Word for always being alone


Definition — a person who leads a secluded or solitary life

Along with solitary, solitude, and solo, solitudinarian comes from the Latin word solus, meaning “alone.” Just because you’re person who leads a secluded or solitary life doesn’t mean that you can’t enjoy having a lengthy obscure word to describe yourself with.

The place was upon the whole comfortable, and might suit a solitudinarian who had humility enough to be reconciled to such a situation.
— John Robinson, Audley Fortescue; or the victims of frailty, 1796


Definition — loneliness

Desolation is another word that can be traced in part to the Latin solus (“alone”); it carries a number of other meanings in addition to “loneliness.” Desolation may refer to “grief,” “devastation,” “barren wasteland,” and “the action of desolating.”

The Seat of Desolation; That lonely, solitary Seat, destitute of any living Creature but our wretched selves.
— Patrick Hume, Annotations on Milton’s Paradise Lost, 1695


Definition — a person who lives in seclusion usually for religious reasons

Anchorite is roughly synonymous with both hermit and recluse. Both anchorite and hermit are often used in reference to those who seclude themselves for religious reasons. The word anchor has been around since Old English to refer to religious hermits; anchorite did not come into use until the 15th century. The word also has a feminine form; a woman who is an anchorite is an anchoress.

Have the Purity of Virgins, the Austerity of Anchorites, the Zeal of Pastors and Bishops, and the Constancy of Martyrs.
— Peter Abelard, Letters of Abelard and Heloise, 1769


Definition — somewhat introverted

Let it not be said that the English language lacks nuance, for we have a word not only for being somewhat introverted, but also one for being somewhat extroverted (extrovertish). We even have a word for the person who has the characteristics of both introvert and extrovert: the ambivert.

You have been reading in every book and magazine you pick up that you ought to go out and mingle more with people. If you don’t, warn the savants, you will become dour, introvertish, queer.
— Malvina Lindsay, The Washington Post, 26 Feb. 1940

MORE TO EXPLORE: 8 More Words for Introverts


Definition — rambling alone : marked by solitary wandering

Solivagant also functions as a noun, with the meaning of “a solitary wanderer.” The second portion of the word comes from the Latin vagus (“wandering”), a root it shares with noctivagant (“night-wandering”) and gyrovague (“a wandering and usually dissolute monk of the early church”).

For prohibition of marriage, and difference of meats are inseparable characters of Monasticall profession, and goe common to all that crew of hypocrites, whether solivagant Hermites, or Anchorites which live alone, or Coenobites which lived in society.
— Joseph Mede, The apostasy of the latter times, 1641


Definition — morbid fear of solitude

English is awash is words for various kinds of fears and loathings; we have melissophobia (“fear of bees”), ailurophobia (“abnormal fear or loathing of cats”), and deipnophobia (“fear of dinner parties”). The initial portion of autophobia comes from the Greek autos (“same,” “self”).

By the word agoraphobia, I suppose he means to indicate a fear while out in public places, or highways [agora phobia], but if we analyse the cases, we find that this is not exactly so—since this dread only comes over the person when he is there alone. It seems to me that the term isolophobia, eisophobia, or autophobia, would more correctly express it.
— John D. Jackson, The Clinic (Cincinnati, OH), 10 feb. 1872


Definition — characterized by ascetic solitude in mode of life 

Eremitic (which rhymes with paralytic and hermit share an etymology; both words may be traced to the Greek erēmitēs (“living in the desert”). In addition to the definition above, eremitic may also mean “of, relating to, or befitting a hermit.”)

He, therefore, from being a dissipated, rollicking blade, affected an eremitic life, and withdrew to his cave during the day; as Diogenes, after having been tried at the Old Bailey of Sinope, and transported for coining, betook himself to his tub.
Fraser’s magazine for town and country (London, Eng.), Jul. 1845


Definition — a member of any of various peoples (as in antiquity) who lived or were reputed to live chiefly in caves

In modern parlance troglodyte is most often found referring to a person who is characterized by reclusive habits or outmoded or reactionary attitudes, as one might expect from a person who had been in a cave. The earliest meaning of the word was one that referred to people who were thought to live in caves; troglodyte comes from the Greek trōglē, meaning “hole” or “cave.”

The others called Troglodites, have Caves and holes in the grounde, & have no other houses.
— Pliny the Elder (trans. by I. A.) A summarie of the antiquities, and wonders of the worlde, 1566

Everyone is different, and everyone enjoys spending their time in different ways. A person who loves to be alone won’t often enjoy going outside and going social things. This article will help you understand the best words to describe these types of people.

Best Words for a Person Who Likes to Be Alone

The preferred synonyms are “introvert,” “hermit,” and “loner.” These work really well to describe someone who likes to be alone. They can be positive or negative, depending on the context you want to use when you are writing about this person.


“Introvert” refers to a person who enjoys his own company. It works really well because it shows that someone is more than happy to spend time alone. They don’t need to go out to have fun. Instead, they will find their own fun while they’re on their own.

“Introvert” is the opposite of “extrovert.” Most people believe that those are the two main personalities someone might possess. “Introverts” love being alone and having fun by themselves. “Extroverts” like being around other people and having fun with them.

The definition of “introvert,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “someone who is shy, quiet, and prefers to spend time alone rather than often being with other people.”

  • As an introvert, I have a hard time making friends. Luckily, I enjoy being alone and spending time in my own company.
  • I am an introvert. There’s no other way to say it. I like to be alone, and I don’t feel like I need to go out and socialize like those around me.
  • You are such an introvert. There’s nothing wrong with that, but it does mean you’re going to have a difficult time making new friends.


“Hermit” is a great word you can use to refer to someone who likes being alone. It originated from religious reasons. People would often isolate themselves from other people due to their own beliefs.

Nowadays, “hermit” is much more general. It can be used to refer to someone who doesn’t like to be around others. If they would rather spend time on their own, then they are considered a “hermit.”

The definition of “hermit,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “a person who lives alone and apart from the rest of society, especially for religious reasons.”

  • I’m a hermit, and that’s how I like it. There’s no reason for me to be outside right now. Being alone is when I feel happiest.
  • I’m not a hermit by choice. I simply have to be alone when I don’t feel up to social situations. That tends to happen more often than not.
  • I appreciate that social gatherings are daunting. You’re a hermit, but that’s okay. You’re entitled to live life your own way.


“Loner” is a negative word you can use for this context. It refers to someone who is alone, often because they are not able to make connections or meet new people.

You shouldn’t use this word if you aren’t trying to offend someone. It can certainly make someone feel unwanted or unloved if you’re not careful with it.

The definition of “loner,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “a person who likes to do things on their own without other people.”

  • You’re a bit of a loner, Jack. I’m not sure why you never want to come out with us. It shows us that you prefer yourself to any of us.
  • I thought you were a loner. I’m glad that you finally decided to come out with us to see what all the fuss was about.
  • I wasn’t surprised when that message finally came through. She’s a loner, and that won’t change. I figured she was going to cancel on us.

Lone Wolf

“Lone wolf” is a great alternative you can use. It shows that someone doesn’t like to do things with other people. They will often feel much more comfortable when they are given the freedom to do things alone.

Most of the time, “lone wolves” believe that others slow them down. That’s why they prefer avoiding connections and being around people.

The definition of “lone wolf,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “a person who likes to do things on their own without other people.”

  • Oh, I get it. He’s a lone wolf. He likes his own company and doesn’t want to spend time with us because he thinks we slow him down.
  • You’re a bit of a lone wolf, and I respect that. You should try and come out a little more, though. You might surprise yourself.
  • I’m a lone wolf by choice. I prefer my own company, and I can have a lot of fun doing the things I enjoy rather than being with others.


“Recluse” is a fairly insulting alternative, but it works well. It is used to refer to someone who lives alone and avoids social gatherings. It is often used as a way to look down on those who might not be interested in hanging out.

The definition of “recluse,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “a person who lives alone and avoids going outside or talking to other people.”

  • They’re social recluses, so good luck getting them to come out. They prefer being alone most of the time. That’s all there is to it.
  • I’m a recluse because I like to be alone. I’m sorry if that makes me seem boring in your eyes. This is just who I am.
  • You’re not a recluse, buddy. You have the chance to come out and see the world finally! Please, jump at it and show us you care!


“Solitary” works really well when someone likes to be the only one in their life. They won’t build close connections with other people because they choose to be alone as often as they can be.

The definition of “solitary,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “being the only one, or not being with other similar things, often by choice.”

  • I am a solitary guy. If I’m presented with a night to myself or a night with other people, I will almost always choose myself.
  • You’re quite solitary. There’s nothing wrong with that, of course. I’m just making an observation about how you are.
  • She’s very solitary and prefers to be alone most of the time. I wish that she would come out to see us, but alas.


“Anchorite” is a similar word to “hermit.” It comes with religious connotations that someone has isolated themselves for religious beliefs. Unlike “hermit,” “anchorite” still keeps the religious connotations today.

Most native speakers don’t know much about this word. It’s considered quite archaic, so there won’t be many known uses.

The definition of “anchorite,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “someone who lives alone and away from other people for religious reasons.”

  • He’s an anchorite, which is why he doesn’t do much with us. He likes to be alone and says it’s a spiritual thing for him.
  • I’m an anchorite, and I’d rather not do those things with you. I live away from societies like this for a reason. Good bye.
  • You’re not as much of an anchorite as you seem to think you are. I know you get a little bit lonely during the night!


“Ascetic” is another religious synonym that you can use. It relates to someone who likes to avoid pleasure and live a simple life (meaning they won’t be around other people).

Again, the religious connotations behind this word are still prevalent. You will find that most people use this to refer to those are deliberately avoid seeking pleasure due to their own beliefs.

The definition of “ascetic,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “avoiding physical pleasures and living a simple life, often for religious reasons.”

  • Ascetic people will always claim that they prefer to be alone. I don’t know whether that’s true, but I have to believe that they’re wrong.
  • I don’t want to be ascetic. It’s not a fun way to live because I never get a chance to go out and explore new connections.
  • Are you ascetic? Why don’t you ever want to come out and do things with us? I swear that we’re a lot of fun! Just wait and see.


“Self-contained” is a good choice in many situations. It shows that someone doesn’t need other people to make themselves feel better. Instead, they’re more than happy to spend time on their own and enjoy their company.

They won’t rely on other people to make themselves feel better. “Self-contained” means they are “contained” in their own world, and that’s all they need.

The definition of “self-contained,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “does not have a large number of relationships with other people or does not depend on others for support.”

  • You’re self-contained, and I respect that. I respect that you’re trying to look after yourself and keep yourself entertained.
  • I’m self-contained and don’t want anyone else to rescue me. I can happily support myself, so I remain alone.
  • You’re the self-contained one here. You can look after yourself and don’t need others. I wish I could be strong like that.

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

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I’m tired of always being alone.

To sleep alone, to eat alone, always being alone.

Другие результаты

People are always complaining about being alone.

I always thought being alone was something a man had to put up with.

Have you always liked being alone?

I was always afraid of being alone.

Moreover, I always thought that being alone as a woman would make me a target for terrible things (thanks, mainstream media!).

Более того, я всегда думал, что быть одиноким как женщина сделает меня мишенью для ужасных вещей (спасибо, мейнстрим СМИ!).

I think I’ve always been afraid of being alone, and now I am.

Although isolation is an important risk factor, having company doesn’t always prevent loneliness — and being alone doesn’t always cause it.

Хотя сторонники изоляция является важным фактором риска, поскольку компания не всегда предотвращает одиночество — и одиночество не всегда вызывает ее.

Perhaps because of her own happiness with Carlisle, and the happiness she saw in her other adopted children with their loves, Esme was always worried about Edward being alone.

Обретя личное счастье с Карлайлом и глядя, как счастливы другие её приемные дети со своими половинками, Эсме всегда тревожилась, что Эдвард останется один.

The sociability is rather misleading and perhaps hides an isolated person who lives with the feeling of being always alone.

Эта общительность довольно обманчива: за ней, возможно, скрывается изолированный человек, живущий с постоянным чувством одиночества.

Ordinary mirrors are liable to be soiled by extraneous dirt whereas consciousness has nothing foreign to it, being always alone and undivided; and therefore its reflections are unique.

Обычные зеркала подвержены загрязнению посторонней грязью, в то время как для сознания нет ничего чужеродного, поскольку оно всегда единое и неразделённое; поэтому его отражения — единственные в своём роде.

Being alone was never his thing, so he always had to gather an audience around him.

Работать одному ему было не комфортно, поэтому он всегда собирал вокруг себя последователей.

I was always sad and sorry about her being alone.

Мне всегда было так грустно и жаль, что она одна.

Being alone, always feeling empty inside, No one to understand.

Right, you used to always panic whenever I would talk about being alone.

Being alone is almost always completely your own fault.

Практически всегда в первую очередь во всем виноват ты сам.

Admittedly, loneliness can be painful, but being alone is not always a bad thing.

Хотя одиночество может быть мучительным, но быть одному не всегда является чем-то плохим.

As for being alone, I think I’ve always felt a little bit aloof as the character throughout the whole series.

Что касается одиночества, я всегда чувствовал себя немного отчужденным как персонаж, на протяжении всей серии.

It’s the feeling of never being alone, of always having somebody to talk to you.

Это помогает не чувствовать себя одиноким и всегда иметь возможность с кем-то поговорить.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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A collection of inspirational quotes to help you fight the feeling of loneliness.

Among the many problems nuclear society faces, loneliness if said to be the most common one. The idea of being alone, however, has various stages. One can either choose to be alone or they feel alone within company. Spending time with yourself and your thoughts, essentially, is best when done alone. You can think and ponder about your true self and introspect. On the other hand, it is equally difficult to survive without company as we are social beings. Being alone is on a spectrum. If you find happiness within it, you enjoy solitude. If being alone makes you sad, you simply crave company and shun loneliness. This is entirely dependent on the individual. What’s important is that you recognize your feelings and act on it. Spending some time alone isn’t harmful, and neither is seeking others’ company. We have a list of thought about this topic. You can go through them here and expand your understanding.

I would rather walk with a friend in the dark, than alone in the light.

I would rather walk with a friend in the dark, than alone in the light.


It's far better to be unhappy alone than unhappy with someone — so far.

It’s far better to be unhappy alone than unhappy with someone — so far.

Marilyn Monroe  

Two people in love, alone, isolated from the world, that's beautiful.

Two people in love, alone, isolated from the world, that’s beautiful.

Milan Kundera  

But luxury has never appealed to me, I like simple things, books, being alone, or with somebody who understands.

But luxury has never appealed to me, I like simple things, books, being alone, or with somebody who understands.

Daphne du Maurier  

We're all going to die, all of us, what a circus! That alone should make us love each other but it doesn't. We are terrorized and flattened by trivialities, we are eaten up by nothing.

We’re all going to die, all of us, what a circus! That alone should make us love each other but it doesn’t. We are terrorized and flattened by trivialities, we are eaten up by nothing.

Charles Bukowski  

Nobody likes being alone that much. I don't go out of my way to make friends, that's all. It just leads to disappointment.

Nobody likes being alone that much. I don’t go out of my way to make friends, that’s all. It just leads to disappointment.

Haruki Murakami  

It's often just enough to be with someone. I don't need to touch them. Not even talk. A feeling passes between you both. You're not alone.

It’s often just enough to be with someone. I don’t need to touch them. Not even talk. A feeling passes between you both. You’re not alone.

Marilyn Monroe  

A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality.

A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality.

John Lennon  

Real loneliness is not necessarily limited to when you are alone.

Real loneliness is not necessarily limited to when you are alone.

Charles Bukowski  

All alone! Whether you like it or not, alone is something you'll be quite a lot!

All alone! Whether you like it or not, alone is something you’ll be quite a lot!

Dr. Seuss  

Being alone never felt right. sometimes it felt good, but it never felt right.

Being alone never felt right. sometimes it felt good, but it never felt right.

Charles Bukowski  

No one can construct for you the bridge upon which precisely you must cross the stream of life, no one but you yourself alone.

No one can construct for you the bridge upon which precisely you must cross the stream of life, no one but you yourself alone.

Friedrich Nietzsche  

Some walks you have to take alone.

If you're lonely when you're alone, you're in bad company.

From childhood's hour I have not been. As others were, I have not seen. As others saw, I could not awaken. My heart to joy at the same tone. And all I loved, I loved alone.

From childhood’s hour I have not been. As others were, I have not seen. As others saw, I could not awaken. My heart to joy at the same tone. And all I loved, I loved alone.

Edgar Allan Poe  

I restore myself when I'm alone.

You alone are enough. You have nothing to prove to anybody.

You alone are enough. You have nothing to prove to anybody.

Maya Angelou  

Laugh and the world laughs with you, snore and you sleep alone.

Laugh and the world laughs with you, snore and you sleep alone.

Anthony Burgess  

Sometimes when I'm alone, I take the pearl from where it lives in my pocket and try to remember the boy with the bread, the strong arms that warded off nightmares on the train, the kisses in the arena.

Sometimes when I’m alone, I take the pearl from where it lives in my pocket and try to remember the boy with the bread, the strong arms that warded off nightmares on the train, the kisses in the arena.

Suzanne Collins  

I think it's good for a person to spend time alone. It gives them an opportunity to discover who they are and to figure out why they are always alone.

I think it’s good for a person to spend time alone. It gives them an opportunity to discover who they are and to figure out why they are always alone.

Amy Sedaris  

Alone. Yes, that's the key word, the most awful word in the English tongue. Murder doesn't hold a candle to it and hell is only a poor synonym.

Alone. Yes, that’s the key word, the most awful word in the English tongue. Murder doesn’t hold a candle to it and hell is only a poor synonym.

Stephen King  

I don't want to be alone, I want to be left alone.

The secularists in Turkey haven't underestimated religion, they just made the mistake of believing they could control it with the power of the army alone.

The secularists in Turkey haven’t underestimated religion, they just made the mistake of believing they could control it with the power of the army alone.

Orhan Pamuk  

We need not to be let alone. We need to be really bothered once in a while. How long is it since you were really bothered? About something important, about something real?

We need not to be let alone. We need to be really bothered once in a while. How long is it since you were really bothered? About something important, about something real?

Ray Bradbury  

You can get help from teachers, but you are going to have to learn a lot by yourself, sitting alone in a room.

You can get help from teachers, but you are going to have to learn a lot by yourself, sitting alone in a room.

Dr. Seuss  

I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.

I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.

Mother Teresa  

The woman who follows the crowd will usually go no further than the crowd. The woman who walks alone is likely to find herself in places no one has ever been before.

The woman who follows the crowd will usually go no further than the crowd. The woman who walks alone is likely to find herself in places no one has ever been before.

Albert Einstein  

Music touches us emotionally, where words alone can't.

Music touches us emotionally, where words alone can’t.

Johnny Depp  

Lovers alone wear sunlight.

I'm very shy really. I spend a lot of time in my room alone reading or writing or watching television.

I’m very shy really. I spend a lot of time in my room alone reading or writing or watching television.

Johnny Cash  

Certain things, they should stay the way they are. You ought to be able to stick them in one of those big glass cases and just leave them alone.

Certain things, they should stay the way they are. You ought to be able to stick them in one of those big glass cases and just leave them alone.

J. D. Salinger  

I want to be with those who know secret things or else alone.

Many people need desperately to receive this message: 'I feel and think much as you do, care about many of the things you care about, although most people do not care about them. You are not alone.

Many people need desperately to receive this message: ‘I feel and think much as you do, care about many of the things you care about, although most people do not care about them. You are not alone.

Kurt Vonnegut  

Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much

Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much

Helen Keller  

In this world, there are things you can only do alone, and things you can only do with somebody else. It's important to combine the two in just the right amount.

In this world, there are things you can only do alone, and things you can only do with somebody else. It’s important to combine the two in just the right amount.

Haruki Murakami  

Deep in earth my love is lying
And I must weep alone.

If I am a legend, then why am I so lonely?

Love would never leave us alone

Orlando naturally loved solitary places, vast views, and to feel himself for ever and ever and ever alone.

Orlando naturally loved solitary places, vast views, and to feel himself for ever and ever and ever alone.

Virginia Woolf  

A man can be himself only so long as he is alone; and if he does not love solitude, he will not love freedom; for it is only when he is alone that he is really free.

A man can be himself only so long as he is alone; and if he does not love solitude, he will not love freedom; for it is only when he is alone that he is really free.

Arthur Schopenhauer  

All of humanity's problems stem from man's inability to sit quietly in a room alone.

All of humanity’s problems stem from man’s inability to sit quietly in a room alone.

Blaise Pascal  

Either give me more wine or leave me alone.

Either give me more wine or leave me alone.


If it’s true that our species is alone in the universe, then I’d have to say the universe aimed rather low and settled for very little.

If it’s true that our species is alone in the universe, then I’d have to say the universe aimed rather low and settled for very little.

George Carlin  

Two people can sleep in the same bed and still be alone when they close their eyes

Two people can sleep in the same bed and still be alone when they close their eyes

Haruki Murakami  

It is better to be alone than in bad company.

Love is our true destiny. We do not find the meaning of life by ourselves alone - we find it with another.

Love is our true destiny. We do not find the meaning of life by ourselves alone — we find it with another.

Thomas Merton  

And all I loved, I loved alone.

If anyone tells you that a certain person speaks ill of you, do not make excuses about what is said of you but answer,

If anyone tells you that a certain person speaks ill of you, do not make excuses about what is said of you but answer, «He was ignorant of my other faults, else he would not have mentioned these alone.


May came home with a smooth round stone
as small as a world and as large as alone.

May came home with a smooth round stone
as small as a world and as large as alone.

E. E. Cummings  

Neither woman nor man lives by work, or love, alone ... The human self defines itself and grows through love and work: All psychology before and after Freud boils down to that.

Neither woman nor man lives by work, or love, alone … The human self defines itself and grows through love and work: All psychology before and after Freud boils down to that.

Betty Friedan  

Do not wait for leaders; do it alone, person to person.

Do not wait for leaders; do it alone, person to person.

Mother Teresa  

I'm so secluded. Very alone.

I have never been able to grasp the meaning of time. I don't believe it exists. I've felt this again and again, when alone and out in nature. On such occasions, time does not exist. Nor does the future exist.

I have never been able to grasp the meaning of time. I don’t believe it exists. I’ve felt this again and again, when alone and out in nature. On such occasions, time does not exist. Nor does the future exist.

Thor Heyerdahl  

It is not for me to judge another man's life. I must judge, I must choose, I must spurn, purely for myself. For myself, alone.

It is not for me to judge another man’s life. I must judge, I must choose, I must spurn, purely for myself. For myself, alone.

Hermann Hesse  

Social media has taken over in America to such an extreme that to get my own kids to look back a week in their history is a miracle, let alone 100 years.

Social media has taken over in America to such an extreme that to get my own kids to look back a week in their history is a miracle, let alone 100 years.

Steven Spielberg  

Perhaps I know best why it is man alone who laughs; he alone suffers so deeply that he had to invent laughter.

Perhaps I know best why it is man alone who laughs; he alone suffers so deeply that he had to invent laughter.

Friedrich Nietzsche  

We are saved by faith alone, but the faith that saves is never alone.

We are saved by faith alone, but the faith that saves is never alone.

Martin Luther  

I had — after I sang the ‘Star Spangled Banner’ so badly, after my tragic singing accident, after that, you know, all my stuff kind of, like, really got even more full blown and, you know, I got stage fright and, you know, I couldn’t do stand-up anymore and let alone sing and all the other things.

Roseanne Barr  

I realize full well how hard it must be to go on living alone in a place from which someone has left you, but there is nothing so cruel in this world as the desolation of having nothing to hope for.

I realize full well how hard it must be to go on living alone in a place from which someone has left you, but there is nothing so cruel in this world as the desolation of having nothing to hope for.

Haruki Murakami  

What is hell? Hell is oneself. 
Hell is alone, the other figures in it 
Merely projections. There is nothing to escape from 
And nothing to escape to. One is always alone.

What is hell? Hell is oneself.
Hell is alone, the other figures in it
Merely projections. There is nothing to escape from
And nothing to escape to. One is always alone.

T S Eliot  

If the First Amendment means anything, it means that a state has no business telling a man, sitting alone in his house, what books he may read or what films he may watch.

If the First Amendment means anything, it means that a state has no business telling a man, sitting alone in his house, what books he may read or what films he may watch.

Thurgood Marshall  

I think I should be here alone to rethink the world - I do. I want these lesser humans gone.

I think I should be here alone to rethink the world — I do. I want these lesser humans gone.

Roseanne Barr  

Pointing to another world will never stop vice among us; shedding light over this world can alone help us.

Pointing to another world will never stop vice among us; shedding light over this world can alone help us.

Walt Whitman  

I used to think the worst thing in life is to end up all alone. It's not. The worst thing in life is to end up with people who make you feel all alone.

I used to think the worst thing in life is to end up all alone. It’s not. The worst thing in life is to end up with people who make you feel all alone.

Robin Williams  

The belief in a supernatural source of evil is not necessary; men alone are quite capable of every wickedness.

The belief in a supernatural source of evil is not necessary; men alone are quite capable of every wickedness.

Joseph Conrad  

I have not lived as a woman. I have lived as a man. I've just done what I damn well wanted to, and I've made enough money to support myself, and ain't afraid of being alone.

I have not lived as a woman. I have lived as a man. I’ve just done what I damn well wanted to, and I’ve made enough money to support myself, and ain’t afraid of being alone.

Katharine Hepburn  

I am alone here in my own mind. 
There is no map 
and there is no road. 
It is one of a kind 
just as yours is.

I am alone here in my own mind.
There is no map
and there is no road.
It is one of a kind
just as yours is.

Anne Sexton  

I am ready for whatever's coming. I expect nothing but to be let down or turned away. I am alone. Goddamn. The shit hurts sometimes, but I realize what I am, what I have become.

I am ready for whatever’s coming. I expect nothing but to be let down or turned away. I am alone. Goddamn. The shit hurts sometimes, but I realize what I am, what I have become.

Henry Rollins  

I wasn't a misanthrope and I wasn't a misogynist but I liked being alone. It felt good to sit alone in a small space and smoke and drink. I had always been good company for myself.

I wasn’t a misanthrope and I wasn’t a misogynist but I liked being alone. It felt good to sit alone in a small space and smoke and drink. I had always been good company for myself.

Charles Bukowski  

I think sometimes if you are alone, you are freer because your time is your own.

I think sometimes if you are alone, you are freer because your time is your own.

Aung San Suu Kyi  

If you smile when you are alone, then you really mean it.

If you smile when you are alone, then you really mean it.

Andy Rooney  

A man is rich in proportion to the number of things which he can afford to let alone.

A man is rich in proportion to the number of things which he can afford to let alone.

Henry David Thoreau  

When so many are lonely as seem to be lonely, it would be inexcusably selfish to be lonely alone.

When so many are lonely as seem to be lonely, it would be inexcusably selfish to be lonely alone.

Tennessee Williams  

You are never so alone as when you are ill on stage. The most nightmarish feeling in the world is suddenly to feel like throwing up in front of four thousand people.

You are never so alone as when you are ill on stage. The most nightmarish feeling in the world is suddenly to feel like throwing up in front of four thousand people.

Judy Garland  

I didn't have any friends at school, didn't want any. I felt better being alone. I sat on a bench and watched the others play and they looked foolish to me.

I didn’t have any friends at school, didn’t want any. I felt better being alone. I sat on a bench and watched the others play and they looked foolish to me.

Charles Bukowski  

Be alone, that is the secret of invention; be alone, that is when ideas are born.

Be alone, that is the secret of invention; be alone, that is when ideas are born.

Nikola Tesla  

He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future.

Tell your friend that in his death, a part of you dies and goes with him. Wherever he goes, you also go. He will not be alone.

Tell your friend that in his death, a part of you dies and goes with him. Wherever he goes, you also go. He will not be alone.

Jiddu Krishnamurti  

I paint myself because I am so often alone and because I am the subject I know best.

I paint myself because I am so often alone and because I am the subject I know best.

Frida Kahlo  

In every generation there is a chosen one. She alone will stand against the vampires the demons and the forces of darkness. She is the slayer.

In every generation there is a chosen one. She alone will stand against the vampires the demons and the forces of darkness. She is the slayer.

Joss Whedon  

Many people suffer from the fear of finding oneself alone, and so they don't find themselves at all.

Many people suffer from the fear of finding oneself alone, and so they don’t find themselves at all.

Rollo May  

I am nothing. I’m like someone who’s been thrown into the ocean at night, floating all alone. I reach out, but no one is there. I call out, but no one answers. I have no connection to anything.

I am nothing. I’m like someone who’s been thrown into the ocean at night, floating all alone. I reach out, but no one is there. I call out, but no one answers. I have no connection to anything.

Haruki Murakami  

One arrow alone can be easily broken but many arrows are indestructible.

One arrow alone can be easily broken but many arrows are indestructible.

Genghis Khan  

One person alone can't do anything as important as bringing genuine democracy to a country.

One person alone can’t do anything as important as bringing genuine democracy to a country.

Aung San Suu Kyi  

To be left alone is the most precious thing one can ask of the modern world.

To be left alone is the most precious thing one can ask of the modern world.

Anthony Burgess  

Chance and chance alone has a message for us. Everything that occurs out of necessity, everything expected, repeated day in and day out, is mute. Only chance can speak to us.

Chance and chance alone has a message for us. Everything that occurs out of necessity, everything expected, repeated day in and day out, is mute. Only chance can speak to us.

Milan Kundera  

Write only if you cannot live without writing. Write only what you alone can write.

Write only if you cannot live without writing. Write only what you alone can write.

Elie Wiesel  

I am not afraid to keep on living. I am not afraid to walk this world alone. Honey if you stay you'll be forgiven, nothing you can say will set me going home.

I am not afraid to keep on living. I am not afraid to walk this world alone. Honey if you stay you’ll be forgiven, nothing you can say will set me going home.

Gerard Way  

If a woman sleeps alone it puts a shame on all men. God has a very big heart, but there is one sin He will not forgive. If a woman calls a man to her bed and he will not go.

If a woman sleeps alone it puts a shame on all men. God has a very big heart, but there is one sin He will not forgive. If a woman calls a man to her bed and he will not go.

Nikos Kazantzakis  

I've never done anything but dream. This, and this alone, has been the meaning of my life. My only real concern has been my inner life.

I’ve never done anything but dream. This, and this alone, has been the meaning of my life. My only real concern has been my inner life.

Fernando Pessoa  

Social democracy seeks and finds the ways, and particular slogans, of the workers' struggle only in the course of the development of this struggle, and gains directions for the way forward through this struggle alone.

Social democracy seeks and finds the ways, and particular slogans, of the workers’ struggle only in the course of the development of this struggle, and gains directions for the way forward through this struggle alone.

Rosa Luxemburg  

I fear feeling my heart break a second time, because I'm not sure I could survive it. I'd rather live alone than risk the pain.

I fear feeling my heart break a second time, because I’m not sure I could survive it. I’d rather live alone than risk the pain.

Nora Roberts  

It was as if when I looked into his eyes I was standing alone on the edge of the world...on a windswept ocean beach. There was nothing but the soft roar of the waves.

It was as if when I looked into his eyes I was standing alone on the edge of the world…on a windswept ocean beach. There was nothing but the soft roar of the waves.

Anne Rice  

Everything is relative in this world, where change alone endures.

Everything is relative in this world, where change alone endures.

Leon Trotsky  

The only way we will survive is by being kind. The only way we can get by in this world is through the help we receive from others. No one can do it alone, no matter how great the machines are.

The only way we will survive is by being kind. The only way we can get by in this world is through the help we receive from others. No one can do it alone, no matter how great the machines are.

Amy Poehler  

In order to be open to creativity, one must have the capacity for constructive use of solitude. One must overcome the fear of being alone.

In order to be open to creativity, one must have the capacity for constructive use of solitude. One must overcome the fear of being alone.

Rollo May  

You see, the point is that the strongest man in the world is he who stands most alone.

You see, the point is that the strongest man in the world is he who stands most alone.

Henrik Ibsen  

Thank goodness for all the things you are not, thank goodness you're not something someone forgot, and left all alone in some punkerish place, like a rusty tin coat hanger hanging in space.

Thank goodness for all the things you are not, thank goodness you’re not something someone forgot, and left all alone in some punkerish place, like a rusty tin coat hanger hanging in space.

Dr. Seuss  

The difference between sex and death is that with death you can do it alone and no one is going to make fun of you.

The difference between sex and death is that with death you can do it alone and no one is going to make fun of you.

Woody Allen  

Solitude is the profoundest fact of the human condition. Man is the only being who knows he is alone.

Solitude is the profoundest fact of the human condition. Man is the only being who knows he is alone.

Octavio Paz  

My mind is a neighborhood I try not to go into alone.

My mind is a neighborhood I try not to go into alone.

Anne Lamott  

Solitude is indeed dangerous for a working intelligence. We need to have around us people who think and speak. When we are alone for a long time we people the void with phantoms

Solitude is indeed dangerous for a working intelligence. We need to have around us people who think and speak. When we are alone for a long time we people the void with phantoms

Guy de Maupassant  

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This collection of “being alone quotes” will help you overcome the feeling of loneliness so you can get the most out of life.

In today’s constantly connected world, spending time alone can actually be good for your health and well-being.

Being alone provides a chance for your brain to rest and replenish itself.

Tell us which being alone quote resonated most with you in the comment section below.

You may also enjoy our article on:

  • Be Yourself Quotes Sayings
  • Being Alone Is Key To Self Improvement
  • Know Your Worth Quotes

According to a study published in the Journal of Social Psychology, people who spend more time alone are more creative and introspective.

The study found that individuals who spent more time alone tended to engage in more daydreaming, which can lead to greater creativity and self-reflection.

What are the benefits of reading these being alone quotes?

Inserting a little solitude into your overfilled schedule will improve your concentration and help you get more work done in a shorter amount of time.

Spending time alone:

  • builds your mental strength
  • helps you develop more compassion
  • improves your creativity

Besides, being alone affords you time to think deeply, discover yourself, and find your voice.

This will help you become more comfortable in your skin.

Although we are wired for connection, spending some quiet time alone will allow you to plan how to get the most out of life.

You should never feel guilty about finding a little time for yourself.

Let this collection of being alone quotes inspire you to live your best life.

To help you embrace solitude and conquer the feeling of loneliness, below is our collection of inspirational, wise, and uplifting quotes, being alone sayings, and being alone proverbs collected from various sources over the years.

Also, check out our selection of quotes on loneliness that will help you invite happiness back in.

Check out our most popular quote article, a list of short inspirational quotes for daily inspiration.

Check out our inspirational quotes category page for more inspirational life quotes.

Being alone quotes to conquer feeling lonely

A report by the Mental Health Foundation showed that spending time in nature alone can improve mood and reduce stress.

The report found that spending time in nature can reduce levels of the stress hormone cortisol, lower blood pressure, and improve overall well-being.

1. ”Associate yourself with people of good quality, for it is better to be alone than in bad company.” – Booker T. Washington

Being Alone Quotes About Company

You will also enjoy our article on be yourself quotes.

2. ”Without great solitude no serious work is possible.” – Pablo Picasso

Being alone quotes to conquer feeling lonely

You will also enjoy our article on being single quotes.

3. ”No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path.”  – Gautama Buddha

Being Alone Quotes About Being Saved

You will also enjoy our article on home alone quotes.

4. ”I used to think that the worst thing in life was to end up all alone. It’s not. The worst thing in life is ending up with people who make you feel all alone.” – Robin Williams

Being Alone Quotes About People

You will also enjoy our article on how to be alone.

5. ”Until you get comfortable with being alone, you’ll never know if you’re choosing someone out of love or loneliness.” – Mandy Hale

Being Alone Quotes About Being Comfortable

You will also enjoy our article on quotes tough times.

6. ”In order to be open to creativity, one must have the capacity for constructive use of solitude. One must overcome the fear of being alone.” – Rollo May

You will also enjoy our article on being alone quotes.

7. “Being alone and actually sitting with our own thoughts can lead to such growth and realizations that are rare in our everyday busy lives.” – Kourtney Kardashian

Being Alone Quotes About Thoughts

8. “I’m fascinated with myself and love hearing the sound of my own voice. I’d like to hear what I have to say. A lot of people don’t like being alone because they truly don’t like themselves, but I love me.” – Gene Simmons

Being Alone Quotes About Loving Yourself

9. “The thought of being on my own really terrified me. But then I realized being alone is really a cleansing thing.” –  Lindsey Buckingham

Being Alone Quotes About Being Terrified

10. “Loneliness adds beauty to life. It puts a special burn on sunsets and makes night air smell better.” – Henry Rollins

Being Alone Quotes About Loneliness

Being alone quotes to help you get the best our of life

A survey by Healthline found that spending time alone can improve mental health and reduce anxiety.

The survey found that individuals who spent time alone reported greater self-awareness, increased creativity, and decreased levels of stress and anxiety.

11. ”If you want to be happy, learn to be alone without being lonely. Learn that being alone does not mean being unhappy. The world is full of plenty of interesting and enjoyable things to do and people who can enrich your life.” – Michael Josephson

Being Alone Quotes About Happiness

12. ”We need quiet time to examine our lives openly and honestly – spending quiet time alone gives your mind an opportunity to renew itself and create order.”  – Susan L. Taylor

Being Alone Quotes About Time

13. ”Nothing else so destroys the power to stand alone as the habit of leaning upon others. If you lean, you will never be strong or original. Stand alone or bury your ambition to be somebody in the world.” – Orison Swett Marden

Being Alone Quotes About Strenght

14. “Sometimes, you need to be alone. Not to be lonely, but to enjoy your free time being yourself.” – Unknown

Being Alone Quotes About Free Time

15. “You cannot be lonely if you like the person you’re alone with.” – Wayne Dyer

Being alone quotes to help you get the best our of life

16. ”If you wanted to do something absolutely honest, something true, it always turned out to be a thing that had to be done alone.”  – Richard Yates

Being Alone Quotes About Honesty

17. ”Sometimes you need to take a break from everyone and spend time alone, to experience, appreciate and love yourself.”  – Robert Tew

Smart Being Alone Quotes

18. ”When you learn how to be alone you’ll discover the difference between alone and lonely.”  – LJ Vanier

Smart Being Alone Quotes

19. ”Truth is, I’m generally happiest when it’s just me. It’s okay to be madly in love with yourself.” – Richelle E. Goodrich

Being Alone Quotes About Love

20. ”One of the greatest regrets in life is being what others would want you to be, rather than being yourself.” – Shannon L. Alder

Being Alone Quotes About Regrets

Don’t forget to also check out our list of introvert quotes about contentment and solitude.

Being alone quotes to inspire self-love

According to a recent study by the American Psychological Association, 61% of young adults (aged 18-25) report feeling lonely, which is higher than any other age group.

This statistic shows that feeling lonely is a common experience, particularly among young adults.

21. ”People who do a job that claims to be creative have to be alone to recharge their batteries. You can’t live 24 hours a day in the spotlight and remain creative. For people like me, solitude is a victory.”  – Karl Lagerfeld

Being Alone Quotes About Solitude

If you’re enjoying these quotes, make sure to read our collection of Karl Lagerfeld quotes that will make you see the art in life.

22. ”To be of good quality, you have to excuse yourself from the presence of shallow and callow minded individuals.”  – Michael Bassey Johnson

Being Alone Quotes About Quality

23. ”You are never alone. You are eternally connected with everyone.”  – Amit Ray

Being Alone Quotes About Being Connected

24. ”If you are never alone, you cannot know yourself.”  – Paulo Coelho

Being alone quotes to inspire self love

25. “A season of loneliness and isolation is when the caterpillar gets its wings. Remember that next time you feel alone.”  – Mandy Hale

Being Alone Quotes About Isolation

26. “Sometimes you need to sit lonely on the floor in a quiet room in order to hear your own voice and not let it drown in the noise of others.”  – Charlotte Eriksson

27. ”Do not whine… Do not complain. Work harder. Spend more time alone.”  – Joan Didion

28. ”I was lonely. I felt it deeply and permanently, that this state of being on my own might never disappear. But I welcomed the loneliness, which had everything to do with being anonymous. It’s never loneliness that nibbles away at a person’s insides, but not having room inside themselves to be comfortably alone.”  – Rachel Sontag

29. ”Never give importance to anyone more than yourself, because once that person becomes important, you become nothing….” – Viren

30. ”There are some places in life where you can only go alone. Embrace the beauty of your solo journey.”  – Mandy Hale

Have you seen these powerful silence quotes on the importance of reflection?

Being alone quotes to help you live your best life

Research by Brigham Young University found that loneliness and social isolation are just as damaging to health as smoking 15 cigarettes a day, and even more harmful than being obese or physically inactive.

This statistic emphasizes the importance of addressing loneliness as a serious health issue.

31. ”Loneliness is the human condition. Cultivate it. The way it tunnels into you allows your soul room to grow. Never expect to outgrow loneliness. Never hope to find people who will understand you, someone to fill that space. If you expect to find people who will understand you, you will grow murderous with disappointment.”  – Janet Fitch

32. ”We need solitude, because when we’re alone, we’re free from obligations, we don’t need to put on a show, and we can hear our own thoughts.” – Tamim Ansary

33. “As regards intellectual work it remains a fact, indeed, that great decisions in the realm of thought and momentous discoveries and solutions of problems are only possible to an individual, working in solitude.”  – Sigmund Freud

34. ”The thing about living alone is that it gives you a lot of time to think. You don’t necessarily reach any conclusions, because wisdom is largely a function of intelligence and self-awareness, not time on your hands. But you do become very good at thinking yourself into endless loops of desperation in half the time it would take a normal person.”  – Jonathan Tropper

If you’re enjoying this article, be sure to check out our collection of lonely quotes that prove it’s okay to be alone.

35. ”You’re not alone, there is more to this I know. You can make it out, you will live to tell.”  – Saosin

Being alone quotes to help you live your best life

36. ”I’ve always believed that the only defeats and victories that matter in life are those you lose or win alone, against yourself.”  – Mihail Sebastian

37. ”Solitude is the soil in which genius is planted, creativity grows, and legends bloom; faith in oneself is the rain that cultivates a hero to endure the storm, and bare the genesis of a new world, a new forest.”  – Mike Norton

38. “Many people seek fellowship because they are afraid to be alone…let him who cannot be alone beware of community. He will do harm to himself and to the community. Alone you stood before God when he called you; alone you had to answer that call; alone you had to struggle and pray; and alone you will die and give an account to God. You cannot escape yourself, for God has singled you out.”  – Dietrich Bonhoeffer

39. ”You have to go ahead, even if no one goes with you.”  – Lailah Gifty Akita

40. ”Never make the mistake of thinking you are alone — or inconsequential. Ignorance is voluntary and confusion is temporary. You see the world as-is, which is more than can be said for the vast populace.”  – Rebecca McKinsey

You might also like these calming solitude quotes to bring you peace.

Being alone quotes to help you be your absolute happiest

A study by the University of California, San Francisco found that loneliness can lead to an increased risk of developing dementia in older adults.

This statistic highlights the potential long-term consequences of loneliness and the need to prioritize social connections in older age.

41. ”Everything that is tearing us down today will become a memory, and this memory will be shared as an anecdote or a story or a poem or a play or a warning. It will be shared with another human being, who will then understand that he is not alone in his sadness. This is why we show up for others and tell our tales and listen to others. The great congregation meets daily, and you are someone’s angel today.” – Tennessee Williams

42. ”Being alone doesn’t necessarily mean loneliness. people are great! but being alone is wonderful. I prefer the silence of alone. and the sounds of nature.” – Jayson Zabate

43. ”There is something immaculate about loneliness which only lonely people can understand” – Munia Khan

44. ”I made my way here alone for a long while. It took some time to find my place. It took more time to become somebody worth protecting.” – Melissa Albert

45. ”There are two kinds of luxuries; being alone and being with someone who understands.”- Nitya Prakash

46. ”Like it or not, there are times when you need to be alone; times when you need to be lonely; times when you need to need other people.”  – Alan Bradley

47. ”If you are ever sad and think that life is hard, remember that you are not alone…” – Abbas Kazerooni

48. ”It is never too late to make a change and taking some much needed alone time for yourself to reflect is not selfish.”  – Nyki Mack

49. ”If you make friends with yourself, you’ll never be alone.”  – Maxwell Maltz

Being alone quotes to help you be your absolute happiest

50. ”Learn to be alone and to like it. There is nothing more freeing and empowering than learning to like your own company.”  – Unknown

Being alone quotes to help you find yourself

A study published in the journal Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin found that spending time alone can enhance creativity, as it allows for more introspection and self-reflection.

This statistic can be used to highlight the potential benefits of being alone and how it can lead to personal growth and development.

51. “You’ve got to find yourself first. Everything else will follow.” – Charles de Lint

52. “I always joke about being alone forever but really do believe there isn’t someone out there for me.” – Unknown

53. “Should we say the self, once perceived, becomes the soul?” – Theodore Roethke

54. “Those who love and free nature are never alone.” – Rachel Carson

55. “Be who you are, and find yourself so you can be your own person and enjoy life with no regret.” – Bonnie Zackson Koury

56. “Most women would not be happy being me. People say, “But you’re alone.” But I don’t feel alone. I feel very un-alone.” – Stevie Nicks

57. “You cannot dream yourself into a character; you must hammer and forge yourself one.” – James A. Froude

58. “We’re born alone, we live alone, we die alone. Only through our love and friendship can we create the illusion for the moment that we’re not alone.” – Orson Welles

59. “I wasn’t searching for something or someone….I was searching for me.” – Carrie Bradshaw

60. “We born alone, we all die alone.” – Dalin Shu

Check out our collection of alone quotes if you enjoy this article.

The power of being alone quotes

According to a survey by YouGov, 69% of Americans report feeling overwhelmed by the amount of news they see or hear, which can contribute to feelings of anxiety and stress.

This statistic can be used to demonstrate the potential negative effects of constant stimulation and the importance of taking breaks and spending time alone to recharge.

61. “Solitude is independence.” — Hermann Hesse

62. “Solitude vivifies; isolation kills.” — Joseph Roux

63. “I restore myself when I’m alone.” — Marilyn Monroe

64. “You only grow when you are alone.” — Paul Newman

65. “Let your mind alone, and see what happens.” —  Virgil Thomson

66. “To live alone is the fate of all great souls.” — Arthur Schopenhauer

67. “It is far better to be alone, than to be in bad company.” — George Washington

68. “Loneliness is the poverty of self; solitude is the richness of self.” — May Sarton

69. “The strongest man in the world is he who stands most alone.” — Henrik Ibsen

70. “The time you feel lonely is the time you most need to be by yourself.” — Douglas Coupland

Being alone quotes for times of solitude

A study by the University of Michigan found that people who feel comfortable being alone tend to have stronger relationships and more satisfying social lives.

This statistic can be used to showcase the benefits of being comfortable with solitude and how it can actually enhance one’s social connections.

71. “I live in that solitude which is painful in youth, but delicious in the years of maturity.” –Albert Einstein

72. “In solitude the mind gains strength and learns to lean upon itself.” -Laurence Sterne

73. “Loneliness expresses the pain of being alone and solitude expresses the glory of being alone.” -Paul Tillich

74. “Solitude is pleasant. Loneliness is not.” -Anna Neagle

75. “Women need real moments of solitude and self-reflection to balance out how much of ourselves we give away.” -Barbara de Angelis

76. “Only in solitude do we find ourselves; and in finding ourselves, we find in ourselves all our brothers in solitude.” -Miguel de Unamuno

77. “As you simplify your life, the laws of the universe will be simpler; solitude will not be solitude, poverty will not be poverty, nor weakness weakness.” –Henry David Thoreau

78. “Solitude is very different from a ‘time-out’ from our busy lives. Solitude is the very ground from which community grows. Whenever we pray alone, study, read, write, or simply spend quiet time away from the places where we interact with each other directly, we are potentially opened for a deeper intimacy with each other.” -Henri Nouwen

79. “Solitude has its own very strange beauty to it.” -Liv Tyler

80. “The thoughtful soul to solitude retires.” -Omar Khayyam

Being Alone Quotes To Remind You Why To Cherish Alone Time

81. “What a lovely surprise to finally discover how unlonely being alone can be.” — Ellen Burstyn

83. “Being alone has a power that very few people can handle.”— Steven Aitchison

83. “You are never alone; if you can talk to your conscience.” — M.F. Moonzajer

84.“There is a certain strength in being alone.” ― Heather Duffy Stone 

85. “Learn to be alone and to like it. There is nothing more empowering or freeing than learning to like your own company.” — Mandy Hale

86. “The great virtue of being alone is that your mind can go its own way.” — Andy Rooney

87. “To be alone is to be different, to be different is to be alone.” — Suzanne Gordon

88. “There is a magic in walking alone, in thinking alone: If there is no one to contact you around, the universe starts contacting you!” ― Mehmet Murat Ildan

89. “I find there is a quality to being alone that is incredibly precious. Life rushes back into the void, richer, more vivid, fuller than before.” — Anne Morrow Lindbergh

90. “All man’s miseries derive from not being able to sit quietly in a room alone.” — Blaise Pascal

Being Alone Quotes That Will Give You Peace And Comfort

91.“The best part about being alone is that you really don’t have to answer to anybody. You do what you want.” — Justin Timberlake

92. “It’s far better to be unhappy alone than unhappy with someone so far.” ― Marilyn Monroe

93. “Sometimes, you find yourself in the middle of nowhere, and sometimes, in the middle of nowhere you find yourself.” ― Stacy Westfall

94. “But there it is: Everyone is alone, for life, and maybe that’s not such a bad thing.”― Julianna Baggott

95. “Sometimes life is too hard to be alone, and sometimes life is too good to be alone.” ― Elizabeth Gilbert

96. “The soul that sees beauty may sometimes walk alone.” ― Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

97. “I finally faced the fact that it isn’t a crime not to have friends. Being alone means you have fewer problems.” — Whitney Houston

98.  “Being alone with your feelings is the worst because you have nowhere to run. They’re here, dancing in your mind, and all you can do is handle.” ― Aisha Sherly

99. “There’s nothing abnormal about loneliness.” ― Paula Stokes

100. “It takes nothing to join the crowd. It takes everything to stand alone.” ― Hans F. Hansen

Did you enjoy these being alone quotes?

Spending time alone has many physical and psychological benefits.

It provides an opportunity for you to ensure there’s a purpose to all your hustling so you can get the best out of life.

Although the feeling of loneliness can take root within you, you can learn to recognize and manage it.

Hopefully, the being alone quotes above will help you conquer feeling lonely so you can live your best life.

Which of these being alone quotes resonated with you best?

Do you have any other quotes to add?

Tell us in the comment section below.

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Everyday Power

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