Word for a well read person

Is there a word for person who always have to read anything written or printed either the graffiti on wall something printed on t shirt, behind or on side of the transport literally almost everything no matter the situation. Sometime he/she makes it awkward in-front of other people.More curious type of person but sometime annoying.

Edit 1: That word that clearly implies the behavioral pattern as mentioned by @Spagirl.

asked Jul 18, 2017 at 8:05

uservs301's user avatar


A voracious reader, and anything shorter will be confusing.

Here’s an example from Google Books, found using Chris H’s suggestion in the comments:

Rescued by Prayer By Sandy Ourso

Voracious — Collins

If you describe a person, or their appetite for something, as voracious, you mean that they want a lot of something.

Joseph Smith was a voracious book collector.
He read voraciously.

There’s also a rare (fancy, made-up) word, like Steve Lovell mentioned in the comments:

Omnivoracious — Encyclo

  1. Mentally striving to find and learn all existing forms of information beyond what is considered a normal acquisition:
    He had an omnivoracious desire for knowledge about everything; both past and present.

Community's user avatar

answered Jul 18, 2017 at 15:44

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Rather venomously, the Vedomosti newspaper observed that it’s good to know Putin»is a well-read person who has visited the Hermitage

and the Tretyakov Gallery,» not to mention»the museum that is the Kremlin.

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Хорошо, что российский президент- человек цивилизованный, довольно ядовито заметила газета Ведомости,» читал книги, бывал в Эрмитаже и Третьяковской галерее»,

не говоря уж об» историко-культурном заповеднике» Московский Кремль».

Hombre de letras» is a scientist, a knowledgeable, well-read person capable of applying science,

describing his sphere of knowledge with the help of an extensive scientific and intellectual apparatus, comparing this volume with other sciences, and literally decorating it in an entertaining form.

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Hombre de letras»‒ ученый, знающий, начитанный человек, способный применять науку, описать

свою сферу знаний с помощью обширного научного и интеллектуального аппарата, сопоставив этом объем с другими науками, и литературно оформить ее в занимательной форму.

He gives an object lesson to the fraternity. Being a very inquisitive and well-read person, he takes an active part in meetings with the people,

which are held every Sunday in one of the town churches. On his own time, he has didactic talks with cenobites of the Klobuk Monastery of St. Nicholas, where he is a confessor.».

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Как человек в высшей степени любознательный и начитанный, он принимает живое и деятельное участие в собеседованиях с народом,

происходящих в воскресные дни в одной из городских церквей, а также в удобное время ведет назидательные беседы с насельниками Николаевского Клобуково монастыря, где он состоит духовником».

familiar with the works of Western mystics such as Karl von Eckartshausen and Louis Claude de Saint-Martin.

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Отличался широкой начитанностью, в частности был хорошо знаком с сочинениями

Карла фон Эккартсгаузена и Луи Сен- Мартена.

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You’re well-dressed, well-read, well-traveled.

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Ты хорошо одет, хорошо образован, много путешествовал.

He also seems charming and well-read and kind.

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Он также кажется очаровательным, начитанным и добрым.

The Beginners are best to choose materials, well-read speaker.

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Новичкам лучше выбрать материалы, начитанные диктором.

He’s handsome, charming… Well-read, a terrific dancer.

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Он красивый, очаровательный… начитанный, потрясающе танцует.

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Он добрый, умный и спокойный.

Careful, no one likes a, uh, well-read beefcake.

You can always count on a well-read man, hmm?

The hostility between well-read people is worse than a feud.

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Вражда между начитанными людьми хуже, чем междоусобица.

Sexy, well-read blonde loves the sweeter things in life.

She was well-read however, and developed a love of literature.

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Тем не менее, она была хорошо начитана и развила в себе любовь к литературе.

I was told before that she was charming, intelligent, well-read, gracious.

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Мне говорили и раньше, что она обаятельна, умна, прекрасно начитанна и грациозна.

Your wife’s well-read, well-educated, well-mannered, and you’re just»oh, well.

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Твоя жена хорошо образована,


воспитана, много читает, а ты только и всего:» о, это неплохо.

I will be the most well-read customer service you will ever meet.

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Я буду самой начитанной официанткой, которую вы встречали.

I’m not as artsy and well-read as I wish I was.

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Я не такая культурная и начитанная, как мне бы хотелось.

But books, well-read Native Speakers, at the initial stage should be abandoned.

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А вот от книг, начитанных Native Speakers, на начальном этапе лучше отказаться.

You must be very well-read woman, because you’re working in a bookstore.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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Ты наверное очень начитанная девушка, ведь ты работаешь в книжном магазине.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

He is not a saint but well-read. He may give some useful advice.

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Человек он хоть и не святой, а начитанный, может какой-нибудь совет дельный даст.

Manipulate the person reading the data.

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Манипулируйте человеком, который считывает данные.

I thought if she’s well-read, she wouldn’t turn out like me.

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Если она будет много читать, то не окажется в моем положении.

If you know a good writer, you might be interested in finding a good word to describe them. Someone who writes well deserves to be complimented if you’re impressed by them. This article will explore some of the best words you can use to flatter them.

Best Words For A Person Exceptional At Writing

The preferred words are “wordsmith,” “articulate,” and “succinct.” Each word allows you to show that someone is able to write in a way that flows. It’s easy to understand what they’re trying to convey, which means that they’re a particularly effective writer in all situations.


“Wordsmith” is the best way to compliment a writer. It shows that they have skills when using words. It’s a great way of showing that you can’t achieve the same level of detail or quality, but you’re always impressed with the wordsmiths that make it look easy.

The definition of “wordsmith,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “a person who has skill with using words, especially in writing.”

  • Paul is a wordsmith. If you ever need help coming up with a way to word something like this, he’s your guy. He’ll know what to write.
  • I like to think of myself as a wordsmith. I always enjoy writing short stories and such things whenever I get the chance to do so.
  • She’s quite a wordsmith. We’re always blown away by her talent. I really think you should give her a chance to see what she can do.


“Articulate” is a great way of showing that a writer is able to express things with words alone. It can be particularly hard to convey thoughts and feelings in writing, so using “articulate” for a writer shows that they have this rare talent that helps you connect to their work.

The definition of “articulate,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “able to express thoughts and feelings easily and clearly, or showing this quality.”

  • He’s an articulate writer. You might not think much of him, but he’s certainly got a way with words that other people just don’t have.
  • You’re very articulate when it comes to this type of thing. I wish I had your talent with words! That would save me so many issues.
  • I think you’re a very articulate writer. Have you ever thought about taking this further and seeing what you might be able to do with it?


“Succinct” shows that someone is able to write in a clear and concise way. It allows them to express everything they need to with very few words needed. They will only use words that are absolutely necessary to continue the narrative of their writing.

The definition of “succinct,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “said in a clear and short way; expressing what needs to be said without unnecessary words.”

  • Your writing style is so succinct. It’s easily one of the most interesting for me to read, and it feels like I can actually keep up with you.
  • I like how succinct you can be with these types of things. It really shows that you put a lot of care and effort into your writing.
  • I love his succinct style. Have you ever read one of his books? They’re well worth the read! You won’t regret it.


“Lucid” is a solid choice if you’re trying to show that a writer can express their work in an understandable way. It works really well to show that you have a great time reading their work because of how clear and easy it is to follow.

The definition of “lucid,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “clearly expressed and easy to understand, or (of a person) thinking or speaking clearly.”

  • I’ve never known a writer to be as lucid as you are. You just find a way of capturing my imagination from the very first word.
  • She’s a lucid writer. You’ll easily understand what she’s trying to convey, and it feels like every single word is included for a good reason.
  • I like to think of myself as quite lucid when it comes to writing my books. I know what I want to get out of them, and I deliver that.


“Eloquent” usually relates to speaking, but you can also use it to show that someone is a fantastic writer. If someone writes eloquently, it means they are able to clearly and concisely convey the message and meaning that they’re trying to establish with their work.

The definition of “eloquent,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “giving a clear, strong message.”

  • You’re very eloquent for someone so young. If I didn’t know you, I would have thought this short story was written by a trained adult.
  • I love being eloquent because people always express how amazed they are by my writing talent. I want to get that from everyone.
  • You’re the most eloquent writer I’ve seen around here. You must send me some of your books to read sometime. I’d like that.


“Fluent” is another word that generally refers to spoken English. People are fluent when they have a smooth flow in their language structure and choices. This can also apply to someone who is writing. Fluency comes when they write sentences in smooth and interesting ways.

The definition of “fluent,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “flowing in a smooth, attractive way.”

  • I’m a fluent writer because I’ve spent so many years trying to hone my craft. I think I’ve finally found my style, and that feels great.
  • I want to sound more fluent in my writing. My father is so good at creating stories, and I just want to sound a little more like him.
  • Dan is very fluent in his writing. I’d recommend reading some of his stories to learn more about what he’s got to say.

Literary Artisan

“Literary artisan” is a great way of showing that someone excels at writing. “Literary” is used as an adjective here to show that it relates to their writing skill. “Artisan” means that someone is skilled at a particular subject (in this case, writing).

The definition of “artisan,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “someone who does skilled work with their hands.”

  • It’s quite clear that you’re a literary artisan. I don’t think I’ve met anyone who was able to create stories in the same manner as you.
  • I’m a literary artisan. Don’t worry; I didn’t come up with that myself. My mom said it to me once, and it’s managed to stick with me.
  • I think you’re a literary artisan, and it would be foolish for you not to try and get these stories published for the rest of the world.

Literary Craftsman

“Literary craftsman” also uses “literary” as an adjective to help establish someone’s written skill. “Craftsman” is used here to show that someone is a brilliant writer because they’ve spent so much time trying to hone their skills in the craft.

The definition of “craftsman,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “a person who is skilled in a particular craft.”

  • She’s a literary craftsman, so it’s best to leave her to do her thing. I think you’ll be quite surprised by some of the things she can come out with.
  • I like being a literary craftsman. All of my friends are always shocked at the skill of my work, and I love that feeling more than anything.
  • You’re a literary craftsman, and it’s a crime that other people don’t get the chance to read your books. I want to publish them!


“Clear” might be a simple word to describe a good writer, but it’s effective. Many writers want nothing more than to be clear in the things they write. If they can write something and everyone can understand it, they’ll know that they’re a great writer.

The definition of “clear,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “easy to understand, hear, read, or see.”

  • Your writing is clear beyond belief. It’s so easy to follow along with the story, and it allows you to really connect with the characters.
  • I’m a clear writer, and I’ve spent a great deal of time trying to develop the skills that I’ve got to show off today.
  • I’m not as clear as I’d like to be, though a lot of people seem to really enjoy the things I’ve got to say in my work.


“Shakespearean” generally relates to the works of William Shakespeare. You can also use it as an adjective to describe someone who seems to possess talents like his. It can be said about someone whose work impresses you beyond any normal writer’s work.

The definition of “Shakespearean,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “written by William Shakespeare, or relating to or typical of his work.”

  • I’ve been called Shakespearean in my time because of the way I allow words to flow on the page. I suppose that’s a compliment.
  • I like his books because he’s so Shakespearean in his delivery. I hope I can read more of his stuff going forward.
  • Sheila is the most Shakespearean writer out there right now. It’s like Shakespeare himself is living through her once again.

You may also like: 8 Words For Someone Who Is Good With Words

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If you want to be well-read, then, in the words of William Faulkner, you’ll have to «Read, read, read. Read everything…» You can start at the very beginning, or just make your way down an eclectic list of books that you’d like to read. What’s important is that you pick books that are lively, challenging, and which broaden your horizons. If you want to be well-read, here are some tips and recommendations to get you started.

  1. Image titled Be Well Read Step 1


    Read the classics before 1600. Reading the classics is the very first thing you have to do to be well-read. If you want to build a solid foundation for your understanding of the books you read, then you can’t avoid some of the earliest plays, poems, and oral tales ever written down. Remember that the novel didn’t really get popular until the 18th century, so you won’t find novels on this list. Without reading the poetry of Homer or the plays of Sophocles, you won’t be able to call yourself well-read. Here’s a list to get you started:

    • The Epic of Gilgamesh (Unknown author) (18th – 17th century BCE)
    • The Iliad and The Odyssey by Homer (850–750 BCE, 8th century BCE)
    • «The Oresteia» by Aeschylus (458 BCE)
    • Oedipus the King by Sophocles (430 BCE)
    • Medea by Euripides (431 BCE)
    • Aeneid by Virgil (29–19 BCE)
    • One Thousand and One Nights (Unknown author) (700–1500)
    • Beowulf (Unknown author) (975-1025)
    • The Tale of Genji by Murasaki Shikibu (11th century)
    • The Divine Comedy by Dante (1265–1321)
    • The Decameron by Boccaccio (1349–53)
    • The Canterbury Tales by Chaucer (14th century)
    • «The Mahabharata» by Vyasa
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  1. Image titled Be Well Read Step 2


    Read the classics from 1600-1913. Though a large amount of material is covered in these measly 300 years, reading the books from the time period when the novel emerged until the beginning of World War I will give you a sense of the progress that the novel and other works had made throughout the Romantic and Victorian periods, as well as an understanding of the realism that was the traditional mode for novels which was then turned on its head with the advent of Modernism and the disillusionment that came from WWI. Here’s a list to get you started:

    • Don Quixote by Cervantes 1605 (part 1), 1615 (part 2)
    • «Taming of the Shrew,» Romeo and Juliet, «A Midsummer Night’s Dream,» «The Merchant of Venice,» «Much Ado About Nothing,» «As You Like It,» «Julius Caesar,» Hamlet, «Othello,» «King Lear,» and «Macbeth» by William Shakespeare (1593, 1594, 1595, 1596, 1598, 1599, 1599, 1600, 1604, 1605, 1605)
    • Gulliver’s Travels by Jonathan Swift (1726)
    • Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen (1813)
    • Faust by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1832)
    • Le Père Goriot by Honoré de Balzac (1835)
    • Dead Souls by Nikolai Gogol (1842)
    • Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë (1847)
    • Moby-Dick by Herman Melville (1851)
    • Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert (1856)
    • Great Expectations by Charles Dickens (1861)
    • War and Peace and Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy (1869, 1877)
    • Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad (1899)
    • Crime and Punishment and The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoevsky (1866, 1880)
    • Middlemarch by George Eliot (1871)
  2. Image titled Be Well Read Step 3


    Read the classics from 1914-1995. This time period spans the advent of Modernism, an experimental form of fiction, as well as a rebellion against traditional narratives. Reading the classics of this time period will help you gain an understanding of the dramatic transformation of literature in the 20th century. Here’s a list to get you going:

    • In Search of Lost Time by Marcel Proust (1913–27)
    • Ulysses by James Joyce (1922)
    • The Magic Mountain by Thomas Mann (1924)
    • The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald (1925)
    • The Trial by Franz Kafka (1925)
    • Mrs Dalloway and To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf (1925, 1927)
    • The Sound and the Fury by William Faulkner (1929)
    • The Stranger by Albert Camus (1942)
    • The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand (1943)
    • Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell (1949)
    • The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger (1951)
    • Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison (1952)
    • The Sun Also Rises and The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway (1926, 1952)
    • «The Lord of The Rings» by J.R.R. Tolkien (1954, 1955)
    • Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov (1955)
    • Pedro Páramo by Juan Rulfo (1955)
    • Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe (1958)
    • Rabbit, Run by John Updike (1960)
    • To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee (1960)
    • The Golden Notebook by Doris Lessing (1962)
    • The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath (1963)
    • One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel García Márquez (1967)
    • Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut (1969)
  3. Image titled Be Well Read Step 4


    Read more contemporary classics from 1980 to the present. Though these books haven’t stood the test of decades of time, there are still a number of contemporary novels that are so popular that it may feel like everyone has read them. In fact, reading these books may make you feel the most well-read because people will be talking about them the most. Here are some books to get you started:

    • Midnight’s Children by Salman Rushdie (1981)
    • The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood (1984)
    • Beloved by Toni Morrison (1987)
    • The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle by Haruki Murakami (1997)
    • American Pastoral by Philip Roth (1997)
    • The God of Small Things» by Arundhati Roy (1997)
    • Disgrace by J. M. Coetzee (1999)
    • White Teeth by Zadie Smith (2000)
    • Atonement by Ian McEwan (2001)
    • The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Klay by Michael Chabon (2001)
    • Everything is Illuminated by Johnathan Safran Foer (2002)
    • Middlesex by Jeffery Eugenides
    • The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini (2003)
    • The Known World by Edward P. Jones (2003)
    • Gilead by Marilynne Robinson (2004)
    • The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao by Junot Diaz (2007)
    • 2666 by Roberto Bolaño (2008)
    • Swamplandia! by Karen Russell (2011)
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  1. Image titled Be Well Read Step 5


    Read short stories. Short stories are an incredible genre all their own, and if you really want to be well-read, then you have to read the short stories of classic masters as well as some contemporary short stories. For short stories, it’s more important to read the works of a particular author than a collection, so here is a list of classic short story writers as well as more contemporary writers that you have to check out:

    • Classic short story masters (1600-1950): Edgar Allan Poe, Anton Chekhov, Ernest Hemingway, Jorge Luis Borges, Kafka, Isaac Babel, John Updike, Katherine Mansfield, Eudora Welty, and Ray Bradbury.
    • Contemporary short story masters: (1950-Present): Flannery O’Connor, Raymond Carver, Donald Barthelme, Tim ‘O Brien, George Saunders, Jhumpa Lahiri, Junot Diaz, Z.Z. Packer, Joyce Carol Oates, and Denis Johnson.
    • Classic Short Story Collections:

      • In Our Time by Ernest Hemingway (1925)
      • A Good Man is Hard to Find by Flannery O’Connor (1953)
      • What We Talk About When We Talk About Love by Raymond Carver (1981)
      • Jesus’ Son by Denis Johnson (1992)
      • Interpreter of Maladies by Jhumpa Lahiri (1999)
  2. Image titled 1392630 6


    Read plays. If you want to be well-read, then you also have to read the works of classic playwrights. Though Shakespeare is the playwright you should know the best, he has been previously listed. However, there are other contemporary and not-so-contemporary plays that you should read if you want to call yourself well-read. Check these out:

    • Everything by Shakespeare, including Macbeth, Romeo and Juliet, and Much Ado About Nothing (1606, 1597, 1599)
    • Hedda Gabler and A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen (1890, 1879)
    • The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde (1895)
    • Cyrano de Bergerac by Edmund Rostand (1897)
    • The Cherry Orchard and Uncle Vanya by Chekhov (1904, 1897)
    • Pygmalion by George Bernard Shaw (1912)
    • Our Town by Thornton Wilder (1938)
    • Death of a Salesman and The Crucible by Arthur Miller (1949, 1953)
    • Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett (1949)
    • Twelve Angry Men by Reginald Rose (1954)
    • A Streetcar Named Desire, The Glass Menagerie, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof by Tennessee Williams (1947, 1944, 1955)
    • No Exit by John-Paul Sartre (1944)
    • Inherit the Wind by Jerome Lawrence (1955)
    • Long Day’s Journey into Night and The Iceman Cometh by Eugene O’Neill (1956, 1946)
    • A Raisin in the Sun by Lorraine Hansberry (1959)
    • Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? by Edward Albee (1963)
    • Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead by Tom Stoppard (1966)
    • Betrayal by Harold Pinter (1978)
  3. Image titled 1392630 7


    Read poetry. Though the people around you may be less likely to talk about poetry unless you run in well-read circles, it’s important to familiarize yourself with both classic and contemporary poets so that you can be part of the conversation. Here are some books to get you started:

    • Shakespeare’s Sonnets by William Shakespeare (1609)
    • Paradise Lost by John Milton (1667)
    • The Complete Poems by John Keats (1815)
    • Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman (1855)
    • The Collected Poems of Langston Hughes by Langston Hughes
    • The Poetry of Robert Frost by Robert Frost
    • The Collected Poems of Emily Dickinson by Emily Dickinson
    • The Waste Land and Other Poems by T. S. Eliot (1922)
    • Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair by Pablo Neruda (1924)
    • E. E. Cummings: Complete Poems, 1904 -1962 by E. E. Cummings
    • Howl and Other Poems by Allen Ginsberg (1956)
    • Ariel by Sylvia Plath (1965)
    • The Complete Poems, 1927 — 1979 by Elizabeth Bishop
    • Opened Ground: Selected Poems, 1966 — 1996 by Seamus Heaney
  4. Image titled Be Well Read Step 8


    Read non-fiction. If you really want to be well-read, then you can’t just read stuff that people made up. You’ll have to read some non-fiction too so that you know what’s going on in the world of politics, history, popular science, and whatever the heck else is going on in the world. Here are the different types of non-fiction that you should familiarize yourself with:

    • History
    • Politics
    • Magazines
    • Memoirs
    • Biographies
    • The news
  5. Image titled Be Well Read Step 9


    Read popular fiction and non-fiction. If you really want to know what everyone is talking about, then you can’t just sit around reading Virgil. You’ll have to know what’s going on in the modern world too, and to read those beach reads or plane reads or Oprah’s book club has been talking about. How do you know what to read? Well, check out what people are reading on planes, beaches, etc., and also check out the New York Times bestseller list to check out which books are on the list. Here are some popular books that have all been published in the last twenty years that nearly everyone has read these days:

    • «The Wheel of Time» series by Robert Jordan
    • The Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling
    • Any novel by Nicholas Sparks
    • Any novel by John Grisham
    • The Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne Collins
    • The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown
    • Bonfire of the Vanities by Tom Wolfe
    • Fear of Flying by Erica Jong
    • Books by Bernard Cornwell
    • The «A Song of Ice and Fire» series by George R.R. Martin
    • The Year of Magical Thinking by Joan Didion
    • A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius by Dave Eggers
    • Freakonomics by Steven Levitt
    • Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert
    • Outliers and The Tipping Point by Malcom Gladwell
    • The Twilight series by Stephanie Meyer
    • The Alchemist by Paolo Coelho
    • The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo series by Stieg Larsson
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  1. Image titled Be Well Read Step 10


    Set goals. How can setting goals make reading more fun, you may ask? Well, because you’ll feel good about yourself if you accomplish something, that’s why. Start small: say, you want to read one book a month. Then go down to a book every two weeks. When you’re officially addicted to reading, you can read one book a week — or even two. Make a list of books and stick to them and you’ll be reading more and more in no time at all.

    • Setting goals will also keep you from wasting your time in less productive endeavors. Let’s say you’ve aimed to finish Ulysses by the weekend but there’s a marathon of Bad Girls Club on. Bye bye bad girls, hello culture.
  2. Image titled Be Well Read Step 11


    Blaze through top 100 lists. The Modern Library, Amazon, Time Magazine, and the New York Times have some great top 100 lists that can make you feel even more accomplished for reading. You’ll feel extremely well-read and good about yourself if you find yourself going down a list and crossing off every book you’ve read. Check out these lists for more reference:

    • The Modern Library Top 100 Modern Books list.[1]
    • Time Magazine’s Best Book of All Time list.[2]
    • The Guardian’s Top 100 Books of All Time list.[3]
    • Read books by Nobel-prize winning authors. Check out the list of authors here:[4]
    • The Village Voice’s list of best books of the previous decade, by genre.[5]
  3. Image titled Be Well Read Step 12


    Listen to audio books. Open an account at Audible.com or start listening to books you’ve rented from your local library. Listening to audiobooks is a great way to be well-read when you’re too tired to pick up a book and read. You can also listen to the books in the car, which is perfect for a long commute, or on your iPod while you’re taking a walk. Suddenly you’ll be looking forward to that long drive to work instead of dreading it!

    • Before you buy or rent the book, see if you can listen to a sample to make sure you like the voice of the person who is reading. If you think the person has an annoying voice, the book will feel like a slow read.
  4. Image titled Be Well Read Step 13


    Get a Kindle. Though a Kindle can cost over $100, you’ll quickly save money when you start buying books at the discount rate it offers. You can buy many classic novels, such as the works of Henry James, for under one dollar, and you can get contemporary novels at a 10-25% discount from what you would pay in the store, depending on the book. Getting a Kindle will also allow you to download a book the second you have a reading craving, instead of waiting around for a convenient time to run to the store.

    • When you have a Kindle, you can also sample a chapter of a book before buying it, so you can still browse the books a bit.
  5. Image titled Be Well Read Step 14


    Reward yourself with fun books. Though being well-read is important, having fun when you’re reading is important too. What’s your vice—cheesy detective novels, Harlequin romances, or thrillers? Whatever books you really love to read, don’t give ’em up just to read Charles Dickens. Instead, reward yourself: say that for every classic novel or literary novel you read, you’ll get to read one thriller, one beach romance, or one book of whatever genre you love the most.

  6. Image titled Be Well Read Step 15


    Start or join a book club. Being part of a book club will not only help you make friends with other well-read people, but it will open you up to a wider variety of books and will give you strict deadlines for finishing the books, as well as some time to think about what the books mean to you. Book clubs will keep you from speeding from one book to the next without stopping to think what it all means.

    • In most book clubs, you’ll have a chance to pick a book for the club to read, so you’ll get to share one of your favorite authors with others.
  7. Image titled Be Well Read Step 16


    Start a Goodreads account. If you start an account on Goodreads, you’ll be able to make a list of all the books you’ve read or want to read, review the books you’ve read, and to interact with other book lovers. Starting an account is free and will connect you to even more books and more readers. And more importantly, it’ll make you more excited about reading, so start an account today![6]

  8. Image titled Be Well Read Step 17


    Become an Amazon top reviewer. Get an account at Amazon if you don’t have one already and start reviewing all of those great books you’ve read. Once you’ve reviewed a ton of books and have written interesting and thoughtful reviews, you’ll be on your way to reaching top reader status. If you do make it to top reader, you’ll get perks like discounts, and the ability to read books before their official release date.

    • And even if you don’t become a top reader, taking the time to review the books you’ve read will help you think about what you’ve read.
  9. Image titled Be Well Read Step 18


    Hang out with other well-read people. Just hanging out with people who love to read, whether they’re your co-workers or members of your book club, will open you up to more ideas of what books to read next, and will give you a better sense of which books are popular. There’s no point in being well-read if you can’t use your knowledge to have interesting discussions with other people.

  10. Image titled Be Well Read Step 19


    Listen to podcasts. You can download free podcasts, such as the New Yorker Fiction podcasts, or KCRW’s weekly Bookworm podcasts, to hear writers read from their favorite stories or to hear authors discuss their new books. You can also get your news from podcasts, and listen anything from Chekhov’s stories to classic speeches in American history, such as the Gettysburg address. Try these podcasts to become more well-read without reading a word:

    • The New Yorker Fiction podcast
    • KCRW’s Bookworm
    • PRI’s Selected Shorts
    • WBEZ Chicago’s This American Life
    • PRI’s America Abroad
    • LearnOutLoud’s Great Speeches in History Podcast
    • New York Times Book Review podcast
  11. Advertisement

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    As a college student (China), I want to know what kinds of books should I read?

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    Probably larger and more complicated books to get your brain working more.

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  • If you want to have fun by reading, read books on your reading level (books you actually understand), but at the same time if you want to improve your skills you can always try to read and understand a harder book.

  • Don’t be afraid to read children’s books.

  • Reading also increases vocabulary.

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Article SummaryX

To be well-read, start by setting reading goals, such as reading one book a month. You can then try increasing your goals, such as reading two books a month, and then one a week. If you’re not sure what to read, choose books from top 100 lists, such as The Modern Library, Amazon, and the New York Times. In addition, you can listen to audiobooks when you’re commuting, taking a walk, or when you’re just too tired to read. If you find yourself struggling, consider rewarding yourself with fun books, like thrillers or beach romances for each literary book you read. For more tips, like how to become well-read in different genres such as poetry and plays, read on!

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People who love to learn don’t depend only on classrooms or professors. They seek answers to every question; their minds are always clouded with ‘how’ and ‘why.’ They have an innate desire to please their inner curiosity and dig deeper until their thirst for answers quenches.

Knowledge Lover Philomath

What would you call such a person?

What would be a suitable expression or word for a person passionate about searching, researching, learning new things, and acquiring immense knowledge? Someone who questions everything, looks for answers, and learns with deep understanding.

This is the question I had in mind while deciding the name of this website. Autodidact was the first word that came to my mind, but the name had to be more generic so that people could remember and return to the website more often.

Well, there are many words for the same. Here is a list of the most noteworthy ones:


According to Oxford Dictionary, it means “A self-taught person.” It formed out of the English word Auto (self) and the Greek word didact (teach). In other terms, someone who has acquired knowledge or learned a subject without seeking help from a teacher or formal education institution.

Instead of calling a computer technician, you would fix it on your own.


According to Merriam-Webster, it means “A lover of learning: scholar,” especially a mathematics student. This word originated in Greece and was used as a possessor of knowledge in multiple fields.


A more profound word for this loveable expression. A polymath is a person whose expertise lies in different subjects. The knowledge is used to solve a specific problem by learnings from every perspective. Polyhistor is another term to describe the same.


“Edison had an epistemophilic personality.” This states that Edison had an excessive love or reverence for knowledge. It can be used for – the impulse to inquire.


Used to describe a person who loves to gather knowledge with a higher emphasis on wisdom. Aristotle and Socrates were the greatest sophophiles of all time.

“There are no foolish questions, and no man becomes a fool until he has stopped asking questions.”

Charles Proteus Steinmetz


A person who loves to learn about philosophy. A love for a certain kind of thinking and approach toward a specific problem. Such a person is always involved in questioning, arguing with their notions and beliefs, and trying to change one’s mind.


A person who loves books. Bibliophile or bibliophilism is the act of loving books. It may also be known as “Bookworm” for someone who loves reading or reads them for content.


It is formed from two Latin words, Sapien (Wise or Intelligent) and Sexualis (Sexes). A person who finds intelligence to be the most attractive feature of a human being. I have often quoted this word several times in my writings. This should be known and used more often by the masses.


An inquisitive person is intellectually curious, eager for knowledge, and likes to inquire, research and ask questions.


The most crucial trait of any knowledge lover. If you’re curious, you want to know what makes someone special happy?

“Curiosity is the very basis of education and if you tell me that curiosity killed the cat, I say only the cat died nobly.”

Arnold Edinborough


Known as the name given to a person who has a deep inner need for quiet, a desire to understand, analyze the world they live in, and learn the deeper truth of this universe.


Having or showing great knowledge, mastery, or learning. Possessing or displaying erudition. “An erudious scientist.”


Someone who has many different interests and creative pursuits in life. This term is used for someone who displays aptitude and excellence across multiple disciplines like art, economics, and science. Emile Wapnick popularized it in the TED talk Why Some of Us Don’t have One True Calling.


According to Collins Dictionary, it means a tendency to like anything new or a love of novelty. Neophilic is a person who has a fondness for, or obsession with, novelty and change. It is considered a personality trait.

Its opposite is neophobia which means fear of anything new or unwillingness to try anything new.


The suffix “-holic” is added to a word to denote an addiction to it. Examples: workaholic, readaholic, and chocoholic. Similarly, learnaholic is someone who is addicted to learning and does it more than required.


Used in an informal context. According to Cambridge Dictionary, a wonk is a person who works or studies too much, especially someone who learns and knows all the details about something. It relates to enthusiastic interest and excessive attention to minor details in a specialized field such as finance, politics, and science.


A person who wants to know or knows everything. Used to denote a great individual who has achieved the pinnacle of learning and understanding. Finance and advisory companies often use this word to convey relations to extensive expertise.

Leonardo da Vinci

Leonardo da Vinci was one of the best-known knowledge lovers. He opened corpses to learn how the human body functions, played with candles and canvas to see how shadow works and observed water flow to create mechanics. His life was filled with exciting experiments. To learn better, watch this documentary.

What if the most precise word for this expression hasn’t been coined yet? It is time to put your mind to work. Here is one I came up with, a combination of two Latin words – Curiosus (Curious) + Amator (Lover) = Curiosamator. Make yours and share with this community of knowledge.

Want to start learning new things every day? Start here: 50+ Websites to Learn New Things Everyday

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