I want to say a sentence like: «The notion of physical phases is a concept everyone knows but many may not be aware of the terminology «phase». Phase just means solid, liquid or gas.»
Is there a word that captures the meaning of the italics?
asked Dec 14, 2018 at 21:41
I’d say in layman’s terms or «superficially»
- «The notion of physical phases is a concept everyone knows «in layman’s terms/superficially.»
layman’s terms — simple language that anyone can understand.
superficial — superficial implies a concern only with surface aspects or obvious features: a superficial analysis of the problem.
Examples from the web:
«… problems labeled either in layman’s terms (such as stomach upset and sore throat) or in medical terms (such as gastroenteritis and tonsillitis)»
«This fourth edition explains more fully the principles of coaching in layman’s terms and illustrates them with simple analogies»
«Can the concept of time travel be explained in layman’s terms?»
«»We always say, very superficially, “That’s your ego,” but we have no idea what the ego really is.»»
«There are many conditions that may superficially mimic autism but may have a completely different set of etiologies.»
answered Dec 14, 2018 at 22:55
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already know
These examples may contain rude words based on your search.
These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.
я уже знаю
я знаю
я и так знаю
мы уже знаем
я уже в курсе
я уже и так знаю
мне уже известно
Я уже понял
я уже знал
(because i already know it’s «et al», it’s just redudant text).
(потому что я уже знаю это «и др», это просто текст запасом мощности).
I already know what’s the other.
What I already know is wonderful.
То, что я знаю, это потрясающе.
By the way, I already know what you are thinking.
Между прочим, я знаю, о чем вы думаете сейчас.
But I already know girls rule the world.
Because I already know where they are.
I already know I should be with you.
I already know those are no good.
My pictures are not intended to confirm what I already know.
Предназначение моих изображений не в том, чтобы подтвердить то, что я и так знаю.
I already know how people feel.
Honey, I already know how crazy you are.
Мм. Дорогая, я уже знаю, насколько ты сумасшедшая.
I am very motivated and I already know what it’s like to be alone in big city by myself.
Я очень мотивирован, и я уже знаю, что это походит, чтобы быть одиноким в большом городе самостоятельно.
Now, when I meet someone, I already know what they look like dead.
Теперь, когда я знакомлюсь с кем-нибудь, я уже знаю, как они выглядят мертвыми.
Now I already know such people by name, but not very much.
Сейчас я уже знаю таких людей по именам, но не очень-то много.
So she can grow into the beautiful warrior I already know she is.
Так что она может вырасти в прекрасного воина, которого я уже знаю.
I think I already know the way to your heart, dear.
Я думаю, что я уже знаю путь к твоему сердцу, дорогой.
I already know the speed in the corners and the braking points, all the energy management.
Я уже знаю скорость в поворотах и точки торможения, все управление энергией.
Every location is that location that I already know.
Каждое место — это то место, которое я уже знаю.
I already know the whole multiplication table.
I already know what you’re going to say.
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i already know — перевод на русский
I already know everything about all the passengers.
я уже знаю всё обо всех пассажирах.
I feel as though I already knew Siam.
У меня чувство, как будто я уже знаю Сиам.
— I already know.
— Я уже знаю.
Maybe I already know.
Я уже знаю.
I already know it.
Я уже знаю.
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I already know those works. But it has arrived behind schedule.
— Я знаю твою работу, но ты опоздал.
Besides, I already know you like me.
Впрочем, я знаю, что нравлюсь тебе.
I already know what you’re going to say.
Я знаю что Вы собираетесь сказать.
I already know it.
Я знаю это.
Everything you tell me is just confirming what I already know.
Все это лишний раз подтверждает то, что я знаю.
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And we already know it will kill.
Нам уже известно, что они убивают.
Everything we already know. But in your own words.
Все, что нам уже известно, но будет лучше, если ты сам расскажешь!
What we already know about your drug and what I’m gonna show you… is that the acceptable losses there are really at about 5%, if that.
то, что нам уже известно о твоем лекарстве, и то, что я тебе сейчас покажу… это так называемые «допустимые потери» 5%, если не меньше.
But we already know what you are going to do, don’t we?
Но нам уже известно, как ты поступишь.
We already know that you paid for Olivia’s funeral.
Нам уже известно, что вы заплатили за похороны Оливии
Показать ещё примеры для «нам уже известно»…
You already know Herr Heinze of the Third Reich.
Ты уже знаком с господином Хайнцем из третьего рейха?
You already know Lorraine.
Ты уже знаком с Лорейн.
— You already know Dr Bashir.
— С доктором Баширом ты уже знаком.
I think you already know my daughter Virginia.
Кажется, с моей дочкой Вирджинией ты уже знаком.
You already know your guardian, Bumblebee.
Со своим охранником Бамблби ты уже знаком.
Показать ещё примеры для «ты уже знаком»…
But, John, I already know so much about you.
Но, Джон я уже столько о тебе знаю.
Because I already know the name of the missing smokehound.
Потому что я уже нарыл данные на пропавшего ханыгу.
You already know where I put the punishment.
Знаешь, я уже наелся наказаний
I already know how.
Я уже знaю кaк.
I already know how to play rugby.
Я уже знaю кaк игpaть в pегби.
Показать ещё примеры для «я уже»…
O, Juliet, I already know thy grief.
О, Джульетта, твоя беда известна мне.
I already know thy grief.
Твоя беда известна мне, Джульетта.
Always chasing what you already know.
что и так известно.
He says since we already know his crimes, we should write it up ourselves.
Говорит, что раз нам известны его преступления, мы сами их и распишем.
We already know everything about you
Нам и так известно о вас всё.
Показать ещё примеры для «известна мне»…
Then I already know about this.
Хорошо. Значит я уже в курсе дела.
if by facts, you mean what’s on scylla and that my mother once worked for the company, i already know these things.
Если под фактами вы подразумеваете то что содержится на Сцилле, и что моя мать однажды работала на компанию, то я уже в курсе этого.
I think I already know. I just…
Думаю, я уже в курсе.
What, you don’t think I already know that? !
А ты не думаешь, что я уже в курсе?
They already know it.
— Они уже в курсе.
Показать ещё примеры для «я уже в курсе»…
But you already knew that.
Судя по тому, как вы отреагировали, вы в курсе.
And you already know Dunder-Mifflin has the best service and the best prices.
И вы в курсе, что у Дандер-Миффлин лучшие цены и лучшие условия.
Nobody asked you anything. Do you want to go have a look? — I already know it.
Я в курсе.
You already know the answer.
Хм, ты ведь в курсе.
Do you already know it?
— Ты в курсе?
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It was like we already knew each other.
У меня было впечатление, что мы давно знаем друг друга.
We already know the victim came into contact with the flower of that same plant.
Мы давно знаем, что жертва контактировала с цветами этого растения.
But you said you already know everything they teach you.
Но ты сам сказал, что давно знаешь всё, чему они тебя учат.
I’m telling you something you already know.
Я ведь говорю то, что ты давно и сам знаешь.
I already know that
Я давно это знаю.
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You already know the truth.
Ты всегда знал истину.
You already knew.
Ты всегда знала.
But, of course, I already knew that.
Конечно, я и так всегда это знала.
I already knew you would cry, so I didn’t want to tell you
Я всегда знал что будешь реветь, поэтому не сказал тебе
Well,we already knew they were accomplices.
Ну, мы всегда знали,что они сообщники
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I have already known Turkey’s capital was Ankara.
I already know Turkey’s capital is Ankara.
I already knew Turkey’s capital was Ankara.
Could you explain to me the differences of these sentences?
As a non-native BE speaker I have always used the first one. When I was in Brazil, the ones I talked to were always using the last one.(They are non-native AE speakers) But until now I haven’t heard the second sentence. I have just saw a native AE speaker using it in this forum.
Could you please clarify the differences among “past perfect”, “present perfect” and ”present simple” with “know” for me.
Last edited: Dec 12, 2017
For me, sentence 1 makes not much sense. In what situation would you say that?
I cannot think of any.
Sentence 2 sounds the most natural for me, although the use of already in all of them sounds like you’re giving explanations to someone, because otherwise you’d just say «I know…».
Sentence 3 I think would make sense in that same context but talking about the past, as in a story: She was questioning me, but I already knew…
Note I am not a native English speaker of any kind.
I can’t think of a situation in which we would be likely to say «I have already known Turkey’s capital was Ankara.» The other two are both fine, but one is the present tense and the other is the past, so which one you use will depend on the context.
I can’t think of a situation in which we would be likely to say «I have already known Turkey’s capital was Ankara.» The other two are both fine, but one is the present tense and the other is the past, so which one you use will depend on the context.
But I have always been told that I should use “already” with “present” in my schools. Teachers told us to avoid using “present simple” and “past simple” with “already”. And for me the same rule applies to “just” too.
Maybe it is idiomatic to British ears
According to my search on the internet, that is an odd usage to native British English speakers too. I feel deceived.
But can a native British speaker confirm that it is odd?
Last edited: Dec 12, 2017
For me, sentence 1 makes not much sense. In what situation would you say that?
I cannot think of any.
Sentence 2 sounds the most natural for me, although the use of already in all of them sounds like you’re giving explanations to someone, because otherwise you’d just say «I know…».
Sentence 3 I think would make sense in that same context but talking about the past, as in a story: She was questioning me, but I already knew…Note I am not a native English speaker of any kind.
Thank you very much
Well, yes, I’ve been told that too, already is often used with present perfect, as in «I have already eaten».
The problem I think is the verb to know, I mean, how can you say «I have already known»?
You can say f. ex. I have known this for a long time. But with already it doesn´t sound good.
Well, yes, I’ve been told that too, already is often used with present perfect, as in «I have already eaten».
The problem I think is the verb to know, I mean, how can you say «I have already known»?
You can say f. ex. I have known this for a long time. But with already it doesn´t sound good.
I think the problem is that «knowing» something isn’t «an event» (in English). You can say «I’ve already learned that information from the report that was left on my desk,» but you’d have to say «I already know.»
Well, yes, I’ve been told that too, already is often used with present perfect, as in «I have already eaten».
The problem I think is the verb to know, I mean, how can you say «I have already known»?
You can say f. ex. I have known this for a long time. But with already it doesn´t sound good.
I think the problem is that «knowing» something isn’t «an event» (in English). You can say «I’ve already learned that information from the report that was left on my desk,» but you’d have to say «I already know.»
Yes both of you are right. After thinking of it, I understood it sounds very odd in English. And The Newt it is an event in my native language. I think that is why I tend to use “I have already known.”
And btw is “I have known that Ankara is capital of Turkey for 15 years.” correct?
Yes both of you are right. After thinking of it, I understood it sounds very odd in English. And The Newt it is an event in my native language.
I think that is why I tend to use “I have already known.”
And btw is “I have known that Ankara is capital of Turkey for 15 years.” correct?
We would say «the capital.»
We would say «the capital.»
Thank you
But I have always been told that I should use “already” with “present” in my schools.
Teachers told us to avoid using “present simple” and “past simple” with “already”. And for me the same rule applies to “just” too.
Maybe it is idiomatic to British ears
According to my search on the internet, that is an odd usage to native British English speakers too. I feel deceived.But can a native British speaker confirm that it is odd?
Yes. I can. Sorry.
Your teachers were maybe talking about sentences like these:
I’m not hungry; I’ve already eaten. (B.E.)
I’m not hungry; I already ate. (A.E.)
But this is different:
(Before you told me) I already knew that Ankara was the capital of Turkey. (This is continuous: I was in a state of knowing.)
Ankara is the capital of Turkey. — Yes, I know that already (I knew even before you told me).
Ankara is the capital of Turkey. — Come on…I’ve known that since I was in Junior School!
I want to say a sentence like: “The notion of physical phases is a concept everyone knows but many may not be aware of the terminology “phase”. Phase just means solid, liquid or gas.”
Is there a word that captures the meaning of the italics?
I’d say in layman’s terms or “superficially”
- “The notion of physical phases is a concept everyone knows “in layman’s terms/superficially.”
layman’s terms – simple language that anyone can understand.
superficial – superficial implies a concern only with surface aspects or obvious features: a superficial analysis of the problem.
Examples from the web:
“… problems labeled either in layman’s terms (such as stomach upset and sore throat) or in medical terms (such as gastroenteritis and tonsillitis)”
“This fourth edition explains more fully the principles of coaching in layman’s terms and illustrates them with simple analogies”
“Can the concept of time travel be explained in layman’s terms?”
“”We always say, very superficially, “That’s your ego,” but we have no idea what the ego really is.””
“There are many conditions that may superficially mimic autism but may have a completely different set of etiologies.”
Source : Link , Question Author : wdc , Answer Author : Centaurus