high-minded.

In this regard, what do you mean honest?

honest. The adjective honest is perfect for describing someone who tells the truth. If you‘re always honest, it means you‘re truthful and sincere no matter what.

Furthermore, what do you call a kind hearted person?

adjective. If you describe someone as kindhearted, you mean that they are kind, caring, and generous. He was a warm, generous and kindhearted man. Synonyms: sympathetic, kind, generous, helpful More Synonyms of kindhearted.

How do you describe a good person?

You can talk to him easily, and he’s very friendly:

  1. Affable — He’s easy to talk to.
  2. Agreeable — He’s enjoyable to talk to.
  3. Amiable — He’s friendly and nice.
  4. Charming — He has a “magic” effect that makes people like him.
  5. Polite — He’s good at saying “please,” “thank you,” etc.
  6. Likeable — He’s easy to like.

What are the qualities of an honest person?

5 Qualities of Honest Individuals

  • They’re Not Concerned About Popularity Contests. Honest people don’t obsess over what peers think of them.
  • They Stand Up for Their Beliefs. Honest individuals don’t go looking for fights, but they also aren’t afraid to speak their mind.
  • They Are Thick Skinned.
  • They Have Close Friendships.
  • They Are Trusted by Peers.
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Asked by: Claudia Daugherty

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(31 votes)

noun. Honourable quality or character; virtuousness; integrity, sincerity.

Is Honestness a word?

noun. Honourable quality or character; virtuousness; integrity, sincerity.

What is a word for being too honest?

bad, corrupt, counterfeit, crooked, deceitful, disguised, dishonest, false, fraudulent, guilty, illegitimate, immoral, insincere, secretive, treacherous, unethical, unfair, unfaithful, unlawful, unprincipled, unreliable, unrighteous, unscrupulous, untrustworthy, untruthful.

What is another word for not honest?

Dishonest is the opposite of honest—it’s used to describe someone or something as intentionally deceptive or not fully truthful in some way.

What is a word for having integrity?

Some common synonyms of integrity are honesty, honor, and probity. While all these words mean «uprightness of character or action,» integrity implies trustworthiness and incorruptibility to a degree that one is incapable of being false to a trust, responsibility, or pledge.

34 related questions found

What are 10 traits of a person with integrity?

13 Characteristics of People Who Have True Integrity

  • They value other people’s time. …
  • They give credit where it is due. …
  • They are authentic. …
  • They are always honest. …
  • They never take advantage of others. …
  • They do not argue over disagreements. …
  • They give most people the benefit of the doubt.

What are two synonyms for honest?

synonyms for honest

  • decent.
  • fair.
  • genuine.
  • impartial.
  • sincere.
  • straightforward.
  • trustworthy.
  • virtuous.

How do you describe an honest person?

If you describe someone as honest, you mean that they always tell the truth, and do not try to deceive people or break the law. I know she’s honest and reliable. Synonyms: trustworthy, decent, upright, reliable More Synonyms of honest. honestly adverb [ADV after v] She fought honestly for a just cause and for freedom.

What are the qualities of an honest person?

  • 5 Qualities of Honest Individuals. The truth can sting, but it’s bitter medicine that could save your life. …
  • They’re Not Concerned About Popularity Contests. …
  • They Stand Up for Their Beliefs. …
  • They Are Thick Skinned. …
  • They Have Close Friendships. …
  • They Are Trusted by Peers.

How do you describe a good person in one word?

Affable — He’s easy to talk to. Agreeable — He’s enjoyable to talk to. Amiable — He’s friendly and nice. Charming — He has a “magic” effect that makes people like him.

What do you call someone who is a good person?

gentleperson. nounpolite, well-mannered person. aristocrat. brick. good egg.

How do you describe a genuine person?

If you describe a person as genuine, you approve of them because they are honest, truthful, and sincere in the way they live and in their relationships with other people. She is very caring and very genuine.

Is honesty and truth the same?

Honesty and truthfulness are not the same thing. Being honest means not telling lies. Being truthful means actively making known all the full truth of a matter. … In the U.S. legal system, a witness has to tell “the whole truth and nothing but the truth” but apparently an attorney does not.

What is Cruelness?

disposition to willfully inflict pain and suffering on others. far from being healers, the doctors in the Nazi death camps were notable for their senseless cruelness.

What is the noun of honest?

honesty. (uncountable, obsolete) honor, decency, propriety. (uncountable, obsolete) Chastity. (uncountable) The act, quality, or condition of being honest.

How can you tell if someone is being honest?

Scientific Ways To Tell If Someone Is Being Honest

  • Their Story Is Longer & Detailed. …
  • They’re Holding The Right Amount Of Eye Contact. …
  • Their Breathing Is Steady. …
  • Their Voice Is Steady, Too. …
  • They Neglect To Blame Negative Outside Forces. …
  • You Haven’t Noticed Them Touching Their Nose. …
  • They’re Not Covering Their Throat.

How do you describe a trustworthy person?

Trustworthy people maintain consistency with what they say and what they do. They are the same at work, at home, and everywhere else; they don’t pretend to be someone else. Trustworthy people are reliable, responsible, accountable, and resourceful. «Consistency reinforces trust.»

What is the opposite kindness?

Opposite of the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate. malice. animosity. callousness. cruelty.

What does God say about integrity?

Know the truth and live it: Declare me innocent, O Lord, for I have acted with integrity; I have trusted in the Lord without wavering.

Who is a person with integrity?

A person of integrity displays a principled dedication to values and beliefs. They always seek to reflect ethical standards and do the right thing regardless of the circumstances.

How do we identify a man of integrity?

When determining if the people in your life are truly trustworthy, here are 15 signs of people with integrity.

  1. They’re trustworthy. …
  2. They’re accountable. …
  3. They’re reliable. …
  4. They don’t mind sharing the spotlight. …
  5. They’re humble. …
  6. They work to find a solution. …
  7. They’re genuine. …
  8. They’re generous.

How do you lose integrity?

It’s upsetting each time we read about yet another prominent figure losing their integrity through lying, stealing, committing fraud, or infidelity.

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На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

за честность

за откровенность

за искренность

за то, что вы честны

за то, что был честным

за то, чтобы был честным

Спасибо, что были честны

In my work unit, my leader praised me for being honest and competent.

На работе начальник хвалил меня за честность и компетентность.

Our patients respect us for being honest.

She would probably thank you for being honest.

Thanks for being honest Mr. Lowry!

Thank you, Peter Jackson, for being honest.

Excuse me for being honest

When your child owns up to doing something wrong, praise them for being honest.

Когда ваш ребенок сообщил Вам, что сделал неправильный поступок, похвалите ее за честность.

Thank you, Zach, for being honest.

Thank you for being honest with me, Quinn, and…

I mean, is the code going to punish you for being honest?

Я к тому, что по уставу тебя собираются наказать за честность?

About how you kicked me out for being honest with you?

But suppose you decide that your firm would penalize you for being honest and that you can get away with inventing physical illnesses to cover your needs.

Но допустим, вы решите, что ваша компания накажет вас за честность, и что вы сможете избежать наказания за придумывание физических заболеваний для удовлетворения своих потребностей.

Thank you for being honest, Gilbert.

Thank you everybody for being honest.

I will reward you for being honest.

Thank you for being honest and forthright qith me.

Thank you for being honest with me.

Okay. Thanks for being honest.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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What is a fancy word for honest?

Hear this out loudPauseFrequently Asked Questions About honesty Some common synonyms of honesty are honor, integrity, and probity. While all these words mean “uprightness of character or action,” honesty implies a refusal to lie, steal, or deceive in any way.

What can I say instead of sincere?

Hear this out loudPauseSome common synonyms of sincere are heartfelt, hearty, unfeigned, and wholehearted. While all these words mean “genuine in feeling,” sincere stresses absence of hypocrisy, feigning, or any falsifying embellishment or exaggeration.

What words describe an honest person?

synonyms for honest

  • decent.
  • fair.
  • genuine.
  • impartial.
  • sincere.
  • straightforward.
  • trustworthy.
  • virtuous.

    How do you describe a sincere person?

    Hear this out loudPauseBeing sincere is being genuine. If someone compliments you on your outfit, but you notice them rolling their eyes when they think you’re not looking, they probably weren’t being sincere. If you’ve been offered a sincere thanks for something you’ve done, the person is probably really grateful.

    What is honesty in simple words?

    Hear this out loudPauseHonesty is a facet of moral character that connotes positive and virtuous attributes such as integrity, truthfulness, straightforwardness, including straightforwardness of conduct, along with the absence of lying, cheating, theft, etc. Honesty also involves being trustworthy, loyal, fair, and sincere.

    What type of word is sincere?

    Hear this out loudPauseadjective, sin·cer·er, sin·cer·est. free of deceit, hypocrisy, or falseness; earnest: a sincere apology. genuine; real: a sincere effort to improve; a sincere friend. pure; unmixed; unadulterated.

    What is a sincere friend called?

    Hear this out loudPauseartless, bona fide, candid, earnest, frank, genuine, guileless, heartfelt, honest, natural, no-nonsense, open, real, serious, straightforward, true, unaffected, unfeigned, upfront (informal) wholehearted.

    What is a genuine person called?

    Hear this out loudPausetruthful. adjective. a truthful person says what is true and does not lie.

    What is a genuine person?

    Hear this out loudPauseWhen you’re talking about people, being genuine has to do with being sincere. This word has to do with things and people that are true. A genuine blonde is a real blonde — no hair dye involved. A genuine friend is a real friend you can trust when the chips are down.

    What is honesty with example?

    Hear this out loudPauseThe definition of honesty is the quality of being truthful. An example of honesty is telling the truth even after doing something wrong. The state or quality of being honest. Honor. A refraining from lying, cheating, or stealing; a being truthful, trustworthy, or upright.

    What is the full form of honesty?

    Hear this out loudPauseHonest mean truthfull and sincere. Mark as brainliest.

    How to describe an honest and sincere person?

    Words used to describe honest and sincere people and behaviour – thesaurus. 1 honest. adjective. a person who is honest does not tell lies or cheat people, and obeys the law. 2 sincere. 3 fine. adjective. a fine person is good and honest. 4 genuine. 5 decent.

    Which is the best definition of the word honest?

    honest and responsible about what you do and how you treat other people. irreproachable adjective. very honest and morally good, and impossible to criticize. good adjective. honest and morally correct. upstanding adjective. formal honest and deserving respect. More synonyms +-artless adjective.

    Where does the word sincerity come from in English?

    The word Sincerity comes from the Latin word “sincerus”, which means “pure” or “clean”. It presents the quality of being genuine, not feigned, without hypocrisy or pretense. Being genuine with another person is probably one of the toughest things to do with another person.

    What are words used to describe honest and sincere people?

    Free thesaurus definition of words used to describe honest and sincere people and behaviour from the Macmillan English Dictionary – a free English dictionary online with thesaurus and with pronunciation from Macmillan Education.

    Which is the best synonym for the word honest?

    Honest: being in the habit of telling the truth. Synonyms: truthful, veracious, all right… Antonyms: dishonest, fibbing, lying… Find the right word.

    Which is the best definition of the word sincere?

    sincere, wholehearted, heartfelt, hearty, unfeigned mean genuine in feeling. sincere stresses absence of hypocrisy, feigning, or any falsifying embellishment or exaggeration. a sincere apology.

    What’s the difference between an honorable and an honest person?

    is (obsolete) to adorn or grace; to honour; to make becoming, appropriate, or honourable. Other Comparisons: What’s the difference? (of a person or institution) Scrupulous with regard to telling the truth; not given to swindling, lying, or fraud; upright. We’re the most honest people you will ever come across.

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Я к тому, что по уставу тебя собираются наказать за честность?

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Спасибо, что ты честен со мной, сынок.

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Oh, well, points for being honest… and points


eating with one of the sickies.

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Ладно, очко за честность… и очко


то, что едите с одним из больных.

Known for being honest capable of quickly paying large payouts without trouble,

and having generous comps.

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Известно для быть честным, способных быстро платить большие выплаты без проблем

и имея богатый композиции.

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Спасибо, что ты честен со мной.

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Спасибо, что ты честна со мной.

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В любом случае, спасибо вам за то, что вы честны со мной.

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How does the adjective honest differ from other similar words?

Some common synonyms of honest are conscientious, honorable, just, scrupulous, and upright. While all these words mean «having or showing a strict regard for what is morally right,» honest stresses adherence to such virtues as truthfulness, candor, or fairness.

known for being honest in business dealings

How do conscientious and scrupulous relate to one another, in the sense of honest?

Both conscientious and scrupulous imply an active moral sense governing all one’s actions and painstaking efforts to follow one’s conscience.

conscientious in the completion of her assignments

scrupulous in carrying out the terms of the will

When would honorable be a good substitute for honest?

The meanings of honorable and honest largely overlap; however, honorable suggests a firm holding to codes of right behavior and the guidance of a high sense of honor and duty.

a difficult but honorable decision

Where would just be a reasonable alternative to honest?

While the synonyms just and honest are close in meaning, just stresses conscious choice and regular practice of what is right or equitable.

workers given just compensation

When might upright be a better fit than honest?

The words upright and honest can be used in similar contexts, but upright implies a strict adherence to moral principles.

a stern and upright minister

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