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Always be together
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I know we can’t always be together 24/7, like we


in Mom, but I have trouble letting go.

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Я знаю, что мы не можем всегда быть вместе, как в животе у мамы, но мне сложно тебя отпустить.

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During the visit to Samarkand last year you said that Kazakhstan and

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Во время визита в Самарканд в прошлом году Вы сказали,

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If this works, Claire will never come to the island,

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always together — перевод на русский

We were always together.

Мы были всегда вместе.

— They’re always together after work.

font color-«#e1e1e1» -Они всегда вместе после работы.

We’ll be together, always together.

Мы будем вместе, всегда вместе.

I can tell you, they drink. That’s why they’re always together.

Говорю тебе, они обе закладывают за воротник, и поэтому всегда вместе.

We’re always together.

Мы всегда вместе!

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They’re always together.

Элисия и Ченинг все время вместе.

I see you’ re always together.

Вижу, вы все время вместе.

We’re always together.

Мы все время вместе.

For 3 years they were always together, every day.

В течение 3 лет они были все время вместе, каждый день.

You’re always together.

Вы всё время вместе.

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One day, you will meet someone that you want to spend the rest of your life with, the one that you want to come home to from work every single day.
You will meet that person that will change your life, the one that you want to see when you first wake up in the morning.
When the time comes, be sure to be ready with things to say to the person; here are some quotes that might help.

When do you fall for someone with all your heart? You want to be together forever, right?

I hope you will find someone someday that will make you want to stay together forever.

For the rest of my life, I want to be able to hold your hand and kiss your lovely lips.


To be able to look at you every time I awake is one of the biggest dreams of this man.

Will you be mine for as long as we are breathing, for as long as I can remember you?

When you love someone, no one can separate the two of you, not even gods, not even life itself.

There is nowhere else I would rather be with you beside me, but without you, I am lost.

60 Love Quotes

I will never throw what we have away because all I want to be with you are together forever.

Whenever we are apart, it is as if my heart is pricked by millions of tiny little needles, love.

55 Love Forever Quotes and Sayings

So let me tell you that the place that I favour the most in this world is right by your side.

Just hold me as tight as you can and never let me go; that is all that I ask from you.

At the end of the day, as long as you are next to me, I can go living for the next day.

70 Falling Out of Love Quotes to Remember

Together forever, we will face anything that life decides to bestow upon the two of us, I swear.

Promise me that for the rest of your life, you will keep loving me, and I will stay with you.

I know that eternity seems like such a long time but trust me to stay loyal to you.

Giving you my heart was the best decision I have ever made because you did stay.

If having fame means that we would not be together forever, I would give it up just for you.

The joy and love you have given me will last here in my memories as long as I live.

Grateful is what I truly am because you allowed me to be somehow part of the life you have.

I need you today, tomorrow, and the day after that; I will need you for all tomorrow.

100 Sarcastic Quotes about Love and Life

Together forever are words so sweet, words that I can only dream of experiencing with you.

You are of the ultimate value to me; I can never imagine being with anybody else, just you.

I cannot even imagine leaving you; that shows how much I want you to be in my life.

You made me into the person I am this day, who will always stay by your side.

60 Cutting Quotes About Self Harm Recovery

There is something about you and the way you make me want to be together forever finally.

The world will let us be if you believe in me if you trust in the love that we share, I promise.

I will not always be there; of course, our lives will go on, but when you need me, I will be.

Depending on me is not a weakness but a show of trust because you give me a chance.


I know that eternity seems like such a long time, but if it means us together forever, then sure.

Give it a go, what we have, you and I and I swear I will live every day proving my love.

The first time I saw you, I just felt that you would be the person I would live with every day.

There comes a time in life when you decide who to love, who to leave, and you are the first.

Let us both be together forever, through all the bad times and even the good times life offers.

I want to be the person who will never disappoint you, who will keep loving you all this time.

You never said a word, but I knew that we felt the same, so I stayed with you as long as I could.

I am just truly happy to be with you right now when I know you need someone to be with you.

Let us keep being together forever and build monuments to witness our love with you by my side.

I will tell you a story that started with us and will end with the two of us, both.

If loving someone means being vulnerable, I will gladly be and show you that I am serious.

You act as if you do not believe a word I say when all I want is to be with you all day.

There is nothing wrong with wanting to be together forever, as long as the love remains true.

Let me know if there comes a time when you tire of being with me; I will not leave you still.

I hope that what we have between us will be the same even as the years pass us by.

You know the name of my soul, and because of that, I will choose to remain by you, always.

I want to keep the two of you together forever because you match, you click.

Nothing will ever be constant in this world, all things change, so may we never be apart.

I wish that I would have the courage to tell you that I care for you, that I genuinely do.

Your love is sweeter than anything I have ever had before; you wake me with your pet.

Will you be with me, together forever? Let us face every obstacle, every challenge there ever is.

Oceans may separate us, but our hearts are connected by the red string that is fate.

Thank you for choosing me to be the person that you decided to be with now and always.

Should I be with you made sin, I would gladly be sinful and stay by your side.

Together forever, words that mean something to both of us, something we both want.

You will know who your friends are; you will understand why you left the person you did.

With all that I have, riches, my heart, soul, I promise that I will keep on loving you, always.

We are miles apart, yet our hearts keep on reaching for each other; that is the truth.

For the rest of our lives, would you agree to be together forever, until finally, death parts us?

Even when the oceans decide to dry up, I will still be by your side; I can tell you that, freely.

I have never felt this way before for any other guy, so you indeed are a mystery to me, honestly.

Sometimes, I hope that time will stop to give us more time to love one another.

You are pretty much everything that means something to me so just let me show you that.

Together forever with you seems like a big dream to me, honestly, but one I would not mind.

I do not want to know how to live a life without you here by my side, so spare me from that.

Will you show me how to tell myself that you would remain here to be with me for life?

The best thing that life has to offer is to make you fall in love. You forget everything else.

If we can be together forever by sacrificing everything, I would give it all up to be with you.

It may as well be forbidden to love you if I cannot even be with you half of the time, my dear.

You have captured my heart way before you have even opened your mouth, my darling.

Yours is my heart, for I do not want anybody else than you in this world we are in, love.

The place I want to be is just together forever by your side, watching things flow into place.

I think I was right to choose to be with you because you never left me; you stayed with me.

It was hard to get to know your heart, but I have seen that it is worth all of it.

There comes a time in life when there is nothing left but to choose; I am glad I chose you.

Just tell me when we can start being together forever, and I will throw a party to celebrate.

Sometimes a single mistake can define our lives, but you never were a mistake, my dear.

No matter what other people say to you, I swear I would always choose you, my love.

You are the one for me, the one I knew was going to stay with me for the rest of this life.

There is just nothing in this life that I want the most to be together forever with you.

The best thing is that I can never get lonely with you here by my side because you are joyous.

Something about you makes me just so great to be with; I do love you.

If I could, I would spend every day of my life just looking at that lovely face of yours.

We may not be together forever but being a part of your life is somehow alright for me.

Your love is more significant than anything I have ever been given in this life. I am grateful.

No words can express how it is with loving someone, just the two that are involved.

Together forever, may we never be apart, never in the distance, especially of the heart, my dear.

I will always be there for you quotes. Do you know the best way to tell your loved one that he/she means a lot to you? Here are some more collection of i will always be there for you quotes with images

  • Thank you for being there for me and i will always be by your side. with everything you are going through i want you to know that I’m here for you and i won’t ever leave you.
  • I’m so thankful that you came into my life. Having you around is more than words can explain and you are the best thing that ever happened to me. I love you beyond words and I will always be there for you, because you are my world and my universe.
  • Just remember that I love you and will always be here for you, no matter what, from this day on until forever. You’re my entire life and I’m a better person just for knowing you. .
  • We’ve laughed, cried, fought and almost broke up. I love you more than anything in the world. You are my best friend for life and my soulmate. I love you with every ounce of my being! I know no matter what we face in this life together, we will face it head on together. Thank you for being such a wonderful boyfriend!
  • You deserve the world. I didn’t know what love was until I found you. You have made my life so much brighter and even more special. Thank you for being there and for putting up with my crazy ways. I will always be here for you and I will always love you!
  • I promise to give you all I have, forgive you when needed, fulfill your needs if any and respect you always. I promise to keep the fire burning in our love so that we are never cold at night even if we are miles apart. I will always be there for you no matter how many miles separate us, how many obstacles come our way, or how many mountains we must climb together.
  •  I will always be there for you. I love you so much. You are my world, my heart and my soul. There is no other place I would rather be than by your side. You make me strong, you make me happy and you make life worth living.
  •  I will always be there for you. I love you 100%.
  •  I’ll always be there for you. No matter what life throws at us don’t forget that. I promise you that no matter what, I will never leave your side. I couldn’t live without you.
  •  I know you will always say that you will be there for me. But I want to just say thank you for being there when I need you. Thank you for the warm comforter after a long day and the soft bed to sleep on every night. Thank you also for being my first best friend.
  •  You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. You have brought me love, joy, and happiness in life that I can never repay. I am so blessed that you came into my life and gave me a reason to live. Thank you for always being there for me. I love you!
  •  I love the way you laugh, the way you smile and the way you run your fingers through my hair when we kiss. I love watching you sleep, listening to you snore and smelling your neck. I love the way you roll over in bed and fall asleep cuddling up to me and I love all of the little noises that you make every day. You are more than special to me and I thank God for bringing us together!
  •  Thank you for every ounce of trust that you are willing to give me. I hope that one day I will be worthy of your trust, and in the meantime I pray that I become a better person everyday. I wish there was some way for me to show you how much you mean to me and how much I appreciate you. Even though we don’t see each other very often I think about you everyday. If I am able to do anything in this life, it is because of you.

I Will Always Be There for You Quotes for Him

  • I will always be there for you. You are everything I need in life and more. You mean the world to me and I just want you to know that I’m so thankful for your love, friendship, and support.
  • I will always be there for you. Always remember that. No matter what happens in life, I won’t leave your side. Life may throw all kinds of things at us, but we can get through them If we work together and stick together.
  • I promise to always be there for you, to hold your hand and keep you safe. I will never leave you and always be by your side. Thank you baby for being my everything.
  • You are the most amazing man I know. I do not say that enough but it is so true. I love you more and more every day! Thank you for being the most wonderful boyfriend a girl could ask for!
  • You’re the first thing I think of when I wake up every morning and the last thing on my mind right before I go to sleep. I know that we will be together for many more years to come. Thank you so much for being so wonderful, especially when I feel like there is nothing left in me. Today and forever you are my best friend and the man that loves me more than anything!
  • My life is so much better because I found you. I am a luckiest girl in the world to have your love, and your friendship, and your heart. You deserve all the best things in life. You are my light at the end of the tunnel when things get tough. I would do anything for you!
  • You have the kindest heart I have ever known. You’re so generous, thoughtful, loving and kind. You’re a hard worker and you never complain. You’ve touched my heart in ways I can’t even begin to explain. I love you more than I know how to say or show.
  • I will always be there for you quotes for him – Falling in love is the best gift that I have ever experienced. Thank you for your love. My darling, I’ll be by your side forever.
  • I’m always going to be there for you. I’ll protect you, comfort you and love you. I’ll stop at nothing to make sure you are always happy and safe. Thank you for loving me with all your heart and trusting me with everything we have. You are my soulmate, my best friend and my rock.
  • You are my best friend. You are always there for me and I will always be there for you. I will hold your hand through thick or thin. You changed my life in the greatest way possible. I love you with everything that I am, and I hope you love me back just as much.
  • I love you. You are an amazing person with so much talent and an even bigger heart. I’m so proud to be your girlfriend, that’s for sure! The best part is knowing that you will always be there for me no matter what the situation is; I can always lean on you and know that you’ll catch me. Thank you for being everything I could ever want in a person.
  • I am always here for you. You are my heart, my best friend. If you need anything you know I will be there to help, and that is a promise. I love you more than anything in this world.
  • You bring me so much happiness. I’m so glad we met and that we get to spend each evening together. You make my day, every day. I love you with all my heart and I never want to lose you. Thank you for your love and your endless support. I couldn’t ask for more or wish for anyone better.
  • I support my boyfriend through everything, just like a girly. There are times when he is sad, I always apologize for the situation. There are times when he is angry, I try to ease his mind and help him through the rough patch. And there are times when he is happy, I join in and add joy to his day. Yet life is never easy as a girlfriend, but as his girl I thank god every single day for you.

I Will Always Be There for You Quotes for Her

  • I will always be there for you. I love you!
  • I love you, my precious one. I will always be there for you when you need me. You are the very best thing in my life. I adore you with every part of my being.
  • I love you so much and I will always be there for you. Thank you for being with me through thick and thin. I’m so glad we found each other!
  • There is no such thing as a perfect relationship. It will have its ups and downs. It will have its arguments and sometimes you get tired of it, but if you love the person, you fight for that love and try to make it work. I promise you right now that no matter what we go through in life, I will always be there for you!
  • I may not show it every day, but I show you my love in little ways. I am thankful to have you in my life and you mean the world to me. I promise to never leave you and to always be here. I will protect you with all of my strength because you are very important to me and I would do anything for you.
  • There may be times where you’re in the middle of a storm and feel lost, discouraged or alone. I will always be here for you. I will do my best to give you the love and support you need. I will always believe in your love and dreams even when others don’t. When the time comes for it, when the time is right, all I’ll have to say is ‘I do’.
  • I will always be there for you, loving you, holding you, and protecting you. I will give you my heart, my soul and the greatest love a person can know. With me by your side there is nothing in this world we can’t tackle as long as we are together. I love you!
  • I will always be there for you. I will fight for you no matter what happens. I will not let anything come between us. You are my everything, my heart and soul! You don’t know how lucky you are to have someone like me, but you better never forget it!
  • No matter what I will always be there for you. I love you now more than ever!
  • I love you more than I thought was possible. You’re my everything and no matter what, I will always be there for you. Please don’t forget that ever.
  • I will always be here for you. Through thick and thin, no matter who or what is trying to come between us. I LOVE YOU!
  • I love you more than you could ever know. Thank you for always being by my side and being there for me when I need you most. I would be lost without you.
  • I love you more than anything and nothing can change that. I will always be by your side and there to hold you when you need me. You are my best friend and I don’t know what I would do without you in my life.

I Will Always Be Here for You Friend Quotes

  • I have been thinking, and thinking, and thinking about all the things you’ve done. And I think about how great of a friend you are. Your friendship means the world to me. Thank you for always being there for me! I will always be here for you too!!
  • I am so lucky to have the most amazing best friend in the world. You make me feel loved and like I can always count on you. I hope I can always be here for you too. You mean the world to me and I love you so so much!
  • It’s nice to have you there when I need you, it’s comforting to know that I don’t have to go through it alone. Thank you for being my friend and for always being so kind and thoughtful; for always putting a smile on my face.
  • Thank you for making my life brighter and more beautiful. Thank you for being my greatest friend. Thank you for loving me like I am the most important thing in your world. I couldn’t have asked for a better friend. Something about us just works together. You always make me smile, I enjoy every moment we spend together and I come away feeling grateful for our friendship.
  • To my best friend. Thank you for being there throughout everything in my entire life. Thank you for supporting me and challenging me to keep going when things get tough. I will love you forever.
  • My friend, I wanted to tell you how much I appreciate all the kindness that you show to me. That you’re caring, with a heart of gold that gives so much. So when you feel tired and blue I want you to remember–and know–you are my special friend.
  • Hey, you are my best friend. No matter what. I love you so much. I love it when we text each other, because I get to spend time with you even though you’re not physically there and it makes me feel closer to you. If I could hug our friendship, I would – that’s how special you are to me.
  •  I will always be here for you. I know that you are sometimes afraid to ask for help, but know that I will always be there. I want you to know I love you and can’t wait to see all the great things that the future holds for you.
  •  Natasha I know we’ve been friends for so long that it’s hard to believe but trust me when I say I love you and I will never hurt you. No matter what, even if the world around us turns to dust, I will always be here for you.”
  •  Thank you for being my best friend. I know how hard it can be to be the one supporting a friend through a breakup, but knowing that I could count on you made it so much easier. If there is anything in the world I can do for you, please don’t hesitate to ask. Your friendship means more to me than anything.
  •  You are the best friend any one could ever ask for. You are so giving, kind and caring. You have changed my life in many ways from the humorous way you see things to the way you just know when I need a hug to get me through something. Thank you for being so wonderful!
  •  I love you with all my heart. I am so lucky to have a great friend such as you. You are always there for me and never let me down. Thank you so much for being such a great friend when I needed you the most. I love you more than words could say, thank you for always being there for me even if we are miles apart from each other.
  • I love you so much, you have no idea. The time we spent together meant more to me than I could ever tell you in words. I will never forget the times we spent together. Time doesn’t matter when I think of you.

I Will Always Be There for You Best Friend Quotes

  • I will always be there for you, to listen to you, love you and stand by you. I love you more than anyone could possibly begin to imagine. I am here for you if you ever just need to talk. You mean the world to me! And will always be my best friend no matter what! I love you with all my heart and soul!
  • I promise that no matter what happens I′ ll always be there for you to help you, motivate you and give you a shoulder to lean on. We may not see each other as much as we use to but I know that I will always have your back when you need it the most.
  • When are you going to realize that you deserve the absolute best? YOU are such a special person. I will always be there for you, and in your time of need. You can always count on me, no matter what!
  • I love you more than I thought anyone could be loved. You are the best person I know and the most amazing friend anyone could ever ask for. Always remember that your biggest fan is always standing here, next to you inspiring you to be your very best. I will always be there, just a phone call away.
  • I’ll always be here for you.
  • I’m so lucky to have you in my life. You make everything more positive and you always know how to cheer me up when I’m having a bad day. Always remember that I am here for you, too. I hope we are friends forever because I love you dearly!
  • You will always be my best friend. I will never leave you nor forsake you. You mean so very much to me, better than anyone I have ever known. Losing you would destroy me because I see no point in carrying on without you. It wouldn’t be worth it without you and your wonderful spirit. Without you in my life, I would really have nothing! My heart beats faster every time we talk, every time I look into your eyes, and every time we kiss.

I Will Always Be There for You Daughter Quotes

  • I will always have your back. I will fight for you, I will love you. You are my baby girl, and no matter where our lives take us, nothing can ever change the special bond between us. I love you with my whole heart and soul!
  • Daddy has always been there for you. He loves you more than I could ever put into words.
  • I’m not always good at expressing my feelings, but I just wanted you to know that without a doubt, I love you! Whether your laughing or crying, screaming or talking, I will be here to protect you and love you. You are my little princess and I would do anything for you.
  • You told me you would always be there for me, but in reality you weren’t. I truly felt lost and empty. I tried talking to you about your addiction, but you threw it back at me saying that’s what happened when “you get old and irrelevant.
  • I just wanted to say that I love you. A lot. You are my best friend and I’m always here for you. Thank you for being amazing and one of the best people I know. I hope we have a happy life together.
  • I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I do not know if this could really happen, but I will work harder to prove that we can make it as one. No one could ever break our love! If this card is shown to anyone, they will know just how much you mean to me! I cherish each and every moment we share together.
  • Thank you is so small a word. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to express how much you mean to me. You are my love, my friend, and my entire world. Thank you for being you because without you I would not be here today.

I Will Always Be There for You Son Quotes

  • I have been your biggest fan since the beginning. You are my son, my only child, and I love you more than life itself. I may not always be there when you need me, but know that I will always be close by. I will always be there for you son.
  • You are the greatest son I could have ever asked for. Through the good and the bad times you make me so proud. I want to be there for you forever, and that’s a promise I will always keep.
  • Son, you have been a blessing to me that I didn’t think I deserved. Every day you give me the courage to get out of the bed and continue fighting. You have had so many struggles in your life and my heart aches for you. Your father and I are so proud of the man you have become. Never give up because your dreams can come true! We love you!
  • I love you my dear. I will always be there for you, no matter what and forever.
  • Love will always be there, as sure as the stars shine at night. I promise that I will always be there for you, because I love you with all my heart. I hope in the coming years, we’ll have so many dreams to share together.
  • I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! As each day passes I love you more and more. The way you love me so unconditionally makes me want to be the best man I can be for you. I know you will always be there for me and we will grow old together as husband and wife. With that said, “I LOVE YOU BABY!”
  • You are the light of my life, I can’t imagine a day without you. Thank you for being my son and thank you for seeing me through everything. You are my best friend in the world and I love you so much!
  • I am your father. Even though I may not always be the one to catch you when you fall or find your lost and missing toys, I will always be there to help you up. I will support you, defend you, and love you. Your happiness is my happiness no matter how hard life may be. I promise I’ll never leave you when its hardest!
  • You are the best son in the world and I love you. There is nothing we can’t do together. You are my sweetheart, my lover, my best friend, my husband. And you are my baby boy! I am so proud of who you’ve become and hope to see your dreams come true.

I Am Always There for You My Love Quotes

  • I WILL ALWAYS BE THERE FOR YOU! Words cannot express just how thankful I am for you in my life. You are my best friend, defender, lover, confidante and the love of my life. I will always be here to comfort you when you’re down & there to celebrate with you in the good times. Always, your girl.
  • I love you, I will always be there for you, loving you more each day. I wish I could take away all your pain and loneliness and replace it with only the best that life has to offer.
  • I will always be there for you. I promise to stand by your side through the good times and bad. My love for you is like a river flowing constantly, growing deeper and deeper everyday. Thank you for being in my life.
  • I can tell that you wanted to have the best day possible. I’m so sorry this happened to you, but know that I am always here for you! You are the reason why my heart beats. Remember that I love you and will always be there for you if you need me!”
  • I want to thank you for always being there for me. It is so nice to know that I can lean on you when I am in need and you will always be there. Thank you for taking care of me, my life is wonderful because of you! I love you so much
  • You’re the love of my life and i will always love you even when we grow old, i promise always be true to you just like you to me, there’s no one i want rather than u. you’re my everything.
  • You are my rock, my safe place to land when I am falling and the one person I can count on to be there for me. You are everything I have ever wanted and more. Without you in my life, I wouldn’t know what it was like to be loved so deeply. Thank you for being my best friend and for always being there for me!

I Will Always Be There for You Sister Quotes

  • Thank you for being such a wonderful sister. You are one of my favorite people in the world and I love you so much! Thank you for always being there for me, whether it’s just to talk or weather related discussions.
  • I love being a sister. I love having someone I can talk to about anything. I love being able to giggle with you when we have no one else to laugh with, and cry with when there is no one else to cry with. You’re my best friend and i don’t know what i would do without you here for me.
  • Sister, you’re my angel, because you made me feel that I can always rely on you. You are the only person that understands me even when I don’t understand myself. You taught me to be a better person and to make me realize that I am capable of loving. Thank you for being there for me when I needed the most. Thank you for telling me how much you love me all the time even though you say words like these over and over again.
  • I love you so much! You are the best little sister in the whole world! I don’t know what I would do without you. You are practically my other half. I wish you could know how special you are to me. I hope one day we will get to live together so we can be spoiled brats forever. Thank you for being such a great friend!
  • You’re my sister, and I will always love you. If we were so far away from each other due to anything unfortunate, I would still find my way back to you and stay with you for my whole life.
  • Sisters are like diamonds, even when they look rough you know they will always shine. I love you and always will!
  • Thank you for being there for me. I know that it is sometimes hard to see me making my own decisions and going against the family. You are my best friend and I love you so much. Thank you for still being here for me as I continue to grow up.
  • One of the greatest joys in life is having a sister. Someone to laugh and cry with, someone to have fun with and someone who loves you unconditionally. I will always be there for you!
  • I will always be there for you. I know sometimes it seems like I am not, but that is the furthest thing from the truth. You are my sister and no one could ever replace you in my heart! I hope you know how much I love you!
  • I’m going to be there for you always. No matter what happens, no matter if we lose touch, I will always be there for you. You are my sister and nothing could ever change that.
  • You are the best sister I could have ever wished for. No matter what crap life throws at us we will always have each other. We are bonded by love and that is something nothing can take away. I love you so much!

I Will Always Be There for You Brother Quotes

  • I love you so much. You mean more to me than anything, and I will always be there for you! You have been a great friend, better brother and I can’t wait to see what the future holds for us.
  • You have been there for me through the thick and thin, and always be. You are a great friend and a better brother. I love you and thank you.
  • True bonds are never broken. Even if we’re apart, I’ll always be there for you. ”””
  • You know I love you and would do anything for you. I’ve never told you this but, thank you for being the best friend I could ever ask for. I hope you know how much it means to me that you are always there for me and always will be. Thank you for always protecting and loving me.
  • My brother has made me so happy in the last few years. He’s brought me closer to many friends and family members. I was getting tired of not having a brother, but now he is my best friend. I love you! Thanks for being you, and tolerating me ha ha…
  • Love conquers all. Love will prevail. I think we will always be there for one another, it’s a chemistry that is unbreakable. We are connected, two half people that make up a perfect whole. I am here for you always and forever -that’s the way of love!
  • When you need someone to be there, to listen, someone to care about you and stand up for you…I’ll be there. No matter what, I’m always here for you.
  •  I will always be there for you. You can always count on me to be 100% by your side. Love, Your Brother
  •  There’s nothing I wouldn’t do to help my brother, through the good times and the bad. My friends have always been there for me, but you are my brother and I love you so much. You are more than just a friend to me.
  •  Thanks for being my brother, and most of all, for being my friend. I love you so much!
  •  I love you more than chocolate, coffee and puppies combined. You are the best friend I ever could have asked for. Thank you for turning me into a believer of true love, you are my one and only soul mate. I will always be there for you, as will Gus (the puppy, he loves you!)
  •  I promise to be there through the good and bad, through the happy and sad. I’m only a phone call or email away for your support. I love you so much.
  •  My brother and sister were the best part of my life. Family is everything to me, even though I don’t see them often. My brother showed me how it feels to be loved, to be special and important. He told me that I was smart, talented and had a bright future ahead of me. If it wasn’t for him, I would be dead. If it wasn’t for him, I wouldn’t have made it this far in life without
  •  You are seriously the best! Every girl should be so lucky to have such an amazing, sweet guy in their life. You are good looking, funny and a great kisser (we need to work on that). You are thoughtful and I appreciate that more than you know. I love you with all my heart and I mean it when I say that, so don’t ever doubt it.

“‘And I was even beginning to think home might be with you.’”

“Give me courage. Give me strength. Please, Lord, through it all, be at my side.”

“Orla wasn’t wrong, of course. But what she didn’t realize about Blue and her boys was that they were all in love with one another. She was no less obsessed with them than they were with her, or one another, analyzing every conversation and gesture, drawing out every joke into a longer and longer running gag, spending each moment either with one another or thinking about when next they would be with one another.”

“Still the Pants promised us there was time. Nothing would be lost. There was all year if we needed it. We had all the way until next summer, when we would take out the Traveling Pants and, together or apart, begin again.”

″‘We’ll see you soon, though,’ said her other father. ‘When you come back.’

‘Um,’ said Coraline.

‘And then we’ll all be together as one big, happy family,’ said her other mother. ‘For ever and always.‘”

“And then later in the darkness:

[The Boy:] Can I ask you something?

[The Man:] Yes. Of course you can.

[The Boy:] What would you do if I died?

[The Man:] If you died I would want to die too.

[The Boy:] So you could be with me?

[The Man:] Yes. So I could be with you.

[The Boy:] Okay. ”

“You will be good to me, won’t you? . . . Because we’re going to have a strange life.”

“There’s something comforting in that. To go down as a family. No one left behind.”

“Will you be?” I asked, suddenly anxious. “Will you really be here?”

“As long as you want me,” he assured me.

“I’ll always want you,” I warned him. “Forever.”

“I don’t know that I’ve ever felt as happy as I did that day, but then again, it was always like that when we were together. I never wanted it to end.”

“The sadness meant: We are at the last station. The happiness meant: We are together. The sadness was form, the happiness content. Happiness filled the space of sadness.”

“That’s why I loved being with you. We could do the simplest things, like toss starfish into the ocean and share a burger and talk and even then I knew that I was fortunate. Because you were the first guy who wasn’t constantly trying to impress me. You accepted who you were, but more than that, you accepted me for me. And nothing else mattered— not my family or your family or anyone else in the world. It was just us.”

“I want to wake up with you beside me in the mornings. I want to spend my evenings looking at you across the dinner table. I want to share every mundane detail of my day with you and hear every detail of yours. I want to laugh with you and fall asleep with you in my arms.”

“After all, if there is a heaven, we will find each other again, for there is no heaven without you.”

“They perceived at the same moment the change in the path and each knew then the other’s knowledge of it; Theodora took Eleanor’s arm and, afraid to stop, they moved on slowly, close together, and ahead of them the path widened and blackened and curved.”

“Without a word Theodora took up the quilt from the foot of the doctor’s bed and folded it around Eleanor and herself, and they moved close together, slowly in order not to make a sound. Eleanor, clinging to Theodora, deadly cold in spite of Theodora’s arms around her, thought, It knows my name, it knows my name this time. The pounding came up the stairs, crashing on each step.”

“What was that thing that could make two people promise one another to spend every day of the rest of their lives together? Ah,I found it. It was a thing called love. A small simple word.”

“So call a big meeting. Get everyone out. Make every *Who* holler! Make every *Who* shout! Make every *Who* scream! If you don’t, every *Who* is going to end up in a Beezle-Nut stew!”

“For there is nothing better in this world than that man and wife should be of one mind in a house.”

“One after another our dear ones came running to the opposite bank, testifying in various ways their delight at our return, and hastening up on their side of the river, as we on ours, to the ford at which we had crossed in the morning. We were quickly on the other side, and, full of joy and affection, our happy party was once more united.”

“Wouldn’t it be a horrible thing if we studied the ones we loved instead of bonding in deeper ways to doing things with them?”

“Our one rule besides, Stick together is, Don’t get caught.”

“The ocean has been singing to me, and the song is that of our life together.”

“Five people—five frightened people. Five people who watched each other, who now hardly troubled to hide the state of their nervous tension. There was little pretense now….They were five enemies linked together by a mutual instinct of self-preservation.”

“It only took me two flat seconds to spot them. Trace and Nikki

Together again.”

“‘I love you Elizabeth… and more than that, I like you. I enjoy spending time with you.’”

“Good and bad, strengths and faults, he was hers forever.”

“‘Us,’ Peter corrects. ‘I did it for us.’ He links our fingers together. ‘It’s you and me, kid.’”

“He looks at me in such a way that I know for sure-he’s never looked at another girl quite like this.

And then I’m in his arms, and we’re hugging and kissing, and we’re both shaking, because we both know-this is the night we become real.”

“And I suddenly feel the branch give way

I’m on the ground

My arm goes numb I look around

And I see him come to get me

He’s come to get me

And ev’rything’s okay.”

“Dusk is just an illusion because the sun is either above the horizon or below it. And that means that day and night are linked in a way that few things are there cannot be one without the other yet they cannot exist at the same time. How would it feel I remember wondering to be always together yet forever apart?”

“Do they miss their brothers and sisters, too? Bran wondered. Are they calling to Grey Wind and Ghost, to Nymeria and Lady’s Shade? Do they want them to come home and be a pack together?”

“If there ever comes a day when we can’t be together, keep me in your heart, I’ll stay there forever.”

“True friends are always together in spirit.”

“Why, darling, I don’t live at all when I’m not with you.”

“There isn’t any me. I’m you. Don’t make up a separate me.”

“I felt very lonely when they were all there.”

“There they were, all together, up in the air.”

“If we don’t have each other, we don’t have anything.”

“You are my best friend as well as my lover, and I do not know which side of you I enjoy the most. I treasure each side, just as I have treasured our life together.”

“We sit silently and watch the world around us. This has taken a lifetime to learn. It seems only the old are able to sit next to one another and not say anything and still feel content. The young, brash and impatient, must always break the silence. It is a waste, for silence is pure. Silence is holy. It draws people together because only those who are comfortable with each other can sit without speaking. This is the great paradox.”

“I love you. I am who I am because of you. You are every reason, every hope, and every dream I’ve ever had, and no matter what happens to us in the future, everyday we are together is the greatest day of my life. I will always be yours. ”

“National Socialism brought dream and conformism together into something satanic.”

“You’re still alive, and so is your little sister, somewhere. I know it. You saved her. And together we’ll find her, yes? I promise. We’ll find her and bring her home.”

“She had never been able to count clave, but she had always assumed it would come to her eventually. That the rhythm of her homeland would one day whisper its secrets to her soul. But would she ever hear it now? Like trading her trumpet, had she swapped the one thing that was really hers—her music—for the chance to keep her family together?”

″‘I’ve told you before,’ said Mike. ‘We’re not supposed to be separated. Remember? You and me, we stick together.‘”

Alem is on holiday with his father for a few days in London. He has never been out of Ethiopia before and is very excited. They have a great few days togther until one morning when Alem wakes up in the bed and breakfast they are staying at to find the unthinkable.

“ ‘Do not be afraid,’ said Frog. ‘I will be with you on the sled. It will be a fine, fast ride. Toad, you sit in front. I will sit right behind you.’ “

“They sat and they thought (all owls think a lot)-

‘I think we should all sit on my branch,’ said Sarah.

And they did, all three together.”

“Together, they could be serious or silly, right-way-round or upside down. As long as they were together they could do anything! Any child who has ever experienced a moment of self-doubt will be both reassured and delighted by this heartwarming tale of two very different friends and their ability to help one another feel more complete.”

“ “I wish we could be friends forever,’ said Boris. ‘We will be friends forever, but we can’t be together. You must live on and I must live at sea. I’ll never forget you, though.’ “

″ Pandora is beautiful (Adrian especially loves her ‘treacle-coloured’ hair) and intelligent, and in the first books, she and Adrian Mole are happy together.”

“It says, ‘Good night, God keep you all the night!’ — Just what she used to say when we were together. Every night she used to say that to me, and every morning she said, ‘God bless you all the day!’ So you see I am quite safe all the time.”

″‘Will you be my mama?’ said the child, ‘and will you sing to me all the time? And can we all stay here together and live in the beautiful house where the party is and not go out into the world?‘”

“When they are together Chris lives a different, more exciting life than when he’s at home or at his strict and traditional grammar school.”

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