Word for a group of bees

Bees are one of the most important species in the ecosystem, and they are always in a group of thousands. So, what is a group of bees called? Let’s find out the collective nouns for bees below!


  • (Meaning) A hive is a house where the bees live. Since a group of bees is most likely seen near or around their hive, the collective noun for bees is ‘hive’.

  • Example 1: I have never seen a hive of bees prior to this moment.

  • Example 2: Don’t get too close to the hive of bees for they might sting you.


  • (Meaning) A group of bees can also be called a swarm, for a swarm is a group of winged insects.

  • Example 1: Careful! There’s a swarm of bees by the window!

  • Example 2: I was chased by a swarm of bees yesterday.


  • (Meaning) Bees build beehives so they can nest and be protected. People often see bees gathered near or around their nests, so a group of bees is also called a nest of bees.

  • Example 1: I need to remove the nest of bees on the patio because my kids are allergic to them.

  • Example 2: Do not disturb the nest of bees in the garden, so they can successfully build their hive.


  • (Meaning) Most species of bees stay in a group and travel in a group. Each group of bees has a queen, army bees, and baby bees that all have a specific role in their community. Therefore, we call a group of bees a colony.

  • Example 1: Get away from the colony of bees before they sting you!

  • Example 2: I’m a bee enthusiast and I was in awe when I saw a colony of bees living on a tree next to my house.


  • (Meaning) Rabble means disorderly or noisy crowd. We know that bees have a buzzing sound and when they are together, this sound is loud and can be a disturbance to others. Therefore, when we see a noisy group of bees, we call them rabble of bees.

  • Example 1: Don’t go too near the rabble of bees because we don’t know if they’re calm or not.

  • Example 2: A rabble of bees flew by my window and woke me up with their loud sound.

Other forms: swarmed; swarming; swarms

A swarm is a good word for a large group of bees going on the attack — not good news. Like bees, any group of people or animals can be considered a swarm if they act together and quickly — even fiercely.

On a hot day, when an ice-cream truck shows up, it’s usually greeted by a swarm of hot, hungry kids. People at a concert can be a swarm — and people in the swarm can be hurt, because there’s lots of pushing and shoving. When tickets for a popular movie go on sale, a swarm of people will swarm the theater. As you can see, swarm works as either a noun or verb, and people could teach bees a thing or two about swarming.

Definitions of swarm

  1. noun

    a group of many things in the air or on the ground

    swarm of insects obscured the light”



  2. verb

    move in large numbers

  3. verb

    be teeming, be abuzz

    “The garden was
    swarming with bees”


    pullulate, teem

DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘swarm’.
Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Vocabulary.com or its editors.
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  • #1

What do we call a group of bees that swarm rapidly towards someone to bite him (like in the movies)?

  • JamesM

    • #2

    We call them a swarm. It’s a noun and a verb.


    • #3

    By the way, bees sting rather than bite.


    • #4

    I found different names here:

    flight of bees, grist of bees, hive of bees, swarm of bees.

    But James is right. Everybody would agree with swarm.
    Other nouns may have been made up by people with a lot of imagination.

    • #5

    A hive of bees is a perfectly normal and standard term for a «group» of bees, but it is not a synonym of swarm. A hive is the physical location where the bees live: the queen stays there, some bees make honey or tend eggs and pupæ, and some fly out to forage for nectar. The hive might be underground, in a hollow tree, or in a special box provided by a beekeeper.

    I’ve never heard of a «gist» of bees and don’t know whether it refers to bees in flight or in a nest. I’m also not familiar with «flight» as a synonym for «swarm»; «swarm» is the term I’ve always heard for a queen and a large number of worker bees flying around looking for a place to start a new hive.

    • #6

    i see, i’ll stick to the one everyone is familiar with then ;)
    thank you all!

    By the way, bees sting rather than bite.

    You’re right ^^’


    • #7

    Many years ago, my son wanted to have a hive or two of bees, a project into which I was dragged.

    «Swarm» is the best word to use in the context you present, however, a swarm also refers to the phenomenon that happens when bees overpopulate a hive and more or less half of them take off to set up housekeeping with a new queen in a hollow tree, somebody’s attic or someplace else.

    Thus, it’s

    not necessarily

    to attack a living creature.

    Choose the wrong word connected with sportsmen:

    a) jockey; b) archerer; c) canoeist; d) mountaineer; e) archer.

    Choose the synonyms used for a group of bees:

    a) hive; b) swarm; c) sloth; d) bike; e) drift.

    Choose British newspapers usually known as tabloids:

    a) The Daily Mail;

    b) The Times;

    c) The Mirror;

    d) The Observer;

    e) The Sun.

    Светило науки — 35 ответов — 375 раз оказано помощи

    1b -archerer лишнее
    2. beehive — syn. hive, swarm

    Светило науки — 5 ответов — 5 раз оказано помощи

    Choose the wrong word connected with sportsmen:

    d) mountaineer;

    Choose the synonyms used for a group of bees:

    c) sloth; e) drift.

    Choose British newspapers usually known as tabloids:

    b) The Times;

    d) The Observer;

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