Word for a while ago

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I had this idea for a while ago.

Эта мысль у меня была уже давно.

Vinnie and the other guys, they left for a while ago.

Винни и все остальные уже ушли давно.

For a while ago, Solid Explorer was an alternative to ES File Explorer, but as the months passed, it became so good that it no longer had to compete with anyone.

В течение некоторого времени, Solid Explorer, был альтернативой ES File Explorer, но с течением нескольких месяцев, это приложение стало настолько хорошим, что оно не имеет конкурентов.

For example a while ago, something happened that I still don’t understand.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

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while ago — недавно
a while ago — только что, недавно
a good while ago — так давно, что и не вспомнить; очень давно
a long while ago — давным-давно
a great while ago — очень давно
not long / a while ago — недавно
a long /good/ while ago — очень давно, так давно, что и не вспомнить

Автоматический перевод

некоторое время назад

Перевод по словам

while  — в то время как, до тех пор пока, проводить время
ago  — тому назад, тому назад


He arrived a little while ago.

Он прибыл некоторое время назад.

I texted her a little while ago.

Я совсем недавно написал ей СМС.

Tom got a letter from him just a little while ago.

Совсем недавно Том получил от него письмо.

6 years, 3 months ago

51k times

What does it mean «a while ago»? For how much time in the past it is said to be definite?

I saw it in the context of a video on Youtube (0:36)

Paraphrasing, the conversation was

Rakesh: Hi, Darren. Do you remember me? You took my sister out on a date. She’s slightly larger.
Darren: Maybe. I think so. A while ago?
Rakesh: Yeah, it was a little while ago, right. I know, it’s been a little while.

Em.'s user avatar


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asked Jan 11, 2017 at 18:20

Virtuous Legend's user avatar

Virtuous LegendVirtuous Legend

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a while ago means some time ago. The period of time we’re talking about can be a day, a week, a couple of months or, possibly, even a couple of years. It is always relative to the situation in which this expression is used.

Example #1:

— When was the last time you saw Mike?
— Actually, it was quite a while ago.

Here, it probably means a long time ago like a year or two ago.

Example #2:

— Is the boss in?
— He was here a while ago, but I don’t know where he is now. Maybe, he went to lunch.

In this example, a while ago probably means just a couple of hours ago.

answered Jan 11, 2017 at 18:25

Michael Rybkin's user avatar

Michael RybkinMichael Rybkin

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A while as a noun means a length of time.
This length can be different according to the situation.

«When did that happen?» «Oh, it was a while ago (a long time ago).

I haven’t seen him for a while (for a long time)

If you stayed somewhere for a short while or you were somewhere quite a while, it’s clear without explanation.

answered Jan 11, 2017 at 19:07

V.V.'s user avatar

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  • 12

    тому́ наза́д;

    not long ago, a while ago неда́вно

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > ago

  • 13

    əˈɡəu нареч. тому назад long ago ≈ давно not long ago, a while ago ≈ недавно It was five years ago that we met. ≈ Мы встретились пять лет назад.

    ago тому назад;
    long ago давно;
    not long ago, a while ago недавно

    ago тому назад;
    long ago давно;
    not long ago, a while ago недавно

    ago тому назад;
    long ago давно;
    not long ago, a while ago недавно

    ago тому назад;
    long ago давно;
    not long ago, a while ago недавно

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > ago

  • 14


    ago тому назад; long ago давно; not long ago, a while ago недавно ago тому назад; long ago давно; not long ago, a while ago недавно ago тому назад; long ago давно; not long ago, a while ago недавно ago тому назад; long ago давно; not long ago, a while ago недавно

    English-Russian short dictionary > ago

  • 15

    1. n время; промежуток времени

    2. n преим. поэт. это время

    3. n затраченные усилия и время; беспокойство

    4. v проводить, коротать

    5. v диал. тянуться

    6. prep диал. до

    7. cj вводит временные придаточные предложения, выражающие

    8. cj вводит предложения, выражающие противопоставление в то же время; тогда как; а

    one of the sisters was in white, while the other was all in black — одна сестра была в белом, а другая вся в чёрном

    9. cj разг. вводит предложения с противительным значением хотя, несмотря на то, что

    while the book will be welcomed by scholars, it will make an immediate appeal to the general reader — книга будет хорошо принята не только учёными, но и широким кругом читателей

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. although (adj.) although; whereas

    2. during (adj.) during; through; throughout

    3. effort (noun) effort; elbow grease; exertion; pain; pains; trouble

    4. interval (noun) bit; interim; interval; period; space; spell; stretch; whet

    English-Russian base dictionary > while

  • 16

    1. [waıl]

    1. 1) время; промежуток времени

    a long [a short] while — долго [недолго]

    in a little while — скоро, вот-вот

    a while ago — только что, недавно

    after a little while — вскоре, через некоторое время

    at whiles — по временам, иногда

    all the /this/ while — всё (это) время

    2) (the while)

    поэт. (всё) это время

    he sang to her and looked in her eyes the while — он пел для неё, всё время смотря ей в глаза

    2. затраченные усилия и время; беспокойство

    2. [waıl]

    1. проводить, коротать (;

    to while away the time)


    забываться за каким-л. занятием, отвлекаться

    3. [waıl]



    4. [waıl]


    1) пока; в то время как; когда

    he had an accident while (he was) coming here — по дороге сюда с ним произошёл несчастный случай

    finish the work while there is light — кончайте работу, пока светло

    2) пока; когда

    while (he was) here, he studied a great deal — пока он был здесь, он много занимался

    2. в то же время; тогда как; а

    one of the sisters was in white, while the other was all in black — одна сестра была в белом, а другая вся в чёрном

    he was generous towards others, while stinting himself — он был щедр по отношению к другим, в то же время отказывая себе во всём


    хотя, несмотря на то, что

    while I don’t like it I’ll do it — хотя мне это (и) не нравится, я это сделаю

    4. а также; кроме того; не только… но и

    while the book will be welcomed by scholars, it will make an immediate appeal to the general reader — книга будет хорошо принята не только учёными, но и широким кругом читателей

    НБАРС > while

  • 17

    adv тому назад

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. in the past (adj.) before; former; gone by; hence; in the past; of old; past; prior; since

    English-Russian base dictionary > ago

  • 18


    тому назад

    many years ago — много лет тому назад, давно

    long ago — (очень) давно; давным-давно

    a long /good/ while ago — очень давно, так давно, что и не вспомнить

    how long ago is it that you last saw her? — когда вы видели её последний раз?

    I met him no longer ago than last week — я встретил его не далее как на прошлой неделе

    НБАРС > ago

  • 19



    not long ago/a while ago — недавно

    2000 самых употребительных английских слов > ago

  • 20


    тому назад; long ago давно; not long ago, a while ago недавно

    * * *

    (d) тому назад

    * * *

    * * *

    [a·go || ə’gəʊ]
    тому назад

    * * *






    * * *

    тому назад

    Новый англо-русский словарь > ago

  • См. также в других словарях:

    • while ago — {adv.} At a time several minutes in the past; a few minutes ago; a short time ago. Used with a . * /I laid mv glasses on this table a while ago; and now they re gone./ * /A while ago, Mary was tired and wanted to go home; now she s dancing with… …   Dictionary of American idioms

    • while ago — {adv.} At a time several minutes in the past; a few minutes ago; a short time ago. Used with a . * /I laid mv glasses on this table a while ago; and now they re gone./ * /A while ago, Mary was tired and wanted to go home; now she s dancing with… …   Dictionary of American idioms

    • while ago — adv At a time several minutes in the past; a few minutes ago; a short time ago. Used with a . I laid MV glasses on this table a while ago; and now they re gone. A while ago, Mary was tired and wanted to go home; now she s dancing with Bob as if… …   Словарь американских идиом

    • while-ere — or whilere /wī lārˈ or hwī lārˈ/ adverb (archaic) A little while ago, formerly • • • Main Entry: ↑while …   Useful english dictionary

    • ago — See: WHILE AGO …   Dictionary of American idioms

    • ago — See: WHILE AGO …   Dictionary of American idioms

    • ago — See: while ago …   Словарь американских идиом

    • ago — a|go W1S1 [əˈgəu US əˈgou] adv [Date: 1400 1500; Origin: From the past participle of ago to pass away (11 17 centuries), from Old English agan, from gan to go ] used to show how far back in the past something happened 5 minutes/an hour/20 years… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

    • ago — adjective used to show how far back in the past something happened: 5 minutes/an hour/20 years ago: Michael left the office about half an hour ago. | long ago/a long time ago: I met Aunt Hetty once, a very long time ago. | a minute/moment ago: I… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

    • while — while1 [ waıl, hwaıl ] conjunction *** 1. ) at a moment during the time that something is happening: Someone called while you were out. While in Australia, she met and married Bert. She had sprained her ankle while playing tennis. 2. ) at the… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

    • while — I UK [waɪl] / US / US [hwaɪl] conjunction *** 1) at a moment during the time that something is happening Someone called while you were out. While in Australia, she met and married Bert. She had sprained her ankle while playing tennis. 2) at the… …   English dictionary

    • #1

    When you say a while ago, what are the time ranges? I know there are very specific expressions:

    I saw him …
    a) a few minutes ago.
    b) two hours ago.
    c) this morning.
    d) yesterday.
    e) last week.
    f) last month.

    My friend and I were discussing it, and he told me that a while ago is a long time, and you cannot apply it to timeframes A — C; that is, you cannot substitute that phrase to examples A — C. I’m not sure if he’s right.

  • IDK

    Senior Member

    • #2

    Actually, not even D or E. A while ago is, as your friend says, used to say «a long time ago». It used somewhere from 7+ days ago, to some months ago, usually withing 1 or 2 months. If it’s been something like a year, then a while ago shouldn’t be used as it is too long ago to use it.

    • #3

    I think the expression «a while ago» is completely relative. For instance, somebody could have arrived at a party «a while ago». In this instance, it indicates that a considerable amount of time has gone by since the arrival, relative to the amount of time a party typically lasts. If the person arrived at the party at 9:00, and it is currently 1:00, it would be perfectly to describe the time of arrival as «a while ago».

    Does this make any sense?


    • #4

    Does this make any sense?

    A while ago is a relatively long time ago, within the context.

    Contrasting with the party example.
    Have you seen Bill since he retired (last January).
    We had lunch a while ago (in October).

    It is not possible to put an absolute time reference on «a while ago».

    • #5

    I believe that the context usually provides a good enough timescale for each occasion when “a while ago” is said (which as far as I’m concerned could be any time from a few minutes to a few years beforehand). But apart from the context issue it’s important to realise that the reason this fairly meaningless expression is used is because, as far as the speaker is concerned, it doesn’t matter when the occasion occurred—it was just… a while ago.

    But if, on the other hand, the listener feels that it is indeed of some importance, then he or she will simply ask, “Oh, really? When was that then?”


    • #6

    If I wanted to avoid answering a time/age related question ‘a while ago’ would be an ideal way of admitting nothing:
    Q: When did you post my letter?
    A: A while ago…:eek:

    Q: When did you turn 40?
    A: A while ago…:rolleyes:

    • #7

    When you say a while ago, what are the time ranges? I know there are very specific expressions:

    I saw him …
    a) a few minutes ago.
    b) two hours ago.
    c) this morning.
    d) yesterday.
    e) last week.
    f) last month.

    My friend and I were discussing it, and he told me that a while ago is a long time, and you cannot apply it to timeframes A — C; that is, you cannot substitute that phrase to examples A — C. I’m not sure if he’s right.

    Your friend is partially right. If you wanted to say something like A-C, you would probably say a little while ago.

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