Word for being based on


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Seafood Based Dish Served on White Plate Noodle Based Dish Served in Black Bowl with Chopsticks Seafood Based Dish Served on White Plate Seafood Based Dish Served on White Plate Seafood Based Dish Served on White Plate Seafood Based Dish Served on White Plate

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Synonyms for Be based on. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 14, from https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/be_based_on

Synonyms for Be based on. N.p., 2016. Web. 14 Apr. 2023. <https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/be_based_on>.

Synonyms for Be based on. 2016. Accessed April 14, 2023. https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/be_based_on.

  • hinge on
  • rest on
  • revolve around
  • bottom
  • found
  • ground
  • hang
  • rest
  • stay
  • be at mercy of
  • be conditioned
  • be connected with
  • be determined by
  • be in control of
  • be in the power of
  • be subject to
  • be subordinate to
  • hang in suspense
  • hang on
  • pend
  • rest with
  • revolve on
  • stand on
  • trust to
  • turn on
  • depend on
  • rest on
  • be at mercy of
  • be conditioned
  • be connected with
  • be determined by
  • be in control of
  • be in the power of
  • be subject to
  • be subordinate to
  • bottom
  • found
  • ground
  • hang
  • hang in suspense
  • hang on
  • hang upon
  • pend
  • re
  • rest

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

On this page you’ll find 50 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to be based on, such as: hinge on, rest on, revolve around, bottom, found, and ground.


OCTOBER 26, 1985


  • be at mercy of
  • be based on
  • be conditioned
  • be connected with
  • be determined by
  • be in control of
  • be in the power of
  • be subject to
  • be subordinate to
  • bottom
  • found
  • ground
  • hang
  • hang in suspense
  • hang on
  • hinge on
  • pend
  • rest
  • rest on
  • rest with
  • revolve around
  • revolve on
  • stand on
  • stay
  • trust to
  • turn on
  • bank on
  • bet bottom dollar on
  • bet on
  • built upon
  • calculated on
  • confide in
  • gambled on
  • lay money on
  • lean on
  • reckoned on
  • trust in
  • turned to
  • be at mercy of
  • be based on
  • be conditioned
  • be connected with
  • be determined by
  • be in control of
  • be in the power of
  • be subject to
  • be subordinate to
  • bottom
  • depend on
  • found
  • ground
  • hang
  • hang in suspense
  • hang on
  • hang upon
  • pend
  • re
  • rest
  • rest on
  • be bases on
  • be conditions
  • be connects with
  • be determines by
  • bottoms
  • depends on
  • finds
  • grinds
  • hangs
  • hangs in suspense
  • hangs on
  • hangs upon
  • is at mercy of
  • is in control of
  • is in the power of
  • is subject to
  • is subordinate to
  • pends
  • res
  • rests
  • rests on
  • be basing on
  • be conditioning
  • be connecting with
  • be determining by
  • being at mercy of
  • being in control of
  • being in the power of
  • being subject to
  • being subordinate to
  • bottoming
  • depending on
  • finding
  • grinding
  • hanging
  • hanging in suspense
  • hanging on
  • hanging upon
  • pending
  • resting
  • resting on
  • ring

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.



be based on — выполнять на основе чего-л.; основываться; базироваться
be based on a precedent — основываться на прецеденте
to be based on the novel — быть поставленным по роману
be based on observance of the principles — строиться на основе соблюдения принципов
be based on the provisions of the charter — вытекать непосредственно из положений устава
replantation must be based on the nature of the trauma — приживление зависит от характера травмы
is based on — основываться на
the tax is based on income — размер налога определяется доходом
tax that is based on profits — подоходный налог
the novel is based on a true story — в основу романа положена подлинная история, роман имеет документальную основу
his new play is based on a very original idea — его новая пьеса основана на очень оригинальном замысле

Автоматический перевод

быть основано на

Перевод по словам

be  — быть, находиться, должен, тратта
base  — база, основание, основа, основывать, базировать, базовый, основной, базисный
on  — на, по, о, в, об, согласно, левая сторона


In ancient Rome predictions of future events would sometimes be based on an examination of the entrails of a sacrificial animal.

В древнем Риме предсказания будущих событий иногда основывались на изучении внутренностей жертвенного животного.

Taxation is based on income.

Размер налогообложения определяется доходом.

The movie is based on real events.

Фильм основан на реальных событиях.

Much of the novel is based on fact.

Большая часть романа основана на фактах.

The film was based on a true story.

Фильм был основан на реальных событиях.

His rank was based solely on merit.

Его звание, было исключительно результатом его заслуг.

The play is based on a real-life event.

Пьеса написана на основе реальных событий.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

His novel is largely based on his own recollections of his childhood in the inner city.  

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


First impressions are indeed based on appearance.

И ведь, действительно, первое впечатление у нас складывается на основе внешности.

Scales based on electromagnetic sensors compensation have higher accuracy, sensitivity and resolution than the scales based on strain gauges.

Весы на основе электромагнитной компенсации обладают большей точностью, чувствительностью и разрешающей способностью, чем весы на основе тензодатчиков.

These knowledge trees can be based on metadata fields or based on abstract concepts.

Эти древовидные базы данных могут создаваться на основе полей метаданных или на базе абстрактных концепций.

Clips creation based on customer’s materials, video presentations development based on 3D models being developed.

Создание роликов на базе материалов заказчика, разработка видеопрезентаций на основе разрабатываемых 3D моделей.

Population 1990-1996: based on 1992 census.

Данные о численности населения за 1990-1996 годы приведены на основании переписи 1992 года.

Google ranks websites based on several metrics.

Дело в том, что Google ранжирует страницы на основании двух основных метрик.

Non-IFRS measure based on unaudited consolidated management accounts.

4 Показатель, не включенный в МСФО, основанный на неаудированных данных консолидированной управленческой отчетности.

There have been societies based on domination, and others based on partnership, societies based on individualism, and others based on cooperation.

Одни общества основывались на господстве, другие — на партнёрстве, третьи — на индивидуализме, четвёртые — на сотрудничестве.

It’s a Japanese card game based on a cartoon based on an ancient religion based on a candy bar.

Most of them are based on possible future events in the 21st century, not based on existing, historical conflicts.

Большинство из них основаны на возможных будущих событиях 21 века, а не на основе существующих исторических конфликтов.

Discrimination based on species is just as arbitrary as any other discrimination based on an illogical criterion.

Дискриминация, опирающаяся на видовую принадлежность, так же произвольна, как и любая другая дискриминация, основанная на нелогичном критерии.

This is because they reached these conclusions based on the specialized textual research and not based on their own experience.

Это потому, что они пришли к этим выводам, основываясь на специальных текстуальных исследованиях, а не на собственном опыте.

Teach management techniques based on two centuries of history in the hospitality industry, based on high-quality services and customer satisfaction.

Научите методам управления, основанным на двухвековой истории индустрии гостеприимства, основанным на высококачественных услугах и удовлетворенности клиентов.

It was based on a relatively and commonly-perceived need for collective military intervention based on humanitarian needs.

Оно основывалось на относительно широко воспринятой необходимости в коллективном военном вмешательстве на основе гуманитарных потребностей.

Doctors choose them based on possible side effects and preference based on schedule of dosing.

Врачи выбирают их на основе возможных побочных эффектов и предпочтений, основанных на графике дозирования.

Chinese food therapy is based on the effects of a diet based on the rules of cooking and eating.

Китайская пищевая терапия базируется на воздействии диеты, построенной на правилах приготовления и употребления пищи.

She stressed that hostility based on race, ethnicity and religion was generally not based on real experiences of human interaction.

Она подчеркнула, что неприязнь на почве расовой, этнической и религиозной принадлежности, как правило, не основана на реальном опыте взаимодействия между людьми.

The research is based on different scenarios of climate change and is based on a conservative approach.

Исследование базируется на разных сценариях климатических перемен и основано на консервативном подходе.

Previous rate was based on actual past expenditure while proposed rate is based on mid-point of revised salary scale.

Предыдущая ставка основывалась на фактических прошлых затратах, в то время как предлагаемая ставка основывается на медианном значении пересмотренной шкалы окладов.

All decisions must be based on an analysis of where the world is going and rational calculations based on long-term interests.

Все решения должны приниматься на основе анализа происходящих в мире событий и расчётов, связанных с долгосрочными интересами.

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Based is positive.” Lil B has created something of a persona around being “based,” and as such, people and fans call him “the based God,” either when being serious or in jest. It’s a phrase that’s meant to be endearing.

Similarly, What does it mean to be based on? based on. DEFINITIONS2. (base something on something) to use particular ideas or facts to make a decision, do a calculation, or develop a theory. The prosecution’s case is based largely on evidence from ex-members of the gang.

Where are you based meaning? Based definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary

If you are based in a particular place, that is the place where you live or do most of your work.

Besides Is based the opposite of cringe?

“Based” is a slang word that means the opposite of “cringe”, which is the feeling you experience when you go to a recipe site and get treated to 500 words about how much the author loves winter.

Next, What Based God means? Not being afraid to do what you wanna do. Being positive. “ BasedGod is how Lil B refers to himself in many songs, and he’s further adopted the name throughout his social media and public persona. In 2011, NBA player Kevin Durant made a negative comment about Lil B on Twitter.

What does Based mean on TikTok?

The word ‘based’ on TikTok means to be yourself without worrying how other people may perceive you. Rapper Lil B said based means “being yourself and not caring what others think of you, to carry yourself with swagger.”

What does it mean to bade someone?

Bade definition

The definition of bade is expressed to someone else. An example when someone bade farewell is when a friend said goodbye to another.

Where does the term based come from?

Based comes from the slang basehead, a term from the 1980s to describe people addicted to freebasing cocaine, a method which makes the drug smokable. The term basehead became synonymous with the crack epidemic that swept the United States at the time.

Is based out of meaning?

“Based out of” often suggests that the subject maintains a headquarters or home office in the given location, but spends a majority or other significant amount of time working in other locations; “based in” suggests that the subject works in the given location most of the time.

What is another word for based on?

What is another word for based on?

based upon based off of
derived from developed on
drew on established on
formed on formulated on
gleaned from predicated on

What is based cringe?

These two words are important because they represent a dichotomy. On one side, cringe: something that you find icky, uncomfortable, disagreeable, annoying, cringey. On the other, based: simply the opposite of cringe.

Who invented the word based?

Coined by American musician Lil B to describe his lifestyle.

What is the meaning of based in social media?

DEEP DIVE. In today’s popular culture, “based” is a term used to describe someone who has swag and is confident in who they are. The term was appropriated by the alt-right in support of right-wing conservatives in social media forums.

What does Pog mean on Tiktok?

Another definition according to the internet is that POG is an acronym for “Play Of the Game” in gaming, but it seems it’s mostly used to mean “good.”

Is based on synonym?

What is another word for based on?

based upon based off of
drew on established on
formed on formulated on
gleaned from predicated on
reached from assumed from

Does BAE mean boyfriend?

The short answer: Though this word was used in the 1500s to refer to sheep sounds, today bae is used as a term of endearment, often referring to your boyfriend or girlfriend.

What does base mean in Shakespeare?

Shakespeare’s Anniversary – free access until 04-24-2022

abide (v.) pay the penalty for, suffer for, take the consequences of
base (adj.) low-born, lowly, plebeian, of lower rank
base (adj.) poor, wretched, of low quality
base (adj.) poor, wretched, of low quality
base (n.) pedestal

What is the opposite of Bade?

Near Antonyms for bade. complied (with), followed, kept, observed.

Does based mean cool?

The Brief: Based is a term used to describe someone who is cool and confident. The term was appropriated by alt-right/nationalists in support of right-wing conservatives in social media forums.

Who made the term based?

Coined by American musician Lil B to describe his lifestyle.

What does US based mean?

Related Definitions

U.S. based means provisioned, maintained, or operated within the physical boundaries of the United States.

What does based in a country mean?

“Based in” implies the major operations of a business or entity is contained wholly or primarily in that city.

Is based in or based on?

When something abstract is based IN something, it is based loosely in the general principles of it, and may take creative license with it. When something abstract is based ON something, it is built on the solid foundation provided, and extends it more or less without changing it.

How do you say based on this?


  1. assume. verb. to be based on the idea that something is true.
  2. rest on. phrasal verb. to be based on something.
  3. presume. verb.
  4. rooted. adjective.
  5. be founded on/upon. phrase.
  6. build around. phrasal verb.
  7. considering. preposition.
  8. consist in. phrasal verb.

How do you use based on?

The verb is to base something on (or upon) so we can say, for example, that this reply is based on (or upon) a knowledge of English. So, you can say on or upon. Dear Zeli: Many thanks for your reply.

What is the word for based on facts?

factual Add to list Share. If something is factual, it can be proven, like your mother’s story about the bear that is factual because she took a picture of it standing next to the family car. Something factual is real. It is based in fact, meaning it can be proven, repeated or observed.

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