Word for becoming younger

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Она стала более интернациональной и молодой, более современной.

Refresh yourself, become younger, strengthen your immune system and energize your body!

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Освежитесь, омолодитесь, укрепите свою иммунную систему и зарядите энергией свой организм!

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Not only will you overcome the effects common to aging,

but those in advanced years gradually will become younger.

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Вы не только преодолеете общие последствия старения, а и

те, кто в преклонных годах, постепенно станут моложе.

and geared to Bach s agenda also entirely event-based according to the zeitgeist.

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Программа игр станет более» молодой«, более энергичной

и ориентирована на повестку Баха о инновациях в олимпийском движении.

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On the average, carriers of Soviet identification become“younger”,“more educated”, and“more urbanized”.

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Носители советской идентификации в среднем становятся« моложе»,« образованнее» и« урбанизированнее».

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The population has also become younger with around 45 per cent of the population under the age of 15

in 1985 increasing to nearly 47 per cent in 2000.

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Кроме того, население становится моложе: в 1985 году возраст приблизительно 45% населения составлял менее 15 лет, а

в 2000 году доля такого населения возрастет почти до 47.

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And it is going to


worldwide, without any doubt,

because its effects will show anybody that the person has become younger, the person has


more loving,

the person has



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И она начнет распространиться по всему миру, без

всякого сомнения, потому что ее воздействие покажет каждому, что человек стал моложе, человек


более любящим, человек



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The fact that within this age pyramid the

average female television moderator has become younger(they are, as a rule,

now not older than 34), was already observed in the»Global Media Monitoring Project» in 2000.

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Тот факт, что в этой возрастной пирамиде в

среднем женщины- ведущие телевизионных передач стали моложе( как правило, они теперь

не старше 34 лет), уже был отмечен в проекте» Глобальный мониторинг СМИ» в 2000 году.

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Ischemic heart disease and myocardial infarction have lately become»younger» and strike not only older people, but also patients under 30, mostly males.

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Ишемическая болезнь сердца, инфаркт миокарда в последние годы поражают не только людей пожилого возраста, но и пациентов моложе 30


большую часть которых составляют мужчины.

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The author comes to a conclusion that the image of the party head has considerably changed in comparison with the previous decade: he has become younger and more qualified(with special and political education)

that undoubtedly has influenced on the political state of the region.

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Облик партийного управленца значительно изменился: он стал более молодым и образованным( имеющим как специальное,

так и политическое образование), что, несомненно, отразилось на формировании политического пространства края.

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Listening, you must remember that your fiancè has become young.

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Понимаете, мисс, вы должны помнить, что ваш друг стал, как ребенок.

Street children can later become young offenders, having already experienced violence

in their immediate social environment.

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Беспризорные дети, подвергающиеся насилию в своем непосредственном социальном окружении, могут позднее стать молодыми правонарушителями.

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Tonight selected classical hits will become young again and capture even the hearts of those who are far from loving classical music.

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В этот вечер избранная классика вновь» станет молодой» и влюбит в себя сердца даже самых далеких от нее людей.

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It normalizes the production of sebum, the skin becomes younger and more beautiful.

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Благодаря ему нормализуется выработку кожного сала, кожа становится моложе и красивее.

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A housekeeper appears more often in Ukrainian families nowadays and

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Домработница сегодня все активнее входит в быт современных украинских семей,

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The disease usually appears after 40; however,

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Как правило, заболевание появляется после 40 лет,

однако болезнь постепенно» молодеет.

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The main god became younger son Noah-Kronos named the Zeus-Jupiter or Japheth on bible like.

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Главным богом стал младший сын Ноя- Кроноса по имени Зевс- Юпитер или Иафет на библейский лад.

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The population of Le

Rouret is around 4,000 inhabitants with the populace becoming younger in recent times.

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В Ле- Руре проживает примерно 4000 человек,

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Sometimes it even seemed that, fueled by the endless glee of the crowd, the musicians themselves became younger by 40 years.

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Порой даже казалось, что, подпитываясь бесконечным ликованием толпы, моложе лет на 40 становились и сами музыканты.

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Unfortunately, in our time, diseases of the musculoskeletal system are becoming»younger«, for example, now even teenagers are exposed to degenerative spine decease.

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К сожалению, в наше время, заболевания костно- мышечной системы становятся все« моложе», ведь сейчас, например, остеохондрозу подвержены даже подростки.

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However, in comparison with the times when Soviet identity was considered to be“leaving”, disappearing naturally,

its carriers became younger, more educated, and more urbanized.

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Однако, по сравнению с теми временами, когда советская идентичность считалась« уходящей», исчезающей естественным путем,

ее носители стали моложе, образованнее и урбанизированнее.

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Most of the representatives agreed that drug abusers were becoming younger, and that new synthetic drugs posed a new

challenge to prevention efforts.

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Большинство представителей согласились с тем, что злоупотребление наркотиками возникает во все более юном возрасте и что новые синтетические наркотики создают новые

препятствия на пути усилий в области профилактики.

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Taking into account that most gynecological diseases noticeably»became younger«, and the risk of oncological diseases increased by 60%,

it is important to undergo examination by the gynecologist regularly, even if no symptoms appear.

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С учетом того, что большинство гинекологических заболеваний значительно« помолодели», а риск онкологических болезней вырос на 60%,

важно регулярно проходить обследования у врача гинеколога, даже если не проявляется никаких симптомов.

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На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

стать моложе

становиться моложе

становятся моложе


выглядеть моложе



становится все моложе

становятся все моложе

Read the material and in a hurry to become younger and fresher!

Читайте материал и спешите стать моложе и свежее!

What will she do to become younger?

«You are never too old to become younger.» — Mae West

Get a catalog in the offices and dealer centers of the company, meet your customers with the history of the company NPCRIZ and its unique innovative products, which help people to become younger, more beautiful and happier.

Приобретайте каталог в офисах и дилерских центрах компании по специальной цене — 150 рублей , знакомьте своих клиентов с историей компании НПЦРИЗ и ее уникальной инновационной продукцией, помогающей людям становиться моложе, красивее и счастливее.

In other words, you become younger.

Patients become younger and younger and our outcomes become better.

With each major fasting I become younger for several years.

Каждый раз выступаю перед вами, я становлюсь моложе на несколько лет.

In addition, I have not become younger.

But time goes by, and he doesn’t become younger.

You won’t become younger, you shall simply look much better.

But now they say that I become younger and younger — she claims.

Но теперь они говорят, что я становлюсь моложе и моложе», — утверждает она.

It is also known that kidney failure becomes more likely with increasing age, and so I will try to become younger.

Также известно, что почечная недостаточность становится более вероятным с увеличением возраста, поэтому я буду стараться, чтобы стать моложе.

When I was at my mother’s home recently, a neighbor who stopped by said that my face had become younger and prettier.

Когда я недавно побывала в доме своей матери, её сосед остановил меня и сказал, что моё лицо стало моложе и красивее.

If it pleases you to acknowledge your birth, do so, but reverse the count of your years and become younger.

Ну а если вам нравится отмечать своё рождение, считайте свои года в обратном порядке и становитесь моложе.

In addition to helping people to become younger, you often write in your blog about your personal health strategy.

Милова: Помимо того, что вы помогаете людям стать моложе, вы часто пишете в свой блог о своей личной стратегии поддержания здоровья.

The disease a couple of decades ago belonged to the problems of the older generation, but today it has become younger and attacks even those who are under 30 years old.

Заболевание еще пару десятилетий назад относилось к проблемам старшего поколения, но на сегодняшний день оно стало моложе и атакует даже тех, кому не исполнилось и 30 лет.

The fact that within this age pyramid the average female television moderator has become younger, was already observed in the «Global Media Monitoring Project» in 2000.

Тот факт, что в этой возрастной пирамиде в среднем женщины — ведущие телевизионных передач стали моложе, уже был отмечен в проекте «Глобальный мониторинг СМИ» в 2000 году.

The population has also become younger with around 45 per cent of the population under the age of 15 in 1985 increasing to nearly 47 per cent in 2000.

Кроме того, население становится моложе: в 1985 году возраст приблизительно 45% населения составлял менее 15 лет, а в 2000 году доля такого населения возрастет почти до 47%.

The official also said that, eating for the sum of a living wage, it is possible to become younger, more beautiful and more harmonious, she however itself refused to follow the advice, having referred to «the status of the minister».

Чиновница также заявила, что, питаясь на сумму прожиточного минимума, можно стать моложе, красивее и стройнее, однако сама отказалась последовать своему совету, сославшись на «статус министра».

Short-term TM practitioners (3 years) on average are 5 years younger, whereas long-term practitioners (7 years) are on average 12 years younger (see become younger).

Практикующие ТМ недолгое время (З года) становятся в среднем на 5 лет моложе, в то время как практикующие долгое время (7 лет) становятся в среднем моложе на 12 лет (смотрите стать моложе).

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 75. Точных совпадений: 75. Затраченное время: 88 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Упражнение 18 на лексику для сдачи огэ по английскому.

Почитайте приведенный ниже текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами, так, чтобы они лексически соответствовали контексту.


Fashion is becoming younger. In 1928 an average __DESIGN__ worked for women of all ages and styles. Now old celebrities try to look childish.

The fact is the young actresses have a charismatic charm and love of fashion which make them the face and __PERSONAL__ of different brands.

For example, Selena Gomez has become the face of the __FAME__ brand Dolce & Gabanna.

Hailee Steinfeld is now the new face of Miu Miu. She calls it a brand for __ATTRACT__ young women.

The Harry Potter star Emma Watson has now been recognized on __NUMBER__ magazines’ “best dressed” lists.

More than that, Watson has developed her own line with Alberta Ferretti called Pure Threads, which has clothes made of __NATURE__ materials and fabric.

Fashion is becoming younger. In 1928 an average DESIGNER worked for women of all ages and styles. Now old celebrities try to look childish.

The fact is the young actresses have a charismatic charm and love of fashion which make them the face and PERSONALITY of different brands.

For example, Selena Gomez has become the face of the FAMOUS brand Dolce & Gabanna.

Hailee Steinfeld is now the new face of Miu Miu. She calls it a brand for ATTRACTIVE young women.

The Harry Potter star Emma Watson has now been recognized on NUMEROUS magazines’ “best dressed” lists.

More than that, Watson has developed her own line with Alberta Ferretti called Pure Threads, which has clothes made of NATURAL materials and fabric.

Most Common Teenage Slang Words

[Updated for 2023]

Slang is the informal teenage language that is more popular in speaking than in writing.  It is the new way of speaking of the young that has been quite a trend for a few decades. It consists of a vocabulary often times unknown to the elders.The slang terms created by sometimes recycling the old words, making abbreviations or giving new meaning to the already existing words. Some of these slang examples have found their way into the English dictionaries. There are also dictionaries for slang language available online. This is the way languages are revolutionized. Who knows that the words we call slang today may become part of the regular English someday and may come into writing as well.

Why Teenagers use Slang words ?

Teens use slang words for a variety of reasons. Some of the main reasons include:

  • Expressing individuality: Slang words are often used by teens to express their individuality and set themselves apart from their peers.
  • Group identity: Teenagers often use slang words as a way to identify with a specific group or subculture.
  • Inclusivity: Slang words are often used as a way to create a sense of inclusivity and belonging among a group of teens.
  • Convenience: Slang words are often shorter and easier to say than formal words, making them more convenient for teens to use in conversation.
  • Rebellion: Teens may use slang words as a form of rebellion against societal norms and expectations.
  • Coolness: Many teens use slang words because they believe it makes them appear more cool or trendy.

Overall, slang words are often used by teens as a way to express themselves, connect with others, and assert their independence.

Here is a list of some most common slang words used everyday and also trending among teens nowadays. This may help the parents to decipher the foreign language of their teenagers and not be in a state of total disillusionment.

Teen 2023 Slang Words New List:

  • GOAT – Greatest Of All Time
  • Dope – Awesome.
  • Sic/Sick – Next Level Cool.
  • Lit – Amazing or exciting.
  • Gucci – Good or going well.
  • Salty – Bitter or angry
  • Litty again – exciting or wild once more.

Teen slang

Slang Words Teens and Gen Zers Are Using

We have looked widely everywhere for the best Gen Z slang used by generation on internet. We got help from reddit slang community and also talked to our local teenagers for compiling the most used Gen Z terms into this comprehensive teen slang list guide.Here are latest 2023 Teenage and Generation Z slang words:


It means suspect or suspicious.


It means Awesome or cool.


Shorter form of word family.


It is a slang to call bro or brother.


It is typically used for good song like “jam.”


It is a replacement for fixing to or going to.

Get Lit

It is used to say “party hard”.


Means “You-Only-Live-Once”.


To react unnecessarily over on some thing.

Glow Up

It means upgrade appearance to a better version and enhance looks.


It means original gangsta. But it is used for someone who is quite popular and famous among the group or at school. It is used in a positive way as a sign of respect.

Throw shade

Its meaning is quite opposite from its literal one. It means to disrespect someone.


It is to say “jealous.” not in a negative way but said as a compliment. It is quite outdated but still in.


This means to argue with someone verbally to the extent that they are somewhat defeated in your quick tongue battle.


Gen z peep used it to express something amazing or awesome, something that is exciting and wild.

Thirst/ Thirsty

It is to represent “wanting to have s**” Like: “Sara is so thirsty for Jack it’s weird.”


When someone is looking so beautiful and powerful at the same time then this word is used to describe that feeling. Like “Oh my gosh Amy was so fierce in the concert”.


It is latest slang came up and used to describe people having bigger body parts that are bigger than usual. Normally describes someone’s b**ty.


Means little angry, annoyed bitter or upset.

Get Lit 

It is used to say “party hard”.


It is used to express crying. To show sarcastic expression.


This is slang for “Fake account of Instagram”.


As per Gen Z squad it is an overwhelming or excited way to say “YES”. Like OMG this pizza yaaas. Its amazing.

Is That A Thing

This is a teen expression to confirm something is taking place. Like, I heard that john has started playing football again after retirement, is that a thing ?


Shorter form of family get together. We are having lil fam jam on coming weekend.

Can I Get An Amen

It is and expression where teenagers ask for appreciation for what they have said or done.Means they are asking for good response on their awesome thing.

Sorry But Not Sorry

It is used by teens when they don’t mean to say sorry.

Killing It

Teens Love this phrase nowadays which means to express something doing awesome.


It means excited and having great time.


Slang used for showing extremely good, cool and amazing thing.

Tea or T

Tea is also used as a gen z slang that means gossip, and “spilling the tea” is the act of gossiping.

Sips Tea

Teen slang used on social media for gossiping. It also meaning mind your own business.

Go Off

it is a slang to express support to someone’s action mostly used for humorous act.


This slang is used for communicating about anything cool but in a positive manner.


It is actually a short form of “stalker fan”


Slang to show someone’s mood overall


It is variation of Yes


It means to pick up. I am going to swoop you in 10 min.


It means catchy, hip hop song


It comes from “no cap” which generally means one is telling the truth. Its best thought of, in terms of someone removing their hat/cap to say something honest. So cap means lie or bullsh!t.


It is slang for a woman who is attractive and fun to be around. She is a vibe.


Its is a slang term by rapper Lil B for being yourself and not caring what others think of you—to carry yourself with swagger.


This slang came from the photo editing app VSCO. When a girl edit her photo and use trendy fashion outlook on social media then VSCO girl slang is used to express her as an abusive remark.


It is bay area teen slang to express ‘very’ or as an adjective in place of ‘a lot of.’


It means bad, crazy, stupid, unfashionable or of low quality.


It means trying to


It means online class via app zoom.


In slang dab can be a highly concentrated marijuana extract, a type of hip-hop dance, or touching the ground with your foot while you ride a bicycle.

slang words

popular slang word
slang words
Teen Slang

Teen Friends & Relationship Slang Words:

“Adolescents begin to explore their emerging identities in ways that foster autonomy and connectedness”[1]


It means a lie or fake.When we say “No Cap” means no lies and Capper means liar or faker.


To express someone’s attractiveness.


It is used for a person who walks in a particular way as an exercise. This slang is also common for a man who has relationship with older woman.

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In a close relationship or friendship


This expression means leave,exit or reject someone romantically.


This is very famous slang among teens recently.It is used for someone who is emotional or a drama queen.


It is short form for Family or close group of friends for teens.


When someone shows off physique or belongings then this term is used.Means to show off.

A Karen

This is recently appeared slang word for an angry, entitled, sometimes racist white woman.


Means amazing wow.To express that you are incredibly shocked or shaken up.


This slang is used for a newbie.A person who doesn’t know what they’re doing or who is not expert at something.


To conclude some argument or end of statement with emphasize. i.e: “That’s the best match of season, periodt.”


This is mostly used in school colleges where a group of friends hang out together regularly.

No cap

Means it is completely true or no lie

Throw shade

To give someone a dirty look or certain type of nonverbal insult.


To represent someone who is stupid, obnoxious and under bad jokes because of stupidity.

78 Slang

It is a slang for s**ually active person. 78 came from numerology.

Bad kitty

Slang for s*xually appealing and attractive evil girl.

Victorian Slang Terms Common Among Teens


It is to refer someone who is always smiling.


It is scent fragrance trail when someone pass by and putting on perfume.

You may like this article: Most Complimented Women’s Perfumes

Sauce box

Victorian slang for mouth.

Got the morbs

It is to express temporary sadness.

Gucci gang

Group of friends who are always good or great.

Poked Up

It means embarrassed.

Tight as a boiled owl

To refer a drunk person.

Bitch the pot

It means pour the tea.

American Teenage Slang Words vs British Teen Slangs

  • American: Bae (term of endearment for a significant other)
    British: Babe (term of endearment for a significant other)
  • American: Lit (exciting, happening)
    British: Wicked (cool, exciting)
  • American: BFF (best friends forever)
    British: BFF (best friends forever)
  • American: YOLO (you only live once)
    British: Carpe Diem (seize the day)
  • American: Sick (cool, awesome)
    British: Sick (ill, not well)
  • American: Gucci (good, great)
    British: Ace (excellent, great)
  • American: Fam (family)
    British: Fam (family)
  • American: Basic (lacking originality)
    British: Boring (uninteresting, dull)
  • American: Ghost (to suddenly stop communicating with someone)
    British: Ghost (to suddenly stop communicating with someone)
  • American: On fleek (perfect, flawless)
    British: On point (perfect, flawless)

Parent’s Guide to the Latest Teen Slang

Teens use social media a lot and below is a list of famous social teen slang terms to be known by parents:


Short form of S*x.


Means OK or Challenge.


Means See You For S*x.


Means for Party during the day time.


In US society it means Outfit but in British means very attractive.


Other word for Party.


Other term for look or to have a deep look.

Kick back

It is used for small party.

Netflix and Chill

Inviting someone over for romantic or s*xual activity.

Netflix Cheating

Means watching ahead of your friend or partner an episode of favorite series that you used to watch together.


When you use Netflix to procrastinate.


Used for big party.


Humorous expression for undesirable results or circumstances.


Casually used in conversation among teens when they have casual s*x.


To refer something great or awesome or fabulous.


Means to be drunk.

The plug

Source of Liquor or someone that supplies alcohol.

Throw down

Usually teenagers used this for throwing a party.


To be high or drunk (formerly “turnt up”).




Means someone is looking great or wearing something very fashionable. It is also used to express an insult against someone who has lost an argument.

Parents and teenagers need to have a close relationship to find out the way forward of social media impact on mental health. [2]

So from this list and info graphics, Parents need to know the trends in 2020 for Teen Slang Terms to Keep an Eye on. Fun and Harmless Teenage Slang are good but hurtful and personality destructive slang phrases should be checked.

Adam Sandler and Idina Menzel challenge each other’s knowledge of teenage slang. From “bodega” to “yooz,” the stars of ‘Uncut Gems’ share some of their favorite hometown phrases.

“Hello we’re from New York City my name is Adam Sandler and yours is Anita.We are gonna teach you US teen slang.I don’t know how good we’re gonna do.Do you feel like you know what we were saying at all Anita ? Yeah I do. Oh well why do you do ? okay first one up is Oh Bodega about a guy like Adam Adam you got a hang-up about again but I’ll tell you. What but I’ve got God that’s good that’s good this is a store like that like a little grocery store right ? I call it a bodega yeah and you love it I got to tell you that. That wasn’t around when I was at, you know. And because it really doesn’t feel like a total oh yeah you’re right. There we go oh you know what that is me I should me oh god it’s me a cream cheese it’s not yet it should be but is this a real word in the dictionary it’s it’s like a pop Schmear ha ha Bridget tunnel which is what you are that I think that’s a little bit derogatory I think it’s fine. You do. Do you take a bridge to get to the city I need to take the tunnel the Midtown Tunnel you through the Midtown Tunnel but I feel like they sometimes refer to Bridge and Tunnel people a little bit they can be a little c-o-c-k-y attitude towards the bridge city.
yeah yeah no but you got a respect to Bridge and Tunnel from everybody oh well go on in the city oh yeah the city doesn’t want to do a whole thing on that. I don’t know you don’t care about other I don’t know if you’re in Long Island go to the city. Yes a big city how about this you’ve got to say on Long Island if that’s done that’s it Joe yeah this I don’t know what you do I never heard
that my life Beibei like oh god that’s what it is Oh God Oy Vey mere is Oh God in heaven isn’t it?  I think so yeah are you vote okay Bob maybe that’s okay is that you – yes certainly doesn’t sound Irish all right.Pie a slice would have been worse yeah but that’s if you grew up with a lot of money we could all get a slice my family so let’s go to slice and that’s all we got. I’ll see you out on the stoop will place – Paul no I didn’t say Stoop that much. I mean I know what it is stupid no memory you said. I’ll do a movie with that I’m saying I’ll stoop down to that level. Hey use how he’s doing how he’s doing it’s just doing a YooZ onto a thing that’s if there’s a couple of guys around, you don’t want to shake its use not youths not like not like what Joe Pesci do youths. So all we’ve been there SOHO sets out the Houston. Yeah I lived there on Thompson and prints for a while you did that was where all the models always when I was really, no they really ran for the a year and a half I lived in their. Like let’s get out of here court Oh Bed-stuy that’s pepper stiverson and, I haven’t been there in a long time. I know that my friend Chris Rock used to live there as the village I lived there. You lived there ? yeah the village is Greenwich Village yeah Downtown 14th Street. Anything below 14th Street is now jump dude is 82 booting da Boa he’s like like I’m gonna be baking something Queens Brooklyn Queens Expressway said so much traffic. Whenever I did his head to the BQE to get some gigs. Yeah that’s a tough, it’s hot I broke down on the BQE old Underberg. Gotham got the Marne girl, I worked at that restaurant. Yeah I took reservation that’s good evening Gotham our own Grillo may I help you and then you just put them on home. SCHVITZ Sweating ? no that’s like a sieve that’s your own what is it it’s all juice and eat Alan really that’s the only yogurt – Ritz steel a wet fish yeah toilet and you take out what does not admit that okay that’s a shot this is yeah forget about it that’s right just forget about it yeah yeah oh yeah you Buggin but you’re running out by guys like you’re just freaking out no hey what’s up baby that’s before my time yeah but you’re cool with all the robbers I certainly ice we have to know what that is oh yeah I mean just admit this to the world that until recently I thought bumper-to-bumper traffic which is like Archie Bunker okay yeah was bumper-to-bumper traffic spell be um a da bumper da I totally thought this was city slang we know we did not do too well at this but I know deep in your heart while sitting in bumper-to-bumper the job that’s good.”

This slang trend has been there since the 80’s. Teens are always known to invent their own code words and phrases that have today become slang and later added in urban dictionary. Some are abbreviations like LOL or YOLO whereas others are small phrases that have very different meanings like ‘eat my shorts’ or ‘kill me’. These practices are how the languages are revolutionized and progress.[Wiki source]

Slang Sources:

Slang words are being updated so frequently and new words become popular in communication on daily basis,so it is better to get more updated info regarding slang ghetto words from online dictionary, slang dictionary , Merriam-Webster Dictionary  , Slang word list and Oxford.

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A whippersnapper is a “diminutive, insignificant, or presumptuous person,” and, if we needed proof that it was not a compliment but a term of reproach, here is the word used in a lengthy harangue by Edgar Allan Poe, from his story “Loss of Breath”:

«Thou wretch! – thou vixen! – thou shrew!» said I to my wife on the morning after our wedding, «thou witch! – thou hag! – thou whipper-snapper! – thou sink of iniquity! – thou fiery-faced quintessence of all that is abominable! – thou – thou –»

The speaker in the story is then, gratifyingly, bereft of breath and stops.

Whippersnapper is usually used in a much milder way, as by an older person in order to emphasize the youth of the person being addressed. It seems to have come from an earlier word, snippersnapper, which was first used, with the same meaning, in the late 1500s. It may also have been influenced by whipster, a word used in much the same way by Shakespeare:

I am not valiant neither, but every puny whipster gets my sword.

Whippersnapper’s popularity peaked in the 1930s, making it seem to us, despite its Renaissance origins, recognizable and oldy-timey.

look at this moppet

Moppet means “a young person” or “a child,” and is usually used in an endearing way. It comes from mop, an obsolete English word dating to the 1300s that meant both “a fool” and “a baby.” During the 1700s, it was used to mean “a young woman” or “damsel,” and, as an insulting term, “an effeminate man” or “a fop.” Those meanings have dropped from use. Today we know that this mop is unrelated to the mop that means “a tool for cleaning floors,” but Samuel Johnson, in his 1755 Dictionary, seemed to combine mop and puppet, with his definition:

Moppet, a puppet made of rags, as a mop is made.

Moppet is apparently unrelated to Muppet, which Jim Henson insisted wasn’t a combination of “marionette” and “puppet,” but rather a fun word that he made up.


Whiffet means “a small, young, or unimportant person,” but the undeniable cuteness of the word seems to have kept it from becoming a common term of reproach. Indeed, the word’s other meaning seems to confirm its cuddly sound: “a small dog,” used mostly in the 19th century.

Whiffet was used in relaxed and informal writing, such as this breezy passage from an early magazine movie review:

Particularly is this true in the case of William Haines. This cinemactor invariably plays the obnoxious, precocious whiffet who upsets plans, causes heartaches by his wilfulness.
—“The New Pictures,” Time Magazine, 10 October 1928

Whiffet seems to have developed from whippet, the name of a dog breed.

When used to refer to people, the Oxford English Dictionary records both whiffler and whifling as older synonyms of whiffet.


Younker comes from the Dutch word that means “young nobleman,” jonker. If younker looks a bit like the English word younger, there’s a good reason: younker’s root, the Dutch word jon, is an etymological cousin of young. Another cousin is the German borrowing Junker (pronounced YUN-kur), used in English to mean either “a young German noble” or “a member of the Prussian landed aristocracy.” Both the Dutch and German words are compounds of a word meaning “young” and a word meaning “lord.”

In English, younker has been used to mean “a young man,” “youngster,” “child,” and, more specifically, “a junior seaman on board ship” (which is similar to one definition of youngster: “a midshipman who has served less than four years”).

Younker is a word that was used during the 19th century by such writers as James Fenimore Cooper, Charles Dickens, and Benjamin Disraeli, but its use has fallen off sharply since 1900.


Surfing’s first wave of popularity in the 1950s led to some novel lingo like wipe out and hang five. A term used to describe a young or inexperienced surfer, gremmie, developed around 1960 as a diminutive of gremlin. Gremlin began as a name used by RAF pilots in the 1920s for an unimportant person, and was then applied as the imaginary cause of mechanical problems (as in “a gremlin in the works”). For surfers, a gremmie can also mean either a young surfer who does not respect acknowledged codes of behavior in the water or a young person who hangs around at the beach but does not surf.

Gremmie saw a peak of popularity in the late 1960s, and its use in print has subsequently dropped sharply since the 1980s.


Bantling is a word for “a very young child” or “infant” that has a polished literary pedigree, having been used by Lord Byron, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, and Alfred, Lord Tennyson. The word could have developed from the German bänkling (“bastard”) from Bank, meaning “bench”—a reflection of the notion that such a child that was conceived on a bench of some sort and not in the marriage bed. It also may have developed from band meaning “swathe,” a reference to a baby’s swaddling clothes.


Ephebe, meaning “a young man,” is a variant of ephebus, “a youth of ancient Greece” or, more specifically, “an Athenian 18 or 19 years old training for full citizenship.” This word combines Greek elements: the prefix epi- meaning “on” or “at” and hēbē, meaning “early manhood” or “youth.” Unsurprisingly, ephebe is most often used in discussions of Ancient Greece, but it has been used to refer to young men who are finding their way as artists or poets.


Lass is a word redolent with the color of Scottish, Irish varieties of English as well as the dialects of the north of England. It’s been part of English since the 1300s, and is still in active use meaning both “a young woman” and “sweetheart.” A less frequent Scottish use in the past meant “maidservant.”

Lass may have its roots in the Old Norse word for “unmarried,” but is more likely derived from a word meaning “rag,” las, from Old Danish, Old Norwegian, or Old Swedish.

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