Word for a great feeling

Today, you’re going to learn 41 positive emotion adjectives and idioms to describe happy emotions. For more positive English words, check out 59 Positive Personality Adjectives!

Do you ever find yourself saying this:

“I’m so happy. I mean … I’m really, really happy. This makes me so happy. I’m happy — are you happy? I’m happy!”

It sounds like you need some synonyms for “happy.”

Today, I’m going to show you how to stop repeating yourself when you’re talking about positive feelings.

By the end of this lesson, you’ll be able to stop repeating yourself when you want to say that you’re feeling:

  1. Happy
  2. Excited
  3. Surprised
  4. Interested
  5. Satisfied
  6. Emotional
  7. Relaxed

So let’s get started.

other words for happy: a happy woman

Yep. She’s definitely happy.

More Words for “Happy”

Pleased — This word means between “happy” and “satisfied.” Very often, you’re pleased with a particular thing. Like your exam results. Or the hippo dancing.

Cheerful — This is when someone is visibly happy. They walk into the room, and you can see it in the way they walk, what they say and the massive smile on their face.

Exuberant — This is like cheerful — but even stronger.

Euphoric — When you’re intensely happy. This is when all you can feel is your own happiness. It really is a very strong feeling.

Merry — This is a little like cheerful. Usually, when you’re feeling merry, you might be in quite a playful mood as well. We often associate this with how you feel after a couple of glasses of wine.

Overjoyed — This simply means “very happy.”

Elated — Somewhere between “happy” and “overjoyed.”

Glad — “Glad” is similar to “pleased.” Usually, you’re glad about something in particular. Like the wonderful news. Or the football result.

Bonus Idioms — Happy

Actually, there are quite a few idioms to describe being happy. Here are some of the more common ones:

On cloud nine
On top of the world
In high spirits
As happy as Larry

You may have noticed that most of these refer to being somewhere high up. Which makes sense, right?

The Larry idiom? Well, that doesn’t make sense. I mean — who’s Larry, and why’s he so happy?

Ah… English!

Words for “Happy” on a Scale

At the top: you’ve just won the lottery, and your doctor has told you that you have a genetic condition that means you can NEVER put on weight.

At the bottom: you’re at the supermarket, and you’ve found a till with no queue.

Words for happy: euphoric, overjoyed, elated, exuberant, merry, cheerful, pleased, glad

2. Excited

Take a look at this picture. How would you describe her?

other words for excited: an excited woman

How many words did you find?

Here are some more!

More Words for “Excited”

Click to listen

Thrilled — This just means “very excited.” You can also use it to mean “happy,” like, “We’re thrilled you’re going to come and visit us at our ant factory.”

Charged — Imagine you’re about to do a parachute jump. How do you feel? This is like “excited” but has more adrenaline. More tension.

Pumped — “Pumped” is kind of similar to “charged.” You’re excited AND ready for an intense situation, like a dangerous mountain biking trail or a heavy game of kangaroo wrestling.

Words for “Excited” on a Scale

Because some words are just too strong for some situations and others are just too weak, I’m going to add a scale for each word in this lesson.

The scale ranges from “going to a new cafe” (not very exciting… but kind of exciting. A bit) to “preparing to fight a massive bear” (so exciting that it’s kind of terrifying).

So the “red zone” is something you might want to avoid unless your lifestyle is pretty extreme.

Words for excited: pumped, charged, thrilled

Small print: These may vary slightly depending on the situation and who’s talking.

3. Surprised

other words for surprised: a surprised child

Yes! You guessed it! She’s surprised!

More Words for “Surprised”

Astonished — Just “very surprised”

Astounded — I’d say that this is even stronger than “astonished.” It’s got an element of shock. Maybe you look a bit like this:


Amazed — You probably already know this one. It’s like “surprised,” but there’s an air of magic to it. Like that time when you first saw a unicorn. What? You haven’t seen a unicorn yet? Well … you’ll be amazed.

Startled — This can be a bit negative sometimes. “Startled” has a feeling of shock and even alarm to it. I always think of that feeling when you’re at home, and you think no one is there. You go to the kitchen for a cup of tea, and you see your flatmate there. You thought she was out, right? How do you feel? Startled!

Taken aback — This is usually a bit more negative as well. Again, it’s on that line between “shocked” and “surprised.”

Dumbstruck — Very, very surprised. Maybe so surprised that you can’t speak.

Bonus Idiom — “Surprised”

My jaw dropped — This is about the same as “astounded.”

We also have the adjective “jaw-dropping.” Like, “Did you see that magician? Absolutely jaw-dropping! I mean … how did she make your wallet disappear completely? And then run away? Amazing!”

Words for “Surprised” on a Scale

Again — we’re going from “weak surprise” to “strong surprise.”

Weak surprise is when your friend has a new hat.

Strong surprise is when you get home, and your house is suddenly a zebra.

Words for surprised: dumbstruck, astounded, amazed, astonished, taken aback, startled

4. Interested

other words for interested: an interested man

OK. How does he feel?

How many words can you use?

Here are some more!

More Words for “Interested”

Captivated — You know that feeling when you can’t stop looking at something? Like that perfect musical performance. Or one of those films that you watch, and you can never really understand what’s happening. But you just keep watching. Because you’re interested — or “captivated.”

Fascinated — Very interested

Absorbed — This is when you’re completely “stuck inside” something. Have you ever had that feeling when you’ve been so interested in a book you’re reading that you miss your bus stop? That — exactly that — is “absorbed.”

Engrossed — This is basically the same as absorbed.

Bonus Idiom — Interested

On the edge of your seat — When you’re just really interested in what’s happening. I always imagine sitting in the cinema, so interested in the film I’m watching that I’m literally sitting on the (front) edge of my seat.

Words for “Interested” on a Scale

Weak interest is when your best friend wants to tell you about their job interview. It’s kind of interesting because it’s your friend. Even though the interview itself isn’t interesting.

Strong interest is that film. We all have one of those films. It’s that film.

Words for interested: engrossed, captivated, absorbed, fascinated

5. Satisfied

other words for satisfied: a girl with a teddy bear

Oooh… You’ve got what you want, and it feels good!

But how many words can you use to describe it?

More Words for “Satisfied”

Fulfilled — That special feeling you get from being satisfied with your life — maybe it’s work; maybe it’s family; maybe it’s helping homeless rabbits.

Gratified — This is more or less the same as “satisfied.”

Satiated — We usually use it to describe feeling satisfied after a meal.

Words for “Satisfied” on a Scale

At the top, we have “completing a 5-year degree course.”

At the bottom, we have that feeling after a good cup of tea.

Words for satisfied: fulfilled, gratified, satiated

You may have noticed that there’s no “red zone” here. Well, it seems we don’t have many common words meaning “extremely satisfied.”

6. Emotional

other words for emotional: an emotional man

We all get that feeling sometimes, right? When our feelings and emotions take over.

Sometimes, it can feel great, can’t it?

More Words for “Emotional”

Moved — It simply means “emotionally affected.” For example, when we watch a powerful drama, or when someone buys us flowers unexpectedly.

Overwhelmed — This is when something gets too much for us. Have you ever suddenly started crying with happiness when you weren’t expecting it? You could say you were overwhelmed with emotion. This can be used for negative situations as well as positive ones.

Overcome — It’s basically the same as “overwhelmed.”

Impassioned — This is another way of saying “very emotional.”

Words for “Emotional” on a Scale

Low-level emotional is when your favourite TV show is doing a double-length episode this week.

And high-level emotional is “everyone you’ve ever met has decided to throw a party for you and tell you how awesome you are.” (Hmmm… maybe that’s a bit creepy, but you get the idea!)

Words for emotional: overwhelmed, overcome, impassioned, moved

7. Relaxed

other words for relaxed: a relaxed woman reading by a lake

Oh, yeah. That’s the life.

OK. This is the last one. Before you read on … how many words do you know for relaxed?

More Words for “Relaxed”

Chilled out — You’re by the pool. You’ve got your favourite cocktail in your hand. There are no kids anywhere. You can hear the waves of the sea hitting the beach nearby. How do feel? Yep. Me too.

Calm — This one means relaxed, but it also means “not stressed” or “not angry.”

Soothed — If “calm” means “not angry/stressed,” then “soothed” means “not angry/stressed anymore.” In order to be “soothed,” you need to be angry/stressed first. Then you see the cat video, and you calm down.

Content — You know that feeling when you feel very happy with your life. Sure, you could have a bit more money, and maybe life would be a bit better if that guy in the office didn’t sing so much. But generally speaking, you’re happy and (this is the important part) you don’t want anything more. Everything’s fine the way it is. That’s “content.”

Tranquil — Remember the feeling you had by the pool? Now be 10 times more relaxed. Now you’re tranquil. Congratulations!

Serene — This one is more or less the same as “tranquil.”

Composed — You know that guy who’s always really calm, but not in that pool-side way — more in that focused, dynamic way? You could tell him that there was a bomb in his trousers, and instead of panicking, he’d just figure out a way to control the situation. Never panics, never gets emotional … He’s composed.

Words for “Relaxed” on a Scale

Super relaxed is when you’ve actually just left your body.

Mildly relaxed is when you thought you had to wash a few plates. But it looks like someone else has already done it.

Words for relaxed: serene, tranquil, chilled out, composed, soothed, calm, content

So now you can talk about your feelings with these positive emotion adjectives. Good work!

But I want to make sure you’ve understood these well.

So, in the comments below, can you tell me about a time when you felt thrilled, on the edge of your seat or merry?

I’d love to hear your stories!

Did you find this useful? Do you know any people (or dolphins) that might also benefit from this? Then BE AWESOME AND SHARE! Spread the knowledge!

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Table of Contents

  1. What word means feeling great delight?
  2. What word defines as experiencing pleasure joy or delight?
  3. What kind of verb is delighted?
  4. What is the adjective for original?
  5. What is the noun of the word original?
  6. What is sentence definition and example?
  7. What does it mean to classify a sentence by purpose?
  8. What are the four sentence purposes?
  9. What is structural classification of sentences?

Feel-good Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for feel-good?

What word means feeling great delight?


happy cheerful
upbeat optimistic
sanguine positive
cheering satisfying
hopeful joyful

What word defines as experiencing pleasure joy or delight?

ecstasy. Synonyms:happiness, pleasure, joy, delight, contentment, euphoria, elation, jollity, nirvana.

What kind of verb is delighted?

verb (used with object) to give great pleasure, satisfaction, or enjoyment to; please highly: The show delighted everyone.

What is the adjective for original?

Original comes from the Latin word originem, which means “beginning or birth.” Whether you’re using it as an adjective to describe something that is literally the very first, or as a noun meaning something that serves as a model for making copies, original means “first.” Even when you describe an original idea, meaning …

What is the noun of the word original?

originality. (uncountable) The quality of being original or novel. (uncountable) The capacity to think independently or be inventive. (countable) Something original.

What is sentence definition and example?

A sentence is a set of words that are put together to mean something. A sentence is the basic unit of language which expresses a complete thought. It does this by following the grammatical basic rules of syntax. For example:”Ali is walking”.

What does it mean to classify a sentence by purpose?

Every sentence has a purpose. All sentences can be classified as having one of these four purposes: declarative, imperative, interrogative, and exclamatory. A declarative sentence makes a statement and ends with a period. EXAMPLES I ride the bus. An imperative sentence gives a command or makes a request.

What are the four sentence purposes?

The four types of sentence purposes in the English language are declarative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamatory.

What is structural classification of sentences?

There are four types of sentences: simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex. Each sentence is defined by the use of independent and dependent clauses, conjunctions, and subordinators.

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Tsiskaridze dances with a great feeling but without unnecessary affectation.

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So I have a great feeling of satisfaction for the work that we carried out together with our colleagues.

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Поэтому у меня очень большое чувство удовлетворенности за ту работу, которую мы провели вместе с нашими коллегами.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

A great feeling of reality provided both the powerful projectors with the highest image accuracy,

and the team of professionals involved in the project.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

context icon

Потрясающее ощущение реальности происходящего обеспечили мощные проекторы, дающие изображение высочайшей точности, а

также команда профессионалов, задействованная в проекте.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Nothing that, just that with Fabrizio had reached a great feeling and then I could»afford» to do something like.

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Ничего, что, только что с Fabrizio достигла большое чувство и затем я может« позволить себе» сделать что-то вроде.

and we are very excited about the new material’, says Dave Gahan.

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и мы все очень возбуждены от нового материала.», говорит Дэйв Гаан( Dave Gahan).

You will find a great feeling of happiness that sees you safely move within them,

with no desire to engage them again.

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Вы ощутите большое чувство радости, видя, что вы благополучно проходите через, не

имея желания привлечь их снова.

I have a great feeling of pride that hundreds of the works by 21 artists

from all parts of Azerbaijan are demonstrated here.

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Я испытываю огромное чувство гордости оттого, что здесь демонстрируются сотни произведений

21 художника со всех уголков Азербайджана.

It’s incredibly simple and really powerful- and it gives you a great feeling when you finally clean out your inbox.

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Это невероятно простой и очень мощный- и это дает вам большое чувство, когда вы, наконец, очистить ваш почтовый ящик.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Surrounded by green areas and terraces that make this villa


unique property where you can breathe a great feeling of peace and freedom.

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Окруженный зелеными зонами и террасами, которые делают эту виллу уникальной собственностью,

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

It was a great feeling, knowing that we aren’t the only ones living in


difficult climate,

trying to live from fishery.

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Было здорово чувствовать, знать, что не мы одни живем в таких суровых климатических условиях, пытаясь

зарабатывать на жизнь рыболовством.

Always such a great feeling to have the privilege to introduce someone to african hunting,

thanks for the opportunity Chris, you did very well.

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Всегда такое великое чувство, чтобы иметь честь представить, чтобы кто-то африканской охоты,

спасибо за возможность Крис, вы сделали очень хорошо.

With it comes release from the fear that had

also been deliberately created to confuse you, and a great feeling of ecstatic joy will resound around the world.

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Вместе с этим придет и освобождение от страха,

который был намеренно создан чтобы сбить вас с пути, после чего большое чувство экстатической радости прокатится по всему миру.

Now everything was fine and it was a great feeling so beautiful and strong of latex enveloped,

so I could not wait to get this nice


for you in photos and of course the sexy HD video capture.

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Теперь все было идеально, и это было большое чувство, чтобы быть настолько красивым и сильным,

завернутым в латексе, так что я не мог ждать этого прекрасного


для вас на фотографиях и, конечно, сексуальный захвата видео высокой четкости.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Cheap girls of easy virtue today are valued much more, because they are on


par with expensive slut will be able to fully satisfy all customers,

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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Недорогие индивидуалки сегодня ценятся намного больше, потому что они наравне с элитными коллегами смогут полноценно удовлетворить всех заказчиков,

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg


long-term road test by Popular Mechanics began with the editors describing that the»Eagle is best

when working hard» and»you can


the tremendous traction» of its big all-weather tires in four-wheel drive giving»a great feeling of security.

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Описывающая долговременный тест автомобиля в журнале« Популярная механика», начиналась словами редактора, что« Eagle- лучший

выбор для тяжелой работы» и« вы можете почувствовать потрясающее сцепление» его больших всепогодных шин на полном приводе, дающее« великолепное ощущение защищенности».

On that day,

the teachers and students were going to greet the guests with a great feeling of pride since the school had become



for native studies for the young Diaspora Armenians throughout the summer, gathering the participants of the»Ari Tun» Program for homeland recognition with the deep awareness of the well-known idea of Armenian writer Raffi, that is,»Patriotism starts from native studies.

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Егише Чаренца первое сентября было днем долгожданным, поскольку в этот день педагоги, учащиеся школы с большим чувством гордости должны были принимать гостей:

на протяжении всего лета этот очаг образования стал для юношей и девушек из Диаспоры очагом познания Родины, сплотив участников программы« Ари тун» глубоким осознанием высказанной Раффи мысли« Патриотизм начинается с познания Родины».

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg



drummer plays


groove that»is very solid and with a great feel…», this is referred to informally as being»in the pocket»;



drummer»maintains this




extended period of time, never wavering, this is often referred to as


deep pocket.

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Когда барабанщик играл« солидный» грув с хорошим чувством, это неофициально называли« прикарманить»( in the pocket), а когда

барабанщик поддерживал это


в течение длительного периода, это часто упоминалось как« глубоко прикарманить» deep pocket.

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На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

большое чувство n

прекрасное чувство

отличное чувство

великое чувство

замечательное чувство

большим чувством

великолепное чувство

великого чувства

огромное чувство

хорошее чувство

великолепное ощущение

невероятное ощущение

потрясающее ощущение

потрясающее чувство


Leopardi shows great feeling in his works as well as a deep nationalism.

Леопарди показывает большое чувство в его произведениях, а также глубокий национализм.

He agreed, and soon realized that the sympathy for the young, beautiful girl turned into a great feeling.

Он согласился и совсем скоро понял, что простая симпатия к молодой, красивой девушке переросла в большое чувство.

It’s a great feeling to know that your stuff yesterday now you big.

Это прекрасное чувство знать, что твои вчерашние вещи теперь тебе большие.

It is such a great feeling knowing that the law of attraction helped me attain my dream job.

Это такое прекрасное чувство, зная, что закон притяжения помог мне достичь работы моей мечты.

Then, the writer claims, there lived people who were capable of a great feeling.

Тогда, утверждает писатель, жили люди, которые были способны на большое чувство.

The great feeling comes when the homeowners can get the feeling of real wood without actually cutting them.

Большое чувство приходит, когда домовладельцы могут получить ощущение настоящего дерева, фактически не сокращая их.

He agreed and very soon realized that a simple sympathy for a young, beautiful girl developed into a great feeling.

Он согласился и совсем скоро понял, что простая симпатия к молодой, красивой девушке переросла в большое чувство.

I wouldn’t change a single thing — and that is a really great feeling.

Мне не хотелось бы ничего менять, и это действительно прекрасное чувство.

It’s been many years, but it’s a really great feeling.

It was a great feeling, especially to do it on TV against a Premier League team.

Это было прекрасное чувство, особенно сделать это на ТВ против команды Премьер-лиги.

Whenever I think about it gives me a great feeling.

Всегда, когда я вспоминаю об этом, у меня возникает хорошее чувство.

The information he gave us evoked great feeling and profound indignation.

Та информация, которую он нам сообщил, вызвала сильные эмоции и глубокое негодование.

I got a great feeling after that meeting.

The arguments for and against are often voiced with great feeling.

To give back is a great feeling.

It was always such a great feeling to see him.

But not all couples are able to enjoy this great feeling.

Но, к сожалению, не все пары могут похвастаться такой огромной радостью.

When it went in, it was a great feeling.

What a great feeling for kids to buy something with money they earned.

Касается ситуаций, когда ребенок покупает что-либо на заработанные им деньги.

That’s a great feeling when someone tells you that.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат great feeling

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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Feeling words, also known as emotion words or words of emotion, are words that describe the various emotions that a person can experience. Emotions are complex psychological and physiological responses to stimuli that can vary in intensity and duration. They can be positive (such as happiness or love) or negative (such as anger or sadness).

What Are Feeling Words?

Feelings are emotional states that can be positive or negative and that can vary in intensity. They are a natural and normal part of the human experience and can be influenced by a variety of factors, including life experiences, relationships, and environment.

There are many different words that can be used to describe feelings, and the specific words that are used can vary depending on the language and culture. Some common feeling words include happy, sad, angry, frustrated, anxious, surprised, excited, nervous, and disappointed.

It’s important to be able to recognize and understand our own feelings, as well as the feelings of others. Being able to identify and express our feelings can help us to communicate more effectively and build stronger relationships. It can also help us to manage and cope with difficult emotions in a healthy way.

There are also many different techniques that can be used to help manage and cope with feelings, such as mindfulness, relaxation techniques, and talking to someone about your feelings. It’s important to find what works best for you and to seek support if you are struggling to cope with your feelings.

Common Feeling Words with Meanings

Here is a list of some common feeling words and their meanings:

  • Happy: feeling joy, delight, or contentment
  • Sad: feeling unhappy, mournful, or down
  • Angry: feeling irritable or resentful
  • Frustrated: feeling annoyed or annoyed because one is unable to achieve something
  • Anxious: feeling worried, fearful, or nervous
  • Surprised: feeling startled or amazed by something unexpected
  • Excited: feeling enthusiastic or eager about something
  • Nervous: feeling anxious or tense, especially in anticipation of something
  • Disappointed: feeling let down or unhappy because something did not happen or turn out as expected
  • Content: feeling satisfied or at peace with what one has
  • Relaxed: feeling calm or at ease
  • Bored: feeling uninterested or unengaged
  • Miserable: feeling extremely unhappy or uncomfortable
  • Enthusiastic: feeling energetic and eager
  • Confident: feeling self-assured or certain of oneself
  • Loved: feeling affectionate or caring toward someone
  • Depressed: feeling down or unhappy, often to the point of being unable to function normally
  • Hopeful: feeling positive about the future and having a sense of expectation for something good to happen

List of Feeling Words

The following list contains common English adjectives that are often used to describe the positive and negative emotions of a person.

Positive Feelings

  • Admirable
  • Energetic
  • Lucky (Synonyms for Lucky)
  • Affable
  • Enjoyable
  • Brave
  • Magnificent
  • Affectionate
  • Enthusiastic
  • Marvelous
  • Agreeable
  • Euphoric
  • Meritorious
  • Amazing
  • Excellent
  • Gentle
  • Merry
  • Amiable
  • Exceptional
  • Mild-mannered
  • Amused
  • Excited
  • Nice
  • Amusing
  • Animated
  • Appreciative
  • Fabulous
  • Faithful
  • Obedient
  • Passionate
  • Fantastic
  • Peaceful
  • Fortunate
  • Pleasant
  • Fun
  • Brilliant
  • Genuine
  • Glad
  • Calm
  • Good
  • Proud
  • Charming
  • Relaxed
  • Cheerful
  • Good-natured
  • Reliable
  • Cheery
  • Relieved
  • Respectable
  • Witty
  • Clever
  • Grateful
  • Comfortable
  • Silly
  • Great
  • Happy
  • Kind
  • Confident
  • Humorous
  • Thankful
  • Courteous
  • Delighted
  • Lively
  • Jolly
  • Trustworthy
  • Delightful
  • Trusty
  • Joyful
  • Truthful
  • Eager
  • Likable
  • Wonderful

Negative Feelings

  • Angry
  • Bewildered
  • Clumsy
  • Defeated
  • Embarrassed
  • Fierce
  • Grumpy
  • Helpless
  • Itchy
  • Jealous
  • Boastful
  • Mysterious
  • Nervous
  • Arrogant
  • Boring
  • Obnoxious
  • Panicky
  • Repulsive
  • Scary (Scared Synonym)
  • Impatient
  • Bossy
  • Cruel
  • Aggressive
  • Narrow-minded
  • Horrific
  • Unhappy
  • Greedy
  • Fussy
  • Moody
  • Clingy
  • Impulsive
  • Sad
  • Miserable
  • Overcritical
  • Rude

Examples of Feeling Words

  • Beyton is an admirable character.
  • We had a most enjoyable evening.
  • She was very brave to learn to ski at fifty.
  • The Capitol is a magnificent building.
  • The teaching staff of this college is excellent.
  • It is nice and warm today.
  • If you are passionate about something, pursue it.
  • Evening in the country is a very peaceful time.
  • Her mother was a brilliant scientist.
  • The hotel had a lovely relaxed atmosphere.
  • Consumers are very nervous about the future.
  • He is not only arrogant but also selfish.
  • Her eyes were cruel and hard.
  • It was evident that she was unhappy.
  • That’s a rude thing to say.
  • I’ll invite her if you’re agreeable to her coming.
  • He was praised for his meritorious service as governor-general.
  • Students are expected to be quiet and obedient in the classroom.
  • He could not imagine a more peaceful scene.
  • There was quite a respectable crowd at the match on Saturday.
  • Can you engage that all his statements are trustworthy?
  • She wondered who’d sent her the mysterious email.
  • I’ve been so miserable since Patrick left me.
  • He is the most obnoxious man I know.
  • He is so boastful, so ready to justify himself.

Feeling Words | Infographic

List of Feeling Words in English

Feeling Words

Last Updated on January 9, 2023

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