Word for a group of ducks

Ducks are highly sociable birds and are almost always seen in groups. Most collective nouns generally date back to the late middle ages but are still used today. But let’s cut to the chase; what are a group of ducks called?

The collective noun used for a group of ducks depends on where they are. For example, a group of ducks can be referred to as either a raft or paddling on the water. On the ground, a group of ducks can be called a waddling and a badelyng or badling — which is a common term to describe a brood of ducks.

Continue reading for a complete list of names for a group of ducks, specific collective nouns for certain species of ducks and more information about why and when they form groups.

Other names for a group of ducks

  • a badelynge of ducks
  • a badling of ducks
  • a battling of ducks
  • a bed of ducks
  • a brace of ducks
  • a brood of ducks
  • a bunch of ducks
  • a coil of ducks
  • a company of ducks
  • a daggle of ducks
  • a diving of ducks
  • a dopping of ducks
  • a fleet of ducks
  • a flock of ducks
  • a flight of ducks
  • a flush of ducks
  • a game of ducks
  • a gang of ducks
  • a gathering of ducks
  • a knob of ducks
  • a leash (three) of ducks
  • a little knob of ducks
  • a lute of ducks
  • a paddle of ducks
  • a pack of ducks
  • a pair of ducks
  • a party of ducks
  • a plump of ducks
  • a pryde of ducks
  • a puddle of ducks
  • a puddling of ducks
  • a safe of ducks
  • a skein of ducks
  • a smeath of ducks
  • a sord of ducks
  • a sorde of ducks
  • a sore of ducks
  • a sort of ducks
  • a string of ducks
  • a suce of ducks
  • a sute of ducks
  • a team of ducks
  • a trip of ducks
  • a wabbling of ducks
  • a wedge of ducks

What is a group of flying ducks called?

When in flight, a group of ducks can be called a skein, a flock or a team. Other terms are also used, but these three are the most widely used.

The term skein can also apply to a group of geese in flight as well as ducks, which we’ll go into more detail below as to why this term is used.

A flock of mallards flying in the sky

Why a ‘skein’ of ducks or geese?

Skein is the term used to describe a group of ducks, geese or other wildfowl in flight. The different meaning is a length of yarn or wool.

It’s thought that ‘skein’ is a collective noun for ducks, geese and other wildfowl in flight is; when these types of birds are flying, they are generally always in neat, orderly and tight formations which can resemble a piece of yarn or wool flying through the sky.

This may take a bit of imagination or eye squinting, but next time you see a group of these birds in flight, have a look and see if you can see the resemblance!

The orderly formations can usually be seen in smaller groups of birds in flight. When migrations occur with hundreds, and sometimes thousands of ducks, geese, and wildfowl happen, these lines can’t be seen and instead look like giant tangled balls of wool.

Why is a group of ducks called a raft?

When ducks are in groups on the water, they are often close to one another, making them appear as a solid floating body of ducks. Because of this, they resemble a raft floating on the water.

Rafts of ducks can occur during both the day and night. During the night, ducks can often form these groups on the water to sleep.

This provides them with the added security of safety in numbers, as there are more birds to provide a look-out and predators can be put off when they are all together.

A raft of ducks floating on the water

What is a group of baby ducks called?

The most common term for a group of baby ducks is a brood, and other names include a flock and a waddle. Most ducks usually have clutches of around 12 eggs, which means a group of ducklings usually consists of 12 young birds.

A group of ducklings following their mother

Why do ducks flock together in large groups?

Ducks generally feel most at ease when they are in large groups. This is because they are outgoing and sociable birds.

Forming these large groups means more security for ducks in general and can mean much higher survival rates for the pack.

Firstly, a large group of waterfowl has much more eyes and is better at detecting any nearby predators. As we know, ducks aren’t the quietest of animals, and members of the flock are quick to notify the rest of the group.

Secondly, if a predator decides to attack, they can often get overwhelmed by the number of targets, which can confuse them and mean their attacks become much less successful.

Although gathering in these large flocks is mostly beneficial, there are a few negatives. For example, the loud noises produced by the conspicuous birds can attract both predators and hunters.

Another negative can be that the larger the flock, the more competition for food. This is generally only an issue when food sources are not abundant in certain habitats. When there is not enough food, some of the birds in the flock are unable to find food.

Diseases can also be a problem when large birds are in close proximity to one another for prolonged periods. Avian Cholera is one of the examples of many diseases that can be spread through bird-to-bird contact or ingestion of contaminated water or food.

Generally speaking, the positives outweigh the negatives and ducks, and other wildfowl (such as geese) have higher survival rates in large flocks.

A large group of Mallards

When do ducks flock together?

Ducks are one of the most gregarious (highly sociable) types of birds in the world and form groups together outside of the breeding season.

During the breeding season, ducks can become pretty aggressive towards one another and protect their mate from other birds.

When the breeding season is over, ducks become much friendlier towards one another and will happily form large groups with many other ducks. This doesn’t only include their own species and can often include various species of geese and different types of waterfowl.

You may see ducks together most of the time, and this can include the breeding season. One of the reasons for this is because, in duck populations, males (drakes) generally outnumber females (hens).

Because of this, it means that many male birds are often unsuccessful in securing a mate and will often form groups and flocks with other males.

How many ducks are in a flock?

There isn’t really a definitive answer to this, as the number of ducks in a flock is highly variable. Ducks in the wild can form flocks from anywhere between ten to twenty birds all the way up to the hundreds and even thousands.

Domestic and pet ducks are usually between three and fifteen birds, depending on the type of flock. Ducks as backyard pets, for example, typically contain around three birds, but mid-sized hobby flocks contain 15 — 20 birds.

A group of pet or domestic ducks in a small group

What is a pair of ducks called?

Generally speaking, a pair of ducks is called a brace. Ducks form pairs during the breeding season.

Mallards tend to start pairing up in October and November and will generally nest in March.

The term ‘brace’ dates back to old English times and has roots in Anglo-French. It is often used in hunting, where a brace generally means two. But in the case of ducks, it’s used to describe a pair.

What do you call a group of mallard ducks?

Mallards are one of the most common species of ducks in the world and can be found in most places. Like most other ducks, they are extremely sociable and form large groups.

There are many different collective nouns to describe a group of mallards; the most widely used include a sword, a suite, and a fistful.

Because mallards are extremely common, there are many collective nouns to describe a group of them. Some are entirely wacky and strange, but this is generally the case with most collective nouns!

Continue reading below for the full list of collective nouns for a group of mallards.

A small group of ducks resting together

Other terms for a group of mallards:

  • a badelyng of mallards
  • a badelynge of mallards
  • a badling of mallards
  • a battling of mallards
  • a bed of mallards
  • a brace of mallards
  • a brood of mallards
  • a bunch of mallards
  • a coil of mallards
  • a company of mallards
  • a daggle of mallards
  • a doppling of mallards
  • a flock of mallards
  • a fleet of mallards
  • a flight of mallards
  • a flush of mallards
  • a knob of mallards
  • a leash of mallards
  • a little knob of mallards
  • a lute of mallards
  • a paddle of mallards
  • a paddling of mallards
  • a plump of mallards
  • a pryde of mallards
  • a puddling of mallards
  • a raft of mallards
  • a safe of mallards
  • a skein of mallards
  • a smeath of mallards
  • a sord of mallards
  • a sorde of mallards
  • a sore of mallards
  • a sort of mallards
  • a suce of mallards
  • a suite of mallards
  • a sword of mallards
  • a team of mallards
  • a trip of mallards
  • a waddling of mallards

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Are you a bird lover? What do we call a group of ducks? Is just using the word “Ducks” appropriate?

No, there is a specific word used for a group of ducks. But what is that word? Let’s learn about it and more in this article. Thank me later!

What is a group of ducks called? It depends on the place where they are grouped. If we find them grouped in the air while flying, we can call them a Skein or String. When they are grouped in the water then it is called Paddling, Bundle and Raft. But, the common collective noun for ducks is Paddling. Ducks are species that are mostly seen in groups.  

Numerous species that we see in the water are not always ducks. I have seen ducks in the lake in almost every park. Sometimes they are seen swimming, sometimes they are at the side of the lake, or just chilling in the sunlight. They are in groups because the ducks are highly social.

Duck Group History

Ducks live for 2 to 20 years. Ducks belong to the family Anatidae. Ducks have been domesticated as pets and farm animals for more than 500 years.

They descended either from the Mallard or the Muscovy ducks. Ducks are mainly social animals that feel comfortable when they are in large groups. Like flocks, they also prefer living as a pack. Now, are you impressed by their social life?

How do they communicate? They usually communicate while using a variety of sounds, most common of which is “quack”. Ducks love water, water is the place where they are seen.

Why do they live in groups? A duckling is usually ready for the outdoor/independent world by 6 weeks of age. But still, they live in groups. Is there any history behind this? Ducks even cohabitate with other ducks just fine. 

The history of birds is less well-studied than that of mammals. The wild mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) is believed to be the ancestor of all domestic ducks, and it has undergone numerous crossbreeding since it was first domesticated in China between 2,000 and 3,000 years ago.

There is no official history behind them living as groups. It’s just in their nature that they prefer living as a pack or group.

Peking Duck Group

Now, this is not something actually related to species. Peking Duk is an American electronic music duo made up of disc jockeys and music producers Adam Hyde and Ruben Styles.

How did this pair get this name? Well, there is a story behind this, when they were young and used to drink a lot of beer. Adam Hyde used to joke, “Look at Reuben, he’s peaking duck”.

The night when they had to come up with the name, Adam looked at Reuben and he looked like a duck, ‘cause he was peaking’. So, they finalized the name ‘Peking Duk’.

But they excluded word C from the duck. One message electronic music duo Peking Duk gives to young people is: “Don’t follow the crowd, don’t follow the trends. Do It.”

Group Of Ducks On Land

Ducks are not always seen in the water. They are seen on the land too, mostly at the side of a lake. In winters, they chill in Sunlight for a few minutes before going back to the water. In some parks, children or elders feed them too. But they are always seen in a group, it’s always ducks, not duck. They are disciplined I believe. Baby ducks (ducklings) always follow their Mother duck. What do we call them, if we see them in a group or outside the water? 

  • Flock

It looks very pleasant when we see a group of ducks outside water, some try to touch them. Flock is the correct collective noun that we can use for a group of ducks outside water. Yeah, I understand it will take time to get used to it. But as you have learned today. So, from now on call them Flock.

  • Waddling of Ducks

Ducks basically swim but that doesn’t mean that they can’t walk. A duck’s walk is referred to as a waddle. A Group of ducks walking can be called waddling ducks. They walk with short steps and tilt their body from side to side.

Group Of Ducks On Water

Ducks are mostly seen in the water, this is where they belong. The best view in Lake is watching ducks in the water as they take dips.

People are often seen taking pictures of ducks roaming in the water. How many ducks do we see? One? No, mostly what we see is a group of ducks swimming in the water. What is the exact collective noun to be used for ducks in the water?

 Raft of Ducks

A raft of ducks is a group of ducks gathered in large flocks in the water. Most of us may not be aware of this word as it’s not a commonly used word. But this is the correct collective noun to be used for a group of ducks in the water. Raft’s feet work like a boat.

Paddling of ducks

What does paddling mean? Paddling of a boat is done by humans. When we visit a park, we always try to take a ride on a paddling boat. Well, it’s interesting and worth praising God’s nature that ducks naturally paddle in the water. Paddling is defined as Flocks of swimming ducks.

 Doping of Ducks

Ducks are wonderful species that love to stay together. It is said that ‘family is power’ they actually take this serious and stick together wherever they go. They must always plan first before going anywhere or staying at the same place. A plump or doping of ducks is a group of diving ducks that sink their heads in the water in search of food. Let me tell you an interesting fact, they sometimes mix their food with water to make it softer and easier to swallow.

Group of Ducks Poker Hand

Now, what’s this? Is this another type of ducks? No, it’s something interesting. Stay here, to learn what this actually is. This is basically a game, what kind of a game?

In poker, players form sets of five playing cards, called hands, according to rules of the game. Each hand has a rank, which is compared against ranks of other hands participating in the showdown to decide who wins the pot. Texas hold’em is the easiest poker game to find online.

Duck Facts Funny

Yes, there are some facts about ducks. Or we should say that there are some facts which seem funny to humans. Are you new to this duck keeping thing? Well, you can get your hands on this book called Storey’s Guide to Raising Ducks.

Let’s discuss some just for fun purpose or general knowledge;

  • One family of ducks will produce 365,000 poops per year, all of which sink to the bottom of your dam.
  • Ducks wag their tails when they are excited.
  • A male duck is called a drake and the female is called a duck.
  • When constructing her nest a duck will line it with soft down feathers she plucks from her own breast.

group of ducks

A baby duck is called a duckling. Depending on their breed, ducks grow to full size in 8-12 weeks. The same collective noun is used for baby ducks that we use for ducks or adult ducks. A group of ducklings can simply be called a flock, brace, paddling or raft. The same rules are applied to ducklings that when they are in the water, they are called “raft” or paddling. Ducklings are always seen in groups following their mother duck. We must have seen in cartoons that Ducks always walk or swim in a group and if a baby duck gets lost somehow. It’s very difficult for the baby to survive or get back to his/her family.

Common Collective Nouns For a Group of Ducks

It is highly dependent on what the ducks are doing, whether flying, swimming or walking and after knowing it we can use so many Collective Nouns for the ducks which include:

  1. Raft of Ducks          
  2. Skein of ducks
  3. Brace of Ducks
  4. paddling of Ducks
  5. Flock of ducks
  6. Bunch of ducks
  7. String of ducks
  8. Badling of ducks

Just use any of the above words depending on the place where they are grouped.

Group of Ducks And Cows

What does a group of ducks and cows basically mean? First, let’s understand the difference. Ducks have 1 head and 2 legs, what about the cow? A group of cows is called a herd. The same is a collective noun for a group of cattle. This is the question mostly given to students to solve. Now, let’s suppose the following:

There are 4 Ducks and 4 Cows

So, how many total legs and heads we see?

The answer should be 8 heads and 16 legs.

Yes, It was this simple. Let’s ask this question from your peers. See, what they reply.

Brace of Ducks

A pair of duck is called Brace. Ducks are also divided into several subdivisions. But no matter what type of duck or how small the group is, we call them Flock, doping, paddle, raft, Skein or Bunch of ducks.

Duck’s feathers are so waterproof that even when the duck dives underwater, it’s downy under-layer of feathers will stay completely dry. 

Group of Mallard Ducks Called

Mallard is the most common duck that breeds throughout the temperature. Their Life Span is 5-10 years.

Male Mallards have a dark, iridescent-green head and bright yellow bill. Females and juveniles (teenage) are basically brown with orange and brown bills. Both genders have a white-bordered, blue “speculum” patch in their wings. They are of family Anatidae. There is a thing famous about male mallards that they chase females to hang out with their preferred girl. He even might chase and kill his own offspring if he feels some threat. The mallard is one of the most recognized ducks.

Group of Buffaloes And Ducks

As we know that there is a proper collective noun for cats, ducks, cows and many other animals. There has to be the proper word for a group of buffaloes. What do we call a group of buffaloes? The correct word is ‘Herd’.Though they are hardly seen in groups. But if they are roaming in a group, they are called Herd. Now, again there is a fun question, how many legs and heads are there in a group of ducks and buffaloes?

Suppose the number of buffaloes is 5 and the number of ducks is 6, Each buffalo has 1 head and 4 legs. As already discussed, each duck has 1 head and 2 legs.

So, what will the total number of heads and legs?


Legs: 6×2= 12

Heads: 6×1=6


Legs: 5×4=20

Heads: 5×1=5 

So, there would be 32 legs and 11 heads.

What Is a Group of Wild Ducks Called?

There are basically two types of ducks; Wild ducks and Domesticated ducks. Only 2 of them are domesticated. Rest are considered as Wild ducks. A Wild duck is a non-domesticated duck that rarely survives if domesticated. Ducks love living in groups and they like to roam freely. They get stress if we separate them from their family or we should say community. Domestic ducks can also be referred to as wild ducks but we can’t call a wild duck a domestic duck. It won’t be wrong to say that it’s in their nature to live in a group and follow their elder ducks rules. They can easily survive if we let them live according to nature. They just need a lake and other ducks to live with. Wild ducks are mostly seen in water so, they can be called Raft or Paddling of ducks.

What Is a Group of Walking Ducks Called?

Yes, Ducks can walk. Ducks are basically swimmers but they may chill on side of a lake. They are always seen in a group of two at least. Another thing to be noted is that ducks don’t always walk in a straight line but they do walk in groups. When we see a group of ducks on land we are basically watching Flock of ducks (Ducks on land together) or Brace of ducks (paired up to develop deep social contacts).

What Is a Group of Wood Ducks Called?

Never heard before? Yes, there exists a duck called a wood duck. The wood duck is a species of perching duck found in North America. Now, there must be a fact behind being called a wood duck, this is because they nest in tree cavities but they are not listed as threatened or endangered. Wood ducks still face threats in the wild. Another interesting fact about them is that they can dive completely underwater as well. Group of wood ducks are commonly called “flight of ducks” and a “team of ducks”. Now the question is what do they eat? Their chief predators are Raccoons, gray foxes, snacks and black rats.

What Is a Small Group of Ducks Called?

Well, there is a thing, ducks are mostly or we can say always seen in a group of 3-5 ducks. So, we can simply call them a flock, brace or raft (depending on their place). Whenever there are 2 or more ducks, it’s called:

  • Ducks (diving group):  Doping
  • Ducks (flying group): A lot of ducks
  • Ducks (swim or in water):  Duck paddle

Final Verdict

Finally, we know what is a group of ducks called. They are omnivores. Not every species in Water is called a duck. Swans and geese are not called ducks but they belong to the same family. The collective noun for ducks depends on the place where they have decided to gather. Ducks swimming in the water look beautiful.

Ducks are a collection of different species of birds. Ducks eat a variety of food which includes grasses, aquatic plants, fish and worms. Like all birds, ducks lay eggs, but that is the first phase of their life. In one season, ducks lay around 5-12 eggs and then tend to those eggs in her nest until they hatch. The most common word used is Flocks of ducks. Duck lay eggs and then they hatch after 28 days and they love living in a group.

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Hi, Frank is here. I am Zoo keeper, naturalist, animal lover, researcher and animal rescuer. AnimalsPick is the place where I love to share my personal experience and knowledge about certain animals.

On a good sunny day in the field,bird-lovers might see multiple ducks foraging together. But what exactly are they seeing? What do they call them? Do you know? If not, we’re here to help out. Stay with us!

Not only is it fun to know the names of groups of ducks, but it is interesting as well. Some of these names are funny, silly, surprising, plain, or even not- in- use these days. This article is all about the naming of different groups of ducks.

What is a group of ducks called? Ducks can group up in the air, water, and land. So, naming groups is based on the fact where they actually form a group. If they group up on the ground, we use collective nouns like a flock, brace, and badling, etc. Similarly, if you find them grouping in the air while flying, you can call them a skein, string, or team. For grouping in water, collective nouns paddling, bundle and raft are more common.

These names can be as unique as ducks themselves and highlight certain traits of their lifestyle

Remember our list is by no means exhaustive, so please add any in the comment box if you know more.

Let’s dive deep to get more insight.

Different Group of Ducks Names

Bird lovers! don’t take this fowl easy! It may form a group anywhere on the ground, in skies, and even in water. So, there are so many collective nouns to refer to such a strange grouping. We’d classify their groups in three ways to name them easily.

  1. Group of ducks on land names
  2. Group of ducks on water names
  3. Group of ducks in flight names

Based on the above classification, let us know the exact term accordingly.

1. Group of ducks on land names

Bird lovers feel lovely to find ducks foraging on land. Remember there are ducks not a duck. They will eat in groups if they are living together. This is because they love following their fellows. Very social being! You may find groups as small as even 5 ducks or as large as forty. Gosh! So, what to call them if you found multiple on land. Below are few fitting words that you may consider to refer to ducks on land.

1. Flock

Wao, ducks are foraging on the ground in a jolly mood today, they will not enjoy themselves alone! So, what to call them if you find them on land together? Hold on, don’t call them many ducks, they will mind! The right term for groups of ducks on land is a flock.

You can also use this term for birds in flight mode. Though flocking behavior is more common in wild ducks you can also observe it in domestic males if you give them the credit of sticking together in the backyard. However, they will not fly too high or sometimes even with feet on the ground.

Here is an amazing video for you in which you can see a flock of ducks can even block traffic.

2. Brace

Do you know, ducks pair up to develop deep social contacts. What to call them if you find a pair of ducks? Mostly you will point them as a pair of ducks, but it’s not enough. There is a term especially used to name ducks as a pair that is a brace of a duck. You may call

How attractive is this brace of duck! Isn’t it? Though this term is not very common. Now you can boost your knowledge in front of your friends by calling them a brace of ducks. Because you know! Don’t you? Here is an amazing video for you in which you can see a flock of ducks can even block traffic.

3. Badling of ducks

I am a big fan of this collective noun. But why it’s unpopular. Why?

Have you ever heard of the badling of ducks? I know, not often as this term is rare. Maybe this term is an alternation of paddling. It seems both badling and paddling co-exist. However, badling is used for a group of ducks on land. In some extremes, it may be a small group of ducks not as big as a flock. But little is known about the exact origin of this name. You may not use this term for other waterfowls. It only applies to ducks. That is why I like this.

Other collective nouns for duck groups on land

Most people are likely to use general terms like a flock of ducks, brace of ducks, or others. It does not mean that these are the only terms so far. There are other collective nouns also to repeat collection of ducks but these are rare. Let see list of some of these uncommon collective nouns for a group of ducks on land

  • Herd
  • Safe
  • Sort
  • Sore
  • Waddling

2. Group of ducks on water names

Perhaps one of the most beautiful views is to catch them when they are swimming. When you come across a gathering of ducks in the water, what do you call them? Important point! Hold on, don’t start naming them as watery ducks, swimming ducks, etc. There are the right options available. Move on to know these interesting names and wow your friends with your knowledge!

group of ducks names

Ducks grouping in water are formally called-

  1. Bunch of ducks
  2. Paddling of ducks
  3. Raft

We are going to start up from a bunch of ducks.

1. Bunch of ducks

Do you know ducks can group up in the water? Yes, they are multitalented social creatures who always want to stay with friends even on land, in-flight, or water. If you find a number of ducks swimming, diving and foraging in water, call them a bunch of ducks.YOu could say Look, a bunch of ducks is swimming that way! You may impress your friends using the right term in the right way!

2. Paddling of ducks

With this term what comes first in my mind is a boat. Yes, boat and paddle both are inevitable. When a large number of ducks swim together they look like paddling boats as they use their feet in the way as we push the paddle of the boat to let it swim. This term is amazing as it focuses on paddling feet of this waterfowl. Don’t hesitate to point, paddling ducks are there where you find them in water. Don’t you? It sounds really sensible.

3. Raft

Now it’s time to learn a little bit more educated term, raft. Most of you did not hear of it before. So let me tell you, the raft is an English word that stands for the buoyant structure of timber used in boats. Ducks have fastened feet that work like the timber of the boat to let it stay happily on water. For this reason, they are called a raft of ducks when they group up in the water. It’s really amazing to observe rafts from a height as they swim both clockwise and anticlockwise. Don’t miss watching rafts from the mountains if you get a chance.

3. Groups of ducks in flight names

If you find a collection of amazing birds in the skies!What to call them now!Big trouble. This bird will never love to go alone anywhere. We’ve gathered a few collective nouns to name them in flight mode.

Here are some great name ideas that you can use for a group of flyer ducks –

  1. skein
  2. String
  3. team

1. Skein

Though it sounds a bit complex! Even most of you don’t know how to pronounce it well. Try to listen to this pronunciation of Skein to speak it correctly if you wanna boost your speaking skills. This name stands for the gathering of ducks in the air. Why? Because these waterfowl make V shape while in-flight around canopies. It seems they follow the V pattern in their flight mode. Not only ducks fly like that, but geese and swans also follow this pattern. So, this term depicts a kind of flying behavior or pattern. Now you got it. Haven’t you? If not, watch this image below to understand well.

group of ducks

2. String

Probably all of you are well aware of the meaning of the string. If not, let me tell you it is a cord we use to bind.Wao.What is the connection between string and group of flying ducks? Like me, you will also be curious. Let’s kill curiosity and reveal the truth! Have you ever observed ducks during a flight? If you view them carefully, it seems as if they are connected to a string. They show such a disciplined attitude as they are bound together with a strong string that is unbreakable. So, that is the truth behind the confusion of why they are called a string.

3. Team

Here comes my super favorite name for a group of flying ducks. I love it as it’s easy to learn and this term well before. Don’t hesitate to call, LOOk here a team of ducks is flying! It’s the right terminology. Why do we call them a team? Because when they fly they look like a team going together for some task. So, take your time to find who leads the team. Maybe there is a leader, maybe not. During fall wild ducks mostly fly like a team to move from one place to another.

What are the incorrect names of a group of Ducks

I often hear misleading names by folk when they talk about the collection of ducks. Some of these names are really funny. Let me tell you few incorrect collective nouns –

  • Band of ducks
  • Quackers
  • Society of ducks
  • Bundle of ducks
  • Gang of ducks
  • Chain of ducks
  • Party of ducks
  • Club of ducks

If you find such incorrect collective nouns, you should correct them with the right terms as you know much. Don’t you? Grab this chance to show off your knowledge and wow your friends!

What do you call a group of ducks

Luckily, there are so many answers to these questions. It actually depends on where you find a group of ducks. You may find them in the water, air, or land. So, You will name them accordingly. Let’s have a look at this interesting table to know what you should call a group of ducks and when?

Duck groups names in water Duck groups names on the land  Duck group names in flight
Raft of ducks Flock of ducks Skein of ducks
Bunch of ducks Brace of ducks String of ducks
Paddling of ducks Badling of ducks Team of ducks

Now you can learn these terms easily. For your ease, let me tell you, use folk as a collective noun for ducks on both water and land. Badling is not in use anymore. Still, you can keep this term in your mind for increasing your vocabulary. If you happen to spy multiple ducks of swimming sort then you can call them paddling.

Mostly ducks group up on land as they do it for safety and social bond. They group up to forage on the ground. If you pass by such groups, take a moment to observe. They are really a bird of amazing personalities. Believe me, they will entertain you with their funny social behaviors. But before knowing what is the collective noun you can use to refer to ducks on land. You can call them flock, very general term and always in use by many of us. If there are just a pair not many ducks then go on with calling them as a brace of ducks. In case you happen to spy a large gathering of this bird foraging on the ground, call them a raft. In poultry, breeders often call them raft. So, it’s an educated term.

What is a group of baby ducks called

When it comes to baby ducks who move in groups, the question arises what to call them? and Why?

Baby ducks are very sweet and innocent with the official name duckling. But should you call them duckling when they form a group? That is the real point. Duckling is the name of a baby duck only not the name of multiple baby ducks.

Brood is an official term used for a group of baby ducklings who depend on mother for food and other needs. So, when you find multiple ducklings, call them brood. But what to do if you don’t know about this term? Many people are still unfamiliar with poultry terminologies so they don’t know much about brood.No problem we’re here to help you. If you don’t know about broods you can call a baby duckling group a flock. Nobody will punish you! Believe me! FLOck is most commonly easy to get a term always. You can use it for both adults as well as little bird groups without any hesitation. It will not be considered a mistake.

What is a group of locusts called

Now it’s time to get a bit of relief from the duck, let’s move to locutus. This insect is very social and loves to move in groups. I know very few of you know how to call multiple locusts. I did research to break this truth for you and gathered three names to represent a group of locusts.

Plague of locusts: This term refers to a relatively larger group of insects. It is a specific term used for this insect only.

A swarm of locusts: This term can be used for the collection of other insects as well. You can use it for wasps, ants, and bees. So, it is a more general term.

Cloud of locusts: This term “cloud” refers to the similarity between locusts and grasshoppers as groups of both fly like forming a cloud in the air. “Cloud” can also refer to a group of gnats

Frequently Asked Questions (Faqs)

What do you call a group of crocodiles?

Typically a group of crocodiles is called a bask or float.

What is a group of hippos called?

Hippos living in a group of up to 40 are called pods, herd, school or bloat

What is a group of flamingos called?

Amazingly, a group of flamingos is referred to as a flamboyance that represents fire.

What is a group of ducklings called?

Typically groups of ducklings under mother care are called brood or flock.

What is a group of swans called?

A group of swans is called bevy, flock, and wedge in flight.

Final Words 

Finally, what is a group of ducks called the article will make you feel more educated. Now you can proudly use the right terms for the right situation. Wherever you find ducks moving in a group first focus on what they are doing and where they are actually. Name them a flock of ducks, a bundle of ducks, a brood of ducks according to their habitat. We love to hear your pet duck names. Don’t forget to share with us if you have unusual names for your domestic fowl. You can read our other articles about ducks teeth.

If you feel bore to read then you can listen to the audio version of this post by clicking the play button below.

Table of Contents

  1. What is the name for a group of ducks?
  2. What is the collective noun for Ducklings?
  3. What is a gaggle A group of?
  4. What do you call a bunch of swans?
  5. What is a group of husbands called?
  6. What do you call a group of Mooses?
  7. What is a lady moose called?
  8. What is the plural for octopus?
  9. What is the plural of elk?
  10. What is the plural of Bison?
  11. What is the plural for die?
  12. What is a group of elk called?
  13. What is the plural of students?
  14. Is teeth singular or plural?
  15. What is plural for man?
  16. What is opposite of man?

Ducks: raft, team, paddling, badling. Eagles: convocation, congregation, aerie.

What is the collective noun for Ducklings?

What is the collective noun of duckling? They are usually called a flock.

What is a gaggle A group of?

A group of geese is called a gaggle.

What do you call a bunch of swans?

A group of swans, also once game birds, is a wedge when they’re in flight, likely because of the shape a group of swans takes in flight. And while we can call a group of swans a bevy, a herd, a game, or a flight, they can only be a bank when they’re on the ground.

What is a group of husbands called?

Collective NounsHackersCruftHoodlumsGangHorsemenCavalcadeHuntersBlastHusbandsMultiply, UnhappinessNog 69 rijen

What do you call a group of Mooses?

A moose (Alces alces; called elk in Europe) is a large deer. Some authorities put the American moose in a different species, Alces americanus. A male moose is called a bull, a female moose is called a cow, and a young moose is called a calf. A group of moose is called a herd. The plural form of moose is “moose”.

What is a lady moose called?

The word “elk” in North American English refers to a completely different species of deer, Cervus canadensis, also called the wapiti. A mature male moose is called a bull, a mature female a cow, and an immature moose of either sex a calf.

What is the plural for octopus?

Let us finally resolve the octopuses v. … Grammatically speaking, the plural for octopus is octopuses. As the Merriam-Webster dictionary points out, people use three different terms, however: octopi, octopuses, and octopodes. While “octopi” has become popular in modern usage, it’s wrong.

What is the plural of elk?

(elk ) Word forms: plural elks , plural elk. variable noun. An elk is a type of large deer.

What is the plural of Bison?

Hello Rema: Yes, Rema, there is a plural form of ‘bison’ in English. … In the case of ancient nouns in English like ‘bison’, they are known as ‘irregular nouns’ n that their forms change inner letters or do not change at all, like ‘bison’. Therefore, the plural form of ‘bison’ is ‘bison’.

What is the plural for die?

Die is the singular form of dice. It comes from the French word des, a plural word for the same objects. In English, the most common way to make nouns plural is to add an S. If die followed that rule, its plural form would be dies.

What is a group of elk called?

According to a list of animal congregations offered by the US Geological Survey, the term for a plural grouping for elk is none other than a gang.

What is the plural of students?

students — plural noun: “The students did well on their exams.” student’s — singular possessive adjective: “The student’s performance was excellent.” students’ — plural possessive adjective: “The students’ exam scores were all fantastic!”16 okt. 2018

Is teeth singular or plural?

ExamplesSingularPluralmanmenchildchildrentoothteethfootfeetNog 26 rijen

What is plural for man?

For example, the plural form of man is men, not mans. The plural form of woman is women, not womans.

What is opposite of man?

Woman is the opposite gender to man. When referring to people being opposites of each other, without qualifying, it’s usually about their qualities and personalities being opposites.

Published: February 15, 2023

© iStock.com/Maria Jeffs

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Ducks are cute, social, intelligent, and playful animals. We often see them in large groups or family groups, with babies trailing after their mothers. On an average farm, you might find 20 ducks in a group. But in the wild, they gather in groups in the hundreds or even thousands. Seeing them waddling together or floating on a pond can be a beautiful sight. But what is a group of ducks called? And how do they function in these large gatherings?

What is the Term For a Group of Ducks?

Rouen ducks

There are many collective nouns for ducks. The most common way to refer to a group of ducks on land is to call them a flock or waddle. But if they are flying, you would call them a skein. And when they are swimming, they would be a “raft of ducks.”


When ducks are walking on land, they are a “flock of ducks” or a “waddling of ducks.” When flying, they are a “skein.” And when they are swimming, you can call them a “raft of ducks.” What you call a group of ducks, greatly depends on their location.

If those don’t suit your liking, there are many more general collective nouns you can use for ducks:

  • Bed
  • Bevy
  • brade
  • Bunch
  • Coil
  • Curl
  • Diving
  • Armada
  • Brood 
  • Company
  • Daggle
  • Flush
  • Posse
  • Round
  • Handle
  • Dopping
  • Game
  • Gang
  • Knob
  • Pack
  • Plump
  • Jumping
  • Trip
  • Lute
  • Party
  • Smeath
  • Wabbling

Collective nouns for swimming ducks include puddle (puddling), pontoon, paddle (paddling), and raft. 

Here are some more names for flying ducks: team, flight, fleet, wedge, and string. And for walking ducks, you can also use badling, battling, and badelyng.

It’s safe to say you will never run out of things to call a wabbling of ducks.

Why is a Group of Ducks Called a Raft?

We call a group of ducks a “raft” when they are in the water because they stick close together and look similar to a raft floating on the water. Ducks form rafts during the day or night, often sleeping huddled together. This provides them with safety from predation. Predators are less likely to attack when there are many in a group, and there are more lookouts for possible threats.

The word “skein” is used for a flying group of ducks, but it actually refers to many wildfowl species. It specifically describes birds that fly in V formations. But skein also refers to a loosely coiled and knotted length of thread or yarn, which is similar to what flying birds look like in their tight formations.

How Do Ducks Function in a Flock?

mallards in flight

Ducks feel more at ease when they live in large flocks because they have a higher chance of survival. Males and females generally live together and they have a leader that initiates flock movements throughout the day.


Ducks are social birds, but this isn’t the only reason they form groups. They feel more at ease when they live in large flocks because they have a higher chance of survival. But how exactly do ducks function in a group?

Winter is when ducks live communally, feeding and sleeping near each other. But it is also the time of year when they form their pair bonds for the breeding season. Unlike songbirds that wait until after spring migration to form pairs, ducks look for their mates in the winter. 

Males and females generally live together without much issue. And most flocks have a leader that initiates movements throughout the day.


Muscovy ducks standing on stone wall

The most common way to refer to ducks walking is a flock. But you can also call them waddling, badling, battling, and badelyng. There is no specific collective noun for male and female duck groups because they often live together.

©Mark D Bailey/Shutterstock.com

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about “what is a group of ducks called?”

What is a Group of Mallard Ducks Called?

A group of mallard ducks in flight is called a flock. But on the ground, you can refer to them as a sord, as in a “sord of mallard ducks.”

What Do You Call a Group of Ducks Walking?

There are many collective nouns for ducks on the ground. The most common way to refer to ducks walking is a flock. But you can also call them waddling, badling, battling, and badelyng. For example, “I saw a waddling of ducks at the farm.”

What Do You Call a Group of Male Ducks?

There doesn’t seem to be a distinction between the names of male and female duck groups; males and females live together, so their collective nouns would be the same. A group of male ducks would be a flock, a group of female ducks would be a flock, and a group of mixed-gendered ducks would also be a flock.

Up Next:

  • Baby Duck: 5 Incredible Facts & 5 Pictures!
  • How and Where Do Ducks Sleep?- All You Need to Know.
  • Swan vs Duck: 5 Key Differences

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The Featured Image

Pekin ducks

Three American pekin ducks

© iStock.com/Maria Jeffs

About the Author

Niccoy is a professional writer and content creator focusing on nature, wildlife, food, and travel. She graduated Kappa Beta Delta from Florida State College with a business degree before realizing writing was her true passion. She lives in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains and enjoys hiking, reading, and cooking!

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