Word for being complimented

Compliments in English: как делать комплименты на английском?

Комплимент — отличный способ наладить контакт с собеседником, но сделать комплимент на иностранном языке может оказаться непростой коммуникативной задачей.

Прежде чем сказать собеседнику что-то приятное, стоит подумать:

  • Какие слова выбрать?
  • Как построить предложение, помня о грамматике?
  • Как выразить свою мысль в соответствующем тоне, учитывая степень формальности и неформальности и культурные особенности?
  • Как сделать комплимент естественным и не поставить собеседника в неловкое положение?

Именно об этом мы с вами и поговорим в этом материале, потому что моя задача — подготовить вас к реальному общению на английском. Конечно, в формате блога я могу помочь вам с теорией, а полноценную практику вам обеспечат наши преподаватели онлайн-центра ENGINFORM на персональных занятиях онлайн, где в центре обучения — цели и потребности студента, где мы учим не читать и переводить, а думать и говорить на английском!

Сегодня речь пойдет о следующем:

  • Выражения со словом compliment
  • Когда и как уместно сделать комплимент на английском
  • Тематика комплиментов
  • Формальные и неформальные комплименты
  • Прилагательные для комплиментов
  • Глаголы для выражения комплиментов
  • Как реагировать на комплименты
  • Заключение

Compliment — комплимент или делать комплименты.

Не путайте это слово с глаголом to complement /ˈkɒm.plɪ.ment/ — дополнять, сочетаться, гармонировать.

Pay someone a compliment — сделать комплимент. Не do, не make, а именно pay.

I get embarrassed when people pay me compliments. — Я смущаюсь, когда люди делают мне комплименты.

The actress got used to the fact that fans pay her compliments. — Актриса привыкла к тому, что поклонники делают ей комплименты.

Shower someone with compliments — засыпать комплиментами:

After the presentation he was showered with compliments. — После презентации его засыпали комплиментами.

She looked great with her new hairstyle so friends showered her with compliments. — Она прекрасно выглядела с новой прической, и друзья засыпали ее комплиментами.

Receive a compliment — получить комплимент:

He received a few sincere compliments about his book. — Он получил несколько искренних комплиментов по поводу своей книги.

I always blush when I receive a compliment. — Я всегда краснею, когда получаю комплименты.

Производное прилагательное от complimentcomplimentary /kɒmplɪˈment(ə)rɪ/ — лестный, хвалебный, выражающий одобрение (approval), восхищение (admiration), уважение (respect). Complimentary remark — лестное замечание, комплимент:

His remark about my dress was highly complimentary. — Его замечание по поводу моего платья было очень лестным.

The visitors made a lot of complimentary remarks about the exhibition. — Посетители оставили много хвалебных отзывов о выставке.

Комплимент можно сделать в начале разговора — это отличный ice-breaker, повод начать на положительной ноте и продолжить легкую беседу с незнакомым или знакомым человеком. Ниже я расскажу, как это можно сделать. Кстати, недавно я публиковала целую статью о small talk, о том, как заводить разговор с незнакомцем на английском — рекомендую вам её изучить.

Комплимент вполне уместно сделать в средине или в завершении разговора, однако стоит «подготовить» к этому вашего собеседника, используя вводное выражение. Эти вводные фразы показывают, что вы обдумали сказанное, а не сказали первую возникшую у вас мысль, и хотите настроить собеседника на комплимент, чтобы он не почувствовал себя неловко:

  • I’d like to tell you that…
  • I wanted to say/mention that…
  • I’ve been meaning to mention…
  • I’ve been thinking that…
  • I noticed that…
  • If you don’t mind me saying…

Делая комплимент, помните о трех основных правилах:

  1. Будьте конкретны.
    Если ваш комплимент слишком общий, он не дает человеку информации о том, что же именно вы оценили, что именно вам понравилось и что человек сделал хорошо. Давая общий комплимент (с него проще начать), добавляйте подробность, something specific, — на что именно вы обратили внимание. Однако помните об уместности и темах, которые не стоит затрагивать.
  2. Не переборщите.
    Не засыпайте человека комплиментами, это выглядит ненатурально. Выберете одну-две вещи или аспекта, которые вы хотите отметить, и ограничьтесь этим — do not overdo it!
  3. Говорите в соответствующем тоне.
    Чтобы комплимент звучал естественно, ваш тон должен выражать энтузиазм. То есть не только сами слова должны быть положительными, но и интонация важна. Говорите с восходящей интонацией, которая слегка понижается к последнему слову в предложении.

Тематика комплиментов различается в разных культурах. То, что принято оценивать и хвалить в нашей культуре, может быть обидным и недопустимым для иностранца. Например, комплименты о внешности неуместны в рабочих и профессиональных контекстах. Стоит подумать, прежде чем комментировать чью-то вещь. Общаясь с малознакомыми людьми или с теми, с кем вы пересекаетесь в деловой сфере, лучше всего выбирать безопасные, нейтральные темы, не имеющие под собой никакого подтекста.

Типичные темы для комплиментов в западной культуре:

  1. Performance / achievements / talents / skills / abilities — разнообразные профессиональные и деловые достижения, умения, навыки, результаты
  2. Appearance / style / personal taste in possessions — внешность, одежда, стиль, вкус
  3. Personal qualities / personality characteristics — личностные качества, черты характера

Говоря о такой тонкой теме, как комплименты на иностранном языке, мне важно напомнить вам о разных степенях формальности общения. Если вы общаетесь с человеком, которого плохо знаете, вашим коллегой, руководителем, или тем, кто выше вас по статусу, ваш тон должен соответствовать ситуации и быть официальным, формальным и не скатываться в дружеское, панибратское общение.

Я уже рассказывала подробно о различиях между формальным и неформальным стилем коммуникации. Давайте сравним, как звучат комплименты в формальном и неформальном стиле:

If you don’t mind my saying, you are a(n) excellent/outstanding/superb + (noun phrase)

I must say you really know how to + (verb)

What a(n) excellent/outstanding/superb + (noun phrase) you are!

I admire your ability to + (verb)

May I be so bold as to compliment you on (noun)?

May I pay you a compliment?

I hope you don’t mind, but I just wanted to say how wonderful you look today.

You’re an amazing/awesome/incredible + (noun phrase)

You’re great at (verb + ing)

You can really (verb)

Wow! I wish I could (verb) as well as you!

What a nice (noun)!

You look great today!

If you don’t mind my saying, you are a(n) excellent/outstanding/superb public speaker! — Если вы не возражаете, скажу, что вы великолепный оратор!

I must say you really know how to deal with stress. — Я должен сказать, что вы действительно знаете, как справляться со стрессом.

I admire your ability to organize events! — Я восхищаюсь вашей способностью организовывать мероприятия!

May I be so bold to compliment you on your suit? — Можно я проявлю дерзость и сделаю вам комплимент по поводу вашего костюма?

Wow! I wish I could sing as well as you! — Вау! Жаль, что я не умею петь так же хорошо, как ты!

You are great at cooking! — Ты прекрасно готовишь!

What a nice handbag! — Какая милая сумочка!

Как видите, формальные комплименты более «нагружены», включают вводные слова с модальными глаголами. То есть комплимент говорится не напрямую, как в неформальном общении, а в виде вопроса или даже просьбы разрешить сделать комплимент.

Чаще всего комплименты строятся вокруг прилагательных. Есть универсальные прилагательные, которыми можно похвалить всё, что угодно (excellent / outstanding / superb / amazing / awesome / incredible), но чаще, в зависимости от того, на что именно направлен комплимент: внешность (appearance), достижения (performance and achievements), вещи (possessions), дом (house), еду (food and cooking), вы будете выбирать лексику из разных тем.

Прежде чем строить предложения-комплименты с прилагательными, советую вам вспомнить разницу между have и have got, разобраться в том, что такое Gradable и Non-gradable Adjectives, а также обратить внимание на употребление слов so и such, которые служат для усиления — их очень часто неверно используют в предложениях.

Несколько популярных шаблонов для комплиментов:

  • What a + adjective + noun!
  • You are / you’ve got such a + adjective + noun!
  • You are so + adjective!
  • How + adjective + you look!

What a gorgeous dress!
You’ve got such a lovely house!
You are so handsome today!
How smart you look!

Чаще всего комплименты достаются внешности, поэтому такие слова как attractive, beautiful, elegant, lovely, smart очень популярны. Кстати, в блоге вы можете найти подборку синонимов прилагательного beautiful и узнать, как говорить о красоте на английском.

Для усиления мы также часто вставляем перед прилагательным слово «очень». О том, как сказать «очень» на английском — в этой статье.

Реагируя на чьи-то успехи или профессиональные качества, вы можете начать с общей позитивной фразы (обратите внимание, ниже представлены неформальные варианты), а после продолжить и подчеркнуть конкретное достижение.

  • Good job!
  • Well done!
  • Fantastic!
  • Perfect!
  • That’s great!
  • Nice work!
  • Excellent!
  • That’s really remarkable.
  • Good grades!
  • That looks awesome!
  • Kudos on the great work!

Для расширения словарного запаса прилагательных вам могут пригодиться следующие статьи:

  • 40 прилагательных для описания мест
  • 50+ слов для описания гаджетов на английском
  • 40 прилагательных для описания интерьера на английском

А если вы хотите больше узнать о грамматике: о том, какие прилагательные бывают, и как их употреблять в английском языке — вам пригодятся эти статьи:

  • 7 фактов об английских прилагательных, которые вам нужно знать
  • Качественные и относительные прилагательные. Порядок прилагательных
  • Порядок прилагательных перед существительным
  • Gradable and Non-gradable Adjectives

Like и love часто используют в неформальных комплиментах. Хочу напомнить вам, что эти и другие глаголы, выражающие предпочтение — глаголы состояния, и у них есть свои особенности использования во временах группы Continuous:

I love this salad! I must have the recipe! — Мне очень нравится этот салат! Я должен получить рецепт!

Чтобы усилить эффект и сделать акцент на комплименте, в утверждениях используется «усиливающий» вспомогательный глагол do:

I do like your new shirt! Where did you buy it? — Мне так нравится твоя новая рубашка! Где ты ее купил?

Глагол to admire пригодится вам, чтобы выразить восхищение:

I totally admire your (creativity). — Я очень восхищаюсь твоей (креативностью).

I admire your ability to (think logically). — Я восхищен вашей способностью (думать логически).

I really must express my admiration for your (presentation). — Я должен выразить моё восхищение вашей (презентацией).

Говоря о внешности и одежде, используют глаголы to suit, to fit:

Red colour suits you so much! — Красный цвет вам так идет!

These jeans fit you, you look so elegant in them. — Эти джинсы на тебе хорошо сидят, ты смотришься в них очень элегантно.

Делая комплименты о способностях или о персональных качествах, можете использовать такие образцы, дополняя их нужной лексикой:

I just wanted to say well done on (closing the deal). — Я хотел сказать, что вы отлично справились с (закрытием сделки).

You are an excellent (teacher). — Вы замечательный (учитель).

You really know how to / can (manage teams). — Вы действительно знаете, как / можете (управлять командами).

Чаще всего отвечают просто “Thank you!”. Другие способы реакции на комплимент включают:

  • It’s very kind of you to say so/that. — Очень мило с вашей стороны.
  • I’m flattered. — Я польщен.
  • I appreciate that. — Я ценю это.
  • How nice of you to say so. — Очень мило с вашей стороны.
  • Thanks for your compliment. — Спасибо за комплимент.
  • I’m glad you like it. — Я рад, что вам понравилось.
  • I’m delighted to hear that. — Мне приятно это слышать.
  • You make me blush! — Вы заставляете меня краснеть!

Тому, кто делал комплимент также можно отреагировать, например, сказать “My pleasure”, и продолжить разговор, задав вопрос.

Говорить приятные вещи другим людям может быть не просто не только психологически. Вдвойне непросто сформулировать комплимент на английском языке. Важно подбирать уместный стиль, чтобы не показаться грубым и не поставить собеседника в неловкое положение. Важно знать достаточно описательных прилагательных и речевых образцов, соблюдать правила грамматики, помнить о разных языковых нюансах и при этом вкладывать в свои слова искреннюю эмоцию, интерес, восхищение и энтузиазм.

Поэтому многие, кто изучают английский, стараются избежать комплиментов или следовать какому-то одному простому образцу вроде “I like your (noun)” или “It is a nice (noun)”. Как вы убедились, после изучения этого материала, существует масса способов выражать комплименты, и чтобы ими овладеть и не испытывать стресса при подборе слов или построении предложения, нужна целенаправленная разговорная практика с обратной связью. Такую практику мы обеспечиваем в ENGINFORM на наших индивидуальных онлайн-занятиях по персональным программам.

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  • 29 Best One-Word Compliment Words

Everyone loves a compliment, but it’s not always easy to find the right words. Sometimes you want to use just one word to explain what you think about someone, but finding that right word is the interesting part. The below is a list of 29 great one word compliments with a definition and an example of each one, showing how each word can be used.

29 Best One-Word Compliment Words

This list of compliments is for general expression of appreciation and affection, but I’ll also recommend words to use on different group of people at the end.



We’ve all met someone who is simply gorgeous, so pretty or handsome that there are few words to describe them. This word does! “He is stunning in that gorgeous suit.»



When someone literally makes your heart pound and takes your breath away, this word describes what they do to you with their simple presence. “You are breathtaking, my dear.”



Someone who moves very smoothly, has a perfect smile, and makes everyone feel as though they are floating on air could be considered elegant. “She is such an elegant woman – look at how she glides across a room!»



This means brave, with confidence. For example, “Her bold move caught her opponent off guard.”



This word means someone is very interesting or attractive. For example, “The way she looks is very enticing.”



A person who does very good things in life and makes day-to-day things easier for others might be considered an angel. “He is such an angelic man. What would we do without him?”



Someone who is unique is often sought after by others because they are so different, in a wildly creative and quirky way. This is a huge compliment! For example: “That girl is so unique that she keeps me on my toes.”



Someone who makes you want to touch them, be near them, and simply spend time with them can be suited by this word, which means you are drawn to them. “She looks so fetching in that dress.”



This means full of energy, happy, energetic and lively. An example of this might be: “He is such a spirited young man! He will do anything he sets his mind to do.”



This word is all about someone who is respectful, classy, and handles grace under pressure. “Her gracious manner makes everyone feel warm and welcome.”



When thinking about compliment words, never miss this one. This fun word is a way to explain someone who is determined, has plenty of gumption, and will make a serious mark on the world. “She’s so spunky that I know she will do great things!”



When someone is charming, they are very likeable, to the point of getting everyone’s attention in a positive way. “He’s a regular Prince Charming!”



When someone is absolutely wonderful in every way, ‘wondrous’ is a word that tries to encompass all the good things they are. “I have a wondrous relationship with this beautiful woman…I’m so lucky.”



Someone who is very classy, put-together and sophisticated might be considered refined. For example, “She is a very refined woman who was obviously raised well.”



Someone who is grand, who makes you feel as though great things are happening, might make your life feel rather majestic. “He’s so majestic, like an elegant king of his castle.”



When someone has beautiful skin, gorgeous hair, pretty eyes and other attributes that make them special to you, they could be considered lovely. This includes anyone who suits your fancy, even if they are not conventionally pretty. “This woman is so lovely, she just takes my breath away.”



Usually meant to describe a woman, this word means someone who can seduce you with a glance – but doesn’t necessarily know that she can. Being sensuous usually comes very naturally. For example: “She has no idea how sensuous she is.”



Someone who gets your attention due to almost shocking beauty and poise can be considered striking. “I didn’t notice him until he looked at me, and those striking eyes just did me in.”



When you are simply astounded by everything someone does, and it seems like they can do no wrong and they are often considered amazing. Among all other compliment words, «amazing» should never be missed. For example: “His ability to get anything done is just amazing to me.»



Occasionally a person will simply exude sexual tension and desire, even if they aren’t trying to do so. That person might be considered sultry. “She has such a sultry way of walking. It always gets my attention.”



Meaning: very polite.

Example: His courteous personality came across well with the dinner guests.



Meaning: acting in an informal, but happy manner

Example: She connects well with clients due to her breezy personality.



Meaning: refined with good social manners

Example: She came across as a polished public speaker at the marketing event.



Meaning: possessing the ability to come up with new things or concepts.

Example: Her creativity resulted in many awards.



Meaning: has the look of importance or respect.

Example: He looks distinguished in uniform.



Meaning: the opposite of subtle; extremely overt and exciting

Example: The music group dressed very flamboyantly, catching everyone’s eye.



Meaning: extremely beautiful

Example: She looked ravishing in that dress.



Meaning: lively and energetic

Example: Her teammates love her because of her sparky leadership style.



Meaning: having a great deal of overall friendliness

Example: The host is very genial and is popular with the patrons.


These compliment words can be the perfect way to let someone know they are unique, special, and all sorts of other wonderful things. Try out a few of them on the person you are enamored with and see what develops. Here’s for more:

For men: http://www.herinterest.com/40-best-compliments-for-guys/

For kids: http://www.imom.com/99-compliments-kids/

There might be affiliate links on this page, which means we get a small commission of anything you buy. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Please do your own research before making any online purchase.

Compliments are magical words that make us feel good about ourselves and motivate us to put extra effort into our work.

Saying nice things to others is a great way to inspire them and make them believe that whatever they’re doing is making a difference

For example, when you are dining out with your family, you often get a feedback form at the end. The restaurant wants to know about your experience. When you praise them or encourage them for their services, it encourages them to continue providing exceptional service to their customers. 

Have you ever observed how your mother, father, or teacher feels when you wish them a happy Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, or Teacher’s Day? You consciously shower them with praise and appreciation for what they have done for you, and your encouraging words tell them that they are special to you

Now, imagine the impact of those magical words on your parents and teachers if you repeat them on a regular basis. If you let them know how much you appreciate them on a weekly or daily basis, you will actively make them happier.

They will know that acknowledge and value the work they do to ensure that you have a happy future. 

Now imagine yourself in the role of a spouse. Imagine you have made all the necessary arrangements for your partner’s birthday. You have made the reservations at their favorite restaurant and bought them a special gift.

At the end of the night, would you want your spouse to thank you for the beautiful evening that you created for them? And how will you feel if they don’t have nice things to say about your efforts?

In the first scenario, where you are appreciated for creating a magical night for your spouse, you will likely feel happy and motivated to create an even more magical evening for your spouse on your anniversary, or for their next birthday. However, if you receive no appreciation, you might not look forward to planning the next event or birthday. 

Every person deserves to be appreciated for the things that they have done, and to be told that they are valued. Compliments are little gifts of love that helps others know you appreciate and value them, even if they haven’t done anything to earn it!

However, you have to be careful when giving out compliments, as there is a fine line between sincere compliments and flattery. While it is good to give sincere compliments to people you love and care about, there is absolutely no use in indulging in flattery and giving out false praise. Flattery makes the speaker dishonest, and also creates doubts regarding their motives. 

Genuine compliments are a good way of increasing a person’s confidence. Positive words also help reduce people’s stress. In our fast-paced lives, where we are often in a race to reach the top, it is very important to feel good about ourselves.

So it is good to surround ourselves with people who support us, and also to do our part to support those we come into contact with, by complimenting them and giving them words of encouragement.

In this article, we’ll take a look at some compliments that you can give to your spouse, subordinates, friends, and children. Your little efforts will go a long way in making them happy.

Also, since you’ve been truthful about your feelings for them, they will likely reciprocate those feelings, and possibly compliment and thank you for the things you do for them.

Compliments for a Spouse

A successful marriage is not judged by the house the couple is living in or the material things that they own. It is judged by the compatibility of the couple, the kind things they say to each other, and the love that they share. 

Have you ever seen couples talking about “missing the spark”? We often conveniently justify this by saying  that things start to get settled after the “honeymoon period,” but there’s no reason you can’t keep the spark in your relationship alive for the long term.

Do you remember how you used to treat your partner when the two of you were dating? You were likely thoughtful and considerate, and didn’t take your relationship for granted.

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A compliment is a great way to inspire and motivate others to work.

You complimented your partner on their looks, the things they did, and anything else you could think of. You used to make an effort to make them feel good about themselves. 

You don’t have to stop doing that after your I Dos. In fact, you shouldn’t stop! Probably the only reason you did was out of laziness and complacency.

But the relationship that you share with your spouse can remain strong for years to come if you decide to actively work on it. You will be surprised to see the positive effect that complimenting your spouse can have on your marriage.

Obviously, you can compliment your spouse or partner in any way you want, and giving it a personal touch will likely be appreciated. But here is a list of compliments to get you started. We believe these will bring a smile to your spouse’s face, and help sustain the spark in your relationship. 

  1. I’m glad you’re my friend.
  2. I love spending time with you.
  3. You are my lifeline.
  4. You are my person.
  5. You are a great parent to our kid(s).
  6. I appreciate you.
  7. You complete me.
  8. You are my soul mate.
  9. I’m so glad I married you.
  10. You look beautiful.
  11. You are the most amazing person in this world. 
  12. You make me feel loved.
  13. I love how you patiently listen to me.
  14. I respect you so much.
  15. I want to spend my entire with you.
  16. I say a little prayer for you.
  17. You’re an excellent partner.
  18. Thanks for being with me.
  19. I have got your back.
  20. I feel safe with you.
  21. I can’t live a day without you.
  22. You’re so thoughtful.
  23. I am so happy that I found you.
  24. I am blessed to have married my friend.
  25. You make my heart beat like a drum.
  26. I am not afraid of anything because I have you.
  27. I’m all yours.
  28. Thank you for being with me.
  29. You’re the only person I can count on.
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A couple is not judge by the house they live in but by the kind things they say to each other, and the love that they share. 
  1. Being your spouse is an honor.
  2. Thank you for taking care of me. 
  3. You did a good job with the garage.
  4. I appreciate what you do for our family.
  5. I want to grow old with you.
  6. You’re my rock.
  7. There’s no one like you.
  8. You are a thoughtful person.
  9. You’re amazing, and I can’t say that enough.
  10. I love being by your side. 
  11. I love the way you look at me.
  12. I thank you for everything you do around your house.
  13. Our children are lucky to have you as a parent. You’re great.
  14. You’ve helped me become a better person.
  15.  I’ll love you forever.
  16. You are my guiding light.
  17. You’re everything that I asked for. 
  18. I am amazed at how well you balance work and home life.
  19. I love the way you appreciate the little things.
  20. I can’t thank you enough for understanding me. 
  21. I am so glad that you chose to be in my life.
  22. I can’t complete my life journey without you.
  23. I am so proud of your achievements.
  24. I am here just because of you. 
  25. I owe you for my achievements and success.
  26. You are my supporter.
  27. You make me feel valued and respected in our home.
  28. I am not afraid of life’s ups and downs if I have you beside me.
  29. I know I can face anything, because I have you.
  30. You make me laugh.
  31. You are the reason I can face my fears.

Always remember that your marriage requires sincere work and attention. In our busy lives, we often forget to thank the people who hold important positions in our lives, and who are always rooting for us. These compliments are not hard to give. They are simple sentences that you may have “thought about” saying to your spouse, but never actually verbalized. 

Compliments for your partner shouldn’t be limited to the typed text on the inside of a greeting card. It should be something you say from the heart. From now on, always make a point of appreciating your spouse for everything that they have done for you, and say it out loud! 

Compliments for a Friend or Coworker

“I’ll be there for you.” This is the official anthem of friends. We promise them we will have their backs when things got shaky. We are the first people our friends turn to when they are feeling sad, and the first people they call with their big news.

We plan our vacations with them, include them in our families by nominating them as godparents for our children, and love them to the core. 

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A couple is not judge by the house they live in but by the kind things they say to each other, and the love that they share. 

But sometimes we forget to compliment them and thank them for the things that they have done for us. Our friends deserve to know that they are appreciated, so let’s have a look at this list of compliments you can give to your friend. 

  1. You are the best friend one could ask for.
  2. I appreciate our friendship.
  3. I thank the stars for bringing us closer.
  4. I am so glad we met.
  5. You bring out the best in me.
  6. You are always there for me.
  7. You see me.
  8. You understand me for who I am.
  9. I am so proud to have such a caring friend.
  10. You never left me when I was at my worst.
  11. Thanks for being my friend.
  12. You are an important part of my life.
  13. I love you so much.
  14. You’re my support system.
  15. You’re my light during dark times.
  16. You are an excellent friend.
  17. I love exploring new places with you.
  18. I love being with you.
  19. I can trust you with all my secrets.
  20. I am lucky to have you as my friend.
  21. You know how to make people comfortable.
  22. You always send out loving vibes.
  23.  You are a positive person.
  24. You are always ready to help people.
  25. There can’t be another you. You are perfect!
  26. I am so glad that we’re friends.
  27. Would you like to be my child’s godmother/godfather?
  28. I value your opinion.
  29. Thanks for dealing with my mood swings.
  30. You have made me a braver person. 

Compliments for Your Employees

Just like your friends and partner, your employees or subordinates also need to be appreciated for everything they do, and the effort they put into their work. Here is a list of compliments that you can give to them.

  1. Fantastic work!
  2. You are an indispensable part of the team.
  3. You are a reliable employee, and we’re excited to have you here.
  4. You are really good at what you do.
  5. You are a dedicated employee.
  6. We really enjoyed your contribution during the presentation.
  7. We love your “Can Do” attitude.
  8. Keep up the great work.
  9. You’re an awesome worker.
  10. We trust you. 
  11. You amaze us with your hard work.
  12. It’s surprising how well you perform, even under pressure.
  13. You’re a great example for your co-workers.
  14. Things have been crazy at work, but you took care of business with no complaints. Bravo!
  15. Your work ethic speaks for itself.
  16. You bring a lot of positivity to your work.
  17. We appreciate your valuable advice.
  18. Your work never ceases to amaze us.
  19. You always exceed our expectations.
  20. You have a great future in our company.
  21. We don’t want to lose you.
  22. Your work is unparalleled.
  23. You are running this office.
  24. Your hard work speaks for itself.
  25. You are a dedicated employee.
  26. We can’t let you leave us. 
  27. We need your insights and valuable advice.
  28. You are the backbone of our company.
  29. You have good leadership skills.
  30. You never shy away from responsibility, and we love that about you.
  31. We’re proud that we have someone like you who takes the initiative.
  32. We’re enjoying working with you.
  33. You always come up with interesting ideas.  

Compliments for Parents

Our parents spend the better parts of their lives supporting us and lifting us up. It’s probably about time we return the favor! Here is the list of compliments that every person should say to their parents. 

  1. You are so hardworking and caring, and I have always looked up to you.
  2. I can’t imagine life without you.
  3. I am so lucky to have you as my parents.
  4. You taught me how to be a better person.
  5. I am nothing without you.
  6. Thank you for teaching me valuable lessons.
  7. I am so proud to have a parent who focused on the independence of their child. 
  8. Thank you for letting me explore the world.
  9. If I am a confident, bold, and independent person today, it is all because of you.
  10. You are the backbone of the house.
  11. You have no match in this world.
  12. Thank you for teaching me how to become a good person. 
  13. Your heart is full of love.
  14. How can a person be as selfless as you are?!
  15. Our family is complete because of you.
  16. Thank you for sacrificing so much for me.
  17. I love you to the moon and back. 
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Complimenting our parents for the hard work they have done in supporting us is one way of returning the favor.
  1. You are the reason I smile every day. 
  2. You are a blessing.
  3. Thank you for being understanding parents.
  4. You’re the most positive person I know.
  5. You’re my hero.
  6. You’re the most caring person on the planet.
  7. You’re the best.
  8. There’s no one like you.
  9. You’re incredible.
  10. I want to be just like you.
  11. Thanks for checking up on me. 
  12. You have the biggest heart.
  13. You’re my best friend.
  14. I’ll always cherish your valuable advice. 
  15. You are the strongest person I know.
  16. You are so brave.
  17. You love me at my worst. 
  18. You’re so kind.
  19. You deserve credit for everything I have accomplished.

Compliments for a Child

Children are sensitive by nature, and need regular doses of encouragement. Appreciation and validation make them feel better about themselves and help them develop confidence and motivation. 

Kids love when their parents shower them with praise and compliments. These magical words inspire them to do better. Children who are praised frequently are more motivated than those who don’t hear encouraging words from their parents.    

When children are at school, they look up to their teachers. For them, their teachers’ opinions matter the most, and they turn to them for. When a teacher tells a child that they are happy with their performance, the child gets motivated, and resolves to put forth extra effort and perform exceptionally well.

Even simple, encouraging words like “You did a good job on your homework” can go a long way in making a child more confident. Parents, guardians, and teachers need to create healthy environments for children where they are praised for the little things that they do. 

Every child is unique and has a different pace. A child who is good at math can get an A with minimal effort, but a child who struggles with numbers has to put in a lot of effort to prepare for a test.

While they may not have gotten an A, if they manage to pass the test, it is a testament to their motivation and hard work. Children should be encouraged and praised for the little steps that they take toward their larger goals. 

Best Compliments for Your Child

This may not be a comprehensive list of compliments, but these positive and encouraging words can make your children feel better about themselves and motivate them to try their best. 

  1. You are so generous for sharing with your friend.
  2. You’re so hardworking.
  3. You’re a brave kid who faces challenges confidently.
  4. You’re an independent kid.
  5. I am so proud of your generous heart.
  6. I am so proud that you did this by yourself.
  7. You are so talented, and you love to learn.
  8. Good job on your homework.
  9. You put a lot of effort into that project. Well done!
  10. You’re considerate about the house’s expenses. Thank you!
  11. I am so proud of your ability to listen to people’s feedback and do better.
  12. You’re a calm and composed kid.
  13. I saw you trying to get on the scary ride. You are so courageous.
  14. You nursed the kitten on your own. You have a kind heart. 
  15. You are doing so well in your studies. Stay focused!
  16. You have always surprised me with your mature thinking.
  17. You’re a great friend.
  18. You’re a well-behaved child.
  19. You amaze me with the effort you put into your work.
  20. You do your work by yourself. Bravo!
  21. You don’t rely on your elder siblings for small things. Way to go!
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Appreciation and validation can make the children feel better about themselves.
  1. Thank you for making your point in a sensible manner.
  2. I learn a lot of new things from you.
  3. You’re a rock star.
  4. You’re the sunshine of our house.
  5. You’re a great listener. 
  6. We appreciate you just the way you are.
  7. You are a blessing from above.
  8.  I am so proud of your sympathetic heart.
  9. I am glad that you make an effort to make people around you smile.
  10. You are so humble.
  11. I am so proud that you always stand your ground.
  12. You are a well-mannered kid.
  13. I am amazed by your politeness.
  14. You’re a great example to others. 
  15. You’re a smart student who tries really hard!
  16. You’re beautiful both inside and out.
  17. You have a heart of gold.
  18. You are making a difference. 
  19. You are so brave for trying.
  20. You are so strong. 
  21. Don’t worry that you made a mistake. It’s good to see that you are trying.

Final Thoughts on Complimenting Someone

Compliments are magical little words that go a long way in bringing about positive change in a person. When you take the time to say nice things to others, you will spread joy to them and create happiness within yourself.

Now if you want more content like this, then check out these blog posts:

  • 75 Compliments for Women (Not Based on Her Looks)
  • 121 Compliments for Men That Actually Work
  • 45 One-Word Compliments to Make Someone’s Day
  • 11 Genuine Ways to Respond to Compliments
list of compliments | one word compliments | how to compliment a beautiful girl picture

One of the nicest things you can do in any language is to compliment someone. You might want to compliment someone on what they did, how they look or what they have. Here are forms and phrases to compliment others in English. The examples below are arranged into complimenting ability, complimenting looks, and complimenting possessions in both formal and informal situations.

Complimenting Ability 

Use these phrases to compliment someone on an ability they have. If you’d like to learn something from the person about his/her ability, start with a compliment. The person will probably help you learn more and be happy to talk about how to do it.


  • If you don’t mind my saying, you are a(n) excellent/outstanding/superb + (noun phrase)
  • I must say you really know how to + (verb)
  • You are a fine + (noun phrase)
  • What a(n) excellent/outstanding/superb + (noun phrase) you are!
  • I admire your ability to + (verb)

Mr. Smith, if you don’t mind my saying, you are an excellent public speaker.
I must say you really know how to paint.
I admire your ability to think on your feet.


  • You’re great at (verb + ing)
  • You can really (verb) 
  • Wow, I wish I could (verb) as well as you!
  • You’re an amazing/awesome/incredible + (noun phrase)

Wow! You’re great at skiing!
You can really cook. This is amazing food!
You’re an awesome student.

Complimenting Looks

Use these phrases to compliment someone on how they look. This section is divided into two categories: for women and for men. It’s important to use the right language for the situation. If you pay someone a compliment on their looks in the wrong way, it’s possible that your compliment will not be accepted.


Notice how we ask permission to pay compliments on good looks in formal English. This is to ensure that no one gets the wrong idea about your intention.

  • May I be so bold as to compliment your + (dress/hair/outfit/etc.)?
  • You are looking beautiful/handsome today.
  • May I pay you a compliment? You really look beautiful/handsome/elegant/etc. today.
  • I hope you don’t mind, but you are looking beautiful/handsome today.

Ms. Anders, may I be so bold as to compliment you on your dress?
I hope you don’t mind, but I just had to say how wonderful you look today.
May I pay you a compliment, Mary? You really look fantastic today.


  • You look great today!
  • Excuse me, are you a model?
  • I really love your (dress/hair/outfit/etc.).
  • What a beautiful (dress/shirt/blouse/haircut/etc.)!

Wow, you look great today! Did you do something different?
Sherry, what a beautiful dress!
I really love your haircut. It makes you look like a movie star.

Complimenting Possessions

Use these phrases to compliment someone on something they have. People are often proud of their possessions, especially major objects such as a house, a car, or even a stereo system. Complimenting someone on a nice possession is a good way to make small talk. 


  • I couldn’t help but notice your + (noun phrase) 
  • What a lovely + (noun) + you have!
  • You have such a wonderful / lovely / beautiful home / house / apartment / living room / etc.
  • I have to admit I’m jealous of your + (noun phrase)

Tom, I couldn’t help but notice your Mercedes. It’s a beauty!
I have to admit I’m jealous of your lovely garden.
You have such a cozy home. 


  • Nice + (noun phrase)
  • I like your + (noun phrase)
  • That’s nice / pretty / beautiful.
  • Cudos on the + (noun phrase) dude.

Nice car! Is it yours?
Cudos on the computer dude. Where did you get it?
Do you like my sweater? — That’s nice!

Example 1: Ability

Gary: Hi Tim. Great round today.
Tim: Thanks, Gary.

Gary: You can really hit the golf ball.
Tim: You’re much too kind.

Gary: No really. I wish I could drive as well as you.
Tim: Well, take a few lessons. It’ll happen.

Gary: I’ve thought about it. Do you really think it helps?
Tim: I used to have a horrible drive. Try a lesson, it’s worth the price.

Example 2: Looks

Ms. Smith: Good morning Ms. Anders. How are you today?
Mr. Anders: Fine, thank you. And you?

Ms. Smith: I’m very well. Thank you for asking.
Mr. Anders: Ms. Smith, I hope you don’t mind, but you are looking very well today.

Ms. Smith: Thank you, Mr. Smith. That’s kind of you to say so.
Mr. Anders: Yes, well, have a good day Ms. Smith.

Ms. Smith: Will I see you at the meeting at 3?
Mr. Anders: Yes’, I’ll be there. 

Example 3: Possessions

Anna: Thanks for inviting us over for dinner this weekend.
Margaret: My pleasure, come right in.

Anna: What a lovely home you have! I love the furniture.
Margaret: Thank you. We like to call it home. It’s cozy.

Anna: You have such exquisite taste in decor.
Margaret: Now you are exaggerating!

Anna: No, really, it’s so beautiful.
Margaret: Thank you. You’re very kind.

A compliment has great power. It can make someone’s day. Moreover, compliments may magnify people’s strengths and empower them with confidence and positivity.

In our everyday life, it is a common communication practice to pay people with compliments. They can greatly strengthen relationships so we all need to learn how to give a proper one. So let’s join eJOY team on the ride to discover 9 easy and practical ways of complimenting in English.

Read more

  • 10+ useful phrases to disagree in English
  • 5 Common Ways to Give Advice in English

1 Noun Phrase + is/look + (really) + Adjective

This structure is commonly used to compliment somebody’s appearance, possession or skills.

For example:

  • When you met your co-worker at the office and she is wearing a stylish new dress, you can say to her: “Your dress is beautiful.” or “You look wonderful in that new dress.”
  • Or your friend has just bought a brand new Mercedes. You may tell him: “Wow! Your car looks amazing!”
  • In order to add more extremity to the compliment, you can add “very” or use strong adjectives such as “spectacular”, “amazing”, “wonderful”, “phenomenal”, etc.

2I + (really) + like/love + Noun Phrase

The second structure tends to showcase your feeling and emotion more than the first one. The use of emotional verbs such as “like” and “love” tells others how fond you are of their appearance, belonging, skills or performance.

For example:

  • I really like your dress.
  • I love your new apartment.
  • I like the way you play the guitar.
  • I love how you can paint such a nice painting.

A quick tip: If you want to learn more about the daily conversation in English, eJOY Epic is a great app for learning English with step-by-step courses generated from authentic videos. You can easily learn and remember not only the common words but also the phrases and expressions that natives use every day.

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3Pronoun + is + (a/an) + (really) + Adjective + Noun Phrase

If you are looking for a way to compliment someone’s appearance or something he/she owns, this is one option for you. Remember to choose the proper pronoun to suit the quantity of object.

For example:

  • That’s a really nice rug.
  • That’s a great-looking car.
  • Those are delicious dishes.
  • These shoes are super comfortable. Where do you get them?

4 You + Verb + (a/an) + (really) + Adjective + Noun Phrase!

In order to praise a person’s performance or skills, this is the perfect structure. This is usually used by employers, bosses in offices or teachers at school.

For example:

  • You did a good job!
  • You cooked a really tasty meal!
  • You made an impressive speech up there! Congratulation!

5 You + Verb + Noun Phrase + (really) + Adverb

This structure can be used in place of structure number 4 above. However, we should pay attention to use adverbs correctly.  Some commonly used adverbs in this structure are “well”, “nicely”, “perfectly”, etc.

For example:

  • You sang that song really well!
  • You did the interview very well!
  • You cooked the beef perfectly!

6 You have + (a/an) + (really) + Adjective + Noun Phrase

When you want to say nice words about something that belongs to a person or about their appearance, keep in mind that you can always use this structure.

For example:

  • You have a beautiful living room.
  • She has lovely eyes.
  • They have an amazing kitchen packed with modern cooking supplies and ingredients.

7 What + (a/an) + Adjective + Noun Phrase!

This familiar expression is very useful in case of complimenting. With the use of some positive adjectives, we can easily create compliments that can apply in all situations.  

For example:

  • What a beautiful picture!
  • What a lovely baby you have!
  • What an elegant dress!
  • What a great job you have done with this project!

8 Adjective + Noun Phrase!

What if you want to give short and to-the-point compliments? Note down the sentences below:

  • Nice game!
  • Good shot!
  • Great show!
  • Wonderful trip!

9 Isn’t + Noun Phrase + Adjective!

By using the negative question form, we actually emphasize the positive aspect of something or someone.  

For example:

  • Isn’t she lovely!
  • Isn’t your ring beautiful!
  • Isn’t tonight memorable!

How to reply to compliments

So far we have come through 9 easy ways to give compliments. What should we say to reply to such kind words? The sentences below are what you should say when receiving compliments.

  • How kind of you to say so.
  • It’s very nice/kind of you to say so.
  • Thank you so much.
  • Thanks for your compliments.
  • I’m glad you like it
  • I’m delighted to hear that.

Some tips for compliments

You want to give compliments not flattery. Remember these 3S to make sure your compliments go to the recipient’s heart.

Sincere: Be sincere when complimenting. People are very sensitive when it comes to compliments so they can easily find out if you say something just to win their heart but do not actually mean it.  

Specific: Try to avoid general and unclear compliments. Those will make you sound like you are forced to give compliments.

Spontaneous: Give compliments as soon as you identify/notice something wonderful. If you wear a new shirt to work, you would like to be complimented as soon as you walk through the door, right?

Hope that after reading this article you feel confident to give compliments to people around you in English. To learn more useful expressions and structures in English, don’t forget to download eJOY eXtension.

Download eJOY eXtension for free

In case you want to know how to use a new word or structure in common sentences, check out our website – eJOY Word Hunt. With more than 10 million lines of subtitle from the coolest videos, eJOY Word Hunt will suggest you a list of lively and most familiar dialogues in everyday communication of native speakers.

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