Word for almost perfect

What is another word for almost perfect?

near perfect all but perfect
as good as perfect close to perfect
nigh on perfect not far from perfect

What is a synonym for perfect match?

2 blameless, clean, excellent, faultless, flawless, ideal, immaculate, impeccable, pure, splendid, spotless, sublime, superb, superlative, supreme, unblemished, unmarred, untarnished. 3 accurate, close, correct, exact, faithful, on the money (U.S.) precise, right, spot-on (Brit. informal) strict, true, unerring.

What is a word for beyond perfect?

pluperfect Add to list Share. The word pluperfect comes from the Latin phrase plus quam perfectum, “more than perfect.” The Latin perfect tense refers to the past, while the pluperfect references “more than past.”

Which must mean almost the same as amazing?

In this page you can discover 61 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for amazing, like: astonishing, incredible, astounding, phenomenal, marvelous, wondrous, fantastical, prodigious, miraculous, stupendous and fantastic.

What is a prefix for perfect?

per- a prefix meaning “through,” “thoroughly,” “utterly,” “very”: pervert; pervade; perfect.

What’s a word for soulmate?

In this page you can discover 12 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for soul-mate, like: heart’s desire, kindred-spirit, kindred-soul, one’s promised, true-love, companion, partner, alter ego, lover, confidante and helpmate.

When something is a perfect match?

1. Someone who is well suited to someone else, especially as a romantic partner. We’re actually a perfect match for one another, despite our differences in personality—maybe even because of those differences.

What is a synonym for a wonderful time?

What is another word for wonderful time?

idyll heaven
Arcadia Arcady
perfect time Shangri-la
arcadia ideal time
nirvana perfect place

What does the prefix ultra mean?

prefix. Definition of ultra- (Entry 3 of 3) 1 : beyond in space : on the other side : trans- ultraviolet. 2 : beyond the range or limits of : transcending : super- ultramicroscopic. 3 : beyond what is ordinary, proper, or moderate : excessively : extremely ultramodern.

What is the antonym of perfect?

Imperfect is the opposite of perfect. Imperfect comes from the Latin word imperfectus, meaning “incomplete.” If you have an imperfect knowledge of French, you might be able to order a coffee in Paris but not chat with the waiter.

Table of Contents

  1. What is a perfect person called?
  2. How do you describe perfect?
  3. How would you describe a role model?
  4. What are characteristics of a role model?
  5. What do you call someone you idolize?
  6. Is it a sin to idolize someone?
  7. What happens when you idolize someone?

What is another word for almost perfect?

What is a perfect person called?

perfectionist Add to list Share. A perfectionist is someone with very high standards: they want everything to be just right at all times. A perfectionist wants things to be like that all the time.

How do you describe perfect?

Something that is perfect is complete and without defect or blemish. It might also be precisely accurate or exact. The word perfect can also be used as a verb meaning — you guessed it! It originally comes from the Latin word perficere, which breaks down into per- (“completely”) and facere (“do”).

near perfect all but perfect
as good as perfect close to perfect
nigh on perfect not far from perfect

How would you describe a role model?

A role model is someone others look to as a good example. Just as a model is something that represents an inspirational ideal, a role model is someone who inspires others to imitate his or her good behavior. Parents try to be role models for their children by being good people.

What are characteristics of a role model?

The Seven Traits of a Role Model

  • Demonstrate confidence and leadership.
  • Don’t be afraid to be unique.
  • Communicate and interact with everyone.
  • Show respect and concern for others.
  • Be knowledgeable and well rounded.
  • Have humility and willingness to admit mistakes.
  • Do good things outside the job.

What do you call someone you idolize?

The noun form idolization refers to this kind of hero worship. The worship of such an idol is sometimes called idolatry (or idol worship) and the people who do it can be called idolaters.

Is it a sin to idolize someone?

It’s fine to show appreciation for someone in your life, of course. But here’s some advice. Don’t obsess and don’t fantasize over other humans. It is a sin, because it steals away the time we could be using to spend time with our God, and really, it’s not healthy.

What happens when you idolize someone?

To idolize is to admire someone too much. A twelve year-old might idolize a pop star, for example, wallpapering her bedroom with photos of him and screaming loudly throughout his concerts. You can idolize someone you’ve never met, like a famous actor, and you can also idolize a friend or family member.

What is another word for almost perfect?

near perfect all but perfect
as good as perfect close to perfect
nigh on perfect not far from perfect

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Translation examples

  • практически идеально

  • почти идеально

The mines, PMN-2 models, were in almost perfect condition.

Мины типа ПМН-2 находились в практически идеальном состоянии.

The new implants are almost perfect.

Современные экземпляры практически идеальны.

They’re absolutely almost perfect, in every conceivable titty way.

Она практически идеальна, во всех возможных для груди, отношениях.

He noted however, that whereas many States had almost perfect formal legal rules, often for one reason or another they failed to observe them.

В то же время он отмечает, что многие государства, располагающие почти идеальными с формальной точки зрения правовыми нормами, часто по той или иной причине не соблюдают их.

Indeed, recent studies show an almost perfect correlation between growth and poverty reduction in poor countries — a 1 per cent increase in GDP brings a corresponding increase in the incomes of the poorest 20 per cent of the population.

И действительно, недавние исследования показывают почти идеальное соотношение между экономическим ростом и уменьшением масштабов нищеты в бедных странах: увеличение валового внутреннего продукта (ВВП) на 1 процент приводит к соответствующему увеличению уровней доходов наибеднейших 20 процентов населения.

Courtney is almost perfect looking.

Кортни наделена почти идеальной красотой.

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

Last season we had a great experience, an almost perfect season.

«В прошлом сезоне мы получили отличный опыт, и это был почти идеальный сезон.

When this couple comes together, they form an almost perfect union.

Всякий раз, когда эти двое оказываются вместе, у них получается почти идеальный союз.

Humidity is also almost perfect during these seasons.

Влажность воздуха также является почти идеальной в течение этих сезонов.

In many cities, the timing of public buses is announced at each stop with almost perfect accuracy.

Во многих городах расписание общественных автобусов объявляется на каждой остановке с почти идеальной точностью.

The Big Brother concept assumes an immense control over the populace, with almost perfect cooperation.

Концепция Большого Брат предполагает огромный контроль над населением, с почти идеальным сотрудничеством.

Ginseng is an almost perfect adaptogen and as such has virtually no side effects.

Женьшень — почти идеальный адаптоген и, как таковой, практически не имеет нежелательных эффектов.

I coded up a quick python function* to perform riffles and almost perfect riffles.

Я запрограммировали функцию быстрого питона для выполнения желобков и почти идеальный рифлями.

To see her you must find an almost perfect angle view, kind of the «point of sight».

Чтобы ее увидеть необходимо найти почти идеальный ракурс обзора, своеобразную «точку видимости».

For its time, it seemed almost perfect.

Depending on the species the fugu can achieve an almost perfect spherical shape.

В зависимости от вида фугу может достичь почти идеальной сферической формы.

When I look at my life right now, it feels almost perfect.

Когда сейчас я смотрю на свою жизнь, она кажется почти идеальной.

Those two conditions combined make an almost perfect mushroom growing environment (IMHO).

Эти два условия в совокупности делают почти идеальный гриб, растущий окружающей среде (ИМХО).

This might seem minor compared to the other catastrophes, but the Earth would become an almost perfect sphere.

Это может показаться незначительным по сравнению с другими изменениями, но Земля станет почти идеальной сферой.

Again Surrounded by a channel that also forms an almost perfect circle.

Он окружен каналом, который также образует почти идеальный круг.

UMIDIGI S2 is an almost perfect smartphone that offers premium design and outstanding autonomy for a reasonable price.

UMIDIGI S2 — это почти идеальный смартфон, который за разумные деньги предлагает премиальный дизайн и выдающуюся автономность.

Primosten is one of the most picturesque resorts in Croatia, it is almost perfect round shape.

Примоштен — один из самых живописных курортов Хорватии, он почти идеальной круглой формы.

The USA Team, on the other hand, were almost perfect.

The Verville Sperry R-3 is an almost perfect example of the opportunity cost of an inadequate development program.

Verville Sperry R-3 представляет собой почти идеальный пример издержек неиспользованных возможностей неадекватной программы развития.

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