Word for always being late

What is a word for always being late?

1 tardy; slow, dilatory; delayed, belated. See synonyms for late on Thesaurus.com.

What are the most common excuses?

Here’s a breakdown of the excuses:

  1. Pretending to be unwell — 68%.
  2. Having a doctor or dentist appointment — 57%.
  3. Family member ill — 25%.
  4. Avoiding bad weather and associated transport issues , such as snow — 23%.
  5. Collecting children from school — 13%.
  6. Being concerned about others at work catching my illness — 11%.

How do you describe someone who is always late?

‘Tidsoptimist, a person who’s habitually late because they think they have more time than they do’.

What is another word for being on time?

word punctual
The word punctual originates from the Latin word punctualis, which means “a point.” To be punctual, you have to arrive at the right point in time.

What are examples of excuses?

Common excuses for NOT making ideas happen:


    What are good work excuses?

    Good Excuses for Missing Work

    • Personal Illness. If you are too ill to get out of bed and do your job, or if you have an especially contagious illness, you’re going to need to call off work.
    • Scheduled Appointment.
    • Family or Home Emergency.
    • Unexpected Circumstances Out of Your Control.
    • You’ve Worked Hard to Earn it.

      How do you describe a punctual person?

      Punctuality is the characteristics of a person which does describe that person how he is punctual. Basically, punctuality is the habit of a person to do the task on right time or before time. The person who does his all work on time call punctual. punctual people never waste their time even a second or minute.

      Is being on time important?

      Like it or not, being on time matters. In fact, it matters a lot. It communicates to others whether they can trust and rely on you. By contrast, learning the importance of punctuality – or being consistently on-time, or even early – is an incredibly simple way to set yourself apart from the crowd.

Most people know someone personally who is consistently late. That person may even be ourselves! With this being the case, it’s important that we’re aware of the correct terminology to describe these types of people. That is why this article will be highlighting appropriate nicknames for someone who is always late.

What Do You Call Someone Who Is Always Late?

There are plenty of terms that we can use to accurately describe someone who is always late. However, for the purposes of this article, we will be taking an in-depth look at the following ten terms:

  • Tardy
  • A Flake
  • Procrastinator
  • Tidsoptomist
  • Irresponsible
  • Unpunctual
  • Behindhand
  • Belated
  • Dilatory
  • Inconstant

Words For Someone Who Is Always Late

The preferred version that we will be highlighting in this particular article is “tardy”. This is because the term “tardy” is the best and most accurate way to describe someone who is always late. We should think of a “tardy” person as someone who is delayed.


When we say that someone is a “tardy” person, we are often meaning to express that they can never seem to arrive on an agreed-upon time, schedule or when they are expected to. A “tardy” person may also be late in their actions or responses.

According to Cambridge Dictionary, “tardy” is defined as slow or late in happening or arriving.

We can now look over the following examples that highlight the use of this term:

  • You have been tardy for school every day for the past week – this needs to stop!
  • Being consistently tardy for work is grounds for termination, so I suggest you start arriving on time or even early.
  • Your tardy credit card bill payments will result in your credit score falling.

A Flake

Another great term that we can use to describe an individual who is always late is “a flake”. “A flake” is often considered to be the type of person who cannot be relied upon, as they seemingly never show up on time or stick to their commitments.

As shown by Cambridge Dictionary, “a flake” is defined as a person you cannot trust to remember things or to do what they promise or someone who behaves in a strange way.

Here are a few examples that utilize this term in a sentence:

  • She’s known as a flake and someone who can never seem to show up at the agreed-upon time.
  • Don’t become a flake because commitments are important – especially those related to work.
  • My brother is known by our entire family as being a complete flake. He rarely comes to any family functions.


We can use the term “procrastinator” similarly to our other alternative terms. This is because being a “procrastinator” is the type of person who habitually puts off doing things, which often results in a lack of completion or them being entirely late.

When looking at Cambridge Dictionary, we can see that a “procrastinator” is defined as someone who keeps delaying things that must be done.

The following examples show how to properly use this term in a sentence:

  • My dad is such a procrastinator, that every year he buys my mom’s Christmas presents on Christmas Eve.
  • I was a very large procrastinator in school, which often resulted in me completing work in a rushed manner.
  • Being a major procrastinator is not considered to be an admirable or likable quality in a person.


While the term “tidsoptomist” is Swedish, it is very applicable when referring to someone who is always late. A “tidsoptomist” literally means to be a time optimist. This is someone who is considered to be constantly late because they often believe that they have more time than they actually do.

Because of this, the term “tidsoptomist” is excellent to use when attempting to describe an individual who we feel is generally late.

For clarity purposes, we will now go over how to use this term in a sentence:

  • Despite being our professor, he was known by all of the students as being a tidsoptomist.
  • You need to consciously work on your tidsoptomist habits, as they often annoy your coworkers.
  • She is known by her friends as being a tidsoptomist, so none feel as though they can rely on her.


Another term that we can use to refer to someone who can’t seem to show up on time is “irresponsible”. This is because an “irresponsible” person is seen as someone who doesn’t show a proper sense of responsibility. This often results in them showing up late or not at all.

As shown by Cambridge Dictionary, the term “irresponsible” is defined as not thinking enough or not worrying about the possible results of what you do. This can certainly be in terms of not showing up on time or adhering to a schedule.

Here are various examples that showcase how to use this particular term:

  • You were very irresponsible and careless when it came to arriving on time for your job.
  • The student was very irresponsible and would consistently show up late, interrupting the lesson as he entered the classroom.
  • She was very irresponsible when it came to time management, which resulted in her being terminated from her place of employment.


We can use the term “unpunctual” very similar to the other alternate terms that we have gone over. This is because the term “unpunctual” is the exact opposite of the term “punctual”, which means to arrive precisely on time or early.

To be “unpunctual” is to not do something or complete something by the agreed-upon time or date. Therefore, an “unpunctual” individual can be considered someone who is usually late.

We can now look over the following examples for additional information on the use of this term:

  • The city bus is notoriously unpunctual and has caused me to be late for work before.
  • Please don’t invite Sam, he is incredibly unpunctual and we will be stuck waiting for him.
  • She is very unpunctual by nature and it makes It difficult for employers to want to keep her around as an employee.


Another useful alternative that works perfectly when we are choosing to describe someone as the type of person who is consistently late is “behindhand”. While generally referring to a debt or late payments, an individual can certainly be referred to as a “behindhand” type of person.

When looking at Cambridge Dictionary, we can see that “behindhand” is defined as late in doing something or slower doing something than expected.

For added clarity on the use of this term, we can look over the following examples:

  • I generally find myself staying late at work because I am usually behindhand on my tasks.
  • Our country is very behindhand when it comes to political policies and economic activity.
  • I was behindhand in getting my Christmas shopping done this year, which caused me to become very stressed out.


We can use the term “belated” quite consistent with the other alternative terms that we have gone over. This is because the term “belated” means for something to happen or occur much later than it should have – which also means a person can be “belated” in their arrival.

According to Cambridge Dictionary, “belated” is defined as coming later than expected. Therefore, a “belated” arrival is a usual trait of someone who is known for constantly being late.

Here are a few examples that showcase how this term can be utilized in a sentence:

  • He was always late to wishing folks well for their birthday, so he was consistently saying “happy belated birthday”.
  • My ex-girlfriend made a very belated attempt with her apology, which felt forced and phony.
  • Our neighbours did make a belated attempt to reduce the noise from their party, but by that time, the police had already arrived.


“Dilatory” is another great example of a term that we can use to refer to someone who is always late. This is because “dilatory” refers to someone who is very slow to act or complete something. Something that is “dilatory” can also be intended to cause some delay.

Cambridge Dictionary defines “dilatory” as both slow and likely to cause delay.

We will now go over a few examples that highlight how this particular term can be used in a sentence:

  • Banking institutions in Canada have been quite dilatory in deferring interest payments during the pandemic.
  • She was often dilatory in her arrivals to work, which was causing her boss to become increasingly frustrated with her.
  • The government was very dilatory in appointing a new Minister of Education, which was causing an abundance of issues within the public school system.


The last term that we will be going over for the purposes of this article is “inconstant”. We can use “inconstant” consistently with all of the other alternate terms because it is defined as frequently changing, irregular, not faithful or not dependable.

When looking at Cambridge Dictionary, we can see that “inconstant” is defined as not staying the same, especially in emotion, behaviour, or choice of sexual partner. Because of this, an “inconstant” person is not reliable enough to show up on time, on a regular basis.

Finally, we will go over our last few examples for this article:

  • He was inconstant with his arrival to class, which caused his teacher to phone home to his parents.
  • My ex-husband was the most inconstant man in the world, which always caused issues in our relationship.
  • The taxi service is inconstant with their arrivals, so I wouldn’t rely on them to get you to the airport in time for your flight.

You might also like: 10 Words For Someone Who Is Always On Time

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.


  • #1

If someone is always late at doing things — not daily routines stuff like brushing teeth or having a bath — but things like to go to college, getting married and settle down, buying a car or a house, what word can you think of ?

Actually a friend of mine asked me to choose a handle for him so that he joins forums with that. His personality is what I described above, — He’s so late at reaching different stages in his life; college, marriage, buying a car and etc., so I’m looking for any word which somehow signifies this characteristic of him — even a compound and lighthearted one not necessarily a literal one.

A penny for your thoughts.

Last edited: Aug 13, 2011

  • Cagey

    post mod (English Only / Latin)

    • #2

    Late bloomer is a nice one. It means that his talents don’t blossom until later in life.


    • #3

    Late bloomer is a nice one. It means that his talents don’t blossom until later in life.

    Wow ! That’s great, nice one!

    Thanks a bunch. :)

    But, I’d like to read others’ too. To have more options is always helpful.


    • #4

    I haven’t heard «late bloomer». The phrase that occurred to me was «late developer» — but I like «late bloomer» more: it sounds much nicer!:).

    • #5

    You may want to note that I’ve often heard «late bloomer» to refer to someone who hits puberty late.


    post mod (English Only / Latin)

    • #6

    Perhaps «late bloomer» is specific to American English. Look up «late bloomer» at dictionary.com

    . a
    person whose talents or capabilities are slow to develop: A late bloomer, she wrote her first novel when she was almost 50.

    There is also johnny-come-lately. I hear it used when people take up an idea or activity long after everyone else has. It usually implies some criticism. It doesn’t mean someone is late to an appointment, though it might be used that jokingly in that context.

    Jam on toast

    • #7

    You may want to note that I’ve often heard «late bloomer» to refer to someone who hits puberty late.

    I agree, and «late developer» can have overtones of retarded mental development.

    I’m not sure of a suitable word. It sounds like your friend is highly independent, doing what he wants when he wants. It’s is really quite admirable to do that and resist peer pressures to conform at stages in your life. Maybe you could choose a handle that reflects that independence, rather than the lateness?

    • #8

    Hello, I suggest ‘Tardigrade’. It’s a very slow moving animal that you can look up on the internet. You may find that it amuses you; in fact its name means ‘slow walker’ (etymologically at least).

    If you think that’s too sweet, you could always plump for ‘Sluggard’, provided these names aren’t already taken.


    • #9

    Hahaha! Excellent suggestions, Beryl. :p


    • #11

    Tardy is another word that means late. Possibly combine it with another suggestion: Tardy-Tardigrade

    A tortoise walks very slowly, although in the story, «The Tortoise and the Hare,» the tortoise wins the race. So Tortoise or Tardy-Tortoise.

    Table of Contents

    1. How do you identify an antonym?
    2. How do you identify synonyms and antonyms?
    3. How do you recognize synonyms?
    4. What’s a word for being late?
    5. What is a positive way to say not on time?
    6. How long is a timely manner?
    7. What comes in a timely manner?
    8. Will you respond in a timely manner?
    9. What does timely manner mean legally?

    1 tardy; slow, dilatory; delayed, belated.

    How do you identify an antonym?

    An Antonym is the opposite of another word. For example, the Antonym of day is night. The best tip for learning correct Antonyms is developing an extensive vocabulary. Another method of identifying Antonyms is to eliminate the improbable options.

    How do you identify synonyms and antonyms?

    Synonyms are words that have the same, or almost the same, meaning as another word. Antonyms are words that have the opposite meaning of another word. Choosing the right synonym refines your writing.

    How do you recognize synonyms?


    1. admit.
    2. make.
    3. note.
    4. notice.
    5. observe.
    6. perceive.
    7. remember.
    8. see.

    What is another word for late?

    belated overdue
    tardy behind
    behindhand delayed
    unpunctual delinquent
    dilatory slow

    What is a positive way to say not on time?

    What is another word for not on time?

    behind time late
    belated delayed
    overdue tardy
    behind schedule behind target
    dilatory running late

    How long is a timely manner?

    thirty days

    What comes in a timely manner?

    timely Add to list Share. If something is finished quickly or on time, then it’s been done in a timely manner. Homework, thank-you notes, and your taxes are just a few things that you should complete in a timely manner.

    Will you respond in a timely manner?

    Timely is synonymous with appropriate, auspicious, being in service or useful, without delay, and convenient. Timely responding is really about being in service to others and encouraging positivity through respect.

    What does timely manner mean legally?

    Existing or taking place within the designated period; seasonable. A legal action is timely filed, for example, when it is brought within the time period set by the Statute of Limitations.

    The word punctual originates from the Latin word punctualis, which means “a point.” To be punctual, you have to arrive at the right point in time.


    • 1 What is another word for being on time?
    • 2 What do you call a person who is not late?
    • 3 What is another word for punctuality?
    • 4 What is the synonym of introvert?
    • 5 What is the synonym of nonchalantly?
    • 6 How do you describe someone who is always late?
    • 7 What’s a word for always being late?
    • 8 How do you describe a punctual person?
    • 9 What is the word for perfect timing?
    • 10 What is the definition of on time?
    • 11 What means well timed?
    • 12 What do you call someone who is antisocial?
    • 13 What do you call a person who stays to themselves?
    • 14 What’s another word for Groovy?
    • 15 What is the synonym of fluctuate?
    • 16 What does it mean to be unconcerned?
    • 17 What is the meaning of Challant?
    • 18 What is the synonymous of understanding?
    • 19 How do you say you are always on time?
    • 20 How do you comment on someone’s punctuality?

    What is another word for being on time?

    Find another word for punctual. In this page you can discover 35 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for punctual, like: on-time, prompt, timely, on-the-nose, particular, on-schedule, regular, dependable, reliable, punctilious and meticulous.

    What do you call a person who is not late?

    Try “punctual“. If you describe a person as “punctual”, it will be understood that the person does things on time.

    What is another word for punctuality?

    In this page you can discover 9 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for punctuality, like: time-keeping, tardiness, regularity, preparation, steadiness, promptness, readiness, timekeeping and on-time.

    What is the synonym of introvert?

    In this page you can discover 23 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for introvert, like: wallflower, self-observer, lone-wolf, loner, shy person, solitary, inward, extrovert, narcissist, uncommunicative and autist.

    What is the synonym of nonchalantly?

    Some common synonyms of nonchalant are collected, composed, cool, imperturbable, and unruffled. While all these words mean “free from agitation or excitement,” nonchalant stresses an easy coolness of manner or casualness that suggests indifference or unconcern.

    How do you describe someone who is always late?

    A person who is late; behind time is called tardy. The term suggests habitual lateness.Tardiness comes from the Latin word tardus, “slow, sluggish, dull, or stupid.”

    What’s a word for always being late?

    1 tardy; slow, dilatory; delayed, belated.

    How do you describe a punctual person?

    Punctuality is the characteristics of a person which does describe that person how he is punctual. Basically, punctuality is the habit of a person to do the task on right time or before time. The person who does his all work on time call punctual.punctual people never waste their time even a second or minute.

    What is the word for perfect timing?

    Synonyms for well-timed. opportune, seasonable, timely.

    What is the definition of on time?

    When you do something on time, you do it right when you should — you’re not too late.If you’re always on time, you’re punctual: you can be depended on to arrive when you say you will. If you pay your bills on time, you’ll never get a late notice or fee. People who are never on time, however, are always late.

    What means well timed?

    Definition of well-timed
    : happening at an opportune moment : timely a well-timed announcement.

    Antisocial personality disorder, sometimes called sociopathy, is a mental disorder in which a person consistently shows no regard for right and wrong and ignores the rights and feelings of others.

    What do you call a person who stays to themselves?

    Reserved (adjective, refers to someone who keeps to themself generally as a matter of personality. A reserved person may keep to themself simply because they see no reason not to.)

    What’s another word for Groovy?

    In this page you can discover 41 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for groovy, like: excellent, sensational, fantastical, out-of-this-world, glorious, wonderful, peachy, copacetic, swagger, bang-up and cool.

    What is the synonym of fluctuate?

    Some common synonyms of fluctuate are oscillate, sway, swing, undulate, vibrate, and waver. While all these words mean “to move from one direction to its opposite,” fluctuate suggests constant irregular changes of level, intensity, or value.

    What does it mean to be unconcerned?

    Definition of unconcerned
    1 : not anxious or upset : free of worry. 2 : not involved : not having any part or interest.

    What is the meaning of Challant?

    Filters. Not nonchalant ; careful , attentive , or concerned . adjective.

    What is the synonymous of understanding?

    The words appreciate and comprehend are common synonyms of understand. While all three words mean “to have a clear or complete idea of,” understand and comprehend are very often interchangeable, with understand sometimes stressing the fact of having attained a firm mental grasp of something.

    How do you say you are always on time?

    1. dependable.
    2. not delayed.
    3. not late.
    4. on schedule.
    5. prompt.
    6. punctual.
    7. punctually.
    8. reliable.

    Bill always ensures his employees adhere to their lunch schedules and breaks. Kevin meets all company standards for attendance and punctuality. Julia begins each day refreshed and ready for any challenges she will face. Greg’s attention to punctuality has paid off this year, he consistently arrives on time.

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