Word for all alike

  • homogeneous

  • alike

  • of the same kind

  • much the same

  • all the same

  • same

  • all one

  • all of a piece

For more similar words, try All alike on Thesaurus.plus dictionary

  • 1
    they are all alike in appearance

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > they are all alike in appearance

  • 2
    treat all alike

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > treat all alike

  • 3


    you are all alike! vous êtes tous les mêmes!;

    de la même façon ou manière;

    we don’t think alike nous ne sommes pas d’accord, nous ne sommes pas du même avis;

    every day, summer and winter alike tous les jours, été comme hiver

    Un panorama unique de l’anglais et du français > alike

  • 4




    igual, del mismo modo


    1 igual

    men and women alike tanto hombres como mujeres, hombres y mujeres por igual

    igual, del mismo modo

    igual, semejante, parecido



    I ə’laɪk



    <think/act> igual, del mismo modo




    you’re all alike! — ¡sois todos iguales!, ¡todos son iguales! (esp LAm)

    1) del mismo modo, igual

    to think/dress alike — pensar/vestir del mismo modo or igual


    * * *

    I [ə’laɪk]



    <think/act> igual, del mismo modo

    English-spanish dictionary > alike

  • 5





    gleich; in gleicher Weise

    * * *





    * * *


    to look alike sich dat ähnlich sehen

    to think alike gleicher Ansicht sein

    to treat sb alike jdn gleich behandeln

    cars and motorbikes alike sowohl Autos als auch Motorräder

    friends and family alike Freunde und Familienmitglieder gleichermaßen


    let’s share and share alike! teilen wir gerecht!

    * * *



    they’re/they look very alike — sie sind/sehen sich sehr ähnlich

    * * *

    A adj

    a) gleich:

    b) ähnlich (to dat):

    B adv

    a) gleich, ebenso, in gleicher Weise, gleichermaßen:

    b) ähnlich

    * * *





    gleich; in gleicher Weise

    * * *


    ebenso adj.

    gleich adj.

    gleicherweise adj.

    ähnlich adj. expr.

    ohne Unterschied ausdr.

    English-german dictionary > alike

  • 6



    похожий, одинаковый предикативно)

    They are alike. — Они похожи друг на друга.

    They are all alike to me. — Они мне все кажутся одинаковыми.

    All boys are alike in such matters. — В таких вопросах все мальчишки одинаковы.

    All cats are alike in the night/dark. — Ночью все кошки серы.

    Share and share alike. — Чур — поровну. /Бог велел делиться.

    — be alike
    — be alike in size


    (1.) В предложениях, содержащих alike, подлежащее употребляется в форме множественного числа: they (the twins, the girls) are very much alike они (близнецы, девочки) очень похожи друг на друга. В английских сочетаниях такого типа дополнения — возвратные местоимения each other, one another не употребляются. При наличии дополнения употребляется прилагательное, like, подлежащее стоит в единственном числе: he looks like his mother он похож на мать; he is not like his brother он не похож на брата; it is not like him это на него не похоже; it’s exactly like him это очень на него похоже. (2.) В атрибутивном употреблении русскому «похожие» соответствуют прилагательные similar и identical: to wear similar dress (hats, shoes); to read identical books. (3.) See afraid, adj; USAGE (1.), (2.). (4.) See meet, v; USAGE (2.).

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > alike

  • 7




    [dress, think] allo stesso modo

    * * *




    ugualmente, allo stesso modo

    * * *


    simile, uguale

    * * *




    [dress, think] allo stesso modo

    English-Italian dictionary > alike

  • 8


    1. a,


    նման, նույնը. alike in appearance արտաքինից նման. You are all alike Դուք բոլորդ նույնն/այդպիսին եք: They all look alike to me Իմ աչքում նրանք բոլորը նույն տեսքն ունեն.



    նույն ձևով/ կերպ. treat everybody alike բոլորի հետ նույն ձևով վարվել. share and share alike ամեն ինչ հավա սար/կի սովի. summer and winter alike ամ ռանը և ձմռանը նույն ձևով. behave alike նույն ձևով վարվել

    English-Armenian dictionary > alike

  • 9

    1 მსგავსი, მგვანი, ერთნაირი

    you`re all alike! თქვენ ყველანი ერთნაირები ხართ! / ერთი ჯიშისანი ხართ!

    2 ერთნაირად

    you must treat everybody alike ყველას ერთნაირად უნდა მოეპყრო / მოექცე

    you`re all alike! თქვენ ყველანი ერთნაირები ხართ! / ერთი ჯიშისანი ხართ!

    ●●they are vaguely alike in looks გარეგნულად ოდნავ/რაღაცით ჰგვანან ერთმანეთს

    English-Georgian dictionary > alike

  • 10





    * * *



    podoben, enak, prav tak



    enako, prav tako, podobno

    English-Slovenian dictionary > alike

  • 11

    1. [əʹlaık]


    похожий; подобный; такой же, одинаковый, один и тот же

    alike in beauty [value, development] — равный по красоте [ценности, развитию]

    alike in complexion — с одинаковым /с таким же/ цветом лица

    the brothers were very much [strikingly] alike — братья были очень [поразительно] похожи друг на друга

    their size [character, colour] was perfectly alike — их размер [характер, цвет] был абсолютно одинаков

    2. [əʹlaık]

    подобно; точно так же, (почти) одинаково

    summer and winter alike — как летом, так и зимой, зимой и летом, круглый год

    to behave [to act] alike — вести себя [поступать] одинаково

    to treat everybody alike — относиться ко всем одинаково /ровно/

    НБАРС > alike

  • 12


    [Part of Speech]


    [English Example]

    these children look alike

    [Swahili Example]

    Watoto hawa wanafanana sawa




    [Swahili Example]

    tazama wawili nyiye mliofanana [Abd]



    English-Swahili dictionary > alike

  • 13



    [dress, think] de la même façon ; for young and old alike pour les jeunes (tout) comme pour les personnes âgées ; driver and passenger alike are… le conducteur tout comme le passager est…

    Big English-French dictionary > alike

  • 14


    lik, ens


    likt, på samme måte



    lik, ens


    såvel som, på samme måte, i samme grad

    English-Norwegian dictionary > alike

  • 15





    * * *




    tak samo, jednakowo

    English-Polish dictionary > alike

  • 16


    lig (hinanden), ens


    ens, på samme måde

    * * *


    lig (hinanden), ens


    ens, på samme måde

    English-Danish dictionary > alike

  • 17

    1. прил.;
    предик. одинаковый;
    идентичный, подобный, похожий, тождественный alike in colour ≈ одного цвета Syn: similar
    2. нареч. точно так же, подобно, одинаково, тождественно, похоже, идентично

    alike a predic. одинаковый;
    похожий, подобный;
    alike in colour одного цвета ~ точно так же, подобно, одинаково

    alike a predic. одинаковый;
    похожий, подобный;
    alike in colour одного цвета

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > alike

  • 18




    da mesma maneira

    * * *


    [əl’aik] adj semelhante, parecido, igual, similar, indistinguível. • adv 1 da mesma maneira, do mesmo modo, do mesmo grau. we feel alike in this matter / temos opiniões idênticas a esse respeito. they are alike-minded / eles têm as mesmas convicções. 2 igualmente, da mesma natureza.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > alike

  • 19

    I. a еднакъв, подобен, сходен
    II. adv еднакво, по същия начин, по равно

    * * *

    {ъ’laik} а еднакъв; подобен; сходен.(2) adv еднакво, по същия начин; по равно.

    * * *

    сходен; еднакъв;

    * * *

    1. i. a еднакъв, подобен, сходен
    2. ii. adv еднакво, по същия начин, по равно

    * * *

    alike[ə´laik] I. adj predic подобен, сходен, еднакъв; II. adv еднакво, подобно, по същия начин; to treat all people alike отнасям се еднакво с всички; to share alike делим поравно.

    English-Bulgarian dictionary > alike

  • 20


    eins, líkur


    jafnt, eins

    English-Icelandic dictionary > alike


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См. также в других словарях:

  • Happy Endings Are All Alike — is an American young adult novel by Sandra Scoppettone. It was published by Harper Row in 1978.It is noted for being one of the few lesbian teen novels in the 1970s. When published, it was not well received, selling few copies and given negative… …   Wikipedia

  • Alike — A*like , adv. [AS. gel[=i]ce, onl[=i]ce.] In the same manner, form, or degree; in common; equally; as, we are all alike concerned in religion. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • alike — 1. adjective /əˈlaɪk/ Having resemblance or similitude; similar; without difference. The twins were alike. 2. adverb /əˈlaɪk/ In the same manner, form, or degree; in common; equally. We are all alike concern …   Wiktionary

  • Alike — or Aalike (Kannada/Tulu ಅಳಿಕೆ)is village in Bantwal taluk of Dakshina Kannada district.The village is famous for Satya Sai educational institute.There is public health entre ( PHC ) run by government of Karnataka. Tulu, Kannada and Konkani are… …   Wikipedia

  • All-for-Ireland League — group portrait of five of its Independent Members of Parliament, in the Cork Free Press July 30th 1910. These are: Patrick Guiney (North Cork), James Gilhooly (West Cork), Maurice Healy (North east Cork), D. D. Sheehan (Mid Cork) and …   Wikipedia

  • All Saints High School, Hyderabad — All Saints High School is a Catholic school in Hyderabad, India, offering an outstanding education for children from pre Kindergarten to Tenth Standard (matriculation). It was founded in the year 1855 and is run by the [http://www.montfort.net… …   Wikipedia

  • All fours — [formerly, {All four }.] All four legs of a quadruped; or the two legs and two arms of a person. [1913 Webster] {To be on all fours}, {To go on all fours}, or {To run on all fours} (Fig.), to be on the same footing; to correspond (with) exactly;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • alike — [[t]əla͟ɪk[/t]] 1) ADJ GRADED: v link ADJ If two or more things are alike, they are similar in some way. We looked very alike. Ant: different 2) ADV GRADED: ADV after v Alike means in a similar way. They even dressed alike. …their assumption… …   English dictionary

  • alike — alikeness, n. /euh luyk /, adv. 1. in the same manner or form; similarly: They treated all customers alike. 2. to the same degree; equally: All three were guilty alike. adj. 3. having resemblance or similarity; having or showing no marked or… …   Universalium

  • alike — a•like [[t]əˈlaɪk[/t]] adv. 1) in the same manner: to treat all customers alike[/ex] 2) to the same degree: All three were guilty alike[/ex] 3) similar or comparable: Not all twins are alike[/ex] • Etymology: bef. 950; ME alyke, in part… …   From formal English to slang

  • alike — Synonyms and related words: accordant, akin, all one, all the same, analogous, aped, as is, at par, au pair, automatic, balanced, coequally, coextensively, coincidentally, commensurate, comparable, congruently, consimilar, consistent, consonant,… …   Moby Thesaurus

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The Sheilas are all alike when it comes to fellas.

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go through this, saints, sinners, mortals, all alike.

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мы проходим через это, святые, грешники, смертные, все одинаково.

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Female drifters, all alike, just loafers and men-chasers.

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Gentlefolk are all alike— you making love to me behind Miss Raina’s back,

she doing the same behind yours!

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Вы, господа, все одинаковы! Вы флиртуете со мной за спиной госпожи Раины,

а она делает то же самое за вашей!

All alike are liberated from the bonds of flesh by the emancipation of natural death, and all alike go thence to the morontia worlds of spiritual evolution

and mind progress.

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Все одинаково избавляются от уз плоти через освобождение, которое приносит естественная смерть, и все одинаково направляются в моронтийные миры духовной эволюции и развития разума.



live in the same street, go to the same bar,

context icon

Мы все живем на одной улице, ходим в одни и те же кафе мы закончим тем,



he spoke,


of you different and

rivals come across to you different caliber so to treat all alike— is more useless,

it is necessary to scatter brains.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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Ведь, говорил он, вы все разные и

соперники вам попадаются разного калибра, так что стричь всех под одну гребенку— негоже, надо раскидывать мозгами.

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Our present mission of enlightenment will eventually come to an end in this form of communication,

and will be superseded by one that addresses all alike.

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Наша нынешняя миссия просвещения, в данной форме коммуникации( ченнелинг), в конечном счете подойдет к концу и

будет заменена методом, который, позволит нам обращаться ко всем одинаково.

If web surfers behaved all alike, if there were strict patterns in users’ behaviour,



publishers be on a sunny beach right now, with a fancy-colored cocktail, worring not about AdSense? optimization matters?

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Если искателя информации в Интенете поступали совсем alike, то если были только картины в поведении потребителей,

то все издателя не находились бы на sunny пляже right now, при вычур- pokrawenny1 коктеил, worring не о AdSense? дела оптимизирования?

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Results: 1239,
Time: 0.0253





With the vast nature of the English language, it’s natural that some words have overlapping meanings, or one word may have a very similar meaning to another word. And while these overlapping words are already a lot, you might also be confused about what to call these alike meaning words.

Terms For Two Words That Mean The Same Thing

The word ‘synonyms’ is the most preferred way to describe two words that mean the same. ‘Synonym’ is straightforward with its meaning that when two words are synonymous, it means two words have almost or the same exact definition. Thus, making it the most appropriate word in any context.


Calling two words ‘synonymous’ is one way to indicate that two words mean the same thing. The word ‘synonym’ also follows an equal definition. However, it would be good to note that not all synonyms exactly mean the same, and there is still a most appropriate word for any context.

For example, ‘thin’ and ‘narrow’ maybe synonymous in a way. However, it seems off to describe a person as narrow or a road as thin. In that way, even if the two words mean the same, there is still a more preferred or appropriate word in a given context. It’s best to describe the road as narrow and a person as thin or skinny. But another synonym for the two words would be slim or slender, which we can use to describe either a person or a road.

Words Alike

Describing two words as ‘alike’ is another way of saying that the two are synonymous. In other contexts, it could also mean that two things are similar in a way. Many also prefer to use ‘alike’ as it still means similar, but does not imply exact duplicates.

The word ‘alike’ is also versatile as it is not only used to describe two words, but other things that are similar to each other. In the context of words or synonyms, we say ‘brave’ and ‘courageous’ are two words alike. But, we can also say ‘both of you look alike’ or ‘the two of them dress alike’ to express similarity in visuals and fashion, respectively. Thus, saying two words are alike is another way of saying they mean the same thing.

Similar Words

The words ‘alike’ and ‘similar’ are synonyms, and in this context, they mean the exact same thing. Like ‘alike,’ describing two words as similar means that the two words have definitions that are almost the same or in some way alike, but it does not imply exactly the same.

The only difference between using ‘similar’ and ‘alike’ is the grammar rules or how we structure them in a sentence. We usually say that two words are alike, but when we use ‘similar,’ we say that the two are similar words. So, we say, ‘beautiful and pretty are words alike,’ but we say ‘beautiful and pretty are similar words.’ Despite this difference, the two phrases and words are still synonymous and mean the exact same.


‘Likewise’ is another synonym for ‘alike’ and ‘similar,’ and these three words mean that two words are alike or in the same way. Saying that two words are likewise is like saying that one word is also another. However, saying there are limitations in saying two words are likewise.

Saying that two words are likewise may imply that the two words mean exactly the same. For example, saying that ‘long and tall are likewise’ is the same as saying ‘long is also tall’ and implies that the two are interchangeable. However, saying that a person is tall may not have the same meaning as saying a person is long (this may also be totally improper and inappropriate). So, it’s best to use ‘likewise’ only for words that mean the exact same.

Parallel Words

Describing two words as parallel is another way of saying the two are synonymous. However, there are limitations to saying this, as it implies that the two are exactly the same or their meanings are exact duplicates of one another, just like how parallel lines are.

The limitation in using the term ‘parallel’ is that not all synonymous words may exactly be the same as another. It means that they are similar but not exactly parallel. For example, ‘happy and joyful are parallel words,’ meaning they are exactly the same in this particular context. However, you can’t say ‘nerdy and smart are parallel words’ because the two words may not mean exactly the same. Smart may be a compliment, while nerdy may come off as something offensive.


Like the word ‘parallel,’ using the word ‘equal’ or ‘equivalent’ implies that two words mean exactly the same thing. In Math, equal or equivalent terms are usually interchangeable in positions. In the same way, saying words are equal implies that they are interchangeable with each other.

Using the term equal or equivalent may not be applicable in all cases, as not all synonyms are always interchangeable in all contexts. For example, the word ugly and horrible may be equals or equivalents when describing a person’s looks. However, ugly is not an appropriate equivalent of horrible when describing the taste of a food.

Describing two words are the ‘same’ is a graver version of saying two words are ‘similar’ or ‘alike.’ Unlike the two latter words, the word ‘same’ emphasizes or implies that the two given words are exactly the same. It’s another way of saying the two are equal or parallel.

However, describing something as ‘the same’ is not always applicable and varies depending on the context. In one context where two words are interchangeable, ‘Dirty and filthy are the same’ for example, here, ‘same’ works. However, there are also synonymous and similar words that aren’t exactly the same and are not interchangeable with each other.

Identical Words

Describing two words as ‘identical’ strongly implies that the two are exactly the same. A simple analogy for this is that, identical twins are usually twins that are almost exact duplicates of each other. In the same way, identical words imply they are duplicates or totally the same.

However, not all words are always the same. So, using ‘identical’ actually needs more caution, especially since it may give off a wrong meaning that two words are precisely the same but may not be the case all the time. For example saying ‘charm and beauty are identical words’ may be true for some individuals or in a given context, but it may not be the case for others or other contexts.

Interchangeable Words

Saying two words are interchangeable directly means that the words are synonymous and interchangeable. It simply means that you could use both words in the given context. Given this, though, we only use it for two words that are precisely the same and appropriate for the said context.

For example, saying that ‘beautiful and pretty are interchangeable’ directly implies that you can use either of the two words in your sentence or the context you want to use it. However, we only use ‘interchangeable’ for two words that are precisely the same and interchangeable with each other, without any change of meaning.


We say words are redundant when they are put in the same sentence but mean the same thing. ‘Redundant’ actually means exceeding what is necessary, meaning there are more than the needed words to describe what you want to do so. In the same way, one can redact redundant words.

An example of redundancy is saying, ‘she was shy and bashful during the first day.’ Here, ‘shy’ and ‘bashful’ may be redundant as they mean the same thing. While keeping the sentence as is works also, one may also remove redundancy by keeping only one of the two words, and discarding or redacting the other.


Saying a phrase is tautologous is another way of saying that it is redundant, implying that there is an unneeded repetition of ideas in a sentence. Though these words are usually redundant, there are different tautologous phrases that we often use in everyday conversations.

An example of a tautologous phrase would be ‘adequate enough.’ Essentially, adequate and enough have the same meaning of being as much as required or needed. So, putting ‘adequate’ and ‘enough’ together may seem redundant, but many speakers still use it in various contexts and daily conversations.


Pleonasm is more of a linguistic style and expression. It is using redundant phrases and words, more words than necessary, to emphasize meaning and add more style. The word pleonasm, in it’s Latin origin, already means to be excessive, and so pleonasm also means being excessive in redundant phrases.

An example of pleonasm is saying ‘burning fire.’ Saying ‘burning’ and ‘fire’ becomes redundant, as saying ‘fire’ in itself already means it is burning. Another would be the phrase ‘hear with my own ears,’ which becomes redundant as the ears is the only way one can hear.

You may also like: 10 Terms For Two Words That Contradicts Each Other

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

подобный, одинаковый, похожий, подобно, одинаково, точно так же



- подобно; точно так же, (почти) одинаково

summer and winter alike — как летом, так и зимой, зимой и летом, круглый год
to behave [to act] alike — вести себя [поступать] одинаково
to treat everybody alike — относиться ко всем одинаково /ровно/
both were implicated alike — оба были в равной степени замешаны

Мои примеры


Примеры с переводом

People say we look alike.

Говорят, что мы похожи.

I always confuse you with your sister — you look so alike.

Я всегда путаю вас с вашей сестрой – вы очень похожи.

The two cars are much alike.

Эти две машины во многом похожи.

I learned a lot from teachers and students alike.

Я многому научился — как у преподавателей, так и у студентов.

To complain, or not complain, alike is unavailable.

Жалуйся, не жалуйся — всё бесполезно.

Many men, many minds. / No two minds think alike. посл.

Сколько голов, столько умов.

The skin doesn’t feel alike everywhere.

Кожа не везде имеет одинаковую чувствительность.

ещё 13 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…regulations that are disapproved of by teachers and students alike…

…all were welcome, friends and strangers alike, to their humble hearth…

…the climactic moment of commencement ceremonies usually exhilarates graduates and proud parents alike…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

What is the word for two similar words that can be confused?
e.g., immanent & imminent or proscription & prescription

The word describes frequently confused words, such as adapt, adopt, adept.

auspicious99's user avatar

asked Dec 23, 2020 at 6:13

user409392's user avatar


These words look alike because they are of the same length and vary by a letter. Therefore, they are orthographic neighbours to each other.

Orthographic neighbour—a word that differs from another word of the same length by only one letter.


Given the word «cat», the words «bat», «fat», «mat», «cab», etc. are considered orthographic neighbors.

— Wiktionary

Evidently, these (a) look similar and (b) especially with autocorrect, might be frequently confused for one another.

answered Dec 23, 2020 at 6:37

niamulbengali's user avatar


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Sven Yargs informs us that Adrian Room, in The Penguin Dictionary of Confusibles (1979), calls them … confusibles. His dictionary has useful entries for such similar-sounding terms as affect/effect, censor/censure, eruption/irruption, and Jacobean/Jacobin/Jacobite, but (for reasons unknown to me) it omits coverage of adapt/adept/adopt, eminent/immanent/imminent and prescription/proscription.

From the OED:

Confusable Adj. Capable of being, or liable to be, confused. Also as n. plural (and with spelling -ible), things, esp. words, that may be confused.

1864 in Webster’s Amer. Dict. Eng. Lang. ; and in later Dicts. —

1985 Eng. Today Apr. 19/1 Much of this material deals with words or constructions which are often confused, and some even specialise in these ‘confusibles’.

answered Feb 10, 2021 at 12:49

Greybeard's user avatar


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If by «two similar words» you mean two words that sound alike, then the word for this is homophone. If you mean they are similar in the sense that they look alike (slightly different spelling), I don’t think there is an exact word for that.

Merriam Webster defines homophone as

grammar: one of two or more words pronounced alike but different in meaning or derivation or spelling (such as the words to, too, and two)

answered Dec 23, 2020 at 6:37

auspicious99's user avatar


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