Word for becoming extinct

Like many of us, I am a big fan of and user of words.  One of my most popular blog posts is 102 great words that aren’t in English but should be102 great words that aren’t in English but should be.

I’m also a fan of etymology, the study of the origin of words and the way in which their meanings have changed throughout history and one of my books is about the origins of idioms.


Edward Allhusen must have a similar interest as he has catalogued a book full of words that are falling out of favour and have supposedly endangered and have or very soon will be out of every day usage.

A hangover was once known as a bout of ‘crapulence’ while an irresistible craving for alcohol was referred to as ‘dipsomania’.

A ‘caterwaul’ was a burst of inconsiderate high-pitched screaming, to ‘condiddle’ was to steal and an ‘amanuensis’ was a literary assistant who took dictation.

An awkward youth experiencing a difficult transition from childhood to adulthood was a ‘hobbledehoy’.

A gullible person used to be called a ‘juggins’ whilst someone who attached undeserved importance to a matter was ‘pettifogging’.

A bossy woman was a ‘harridan’ and one prone to flirtation was a ‘fizgig’.

I was a little surprised to see many of the words are actually ones that I use either frequently or has my default word for a given situation.  For example a large nose would be a ‘conk’, to depart quickly was ‘to vamoose’.

A grovelling servant was a ‘lickspittle’ and I’m surprised that this has fallen my the wayside as I use it all the time, if not about actual servants.

Acts of stupidity saw individuals labelled as being an ‘ignoramus’ and ‘nincompoop’.  I had no idea that these were out of fashion.  And if there is a more contemporary words for  ‘higgledy-piggledy’ then I want to know, not that I would adopt its usage.  Perhaps not many things are higgledy-piggledy anymore and are all logical and ordered.  If so, how sad!

The book goes on to describe indecisive people as to ‘shilly-shally’, while a loud exclamation of surprise was termed a ‘gadzook’.   I just used Shilly-Shally this week relating to our Prime Minister and her Brexit tactics.

A working class woman with promiscuous habits was commonly referred to as a ‘trollop’, while causing an uproar was creating a ‘rumpus’.  Again, there is a lady who often walks past my house who I call (inside my own 4 walls of course) as being a trollop and a rumpus is so much more fun to use than most alternatives.

As well as listing endangered words, Mr Allhusen has also highlighted how the meaning of words has evolved over the past two and a half centuries.

He studied the seminal 1755 book by Samuel Johnson, ‘A Dictionary of the English Language’ to see which words have survived to this day and how their meanings have changed.

In that edition, he was intrigued to find the term ‘betrump’, which was defined as to deceive, to cheat or to evade by guile.  I’m sure it is nothing personal against the President.

The meaning of other words have changed completely – now associated with cricket, the word ‘innings’ once meant land reclaimed from the sea.

Defenestrate – early 17th century; the act of throwing someone out of the window

Vamoose – mid 19th century, from Spanish ‘vamos’; to depart in a quick manner

Crapulence – from the Latin word crapula meaning ‘intoxication’; an old-fashioned term for a hangover

Lickspittle – dating from 1741; a grovelling servant

Dipsomania – mid 19th century, from the Greek word dipso, meaning ‘thirst’ – an irresistible craving for an alcoholic drink

Conk – unknown origin, but usage started around the First World War; a large nose

Hobbledehoy – mid 16th century, of unknown origin; an awkward youth experiencing a difficult transition from childhood to adulthood

Juggins – late 19th century, perhaps from the surname Juggins; a gullible person

Harridan – late 17th century, perhaps from the French word haridelle, or ‘old horse’; an old-fashioned term for a particularly bossy woman

Ignoramus – late 16th century, from Latin, literally ‘we do not know’; meaning a stupid person

Fizgig – early 16th century, probably from ‘fizz’ and ‘gig’, an old word meaning ‘flighty girl’; a person who is extremely flirtatious

Shilly-shally – mid 18th century, re-purposing of ‘shall I?’; an indecisive person

Gadzook – late 17th century: alteration of ‘God’s hooks’; a loud exclamation of surprise

Rumpus – mid 18th century; to create an uproar

Trollop – early 17th century: perhaps related to ‘trull’, which is German for prostitute; a working class woman with promiscuous habits

Pettifogging – late 16th century, someone who attached undeserved importance to a matter

Betrump – unknown origin; means to deceive, to cheat or to evade by guile

Nincompoop – late 17th century, similar to the French word nicodème, meaning simpleton; a foolish or stupid person

Incidentally, I just came across an interesting bit of about a word this morning. Apparently ‘cob’ in cobweb is a very old, and now forgotten English word for spider. The Old English word for spider was atorcoppe, with ator meaning ‘poison’ and coppemeaning ‘head’ – that’s the same ‘coppe’ probably gave us the word corncob (‘head of corn’). In Middle English the word spider (originally spydyr ‘the spinner’) became the more popular word, but cobweb was still retained to refer to the home it makes.  Now that ‘cob’ has no clear meaning, it’s no surprise that over the last couple of hundred years people have started to use spiderweb. The web used to be a more generic word for netting – if you know anyone with the name Webster their name used to denote people who worked as weavers.

Given that I still use old worlds like shilly-shally, trollop, higgledy-piggedly and nincompoop, it will probably come as no surprise that I only ever use the word ‘cobweb’ rather than spiderweb but I must admit, I did not know the precise reason… or if I did then I had forgotten it!

Betrumped, The Surprising History of 3,000 Long Lost, Exotic and Endangered Words, by Edward Allhusen, is published by Amberley and costs £14.99.



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Synonyms for Become extinct. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 14, from https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/become_extinct

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Synonyms for Become extinct. 2016. Accessed April 14, 2023. https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/become_extinct.

Translation examples

  • вымирает

26. Unless the Sami language and culture are transmitted from generation to generation at day—care centres and schools, they will become extinct.

26. Если в группах продленного дня и школах не передавать от поколения к поколению саамский язык и культуру, они будут вымирать.

They either evolve or they become extinct.

Они или развивались или вымирали.

(137 species of animals become extinct daily)

[Ежедневно вымирает около 137 видов животных.]

To preserve life on earth, we need to become… Extinct.

Ради спасения жизни на земле, нам надо стать … вымирающим видом.

Actually, in the Victorian era, chaps used to go off, when something was about to become extinct, they would go off, find it and shoot it as a trophy.

Вообще, в «викторианскую эру» ребята обычно, когда находили нечто вымирающее, выслеживали его и подстреливали как трофей.

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Потому что волкам нужно скрещиваться со многими стаями, чтобы не вымереть.

The speed in which species are becoming extinct is much faster than in the past.

Rare tree species highly valued for non-wood forest

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Редкие породы деревьев, представляющие ценность как источник недревесной лесной

продукции, также часто фигурируют среди видов, находящихся на грани исчезновения11.

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The Cumbric language, which is thought to have been closely related to Welsh,

was spoken in this area until becoming extinct around the 12th century.

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Ныне мертвый камбрийский язык, который, по некоторым оценкам, был тесно связан с валлийским,

The extinction of the passenger pigeon aroused public interest in the conservation

movement, and resulted in new laws and practices which prevented many other species from becoming extinct.

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странствующего голубя вызвало всеобщий интерес к природоохранному движению( англ.) русск.,

а его следствием стали новые законы и практики, защитившие многие другие виды от вымирания.

The following year Prince Albert wrote that it is through Prince Rüdiger and his sons that the direct line of the Albertine branch of the House of Wettin will continue,

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В 2003 году Альберт заявил, что только принц Рюдигер и его сыновья должны продолжить прямую линию Альбертинской линии дома Веттинов,

чтобы избежать угасания династии.

The North African elephant(Loxodonta africana pharaohensis) was a subspecies of the African bush elephant(Loxodonta africana), or possibly a separate elephant species, that existed in North Africa,

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Североафриканский, или карфагенский слон( лат. Loxodonta africana pharaohensis или berbericus, hannibali)- возможный подвид саванного слона,

существовавший в Северной Африке до полного исчезновения во времена Древнего Рима.

the Association is collaborating with the United Nations to raise awareness around the world about biodiversity and the importance of protecting endangered species and their habitats, supporting the Millennium Development Goals.

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По имеющимся данным, каждые 24 часа исчезает 150 видов,

поддерживая Цели развития тысячелетия, Ассоциация сотрудничает с Организацией Объединенных Наций в целях повышения осведомленности общественности во всем мире о биоразнообразии и важности защиты животных и среды обитания видов, которые находятся под угрозой исчезновения.

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If threats do not abate, population models suggest that the species may need to be classified as Critically Endangered,

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Популяционные модели свидетельствуют, что если степень угрозы не снизится, то этот


нужно будет перевести в категорию


находящихся в критическом состоянии,

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В результате империи вымерли как динозавры.

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Ежедневно вымирает около 137 видов животных.

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Еще несколько видов вымерло в историческое время.

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История динозавров- Почему вымерли динозавры.

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Династия по мужской линии угасла в 1247 году.

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Геспероционовые вымерли в среднем миоцене.

Dinosaurs evolved and declined, ultimately



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Этот этап ознаменовался эволюцией и упадком динозавров.

Species are


extinct at the fastest rate ever recorded.

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Виды животных и растений исчезают невиданными ранее темпами.

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This practice is fast


extinct and education statistics have shown higher

number of girls obtaining scholarships in past years.

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Эта практика стремительно сходит на нет, и статистические данные в сфере образования указывают



что все большее число девочек в последние годы получают школьное образование.

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Manual control and hard-copy based processes are


extinct in the United Nations Office at Vienna

and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime.

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Процессы, связанные с выполнением ручных операций и

работой с источниками в печатном виде,


Отделении Организации Объединенных Наций



и Управлении Организации Объединенных Наций по наркотикам и преступности практически исчезают.

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According to the 2005 Millennium Ecosystem Assessment,

species were


extinct as a result of human activities 100 times

faster than the natural extinction rate.

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По данным Оценки экосистем на рубеже тысячелетия,

проведенной в 2005 году, исчезновение видов в результате деятельности человека происходит

в 100 раз быстрее по сравнению с уровнем естественного вымирания.

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In an attempt to preserve these ethnic cultures, certain groups of academics have set up museums of the

ethnic groups that are at risk of declining and



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Стремясь к сохранению культуры таких народностей, некоторые ученые организовали музеи тех этнических групп,

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VIII.80 The Advisory Committee also notes that various electronic workflow applications have been introduced and, as a result,

manual control and hard-copy-based processes are


extinct in the United Nations Office at Vienna and UNODC.

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VIII. 80 Консультативный комитет отмечает также, что внедрены различные прикладные программы электронного управления рабочим процессом, в результате чего процессы контроля вручную

и процессы, основанные на использовании печатных документов, в Отделении Организации Объединенных Наций в Вене и ЮНОДК постепенно исчезают.

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Indeed, many complex species lost the war with microbes to become extinct.
Верно, что многие сложные виды проиграли войну с микробами и через несколько сотен лет вымерли.

Despite diminishing – and eventually disappearing – summer Arctic ice, polar bears will not become extinct.
Несмотря на сокращение – и, в конечном счете, исчезновение – арктических льдов, белые медведи не вымрут.

Projections are that we could lose polar bears; they could become extinct in the next 50 to 100 years.
По прогнозам, белые медведи станут вымирающим видом через 50-100 лет.

“I understand that animal rights activists don’t want these animals mistreated, but they’re hampering our ability to study them before they become extinct.”
– Я понимаю, что активисты, борющиеся за права животных, не хотят, чтобы с ними плохо обращались; однако они лишают нас возможности изучить их до того, как они вымрут».

The change of the water temperature in the river caused fish to become extinct while places with useful wild plants, as well as sacred ceremonial sites, were submerged.
Изменение температуры речной воды вызвало вымирание рыбы, а места произрастания полезных диких растений, как и священные места для культовых церемоний, оказались затопленными.

And that if we don’t do that, the antithesis, although we’ve heard otherwise, is we’re really going to become extinct, because we’re feeding our children to death.
И если мы этого не сделаем, то вопреки существующим мнениям, мы попросту вымрем, потому что мы закормим наших детей до смерти.

For this reason, some colleagues and I have calculated the rate at which bird species became extinct in the recent past and the rate at which they will likely become extinct in the future.
По этой причине несколько моих коллег и я вычислили темпы вымирания видов птиц в недалеком прошлом и вероятные темпы их вымирания в будущем.

Successions of new species emerged, evolved and became extinct.
Новые виды возникали, развивались и вымирали.

It was during the ice age that the saber-toothed tiger became extinct.
Саблезубые тигры вымерли во время ледникового периода.

For this reason, some colleagues and I have calculated the rate at which bird species became extinct in the recent past and the rate at which they will likely become extinct in the future.
По этой причине несколько моих коллег и я вычислили темпы вымирания видов птиц в недалеком прошлом и вероятные темпы их вымирания в будущем.

If nothing else gets us, the human species will become extinct when our aging sun begins to enlarge.
Если не будет других факторов, то человеческий вид может исчезнуть в тот момент, когда наше стареющее Солнце начнет увеличиваться в размере.

To focus on how many species have become extinct, or will go extinct, obscures the fact that a large number of species have become greatly contracted in the range of their habitats, primarily due to human activity.
Сосредоточение внимания на том, сколько видов уже исчезло и сколько еще исчезнет в будущем, затмевает тот факт, что область распространения и диапазон естественной среды обитания многих из них значительно сократился в первую очередь благодаря деятельности человека.

We have no significant predators, we’re the masters of our physical environment; the things that normally cause species to become extinct are no longer any threat to us.
На нас не охотится никто из хищников, мы сами управляем своей внешней средой — опасности, которые обычно приводят к исчезновению видов, больше нам не угрожают.

And to think that in 30, 40 years they could become extinct.
Подумать только, черз 30, 40 лет этот вид может исчезнуть.

It was noted that signals of climate change had been observed in East Africa: some diseases such as highland malaria, meningitis and Rift Valley fever had re-emerged; some plant and animal species had become extinct; the rivers had become more seasonal or disappeared altogether; lake sizes and levels had shrunk; conflicts over limited resources had occurred, especially at watering points and pastures; and mountain glaciers had declined.
Было отмечено, что признаки изменения климата проявились в Восточной Африке: вновь появились некоторые заболевания, такие как высокогорная малярия, менингит и лихорадка Рифт-Валли; некоторые виды растений и животных исчезли; реки стали более подвержены сезонным колебаниям или вообще исчезли; сократилась площадь озер и понизился уровень воды в них; возникли конфликты в отношении ограниченных ресурсов, в особенности у водопоев и на пастбищах; сократился размер ледников в горах.

The slow progress in resolving land and resource issues was cause for concern, and there was a danger that many aboriginal peoples might become extinct if solutions were not reached.
Медленный прогресс в урегулировании вопросов, касающихся земли и ресурсов, вызывает серьезную обеспокоенность, и существует опасность того, что многие коренные народы могут исчезнуть с лица Земли, если не будут найдены правильные решения.

You know, ever since they dropped the, uh, you know, woodworms have become quite extinct.
Вы знаете, с тех пор, как они сбросили ее, ну, вы знаете, личинки древоточца стали весьма потухшими.

If the Conference on Disarmament keeps on its agenda issues which date back to the now extinct East-West confrontation, this is because the problems persist and, still worse, have become even more acute since the stand-off between the two blocks disappeared.
Если Конференция по разоружению сохраняет в своей повестке дня проблемы, которые восходят к уже угаснувшей конфронтации » Восток-Запад «, то как раз потому, что проблемы сохраняются и, хуже того, еще больше обостряются с тех пор, как исчезло противостояние между двумя блоками.

Yumi will become a teacher.
Юми станет учителем.

This custom became extinct a long time ago.
Этот обычай давно забыт.

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