Word for being always on time

Being on time is considered to be very courteous and proper. Because of this, folks who are consistently on time are considered to be very much appreciated and trusted by those around them. However, we may not be aware of appropriate terms that accurately describe these individuals.

What Do You Call Someone Who Is Always On Time?

There are many applicable terms to use when referring to someone who is always or consistently on time. However, for the purposes of this article, we will be discussing the following ten terms:

  • Punctual
  • Conscientious
  • Dutiful
  • Prompt
  • Timely
  • Reliable
  • Meticulous
  • Scrupulous
  • On Schedule
  • Sedulous

Words For Someone Who Is Always On Time

The preferred version that we will be highlighting in this article is “punctual”. This is because the term “punctual” most accurately depicts someone who is always showing up on time or perhaps even early. We should consider a “punctual” person as someone who respects time commitments or schedules.


When we say that someone is “punctual”, we are often meaning to express that they are an individual who always shows up, does something, or completes something at the time that was originally agreed upon. This is why “punctual” most accurately describes a person who is consistently on time.

As we can see, Cambridge Dictionary defines “punctual” as arriving, doing something, or happening at the expected, correct time; not late.

Here are a few examples that highlight the use of this particular term:

  • She was known by all of her teachers as being incredibly punctual and polite, which made her parents very proud.
  • We are hoping for a very punctual start to the meeting tomorrow morning, so please show up early.
  • He is a fairly punctual man, who generally tries to show up on time.


Another great term that can be used to describe someone who is always on time is “conscientious”. We can consider a “conscientious” person to be someone who is generally wanting or wishing to do what is right. Because of this, a “conscientious” person will consistently show up on time.

When looking at Cambridge Dictionary, we can see that “conscientious” is defined as feeling a moral responsibility to do your work carefully and to be fair to others. Therefore, a “conscientious” person will feel obligated to arrive on time, as to meet their commitments and remain fair to others.

The following examples showcase how we can use this term in a sentence:

  • She was a conscientious worker, who always worked hard and showed up early.
  • He is a very conscientious student, who ensures that he follows through with his commitments.
  • Generally, he is conscientious and early to work, as to not delay his coworkers.


The term “dutiful” is another applicable term to use to refer to someone who is always on time. We should consider a “dutiful” person as someone who feels obligated to obediently fulfill their duties or commitments. Therefore, this is someone who shows up early or on time, especially for work.

Cambridge Dictionary defines “dutiful” as doing everything that you should do and getting something done because it is necessary or expected.

Some examples of how we can use this specific term are:

  • He is a dutiful employee, and I never have to worry about being late or not finishing his tasks.
  • She is a dutiful student that constantly arrives early, so that she may review the day’s lesson plan.
  • At our company, we consider a dutiful employee to be one who shows up on time and is ready to work every morning.


Another excellent term that we can choose to use to accurately describe someone who shows up on time is “prompt”. We can consider a “prompt” person to be someone who does things immediately or without delay. Therefore, this is someone who adheres to a schedule or commitment.

As shown in Cambridge Dictionary, the term “prompt” is defined as being done quickly and without delay, or acting quickly or arriving at the arranged time.

We can now look over these various examples that show how to appropriately use this term:

  • Try and be prompt with your arrival this afternoon, as we have very limited time for the meeting.
  • We consider her to be a very prompt employee, as she constantly shows up on time or before we need her to.
  •  To catch your plane, you must be prompt with your arrival at the airport.


We can use the term “timely” similarly to our other alternative terms. This is because someone who is a “timely” individual will complete things sufficiently early or on time. A “timely” person also ensures things are completed at a favorable or agreed-upon time.

Looking at Cambridge Dictionary, we can see that “timely” is defined as happening at the best possible moment or given or made available at a suitable moment, especially now.

Here are a few examples that highlight the use of this specific term:

  • He consistently arrives to work in a very timely manner, which we hope rubs off on his coworkers.
  • Being such a timely gentleman, he made sure to give us all an advanced warning.
  • She was always incredibly timely with her responses, never leaving us to wonder what she was thinking.


We can consider the term “reliable” to adequately describe someone who always shows up on time. This is because “reliable” is defined as consistently good in quality or performance and able to be trusted. Therefore, we can trust that a “reliable” person will show up on time.

As we can see, Cambridge Dictionary defines “reliable” as someone or something that is reliable can be trusted or believed because he, she, or it works or behaves well in the way you expect.

We will now go over the following examples, each of which includes the use of this term:

  • She is a very reliable individual that I can consistently trust to show up when I need her to.
  • He was reliable and constant help around the office – I will miss having him as an employee.
  • My boyfriend isn’t reliable and I can never trust that he will show up on time.


“Meticulous” is another term that we can choose to utilize when describing someone who is constantly on time. This is because a “meticulous” individual is someone who pays great attention to detail and adheres to their commitments or ensures the precision of their actions, work, etc.

According to Cambridge Dictionary, “meticulous” is defined as being very careful and with great attention to every detail or caring immensely over the importance of all details.

The following examples go over how to appropriately use this term in a sentence:

  • Tom is very meticulous with his work travel, ensuring to leave early if he feels he may be late due to traffic.
  • He is meticulous about both his appearance at work and the time he arrives in the morning.
  • She is meticulous when it comes to keeping to her daily work schedule, as it ensures that she will be home in a timely fashion to spend the evening with her children.


Another great alternative term that we can use is “scrupulous”. This is because we can think of a “scrupulous” individual as someone who is diligent, thorough and pays immense attention to the smallest details. This makes it so a “scrupulous” individual is very schedule or commitment oriented.

When looking at Cambridge Dictionary, we can see that “scrupulous” is defined as doing everything correctly or exactly as it should be done. Also, being extremely careful to do what is considered right or moral.

Here are a few examples that highlight how “scrupulous” can be used in a sentence:

  • She is scrupulous when it comes to living by her schedule and constantly arriving at events slightly early.
  • She is detail-oriented and scrupulous, which I believe makes her an excellent employee.
  • He is consistently late to work, so I asked him to be stricter and more scrupulous with his schedule.


“On-schedule” is another alternative term that we can use, that accurately describes someone who will always show up on time. Someone who is always “on schedule” is the type of individual who shows up on time, adheres to the plan, or arrives as expected.

Cambridge Dictionary defines “on-schedule” as not being early or late. Therefore, someone who is “on schedule” arrives exactly at the time they were requested to.

We can now go over these examples, that showcase how to properly use this term:

  • Karen is the type of woman that we never have to worry about; she will always arrive on schedule.
  • To be on schedule is an important aspect of working for this company and if you can’t comply with that, I don’t see you having much of a future with us.
  • My sister is the type of individual who is always on schedule, to the point where it is almost annoying.


The last alternative that we will be going over in this article is “sedulous”. We can consider a “sedulous” person as being someone who shows immense dedication or diligence. Therefore, someone who is “sedulous” will often feel the need to be on time and never arrive late.

As we can see, Cambridge Dictionary defines “sedulous” as being careful and using a lot of effort.

Finally, we will go over our last few examples, all of which highlight the use of this term in a sentence:

  • He wanted his bosses to know that he was a sedulous employee, so he showed up to work every day, ten minutes ahead of schedule.
  • She was a sedulous individual by nature and would genuinely feel sick if she kept someone waiting.
  • I am known for not being reliable or sedulous, so I have been actively working on changing that, by showing up to work early for the last few weeks.

You might also like: 10 Words For Someone Who Is Always Late

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Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

The word punctual originates from the Latin word punctualis, which means “a point.” To be punctual, you have to arrive at the right point in time.


  • 1 What is another word for being on time?
  • 2 What do you call a person who is not late?
  • 3 What is another word for punctuality?
  • 4 What is the synonym of introvert?
  • 5 What is the synonym of nonchalantly?
  • 6 How do you describe someone who is always late?
  • 7 What’s a word for always being late?
  • 8 How do you describe a punctual person?
  • 9 What is the word for perfect timing?
  • 10 What is the definition of on time?
  • 11 What means well timed?
  • 12 What do you call someone who is antisocial?
  • 13 What do you call a person who stays to themselves?
  • 14 What’s another word for Groovy?
  • 15 What is the synonym of fluctuate?
  • 16 What does it mean to be unconcerned?
  • 17 What is the meaning of Challant?
  • 18 What is the synonymous of understanding?
  • 19 How do you say you are always on time?
  • 20 How do you comment on someone’s punctuality?

What is another word for being on time?

Find another word for punctual. In this page you can discover 35 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for punctual, like: on-time, prompt, timely, on-the-nose, particular, on-schedule, regular, dependable, reliable, punctilious and meticulous.

What do you call a person who is not late?

Try “punctual“. If you describe a person as “punctual”, it will be understood that the person does things on time.

What is another word for punctuality?

In this page you can discover 9 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for punctuality, like: time-keeping, tardiness, regularity, preparation, steadiness, promptness, readiness, timekeeping and on-time.

What is the synonym of introvert?

In this page you can discover 23 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for introvert, like: wallflower, self-observer, lone-wolf, loner, shy person, solitary, inward, extrovert, narcissist, uncommunicative and autist.

What is the synonym of nonchalantly?

Some common synonyms of nonchalant are collected, composed, cool, imperturbable, and unruffled. While all these words mean “free from agitation or excitement,” nonchalant stresses an easy coolness of manner or casualness that suggests indifference or unconcern.

How do you describe someone who is always late?

A person who is late; behind time is called tardy. The term suggests habitual lateness.Tardiness comes from the Latin word tardus, “slow, sluggish, dull, or stupid.”

What’s a word for always being late?

1 tardy; slow, dilatory; delayed, belated.

How do you describe a punctual person?

Punctuality is the characteristics of a person which does describe that person how he is punctual. Basically, punctuality is the habit of a person to do the task on right time or before time. The person who does his all work on time call punctual.punctual people never waste their time even a second or minute.

What is the word for perfect timing?

Synonyms for well-timed. opportune, seasonable, timely.

What is the definition of on time?

When you do something on time, you do it right when you should — you’re not too late.If you’re always on time, you’re punctual: you can be depended on to arrive when you say you will. If you pay your bills on time, you’ll never get a late notice or fee. People who are never on time, however, are always late.

What means well timed?

Definition of well-timed
: happening at an opportune moment : timely a well-timed announcement.

Antisocial personality disorder, sometimes called sociopathy, is a mental disorder in which a person consistently shows no regard for right and wrong and ignores the rights and feelings of others.

What do you call a person who stays to themselves?

Reserved (adjective, refers to someone who keeps to themself generally as a matter of personality. A reserved person may keep to themself simply because they see no reason not to.)

What’s another word for Groovy?

In this page you can discover 41 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for groovy, like: excellent, sensational, fantastical, out-of-this-world, glorious, wonderful, peachy, copacetic, swagger, bang-up and cool.

What is the synonym of fluctuate?

Some common synonyms of fluctuate are oscillate, sway, swing, undulate, vibrate, and waver. While all these words mean “to move from one direction to its opposite,” fluctuate suggests constant irregular changes of level, intensity, or value.

What does it mean to be unconcerned?

Definition of unconcerned
1 : not anxious or upset : free of worry. 2 : not involved : not having any part or interest.

What is the meaning of Challant?

Filters. Not nonchalant ; careful , attentive , or concerned . adjective.

What is the synonymous of understanding?

The words appreciate and comprehend are common synonyms of understand. While all three words mean “to have a clear or complete idea of,” understand and comprehend are very often interchangeable, with understand sometimes stressing the fact of having attained a firm mental grasp of something.

How do you say you are always on time?

  1. dependable.
  2. not delayed.
  3. not late.
  4. on schedule.
  5. prompt.
  6. punctual.
  7. punctually.
  8. reliable.

Bill always ensures his employees adhere to their lunch schedules and breaks. Kevin meets all company standards for attendance and punctuality. Julia begins each day refreshed and ready for any challenges she will face. Greg’s attention to punctuality has paid off this year, he consistently arrives on time.

punctual. When someone says “Be punctual,” that means you better be there on time. Five minutes late won’t cut it. The word punctual originates from the Latin word punctualis, which means “a point.” To be punctual, you have to arrive at the right point in time.

Then, how do you describe being on time?

Synonyms for on time

  1. dependable.
  2. not delayed.
  3. not late.
  4. on schedule.
  5. prompt.
  6. punctual.
  7. punctually.
  8. reliable.

Additionally, when something is the same all the time?

repetitive. Something that is repetitive involves doing the same thing over and over again. If you get bored running on a treadmill daily, you might try something less repetitive, like playing soccer outdoors. Anything you do repeatedly, especially when it’s boring, can be described using the adjective repetitive.

What words mean on time?

In or on time — thesaurus

  • punctual. adjective. arriving or happening at the time agreed on.
  • promptly. adverb. at exactly a particular time.
  • sharp. adverb. at a particular time exactly.
  • in time. phrase. early enough.
  • on time. phrase. arriving at the correct time and not late.
  • well-timed. adjective.
  • just-in-time. adjective.
  • prompt. adjective.

What can I say instead of same to you?

Depends on the context, but if it’s an informal discussion, you can say,

  • “Same to you.”
  • “You too.”
  • “Right back at you.”
  • “I feel the same.”
  • “The feeling is mutual.”
  • “Happy [whatever] to you too.”
  • “Thanks, and same to you.”
  • “I wish the best to you too.”
Write Your Answer

What is a word for being on time? The word has meant lots of other things through the centuries, usually involving being precise about small points. And today punctuality is all about time; a punctual train or a punctual payment or a punctual person shows up “on the dot”.

Hereof, How can I be on time?

10 ways to make yourself more punctual

  1. Don’t check your email or voicemail right before you leave. …
  2. Plan for trouble. …
  3. Set up the night before. …
  4. Set your clocks ahead a few minutes each — by different amounts. …
  5. Learn to better estimate how much time things take. …
  6. Schedule events 10 minutes early. …
  7. Set reminders.

Similarly How do you call someone who is always on time? punctual, on time, never tardy. – Drew. Feb 14 ’17 at 3:02. 1.

How do you describe a punctual person?

Punctuality is the characteristics of a person which does describe that person how he is punctual. Basically, punctuality is the habit of a person to do the task on right time or before time. The person who does his all work on time call punctual. … punctual people never waste their time even a second or minute.

What do you call someone who is always late?

Tidsoptimist, a person who’s habitually late because they think they have more time than they do’. What a different slant on the perpetual laggard!

How can I train myself to be on time?

How can I work on time?

8 tips for getting to work on time every day

  1. Make the bed immediately. …
  2. Make a to-do list the night before. …
  3. Set your coffeemaker to have coffee ready when you wake up. …
  4. Ride a bike. …
  5. Fill your gas tank in the evening, and when it reaches ¼ tank. …
  6. Use a countdown timer. …
  7. Keep your keys, wallet, glasses etc. …
  8. Leave earlier.

What type of personality is always late?

According to Dr Linda Sapadin, a US psychologist specialising in time management, there are four types of personalities especially prone to being chronically late: the Perfectionist, the Crisis Maker, the Defier and the Dreamer. Perfectionists simply can’t leave home until the dishwasher is packed and set running.

Is being punctual a skill?

Punctuality and good time management are skills demanded by employers across all industries. That’s because being late has the ability to negatively affect whole teams, disrupting meetings and giving yourself and others a reputation for being unprofessional.

How do I explain I’m punctual?


  1. If you are punctual, you do something or arrive somewhere at the right time and are not late.
  2. He’s always very punctual. I’ll see if he’s here yet.
  3. My guest arrived punctually.
  4. I’ll have to have a word with them about punctuality.

How do you deal with someone who has never been on time?

Talk in private. If this person is rarely late, consider letting it slide, but if it is more regular, a conversation is necessary. Once you notice a pattern of lateness, pull your employee or friend to the side to chat. The next time they are late, sit them down away from others to chat.

What is Novaturient?

8. Novaturient (adj.) Pronunciation: [nuh-vuh-nyoo-tree-uhnt] Definition: desiring or seeking powerful change in your life, behavior or a certain situation. Best time to use: During soul searching and breath-taking travels or when you want to break free from your current routine/lifestyle.

Is being late a form of control?

Thus, a person may be late because he feels inferior or unimportant, and being late is a way for him to impose himself on a situation, attract maximal attention, and even take control of proceedings.

How can I stop being so late?

Never Be Late Again: 15 Tips to Guarantee You’ll Always be on…

  1. Remind yourself why you want to be more punctual. …
  2. Know yourself. …
  3. Become a scheduling pro. …
  4. It’s always better to overestimate. …
  5. Take into account transition activities. …
  6. Plan the night before. …
  7. Set your watch later. …
  8. Use reminders and notifications.

How can I stop being always late?

Know Yourself

  1. Figure out why you’re always late. …
  2. Get familiar with your personal clock. …
  3. Learn how long things really take. …
  4. Set your clock a few minutes early. …
  5. Plan to arrive early. …
  6. Leave space between meetings. …
  7. Learn to say no. …
  8. Imagine how people feel waiting for you.

How can I stop being so late all the time?

How do you manage your time?

List of Tips for Effective Time Management

  1. Set goals correctly. Set goals that are achievable and measurable. …
  2. Prioritize wisely. Prioritize tasks based on importance and urgency. …
  3. Set a time limit to complete a task. …
  4. Take a break between tasks. …
  5. Organize yourself. …
  6. Remove non-essential tasks/activities. …
  7. Plan ahead.

How do I stop being late everywhere?

Know Yourself

  1. Figure out why you’re always late. …
  2. Get familiar with your personal clock. …
  3. Learn how long things really take. …
  4. Set your clock a few minutes early. …
  5. Plan to arrive early. …
  6. Leave space between meetings. …
  7. Learn to say no. …
  8. Imagine how people feel waiting for you.

How can I improve my punctuality?

Below you’ll find 12 tips for being punctual.

  1. Make Being Prompt a Priority. …
  2. Know Why You Want to Be Punctual. …
  3. Track How Long Tasks Take. …
  4. Use a Timer. …
  5. Be Ruthless With Your To Do List. …
  6. Be Prepared to Be On Time. …
  7. Give Yourself a Time Cushion. …
  8. Be Prepared to Wait.

What being late says about a person?

It appears that late people, thanks to their positive and optimistic demeanour, often overcommit, as well as overestimate how much time they actually have, meaning it can be difficult to stick to deadlines. Makes sense. That being said, they’re also more likely to succeed, be healthier and live longer.

What being on time says about you?

Being punctual shows you are dependable.

Punctuality demonstrates you’re reliable. A man can always be found at his post, carrying out the duties needful for that time. People know they can rely on such a man – if he says he will be there, he’ll be there.

What is the psychology behind always being late?

Lateness can also be caused when we have a reluctance to change gear – to end one activity and start another. We don’t like getting up, we put off going to bed. Stopping something we are absorbed in to do something else can be annoying. It takes willpower to carry out.

Why should I be punctual?

Punctuality demonstrates your willingness to get up early, plan and make every effort to complete your work on time. Punctuality is a sign of professionalism and helps you stand out as a reliable and trustworthy employee. … Being punctual helps you establish your reputation as a dependable and consistent worker.

What are the benefits of being punctual in life?

Why Punctuality is Important

  • Being punctual strengthens and reveals your integrity. …
  • Being punctual shows you are dependable. …
  • Being punctual builds your self-confidence. …
  • Being punctual assures you’re at your best. …
  • Being punctual builds and reveals your discipline. …
  • Being punctual shows your humility.

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Я догадываюсь, что вы, парни из темпоральных расследований, всегда вовремя.

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Classy, stylish and always on time, Hrithik Roshan is an ideal model

for the new Rado HyperChrome.

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Элегантный, стильный и всегда пунктуальный, Ритик Рошан безупречен в рекламе новых

часов Rado HyperChrome.

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Reliable remuneration(stable, always on time, competitive, with social guarantees, bonuses and benefits);

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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Вознаграждение, на которое можно рассчитывать стабильное, своевременное, всегда вовремя, конкурентоспособное, есть социальные гарантии, премии и пособия.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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Always late to work but


on time for free alcohol and free food.

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Public transport is


on time.

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Also, we are


on time with deadlines.

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Также, мы всегда вовремя со сроками.

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Time: 0.0188





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