Word for always being tired

Предложения с «always tired»

He was tired — he was alarmed to find that he was always tired now, unless he was in the grip of one of his rages.

Его тревожило то, что теперь он всегда чувствовал себя усталым, если только не испытывал ярости.

I’m always tired and short of breath.

Я всегда испытываю усталость и мне тяжело дышать.

He had had enough of love-making for some time; and he was nearly always tired and often hungry.

До поры до времени довольно с него любви; к тому же он почти всегда валился с ног от усталости и часто бывал голоден.

Okay, so you’re always hungry, you’re always tired and you’re basically at the mercy of everyone around you.

Окей, ты всегда голоден, все время уставший , и буквально находишься в подчинении у всех окружающих.

I’m tired of always being alone.

Я так устала от вечного одиночества!

I always hoped you would have sense enough not to pester me…. Enough, I am tired .

Я всегда надеялась, что у вас хватит ума не надоедать… Ох, довольно, устала!

I get tired always being alone with you.

Думаешь, мне не надоедает все время быть с тобой вдвоем?

He recalled the propaganda posters on which youth was always represented with a laughing face. He felt very tired .

Он припомнил плакаты, на которых юность всегда улыбалась.

And why are the infected people always so tired in the daytime?

А почему так усталые днем зараженные люди?

But at least these monkeys have a choice. If they tired of tree bark and other survival food, they can always descend to lower, warmer altitudes and not return until spring.

Но по крайней мере эти обезьяны имеют выбор — если им надоела древесная кора и другая скудная пища, они всегда могут спуститься на более теплые высоты.

You’re always tetchy when you’re tired .

Ты всегда нервный, когда устал.

But, remember, if you start to feel tired or imbalanced, you can always stop and get some water.

Но если вдруг ты почувствуешь усталость или головокружение, ты всегда можешь остановиться и попить немного воды.

I’m tired of this life, of always being out chasing for something.

Я устала от такой жизни, всегда быть в погоне за чем то.

In self-defense Justine had learned to smoke, tired of always appearing goody-goody in refusing offered cigarettes.

Джастине давно надоело, будто пай — девочке, отказываться, когда предлагают сигарету, и она выучилась курить.

I’m unhappy at home, you’re always working, trying to buy me off with presents, too tired to make me feel loved.

Я скучаю дома, ты все время на работе, пытаешься откупиться от меня подарками, слишком уставший для того, чтоб я почувствовала себя любимой.

I always think Alf is like a great tree, but I suppose even trees get tired holding out their branches for other creatures to rest in.

Альф всегда напоминает мне большое дерево, но, наверное, и деревья устают держать свои ветки, чтобы другие могли отдыхать под ними.

Her heart always ached with pity for him, although she was almost too tired and sleepy to feel anything.

Ей всегда было бесконечно жаль его, хотя от усталости и недосыпания она едва ли способна была что — то чувствовать.

I’m tired of always talking in terms of millions of dollars.

Я устал от постоянных разговоров о миллионах.

Ever get tired of big time, you always got a job with me.

Коль устанешь от вершин, у тебя всегда будет работа со мной.

Oh, come off it! said Edmund, who was tired and pretending not to be tired , which always made him bad-tempered.

Замолчи! — сказал Эдмунд. Он устал, хотя делал вид, что нисколечко, а когда он уставал , он всегда был не в духе.

And then, if a girl feels herself tired , or wants to marry a respectable man, there will always be at her disposal not a large, but a sure capital.

И тогда, если девушка почувствует себя усталой или захочет выйти замуж за порядочного человека, в ее распоряжении всегда будет небольшой, но верный капитал.

Tired as she was, she always tried to be kinder than usual when she gave bulletins from the sick room.

Несмотря на усталость, она всегда стремилась, сообщая о том, что происходит в комнате больной, сказать это подобрее.

Uncle William could not have his on Saturday, because he had a heavy day before him and he was always a little tired after a bath, so he had it on Friday.

Дядя Уильям не мог принимать ванну по субботам: впереди у него был тяжелый день, а купание его немножко утомляло, поэтому он мылся в пятницу.

In those with severe disease, a feeling of always being tired is common.

У людей с тяжелой болезнью часто возникает ощущение постоянной усталости.

Falk was once an angel, who, having grown tired of always observing and never experiencing, renounced his immortality to become a participant in the world.

Фальк был когда — то ангелом, который, устав от постоянного наблюдения и никогда не испытывая, отказался от своего бессмертия, чтобы стать участником мира.

People always say that I didn’t give up my seat because I was tired , but that isn’t true.

Люди всегда говорят, что я уступил свое место не потому, что устал, но это неправда.

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It’s just that life is pointless and nothing matters and I’m always tired.

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You don’t have a fever, you’re always tired and you lose the will to live.

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У нее, может быть, лихорадка?. всегда такая уставшая и такое чувство, что ей больше не хочется жить.

They are always tired, usually sleepy in the daytime and their mental functions slow down.

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Он постоянно утомлен, ему часто хочется спать в дневное время, замедляются ментальные функции.

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Because of this, I was always tired during the day and my housework became a burden.

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Из-за них я была в течение дня очень уставшей, и вся домашняя работа валилась у меня из рук.

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Between attacks I was unsteady on my feet, weak,

suffered peculiar feelings and pains in my legs, and always tired rapidly.

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И между приступами я страдала от неуверенности при ходьбе, слабости,

неприятных ощущений и болей в ногах и всегда очень быстро уставала.

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This bottle was full a week ago, and now you’re out all night and you’re always tired.

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Бутылка была полной неделю назад, и вдруг сейчас ты устаешь так часто.

However, the cat’s tail always tired; eachother when there can not be fulfilled;

money disappeared when the total wealth, when we do not have the things that once, we happy?

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Тем не менее, хвост кошки всегда уставший, друг друга, когда не может быть

исполнено, а деньги исчезли, когда общее состояние, когда у нас нет вещей, которые когда-то, мы счастливы?

Amy, you never want to go out, you’re always tired, and you can’t think that a guy as cute

and popular as B Boykewich is going to sit around every night watching you take care of Ricky Underwood’s baby.

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Эми, тебе никогда не хочется выйти погулять, ты всегда уставшая, ты никогда не думала, что такой милый и

популярный парень, как Бен Бойкович, не собирается каждый вечер сидеть и смотреть, как ты заботишься о ребенке Рикки Андервуда.

Life’s long road, there is always tired and sad, do not agree with those cool disguise

and variation of the alternative, that the people who have nothing to do let myself an excuse to find out the real from the heart of Cool is the real alternative Is superior to others in particular, have strong faith, despite the passage of time, not blaming Heaven and sigh to yield convictions.

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Долгая дорога Жизни, всегда усталый и грустный, не согласен с теми, прохладном маскировки

и изменения альтернатива, что люди, которые не имеют ничего общего позволить себе оправдание, чтобы узнать реальное от сердца Прохладный является реальной альтернативой Это выше других, в частности, имеют сильную веру, несмотря на ход времени, а не обвинять Небеса и вздох уступить убеждений.

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На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

всегда устал

всегда уставший

всегда устали

всегда уставшая

постоянная усталость


всегда чувствуете себя уставшим

постоянно сопутствует усталость

время уставший

всегда чувствуете усталость

всегда усталость

постоянно чувствуете усталость

вечно уставшая

всегда усталый

все время усталые

He’s always tired of dealing with the same thing and can easily change directions.

Он всегда устал иметь дело с одним и тем же и легко менять направление.

No matter how much I slept, I was always tired.

Что бы я ни делала и сколько я спал, я всегда устал.

You’re always tired when you get home from work.

and nothing matters and I’m always tired.

Let’s explore why you are always tired.

We understand why you were always tired.

She is the typical person who is always tired or easily exhausted.

Это — типичный человек, который всегда устал или легко истощается.

You’ve probably noticed that almost all of the causes of you feeling like you’re always tired can be partially alleviated through changing your diet.

Вы, наверное, заметили, что почти все причины, по которым вы чувствуете, что вы всегда устали, могут быть частично смягчены путем изменения диеты.

One such question is why I am always tired and sleepy?

Вы часто спрашиваете себя: «Почему я всегда уставший и сонный?»

Its a good idea to check out why you are always tired.

But do you find yourself asking, «Why am I always tired and cold?»

Вы часто спрашиваете себя: «Почему я всегда уставший и сонный?»

I always say cynically and with self-mockery that I have a choice: either I am always tired because I want to do so much, or I am going to sit still waiting for the time to go by.

Я всегда говорю, цинично и самоуправления с насмешкой, что у меня есть выбор: либо я всегда устал, потому что я хочу сделать так много, или я буду сидеть спокойно ждет момента, чтобы ехать.

I have a neighbor — always tired, how is she tired I see my girls run away

У меня есть сосед — всегда устал, как устал она я вижу девочек убежать

If you find that you are always tired or you actually suffer from chronic tiredness, there’s a good chance that you’re not getting enough vitamin B12 in your diet.

Если вы обнаружите, что вы всегда устал или вы на самом деле страдают от хронической усталости, есть хороший шанс, что вы не получаете достаточно витамина B12 в вашем рационе.

I am always tired but I am making it.

This article lists 10 potential reasons why you’re always tired and provides recommendations for ways to get your energy back.

В этой статье перечислены 10 потенциальных причин, по которым вы всегда чувствуете усталость, и даются рекомендации о том, как вернуть свою энергию.

Even though I sleep too much, I’m always tired.

And I’m always tired, even when I get my eight hours’ sleep.

I’m always tired and short of breath.

Here lies the woman who was always tired.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 125. Точных совпадений: 125. Затраченное время: 85 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

I worked a lot this week and put in a lot of overtime, so I’m pretty tired. I say tired, but tired has the basic meaning of “sleepy,” and sometimes you feel more than just sleepy. Well, in times like that, English has a lot of slang expressions that you can use to let someone know that you are more than just tired. Here are ten of my favorite slag expressions and words that can take your English conversation beyond just “tired.” You can say:

  • I’m beat ← It has the idea that your hard work “beat” you, like a strong player beats a weaker player.
  • I’m bushed ← Bushed comes from the word “bush” which is a short tree-like plant that lives in a forest. If you were in a forest for a long time, you might be really tired.
  • I’m drained ← Just like you drain the water from pasta after cooking, all of the energy (like the water) in your body is drained out.
  • I’m fried ← When an egg is fried, it certainly can no longer be alive!
  • I’m plum tuckered out ← This is an old corny expression that you might hear in an old cowboy movie! If you use it now, it may sound old-fashioned, but I think it is good to know in case you hear it!
  • I’m pooped ← I’m not sure of the origin of “pooped” but it means really exhausted.
  • I’m shot ← When a gun is shot, it has used all of it’s energy, so when work very hard, you a re shot!
  • I’m spent ← If you spend all of your money, you have none! You can also spend (meaning use) all of your energy.
  • I’m wiped out ← When you wipe out the memory on a computer, it has none left. So you can imagine your brain is wiped out with no more power!
  • I’m worn out ← When you use something very much, like a baseball glove, it can become so old that it is no longer useful. We say the glove is worn out. Well, when you have used your brain or body so much, it can be worn out too!

Oh my! I’m worn out from making this list. Try to start using some of these tired phrases in your everyday English conversation…You’ll sound more natural when you do!
If you know anyone who might be interested in this English language point, why not help them out! Just share this lesson with them. Thanks for studying today!

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Have you ever been so tired, you didn’t have a word off the top of your head to call such a state of exhaustion? Where words fail you, they’ve succeeded for someone else, and that’s how slang terms are born.

We’ve created this list of slang words for tired to show you how colorful language can be. The next time you find yourself struggling to keep your eyes open, remember these phrases and try using them to describe how you feel.

Slang Words for Tired (in Alphabetical Order)




  • (Adjective): To be extremely tired. This is one you’ll need to be careful with, however, because it can occasionally be used to refer to the state of being high on drugs, usually marijuana.
  • Example: “After several hours of taking the exam, Henry was absolutely baked.”



  • (Adjective): A common slang term in the US to describe exhaustion.
  • Example: “Man, I’m beat. I’m going to go to bed early.”

Bone Tired


  • (Adjective): When you are so tired, you can practically feel it in your bones. A penetrating state of exhaustion.
  • Example: “She was so bone tired, she collapsed as soon as she got home.”



  • (Adjective): A somewhat uncommon phrase that means tired.
  • Example: “Mike’s bushed right now. How about we wait until tomorrow before we ask for his help?”




  • (Adjective): See Bushed.

Checked Out


  • (Adjective): A state of mental fatigue. It comes from the concept of checking bags out or checking out of a hotel room.
  • Example: “You can tell she’s mentally checked out right now. Her eyes aren’t focused.”



  • (Adjective): Another rare term for tiredness.
  • Example: “After spending all night at the pub, I’m chuntered.”



  • (Verb): To lose all energy and usually fall into a deep sleep.
  • Example: “I’m going to crash the moment I get home.”

Cream Crackered


  • (Adjective): Cockney rhyming slang that rhymes with the word Knackered (seen later on in this list). It simply means you’re tired.
  • Example: “Annie is always cream crackered after work.”



  • (Adjective): See Bushed.


Dead on Your Feet


  • (Expression): A common phrase that describes someone who is up and about, walking around, but seems completely exhausted. Such a person may be yawning, staring into space, or otherwise behaving like a zombie.
  • Example: “You need to get to bed because you’re clearly dead on your feet.”

Dead Tired


  • (Adjective): See Dead on Your Feet.



  • (Adjective): To be deeply exhausted. This can sometimes also mean that something was really funny to you, though, especially in slang used by Generation Z.
  • Example: “She cancelled on her date tonight because she was deaded.”



  • (Adjective): To be so tired, you can’t deal with anything else.
  • Example: “Listen, I’m done for the day. I need to go to bed, and then maybe I’ll do more tomorrow.”

Done In


  • (Adjective): The state of being tired out of something.
  • Example: “That shift really did Mark in. He’s been sleeping since he got home.”



  • (Adjective): Slang word that just means “done” or finished, but it can be applied to physical or mental exhaustion.
  • Example: “Becky studied for four straight hours. She’s donezo.”



  • (Adjective): A mental or emotional state in which you feel as if all your energy is gone.
  • Example: “The exhausting argument left John totally drained.”




  • (Adjective): Slang word that combines the words “exhausted” and “constipated.” It means that you are so tired, you don’t give a crap about anything anymore.
  • Example: “Talk to me about it tomorrow because I’m exhaustipated right now.”


Food Coma


  • (Noun): This is what happens when you eat a really heavy meal, and it leaves you tired. There’s a common Hawaiian slang word for this: kanak attack.
  • Example: “Every year after the Thanksgiving dinner, I fall into a deep food coma for a few hours.”



  • (Adjective): When you feel as if your brain has been short-circuited from exhaustion.
  • Example: “The bride was fried after her long wedding day.”



  • (Adjective): See Bushed.




  • (Adjective): To feel weak or exhausted, usually from illness or after poor sleep.
  • Example: “After Beth’s cat kept her up all night, she felt groggy.”




  • (Adjective): Another slang term for tired.
  • Example: “Whew, what a day! I’m hit.”




  • (Adjective): Common British slang for when one is tired.
  • Example: “Jacques wished he hadn’t stayed up so late the night before, because he’s knackered today.”


No Spoons/Don’t Have the Spoons


  • (Expression): This expression developed in reference to people who have mental illnesses or invisible disabilities. If you don’t have spoons, it means you don’t have the energy to do something, usually as a result of that illness or disability.
  • Example: “My anxiety is terrible today. I’m sorry, I just don’t have the spoons to do deal with this right now.”


Out of It


  • (Adjective): To be in an unsteady mental and physical state as a result of exhaustion. Someone who is “out of it” might be zoning out, falling asleep, or being unusually quiet.
  • Example: “Anna had a long day, so she’s a little out of it.”


Petered Out


  • (Verb): Losing energy gradually because you do a lot of activities or work.
  • Example: “He petered out at the end of the day after working on the farm.”



  • (Adjective): See Hit.



  • (Adjective): See Hit also.




  • (Adjective): When you are so tired, you feel like you can’t move.
  • Example: “That was a tough workout. I’m rooted. Give me some time to recover.”

Running on Fumes


  • (Expression): When you’re so tired, you feel as if you’re moments away from collapsing or falling asleep, but you’re still up and moving.
  • Example: “She needs to go home because she’s clearly running on fumes.”




  • (Adjective): When you’re totally exhausted, to the point of feeling broken and on the verge of collapse.
  • Example: “I just ran a marathon. I’m shattered.”



  • (Adjective): See Shattered.



  • (Noun): A person who’s physically tired.
  • Example: “Ariana is such a sleepyhead today. I think she needs more sleep.”



  • (Adjective): See Shattered.



  • (Adjective): To have “spent” all your energy so that you have no energy left.
  • Example: “Guys, I’m spent. I’m going home.”




  • (Adjective): See Spent.

Tired AF


  • (Adjective): To be “tired as f*ck.” This is an extreme state of exhaustion that goes above and beyond a little grogginess.
  • Example: “She posted a status saying she’s tired AF after a day on the hiking trails.”

Tuckered Out


  • (Adjective): To be tired out after doing something. This one can be used to refer to either being slightly tired or deeply tired.
  • Example: “I’m feeling a bit tuckered out right now, so I think I’ll take a nap.”


Under the Weather


  • (Adjective): An expression that means you’re not feeling your best. It could be because you’re tired, ill, or just not feeling your best emotionally.
  • Example: “She didn’t go to the party because she’s feeling a little under the weather.”




  • (Adjective): See Shattered. Be careful with this phrase, though, because wasted can also mean drunk.

Read Also: British Slang for Drunk: 122 Words with Examples



  • (Adjective): When you’re visibly tired out by something.
  • Example: “She felt weary after her experience at the DMV.”
  • (Verb): Something that tires you out.
  • Example: “Going into the doctor’s office is always a wearying experience for Janet.”

Wiped Out


  • (Adjective): See Tired AF.

Worn Out


  • (Adjective): See Tuckered Out.



  • (Adjective): See Shattered.




  • (Adjective): To be in a state of sleepiness.
  • Example: “Hank was too zoinked to repair his bike today.”



  • (Adjective): Extreme exhaustion or intoxication.
  • Example: “Ben spent his evening at the bar and came home completely zonked.”

Wrap Up

Being completely exhausted isn’t a fun experience. No one likes being at that point where it’s a battle just to keep your eyes open! If you’re feeling tired beyond belief, hopefully this list helped you come up with a new way to explain how you’re feeling to others.

Up for more reading? Take a look at our list of slang words for jewelry to learn more interesting phrases.

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  • Word for always being prepared
  • Word for always being late
  • Word for always being hungry
  • Word for always being happy