Word for a lot of options

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.

много вариантов

множество вариантов

массу вариантов

много возможностей

множество опций

большим количеством опций

куча вариантов

немало вариантов

множество возможностей

масса вариантов

вариантов очень много

несколько вариантов

Remember we have a lot of options in attack.

Get a lot of options to compare.

Смотрите много вариантов, чтобы иметь возможность сравнивать.

We have a lot of options, militarily.

After opening it you will find a lot of options.

Modern colors offers a lot of options for girls who want to change the hair color and image.

Современная колористика предлагает массу вариантов для девушек, желающих сменить цвет волос и имидж.

Such a concept as outdoor activities suggests a lot of options and can be represented as a sightseeing walking tour.

Такое понятие, как активный отдых на природе, предполагает массу вариантов и может быть представлено в виде экскурсионного пешего тура.

Using a contractor gives you a lot of options.

So this housekeeper had a lot of options.

It was necessary to calculate a lot of options to get this interpolation formula.

Нужно было просчитать много вариантов для того, чтобы получить эту интерполяционную формулу.

Lovers of modern female novel can find quite a lot of options for studying in the original language.

Любителям современного женского романа можно найти довольно много вариантов для изучения на языке оригинала.

Back when your grandmother was shopping for maternity clothes, there were not a lot of options or designers.

Когда ваша бабушка покупала одежду для беременных, было не так много вариантов или дизайнеров.

There are nearly 200 different countries in the world, so that’s a lot of options for a second passports and citizenship.

В мире есть почти две сотни разных стран, так что есть много вариантов для оформления второго паспорта и гражданства.

Growing popularity has made it so there are a lot of options.

Рост популярности сделал это таким образом, что есть много вариантов.

The modern consumer is already accustomed to the fact that he is always given a lot of options to choose from.

Современный потребитель уже привык к тому, что ему всегда предоставляют множество вариантов на выбор.

Very large game that has a lot of options to continue.

Очень большая игра, у которой есть много вариантов продолжиться.

Before you decide to buy expensive real estate, the artist and his spouse looked at and evaluated a lot of options.

Перед тем, как решиться на покупку дорогостоящей недвижимости, артист и его супруга посмотрели и оценили множество вариантов.

There are a lot of options out there and you should never overpay for training.

Есть много вариантов там, и вы никогда не должны переплачивать за обучение.

You will find a lot of options for the gaming laptops.

They are doing have a lot of options when selecting the payment plan.

But even within this category there are a lot of options.

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Results: 708. Exact: 708. Elapsed time: 166 ms.


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lot of options — перевод на русский

Well, you know, there aren’t a lot of options for guys our age.

У людей нашего возраста не так много вариантов.

It’s not like I have a lot of options.

У меня не так много вариантов.

There’s not a lot of options there.

Ну, там не много вариантов.

When someone tells you to get the hell out, you don’t have a lot of options.

Когда вам говорят убираться, есть не так много вариантов.

I haven’t decided where I’m going to school yet, but according to my counselor, I should have lots of options.

Я еще не решила окончательно, куда я пойду, но по словам советника, у меня много вариантов.

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Outside of Campaign there’s quite a lot of options for people to chose from and head into for their game modes.


You can have a lot of options to choose from which makes auto insurance comparison more effective.


As we are looking for our dreamhouse, a relatively large chunk is «parked» on savings accounts which is to the substantial detriment of our profitability as that money is not working for us, but it gives us a lot of options and bargaining power (e.g. in regard to mortgage etc.).


You have a lot of options when it comes to remote start systems and if you give us a call or come in, we can help you choose what will work best for your vehicle and lifestyle.


«The broader program is for someone who wants a lot of options because it is a lot of things all rolled into one,» says Mona L. Hamouly, a spokeswoman with American Express, which offers perhaps the most well-known of these programs, Membership Rewards.


Don’t worry; there are a lot of options, including some of the best rewards cards available.


One of the great things about this company is that you have a lot of options when it comes to term life insurance, and this makes it possible for you to get a customized policy that suits your specific needs.


Finally, if you have a lot of options for different cards, consider ones that give you bonuses.


Fitbit’s once again gone with proprietary watch bands for the Versa, and while I’d prefer the company to use a standard 20 mm or 22 mm option, the good news is that there’s a lot of options to choose from.


There are a lot of options coming up everywhere.


It helps to own tail risk, but tail risk can be expensive, and like I said earlier, you can build a fire-resistant portfolio without paying a lot of option premium.


I’ve seen some that give mom lots of options.


You can see that there are lots of options, even within the Zipmilk listing.


Turns out there are lots of options out there for a sans-gluten loaf, and while there are some amazing APF substitutes out there, I didn’t just want to whip out the Cup 4 Cup and make a standard white loaf.


«There are a lot of options they haven’t considered, especially regarding their real estate.


Again, we may not find a lot of options, but if you do get a call the person might be willing to strike a deal or know someone who is selling land.


This means a lot of options and possibilities, but it is not a niche site for say, bdsm dating or for threesomes in adult, south Dakota.


Fortunately, investors have lots of options to consider.


Moreover, we have lots of options including nuclear, wind, solar, and carbon-sequestration at coal plants for increasing electric power generation while decreasing emissions.


So lots of options to get you and a companion to Amsterdam for around $ 100 in taxes and fees plus whatever annual credit card fee you may or may not have to cough up.


Plus, the 10 feet of hose give you a lot of options as to where to set up.


I try and make different things for dinner but when money is very tight we don’t have a lot of options.


There are lots of options, including onsite restaurants, and nearby places to eat.


Plus, they come in lots of options in terms of patterns now.


Luckily, there are a lot of options out there, and short-term health insurance, limited benefit insurance, prescription discount cards, healthcare sharing ministries, and COBRA insurance can be viable alternatives or supplements to long-term health insurance.


The standard features inside the cabin are dual zone climate, most likely navigation system, adaptive cruise control, excellent audio, a lot of options for connectivity, as well as a lot of safety systems.


You have a lot of options for your children’s activity table or kids activity table.


When it comes to dating there are a lot of options you have.


Healthy, lunchbox friendly, delicious and quite simple to make with lots of options for substitution depending on what you… Continue reading →


I’ve included everything you’ll need for a complete holiday meal — and lots of options for dessert too!


It has a lot of options for various kinds of activities that you can enjoy with the people you met on the site.


There are lots of options suitable specifically for your pets needs, just ask us!


No More Ramen’s aim is to provide an easy to navigate space with lots of options for folks with dietary restrictions and health issues.


Super Toy Cars is big and with lots of options for you to mess around and play with, but most importantly this game has been carefully crafted to be fun to play and race, either alone or with friends.


So there are a lot of options, which is really great.


And there are lots of options for crunchy, breastfeeding fans and lactivists: Onesies that read «Peace Love Breastfeeding» ($ 12 for an infant onesie)


There are a lot of options out there, and no stroller has everything you could possibly want on it (a robotic nanny might be nice), so you need to decide which features are going to fit into your lifestyle and help you meet your exercise goals the best.


The rich and elite have a lot of options when it comes to economic decisions.


But there are at least 15 other chain hotels in a close proximity so no matter your chain loyalty you have a lot of options.


(Even after you narrow down on your target audience, there are a lot of options for you to market your book.


They have few options and those are sufficient but same case with not girls they have lot of options.


If you’re a recent graduate who’s ready to get out of a rental into your own home, there’s definitely a lot to consider, and luckily, lots of options as well.


We understand that when it comes to life insurance coverage, there are a lot of options to choose from — even if you have been turned down in the past.


There are lots of options, and comparing them all could be a challenge.


So, after mentally contemplating adding espresso to every baked good you could imagine (there are a lot of options!)


Adding Dybala would certainly make Barcelona a stronger side, but unless a current star was to move on, that’s a lot of options to manage in the final third.


You have a lot of options, and when your child is having a tough time with teething, you may want to try them all!


In today’s show, you’ll get lots of options.


Teachers have a lot of options for student loan forgiveness.


There are lots of options and strategies; exploring and testing them out in various scenarios is a lot of fun!


Note that I am not talking about a set of choices, but options.

To expatiate more, I mean to say: That there set(or group/class etc) that contains subsets that have therein options, where a choice must be made, and when all the subsets of options have been decided upon, the result is a set of choices.

It’s best that I provide a general, visual example:

Breakfast_choice:[apple, cereal, whatever]; Lunch_choice:[Fish, Sandwich, whatever];
Dinner_choice:[Rice, Curry, unicorns]

Say I chose for breakfast, lunch, and dinner: Apple, Fish, and unicorns respectively. Thus my choices are: [Apple, Fish, unicorns]

So, what I basically want is a name for a group of choices. Of course, I could just call them ‘choices’ but then if I did that there’s no way to distinguish between the choices groups as breakfast, lunch, and dinner, i.e they’d ‘spill’ into eachother.

I also may call them the ‘set of choices’, but I don’t want to sound as if it’s a set of choices that have already been made, which is why am hesitant in using the word.

10000+ результатов для ‘a lot of lot of’

Choose the correct option.

Choose the correct option.
Пропущенное слово

от Arisha2103

many/much/a lot of/ a few/ a little

Find mistakes

Find mistakes
Случайные карты

от Arisha2103

many/much/a lot of/ a few/ a little

Much/many/little/a little/few/a few/ a lot of

Much/many/little/a little/few/a few/ a lot of
Викторина «Игровое шоу»

от Tnvmipt

a lot of
few a few
little a little
many much

QUANTIFIERS / DETERMINERS EXERCISES - much/many/a lot of/some/any/(a)few/(a)little

QUANTIFIERS / DETERMINERS EXERCISES — much/many/a lot of/some/any/(a)few/(a)little

от Tnvmipt

a lot of
few a few
little a little
many much

A lot of, much, many

A lot of, much, many

от Annytimoshenko

 a lot of/many/much

a lot of/many/much

от Beamofsun

Spotlight 4

Many/much/a lot of

Many/much/a lot of
Погоня в лабиринте

от Grinqpost

 a lot of/many/much

a lot of/many/much

от Anastassia

Go Getter

much, many, a lot of

much, many, a lot of

от Sofyafox96

much, many, a lot of

much, many, a lot of

от Liliamazurkevich

Brilliant 3

a lot of/many/much

a lot of/many/much

от Maria374

much, many, a lot of

much, many, a lot of

от Myafkat28

A lot of homework (Outcomes Elementary)

A lot of homework (Outcomes Elementary)

от Merelymercy

Outcomes Elementary

 A lot of, much, many

A lot of, much, many

от Oksana12

a lot of/many/much

a lot of/many/much

от Annadorokhina

Spotlight 4

a / a lot of

a / a lot of
Групповая сортировка

от Soad999

much, many, a lot of

much, many, a lot of

от Olgaklutchin

Spotlight 4

TJ elem much/many/a lot of

TJ elem much/many/a lot of

от Mkurkova1

Some, any, a lot of

Some, any, a lot of
Откройте поле

от Ekaterina26

Spotlight 4 Module 3 A lot of/Much/Many

Spotlight 4 Module 3 A lot of/Much/Many

от Englishteacherru

Spotlight 4

A lot of A

A lot of A

от Translatormikhe

1-й класс
2-й класс
Spotlight 1
Spotlight 2
Spotlight 3

A lot of/a lot/lots of

A lot of/a lot/lots of

от Natha1998

 a lot of/many/much

a lot of/many/much

от Ehlvpetrova

Spotlight 4

Much, many, a lot of

Much, many, a lot of
Викторина «Игровое шоу»

от Aaavolro

3 класс

a lot of homework

a lot of homework
Откройте поле

от Yakovlevatv

a lot of

a lot of
Случайные карты

от Runisovna

Much/many/a lot of/lots

Much/many/a lot of/lots

от Bemvindo

Some, any, a lot of, much, many

Some, any, a lot of, much, many
Привести в порядок

от Annytimoshenko

A Lot Of Homework

A Lot Of Homework

от Tatianasubbotin

a lot of furniture

a lot of furniture

от Tereng

 ( животные ) a lot of

( животные ) a lot of
Случайные карты

от Juliazi

a lot of

a lot of
Случайное колесо

от Runisovna

a lot of vs. a lot

a lot of vs. a lot
Случайные карты

от Lana2300

Many/much/a lot of

Many/much/a lot of

от Emiliyaaaaaaaaa

English File beginners
English File Elementary
Outcomes A2
Outcomes Pre-Intermediate

A lot of/much/many

A lot of/much/many
Погоня в лабиринте

от Winterpale

a lot of/many/much

a lot of/many/much

от Lizchaykina

 a lot of/many/much

a lot of/many/much

от Gertsovskayan

Much, many, a lot of

Much, many, a lot of
Привести в порядок

от Aaavolro

3 класс

🐕( животные ) a lot of

🐕( животные ) a lot of

от Juliazi

A lot of/lot/much/many

A lot of/lot/much/many
Групповая сортировка

от Fadeevaab

A lot of, much, many

A lot of, much, many

от Marinasimakova

much, many, a lot of

much, many, a lot of

от Runisovna

Some, any, a lot of, much, many

Some, any, a lot of, much, many
Привести в порядок

от Bibanya

A lot of, much, many

A lot of, much, many

от Alenaochneva

A lot of, a few, a bit of

A lot of, a few, a bit of

от Ruebritannia

A lot of, much, many

A lot of, much, many

от Smartn7575

much, many , a lot of

much, many , a lot of

от Raisa2405

much/ many/ a lot of

much/ many/ a lot of
Пропущенное слово

от Mini2000

much, many, a lot of

much, many, a lot of

от Yeryomenko88

a few/ a little/ a lot of

a few/ a little/ a lot of
Сбить воздушный шар

от Kotkovatp

Some/any/a/much/many/a lot of

Some/any/a/much/many/a lot of

от Yelena

Some, any, a, much, many, a lot of

Some, any, a, much, many, a lot of

от Yavno

Super Minds 4

much/many / a lot of

much/many / a lot of
Пропущенное слово

от Kanevski

much, many, a lot of

much, many, a lot of

от Lubsasky

Начальная школа / начальная

a lot of, many,much

a lot of, many,much

от Katya4206071256

Much /many, a lot of

Much /many, a lot of

от Lika12

4-й класс

A lot of, much, many / Your space 1

A lot of, much, many / Your space 1

от Yelena

Your Space 1

Much / many / a lot of

Much / many / a lot of
Пропущенное слово

от Englishteacherelenag

5-й класс
Eyes Open 1

much, many, a lot of

much, many, a lot of

от Mashaskor


a lot of / many / much

a lot of / many / much

от Katerinakarazanova

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