Word for a thousand dollars

You love their stay and hate to watch them go. Your $1000 can go a long way in this day and age.

Use your $1000 wisely and use its slang words below while you’re at it.

Slang Words for $1000 (in Alphabetical Order)

$64,000 Question


  • (Expression) An American slang that is used to refer to the most important question. This was based on a well-loved 50s game show.
  • Example: Should Elle choose friendship or love? This is her $64,000 question.



  • (Noun) A rap slang meaning $1000. Band refers to the strap or “band” that holds $1000 together.
  • Example: The rap artist was offered a 100 band deal by a recording label.

Big Ones 


  • (Noun) An expression directed at how hefty $1000 can be. 
  • Example: Person 1: So how much are you exactly earning at the bank? Person 2: I’m not supposed to say but some pretty big ones.



  • (Noun) A stack of money, typically 1000 dollars of more.
  • Example: He could be pretty distasteful; he paid for everyone’s drinks at the bar, showing a bozo off to people. Only god knows where that came from.



  • (Noun) An informal term for having a lot of.
  • Example: Bushels of $1000 cannot save you from death but you can be assured of your loved ones’ stability.

By the Thousand


  • (Adverb) Doing something in huge numbers or large amounts. 
  • Example: Debbie is spending by the thousands but no treatment has proven effective for his son’s rare condition.



  • (Noun) President Grover Cleveland was the face of $1000 in its circulation. He was the only American president to ever hold the executive post twice and not in a row.
  • Example: My grandmother recounted how President Cleveland was a worthy face to be on the $1000 bill.

Fat Stash


  • (Noun) A large bundle of money usually having $1000.
  • Example: Mafia movies always have those fat stashes of money in black cases.



  • (Noun) A super shortened slang for “grand” or $1000.
  • Example: Designer bags and shoes cost hundreds of g. Only the rich and famous can be bothered with that.



  • (Noun) A big primate that cannot be spotted from a far away. This is used to refer to $1000 because like gorillas, this amount is big in value and a status symbol among the rich.
  • Example: Do not display your gorillas in public. You don’t want to be a prey for robbers.



  • (Noun) A conversational slang for $1000 dollars.
  • Example: A Michael Cinco gown starts at 13 grand. That’s a lot of money for just one dress.



  • (Noun) K stands for “kilo” in the metric system. This represents values in 1000.
  • Example: You can go on a very nice cruise ship vacation for 10k.



  • (Noun) The context for large as a size is applied to money slang as well as it denotes $1000.
  • Example: Even 10 large is not large enough for the family’s needs and expenses.

Smooth Thousand


  • (Idiom) The feel of a thousand dollars bundled together and played around its edges. 
  • Example: I wonder if bank personnel play with a smooth thousand before they store it in their vaults.



  • (Noun) A similar word for $1000 for everyday use.
  • Example: Earning stacks through a passive income is something that should be studied.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

за тысячу долларов

на тысячу долларов

за $1000

по тысяче долларов

This is clearly not the behavior that is expected from a smartphone for a thousand dollars.

Это явно не то поведение, которое ожидается от смартфона за тысячу долларов.

You can have the name for a thousand dollars.

And I gave him a check this morning for a thousand dollars.

Just… Just walk into the bank and co sign for a thousand dollars.

For a thousand dollars, you’d think at least it’d come with hair.

For a thousand dollars a year you can put ten boys or girls back into the mountains who will be a leavening influence in ten towns or counties, and their children will bear the imprint of your influence.

За тысячу долларов в год вы можете вернуть в горы десять парней или девушек, которые будут оказывать влияние на жизнь десяти городков или округов, а их дети будут носить на себе отпечаток вашего влияния.

For a thousand dollars a year you can put ten boys or girls back into the mountains who will be a leavening influence in ten towns or counties, and their children will bear the imprint of your influence.

За тысячу долларов в год вы вернете тех мальчиков и девочек в горы, и ваше участие отразится на жизни их детей.

The driver says he will do it for a thousand dollars.

Some, especially the delicate pieces sell for a thousand dollars.

OK, you agreed to sell me that name for a thousand dollars.

The Islands are not classified as «economy», so even the tour for a thousand dollars is cheap.

Отдых на островах не относится к категории «эконом», поэтому даже тур за тысячу долларов считается дешевым.

Of all the money that Colin made for you, you cut him a check for a thousand dollars.

От всех тех денег, которые Колин заработал для вас, вы выписали ему чек на тысячу долларов.

If you will do this I’ll promise you the best time you have ever bought for a thousand dollars.

Если вы сделаете это, я обещаю вам лучшее время, которое вы когда-либо покупали за тысячу долларов.

If you will do this I’ll promise you the best time you have ever bought for a thousand dollars.

Если вы сделаете это, я обещаю, что у вас будут самые лучшие впечатления, которые вы когда-либо могли приобрести за тысячу долларов.

What is the housing can be removed for a thousand dollars in various US cities?

If in January the course was changed for a thousand dollars during the auction a total of 21 days, in April there have been two.

Если в январе курс менялся на тысячу долларов в течение торгов в общей сложности 21 день, то в апреле таких дней было два.

Escape was made possible due to the fact that prisoners were able to buy the employee «Butyrki» plan of the prison for a thousand dollars.

Побег стал возможным из-за того, что заключенные смогли купить у сотрудника «Бутырки» план тюрьмы за тысячу долларов.

Yes, these same, in a good suit, expensive shoes, and ties for a thousand dollars and cufflinks for twenty thousand.

Да-да, эти самые, в хороших костюмах, дорогих туфлях, с галстуками за тысячу долларов и запонками за двадцать тысяч.

You guys got any ideas where I can find a car for a thousand dollars?

It is noted that for a thousand dollars a month to work in China are unlikely to agree (in droves), the Russians and especially the citizens of eu countries (with rare exceptions).

Отмечается, что за тысячу долларов в месяц работать в Поднебесной вряд ли согласятся (в массовом порядке) россияне и уж тем более граждане стран ЕС (за редким исключением).

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 41. Точных совпадений: 41. Затраченное время: 103 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Converter: How to Write Out $1,000.00 (USD, US Dollars) in Words, American English. Spell Out Sums of Money: Currency Amount Numbers Converted to 8 Letter Cases

Write out the amount of money of $1,000.00 (USD, US Dollars) in words, in American English

Letter case 1 of 8
$1,000.00 written out in: lowercase
all lowercase letters:

one thousand dollars
~ or ~
one thousand dollars and zero cents

Letter case 2 of 8

~ or ~

Letter case 3 of 8
$1,000.00 Converted to: Title Case
Capital Letters at the Beginning of Words:

One Thousand Dollars
~ or ~
One Thousand Dollars and Zero Cents

Letter case 4 of 8
$1,000.00: Sentence case
Capital letter to start the sentence:

One thousand dollars
~ or ~
One thousand dollars and zero cents

Letter case 5 of 8
$1,000.00: Start Case
Capital Letters At The Beginning Of All Words:

One Thousand Dollars
~ or ~
One Thousand Dollars And Zero Cents

Letter case 6 of 8
$1,000.00: camelCase
Spaces and punctuation removed,
first letter lower case,
subsequent words first letters uppercase:

~ or ~

Letter case 7 of 8
$1,000.00: hyphen-case
punctuation — removed
spaces — replaced — by — hyphens:

~ or ~

Letter case 8 of 8
$1,000.00: snake_case
punctuation _ removed
spaces _ replaced _ by _ underscores:

~ or ~

The amount of $1,000.00 written out in: ‘lowercase’, ‘UPPERCASE’, ‘Title Case’, ‘Sentence case’, ‘Start Case’, ‘camelCase’, ‘hyphen-case’ and ‘snake_case’.

An amount of money is usually written out in figures using two decimal places (the cents amount, i.e. $12.50, $20.00, $100.45). When exact units of the currency are involved (i.e. $20) it is ok to display no decimal places.

Notes on Letter Cases used to write out in words the number above:

1: Lowercase: only lowercase letters are used. Example: ‘seventy-six and two tenths’.

2: Uppercase: only uppercase letters are used. Example: ‘SEVENTY-SIX AND TWO TENTHS’.

3. Title Case: first letter of each word is capitalized, except for certain short words, such as articles, conjunctions and short prepositions, ‘a’, ‘an’, ‘the’, ‘and’, ‘but’, ‘for’, ‘at’, ‘by’, ‘to’, ‘or’, ‘in’, etc. Example: ‘Seventy-Six and Two Tenths’.

4. Sentence case: only the first letter of the first word is capitalized. Example: ‘Seventy-six and two tenths’.

5. Start Case: first letter of each word is capitalized without exception. Example: ‘Seventy-Six And Two Tenths’.

6. Camel Case: text has no spaces nor punctuation and first letter of each word is capitalized except for the very first letter in the series. Example: ‘seventySixAndTwoTenths’.

Pascal Case: See the Camel Case above, but the first letter is also capitalized. Example: ‘SeventySixAndTwoTenths’.

7. Hyphen Case: text has no spaces nor punctuation and the words are delimited by hyphen. Example: ‘seventy-six-and-two-tenths’. Hyphen Case can be lowercase or uppercase.

8. Snake Case: text has no spaces nor punctuation and the words are delimited by underscore. Example: ‘seventy_six_and_two_tenths’. Snake Case can be lowercase or uppercase.

Notes on Writing Out Numbers:

1: It’s correct to hyphenate all compound numbers from twenty-one (21) through ninety-nine (99). The hyphen is the minus sign, as in ‘thirty-four’ (34).

2: In American English, unlike British English, when writing out natural numbers of three or more digits, the word ‘and’ is not used after ‘hundred’ or ‘thousand’: so it is ‘one thousand two hundred thirty-four’ and not ‘one thousand two hundred and thirty-four’.

3. Do not use commas when writing out in words numbers above 999: so it is ‘one thousand two hundred thirty-four’ and not ‘one thousand, two hundred thirty-four’.

4. Use commas when writing in digits numbers above 999: 1,234; 43,290, etc.

Why writing out dollar amounts in words?

Why would anyone write out a dollar amount in words when it is much easier to write it numerically?

You are less likely to make mistakes when you write out the words.

Also, it is a lot harder to alter the amount when you write it out. That is especially important when you write checks or when you have to sign off some official documents that involve significant sums of money.

The last 5 amounts of money (USD, US Dollars) written out in words, converted from numbers to words

Write out (convert) the money amount of $1,000 (USD, US Dollars) in words, in American English Apr 14 21:00 UTC (GMT)
Write out (convert) the money amount of $17,250 (USD, US Dollars) in words, in American English Apr 14 21:00 UTC (GMT)
Write out (convert) the money amount of $7,000,000 (USD, US Dollars) in words, in American English Apr 14 21:00 UTC (GMT)
Write out (convert) the money amount of $746.75 (USD, US Dollars) in words, in American English Apr 14 21:00 UTC (GMT)
Write out (convert) the money amount of $15,542,264,592,078,940.91 (USD, US Dollars) in words, in American English Apr 14 21:00 UTC (GMT)
All the amounts of money (USD, US Dollars) written out in words, in American English

Converter: Write Out Money Currency Amounts in Words (USD, US Dollars)

This converter takes the number you type (in the input box) and then spells it out in words (with letters), so you can learn How to write out currency amounts, sums of money, US dollars and cents, in words, in eight different letter cases: (1) lowercase (2) UPPERCASE (3) Title Case (4) Sentence case (5) Start Case (6) camelCase (7) Hyphen-Case (8) Snake_Case.

The money amounts are rounded off to a maximum of two decimals and then converted from USD currency numbers to words.

How to convert amounts of money, USD currency, to words in US American English, as dollars and cents written with letters

How to convert amounts of money, without decimals, to words in US American English?

To write an integer number we first must know the place value of each digit.

  • For example, the number 1,234,567 has a 1 in the millions place, a 2 in the hundred thousands, a 3 in the ten thousands place, a 4 in the thousands place, a 5 in the hundreds place, a 6 in the tens place, and a 7 in the ones place.
  • 1,234,567 in words is:
  • = one millions (1,000,000) + two hundred thousands (200,000) + three ten thousands (30,000) + four thousands (4,000) + five hundreds (500) + six tens (60) + seven ones (7)
  • = one million + two hundred thousands + thirty thousand + four thousand + five hundred + sixty + seven
  • = one million + (two hundred + thirty + four) thousand + five hundred + sixty + seven
  • = one million + two hundred thirty-four thousand + five hundred + sixty-seven
  • = one million two hundred thirty-four thousand five hundred sixty-seven.

So, $1,234,567 USD = one million two hundred thirty-four thousand five hundred sixty-seven dollars.


  • 1: Note the hyphen (or the minus sign) in «thirty-four» and «sixty-seven» above. Technically, it’s correct to hyphenate compound numbers between twenty-one, 21, and ninety-nine, 99.
  • 2: Placement of word «and»: in American English do not use the word «and» after «hundred», «thousand» or «million». So, it is «one million two hundred thirty-four thousand five hundred sixty-seven» and not «one million and two hundred thirty-four thousand and five hundred and sixty-seven», though you may hear a lot of people using the last form, informally. On the contrary, the «and» word is always used in British English.

Full article: how to write out USD currency amounts of money, dollars and cents, out in words in (US) American English

How to write out integer and decimal numbers in words in (US) American English, using letters instead of numerals


man remained a hunter for thousands of years — в течение тысячелетий человек оставался охотником
sue for a thousand dollars in damages — требовать через суд тысячу долларов в порядке компенсации за убытки
to sue for a thousand dollars in damages — требовать через суд тысячу долларов в порядке компенсации за убытки
to draw on Johnson for a thousand pounds — выписать переводный вексель на тысячу фунтов на (банк) Джонсона
the old man cut up for ten thousand pounds — старик оставил десять тысяч фунтов
to insure one’s life for fifty thousand dollars — застраховать жизнь на пятьдесят тысяч долларов
he is already on the hook for ten thousand dollars — он уже задолжал десять тысяч долларов

Автоматический перевод

на протяжении тысячелетий, в течение тысячелетий, на тысячелетия, за тысячелетия, тысячи


People have been brewing beer for thousands of years.

Люди варят пиво тысячелетиями.

For thousands of years, sailors navigated by the stars.

Тысячи лет моряки находили путь по звёздам.

Australia represented a real land of opportunity for thousands of people.

Для тысяч людей Австралия представляла собой настоящую страну возможностей.

Philosophers have speculated on the question of God for thousands of years.

Тысячи лет философы размышляли над вопросом о боге.

The organization has proved to be a lifeline for thousands of needy families.

Данная организация оказалась спасательным кругом для тысяч малообеспеченных семей.

If this case is successful it could open the floodgates for thousands of similar claims.

Если это дело увенчается успехом, это может открыть шлюзы для тысячи подобных исков.

I figured I’d burn the guy for a thousand.

Я рассчитывал нагреть парня на тысячу.

ещё 9 примеров свернуть


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Synonyms for Thousand dollars. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 14, from https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/thousand_dollars

Synonyms for Thousand dollars. N.p., 2016. Web. 14 Apr. 2023. <https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/thousand_dollars>.

Synonyms for Thousand dollars. 2016. Accessed April 14, 2023. https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/thousand_dollars.

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