Word for an example to be followed later on

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What word means an example to be followed later on?

A precedent is an example of something to be followed later.

A sentence with the word example in it?

example can be as followed. I want to set an example in the

What sentence can you make with the word monarchy?

In some countries there is still monarchy that is followed. This
is the example sentence using the word monarchy.

What does the word percedent mean?

An example that is used to justify similar occurences at a later

Is the word loyal a noun?

No a noun is a person place or thing. Loyal would be an
adjective, a descriibing word. Example: the loyal dog followed his

Continue Learning about English Language Arts

What is the word for an example to be followed later on?


A sentence with the word example in it?

example can be as followed. I want to set an example in the

What sentence can you make with the word monarchy?

In some countries there is still monarchy that is followed. This
is the example sentence using the word monarchy.

What are root word of urb?

the root word urb means city. example: urban

What does the word percedent mean?

An example that is used to justify similar occurences at a later

  • #9

If I was saying goodbye (temporarily) to a friend and I said «see you later», it would be unspecific and would mean that I’m certain we’ll see each other at some unspecified point in the future. However, if I said «see you later on» it would be to remind her/him that we’d made plans to meet at some time later that day. So the two phrases can have a different meaning in this particular context.

Also, in some contexts, ‘later on’ can mean further on in time than ‘later’. «I’ll do the dishes later, then later on I’ll take the dog for a walk» (i.e. after doing the dishes).

But both of these uses (and, I’m sure, others) are bound to vary from person to person, let alone from region to region.

  • #12

You haven’t seen how long it takes me to do the dishes… ;)

Is there any difference between the usage of ‘later’ and ‘later on’?

  • I’ll see you later.
  • I’ll finish it later on.

asked Dec 1, 2011 at 14:31

Alex Pokislyuk's user avatar

I would say the addition of the word “on” is more or less superfluous in almost every case. In other words, I believe later can always be substituted for later on, but not the other way around. When in doubt, later is the safe word to use.

For example,

We will have lunch now, and later on(or later) we will go to the park.

Where you can’t use later on:

I arrived later than she did.

See you later.

Later can be a way of saying goodbye, as a short form of “see you later”, but you can’t use “later on” in this way. Later and later on can both be thought of as short terms for “later on in time”.

answered Dec 1, 2011 at 15:11

Terry Li's user avatar

Terry LiTerry Li

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The Oxford English Dictionary just gives it as a synonym of the adverb «later», but to me there feels to be an expressive difference, at least sometimes. I think it has a connotation of including the hearer in whatever is going to happen. So in

When are you going to look at this?


Later on.

the reply «Later on» seems less brusque, and more conciliatory. But it is a very subtle difference.

answered Dec 1, 2011 at 18:11

Colin Fine's user avatar

Colin FineColin Fine

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As I see it, a hanging preposition. Occasionally «later on» may have a cadence that complements the rest of a sentence, but I see this as redundant language similar to «advocating for» rather than simply «advocating» (in most uses).

answered Dec 1, 2011 at 14:47

Mr.Wizard's user avatar


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These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


The 410 series followed later in 1993 incorporating color doppler facilities.

410 серия, последовавшая позже в 1993 году, включала возможности цветового допплера.

Regular issues, in the same denominations, followed later the same year.

Регулярные вопросы, в тех же самых наименованиях, а затем позднее в том же году.

Interim governments representing all democratic elements were to be set up, followed later by governments established ‘through free elections’.

Предполагалось создание переходных правительств, представлявших все демократические элементы, за которыми должны были последовать правительства, созданные «посредством свободных выборов».

Kyrgyzstan sent preliminary information with the notification, followed later by more comprehensive information.

Кыргызстан направляет вместе с уведомлением предварительную информацию, после чего направляется письмо с более полными данными.

Another participant noted that not all selective logging activities automatically lead to degradation, followed later by deforestation.

Другой участник заявил, что не все выборочные рубки автоматически ведут к деградации и что позднее на этих участках осуществляется лесовозобновление.

Sada also said there was a ground shipment that followed later on.

Сада также сообщает, что позже был организован и наземный перевод.

Use within locomotives, trucks, heavy equipment and electric generating plants followed later.

Использование в локомотивов, грузовых автомобилей, тяжелой техники и электрических генерирующих станций следуют позже.

A slight correction followed later and now, for 1 ounce equates to $1380.

Позже последовала небольшая коррекция, и в настоящее время за 1 унцию дают около $1380.

The announcement of the new program will be followed later, follow the news.

Анонс новой программы будет позже, следите за новостями.

The writing of the document should have followed later.

Правда, прочитать текст документа им тоже пришлось позже.

A few days later followed later and fridge.

А еще несколько минут спустя «ведьмы» и след простыл.

Closely linked with the sorting and dividing is the mystery of classification, to be followed later by the extraordinary human achievement of naming.

С сортировкой и разделением тесно связана тайна классификации, за которой позднее последовало потрясающее человеческое достижение наименования.

The high numbers seen ten years ago before the global financial crash were followed later on by the Chinese peak.

Высокие показатели, наблюдавшиеся десять лет назад перед глобальным финансовым крахом, сопровождались китайским пиком.

In the same year, his first monograph was published in Paris, followed later by eight more.

The addition of «alternative» followed later, when it became clear that for some individuals non-speech systems were their only means of communication.

Добавление «альтернативная» последовало позже, когда стало ясно, что для некоторых людей невербальные системы коммуникации были единственными средствами общения.

The court ruling paved the way for women serving in air crews, followed later by a wider range of positions, including some combat roles.

Судебное постановление открыло женщинам дорогу в ВВС, а потом и на целый ряд других должностей в армии, включая боевые части.

I mention this comparative tolerance of the Bolsheviks, because the cruelties which followed later were the result of the intensification of the civil war.

Он продолжает: «Я отмечаю эту относительную терпимость большевиков потому, что позднейшие жестокости были следствием усиления гражданской войны.

Initially, only Russian soldiers settled in Fergana, to be followed later by peasants, industrial workers and others.

Сначала в Фергану переселились русские военные, а потом уже крестьяне, рабочие и т.д.

Kepler’s second law is in fact a statement of the conservation of angular momentum that followed later from Newton’s theories of motion and gravitation.

Второй закон Кеплера фактически представляет собой утверждение о сохранении углового момента, которое позднее было развито в ньютоновских теориях движения и гравитации.

Porsche followed later as a sports car manufacturer as well as numerous suppliers such as Bosch and Mahle.

Затем Porsche стал производителем спортивных автомобилей, а также многочисленными поставщиками, такими как Bosch и Mahle.

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