Word for an amazing feeling

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

это удивительное чувство

это удивительное ощущение

Это замечательное чувство

«Это потрясающее чувство

I am impressed; it’s an amazing feeling when the photo revives a specific political event being a part of your life.

Мне очень понравилось, и это удивительное чувство, когда кадр оживляет для тебя конкретное политическое событие, которое является частью твоей жизни.

And every time I think about it, that I’m in the final, it’s really — it’s an amazing feeling.

И каждый раз, когда я думаю об этом, что я в финале, это действительно — это удивительное чувство.

It’s difficult to put into words, but it’s an amazing feeling.

Mañana — it’s an amazing feeling, which is not only a tradition of the Dominican Republic, but also the way of life of any traveler, stranded on an island.

Маньяна — это удивительное ощущение, которое становится не только традицией Доминиканы, но и образом жизни любого путешественника, оказавшегося на острове.

It’s an amazing feeling to have that lineage.

It’s an amazing feeling to be thanked sincerely dozens of times in an evening.

It’s an amazing feeling to help another person succeed.

It’s an amazing feeling one moment and utterly confusing in another.

It’s an amazing feeling to know that you’re making a difference to a person who is potentially having the worst day of their life.

Это удивительное чувство, когда ты понимаешь, что ты делаешь разницу для человека, у которого худший день в жизни.

It’s an amazing feeling but I am also excited and nervous.

It’s an amazing feeling and I’m proud to have done it at home, in front of my family and friends who were all here this afternoon.

Это удивительное чувство, и я горжусь тем, что добился этого результата у себя дома, перед своей семьей и друзьями, которые сегодня были здесь.

«It’s an amazing feeling, I’m fully conscious of my mind and I’ve never felt so great.»

«Это удивительное чувство, я полностью осознаю свой разум и никогда не чувствовал себя настолько здоровым.

Now I’m over the halfway mark, and it’s an amazing feeling.

It’s hard to explain, but it’s an amazing feeling.

I was not thinking about this statistic, but it’s an amazing feeling.

I feel like I finally hit that place and it’s an amazing feeling.

«When you make that connection with the audience, it’s an amazing feeling

After the crash in Latvia I’ve had no time on the bike, and especially as the track here in Germany is so tough, it’s an amazing feeling to be on the podium again.

После аварии в Латвии у меня не было времени поработать на мотоцикле, а особенно учитывая, что трек здесь, в Германии, довольно сложен, очень приятное ощущение быть на подиуме снова.

It’s an amazing feeling to be here.

It’s an amazing feeling to become one with nature like that.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 40. Точных совпадений: 40. Затраченное время: 65 мс


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Today, you’re going to learn 41 positive emotion adjectives and idioms to describe happy emotions. For more positive English words, check out 59 Positive Personality Adjectives!

Do you ever find yourself saying this:

“I’m so happy. I mean … I’m really, really happy. This makes me so happy. I’m happy — are you happy? I’m happy!”

It sounds like you need some synonyms for “happy.”

Today, I’m going to show you how to stop repeating yourself when you’re talking about positive feelings.

By the end of this lesson, you’ll be able to stop repeating yourself when you want to say that you’re feeling:

  1. Happy
  2. Excited
  3. Surprised
  4. Interested
  5. Satisfied
  6. Emotional
  7. Relaxed

So let’s get started.

other words for happy: a happy woman

Yep. She’s definitely happy.

More Words for “Happy”

Pleased — This word means between “happy” and “satisfied.” Very often, you’re pleased with a particular thing. Like your exam results. Or the hippo dancing.

Cheerful — This is when someone is visibly happy. They walk into the room, and you can see it in the way they walk, what they say and the massive smile on their face.

Exuberant — This is like cheerful — but even stronger.

Euphoric — When you’re intensely happy. This is when all you can feel is your own happiness. It really is a very strong feeling.

Merry — This is a little like cheerful. Usually, when you’re feeling merry, you might be in quite a playful mood as well. We often associate this with how you feel after a couple of glasses of wine.

Overjoyed — This simply means “very happy.”

Elated — Somewhere between “happy” and “overjoyed.”

Glad — “Glad” is similar to “pleased.” Usually, you’re glad about something in particular. Like the wonderful news. Or the football result.

Bonus Idioms — Happy

Actually, there are quite a few idioms to describe being happy. Here are some of the more common ones:

On cloud nine
On top of the world
In high spirits
As happy as Larry

You may have noticed that most of these refer to being somewhere high up. Which makes sense, right?

The Larry idiom? Well, that doesn’t make sense. I mean — who’s Larry, and why’s he so happy?

Ah… English!

Words for “Happy” on a Scale

At the top: you’ve just won the lottery, and your doctor has told you that you have a genetic condition that means you can NEVER put on weight.

At the bottom: you’re at the supermarket, and you’ve found a till with no queue.

Words for happy: euphoric, overjoyed, elated, exuberant, merry, cheerful, pleased, glad

2. Excited

Take a look at this picture. How would you describe her?

other words for excited: an excited woman

How many words did you find?

Here are some more!

More Words for “Excited”

Click to listen

Thrilled — This just means “very excited.” You can also use it to mean “happy,” like, “We’re thrilled you’re going to come and visit us at our ant factory.”

Charged — Imagine you’re about to do a parachute jump. How do you feel? This is like “excited” but has more adrenaline. More tension.

Pumped — “Pumped” is kind of similar to “charged.” You’re excited AND ready for an intense situation, like a dangerous mountain biking trail or a heavy game of kangaroo wrestling.

Words for “Excited” on a Scale

Because some words are just too strong for some situations and others are just too weak, I’m going to add a scale for each word in this lesson.

The scale ranges from “going to a new cafe” (not very exciting… but kind of exciting. A bit) to “preparing to fight a massive bear” (so exciting that it’s kind of terrifying).

So the “red zone” is something you might want to avoid unless your lifestyle is pretty extreme.

Words for excited: pumped, charged, thrilled

Small print: These may vary slightly depending on the situation and who’s talking.

3. Surprised

other words for surprised: a surprised child

Yes! You guessed it! She’s surprised!

More Words for “Surprised”

Astonished — Just “very surprised”

Astounded — I’d say that this is even stronger than “astonished.” It’s got an element of shock. Maybe you look a bit like this:


Amazed — You probably already know this one. It’s like “surprised,” but there’s an air of magic to it. Like that time when you first saw a unicorn. What? You haven’t seen a unicorn yet? Well … you’ll be amazed.

Startled — This can be a bit negative sometimes. “Startled” has a feeling of shock and even alarm to it. I always think of that feeling when you’re at home, and you think no one is there. You go to the kitchen for a cup of tea, and you see your flatmate there. You thought she was out, right? How do you feel? Startled!

Taken aback — This is usually a bit more negative as well. Again, it’s on that line between “shocked” and “surprised.”

Dumbstruck — Very, very surprised. Maybe so surprised that you can’t speak.

Bonus Idiom — “Surprised”

My jaw dropped — This is about the same as “astounded.”

We also have the adjective “jaw-dropping.” Like, “Did you see that magician? Absolutely jaw-dropping! I mean … how did she make your wallet disappear completely? And then run away? Amazing!”

Words for “Surprised” on a Scale

Again — we’re going from “weak surprise” to “strong surprise.”

Weak surprise is when your friend has a new hat.

Strong surprise is when you get home, and your house is suddenly a zebra.

Words for surprised: dumbstruck, astounded, amazed, astonished, taken aback, startled

4. Interested

other words for interested: an interested man

OK. How does he feel?

How many words can you use?

Here are some more!

More Words for “Interested”

Captivated — You know that feeling when you can’t stop looking at something? Like that perfect musical performance. Or one of those films that you watch, and you can never really understand what’s happening. But you just keep watching. Because you’re interested — or “captivated.”

Fascinated — Very interested

Absorbed — This is when you’re completely “stuck inside” something. Have you ever had that feeling when you’ve been so interested in a book you’re reading that you miss your bus stop? That — exactly that — is “absorbed.”

Engrossed — This is basically the same as absorbed.

Bonus Idiom — Interested

On the edge of your seat — When you’re just really interested in what’s happening. I always imagine sitting in the cinema, so interested in the film I’m watching that I’m literally sitting on the (front) edge of my seat.

Words for “Interested” on a Scale

Weak interest is when your best friend wants to tell you about their job interview. It’s kind of interesting because it’s your friend. Even though the interview itself isn’t interesting.

Strong interest is that film. We all have one of those films. It’s that film.

Words for interested: engrossed, captivated, absorbed, fascinated

5. Satisfied

other words for satisfied: a girl with a teddy bear

Oooh… You’ve got what you want, and it feels good!

But how many words can you use to describe it?

More Words for “Satisfied”

Fulfilled — That special feeling you get from being satisfied with your life — maybe it’s work; maybe it’s family; maybe it’s helping homeless rabbits.

Gratified — This is more or less the same as “satisfied.”

Satiated — We usually use it to describe feeling satisfied after a meal.

Words for “Satisfied” on a Scale

At the top, we have “completing a 5-year degree course.”

At the bottom, we have that feeling after a good cup of tea.

Words for satisfied: fulfilled, gratified, satiated

You may have noticed that there’s no “red zone” here. Well, it seems we don’t have many common words meaning “extremely satisfied.”

6. Emotional

other words for emotional: an emotional man

We all get that feeling sometimes, right? When our feelings and emotions take over.

Sometimes, it can feel great, can’t it?

More Words for “Emotional”

Moved — It simply means “emotionally affected.” For example, when we watch a powerful drama, or when someone buys us flowers unexpectedly.

Overwhelmed — This is when something gets too much for us. Have you ever suddenly started crying with happiness when you weren’t expecting it? You could say you were overwhelmed with emotion. This can be used for negative situations as well as positive ones.

Overcome — It’s basically the same as “overwhelmed.”

Impassioned — This is another way of saying “very emotional.”

Words for “Emotional” on a Scale

Low-level emotional is when your favourite TV show is doing a double-length episode this week.

And high-level emotional is “everyone you’ve ever met has decided to throw a party for you and tell you how awesome you are.” (Hmmm… maybe that’s a bit creepy, but you get the idea!)

Words for emotional: overwhelmed, overcome, impassioned, moved

7. Relaxed

other words for relaxed: a relaxed woman reading by a lake

Oh, yeah. That’s the life.

OK. This is the last one. Before you read on … how many words do you know for relaxed?

More Words for “Relaxed”

Chilled out — You’re by the pool. You’ve got your favourite cocktail in your hand. There are no kids anywhere. You can hear the waves of the sea hitting the beach nearby. How do feel? Yep. Me too.

Calm — This one means relaxed, but it also means “not stressed” or “not angry.”

Soothed — If “calm” means “not angry/stressed,” then “soothed” means “not angry/stressed anymore.” In order to be “soothed,” you need to be angry/stressed first. Then you see the cat video, and you calm down.

Content — You know that feeling when you feel very happy with your life. Sure, you could have a bit more money, and maybe life would be a bit better if that guy in the office didn’t sing so much. But generally speaking, you’re happy and (this is the important part) you don’t want anything more. Everything’s fine the way it is. That’s “content.”

Tranquil — Remember the feeling you had by the pool? Now be 10 times more relaxed. Now you’re tranquil. Congratulations!

Serene — This one is more or less the same as “tranquil.”

Composed — You know that guy who’s always really calm, but not in that pool-side way — more in that focused, dynamic way? You could tell him that there was a bomb in his trousers, and instead of panicking, he’d just figure out a way to control the situation. Never panics, never gets emotional … He’s composed.

Words for “Relaxed” on a Scale

Super relaxed is when you’ve actually just left your body.

Mildly relaxed is when you thought you had to wash a few plates. But it looks like someone else has already done it.

Words for relaxed: serene, tranquil, chilled out, composed, soothed, calm, content

So now you can talk about your feelings with these positive emotion adjectives. Good work!

But I want to make sure you’ve understood these well.

So, in the comments below, can you tell me about a time when you felt thrilled, on the edge of your seat or merry?

I’d love to hear your stories!

Did you find this useful? Do you know any people (or dolphins) that might also benefit from this? Then BE AWESOME AND SHARE! Spread the knowledge!

Want more? Get a free month of Gymglish, a daily English workout with a fun, engaging narrative and personalised corrections. Get it here.

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It’s an amazing feeling to have someone sit in front of you and know that you have changed their life,

permanently, for the better.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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Это потрясающее чувство, когда кто-то сидит перед тобой, и ты знаешь, что изменил его жизнь- к лучшему и навсегда».

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

and then seeing yourself on TV!

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

context icon

и потом смотреть себя по телевизору!

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg



in awe of every little move you make!

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg


being a

part of your life.

context icon

Мне очень понравилось, и это удивительное чувство, когда кадр оживляет для тебя конкретное политическое событие,

которое является частью твоей жизни.

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context icon

The prayer is an amazing thing, it helps us to


as close with God and to understand that in this world we


not alone.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

context icon

Ведь молитва- это удивительная вещь, она помогает нам почувствовать себя в максимальной близости с Богом и понять, что мы в этом мире не одни.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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Ух ты. Черт побери,


just an amazing place and I feel extremely fortunate to


able to experience this.

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It’s amazing to


excited about something besides


Double Arabian.

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Это так здорово, чувствовать возбужденность от чего-то еще, Кроме двойного Арабского.

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It’s amazing how much better


good night’s rest will make you


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Удивительно, насколько лучше себя чувствуешь хорошенько выспавшись.

If you can play


game for three minutes and honestly say,»It’s amazing,» I believe everyone will


the same about


icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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Если бы вы поиграли минуты три в какую-нибудь игру и честно сказали:» Она замечательная«, мне кажется, что остальные с вами согласились бы.

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Results: 166,
Time: 0.0293





amazing feeling — перевод на русский

Have a very amazing feeling in the country where most people are poor.

Удивительное чувство — иметь деньги в стране, где большинство людей — бедняки.

Gosh, separating conjoined twins, that must be the most amazing feeling.

Ух ты. Черт побери, разделение сиамских близнецов это должно быть самое удивительное чувство.

Amazing feeling, isn’t it, standing in here?

Правда, это удивительное чувство — быть тут?

That’s amazing feeling and…

Это удивительное чувство, и…

Amazing feeling, like we’re reborn.

Удивительное чувство, будто мы заново родились.

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This ultimate list of positive emotions will guarantee you find exactly the right word to raise your own or someone else’s level of happiness. 

400+ Positive Emotions List: Happy Feelings Words For High EnergyYou’ll never need to search for another positive word list now that you’ve found my extensive list.  

Some of the many ways you can put this list to good use are: 


M Milestones Board Pack

From this one pack (valued at $29), you can create both a vision board, and an achievement board to help you feel good about what you’ve already achieved, and manifest even more.

Your results improve when you track them, and when you intend them.  This pack helps you do both.

  • Increase your own levels of happiness by imagining yourself feeling these emotions right now.  You will soon realize that what you imagine will immediately come true, and now you’ll be at a much higher vibration. 
  • Attach a more positive meaning to your work for your own writing, videos, and everyday conversation. This will make your work become much more popular as people will feel good while they read it. 
  • Help your children understand different types of positive emotions or perhaps you are teaching this to someone else.  People of all ages could benefit from this list. 
  • You want to enhance your vocabulary.  This list is better than a thesaurus, as I often find the thesaurus is negative and groups the information in random categories.  This list gives you just what you need with no fluff. 

I hope this list will enhance your life in a positive way. Enjoy!

Ready to take charge of your everyday mood?

Here’s a comprehensive positive emotions list to get you started on reflecting the bright side of things and ultimately achieve a better mindset and productivity levels.

I have categorized these words to make it easier for you to browse the relevant emotions that bring similar mood-enhancing effects at any given time.


  1. Happy
  2. Elated
  3. Excited
  4. Joy
  5. Alive
  6. Thrilled
  7. Ecstatic
  8. Overjoyed
  9. Blissful
  10. Exhilarated
  11. Animated
  12. Rapturous
  13. Euphoric
  14. Amazed
  15. Astonished
  16. Delighted
  17. Pleased
  18. Cheerful
  19. Jolly
  20. Jovial
  21. Rejoicing
  22. Merriment
  23. Jubilation
  24. Gleeful
  25. Gaiety
  26. Vivacity
  27. Vibrant
  28. Triumphant
  29. Victorious
  30. Glorious
  31. Exultant
  32. Exuberance
  33. Spirited
  34. Energetic
  35. Bouncing
  36. Festive
  37. Gay
  38. Gladness
  39. Enraptured
  40. Beaming
  41. Light-hearted
  42. Musical
  43. Mirthful
  44. Elevated
  45. Bubbly
  46. Upbeat
  47. Splendid
  48. Overflowing
  49. Satiable
  50. Buoyant
  51. Jaunty


  1. Interested
  2. Surprised
  3. Awe
  4. Breathtaken
  5. Awe-Inspiring
  6. Attracted
  7. Motivated
  8. Aroused
  9. Enthused
  10. Encouraged
  11. Stimulated
  12. Stirred
  13. Moved
  14. Terrific
  15. Funny
  16. Humorous
  17. Hilarious
  18. Smiling
  19. Comical
  20. Witty
  21. Amusing
  22. Entertaining
  23. Engaging
  24. Compelling
  25. Applauding
  26. Laud
  27. Praising
  28. Enthusiastic
  29. Acclaimed
  30. Entranced
  31. Spellbound
  32. Awestruck
  33. Captivated
  34. Fascinated
  35. Mesmerizing
  36. Enticing
  37. Alluring
  38. Tantalizing
  39. Inviting
  40. Curious
  41. Eager
  42. Inquisitive
  43. Touched
  44. Astounded
  45. Attentive
  46. Intrigued
  47. Thought-provoking
  48. Bedazzled
  49. Bemused
  50. Stunned
  51. Impressed
  52. Favorable
  53. Intoxicating
  54. Perky
  55. Fantastic
  56. Climactic
  57. Stirred
  58. Roused
  59. Invigorated
  60. Gripped
  61. Sensational
  62. Explosive
  63. Electrifying
  64. Mind-blown
  65. Heart-warming
  66. Influential
  67. Marvelous
  68. Masterful
  69. Encompassing
  70. Refreshing
  71. Abundant
  72. Overrated
  73. Affluent
  74. Pioneering
  75. Incredible
  76. Colorful
  77. Eye-catching
  78. Anticipated
  79. Artistic
  80. Delectable
  81. Appetizing
  82. Mouth-watering
  83. Intelligent
  84. Cinematic
  85. Novel
  86. Enormous
  87. Exceptional
  88. Fragrant
  89. Luminous
  90. Luxurious
  91. Limitless
  92. Heavenly
  93. Innovative
  94. Timely
  95. Wonderful
  96. Mystical
  97. Ethereal
  98. Magical
  99. Otherworldly


  1. Love
  2. Loved
  3. Empathy
  4. Friendly
  5. Crush
  6. Adorable
  7. Admiration
  8. Idolize
  9. Worship
  10. Caring
  11. Devoted
  12. Reverence
  13. Faithful
  14. Trusting
  15. Loyal
  16. Commitment
  17. Dedication
  18. Pleasurable
  19. Charming
  20. Appealing
  21. Amiable
  22. Charismatic
  23. Likable
  24. Supportive
  25. Empowering
  26. Uplifted
  27. Helpful
  28. Sympathetic
  29. Understanding
  30. Kind
  31. Accommodating
  32. Approachable
  33. Honorable
  34. Agreeable
  35. Hospitable
  36. Respectful
  37. Courteous
  38. Polite
  39. Cooperative
  40. Compassionate
  41. Graceful
  42. Desire
  43. Charity
  44. Sensual
  45. Sincerity
  46. Sweetness
  47. Generous
  48. Magnanimity
  49. Warmth
  50. Altruism
  51. Edified
  52. Allegiance
  53. Romantic
  54. Thirst
  55. Appetite
  56. Smitten
  57. Noble
  58. Harmonious
  59. Merciful
  60. Moral
  61. Decent
  62. Honest
  63. Infatuated
  64. Unfailing
  65. Healthy
  66. Thriving
  67. Vigorous
  68. Desirable
  69. Gentle
  70. Guarded
  71. Sanctified
  72. Fortified

Manageable Thoughts and Output-Oriented Emotions

  1. Courage
  2. Positivity
  3. Hope
  4. Trust
  5. Faith
  6. Humility
  7. Inspired
  8. Determination
  9. Willpower
  10. Resolve
  11. Purpose-driven
  12. Resourcefulness
  13. Tenacity
  14. Steadfastness
  15. Diligence
  16. Persistence
  17. Trustworthiness
  18. Fortitude
  19. Grit
  20. Driven
  21. Insistence
  22. Resoluteness
  23. Focused
  24. Optimistic
  25. Thoughtfulness
  26. Considerate
  27. Enthusiasm
  28. Adventurism
  29. Unfazed
  30. Intent
  31. Decisiveness
  32. Bravery
  33. Daring
  34. Endurance
  35. Resiliency
  36. Toughness
  37. Unwavering
  38. Patience
  39. Industriousness
  40. Diligence
  41. Zeal
  42. Passionate
  43. Successful
  44. Craving
  45. Anticipating
  46. Attentiveness
  47. Boldness
  48. Adaptable
  49. Idealistic
  50. Expressive
  51. Efficiency
  52. Reliability
  53. Perseverance
  54. Welcoming
  55. Capable
  56. Willing
  57. Fearless
  58. Ingenuity
  59. Cleverness
  60. Ready
  61. Prepared
  62. Equipped
  63. Educated
  64. Enhanced
  65. Disciplined
  66. Active
  67. Dynamic
  68. Powerful
  69. Tough
  70. Creative
  71. Dependable
  72. Indispensable
  73. Obliging
  74. Kindness
  75. Easy-going
  76. Consistent
  77. Strong
  78. Evolving
  79. Progressive
  80. Budding
  81. Untroubled
  82. Convenient
  83. Proper
  84. Fitting
  85. Suitable
  86. Awesome
  87. Adequate
  88. Accountable
  89. Approving
  90. Certain
  91. Discerning
  92. Dutiful
  93. Emancipated
  94. Exceptional
  95. Tactful
  96. Teachable
  97. Temperate
  98. Steadfast
  99. Observant
  100. Qualified
  101. Methodical
  102. Prudent
  103. Punctual
  104. Settled
  105. Upheld
  106. Versatile
  107. Truthful

Quiet and Reflective

  1. Satisfaction
  2. Contentment
  3. Relaxed
  4. Honored
  5. Pride
  6. Relief
  7. Serenity
  8. Peaceful
  9. Serene
  10. Gratification
  11. Gratefulness
  12. Thankful
  13. Appreciative
  14. Fulfilment
  15. Accomplishment
  16. Contemplative
  17. Realization
  18. Respite
  19. Rest
  20. Reprieve
  21. Breakaway
  22. Escapade
  23. Protected
  24. Safe
  25. Assurance
  26. Confidence
  27. Secured
  28. Security
  29. Sheltered
  30. Privileged
  31. Entitled
  32. Freedom
  33. Liberating
  34. Independence
  35. Unity
  36. Sentimentality
  37. Enjoyment
  38. Triumph
  39. Nostalgic
  40. Modesty
  41. Insightful
  42. Perceptive
  43. Pensiveness
  44. Concentrated
  45. Zen
  46. Meditative
  47. Carefree
  48. Forgiveness
  49. Wanderlust
  50. well-mannered
  51. Goodwill
  52. Wishful
  53. Worthiness
  54. Sensibility
  55. Awareness
  56. Receptivity
  57. Tranquil
  58. Revelation
  59. Accepting
  60. Dignified
  61. Introspective
  62. Authentic
  63. Loved
  64. Tolerant
  65. Fairness
  66. Well-meaning
  67. Visionary
  68. Acceptance
  69. Authenticity
  70. Prosperous
  71. Rewarding
  72. Revitalized
  73. Regenerated
  74. Healed
  75. Understood
  76. Mindful
  77. Present
  78. Attuned
  79. Adaptable
  80. Lucky
  81. Blessedness
  82. Genuine
  83. Restraint
  84. Fortitude
  85. Comfortable
  86. Grounded
  87. Settled
  88. Fortunate
  89. Favored
  90. Stable
  91. Self-reliant
  92. Cool
  93. Still
  94. Composed
  95. Collected
  96. Unperturbed
  97. Centered
  98. Wanted
  99. Needed
  100. Important
  101. Unhurried
  102. Valued
  103. Wealthy
  104. Teeming
  105. Sufficient
  106. Well-endowed
  107. Remembered
  108. Rooted
  109. Redeemed
  110. Purified

Next Steps

If you’d like to save this list for later so you can print it out, or refer to it easily when you want to choose your daily emotions, you can get a handy PDF free as part of my book bonus bundle when you buy my book, STAMP Goals.  400+ Positive Emotions List

Now that you’ve got the tools you need to get your mind in the right place for success, now you might be looking for the right tools your online business needs for success? I have a free gift for you that will give you all the tools that I used to create a six-figure blog. Ultimate Passive Income Toolkit Click here to get your free passive income toolkit.


While we can’t control our automatic response to a certain situation as they come, we can still decide which emotions to feel to lift up our mood and refocus our attention.

That said, it would be highly recommended to choose to feel good and positive at any given time, especially when it comes to achieving work goals.

By simply contemplating each word on the positive emotions list, we drive ourselves to think positively, which will influence our beliefs and perspectives.

Related Resources You Will Love

  • 400+ Positive Emotions List: Happy Feelings Words For High Energy
  • 100 Questions To Ask Yourself About Your Business For Fast Growth
  • 150 Productivity Affirmations To Make You Sharper And Faster
  • 12 Essential Personality Traits Of Successful Entrepreneurs
  • 100+ Trial Close Examples: Easy Questions To Secure The Sale
  • How To Use Your Unique Enneagram Type Superpowers In Business
  • 8 Secret Steps To A 7 Figure Business Owner Mindset










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✔️ MANIFESTING WITH REVERSE MEMORIES GUIDE: Creating Reverse Memories Is The Best Way To Guarantee Your Desires Will Manifest In Reality. Click here for FREE access.

Guide To Reverse Memories

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Kath Kyle

Leader of the Hustle-Less, Manifest-More Movement at KathKyle.com

My Name is Kath Kyle.I lead the Hustle-Less, Manifest-More Movement.

I help conscious creators and change-makers manifest massive audiences, transform millions of lives, and be highly compensated for their work using my proven Dream Business Framework©.

I took my first business to over six figures within months of starting it, and I went on to replicate that success numerous times with different online businesses over the last 10 years using principles of manifestation. Read My Story.

I’ve helped thousands of customers to transform their lives and have built audiences of over 28 million people.

Now it’s your turn! Get started manifesting business success here FREE.

Send Katherine a message on Instagram, email, or twitter .

Kath Kyle

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