Word for able to work in a team

Биболетова М.З. 11 класс. Слова. II четверть.

Nouns (существительные):

alumnus (pl. alumni) – выпускник школы или университета

ambitions – устремления, цели, амбиции

bachelor / bachelors – бакалавр

benefit – выгода, польза от чего-либо

cyberspace – киберпространство

experience – опыт

freelance – нештатный работник

graduate – выпускник университета

initiative – инициатива

job – работа

master / master’s – магистр

postgraduate – аспирант

profession – профессия, специальность

promotion – продвижение (по карьерной лестнице), профессиональный рост

refresher course – учебный курс, позволяющий вспомнить и расширить уже имеющиеся знания по специальности

retrainer course – учебный курс, позволяющий приобрести новую специальность, отличную от предыдущей

site – сайт, место(положение), участок, положение, местонахождение

undergraduate – студент университета, ещё не закончивший курс обучения

Verbs (глаголы):

compete –конкурировать, соревноваться, состязаться

concern – рассматривать, беспокоиться, иметь отношение к чему-то

construct – строить, конструировать, создавать, сооружать, составлять

document (something) – документировать, снабжать / подтверждать документами (что-либо)

erect – возвести, воздвигать, соорудить, устанавливать, сооружать, создавать

graduate (from) – выпускаться из учебного заведения (обычно университета)

guarantee – гарантировать, обеспечивать, ручаться, страховать

major (in) – специализироваться (в)

originate – происходить, возникать, создавать, порождать, брать / давать начало

reconstruct – реконструировать, восстанавливать, перестраивать, воссоздавать

Adjectives (прилагательные):

challenging – сложный и интересный (о проекте, работе, задании)

committed – преданный, верный обязательству, взглядам

competent – знающий, компетентный

competitive – конкурентоспособный

complicated – сложный, осложнённый многими факторами

creative – креативный, творческий

enjoyable – приносящий положительные эмоции, удовольствие

enthusiastic – делающий что-то с энтузиазмом

fulltime – полный (о времени)

imaginative – отличающийся воображением

inspirational – вдохновляющий

lifelong – пожизненный, жизненный, продолжающийся всю жизнь

major – главный, основной

motivated – заинтересованный, мотивированный

parttime – неполный (о времени)

persistent – настойчивый, упорный

prestigious – престижный, авторитетный

professional – профессиональный

rewarding – стоящий, приносящий удовлетворение (моральное и / или материальное)

satisfying – приносящий удовлетворение

selfemployed – работающий на себя, не по найму

stressful – стрессовый

vocational – профессиональный

wellpaid – хорошо оплачиваемый

worldwide – мировой, всемирно известный, распространённый по всему свету

Word combinations (словосочетания):

a job interview – собеседование

able to cope with stress – быть в состоянии справиться со стрессом

able to take risks – уметь рисковать

able to work in a team – уметь работать в команде

able to work to tight deadlines – уметь работать в сжатые сроки

apply for a job – обращаться по поводу работы, подавать заявление о приёме на работу

computer literate – компьютерная грамотность

distance learning – дистанционное обучение

e-learning – электронное обучение

enroll in a vocational college – поступить в профессионально-технический колледж

entrance exams – вступительные экзамены

leave / find a job – оставить / найти работу

negotiation skills – навыки ведения переговоров

online test – онлайн тест

provide job opportunities – предоставить возможности для трудоустройства

top job – высшая должность

Перевод по словам

able [adjective]

adjective: в состоянии, способный, умеющий, могущий, талантливый, умелый, компетентный, знающий

  • gift of being able — дар
  • be never able — так и не смочь
  • while being able — находясь в состоянии
  • was able to gather — удалось собрать
  • was able to buy — был в состоянии купить
  • be able to appreciate — быть в состоянии оценить
  • you were not able — Вы не были в состоянии
  • is able to enter — может войти
  • are you able to — Вы в состоянии
  • able to show — удалось показать

to [preposition]

preposition: к, в, до, на, для

abbreviation: телеграфная контора, телеграфное отделение

  • to respond to this challenge. — чтобы ответить на этот вызов.
  • like to draw your attention to — хотел бы обратить ваше внимание на
  • to bring to an end — довести до конца
  • to come to know — чтобы изведать
  • to cut to pieces — для резки на куски
  • to hold a candle to the devil — держать свечу дьяволу
  • to the road trends to the north — к дороге тенденции к северу
  • we look forward to getting to know you — мы с нетерпением ждем знакомства с вами
  • to give favourable consideration to — чтобы должным образом учитывать
  • the right to go to school — право ходить в школу

work [noun]

verb: работать, трудиться, действовать, заниматься, потрудиться, стремиться, обрабатывать, отрабатывать, вести, разрабатывать

noun: работа, труд, произведение, дело, дела, сочинение, обработка, действие, занятие, вещь

  • mechanical work — механизированный труд
  • perform work — выполнять работу
  • work late — Работать до поздна
  • work portfolio — работа портфель
  • work those — работать те,
  • work completion — завершение работы
  • continuous work — непрерывная работа
  • tender work — нежная работа
  • established work — создана работа
  • work meant — работа означает

in [adjective]

preposition: в, на, по, во, при, с, у, из, через, в течение

adverb: внутри, согласно, внутрь, в дом, в наличии, дома, в моде, в прессе, на станции, на службе

noun: связи, влияние

adjective: расположенный внутри, направленный внутрь, прибывающий, находящийся у власти, для узкого круга, модный

  • in letter and in spirit — по форме и по существу
  • in remission — в состоянии ремиссии
  • is in place in advance — на месте заранее
  • consolidation in — консолидация
  • in licensing — в лицензировании
  • in example — в примере
  • perpetrators in — преступники в
  • in heavily — в значительной степени
  • shrimp in — креветки в
  • in the period in which they occur — в периоде, в котором они происходят

a [article]

article: один, некий, каждый, такой же, неопределенный артикль, одинаковый, какой-то

noun: высшая отметка, круглое отлично

abbreviation: возраст, акр, пополудни

  • a view — вид
  • a translation — перевод
  • instruments a — инструменты
  • interior a — интерьерная
  • a catholic — католичка
  • a cuestas — а cuestas
  • a saying — поговорка
  • West A — Западе
  • a date for a meeting — дата для встречи
  • a pound a week — фунт в неделю

team [noun]

noun: команда, бригада, экипаж, упряжка, артель, спортивная команда, запряжка, экипаж судна

adjective: командный

verb: объединяться в команду, запрягать, быть возницей, быть погонщиком

  • team mascot — команда талисман
  • collections team — коллекции команды
  • incident response team — Команда реагирования на происшествия
  • volkswagen team — фольксваген команда
  • assault team — штурмовая группа
  • transplant team — пересадка команда
  • team contact — команда контакт
  • team-based activities — командные виды деятельности
  • join a sports team — присоединиться к спортивной команде
  • district health team — Команда здравоохранения района

Предложения с «able to work in a team»

It really is this portion of the work that excites me the most — that smile, to be able to share simple but powerful tools with people around the world.

Вот эта часть работы больше всего радует меня — эта улыбка, отчего хочется делиться простыми, но мощными приборами с людьми со всего мира.

We think the numbers will work out, that as health outcomes get better and as people have formal work, we’re going to be able to train them with the soft-skills training that you add to it to become workers that will have a huge impact, and that may be the one area that grows the most.

Мы думаем, что цифры сойдутся, как только увеличится эффект от лечения на общее состояние здоровья и занятость, мы сможем их обучать, повышать их социальные навыки для того, чтобы становились работниками , оказывающими большое влияние, — и это может стать одной из ныне сильнорастущих областей.

According to the World Health Organization, mental health is about being able to cope with the normal stressors of life; to work productively and fruitfully; and to be able to make a contribution to your community.

Согласно Всемирной организации здравоохранения, психическое здоровье — это способность справляться со стрессовыми ситуациями в жизни; плодотворно и успешно работать и вносить свой вклад в жизнь общества.

Very soon, you’ll literally be able to show something you’ve made, you’ve designed, to a computer, and it will look at it and say, Sorry, homie, that’ll never work.

Вскоре вы фактически сможете показать компьютеру, чтó вы сделали, спроектировали, посмотрев на что, он скажет: Извини, друг, но так не пойдёт.

Depending which company you work for, it’s likely that you’ll be able to be given a long maternity leave to have your child, and that would extend on to when your child’s young, so that you could take care of it for a long time.

В зависимости от того, в какой компании вы работаете , скорее всего, вам предоставят большой отпуск по рождению ребенка, и его можно будет продлить на период, пока ребенок маленький, чтобы вы смогли воспитывать его в течение длительного времени.

Your work should be written so that even the most ignorant will be able to understand it.

Работа должна быть выполнена так, чтобы самый невежественный человек мог ее понять.

And when my youngest sister was able to go to school, my mother went to work as a secretary at ‘Ford Motor Company’.

Когда моя младшая сестренка пошла в школу, мама поступила на работу секретарем в Форд Мотор Компани.

But in a sense, people that work here are quite, very focused, very, very passionate about what they do, you kind of have to be to be able to put in the time that we all put in.

Но в некотором смысле, люди, которые работают здесь, очень сосредоточены, очень, очень увлечены тем, что они делают, вы должны быть в состоянии вкладывать время, которое мы все вкладываем.

And so over seven years what she’s been able to do is to completely build a new home for herself and rent out the old one and this is going to ensure income in her old age, because at some point she’s going to be too old to work in the kitchen, and to be, you know, standing on her feet behind the cantina counter and she’s looking at these rental rooms that she has been able to put on as her, her old age security.

И вот через семьи лет она смогла построить целый новый дом для себя и сдавать в аренду старый, и это будет обеспечивать ей доход в старости, потому что в какой — то момент она станет уже слишком стара, чтобы работать на кухне, и, знаете, стоя за прилавком бара, она рассматривает эти комнаты для сдачи в наем, которые она смогла приумножить, как ее соцобеспечение по старости.

I don’t know exactly what they’re looking for but I can only think they look for someone who’s quite outgoing, someone who can work quite well in a team, you have to be a certain kind of character to do what we do, I mean you fly with different people every day, you know, you go into work, anything could happen, there’s thousands and thousands of crew, you don’t work with the same people, you need to be able to just get on with people that you’ve never met before, work under pressure sometimes, so I think they’re looking for someone who is, you know, quite competent in what they do, quite confident, just someone who’s a team player really.

Я не знаю точно, что они ищут, но я думаю, они ищут кого — то, кто довольно коммуникабельный, кто может работать достаточно хорошо в команде , вы должны иметь определенного рода характер, чтобы делать то, что мы делаем, я имею в виду вы летаете с различными людьми каждый день, знаете, вы идете на работу , все может случиться, есть тысячи и тысячи экипажей, вы не работаете с одними и теми же людьми, вы должны быть в состоянии легко ладить с людьми, которых вы никогда не встречались раньше, иногда работать под давлением, поэтому я думаю, что они ищут кого — то, кто, знаете, вполне компетентные в том, что они делают, вполне уверенные, кто настоящий командный игрок.

Profession of a teacher is a great profession and it is known that who doesn`t work in this sphere, won`t be able to understand all the essence of it.

Профессия учителя — отличная профессия, и известно, что кто не работает в этой сфере, не сможет понять всю сущность этого.

Suddenly I become an astronaut or a pilot, I doge and not know who I become, I think that I would be able to work in any profession.

Вдруг я стану космонавтом или летчиком, я даже и не знаю, кем я станоу, я думаю, что я буду иметь возможность работать в любой профессии.

A modern engineer or even a worker cannot work with an imported instrument or a machine if he is not able to read the instruction how to do that.

Современный инженер или даже рабочий не может работать с импортированным инструментом или машиной, если он не в состоянии прочитать инструкцию, как это сделать.

Then, if I am really good at my deal I will be able to work where I want.

Затем, если я хорош в моем деле, я смогу работать там, где захочу.

You should be a master in many fields to be able to edit texts and to make a candy from hopeless material, to invent interesting themes, to compose improbable headlines, to work in a non-stop mode.

Вы должны быть мастером на все руки, чтобы редактировать тексты и делать конфетку из безнадежного материала, изобретать интересные темы, составлять невероятные заголовки, работать в безостановочном режиме.

It helps a person to choose a trade or profession and to be able to work well.

Они помогают человеку выбрать занятие или профессию и дают возможность получить хорошую работу .

I’ve read about your work and I thought you might be able to help.

Я читал о вашей деятельности и подумал, что вы сможете помочь.

because the enemy has been able to get the traitors and dupes to do his work within our government.

Враг сумеет подучить предателей и простофиль делать его грязную работу внутри нашего правительства.

I’m so glad you were able to make it back to work.

Я просто счастлива, что ты вернулся на работу .

Specialists on such matters, actuaries and demographers, work with averages and analyse the profile of the pensioners to be able to discover trends.

Специалисты, актуарии и демографы имеют дело с усредненными показателями, они изучают состав пенсионеров, чтобы выявлять новые тенденции.

Such reform measures are long overdue and, simply put, are an imperative if an expanded Security Council is to be able to work efficiently.

Такая реформа давно назрела и, говоря простым языком, необходима для того, чтобы расширенный Совет Безопасности мог эффективно работать .

Bolivia has a work force which is either already highly educated and trained or is very willing and able to become so.

Боливия обладает такой рабочей силой, которая либо уже высокообразованна и подготовлена, либо весьма желает и способна этого добиться.

He would not be able to enter Israel and do his work on behalf of his client.

Он не сможет получить разрешение на въезд в Израиль и выполнить свою работу по поручению своего клиента.

I need to work to be able to survive on my own.

Мне нужна работа , чтобы самому себя обеспечивать.

Training is a good investment if those trained are able to find better jobs and decent work or can use their newly acquired skills in their current positions.

Подготовка является хорошим вкладом в том случае, если прошедшие подготовку люди могут найти лучшую и более достойную работу или могут использовать свои новые приобретенные навыки на своей нынешней работе .

Those with a health condition or disability which limits their capability for work are able to claim Employment and Support Allowance.

Лица, имеющие проблемы со здоровьем или инвалидность, которая ограничивает их трудоспособность, могут получать пособие по нетрудоспособности и по поддержке дохода.

Sokol, may you never get fat, or you won’t be able to work our land.

Сокол, смотри, не набирай вес, а то не сможешь следить за нашей землей.

Although you maybe busy with your work We sincerely wish that you’ll be able to attend.

Несмотря на то, что Вы очень заняты, мы искренне надеемся на Ваше присутствие.

And so that’s what I would like be able to do — convince biology to work with the rest of the periodic table.

Это то, что я хотела бы научиться делать — убедить биологию работать с остальной периодической таблицей.

We are confident that they will be able to continue their excellent work where it is required in other parts of the world.

Мы убеждены в том, что они будут продолжать свою замечательную деятельность в других районах мира, где она необходима.

While you will still be able to access most features of the WDL site, certain features may not work as well or may be unavailable to you.

Хотя Вы сможете иметь доступ к основным функциям сайта, некоторые функции не будут качественными или не будут Вам доступны.

But a PM must be able to cope with an extreme work load.

Но ПМ должен быть способным справляться с огромными загрузками на работе .

So then we’re able to work with thousands and thousands of more students.

Таким образом, мы можем работать с тысячей школьников и даже больше.

We may not be able to get our brains to work like those of a twenty-something, but what we can do is to “drop out” of our conventional approaches to problem solving and innovation.

Мы не можем заставить наш мозг работать так, как работает мозг двадцатилетних, но мы можем отказаться от наших привычных подходов к проблеме поиска решений и инновациям.

I am delighted that we have come to agreement over this, and I hope that we will be able to work together on other projects in the future.

Я очень рад, что мы пришли к соглашению по этому вопросу и надеюсь, что мы сможем вместе осуществить еще не один проект.

We’ve never been able to make it work, ever, and when this is over, I don’t want to see you again.

У нас ничего не получалось и прежде, так что когда все закончится, я больше не хочу тебя видеть.

What makes something worthwhile for me is the people I work for or with, the conditions I work under and the audience that I’m able to reach.

Что для меня самое ценное, так это люди, с которыми и на кого я работаю , условия, на которых я работаю , аудитория, к которой я могу обратиться.

The professional press hasn’t been able to match his work or, for the most part, even to report on it in enough detail, since it fears retribution.

Профессиональная пресса не может соперничать с ним или даже сообщать о его расследованиях в подробностях, потому что она боится наказания.

They will be able to see your name, your work email address, and the list of Pages or ad accounts you have access to in Business Manager.

Они смогут посмотреть ваше имя, ваш рабочий эл. адрес, а также список Страниц или рекламных аккаунтов, к которым у вас есть доступ в Business Manager.

Just one or two countries should not be able to block the organization’s work indefinitely.

Одна или две страны не должны быть в состоянии блокировать работу организации на неопределенный срок.

Some apps might be designed to work with a boundary, so you might not be able to use them, or might not have the same experience, if you use them without a boundary.

Некоторые приложения могут быть предназначены для работы с границей, поэтому вы не сможете их использовать или получить с их помощью необходимые результаты без границы.

Note: If you’re using your Chromebook at work or school, you might not be able to change this setting.

Примечание. Если вы используете Chromebook на работе или в учебном заведении, указанные настройки могут быть недоступны.

But as with repairing a radio or dressing a wound, in the field, it’s important to be able to do the same work with what you can find in a third-rate hotel room.

Но, подобно починке радио или перевязывании раны в полевых условиях, нужно уметь делать те же вычисления с помощью того, что есть в трехзвездочном отеле.

By learning from its mistakes, today’s Europeans may yet be able to reform and reinvigorate an empire whose most important work still lies ahead.

Учась на своих ошибках, сегодняшние европейцы все еще могут преобразовать и укрепить ampquot;империюampquot;, которой все еще предстоит выполнить свою важнейшую работу .

The main criteria of the ACM work are: providing a platform, able to meet competition; transparency of all aspects of working; low profit and no client chasing.

Главными критериями работы компании ACM являются: предоставление конкурентоспособной платформы; прозрачность во всех аспектах работы ; низком размере прибыли и никакой погони за клиентом.

As a result, such people often struggle to find employment, and even when they do find a job, their work environment may not be able to support them adequately.

В результате такие люди часто с трудом находят работу , и даже когда им это удается, их рабочая среда необязательно в состоянии оказывать им удовлетворительную поддержку.

So I’m very excited to be able to show you those images and a cross-section of my work that I’ve done on the polar regions.

Я счастлив, что могу показать вам эти фотографии и краткое содержание моей работы в заполярье.

We thank you for your understanding of our position and hope to be able to work well with you in the future.

Мы благодарим Вас за понимание нашего положения и желаем в дальнейшем хорошего сотрудничества.

“If I’d been able to work all the time on improving the institution and the community, that’d have been much more satisfying,” he says.

«Если бы я имел возможность постоянно работать над улучшением нашей организации и всего разведывательного сообщества, результаты были бы гораздо более удовлетворительными», — говорит он.

I hope to be able to draw up a contract with you for this work very soon.

Я надеюсь, что в ближайшее время смогу подготовить контракт с Вами на эту работу .

Expert advisors are able to work independently, without any trader’s participation.

Советники способны работать в автономном режиме, без участия трейдера.

Individuals in developing countries, for example, are now able to work for multinational companies.

Например, работники из развивающихся стран могут работать в многонациональных компаниях.

Hoping to be able to work together with you.

Я был бы рад возможному сотрудничеству и остаюсь.

Once they accept the request, they’ll be able to give them permission to work on Pages and ad accounts in Business Manager.

Приняв запрос, они смогут получить разрешение на работу со Страницами и рекламными аккаунтами в Business Manager.

They’ll only be able to see your name and work email address that you provide in Business Manager.

Они увидят только ваши имя и рабочий эл. адрес, которые вы укажете в Бизнес — менеджере.

Hill and Gaddy cannot provide us with an answer — but their work deserves merit for being able to frame the question.

Хилл и Гэдди не могут дать нам ответ на этот вопрос, но их работа заслуживает похвалы за то, что они сумели этот вопрос сформулировать.

You don’t want to maintain copies of external data, but want to be able to work with it in Access.

Создавать копии внешних данных нецелесообразно, однако необходимо работать с данными в Access.

It sure is handy to be able to work on stuff wherever I am.

На нем можно сделать срочные дела, где бы я ни был.

Don’t leap about or knock yourself.’ But he hadn’t been able to find the right sort of work and had to become a delivery man again.

Не прыгай, не ударяйся! Но на такую работу его не взяли, а пришлось опять экспедитором.

To work at Fox News, all you have to be able to do is operate this device.

Чтобы работать в Фокс Ньюс, вам нужно всего лишь управлять этим устройством.

We are often put in situations throughout our time as a student or employees, where we are “working together towards a common goal”. However, are there alternate terms for saying that we are “working together towards a common goal”, as opposed to using an entire phrase?

Which Words Can Describe Working Together Towards A Common Goal?

“Working together towards a common goal” can be a difficult, yet very rewarding, thing to do. Because of this, it is important that we choose the appropriate and applicable term to define such an act of comradery. For the purposes of this article, we will look at the following terms:

  • Team
  • Union
  • Coalition
  • League
  • Coterie
  • Association
  • Club
  • Collaboration
  • Synergy
  • Cooperation

Words For Working Together Towards A Common Goal

The preferred version or term that we will highlight is “team”. This is because the word “team” best embodies the meaning of “working together towards a common goal”. Being a part of a “team” is something that people often look forward to, making the work easier or fun.


When we hear “team”, we often think of sports like football. However, a “team” can also exist in the classroom or the workplace. Cambridge Dictionary defines a “team” as a number of people who act together as a group, either in a sport or in order to achieve something.

Because of how closely a “team” works together to achieve a common goal, they often form very close bonds. This makes a “team”, often a special group of people to us.

Here are a few examples that correctly utilize this term:

  • I’m heartbroken to be saying goodbye to my hockey team for the season.
  • Our legal team is renowned for being one of the best in the country.
  • A medical team must work incredibly fluidly and cohesively throughout the process of surgery.


A “union” is often a term that is associated with the workplace or a club. However, a “union” can also be a synonym for the term marriage. Cambridge Dictionary actually defines a “union” as the act or state of being joined together.

Because of this, we often consider a group of people or a pair in a “union” to consistently be working together towards the same goals or outcomes.

We can look over the following examples that use this term, for further information:

  • She believes that the union of two people should last until death and never wants to get a divorce as her parents did.
  • The signing of the treaty marked a monumental milestone on the road to a European union.
  • My husband works as a locomotive engineer and his company has a union to protect the employees’ rights.


Another excellent term we can choose to use is “coalition”. Cambridge Dictionary defines a “coalition” as the joining together of different political parties or groups for a particular purpose, usually for a limited time, or a government that is formed in this way.

Therefore, we often see “coalitions” for together to defeat a common enemy or reach a common goal or outcome.

For additional clarification on this term, here are various examples:

  • By forming a coalition, the Liberals and the New Democrats were able to defeat the Conservatives.
  • By forming an international coalition, the countries were able to defeat the invading rebel alliance.
  • The citizens, with all differing political views, set aside their differences and formed a coalition to overthrow the dictatorship.


A “league” is another term that we commonly refer to as a group of recreational sports players, gamers, etc. However, Cambridge Dictionary defines a “league” as a group of people or countries who join together because they have the same interest.

Because of this, we can also use the term “league” to define a group that comes together to reach a common goal.

We can now look over the following examples, that use this term in a sentence:

  • The League of Nations was the first worldwide intergovernmental organization that’s principle reason for being founded and whose mission was to maintain world peace.
  • He was the best hitter in the league, having scored more home runs than anyone else.
  • Our team is ten points ahead of the second-place team in the league.


A “coterie” is another wonderful alternative that we can choose to use, especially because it isn’t commonly used. Cambridge Dictionary defines “coterie” as a small group of people with shared interests, often one that does not want other people to join.

Because of this, we can often view a “coterie” as a clique or a small group of people with similar goals, but not wanting to expand to allow other people the opportunity to join.

Some examples that include this term are:

  • She had a tight coterie of friends, that was often viewed as the mean girls in school.
  • The coterie of writers would meet together every Tuesday evening to go over new ideas for their novels.
  • He had a coterie of advisers that helped him get into school.


An “association” is another great term we can use, as Cambridge Dictionary defines it as a group of people who work together in a single organization for a particular purpose. Because of this, an “association” will put forth the effort, closely and intricately to complete a common task.

An “association” is another group that may only be brought together for a short period of time, or it can become a lasting organization of people.

We can now look over the following examples that use this term:

  • The National Association of Broadcasters is constantly posting updates on what is going on in Ukraine.
  • Our college was affiliated and in association with the neighbouring university.
  • The association is in the process of inviting new members to join, which generally takes a few months to complete.


When we think of a “club”, we generally picture a group of people that gather over a shared hobby. Cambridge Dictionary defines a “club” as an organization of people with a common purpose or interest, who meet regularly and take part in shared activities.

Because of this, a “club” can be considered people that gather in order to share a common goal, like defeating a game.

Here are a few examples we can go over, that use this specific term in a sentence:

  • In high school, we had a club devoted to anime lovers and people who wanted to learn more. It was a fantastically inclusive group of people.
  • He recently joined the local golf club to meet new people and get back into shape.
  • Visitors may only enter the premises when they are accompanied by a registered club member.


We can use the term “collaboration”, similarly to our other alternate terms. This is because Cambridge Dictionary defines “collaboration” as the situation of two or more people working together to create or achieve the same thing. This means that a “collaboration” often works on a common goal.

It’s important to note that most “collaborations” involve some form of impartial team leadership, in order to achieve their goal or purpose.

For clarity purposes, here are a few various examples that use this term:

  • The two playwriters worked in close collaboration with the director in order to write and edit the script accordingly.
  • We worked in collaboration on the song and entered it into the songwriting festival that is coming up next month.
  • The building was designed by the collaboration of two competing architecture firms.


Another somewhat uncommon alternative that we can choose to use is “synergy”. Cambridge Dictionary defines “synergy” as the combined power of a group of things when they are working together that is greater than the total power achieved by each working separately.

The term “synergy” can also be applicable to a group of people that work and struggle together to complete a common task or achieve a goal.

We will now go over the following examples for the term “synergy”:

  • Your teamwork on the project resulted in a cohesive synergy that was noted by the entire company – congratulations on your achievements.
  • We achieved financial synergy when we melded our two companies into a single entity.
  • A synergy was developed amongst the two students working on the project, despite their previous differences.


The last term that we will be going over for this article is “cooperation”. Cambridge Dictionary defines “cooperation” as the process of working with another company, organization, or country in order to achieve something or the act of working together with someone or doing something they ask you.

Because of this, we often see “cooperation” as a necessity to reaching or achieving a common goal.

Lastly, we will go over the following examples highlighting this particular term:

  • This documentary was only made possible by the cooperation of the victims’ families. So, thank each and every one of you for sharing their stories.
  • This treaty involved mass international cooperation to be achieved.
  • We worked in cooperation with the rival school district, in order to create our anti-drinking and driving campaign and fundraiser.

What Does “A Common Goal” Mean?

A “common goal” is what gives a group of people a shared purpose, even if they have differing views, religions, etc. It encourages people to work together as a cohesive team, in order to achieve a result that will hopefully be able to benefit everyone participating.

“Common goals” often bring folks together, creating bonds over dedication and time spent together. This can even be true in terms of counties or nations working together to achieve a “common goal”.

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Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

From CEOpedia | Management online

Ability to work in a team
See also
  • Team dynamics
  • Management styles
  • Management by conflict
  • Advantages of team work
  • Importance of teamwork
  • Hersey and Blanchard model
  • Belbin team role inventory
  • Cross-cultural leadership
  • Leadership models
  • Blockchain

Ability to work in a team is one of the most important soft skills for any job. It involves the ability to work collaboratively with others to achieve a common goal. This includes the ability to communicate effectively, delegate tasks, and make collective decisions. It also involves understanding individual roles, respecting others’ opinions, and working together to create positive outcomes.

Choosing the best person for an employee position is a very hard task for the employer, also requires employee activity. It is important not only to have specific knowledge and skills, but also the employee must demonstrate that he also has the skills and personal competences. In the first place among these competences is the ability to work in a team.

Complicated projects and tasks require more inputs, that is knowledge, skills and experience. The most important reason for creating a team group is the synergy effect, i.e. the situation in which the effects generated by the team are greater than the whole of the effects that are generated by the unit. Then «added value» appears, which is the result of combining the knowledge, efforts, experience and skills of each team member.

The social cause is another reason for creating teams. Each of us strives to be liked, I want to belong to a specific social group that will create a reference point while creating the value system. In addition, team work helps protect against negative effects that are related to the subjective essence of attribution processes and perception of phenomena. The team’s effectiveness may depend on many factors, including from the band itself, the roles played in the team, the ease of communication, the atmosphere. The ability to work in a group is one of the most desirable employee characteristics.

Example of Ability to work in a team

A recent example of my ability to work in a team is my internship at ABC Company. During this internship, I was part of a team that was responsible for developing a new product. We all worked together to create a successful product by establishing trust, developing relationships, and making collective decisions. We also had to embrace change and be open to different perspectives in order to ensure the success of the project. Ultimately, our hard work paid off and we were able to successfully launch the product.

The key elements of teamwork

Fig.1. Ability to work in a team

For the introduction of the team work mechanism, remember the following key elements:

  • There is not the only model of work in a team used in any situation, it depends on the problem being solved.
  • Good work in a team is effective as in the economic area, also in interpersonal.
  • Teams require support from the board and operate in a wider scope.
  • A good team does not fight with each other, only with a problem.
  • Creating a team that will work in an effective manner is an investment.

Team efficiency

Factors that determine the efficiency of the team:

  • Common goal: In order to be able to work effectively, the team should have a specific goal. Additionally, team members should engage in the implementation of the set goals. The time that the team spends to formulate goals and discuss possible problems that may arise during the task will help save time and effort to solve problems. The goal is a positive value for the whole group. To achieve the goal, the team plans actions that are needed to achieve it, and then ceases to do so. The team may have several set goals, the most important thing is that each of these goals is well-formed. If the goal and the way it is achieved will be clearly defined, then the more willingly the employee will perform the tasks.
  • Use of resources: The final goal of the group is efficiency. For this reason, the group should distribute resources in such a way and create such an environment that each participant could use their full potential.
  • Conflict resolution and mutual trust: The employees do not work smoothly with each other. Often there is a lot of controversy about team work. Therefore, it is very important to be able to recognize the conflict and be able to solve it.
  • Control and procedures: Each team should have rules that each member should follow. These can be rules on how to conduct meetings, but also can be more complicated procedures. This group should decide how it wants to be controlled.
  • Interpersonal communication: The development of the team depends on the level of communication skills of its members. The best factors are basing on the ideas of other members and listening to each other. It is also important that everyone can express themselves.

Types of Ability to work in a team

Ability to work in a team can take various forms depending on the situation. This includes working in a large team, working in a small team, and working with remote team members.

  • Working in a large team: Working in a large team requires the ability to manage multiple tasks, delegate tasks to team members, and coordinate collective work.
  • Working in a small team: Working in a small team requires the ability to quickly come to consensus, communicate effectively, and efficiently complete tasks.
  • Working with remote team members: Working with remote team members requires the ability to use technology effectively, communicate clearly, and understand different cultural backgrounds.

In conclusion, the ability to work in a team can vary depending on the situation. This includes working in a large team, a small team, and with remote team members. Understanding the different types of teams and the skills required for each can help to develop this important soft skill.

The ability to work in a team is quite a vast skill that can include a string of other skills:

  • Building relationships with other employees: This is the easiness of establishing contacts with other employees, coping with difficult interpersonal situations, the ability to apply techniques of creating contact in professional relations, as well as the principles of effective communication.
  • Communication skills: So, to what extent an employee can establish and maintain relationships with other team employees, at what level is its assertiveness. Also, it is important how it communicates with others.
  • A way to deal with stressful situations: Attitude to take on challenges and the way the employee takes them is also an important factor. How a person works under pressure and high emotional tension, how he counteracts stress and how he relaxes after being in a stressful situation.
  • Pursuit of the goal: This is an approach to your successes, self-esteem and entrepreneurship as well as faith in your strength. Also important is how the employee is geared to difficult tasks and overcoming various difficulties.
  • Action-oriented: Firmness in achieving the goal and the ability to work even as there are poorly planned tasks, motivation to work, as well as self-confidence while performing the assigned tasks.
  • Motivation: The way in which the employee motivates to the tasks, as well as organization and steadfastness in the activities leading to the goal. Also important is how the team member motivates others to act, as well as the knowledge and ability to use motivational techniques.
  • Group work: This is the ability to cooperate in a team, focus on partnership and awareness of the goal. An employee who is able to work in a team should help others, give directions and also accept remarks addressed in their direction.

Personal skills

A person who is capable of working in a team has the following skills:

  • can listen and understand the attitude of other people,
  • is aware that others may have a different opinion,
  • can adjust so that you can give up your own goals if they are not consistent with the goals of the group,
  • can describe their own position in a precise way and understand the position of others,
  • understands what is her own contribution to the work and how it affects the success of the entire team,
  • can subjectively evaluate the work of others, give feedback and appreciate the own contribution of other team members,
  • it cares for a positive atmosphere at work, tries to reduce tensions if they arise, compromises, tries to extinguish conflicts.

How to build ability to work in a team

Ability to work in a team is an important soft skill to have in any job. It involves being able to collaborate with others in order to achieve a common goal. In order to do this, there are several steps one must take in order to develop this skill. These steps include:

  • Establishing trust: Establishing trust with team members is key in order to ensure that everyone is working towards a common goal. This can be done by setting clear expectations, communicating openly, and respecting each other’s opinions.
  • Developing relationships: Working in a team often involves developing relationships with other team members. This can be done by listening to each other, understanding different perspectives, and showing respect for everyone’s contributions.
  • Embracing change: As different tasks are completed and new ones are assigned, it is important to be able to accept and embrace change. This includes being open to different perspectives, learning from mistakes, and adapting to new challenges.
  • Making collective decisions: Making collective decisions is a key part of working in a team. This involves being able to listen to different perspectives, understanding different opinions, and coming to a consensus.

Advantages of Ability to work in a team

The ability to work in a team offers many advantages. Firstly, it allows everyone to have a say in the decision-making process, as different perspectives and ideas are brought to the table. Secondly, it allows tasks to be completed more efficiently as tasks can be divided and delegated between team members. Thirdly, it encourages creativity and innovation, as different perspectives and ideas are combined to create new solutions. Lastly, it allows for knowledge sharing, as team members can learn from each other and share expertise.

In conclusion, the ability to work in a team offers many advantages, including allowing for multiple perspectives in decision-making, improved efficiency in task completion, creativity and innovation, and knowledge sharing.

Limitations of Ability to work in a team

In addition to the importance of the ability to work in a team, it is also important to understand the limitations of this skill. Some of the limitations of the ability to work in a team include:

  • Time constraints: Working in a team often requires a great deal of time and effort. This can be challenging when there are time constraints or deadlines that need to be met.
  • Different perspectives: Working in a team also involves working with different perspectives. This can be difficult to manage when there are disagreements or competing ideas.
  • Group dynamics: Working in a team also involves understanding group dynamics. This can be difficult to manage when there are different personalities or expectations.

In conclusion, while the ability to work in a team is a crucial skill for any job, there are also limitations to it. These include time constraints, different perspectives, and group dynamics. Understanding these limitations can help to ensure that team members are able to work together effectively and efficiently.

  • Problem Solving: Working in a team often involves problem solving. This involves being able to identify the problem and come up with a solution that works for everyone. It also involves being able to think critically and come up with creative solutions.
  • Time Management: Working in a team also involves effective time management. This involves being able to prioritize tasks, manage deadlines, and use resources efficiently.
  • Conflict Resolution: Conflict is inevitable when working in a team. It is important to be able to address conflict in a constructive manner. This includes being able to listen to different perspectives, understand different opinions, and come to a resolution that works for everyone.


  • Opie, A. (2000). Thinking teams, thinking clients: Knowledge-based teamwork (p. 305). New York: Columbia University Press.
  • Kay, J., Maisonneuve, N., Yacef, K., & Reimann, P. (2006, June). The big five and visualisations of team work activity. In International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems (p. 197-206). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
  • Steijn, B. (2001). Work systems, quality of working life and attitudes of workers: an empirical study towards the effects of team and non‐teamwork. New Technology, Work and Employment, 16(3), 191-203.

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I think that in two or three years this large system will be able to work completely independently and effectively.

Я думаю, что через два-три года эта большая система сможет работать полностью автономно и эффективно.

They continued to insist that the system will not be able to work with a huge range of products.

Они продолжали настаивать на том, что система не сможет работать с огромным ассортиментом выпускаемой продукции.

In addition, budget analysts must be able to work under strict time constraints.

Кроме того, бюджетные аналитики должны иметь возможность работать самостоятельно в течение длительного времени в условиях строгого ограничения времени.

We will see later that it is useful to be able to work with combinations whose operators are themselves compound expressions.

Позже мы увидим, что полезно иметь возможность работать и с комбинациями, чьи операторы сами по себе являются составными выражениями.

You’ve got to be able to work in a large team.

A project manager should be able to work within the framework of the so-called «project triangle»: tasks — deadlines — resources.

Проектный менеджер должен уметь работать в рамках так называемого «проектного треугольника»: задачи — сроки — ресурсы.

These dogs can easily adapt to different living conditions, but you must be able to work and play with a loving family.

Эти собаки могут легко адаптироваться к различным условиям жизни, но вы должны уметь работать и играть с любящей семьей.

Secondly, we must be able to work in the markets for which we produce new products and understand how these markets are arranged.

Во-вторых, мы должны уметь работать на рынках, для которых производим новые продукты, понимать, как эти рынки устроены.

I even used this light during photography and filming to be able to work at night.

The basis of success is to be able to work with the natural instincts of the animal through trust and mutual respect.

Основа успеха — это уметь работать с естественными инстинктами животного с помощью доверия и и взаимного уважения.

Users may easily accept credit card payments from their website and will be able to work from any corner of the world.

Пользователи могут легко принимать платежи по кредитным картам с их сайта, и будет иметь возможность работать из любого уголка мира.

Your processing system should be able to work with selected payment means and correspond to the chosen business model.

Ваша процессинговая система должна уметь работать с выбранными платежными средствами и соответствовать выбранной бизнес-модели.

The company also will be able to work as a basis for contract manufacturing of semiconductors everyone.

Также предприятие сможет работать в качестве базы для контрактного производства полупроводников всех желающих.

That is, today we must be able to work with big data.

То есть, сегодня мы должны уметь работать с большими данными.

Making an accommodation often requires environmental changes because a student might not be able to work at a desk or in a noisy environment.

Создание размещение часто требуется изменения окружающей среды, потому что студент не сможет работать на столе или в шумной обстановке.

At this stage of your education we expect you to be able to work in a more independent manner.

На этом этапе вашего обучения мы ожидаем, что Вы, чтобы иметь возможность работать в более независимым образом.

It will be able to work on top of Bitcoin right now, but with certain adjustments.

Он сможет работать над биткойнами прямо сейчас, но с некоторыми корректировками.

It is also extremely useful to be able to work with databases MySQL, used by many dynamic Web site.

Также чрезвычайно полезно уметь работать с базами данных MySQL, используемыми многими динамическими сайтами.

They will be able to work in local markets, offering fees below those charged by Gazprom.

Они будут иметь возможность работать на местных рынках, предлагая плату ниже тех, которые назначает Газпром.

This means that with this program, anyone should be able to work with OpenSCAD.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат be able to work

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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

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