Two works do not a series make. In fact, two of anything do not a series make.
Carlo, however, has the correct answer here: it’s a diptych, which is like a triptych but with two pieces instead of three. Wikipedia has a brief article on it.
Here is more about its etymology, from the OED:
Latin diptycha (pl.), a. late Greek δίπτυχα pair of writing-tablets, neut. pl. of δίπτυχος double-folded, f. δι-, δίς twice + πτυχή fold. Cf. mod. French diptyque, C. 1700 in Hatz.-Darm.
Diptych does enjoy some currency as a work comprising two halves. For example:
The 2nd, and darker portion, of this volume devotes most of its space to lamentations for the poets estranged daughter, for his deceased parents, and for a enigmatic hell-raiser of a perplexing but beloved cat, a very human quadruped. — Diptych: Voyage to Ernie Spirit, Swell a Large Lament and Other Fictions
Furthermore, award-winning author Dan Simmons often refers to his two-volume stories as diptychs, such as the Ilium and Olympos pair. For example, from Dan’s own website:
Page 284 This long quote from Marcel Proust–which figures twice in the text, here and on page 459–comes from LE CÔTÉ DE GUERMANTES. This might be the crux of the ILIUM/OLYMPOS diptych, if not of Dan’s entire œuvre.
And it’s not just Simmons. Here is one critic writing about another pair of novels of Dan’s:
[A] Simmons fan will note that a similar problem affected the Endymion diptych: The first volume wasn’t terribly useful, but the second one was the whole point of the setup. — [citation]
series — серия, ряд, цикл, цепь, группа, выпуск, комплект, круг, система, свита, отдел
He advanced in a series of jumps.
Он продвинулся вперёд, совершив несколько прыжков.
He trotted out a series of brazen lies.
Он монотонно и нагло врал.
There was a series of raps on the window.
В окно несколько раз постучали.
The area is linked by a series of canals.
Различные районы этой области связаны системой каналов.
Life isn’t a series of predestined events.
Жизнь не есть ряд предопределённых событий.
Brady committed a series of brutal murders.
Брейди совершил серию жестоких убийств.
The book originated as a series of lectures.
Данная книга возникла из серии лекций.
ещё 23 примера свернуть
adjective : of or relating to the underworld : infernal
This 19th-century word begins with a series of two digraphs that do not typically hook up. In fact, the only other English word in established use that begins with this same series of letters is the variant of chthonic, chthonian. Both have their origin in the Greek chthon- or chthōn, meaning «earth.» A note on pronunciation: the ch is silent, so play and play .
verb 1 : to squash or crush (something) 2 : to emit a sucking sound : to squish
It’s not that two u‘s in a row are unheard of—vacuum and continuum are pretty good hangman words too—but squush has so little else in it that it’s sure to confuse your opponent. The word is a mid-20th century term that was coined as an alteration of squish by some lexical rapscallion. Note that squushy is available to you as well.
noun 1 : a fancy dish : delicacy 2 : trinket, gewgaw
With only two vowels among a total of eight letters, the jaunty-sounding kickshaw is a reasonable selection for a good bout of hangman. The word has the added benefit of being a debauching of French: it’s from a misunderstanding of the French phrase quelque chose, meaning «something,» as a single plural word. (The l was unpronounced in French at the time.) The cksh combo is also available for exploitation in buckshot and rickshaw.
noun : the necessity of moving in chess when it is to one’s disadvantage
Another unusual string of letters makes zugzwang a solid choice for hangman. The word is also helpfully obscure: it’s likely to be unfamiliar to anyone who isn’t a chess geek. Zugzwang was borrowed into English from German, where it was formed from zug, meaning «pull, tug,» and zwang, meaning «force, coercion.»
noun : a soft metallic element of the rare-earth group that occurs especially with other rare earth elements in minerals and that has few commercial uses
While ytterbium may look like the linguistic concoction of a scalawag, it’s in fact a real word. Its unusual spelling can be attributed to its origin: the element it refers to was named for the town of Ytterby, Sweden.
noun : a chasm formed when ice recedes from a mountainside or breaks away from stationary ice
Also from German, randkluft is low on vowels and has the unusual internal kl in its favor. It comes from rand, meaning «rim,» and kluft, meaning «crevice.»
past participle of clepe
Yclept is an old word, but it’s still got some presence in the living language, unlike its infinitive relation, the verb clepe. Clepe means «to name or call,» and yclept appears (usually in playful contexts) in phrases like «We ventured to a pub, yclept Ye Olde Watering Hole.» The y at the beginning of the word is a Middle English form of the Old English prefix ge-, which denoted the completion or result of an action.
noun 1 : a gliding monosyllabic speech sound (such as the vowel combination at the end of toy) that starts at or near the articulatory position for one vowel and moves to or toward the position of another 2 : digraph 3 : the ligature æ or œ
Neither sandals nor scanty underclothes are implied in the use of this word. Diphthong is largely a linguistics term, and it didn’t always have that pleasant phth. The word’s Middle English form was diptonge, from the Middle French diptongue, but in modern English the h was introduced into the first syllable, in honor of the word’s Greek ancestor diphthongos, from di- and phthongos, meaning «voice, sound.»
adjective : squat, pudgy
Usually in English, when you’ve got a q you have a u after it and then another vowel to do the regular vowel work. Not so with squdgy. This word makes the u do double duty, which is sure to confuse your opponent. Squdgy is a blend of the words squat and pudgy.
And there you have it. Now go kick some word-game-opponent posterior.
If trilogy means a set of three literary or dramatic works related in subject or theme, what do you call a set of two works?
Thank you.
duology, very rarely used though.
Thank you, jpredman123. Why is this word so rarely used?
I really don’t know… I have never heard anyone say the kill bill duology for example. Generally they would be referred to as the two Kill Bill films. The word trilogy is common when discussing films, however, Lord of the rings trilogy etc
One reason is that film series rarely stop at two: they gather momentum as they (generally) lose quality.
One reason is that film series rarely stop at two: they gather momentum as they (generally) lose quality.
Very true, very true….
Aaargh: audio, why do you ask such difficult questions?
Trilogy — yes, a sequence of three books.
A sequence of two books: I have no idea
But the second in an (open-ended) sequence would be a sequel.
Aaargh: audio, why do you ask such difficult questions?
The reason is simple: I make a living answering my students’ questions.
I have encountered duology, but frankly it is so obscure that it almost seems pedantic.
A book begets a sequel begets a trilogy begets a Potteresque series.
A film begets a sequel begets a trilogy begets a prequel begets a sequel begets all the Star Wars movies.
I have encountered duology, but frankly it is so obscure that it almost seems pedantic.
I agree, Bibbles.
Audi, you could always call them a pair
Last edited: Apr 17, 2009
[…] But the second in an (open-ended) sequence would be a sequel.
… and then of course the third, when it arrives, will be the sequel to the second — and the fourth the sequel to the third … etc, ad inf
Thank you, jpredman123. Why is this word so rarely used?
Maybe it’s because a series of two isn’t so striking («Oh, he’s just brought out a follow-up»); whereas three makes people sit up and take notice («Wow, three! This guy’s on a roll. Better give it a name, uuh … trilogy!»). After that the quadris and pentas all get a bit difficult, so it’s usually just called a saga.
Sometimes the term ‘trilogy’ struggles on within a saga. Asimov’s «Foundation Trilogy» became so established that when a fourth, fifth, etc were added, the full set became the «Foundation Saga», but the first three were still lovingly dubbed the «Foundation Trilogy».
One reason for the special use of this expression could be the special form of a trilogy. Unlike a pair of books or films, it often has an entry, a main part and an end — which gives it an almost «classical» character (remember popular ones like «Lord of the Rings»). This makes a trilogy different from a pair of books — there is a certain resemblance to a piece written for theatrical performance. There is an opening, a «middle part» and an end, and this makes a trilogy so special when compared to «endless sequels» with an open end.
Maybe, some of the book-trilogies remember to a dramatic structure (exposition- climax- denouement) — but this is widely interpreted, of course.
I hope I could make myself understandable…well, I am practising
Last edited: Apr 18, 2009
[…] I hope I could make myself understandable…well, I am practising
Indeed, sasako, you did make yourself understood … Practice makes perfect.
That’s an interesting point you raise, and I’d agree for the cases where the author plans it as a trilogy from the start.
But if the decision to produce a second work is made after the first one comes out, then the first would be an opening/middle/end in itself.
I guess it’s a bit like the distinction (rarely made these days!) between a TV serial and a TV series.
This is right, of course — and I think this is why most of the Hollywood movies are not «planned trilogies» but simply sequels that contain three parts.
But at least, I think you could say that IF a series is strictly planned from the beginning on, it mostly includes two or three parts, rarely more (one famous exception is the «Harry Potter» series).
There is a special term for a trilogy.
Three is a special number.
Beginning, middle, end.
Introduction, discussion, conclusion.
Thesis, antithesis, synthesis.
Conjuring special terms for other numbers of works is a game without soul.
I should perhaps expand a little.
I think there is something more profound about a set of three than a set of any other number.
Culturally, we have words for sets of three, occasionally for sets of two and for sets of more than three.
Looking for words for two, four, and so on may be linguistically satisfying, but the answers are likely to be devoid of the mystical power of the «three» words.
Last edited: Apr 18, 2009
[…] But at least, I think you could say that IF a series is strictly planned from the beginning on, it mostly includes two or three parts, rarely more (one famous exception is the «Harry Potter» series).
I’d go with that, sasako
[…] Conjuring special terms for other numbers of works is a game without soul.
I take your point, panj, at least for numbers
Though a duology might be said to have soul, if its elements reflected, say …
— Yin & Yang
— Ego & Alter Ego
— Image & Mirror Image
— Good & Evil
… or any other soul-touching conceptual pair.
[Did I really write that? See the effect you have when you wax philosophical, panj ]
Looking for words for two, four, and so on may be linguistically satisfying, but the answers are likely to be devoid of the mystical power of the «three» words.
So two’s linguistically satisfying company, but three’s a mystically powerful crowd.
I’m trying to apply your principle to bicycle and tricycle … but I’m not feeling it yet!
Last edited: Apr 18, 2009
I agree with ewie: it’s a pair.
In reference to books, I’d use these:
Two-book set
Volumes 1 & 2
Books 1 & 2
Two volume book(s)
Two volume set
Two-book series
And as Loob stated, the first book and its sequel.
By the way, this is what I’ve just managed to find:
n. the third film, book, event, etc. in a series; a second sequel.
— origin 1980s: from three + sequel .
Oh I like it, Mrs.L. It’s cute.
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Hi everybody!
OED says that:
plural trilogies
a group of three books, movies, etc. that have the same subject or characters
I was wondering if there is a group of two, four, … books, movies, etc, is there a way of expressing it in a word?
Thank you in advance.
Last edited by a moderator: Nov 25, 2013
Hello omidnice,
Wikipedia’s entry for trilogy contains a section with terms used for other numbered series:
«Words to describe sets of another number of works of art other than three are sometimes created by following the Greek etymology of «trilogy». Using the Greek numerical prefixes, these would be as follows for series with between two and ten entries»:
Derived from Greek: 2 (no Greek equivalent), 3 Trilogy, 4 Tetralogy. 5 Pentalogy, 6 Hexalogy, 7 Heptalogy, 8 Octalogy, 9 Ennealogy, 10 Decalogy.
Variations: 2 Duology (has been used in some pairs of genre fiction novels). 4 Quadrilogy (has been used to describe certain film series).
EDIT: Cross-posted with DonnyB and Loob.
Thank you all for your responses. Although some answers seems to be cross-posted, they express various viewpoints and also new things.
Referring back to panj’s comment in #17 (that there’s something special about the number three), which may explain why trilogy is encountered more often than the terms for other sets, we have a good example from the late Douglas Adams. The fourth and fifth volumes of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy were humorously subtitled (at least in post-1992 editions) as «Volume Four in the Trilogy of Five» and «Volume Five in the Trilogy of Five».
Extras has two series of six episodes each as well as a Christmas Special.
Было отснято два сезона по шесть эпизодов, а также
Рождественских выпуска.
The pit had two series of benches, with enclosed seats at the sides.
В партере насчитывалось два ряда с закрытыми по бокам сиденьями.
The 12-episode order was divided into two series of six episodes each.
Заказ на 12 эпизодов был разделен на два сезона, по шесть эпизодов каждый.
These groups form one of the two series of discrete point groups in
Эти группы формируют одну из двух серий дискретных групп точек на плоскости.
Revaccination of nonresponders is not recommended after two series of vaccinations six doses.
Не рекомендуется ревакцинация нон- респондеров после двух серий вакцинации 6 доз.
These two series propagate totally different images of the world.
valova is a kind of dialog ue between the artist and her own challenge to see and feel the world differently.
Две серии живописных работ Елены Придуваловой являются
своеобразным диалогом художницы с собой, собственным вызовом видеть и чувствовать по-разному.
The first two series were screened in 2005
and 2006 and the producers did not intend to create a third and final
Первые два сезона были сняты в 2005 и 2006 годах,
и продюсеры не думали о создании третьего.
The NOVUS family of AHD products is divided into two series in accordance to Megapixels value-
1,3 Mpx(also known as AHD 720p), and 2 Mpx also known as AHD 1080p.
Семейство продуктов AHD марки NOVUS разделено на две серии в зависимости от числа пикселей,
являющихся основой изображения,- 1, 3 Mpx( AHD 720р) и 2 Mpx AHD 1080p.
These two series of tables stick with mechanical automatic movement,
but also deliberately kept the popular people welcome the appearance and style, giving a timeless feel.
Эти два ряда столов придерживаться механической автоматическим механизмом,
но и сознательно держали популярные люди приветствуют появление и стиль, давая бесконечное чувство.
Two series were produced in the US for The National Network(now Paramount Network)
and a version was also shown on Nickelodeon.
Два сезона были сняты в США на канале TNN( сейчас Spike и Adult
Swim) network, и версия, показанная на канале Nickelodeon.
This is a simpler affair,
again surrounded by a marble circle marked with the 24 hours, but in two series of 12 hours each.
Это более простые часы,
также окруженные мраморным ободом с обозначенными на нем 24 часами, только в два ряда по 12 часов каждый.
In the first-class carriage,
armchairs arranged in
rows in the standard cars-
and three in the two series.
В вагонах первого класса
кресла расположены по
два ряда,
в стандартных вагонах- по
и три в два ряда.
The two series are
of the leading journals in the field
and are widely known as JCTA and JCTB.
Обе серии являются ведущими журналами в области комбинаторики и широко
известны под аббревиатурами» JCTA» и» JCTB.
Taking into consideration the widest variety of installation options and loading conditions, the two series can always provide the most suitable, size-optimised model.
Принимая во внимание разнообразнейшие варианты монтажа и нагрузок, обе серии всегда предлагают подходящую модель, оптимизированную по размерам.
By 1990, Moffat had written two series of Press Gang,
but the programme’s high cost along with organisational changes at Central cast its future in doubt.
В 1990 году Моффат написал два сезона« газетчиков»,
но немалые расходы на его съемки и изменения в руководстве ITV поставили продолжение сериала под сомнение.
The first hurdle
has been successfully taken recently by the two series REFLEX
and VISION by winning the“red dot design award 2009” and the subsequent nomination by the Bavarian State Ministry of Economics.
Обе серии REFLEX и VISION недавно успешно преодолели первый этап-
они получили премию Red Dot Design Award 2009 и были номинированы баварским министерством экономики.
Each of the programmes in these two series will be adapted into Afrikaans,
Lesotho, Setswana, Xhosa and Zulu.
Каждая из программ в этих двух сериях будет переведена на языки африкаанс,
лесото, сетсвана, коса и зулу.
Within each of the two series defined under paragraph 3. above,
the heights of segment shall be indicated as follows.
В каждой из двух серий, определенных в пункте 3 выше,
значения высоты сегмента указывают следующим образом.
Each of the programmes in these two series will be adapted into Afrikaans,
Lesotho, Setswana, Xhosa and Zulu.
Каждая из программ в рамках этих двух серий будет адаптирована для жителей-
африканеров, жителей Лесото, представителей племен сетсвана, коса и зулу.
Each of two series consists of six industrial
and urban landscapes and
portraits portraying front-rank workers.
Каждая из двух серий состоит из шести индустриальных
и городских пейзажей пейзажей и
портретов, изображающих передовиков производства.
To celebrate the university’s 100 anniversary in 2000 it launched two series of books:“National Research University ITMO:
Years and People,” and monographs“Outstanding People of ITMO University.”.
В 2000 году к 100- летию университета начался выход двух серий: книги« НИУ ИТМО: Годы
и люди» и научные монографии« Выдающиеся люди Университета ИТМО».
It is a parent hydrocarbon for two series of steroids stemming from 5α-pregnane(originally allopregnane) and 5β-pregnane 17β-ethyletiocholane.
Является исходным углеводородом для двух серий стероидов, происходящих из 5α- прегнана( первоначально аллопрегнана) и 5β- прегнана 17β- этилэтиохолана.
the first implemented with registry software developers(23 June- 1 July 2008) and the second implemented with the registries(5- 22 August 2008);
Проведений двух серий скоординированных тестирований,
первая из которых осуществлялось с разработчиками программного обеспечения реестров( 23 июня 1 июля 2008 года), а вторая- с реестрами( 5- 22 августа 2008 года);
We have made 62 how-to trailers for this customer, and now it has entrusted us with a new challenge:
Мы уже сделали 62 ролика- туториала для этого заказчика, и теперь он доверил нам новую задачу-
It was noted that over 70 individuals benefited from the Sponsorship Programme at each of the two series of Standing Committee meetings.
Было отмечено, что помощью в рамках Программы спонсорской поддержки на каждой из двух серий заседаний постоянных комитетов воспользовались более 70 человек.