Word for art lover

Art can be beautiful (it can also be strange or confusing). There are people out there who really appreciate it, and it would help to know what words we can use to describe these people. This article will explore some of the best synonyms for such a case.

What Do You Call Someone Who Appreciates Art?

Perhaps you’d like to pick one of the words from below to see which you like best:

  • Cultured
  • Cultivated
  • Art enthusiast
  • Art fan
  • Aesthete
  • Connoisseur
  • Art lover
  • Artistic
  • Creative
  • Refined
  • Erudite

Words For Someone Who Appreciates Art

The preferred version is “cultured.” It’s a great word that many native speakers use to refer to someone who has a strong love for art and all things to do with it. If you need any information about art, they are the people you want to go to.


“Cultured” is a great way to show that someone appreciates art. It means they have a really good upbringing and education, which typically goes hand-in-hand with an appreciation for the “finer things in life” like art.

The definition of “cultured,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “a cultured person has had a good education and knows a lot about art, music, literature, etc.”

  • I’d like to be as cultured as you, but I just don’t have the patience.
  • I’m very cultured, thank you very much. I dare say I’m the most cultured person here!
  • She wants to be cultured, but you can tell that she tries too hard!


“Cultivated” is synonymous with “cultured.” We can use it to show that someone has an impressive education relating to art, and they will usually share their knowledge with others (which can turn into admiration or appreciation as well).

The definition of “cultivated,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “someone who is cultivated has had a good education and knows a lot about and likes art, music, painting, etc.”

  • You’re quite cultivated in this regard, so I think you’ll do perfectly.
  • I’d like to become more cultivated. Would you be able to teach me what you know?
  • She’s cultivated enough to understand that this isn’t very good work!

Art Enthusiast

“Art enthusiast” is a great phrase to help us show someone loves art. The word “enthusiast” applies to show that someone is very interested in the art they see before them.

The definition of “enthusiast,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “a person who is very interested in and involved with a particular subject or activity.”

  • You claim to be an art enthusiast, but you don’t seem to be very interested in this piece.
  • I’m no art enthusiast! I don’t know what gave you that idea about me.
  • Stop calling her an art enthusiast! I can tell that she has no style or taste!

Art Fan

“Art fan” means that someone admires art. We can use the word “fan” along with “art” to be more specific about people admiring art. “Fan” also applies in a more general sense to other areas (like sports, people, or events).

The definition of “fan,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “someone who admires and supports a person, sport, sports team, etc.”

  • I’m not the art fan you were hoping I’d be, but I’ll still come and see it if you want me to.
  • She’s an art fan, but I find all of it incredibly boring! I’ve really tried to get into it, but it doesn’t work for me.
  • We are art fans, so we go to every museum looking at the next best pieces!


“Aesthete” is a great adjective that is underutilized by native speakers. It means that someone understands and enjoys art in a particular way (which makes it an excellent candidate for this list).

Some people use it more negatively, but there is no reason why this needs to be the case. If you like the word, you can use it positively to talk about art lovers as well.

The definition of “aesthete,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “a person who understands and enjoys beauty.”

  • As an aesthete, I have a hard time disassociating my love for art from the outside world.
  • He’s not an aesthete, even though he seems to think he is! I wouldn’t listen to him and his bad taste.
  • She’s quite an aesthete. I’m always impressed with her collection, and you might benefit from checking it out if you want to learn.


“Connoisseur” is a great way to show that someone has a lot of appreciation for art. It means that they are a good judge of quality and skill (rather than having the skill themselves).

We refer to connoisseurs when we want second opinions about the artwork. They will usually break it down for us to let us know whether it’s worth anything or whether it’s rubbish.

The definition of “connoisseur,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “a person who knows a lot about and enjoys one of the arts, or food, drink, etc., and can judge quality and skill in that subject.”

  • You’re quite the connoisseur when it comes to this sort of thing, aren’t you?
  • I’d love to be considered a connoisseur in the art field, but nobody seems to take anything I say seriously.
  • He’s the connoisseur we’ve been waiting for! We must hire him to see whether our art is worth anything.

Art Lover

“Art lover” is another good phrase we can use to show that someone has a deeper appreciation of art. The “lover” portion of the word is the main focus here. It shows that someone has a strong liking toward the art they cherish.

The definition of “lover,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “someone with a strong liking for something.”

  • As an art lover, I see beauty in everything. You should try it sometime.
  • I’m not an art lover, so I don’t understand why you would spend a small fortune buying something like that.
  • Okay, Mr. Art Lover. Tell me, why do you think the artist decided to use these brushstrokes to make this piece?


We can use “artistic” to show that someone has a lot of art in their blood. This allows them to enjoy art in ways that many people around them might think to be bizarre.

Artistic people are usually quite talented themselves. They’ll also be able to create art, which usually helps them to understand other people’s work better (and thus appreciate it more).

The definition of “artistic,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “able to create or enjoy art.”

  • I’m very artistic, which helps a lot in my job. I’ll always produce the most appealing work, but it takes the longest to complete.
  • I’m not sure he’s the artistic person you’re hoping he is. He doesn’t often put a lot of time into anything like that.
  • Shouldn’t she be more artistic? She goes to the museum all the time, but she doesn’t seem to appreciate any of it!


“Creative” is a good word to show that someone has strange ideas floating around their heads. They can use these ideas to explore the artistic world, and it typically helps them to develop an admiration or love for other artwork.

The definition of “creative,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “producing or using original and unusual ideas.”

  • It helps to be creative when it comes to appreciating art. I love what I see before me.
  • You’ll want to be a little more creative if it will help you understand what you see here. Trust me; it’s worth it.
  • I’m not creative enough to understand the decisions this artist made!


“Refined” is a somewhat snobbish term that works to describe someone who loves art. It works well because it shows that they have a lot of awareness of style. You’ll usually find other people referring to snobbish people as “refined.”

The definition of “refined,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “polite, graceful, and aware of quality and style.”

  • You’re very refined, so I think it makes sense that you act as the tour guide today.
  • I’d love to be more refined, but I wouldn’t even know where to begin getting into art these days!
  • I’m not sure he’s the most refined person to talk to. He doesn’t love art all that much!


“Erudite” is an interesting adjective. We use it when we want to show that someone has a great deal of knowledge that not many people know. We can apply this to art lovers because they often have knowledge that offers do not care about.

They use this knowledge to drive their love for the art world even further. It helps them to feel in tune with the artistic prowess they see around them.

The definition of “erudite,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “having or containing a lot of knowledge that is known by very few people.”

  • You have an erudite understanding of the art around here, which is why I think you’re the one to ask.
  • I’ll never understand your erudite yearning to love the art you see before you.
  • He’s erudite for art. If you ask him about it, he’ll tell you all he knows, and you’ll probably fall in love!

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

Below is a massive list of art words — that is, words related to art. The top 4 are: artist, painting, artwork and painter. You can get the definition(s) of a word in the list below by tapping the question-mark icon next to it. The words at the top of the list are the ones most associated with art, and as you go down the relatedness becomes more slight. By default, the words are sorted by relevance/relatedness, but you can also get the most common art terms by using the menu below, and there’s also the option to sort the words alphabetically so you can get art words starting with a particular letter. You can also filter the word list so it only shows words that are also related to another word of your choosing. So for example, you could enter «artist» and click «filter», and it’d give you words that are related to art and artist.

You can highlight the terms by the frequency with which they occur in the written English language using the menu below. The frequency data is extracted from the English Wikipedia corpus, and updated regularly. If you just care about the words’ direct semantic similarity to art, then there’s probably no need for this.

There are already a bunch of websites on the net that help you find synonyms for various words, but only a handful that help you find related, or even loosely associated words. So although you might see some synonyms of art in the list below, many of the words below will have other relationships with art — you could see a word with the exact opposite meaning in the word list, for example. So it’s the sort of list that would be useful for helping you build a art vocabulary list, or just a general art word list for whatever purpose, but it’s not necessarily going to be useful if you’re looking for words that mean the same thing as art (though it still might be handy for that).

If you’re looking for names related to art (e.g. business names, or pet names), this page might help you come up with ideas. The results below obviously aren’t all going to be applicable for the actual name of your pet/blog/startup/etc., but hopefully they get your mind working and help you see the links between various concepts. If your pet/blog/etc. has something to do with art, then it’s obviously a good idea to use concepts or words to do with art.

If you don’t find what you’re looking for in the list below, or if there’s some sort of bug and it’s not displaying art related words, please send me feedback using this page. Thanks for using the site — I hope it is useful to you! 🐑

That’s about all the art related words we’ve got! I hope this list of art terms was useful to you in some way or another. The words down here at the bottom of the list will be in some way associated with art, but perhaps tenuously (if you’ve currenly got it sorted by relevance, that is). If you have any feedback for the site, please share it here, but please note this is only a hobby project, so I may not be able to make regular updates to the site. Have a nice day! 🐿

Англо-русский глоссарий по теме «Искусство»

to practice an art заниматься искусством
abstract art абстракционизм
classical art классическое искусство
modern art современное искусство
primitive art примитивизм
graphic art графическое искусство, графика
plastic arts пластическое искусство
art school художественное училище
Art Nouveau франц. стиль модерн (художественный и архитектурный стиль конца XIX — начала XX вв.)
antique art античное искусство
folk art народное искусство
decorative art декоративное искусство
applied art прикладное искусство
art of building зодчество
art castings художественное литье
Graphic (black-and-white) art искусство графики
art is long, life is short посл. жизнь коротка, искусство вечно
Fine Arts изобразительные искусства (музей изобразительных искусств имени С. Д. Эрьзи — the S. Erzya Museum of Fine Arts)
(the) Academy of Arts Академия художеств
pictorial art живопись

История искусства: эпохи и направления
Stone Age art искусство Каменного Века
Classical Greek древнегреческий
Byzantine византийский
Flemish фламандский
Gothic готический
the Renaissance period эпоха Возрождения
the Baroque age эпоха барокко
the Romantic era эра Романтизма
the Neo-Classicists неоклассицисты
the Itinerants Передвижники
Impressionism импрессионисты
The Symbolists символисты
Expressionism экспрессионизм
Cubism кубизм
Pop art поп-арт

Художественные жанры
acrylic painting живопись акриловой краской
bark painting живопись на коре
battle piece батальная живопись
caricature карикатура
ceremonial portrait парадный портрет
collage коллаж
drawing рисунок
easel painting станковая живопись
engraving гравюра, эстамп
family group семейный портрет
full-length portrait портрет в полный рост
genre bas «низкий жанр», бытовой жанр
genre painting жанровая живопись
historical painting историческая живопись
landscape пейзаж
marine / seascape морской пейзаж
miniature миниатюра
mosaics мозаика
mural фреска, настенная живопись
oil painting картина маслом
pastel picture рисунок пастелью
self-portrait автопортрет
sketch набросок, этюд
still life натюрморт
tapestry гобелен
wall / mural painting настенная живопись
water-colour живопись акварелью
master великий художник, мастер
old masters cтарые мастера, особенно художники XVII-XVIII вв.; картины старых мастеров
moderns cовременные художники
painter живописец, художник
artist художник (в широком смысле слова)
landscape painter пейзажист
portrait painter (portraitist) портретист
painter of sea-scapes маринист
still life painter художник, пишущий натюрморты
pastel(l)ist (pastel painter) художник, рисующий пастелью
black-and-white artist (a painter in black-and-white) график
colourist художник-колорист
dauber плохой художник
draughtsman (draftsman) рисовальщик
art dealer маршан; тот, кто продает и покупает картины; торговец произведениями искусства
colour-man торговец красками
art-lover любитель искусства
art-worker художественный деятель
avant-garde авангард
be in advance of one’s time опережать свое время
be taught painter выучиться на художника
become famous overnight стать известным за одну ночь
break with the tradition порвать с традицией
canvas картина, полотно
capture the sitter’s vitality, transient expression передать энергию модели, мимолетное выражение лица
conform to the taste of the period соответствовать вкусу эпохи
depict a person, a scene of common life, the mood of… изображать человека, бытовую сцену, настроение
develop one’s own style of painting выработать собственный стиль письма
die forgotten and penniless умереть в бедности и безызвестности
do a painting написать картину
expose the dark sides of life изображать темную сторону жизни
fashionable artist модный художник
mature artist зрелый художник
nude model обнаженная модель
paint from nature, memory писать с натуры / по памяти
paint mythological, historical subjects писать на мифологические, исторические сюжеты
painting 1) живопись, 2) картина
picture 1) картина, 2) фотография
portrait/landscape painter портретист / пейзажист
portray people, emotions with moving sincerity/restraint изображать людей, эмоции с трогательной искренностью / сдержанностью
render, interpret the personality of… передавать характер…
reveal the person’s nature раскрыть характер
self-taught artist художник-самоучка
specialize in portraiture, still life специализироваться в написании портретов, натюрмортов
Навыки художника
his painterly talents его талант к живописи
complete command of colour великолепное владение цветом
the brush искусство художника
brushwork манера художника накладывать краски кистью; манера письма
creative work творчество
finished technique отточенное мастерство
to group подбирать гармонично краски, цвета
handling умение художника владеть кистью
verve живость и яркость (описания); сила изображения, индивидуальность художника
exquisite work тонкое мастерство
paint shop изостудия
studio мастерская художника
art exhibit художественная выставка
exhibit экспонат; выставлять,экспонировать
art exhibition художественная выставка
art gallery художественная галерея
a picture gallery картинная галерея
a picture show выставка картин
show выставка
one-man exhibition персональная выставка
private exhibition частная выставка
at the exhibition на выставке
exhibition halls (rooms) выставочные залы
loan exhibition выставка картин, временно предоставленных владельцами для экспозиции (музеем или отделтным лицом)
display выставка; выставлять, показывать
varnishing-day день накануне выставки (когда художники могут подправить свои картины, покрыть их лаком); вернисаж
opening day вернисаж
pictures hung on the line картины, выставленные так, что центр картины находится на уровне глаз зрителя;

Инструменты художника
brush кисть
canvas холст
chalk мел
charcoal угольный карандаш
colour box / palette палитра
crayon цветной карандаш, мелок
drapery драпировка
easel мольберт
enamel эмаль, финифть
encaustic энкаустика
frame рама
fresco фреска, фресковая живопись
gouache гуашь
ink чернила
India ink тушь
Indian ink тушь
lacquer лак, глазурь
liquid 1) жидкость 2) жидкий
oil paint масляная краска
paintbox коробка с красками
panel тонкая доска для живописи, панно
pigment пигмент
tempera темпера
to charcoal рисовать углем
vehicle растворитель
watercolour акварель
sketch-book альбом, тетрадь для рисования
drawing-block тетрадь для рисования
easel мольберт; The easel is a frame which supports the painting during its progress. — Мольберт — это подставка, на которой устанавливается картина во время работы над ней
to adjust (set) an easel поставить, укрепить мольберт
easel-picture картина на мольберте (во время рисования)
He continued working on his easel-pieces. Он продолжал работу над картиной, стоявшей на мольберте
Canvas холст, картина, полотно (о произведении искусства: фильме, картине и т.д.)
to stretch canvas натягивать холст
frame рама; вставлять в раму
stretcher подрамник, на который натягивают холст
paint brush кисть (для рисования)
paint oil олифа
paint-box коробка красок
a box of paints набор красок
colour-box ящик с красками
a set of (oil) paints набор (масляных) красок
palette knife мастихин
colour pan палитра (доска для смешивания красок)
lacquer лак
solvent растворитель;

Paint. Painting. Sketch.
Paint 1. 1) а) рисование б) рисунок; 2) а) краска; окраска
to dilute paint разводить краску
to mix paints смешивать краски
to scrape paint соскабливать краску
to spread paint evenly ровно распределять краску
to spray paint распылять краску
paint chips краска облетает
paint peels краска сходит, слезает
Paint б) (pl.) краски
a box of paints ящик с красками
Paint 2. а) писать красками
to paint a portrait in oil(s) написать портрет масляными красками
paint from nature рисовать/писать с натуры; Syn: depict, portray, delineate
Paint б) заниматься живописью
Paint в) расписывать красками (дом, стену, окно и т.д.)
to paint a wall расписать стену
paint in вписывать красками; The trees in the background were painted in later by a different artist. Деревья на заднем плане были дорисованы другим художником
Paint Syn: colour
Sketch 1. эскиз, набросок
to draw, make a sketch сделать набросок
a composite sketch сложный эскиз
a rough sketch предварительный набросок; Syn: drawing, draft, outline
Sketch 2. 1) рисовать эскиз, делать набросок; I always sketch with pen and paper.Я всегда делаю свои наброски на бумаге ручкой
Sketch 2) описывать в общих чертах
preliminary sketch предварительный набросок
outline/study набросок; эскиз / этюд
to draw up an outline, to make an outline сделать эскиз, набросок
bare, broad, general, rough outline приблизительный набросок; Syn: sketch, draft
Painting 1) живопись
Painting а) вид изобразительного искусства
finger painting рисование пальцами (о маленьких детях, рисующих масляными красками)
Flemish painting фламандская живопись
hard-edge painting амер. «живопись четких контуров»
wall painting амер. настенная живопись (традиционный элемент пейзажа больших городов)
water-color painting акварельная живопись
oil painting 1) живопись масляными красками; 2) картина, написанная масляными красками
Painting б) (произведение) роспись; изображение, картина
to authenticate a painting устанавливать подлинность картины
to do a painting рисовать картину
to restore a painting реставрировать картину
a painting depicts, portrays, shows картина изображает, представляет
Painting в) занятие живописью; рисование
to be taught painting обучаться живописи; Two hobbies she really enjoyed, painting and gardening. У нее было два занятия, которые ей по-настоящему нравились: рисование и садоводство. Syn: coloring
Painting 2) окраска, малярное дело
painting and decorating малярные работы
mural painting стенная живопись
dip painting окрашивание окунанием
Battle painting батальная живопись
Genre painting жанровая живопись
Anecdotal painting разновидность жанровой живописи
Historical painting историческая живопись
Landscape painting пейзажная живопись
Monumental painting монументальная живопись
Mural painting фресковая живопись
“plain-air” painting пленэристическая живопись
plain-air technique пленэрная живопись
in the open air на открытом воздухе (на пленэре)
“plain air” (фр. plein air) пленэр (живопись на открытом воздухе вне мастерской)
portraiture портретная живопись; собир. портреты
water-color painting акварельная живопись

Colour. Depict. Изображение.
Colour 1. n; живопись color 1) цвет (обычно яркий), оттенок, тон, колер
out of colour выцветший, выгоревший
(Antonym) without colour бесцветный; перен. «серый», обыкновенный, ничем не примечательный, незаметный
Colour 2) краска, красящее вещество, пигмент; This one is painted in dark colours. Эта картина нарисована темными красками
colouring 1) окрашивание, раскрашивание; 2) окраска, расцветка, цвет
Colour 2. v.; живопись color иметь или придавать цвет; красить, раскрашивать; окрашивать
Depict изображать на картине, рисовать. The artist depicted him strolling through a garden. Художник изобразил его гуляющим в саду. Syn: picture, portray, paint
Portray рисовать портрет; изображать (кого-л.)
Portrayal рисование портрета, изображение
Delineate 1) набрасывать, чертить, намечать. The exact position is delineated on the plan. На плане отмечена точное местоположение
Delineate 2) (переносное значение) схематически изображать (то, что должно быть создано); делать набросок; набрасывать. Our laws and the whole constitution of our state having been thus delineated. Таким образом, сделан предварительный проект наших законов и конституции в целом
Deliniation изображение

Draw. Colour and Paint.
Draw чертить, рисовать, набрасывать рисунок; The assignment is to draw a horse in motion. Задание — сделать набросок бегущей лошади
to draw in pen and ink рисовать тушью
Drawing 1) рисование; черчение; 2) рисунок, набросок, эскиз (сделанный ручкой, карандашом или мелком); 3) чертеж
to do, make a drawing рисовать
a freehand drawing чертеж от руки
a line drawing чертеж; рисунок пером или карандашом
Design чертеж, эскиз, набросок; рисунок, узор; делать эскизы наброски, создавать узоры и т. п
trace out набрасывать (план, рисунок)
dash быстрый набросок; мазок; штрих; набрасывать краску на холст
dot точка; ставить точки, особая техника письма в живописи (не мазками, а точками так наз. пуантилизм)
to block in набрасывать (рисунок, схему). He blocked the picture in roughly. Он сделал набросок картины
painter’s paint/decorative paint художественная краска
water paint водная краска
flat paint/dull paint матовая краска
water-colour 1) обыкн. мн. акварель, акварельные краски 2) акварель (рисунок)
oil-colours/ oil(s) масляные краски
gouache гуашь
crayon цветной карандаш, цветной мелок, пастель; рисунок цветным карандашом, пастелью
hue краска, оттенок, тон, цвет
colour tone оттенок
tint краска, оттенок, тон, в котором преобладает белый цвет (в картине)
half-tint полутон
primary colours/ simple colours/ fundamental colours основные цвета
cold and warm tones холодные и теплые тона
semi-tones полутона
low-toned pictutres картины, написанные в смягченных тонах
subdued tones приглушенные тона
broken tones неровные тона
flesh colour телесный цвет
pastel пастель
light and shade свет и тени
pastel пастель
pastel shades пастельные тона, оттенки
to paint in pastel рисовать пастелью
pastel blue пастельно-голубой, нежно-голубой
play of light игра света
line and colour рисунок и краска
colour scheme палитра (колорит) художника
palette палитра; колорит художника; стирать уже написанную часть картины мастихином
coloration колорит (в живописи)
colour scale/ scale живоп. цветовая гамма
colour match цветовое согласование; цветовое уравнивание
relations of tone and colour соотношение тона и цвета
colour rendition спец. цветопередача, верность воспроизведения цвета
effect (часто pl) впечатление от сочетания красок на картине
division of colours приемы дивизионизма (живопись раздельными мазками)
the play of colours игра (переливы) красок
riot of colours изобилие, богатство красок
intensity яркость, глубина (красок)
saturation насыщенность цвета в живописи
colourful красочный, яркий
colourless бесцветный, бледный
colourlessness тусклость

Выставка. Композиция картины
art gallery художественная галерея
exhibit экспонат
exhibition выставка
art exhibition художественная выставка
one-man exhibition персональная выставка
permanent exhibition постоянная выставка
special exhibition специальная выставка
travelling exhibition передвижная выставка
exhibition about выставка, посвященная…
exhibition hall выставочный зал
exposition экспозиция
to display выставлять
to go to an exhibition пойти на выставку
to put on exhibition / stage an exhibition устроить выставку
accentuate something подчеркнуть
arrange symmetrically, asymmetrically, in a pyramid, in a vertical format расположить (а)симметрично, в форме пирамиды, вертикально
be scarcely discernible едва различимый
blend with the landscape сливаться, сочетаться с пейзажем
define the nearer figures more sharply обозначить ближайшие фигуры более резко
emphasize contours purposely преднамеренно акцентировать контуры
in the background на заднем плане
at the bottom внизу
in the foreground на переднем плане
in the left (right)-hand corner в левом (правом) углу
at the top наверху
indicate the sitter’s profession указывать на профессию модели
perspective перспектива
place the figures against the landscape background располагать фигуры на фоне пейзажа

Picture картина; рисунок
a picture by Rubens картина Рубенса
to draw, paint a picture рисовать, писать картину; изображать на картине, рисовать
a piece of art художественное произвдение
art work 1. художественное произведение; 2. оригинал
a work of art произведение искусства
piece картина
battle piece батальная картина
conversation piece живоп. жанровая картина (изображающая группу людей (особ. членов семьи) за каким-л. обыденным занятием)
life-size размер в натуральную величину (о картинах, скульптурах)
half-life size в половину натуральной величины
masterpiece шедевр
to create a masterpiece создать шедевр
enduring masterpiece бессмертный шедевр
scene вид, пейзаж, картина
scenery пейзаж (всегда в ед.ч. и только о природе)
landscape пейзаж; ландшафт (вид живописи и картина, изображающая пейзаж)
city-scape/townscape городской пейзаж
marina / sea piece/ water piece/sea-scape картина, изображающая морской вид, морской пейзаж, марина
still life натюрморт
flower piece натюрморт с цветами
fruit-piece натюрморт с фруктами
portrait портрет
self-portrait автопортрет
half-lengh portrait поясной портрет
full-lengh portrait портрет во весь рост
shoulder-lengh portrait погрудный портрет
knee-lengh portrait портрет по колено
group portrait групповой портрет
equestrian portrait конный портрет
miniature миниатюра (вид живописи и небольшая картина, обычно портрет)
caricature карикатура
reproduction репродукция, копия
art reproduction художественная репродукция
art print художественная репродукция, иллюстрация
prior art прототип
panel тонкая доска для живописи; панно; длинная узкая картина
fresco фреска, фресковая живопись
line art штриховой рисунок
black-and-white рисунок пером
art collection коллекция произведений искусства
daub плохая картина, мазня; малевать
highlights самая светлая часть картины
in the foreground на переднем плане
in the background на заднем плане
in the middle ground на втором плане
against a background на фоне

Описание картины
chaotic хаотичный
cheap дешевый
colourless daub of paint бесцветная мазня
crude кричащий
depressing унылый, тягостный
disappointing печальный
distinguished by a marvellous sense of colour and composition отличается потрясающим чувством цвета и композиции
exquisite piece of painting утонченное произведение
fake подделка; подлог, фальшивка
forgery подделка, подлог, фальсификация, фальшивка
gaudy яркий, безвкусный
lyrical лиричный
masterpiece шедевр
moving трогательный
obscure мрачный, тусклый
original оригинальный
poetic поэтичный
romantic романтичный
unintelligible неразборчивый
unsurpassed masterpiece непревзойденный шедевр
vulgar вульгарный
аbstract абстрактный
abundance обилие, изобилие
accuracy точность
affirmation утверждение
air воздух
animation живость
apotheosis апофеоз
arrangement расположение
at one stroke мгновенно
austere суровый, строгий
brilliance яркость
brushstroke мазок
candid glimpses бледные отблески
colourful яркий
colouring колорит
combination of colours сочетание цветов
complete command of colours великолепное владение цветом
conception замысел
cone конус
craftsmanship мастерство
crystal-clear чистый, прозрачный, ясный
cuboid кубический
decorative декоративный
decorativeness декоративность
delicate colours утонченные цвета
delineation очертание, эскиз
density плотность, густота
design композиция
diffused light рассеянный свет
drama эффект, нечто броское, эффектное
effect эффект, нечто броское, эффектное
emphasis подчеркивание, акцент
expressiveness выразительность
exquisite утонченный
facial expression выражение лица
finished technique отточенная техника
fluid, fluent плавный
gamut гамма
geometrical abstraction геометрическая абстракция
harmony of colours гармония цветов
highlights яркие участки изображения
homogeneous form однородная форма
hyperbole гипербола, преувеличение
immediacy непосредственность
individual traits индивидуальные черты
infinite безграничный
intensity глубина красок
intricate запутанный, замысловатый
life-asserting art жизнеутверждающее искусство
light and shade светотень
line линия
luminous прозрачный, светлый
message идейное содержание
original 1) оригинал 2) оригинальный
out of value слишком темное или слишком светлое
personification олицетворение
primary colours (red, blue, yellow) основные цвета
projection проекция, отображение
pure, vivid, brilliant, intense чистые, яркие, насыщенные краски
soft, delicate colours мягкие, приглушенные тона
range of colours гамма цветов
reproduction репродукция
riot of colours богатство красок
saturation насыщенность
secondary colour сложный цвет
semi-tones полутона
silhouette силуэт
simplicity простота
skill искусство, умение
sphere сфера
spirituality одухотворенность
splashes of colour яркие краски
subdued colours приглушенные краски
subject сюжет в живописи
subject matter тема
texture текстура
to acquire овладеть
to affect волновать
to anticipate предвосхищать
to appeal привлекать, влечь, взывать
to attain достигать
to be silhouetted against вырисовываться на фоне
to catch, capture, seize схватить, передавать
to command attention завладеть вниманием
to convey передавать
to depict изображать
to evoke вызывать
to execute исполнять
to fade блекнуть
to frame обрамлять
to glorify прославлять
to grip захватывать внимание
to penetrate проникать, пронизывать
to portray изображать
to produce impression производить впечатление
to radiate излучать
to render, represent изображать
to restore восстанавливать
to treat трактовать
tone тон
treatment трактовка
subtle / gaudy colouring нежные / кричащие цвета
to combine form and colour into harmonious unity гармонично сочетать
brilliant / low keyed colour scheme where….predominates блестящая, сдержанная гамма, где преобладают
muted in colour приглушенные цвета
delicacy of tones may be lost in a reproduction утонченность цветов может быть утеряна в репродукции

Полезные прилагательные
second-rate второсортный, посредственный
overrated переоцененный, перехваленный
revolting отвратительный
unremarkable невыдающийся, обыкновенный, ничем не примечательный
pathetic жалкий, убогий, ничтожный
crude сырой, неотработанный, черновой, предварительный
sketchy эскизный (недоработанный, носящий незаконченный характер)
poor жалкий, ничтожный, низкого качества
astonishing удивительный, изумительный
remarkable замечательный, удивительный, выдающийся
superb великолепный, грандиозный, роскошный, превосходный
brilliant блестящий, выдающийся
great замечательный, великолепный
outstanding выдающийся

Полезные слова и словосочетания
brushstroke мазок
stroke штрих, мазок, черта
dab мазок, пятно краски; покрывать краской, делать легкие мазки кистью
to dab off снимать легкими мазками
smear мазок
a smear of paint will put it right надо немного подмазать краской, и все будет в порядке
touch штрих, черта, мазок; слегка окрашивать, придавать оттенок
finishing touches последние штрихи, мазки
to touch up класть последние штрихи, мазки
line линия, черта, штрих
patch пятно неправильной формы
blob, speck of paint капля, пятно краски
coat of paint слой краски
to apply a second coat of paint наносить второй слой краски
splash of paint пятно краски
to break the paint размешивать краску
paint spattered забрызганный краской
artisic художественный
painterly живописный, относящийся к живописи
impression впечатление
to produce an impression (on) производить впечатление
pictorial живописный, изобразительный
picturesque живописный, колоритный
picturesqueness живописность
subject (genre, historical, marine, pastoral etc.) тема, сюжет в живописи (жанровый, исторический, морской, пасторальный и т. п.); тот, кого изображают
life натура
true to life реалистический, жизненно правдивый, точно воспроизведенный
nude обнаженное тело (особ. в живописи ), attr обнаженный (особ. о натурщике)
pose поза; позировать художнику
to pose naked позировать в обнаженном виде
to pose sitting (standing) позировать сидя (стоя)
out of the way необыкновенный, необычный, незаурядный
the picture is nothing out of the way в этой картине нет ничего особенного
to pose for a painter позировать художнику
to sit позировать художнику
to stand for, to stand for one’s portrait, to stand to (for) an artist позировать художнику
sitting сеанс
sitter тот, кто позирует художнику; натурщик
profile профиль, очертание, контур; рисовать в профиль
model модель, образец, шаблон, слепок; натурщик, натурщица
to execute выполнять, исполнять
execution мастерство исполнения
experience квалификация, мастерство
to express выражать
expression выразительность, экспрессия
to render воспроизводить, изображать, передовать
rendering передача, изображение
represent изображать
representation изображение
to convey передавать, выражать (идею и т. п.)
to heighten усиливать интенсивность краски, делать цвет более ярким; оттенять, подкрашивать (рисунок); выделять (изображение)
to retouch делать поправки (о картине)
to scrape (out) стереть уже написанную часть картины
paint in true colours изображать правдиво
to paint from life писать с натуры
to draw from nature рисовать с натуры
to load класть густо краску
to prime грунтовать холст
to varnish лакировать, покрывать лаком

Английские слова и выражения по Изобразительному искусству в алфавитном порядке

Fine Art  Vocabulary list

art — искусство, искусственный, художественный
a work of art — произведение искусства
a love of art — любовь к искусству
visual arts — изобразительное искусство
performing arts — исполнительское искусство

aesthetic — эстетический
aesthetically — эстетически
aesthetic appeal — эстетическая привлекательность
aesthetic quality — эстетическое качество
aesthetic value — эстетическая ценность
aesthetic pleasing — эстетическое наслаждение
artful — ловкий
artistic — художественный
audience — аудитория

backdrops — задники
background — фон

creative — творческий
crown — корона
canvas — холст
oil on canvas — холст маслом
get / receive a commission — получить / получить комиссию
work on a commission — работа на комиссию
charcoal pencils — угольные карандаши

depict — изображать
depiction — описание

elaborate — разрабатывать
exhibit — экспонат

frame — рамка
to frame — поставить в рамки
foreground — передний план
fresco — фреска

genre — жанр
literary genre — литературный жанр
artistic genre — художественный жанр
invent genre — изобрести жанр
spawn genre — жанр порождения

icon — икона
icons — иконки
iconic (adj.) — иконический (прил.)
religious icon — религиозная икона
cultural icon — культурная икона
sporting icon — спортивная икона
icon status — значок состояния

masterpiece — шедевр
marble bust — мраморный бюст
mural — фреска
medium (множественное число: mediums, media) — способ, средство, материал, которым художник пользуется, чтоб создавать свои работы
blending methods — методы смешивания

portray (syn.: painting, depiction, representation, likeness) — изобразить (син .: живопись, изображение, изображение, изображение)
portrays — изображает
portrait — портрет
self-portrait — автопортрет
portrait gallery — портретная галерея
props — реквизит
perspective — перспективы
pastel — пастельный

restrained — сдержанный
rough sketch – набросок

sculpture (syn.: carve, chisel, shape, form, fashion, model, stature) — скульптура (син .: резьба, долото, форма, форма, мода, модель, рост)
sculpture — скульптура
to sculpture (verb) — к скульптуре (глагол)
sculptor — скульптор
carve a sculpture — вырезать скульптуру
unveil a sculpture — раскрыть скульптуру
stage — этап
scenery — декорации
sward — дерн
sets — наборы
seascape — марина
shades — оттенков
strokes — штрихи (рисование)
serenity — безмятежность

tile — кафельная плитка
tools — инструменты

vivid (syn.: intense, detailed, powerful, brilliant, colorful, memorable) — яркий (син .: интенсивный, подробный, мощный, блестящий, красочный, запоминающийся)
vivid memory — яркая память
vivid imagination — богатое воображение
vivid imagery — яркие образы
vivid picture — яркая картина
vivid colors — яркие цвета
vivid summary – яркое резюме

a work of art — произведение искусства

Выражения на тему Fine Art

It has a classical sensibility. — У него классическая чувствительность.
It utilizes a palette of… — Он использует палитру …
It is moving. — Это движется.
Prominent in the composition is … — Видным в составе является …
be put on a display — выставить (в музее)
to get the right shading — получить правильный оттенок
be a patron — быть покровителем (искусства)
show your patronage — показать свое покровительство

Learn how to describe art using the right words and phrases. Everyone can write colorfully about artwork!

  • Art Adjectives
  • Art Nouns
  • Art Verbs
  • Negatives
  • Art Styles & Movements
  • Art Phrases
  1. absorbing
  2. abstract
  3. acclaimed
  4. accomplished
  5. adroit
  6. aesthetic
  7. aesthetically pleasing
  8. aggressive
  9. appealing
  10. artistic
  11. astonishing
  12. atmospheric
  13. authentic
  14. avant-garde
  15. award-winning
  16. awe-inspiring
  17. balanced
  18. baroque
  19. beautiful
  20. bold
  21. boundless
  22. brilliant
  23. candid
  24. ceramic
  25. characteristic
  26. classic
  27. collectable
  28. colorful
  29. complementary
  30. complex
  31. conceptual
  32. contemplative
  33. contemporary
  34. controversial
  35. conversational
  36. creative
  37. daring
  38. dazzling
  39. decorative
  40. deeply thoughtful
  41. delicate
  42. dense
  43. detailed
  1. infused
  2. inspirational
  3. inspired
  4. instinctive
  5. intellectual
  6. intense
  7. intensive
  8. interesting
  9. intuitive
  10. inventive
  11. labyrinthine
  12. layered
  13. lifelike
  14. literal
  15. luminous
  16. lyrical
  17. mature
  18. meandering
  19. mosaic-like
  20. moving
  21. mysterious
  22. mystical
  23. narrative
  24. organic
  25. original
  26. paradoxical
  27. passionate
  28. peaceful
  29. personal
  30. phenomenal
  31. pictorial
  32. playful
  33. potent
  34. profound
  35. provoking
  36. pure
  37. radiant
  38. realistic
  39. refined
  40. refreshing
  41. remarkable
  42. resourceful
  43. revealing
  1. disciplined
  2. disruptive
  3. distinctive
  4. distinguished
  5. divine
  6. dreamlike
  7. dreamy
  8. dynamic
  9. eclectic
  10. elevated
  11. elevating
  12. emergent
  13. emerging
  14. emotional
  15. emotionally charged
  16. enchanted
  17. energetic
  18. engaging
  19. engrossing
  20. enigmatic
  21. epochal
  22. ethereal
  23. evocative
  24. exceptional
  25. exotic
  26. explosive
  27. expressive
  28. extreme
  29. fascinating
  30. figural
  31. figurative
  32. fluid
  33. freelance
  34. fresh
  35. gorgeous
  36. graceful
  37. granular
  38. honest
  39. human
  40. hyper-creative
  41. imaginative
  42. impassioned
  43. impeccable
  1. romantic
  2. saturated
  3. sculptural
  4. semi-abstract
  5. sensual
  6. serene
  7. signature
  8. simple
  9. skilled
  10. soft
  11. sparse
  12. spiritual
  13. stimulating
  14. stirring
  15. studied
  16. stunning
  17. sublime
  18. substantive
  19. supple
  20. surreal
  21. symbolic
  22. tactile
  23. talented
  24. tasteful
  25. textile
  26. thought-provoking
  27. timeless
  28. touching
  29. traditional
  30. tranquil
  31. unconventional
  32. unexpected
  33. unforgettable
  34. unique
  35. universal
  36. unpredictable
  37. varied
  38. visionary
  39. visual
  40. visually stimulating
  41. voyeuristic

  1. abstraction
  2. abundance
  3. aesthetic
  4. an eye for
  5. art
  6. art form
  7. art gallery
  8. art style
  9. artist
  10. artistic career
  11. artistic endeavor
  12. artistic expresion
  13. artistic genius
  14. artwork
  15. assemblage
  16. balance
  17. beauty
  18. body of work
  19. brushwork
  20. camera
  21. canvas
  22. character
  23. collection
  24. collector
  25. color
  26. complexity
  27. composition
  28. concept
  29. conception
  30. contrasts
  31. conviction
  32. creative approach
  33. creativity
  34. dedication
  35. depth
  1. masterpiece
  2. mastery
  3. maturity
  4. meaning
  5. medium
  6. method
  7. mixed media
  8. mood
  9. motif
  10. movement
  11. museum
  12. mystique
  13. narrative
  14. nuance
  15. painting
  16. palette
  17. panel
  18. passion
  19. patron
  20. pattern
  21. perception
  22. perspective
  23. philosophy
  24. photo
  25. photograph
  26. picture
  27. piece
  28. portrait
  29. preoccupation
  30. print
  31. process
  32. purity
  33. quality
  34. reaction
  35. realm
  1. detail
  2. diptych
  3. draftsmanship
  4. duality
  5. element
  6. exhibition
  7. exploration
  8. expression
  9. figure
  10. form
  11. format
  12. gallery
  13. growth
  14. hanging
  15. hue
  16. icon
  17. iconic value
  18. ideal
  19. illustration
  20. image
  21. imagery
  22. impact
  23. innovation
  24. inspiration
  25. installation
  26. instinct
  27. intensity
  28. interaction
  29. interpretation
  30. intricacies
  31. journey
  32. juxtaposition
  33. labyrinth
  34. landscape
  35. luminosity
  1. reflection
  2. representation
  3. scene
  4. scenery
  5. sculptor
  6. sculpture
  7. self-portrait
  8. sensation
  9. sensitivity
  10. sensuality
  11. series
  12. shading
  13. show
  14. skill
  15. space
  16. splendor
  17. style
  18. subconscious
  19. subject
  20. subject matter
  21. symbol
  22. symbolism
  23. talent
  24. taste
  25. technique
  26. texture
  27. theme
  28. transformation
  29. triptych
  30. understanding
  31. urge
  32. viewer
  33. viewing
  34. vision
  35. visualization

  1. accomplish
  2. affect
  3. apply
  4. arouse
  5. articulate
  6. awaken
  7. brush
  8. captivate
  9. capture
  10. carve
  11. characterize
  12. commission
  13. communicate
  14. conceptualize
  15. conjure
  16. contour
  17. contrast
  18. convey
  19. create
  20. critique
  21. dance
  22. decorate
  1. focus
  2. fuse
  3. hang
  4. illustrate
  5. immerse
  6. impassion
  7. incorporate
  8. inspire
  9. interlace
  10. interpret
  11. interweave
  12. intrigue
  13. invert
  14. juxtapose
  15. layer
  16. manipulate
  17. outline
  18. paint
  19. pioneer
  20. play on
  21. portray
  22. reach
  1. design
  2. develop
  3. display
  4. distort
  5. draw
  6. echo
  7. elevate
  8. emancipate
  9. embellish
  10. embody
  11. emerge
  12. emphasize
  13. enchant
  14. envision
  15. etch
  16. evoke
  17. excite
  18. exhibit
  19. experience
  20. explore
  21. express
  22. fascinate
  1. redefine
  2. refine
  3. reflect
  4. remind
  5. render
  6. represent
  7. reveal
  8. saturate
  9. sculpt
  10. shape
  11. shoot
  12. show
  13. sketch
  14. speaks of
  15. stir
  16. study
  17. touch
  18. transform
  19. uplift
  20. view
  21. visualize
  22. witness

  1. arrogant
  2. average
  3. bad art
  4. banal
  5. blasé
  6. boring
  7. catastrophe
  8. childish
  9. common
  10. commonplace
  11. confusing
  12. contrived
  13. copied
  14. crude
  15. devoid of skill
  16. disturbing
  17. drab
  18. dull
  1. lifeless
  2. mediocre
  3. numb
  4. pedestrian
  5. plain
  6. poorly-conceived
  7. poorly-executed
  8. predictable
  9. pretentious
  10. redundant
  11. self-absorbed
  12. senseless
  13. so-so
  14. sophomoric
  15. stereotyped
  16. sterile
  17. stiff
  18. street art
  1. ennui-inspiring
  2. flat
  3. forced
  4. frantic
  5. frigid
  6. gimmicky
  7. hollow
  8. hotel art
  9. in poor taste
  10. incompetent
  11. inconsistent
  12. inexperienced
  13. innocuous
  14. insincere
  15. irrelevant
  16. juvenile
  17. lacking
  18. lacking talent
  1. tasteless
  2. unaffecting
  3. unapproachable
  4. underwhelming
  5. undiscovered
  6. unfinished
  7. unimaginative
  8. unimportant
  9. uninspired
  10. uninteresting
  11. unoriginal
  12. unpracticed
  13. unrefined
  14. unsatisfying
  15. untalented
  16. vacuous
  17. void

  1. Abstract
  2. Abstract Expresionism
  3. Art Brut
  4. Art Deco
  5. Art Nouveau
  6. Arts & Crafts
  7. Baroque
  8. Bauhaus
  9. Ceramics
  10. Classical
  11. Constructivism
  12. Contemporary
  13. Cubism
  14. Dada
  1. Medieval
  2. Minimalism
  3. Modern
  4. Modernism
  5. Neo-Classical
  6. Neo-Expressionism
  7. Op-Art
  8. Orientalism
  9. Outsider
  10. painting
  11. Performance Art
  12. photography
  13. Photorealism
  14. Pop Art
  1. Digital Art
  2. Expressionism
  3. Fauvism
  4. Fine Art Photography
  5. Folk
  6. Found Art
  7. Futurism
  8. Glass Art
  9. Gothic
  10. graphic design
  11. Harlem Renaissance
  12. illustration
  13. Impressionism
  14. Installation Art
  1. Postmodern
  2. pottery
  3. Pre-Raphaelite
  4. printmaking
  5. Realism
  6. Renaissance
  7. Representational
  8. Rococo
  9. Romanticism
  10. Surrealism
  11. Symbolism
  12. Traditional
  13. Virtual Art
  14. woodworking

  1. [] and [] fill the mysterious world of the artist
  2. [] at its finest
  3. []’s work is truly []
  4. a bold expression of []
  5. a dedication to [] inspires his pieces
  6. a defining characteristic of her work
  7. a marriage of form and material
  8. a master of light/shadow/atmosphere/color/movement
  9. a meditation on []
  10. a multidimensional space where a variety of thoughts and ideas coexist
  11. a pictorial symphony
  12. a poetic mediation on the human spirit
  13. a profusion of [] references
  14. a traditional adherence to []
  15. addressing the paradoxical nature of []
  16. an attempt to reconcile a love for [] and []
  17. an awareness of the beauty of the everyday
  18. an extraordinary display of talent
  19. an intricate weaving of elements
  20. art that elevates the room
  21. blurring boundaries between [] and reality
  22. breaks down the boundaries of []
  23. capturing his subject matter with ease and []
  24. characteristic of his early/late work
  25. combines [] and [] in a single work of art
  26. combing movement, form, and color
  1. her photography reveals []
  2. her work is an enigmatic narrative of []
  3. her work is brilliant in conception and []
  4. his [] are a balance between [] and []
  5. his [] are well-thought out and executed
  6. his [] show talent beyond his years
  7. his canvas is a storytelling medium
  8. his choice of objects and images addresses the impact[]
  9. his paintings appeal to one’s []
  10. his paintings are recognizable for their mix of influences/imagery/use of color/subject matter
  11. his paintings reveal the influence of [] and remarkable understanding of []
  12. his pieces are skillfully and meticulously []
  13. his style is characterized by []
  14. his talent is uncontainable and has no boundaries
  15. his work explores contemporary []
  16. immerses the viewer in a [] journey
  17. immerses the viewer in a total experience of []
  18. inspired by the vastness and spirituality of []
  19. interweaving his passions of [] and []
  20. medium of choice
  21. no one uses the [] the way that the artist does
  22. portrayal of a real-life observation
  23. something to behold
  24. taps into the subconscious
  25. texture and complexity of the []’s surface
  26. the art inspires dialogue/you to action/terror/peace
  1. creating movement and depth
  2. deeply infused with []
  3. demonstrates the intense emotion of the artist
  4. developed a style all her own
  5. does not follow previous models in the [] canon
  6. drawing the viewer’s attention ever towards []
  7. evokes an emotional response
  8. exemplifying the medium’s expressive potential
  9. exploring the dichotomy between [] and []
  10. he can move effortless between mediums of [] and []
  11. he combines themes of [] and [] seamlessly
  12. he demonstrates a mastery and deep understanding of []
  13. he illustrates his perspective through a mastery of []
  14. he is primarily known for his work depicting []
  15. he seeks truth, but not always beauty
  16. her [] address the relationship between man and []
  17. her [] are admired worldwide
  18. her [] are dominated by [] colors and [] themes
  19. her [] are full of meaning and emotion
  20. her [] are physically and imaginatively idiosyncratic
  21. her [] are unmatched by an other artist with respect to []
  22. her [] depict [] blown-up to fantastic proportions
  23. her brushwork is smooth and studied
  24. her designs are influenced by []
  25. her designs are provocative and []
  26. her drawing is impressively executed
  1. the art transforms a single piece of [] into a []
  2. the art transforms the experience of [] into
  3. the artist breathes new life into the art of []
  4. the artist helps us to see his vision of []
  5. the artist is commended for her []
  6. the artist uses [] to its fullest potential
  7. the canvas tells a story of []
  8. the complexity of his vision and talent
  9. the discussion of [] is a common thread of her work
  10. the enduring effect of art in everyday life
  11. the expressive and [] way the artist approaches the world
  12. the images speak of new []
  13. the painting reveals imagery and symbolic intent
  14. the piece is simultaneously [] and []
  15. the true joy of the art derives from his view of []
  16. the work brings you to a place of []
  17. the work is of such exceptional beauty that the viewer []
  18. the work reflects life back to us with simplicity and truth
  19. to give life to the [] that reside within him/her
  20. to own her work is a privilege amongst discerning collectors
  21. to see her art is to witness []
  22. transforms the visible world
  23. visual musings on []
  24. whose methods combine [] with mixed media elements
  25. with intense hues and varied tones
  26. with utmost care and attention to every detail

Darling, it was so evocative!

It’s easy to join in a conversation about art in English. Just be sure to call everyone darling, to have outrageous opinions that nobody really understands, and to wear at least one item of statement jewellery at all times.

Of course, these are stereotypes. The best way to feel confident discussing art in English is to learn the words and phrases commonly used in the art world – and that’s exactly what this article will help you to do.

outrageous very unusual and intended to shock people
statement jewellery large jewellery that is designed to attract attention
the art world the area of activity that involves making, buying, selling, displaying, promoting and writing about art

Going to a gallery

Most cities and large towns have a public gallery that is funded by the government. Public galleries generally have a permanent collection (which may be free) and also stage temporary exhibitions (which usually have an entrance fee). Large public galleries, such as the Tate Modern in London, hold at least one blockbuster exhibition each year. If you are a member of the gallery, you may be invited to attend an opening. You might also hear about new acquisitions before anyone else.

As well as public galleries, there are commercial galleries at which the artworks are on sale. Especially in small towns, they tend to show pieces by local artists.

permanent collection the works of art which are always on display in a gallery
temporary exhibition a group of artworks shown together for a fixed period
stage/hold an exhibition display a group of artworks to the public
blockbuster a very popular exhibition of work by a well-known artist or artists
opening an event at which people can see an exhibition for the first time
new acquisition a work of art that the gallery has bought recently
pieces works of art

Categorising works of art

Though lots of artists would like to believe their work defies categorisation, in reality we tend to discuss art based on the medium used. Well-known categories of artwork include drawing, painting, sculpture and photography, but today all kinds of novel forms can be found both inside and outside of galleries. These include video and new media pieces; performance pieces; conceptual pieces; and installations. Other popular media include textiles, ceramics and printmaking, while works in mixed media combine different materials and techniques.

defy categorisation be difficult to clearly describe as one thing or another
medium (plural: media) the material/technique used to create a work of art
new media materials/techniques that are modern and technological
performance the artist uses bodies, voices and/or movement to make the artwork
conceptual the idea is the most important thing about the artwork
installation the artist puts objects into an existing space, e.g. the room of a gallery
textiles materials such as cotton, silk and wool
ceramics clay objects which are made hard by baking at high temperatures
printmaking creating images by preparing a block of (e.g.) wood, applying ink to it, then printing onto (e.g.) paper

Special notes on drawing and painting

Drawing and painting are the oldest of the visual arts, so they have lots of specific vocabulary of their own.

Drawing is typically done in graphite (i.e. pencil), charcoal, pastel or ink. A quick drawing, especially one in which the artist tries to copy something in the real world, is known as a sketch; the art of sketching naked human models is called life drawing, while an artwork that shows a naked person is called a nude. Important skills for drawing include composition and perspective.

Paintings are commonly created with oil, watercolour or acrylic on a surface of paper or canvas. Traditional types of paintings include portrait, landscape and still life, though abstract works have also been popular since the 20th century.

composition the skill of arranging multiple elements in a pleasing way
oil thick, slow-drying paint that contains oil
watercolour thin, quick-drying paint that contains water
acrylic quick-drying paint that contains man-made ingredients
canvas strong cloth that is used to make tents and boat sails
still life a picture of a group of objects, such as flowers or food
abstract communicating with colour and shape instead of with realistic images

Working in the art world

As well as artists themselves, lots of different people keep the art world moving including agents, dealers and critics. Within a gallery setting, you might also expect to find a director who is in charge overall, curators, handlers and assistants (also called attendants).

agent someone who represents and promotes artists
dealer someone who buys and sells works of art
critic someone who writes about art, especially reviews of exhibitions
curator someone who selects and presents artworks for exhibitions
handler someone who carefully packs and unpacks works of art
gallery assistant someone who greets visitors and answers questions

Discussing works of art

If you fancy yourself as a critic, there are certain words and phrases that occur frequently in writing and discussions about art. A selection of them is given below, but the best way to develop this kind of vocabulary is to read reviews and art books as often as you can.

Positive descriptions

Her work . . .

  • is moving – it is effective at making people feel sadness or sympathy
  • is evocative – it brings strong images or memories to mind
  • is visionary – it considers the future in an intelligent way
  • really spoke to me – it connected with my own life experiences

Neutral descriptions

Their work . . .

  • is bold/delicate – it gives the impression of being physically strong/weak
  • is controversial – it divides public opinion
  • is Instagrammable  – people love to take photos of and with it
  • is a bit out there – it is weird and/or hard to understand, but not necessarily in a bad way

Negative descriptions

His work . . .

  • is disturbing – it is likely to cause someone to be offended or upset
  • is derivative – it seems to copy existing works of art
  • is amateurish – it does not show a high level of skill
  • left me cold – I had no emotional or intellectual response to it

Yes, but is it art . . . ?

Painting and sculpture are obvious examples of fine arts – but what about other visual forms such as architecture, graphic design, video games and graffiti? Does it make sense to separate the fine and applied arts? Who decides the meaning of art, anyway?

fine arts activity that produces objects with no practical function
graphic design combining images and texts to make (e.g.) magazines and adverts
applied arts activity that produces functional objects whose appearance is also important, such as furniture or jewellery

What a load of rubbish

Not everyone likes art, of course. Some people find modern art, in particular, inaccessible and pretentious. A number of clichés can often be heard in response to pieces of contemporary art – most of which would cause artists and art-lovers to roll their eyes.

  • My five-year-old could have done that! – it looks like a child made it
  • Look at the state of that! – it looks messy, as though no skill was needed to make it
  • Money for old rope! – there is nothing new, special or interesting about this
  • What a load of rubbish! – said in response to any art that the speaker does not like
inaccessible difficult for ordinary people to understand
pretentious trying to be more serious or important than it really is
cliché a phrase that is used often and shows a lack of original thought
roll your eyes move your eyeballs upwards or in a circle to show you think something is boring or annoying

The art world is a strange place, but the surest way to fit in – apart from wearing all-black outfits and rings as big as your hands – is to practice speaking like the arty types hanging around galleries. So ciao for now, darling, and see you at tomorrow’s opening!

arty types people who dress and/or behave in a way that shows a strong interest in the arts

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  • Word for an old building
  • Word for art gallery
  • Word for an example to be followed later on
  • Word for art collection
  • Word for an amazing feeling