Word for a great conversation

  1. Best Conversation Starters for Texting
  2. Conversation Starters for Couples Texting
  3. Conversation Starters for Texting Your Crush
  4. Flirty Text Conversation Starters
  5. Weird and Funny Conversation Starters for Texting
  6. Deep Conversation Starters for Texting
  7. Key Takeaways: How to Have a Great Conversation Over Text

With over 23 billion text messages sent daily, it’s safe to say that texting has surpassed phone calls and e-mails in our daily lives. But texting doesn’t have to be tedious or brief.

Replace the mediocre “Hey” or “What’s up?” with one of these 110 intriguing questions or prompts to create a more meaningful discussion.  

Statistics say that more than 60% of people read their texts within 5 minutes of receiving them. But how many get a response? Here’s how to stand out in their inbox and dig more profound than the regular “Hey, how are you?” 

  1. What’s the best part of your day so far?
  2. Working on anything exciting at the moment? 
  3. What do you have planned this weekend?
  4. You won’t believe what just happened!
  5. What’s your opinion on _______?
  6. Did you see that viral [meme, social media post, video]? What did you think?
  7. How would you describe yourself in 3 words? 
  8. Would you choose a road trip or a resort vacation? 
  9. What food are you craving right now? 
  10. Can you help me choose between Thai and Italian food? I can’t decide 🤪
  11. What would you rather have: unlimited money or unlimited time? 
  12. What motivates you? 
  13. What’s your astrological sign?
  14. Who is your biggest role model?
  15. What was your first concert? 
  16. What are your top 5 bucket list activities?
  17. What is something people do that drives you nuts?
  18. What was your dream job as a kid?
  19. What’s the most exciting thing you’ve read recently?
  20. What do you love and hate about technology?
  21. If you could time travel, what era would you revisit? 
  22. What is something trendy that annoys you?

Having great conversation skills can be one of the best ways to connect over text. Knowing what to say is one element, but knowing how to continue a conversation and end it on a high note is a skill you can take with you for life. Here’s how!

Communicate With Confidence

Do you struggle with small talk? Do you often run out of things to say or feel awkward and self-conscious in social situations? Our Conversation Mastery Course teaches you the secrets of master conversationalists and gives you the skills you need to have confident, engaging, and captivating conversations with anyone, anywhere.

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Conversation Starters for Couples Texting

A short and sweet text is a great way to let your significant other know you’re thinking of them throughout the day. You can use the opportunity to check in on how they’re doing, wish them luck on a specific activity, or bring a much-needed smile to their face (if you know they’re somewhere they don’t want to be). 

  1. How is your day going, and how can I improve it?
  2. Remember that one time we ______?
  3. How did your [class/interview/meeting/event] go? I can’t wait to hear about it!
  4. Good morning beautiful/handsome! What are you looking forward to today?
  5. What’s an emoji that sums up your day? 
  6. What was your first impression of me?
  7. Here’s your daily reminder that you are the smartest, cutest, funniest person I know. I’m so grateful to have you in my life. 
  8. Your ambition/creativity/zest for life inspires me so much. What’s your secret? 
  9. What song do you have on repeat today?
  10. I miss you. I saw [your favorite food/car/place] and thought of you earlier. 
  11. What was one of the best moments of your life so far? 
  12. I have so much to do, but I keep getting distracted thinking about you.
  13. So what’s your guilty pleasure?
  14. What have you been craving lately?
  15. Waking up to you was the best part of my day. I can’t wait to see you after work.
  16. What is the most romantic thing you’ve always dreamed someone would do for you?
  17. What’s the best compliment someone has ever given you? 
  18. What do you want most in a relationship?
  19. What would it be if you could change one thing about our relationship?
  20. Just curious: what’s the best way to cheer you up when you’re in a bad mood?
  21. I can’t wait until the next time we _______. 
  22. Do you want a foot or back massage tonight? 

Pro Tip: Send a random photo of something that reminds you of them. Whether it’s a car they like, their favorite flower in bloom, or a restaurant menu they’d love, sending pics via text is a great way to initiate a thoughtful conversation. 

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Conversation Starters for Texting Your Crush

Your heart leaps when their name appears on your phone, but you never quite know what to send to get a text convo flowing. Complimenting your crush, making a flirty implication, or making plans are great ways to start. 

  1. Hey! Let’s get together—when are you free?
  2. I finally checked out the recommended show, and I’m addicted now. How do you already know me so well?
  3. I just discovered a new [their favorite food] spot. Want to join me this weekend? 
  4. What are you doing this weekend? Besides hanging out with me, of course.
  5. Is it just me, or did we knock that first date thing out of the park? 
  6. Guess which emoji I put next to your name on my phone? 
  7. What’s your favorite movie and why? 
  8. You are so cute. I’d love to hang out sometime.
  9. Hey, gorgeous/handsome. How the heck are you still single? 
  10. I have an extra ticket to [concert/festival]. Want to come?
  11. Beer and burgers or pasta and wine? 
  12. (Send a YouTube or Spotify link) This song just reminded me of you.

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Flirty Text Conversation Starters

Whether you’re messaging on a dating app or sending the first message after getting someone’s phone number, a flirty text is the easiest way to make the first move. Don’t be afraid to be creative, quirky, or a little forward. Many people are willing to text things they may not say out loud. 

  1. What do you have planned for this Saturday? Can I be part of those plans? 
  2. I can’t get your smile out of my head.
  3. Has anyone ever told you that you look like [attractive celebrity]?
  4. My phone has only 5% battery, but I’m using the last of it to text you.
  5. Watching a movie and the main character looks just like you… except obviously not as cute.
  6. Can we skip the small talk and go straight to flirting?
  7. You’re killing me with these Instagram selfies you keep posting. Where did you take that most recent one? 
  8. What emoji reminds you of me? 
  9. Netflix and chill or movie date?
  10. I have Netflix on, but nobody to snuggle with. Can you help me out?
  11. What did you dream about last night? 
  12. You’ll never guess what I dreamed about last night.
  13. I can’t wait to kiss you again.
  14. Do you prefer foot massages or shoulder massages? 
  15. It’s cold out today. Can I come warm you up?
  16. I have an oversized, cozy hoodie with your name on it.
  17. I can still smell your cologne/perfume in my car. 

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Weird and Funny Conversation Starters for Texting

How often do people LOL from a text anymore? A random funny text is the opportunity to connect over a shared sense of humor or maybe form some inside jokes that will have you and your best friend cracking up the next time you hang out. And when you want to stand out in someone’s phone inbox, a strange or random question can spice things up quickly.

  1. If your pet could talk, what would it say to you? 
  2. Could you send me your corniest joke? I’ll go first: Why do melons have weddings? … They cantaloupe.
  3. What’s the craziest advice you’ve ever received? 
  4. Have you seen the new movie, Constipated? (Wait for response) It hasn’t come out yet.
  5. When’s the last time you laughed so hard your stomach hurt? 
  6. What celebrity would play you in a movie about your life? 
  7. What’s your weirdest hidden talent? 
  8. What’s the worst prank someone has ever played on you?
  9. Are you a loan? Because you got all my interest🏦😜
  10. (Send a Step Brothers GIF) Our friendship in a nutshell.
  11. What’s the difference between a piano, a tuna, and a glue pot? (Wait for response) You can tuna piano, but you can’t piano a tuna. (They ask about the bond) …I knew you’d get stuck there 😉
  12. (Send a funny gasping GIF) My face when I found out ______. 
  13. Would you cut off your pinky toe for $1 million? 
  14. OMG, you won’t believe what just happened.
  15. Would you be on my team for the zombie apocalypse? 
  16. What’s the weirdest food combo you’ve ever tried?
  17. What food describes your personality? 
  18. Do you believe in aliens? What about ghosts? 
  19. What’s the funniest thing you’ve ever done in public? 
  20. Two strands of DNA are walking down the street. One says to the other: do these genes make me look fat?
  21. What would the color blue smell like? 

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Deep Conversation Starters for Texting

Short and sweet don’t mean shallow. Some profound connections can be built up via text, making for even deeper relationships IRL. Once you’ve been texting someone for a while, don’t be afraid to get a little philosophical or personal with a conversation-starting question.  

  1. What is a controversial opinion you have?
  2. What is your proudest accomplishment?
  3. What is something that scares you but you’d like to do anyway?
  4. Who are you closest to in your life?
  5. What are your top three life goals?
  6. How have you changed since your teenage years?
  7. How important is family for you?
  8. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would you change and why?
  9. What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned this year? 
  10. Where were you ten years ago, and where do you want to be ten years from now?
  11. What’s the most significant thing people misunderstand about you?
  12. What is a topic you could talk about for hours?
  13. How do you define success?
  14. What is your definition of true happiness?
  15. Do you believe in conspiracy theories? Which ones?
  16. At what age did you indeed “find yourself”? Are you still discovering who you are?

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Key Takeaways: How to Have a Great Conversation Over Text

Compared to phone calls and in-person conversations, texting is a pretty low-stake form of communication. You can push some boundaries and take solace in the fact that it’s only a text message, after all. Why not set yourself apart from the millions of other texts and try something new? 

If you don’t know where to start, remember these tips for creating a sound text thread:  

  • Keep it short: People move fast today, and messages are no different. Texts are for short blurbs, not novels. Giant chunks of words can be hard on the eyes, so it’s best to keep your initial conversation starters to a few lines or less. When in doubt, a little mystery may warrant a better response. 
  • Ask questions: The art of regular conversation still applies via text. People love to talk about themselves, so they express interest in what they have to say by asking questions. 
  • Spark interest: Most people get asked, “how are you?” or, “what do you do for a living?” several times a day. You can generate a far more intriguing text conversation by bringing up unique topics, funny references, or unconventional subjects. 
  • Compliment them: Who doesn’t love a positive message on their phone? Whether you’re trying to flirt or initiate a conversation with a friend, typing a nice compliment is an easy way to brighten your day.    
  • Reference something they said: When in doubt, you can always bring up past conversations that you want to continue. For example, if you previously discussed travel and your friend mentioned that they’ve always wanted to visit Greece, you can reignite the topic via text and ask about their specific interest in that destination. It shows that you’ve been paying attention and want to learn more. 
  • Use emojis or GIFs: The most significant thing missing from texts is nonverbal communication like facial expressions. Emojis and GIFs help people understand when we’re being goofy, flirty, or profound. Plus, they can make texting more fun. Read about the top 45 Emojis You Should Know and Their (Hidden) Meanings. 

No matter how far technology progresses, the basics of human connection and the art of conversation remain the same. If you want to uplevel your communication skills over text and in-person, learn How to Have and Hold a Dazzling Conversation With Anyone.

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Making conversation can be difficult. Sometimes you feel shy, or maybe you don’t have much in common with the person you’re talking to. Learning to become a good conversationalist is not as difficult as you may imagine, but it does require some practice. Whether it’s at a dinner party, at your school, or over the phone, good conversations start when 2 or more people feel comfortable talking with each other. There are several steps you can take to learn to relax and have a great conversation with practically anybody.

  1. Image titled Attract a Woman Step 8


    Perfect your timing. Timing is key to starting a great conversation. No one likes to be interrupted if they are busy or preoccupied. When you are trying to start a conversation, keep in mind that timing is key. If you need to have an important conversation with your boss, for example, try scheduling time in advance to talk. This will ensure that you both have the time to devote to having a productive conversation.[1]

    • Timing is also important for impromptu conversations. Maybe you have been looking for a way to meet your new neighbor. You probably don’t want to strike up a conversation if they are entering the building soaked with rain, looking exhausted, and carrying a bag of take-out food. At this point, a simple, «Hi, how are you?» will suffice. You can save getting to know one another for a better time.
    • If someone is making eye contact with you, it might be a good time to strike up a conversation. For instance, if you are browsing in a bookstore and the person next to you glances over frequently to see which book you are considering, try talking to them. You could say, «This one looks interesting. Do you like biographies?»
    • If you want to talk to your husband about adopting a new puppy, make sure to approach him at a good time. If you know he’s not a morning person, don’t bring up the subject before he has had his coffee and a chance to wake up.
  2. Image titled Fill Awkward Silences Step 18


    Comment on your surroundings. Having spur of the moment conversations is an excellent way to improve your skills as a conversationalist. Take some time each day to try to start a conversation with someone you encounter in your everyday life. For example, you could try talking to the person in line behind you at your local coffee shop. Make a comment or ask a question about your surroundings. This will seem natural and is a great way to start talking.[2]

    • Try saying, «I love the coffee here. What’s your favorite roast?». This shows that you are interested in talking and you are beginning the conversation in a completely natural way.
    • Strike a positive tone. Offering a cheerful comment is usually more effective than saying something negative. You could say something like, «Isn’t this weather great? I love when it’s cool enough to wear sweaters.»


  3. Image titled Make Friends at a New School Step 7


    Remember people. Many of us encounter a very large number of people each day. Whether you work for a large company, or simply see a lot of people in your neighborhood or at your child’s school, it can be difficult to put the right face with the right name. However, research shows that making a point to not only remember people’s names, but to call them by name can help increase the personal connection between you.[3]

    • When you first learn someone’s name, repeat it in conversation. When someone says, «Hi, I’m Emily», you should say, «It’s nice to meet you, Emily.» The immediate repetition will help you imprint the name in your memory.
  4. Image titled Fill Awkward Silences Step 11


    Offer a compliment. Saying something nice is a great ice-breaker. Most people respond positively when you offer them a compliment. Try to choose something specific to comment on, and make sure that you are being sincere. Your tone of voice and facial expressions often convey your thoughts, so make sure you are being honest in the compliment.[4]

    • Try saying something encouraging to a co-worker whom you would like to know better. You could offer a statement such as, «I really admire the way you delivered that presentation. Could you give me some tips on how to organize an effective pitch?»
    • This type of statement not only starts the conversation on a positive note, but you are opening the door for follow-up.
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  1. Image titled Tell if Your Teen Is Bulimic Step 12


    Ask good questions.[5]
    It takes at least two people to have a great conversation. Make sure to do your part and actively participate in the discussion. One of the best ways to do this is to ask questions that will allow the discussion to develop naturally.[6]

    • Ask open-ended questions. Instead of saying, «It’s a nice day, isn’t it?» Say, «How are you planning to enjoy this beautiful weather?» The first example only requires a yes or no answer, which could be a dead end for the conversation. Ask questions that require more than 1 word.
    • Ask questions that clarify what the other person is saying. If you are having a talk about rules with your teenager, try saying, «I hear you saying that you’re frustrated because you feel like you don’t have enough freedom. What can we do to find a solution that works for both of us?»
  2. Image titled Be Quiet Step 8


    Practice being an active listener.[7]
    Being an active listener means that you are responding to your conversation partner and demonstrating that you are engaged in the discussion. You can indicate that you are actively listening through both physical and verbal cues. Active listening makes the other person feel valued and respected, which is very important when trying to develop effective conversations.[8]

    • You can let someone know that you are listening by using positive body language. Make sure to make eye contact throughout the conversation. Also, try nodding or shaking your head at appropriate times.
    • You can provide verbal cues to let someone know that you are engaged in the conversation. They can be as simple as «That’s interesting!» or more substantial, such as «I didn’t know that. Can you tell me more about what it physically feels like when you’re running a marathon?»
    • Another way to indicate that you are actively listening is to restate some of the conversation. Try paraphrasing. For example, you can say, «How interesting that you are exploring some new volunteer opportunities. It sounds like you are really excited about trying something new.»
    • Remember that active listening is about retaining and thinking about what the other person is saying. Instead of trying to formulate your response, focus on hearing what they are saying and absorb the information.
  3. Image titled Fill Awkward Silences Step 17


    Be genuine. When having a conversation, try to demonstrate that your interest in the other person is sincere. For example, maybe you want to get to know your boss better. She probably has a lot of demands on her time, and does not have a lot of time to make small talk with her. Instead of chit chat, try to make an actual connection. If you’re working on a project for her, ask for her advice on dealing with that client. Be sincere and show that you value her opinion.[9]

    • Maybe your neighbor has a college flag hanging outside of their house, and you’re curious about why. You could sincerely say, «I notice you have a Kansas flag outside your house. Are you a fan of college basketball?» This is an organic, genuine way to start a conversation. You can branch off into other topics once you get to know the person.
  4. Image titled Deal With Snobby People Step 7


    Find common ground. Having a great conversation requires you to think about the other person’s interests. If you can find something that you have in common, that can be an excellent «getting to know you» topic. You might have to ask several questions to find your common ground, but it will be worth your efforts.[10]

    • Maybe you are trying to relate to your new sister-in-law, but you are very different people. Try talking about a new television show you’ve seen or a book you’ve read. Maybe you’ll find that you have similar tastes. If all else fails, go for something that people typically like. For example, most people like good food. Ask what her favorite dinner is, and go from there.
  5. Image titled Fill Awkward Silences Step 15


    Stay current on the news. Try to be aware of what is going on in the world. This will help you be prepared if someone tries to talk to you about current events. Take a few minutes each morning to scan the headlines. Being knowledgeable will allow you to be a much better participant in conversations.[11]

    • Another technique is to be aware of what is happening in pop culture. Talking about the latest books, movies, and music is a great way to have fun chats with your friends, co-workers, or even the other travelers on your morning commute.[12]
    • Try to avoid bringing up controversial topics (politics, religion, etc.) with people as this may lead to an argument rather than a conversation.[13]
  6. Image titled Attract Girls Without Talking to Them Step 8


    Monitor your body language. Your physical behavior is an important component of any face to face conversation. Eye contact is particularly significant. Holding someone’s gaze indicates that you are engaged in the conversation and that you are paying attention.

    • Remember that eye contact doesn’t mean you should just stare at someone. Instead, try to maintain eye contact for 50% of the time when you are talking and 70% of the time when you are listening.
    • You can use other non-verbal cues when participating in a conversation. Try nodding your head to show understanding, or smiling when a positive response is called for.
    • Also remember never to just stand there as still as a statue during a conversation. Move your body around (not like a maniac, as this’ll be unexpected and cause the other person to have uncomfortable thoughts about you). Cross your legs if you have to, but also make sure your body stays moving in a way it’s interested in the conversation! Remember: your body is a more powerful form of communication than words!
  7. Image titled Avoid Stressing Over Divorced Dating Step 6


    Avoid over-sharing. Over-sharing means that you are saying something that either embarrasses you as the speaker or worse, your listener. It can be awkward. There are many times when people blurt something out and then almost instantly regret it. Offering too much information can make both you and the person that you are talking to feel awkward. To prevent over-sharing, try to be aware of situations where it most often occurs.[14]

    • Over-sharing happens a lot when you are nervous or especially eager to make a good impression. For example, if you are going to an important job interview, take a few deep, calming breaths before you enter the room. Also, take a moment to think about what you’re going to say before actually verbalizing your thoughts. You can also try slow-talk, which is when you speak at 1/3 of your normal speed.
    • Evaluate your relationship with the other person. Before sharing information, ask yourself, «Is this the appropriate person to discuss this with?» For example, you probably don’t want to discuss your hemorrhoid flare-up with the person in line behind you at the coffee shop. They don’t need that information, and will likely be uncomfortable hearing about it.
    • Keep in mind that it is okay to share personal information about yourself in small doses to get to know someone. You just don’t want to share everything about yourself at once. Try offering 1 or 2 new pieces of personal information per conversation as a way to practice vulnerability and deepen your relationship. It can be scary to share these personal things because you run the risk of being rejected or criticized, but it is essential for the relationship to grow.[15]
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  1. Image titled Be a Better Girlfriend Step 8


    Use conversations to strengthen your personal relationships. Communicating is one of the best ways to strengthen your connection with someone. Talking is one of the most effective forms of communication, so it makes sense that connecting verbally can help strengthen your personal bonds. Try to have in-depth conversations with those people you really care about.[16]

    • One way to do this would be to implement better dinner table talk. For example, if you live with a romantic partner, avoid watching tv while you eat. Instead, try to have an interesting conversation several times a week.
    • Ask fun questions such as, «If you won the lottery, what would you do first?» These sorts of questions can help you connect and get to know one another better.
  2. Image titled Learn a Language Step 5


    Converse with coworkers to improve your work relationships. Having good conversations is an excellent way to make your work life better. Not only can it help you advance in your profession, but it will make your day-to-day routine more enjoyable. Try talking to your co-workers about things other than work. This will help you connect on a personal level. Then, when you are working on a project together, you will naturally communicate more effectively.[17]

    • Perhaps you’ve noticed that your cubicle mate has several pictures of her cat on her desk. Try to ask her questions about her pet as a way to get to know her better. This will lead to more in-depth conversations down the road.
  3. Image titled Feel Good About Yourself Step 20


    Have more in-depth conversations to feel happier. People who are happy about their conversations are generally happier people. Mostly, this refers to in-depth conversations, but surface level chats can raise your endorphins, too. Basically, try to put effort into each conversation that you have during the day and you’ll start to feel good about life in general.[18]

  4. Image titled Hang Out with Your Best Friend Step 5


    Smile while you are talking with someone to improve your mood. Try to smile more when you are talking with someone as well. Smiling makes you feel happier by releasing endorphins, so it is an easy way to improve the quality of your conversations and to get more out of them.[19]

    • Remind yourself to smile before, during, and after your conversation to reap the benefits of smiling.
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  • Question

    How do I make my conversations more interesting?

    Lynda Jean

    Lynda Jean is an Image Consultant and the Owner of Lynda Jean Image Consulting. With over 15 years of experience, Lynda specializes in color and body/style analysis, wardrobe audits, personal shopping, social and professional etiquette, and personal and business branding. She works with clients to enhance their image, self-esteem, behavior, and communication to facilitate their social and career goals. Lynda holds Bachelor degrees in Sociology and Social Work, a Master’s degree in Clinical Social Work, and a Certified Image Consultant (CIC) certification. She studied Image Consulting at the International Image Institute and the International Academy of Fashion and Technology in Toronto, Canada. Lynda has taught Image Consulting courses at George Brown College in Toronto, Canada. She is the co-author of the book, “Business Success With Ease,” where she shares her knowledge about, ‘The Power of Professional Etiquette.’

    Lynda Jean

    Certified Image Consultant

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    Is there a group where I can practice my speaking skills with other people?

    Paul Chernyak, LPC

    Paul Chernyak is a Licensed Professional Counselor in Chicago. He graduated from the American School of Professional Psychology in 2011.

    Paul Chernyak, LPC

    Licensed Professional Counselor

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    Try joining Toastmasters International. This is a group of people devoted to practicing their public speaking skills on a regular basis. Check their website to see if there is a local group in your area.

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    I always run out of things to say and there’s this awkward silence every time. I feel like everyone I talk to gets bored with me. How can I solve this problem?

    Community Answer

    Prepare things beforehand. What has been on your mind lately? Another important thing is to ask about them and their opinions. It’s hard for them to get bored if they have to take a big part in the conversation.

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  • If you don’t know the person, try to find their interests and talk about it. Once you know their interests, you can have a great conversation.

  • Look them in the eyes while listening and talking. It makes you look like you’re actually interested in what they’re saying, and it overall makes you look more charming. Don’t stare at them creepily, but do maintain eye contact.

  • Only start conversations when it’s a good time for both of you. They won’t want to talk if they’re in a rush and they might get annoyed with you.

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Article SummaryX

If you want to have a great conversation, ask open-ended questions that require more than a one-word answer, which will encourage the other person to get involved in the discussion. Ask the person questions to learn more about them and to find something you both have in common, then use their answers to steer the conversation. When the other person is talking, provide physical and verbal cues to let them know you’re listening, like making eye contact, nodding, or saying “How interesting!” To learn how to perfect your body language while holding a conversation, keep reading the article!

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In this article, we will talk about some good conversation starters you can use to talk to anyone, and that can make you instantly charming.

In the post, you will also find great convo starters for different types situations, such as work, school, and birthday parties.

Unlike many questions you find on the Internet, these conversation starters are spontaneous and don’t sound forced or unnatural.

Years ago, I went for a coffee with my friend Elsa, and she invited a friend, Laura.

The moment Elsa went to the ladies room, Laura and I had a conversation, which ended up being full of awkward silences.

This probably happened because we were both shy.

If you’re anything like me, you might have experienced awkward situations in which you were in front of someone, probably a new acquaintance, and both of you had no clue what to say.

Great Conversation Starters That Don’t Sound Forced

What follows are some great, spontaneous conversation starters I put together for myself to prevent uncomfortable situations and to have pleasant interactions.

These all help me avoid awkward silences, like the ones I experienced years ago with Laura, and might help you too.

1. Is this your first time here?

I remember when I met someone who is now one of my best friends, Marta.

She’s the girlfriend of John, a good friend of mine.

The day we met we were at John’s place.

Later, we went to a Japanese restaurant downtown to have dinner. John left us alone for a few minutes as he had to take an important call.

Before I could even think of something I could ask Marta to initiate a conversation, she asked me, “So, Sira, is this your first time here?”

That simple question was the beginning of a very pleasant conversation about some good Japanese restaurants in town.

This is a great question, because, unless you know the person in front of you has already been in a certain place, you can always ask it without sounding unnatural.

Follow-up questions you can ask after using this conversation starter

If the answer to this question is yes, you can then ask, “And do you like it here so far?”

If the other person says they’ve already been there, you can ask them “Nice! Perhaps you can help me choose something to eat?”

In asking such a question, it opens the door for the other person to naturally, without even having to think, ask you what sort of things you like and don’t like — which keeps the conversation going.

2. Are you having fun?

This is one of the best, most spontaneous conversation starters, because you can ask it to anyone, in any situation — and it helps you break the ice.

Also, after this question you can add anything related to the place or the situation.

For example, after the other person replies, something you can say is, “I’ve always loved outdoor places like this, where you can meet up with your friends, eat something, and also play mini-golf.”

Follow-up questions you can ask after using this conversation starter

In case the other person tells you they’re not having fun, you can simply ask, “What kind of events do you prefer?” or “What would you prefer to be doing?”

If the other person tells you they’re having fun you can ask almost the same thing, “What is your favorite type of event/social gathering?”

3. Do you live here in town?

This is one of my favorite questions to ask because you can use it with almost anyone — unless you already know where they live, of course.

Marta asked me this question as well the day we met.

I told her I lived a few blocks away from John and then I asked her where she lived.

We spent at least twenty minutes talking about our neighborhoods.

In other words, we had a pleasant, long conversation thanks to a simple “Do you live here in town?”

Follow-up questions you can ask after using this conversation starter

A good follow up question you can use after this conversation starter is, “Does your family live here in town too?”

If the other person doesn’t live in town, you can ask “Does your family live with you?” It’s a great way to keep the conversation going.

Another follow up question you can ask here is “Have you always lived here?”

Depending on the answer, you can also ask “Where did you live before?”

In short, asking someone about where they live and who they live with is an easy way to start a conversation.

4. How did you meet [the friend you have in common]?

If you and the other person have a friend in common, a great conversation starter is “How did you two meet?”

People are happy to tell how they met a friend or their partner, as it usually brings back good memories.

I remember when I asked Marta how she and John met, and she told me they first met when John hit her car with his scooter.

I loved to listen to their anecdote and I know they’re always happy to tell that story when people ask them how they met.

Follow-up questions

A good way to keep the conversation going in this case is asking the other person to tell you more.

For example, something you can add is, “That’s sounds so funny, please tell me more.”

Some people might tell you they met on the job, since it’s not as uncommon as you might think, so in this case what you could ask here is, “Did you work in the same team/department?”

5. Are you working on anything interesting at the moment?

I tried this one not too long ago and I think it’s a pretty good conversation starters.

A few months ago, I went out for dinner with a friend, Maria, and her cousin, Carla.

It was the second time I met Carla.

She had already told me she worked as a Human Resources Manager and that she loved her job.

So, I thought a good way to initiate a conversation with her was asking her about her job.

I asked her if she was working on something exciting.

She told me about a Diversity and Inclusion project she was managing in her company.

I could see she was happy to talk about that project as she had a sparkle in her eyes when she talked about it.

Asking something as simple as “Are you working on anything interesting at the moment?” is a great way to start an interesting conversation with virtually anyone, because, if you think about it, most people either work or study.

Follow-up questions

Some good follow up questions here are, “For how long have you been working on it?” and also “Was it your idea?”

6. What do you do in life?

This is a great question you can ask to someone you just met, just don’t make it the very first question as it is quite direct; but you can still ask it early on.

This is also a great question to quickly get to know the person you are talking to.

As the previous question, it gives you the opportunity to have an interesting conversation about what the other person enjoys in their life, the only difference it’s this question is broader.

“What do you do?” is also a question that people love to ask in return so make sure you have an interesting response.

Your life doesn’t have to be a bed of roses, and you can have problems; however, keep in mind it’s how you talk about the other person — and redirect the conversation to them — that will make you someone worth knowing — or avoiding!

Follow-up questions

A good follow up question you can ask people who work is “And would you like to grow in your organization/try to apply for a promotion?”

It’s a good way to encourage someone to talk about their goals and ambitions.

Also, if you’re talking to someone who studies you can ask, “After you graduate, do you plan to continue your studies/enroll in a Master Program/embark on a PhD journey?”

Another great way to keep the conversation going here is saying something as simple as, “Interesting, tell me more!”

As explained in an article published in Psychology Today, when you actively listen to the other person and show a genuine interest in what they have to say, you‘ll have more opportunities to follow up on good talking points.

7. How was your week/day?

The best conversation starters are the ones that don’t sound forced or unnatural. And these are usually related to the context.

Asking “How was your day?” or “How was your week?” is one of the best ways to initiate an interaction with someone.

Most of times the answer is something along these lines, “Oh, it was pretty good, what about yours?”

If you want to keep the conversation going you can explain how your day or week was, what you did, and ask a follow-up question.

Just make sure you don’t make the conversation all about you.

Follow-up questions

Here you can say something like “It’s good to hear your week was good, what did you do?”

In case the other person told you their day or week was not that great, you can simply add “I’m sorry to hear that, what happened? Do you want to talk about it?”

8. What’s your opinion about [choose the topic]?

Don’t choose something random, be specific and pick something recent you both know about.

For example, “What’s your opinion on about what’s happening in Julia’s company? Did you hear they’re firing a lot of employees?”

Or “What do you think about the new mayor?”

Also, another example is, “What do you think about Valerie and Mark breaking up?”

Also, as Francesca Gino explains in an article published on Scientific American, asking someone for their opinion can actually help you make a good impression.

As Gino puts it, “by asking someone to share their personal point of view, advice seekers stroke the advisor’s ego and can gain valuable insights.”

Follow-up questions

Here you can use follow up questions that encourage the other person to explain better what they think, for example, “Why?” or you can add something like, “Really? Tell me more.”

9. So, how did X go?

Two years ago, my company gave me the opportunity to travel to Seattle to attend a Diversity and Inclusion conference.

Before traveling, I told a group of friends about this opportunity.

When I came back from Seattle, I saw my friends in a bar, and one of them, Charlotte, asked me, “So, how did the conference go? Did you like Seattle?”

So, I told her a bit about the amazing experience I had.

Then she told me about a time she traveled to Hong Kong for business. It was a pleasant conversation, which lasted around one hour. Not bad!

Also, simply asking “How did it go?” is always a good way to initiate a conversation, as the other person will probably have something to say.

And you can keep the conversation going by asking follow-up questions, or making comparisons to what you have done.

Follow-up questions

A good follow up question in this case is, “How many people were there?”

Also, another good idea is to ask, “When’s the next one and is it anywhere exciting?”

10. Have you talked to [name of a friend in common] recently?

This is a great question you can ask if you and the person you’re talking to have a friend in common.

If you have more than one friend in common, then it will be difficult to run out of conversation topics.

I use this one frequently, as it makes it particularly easy to keep a conversation going.

Follow-up questions

If the other person hasn’t heard from your friend in common, you can ask them, “When was the last time you saw them/talked to them?”

If the other person did hear from your friend, you can ask other follow-up questions, such as, “How are they doing?” and “How long have you known them?”

11. I like your dress/bracelet/earrings/shoes, where did you buy them?

This usually works great between women.

However, it can work pretty well between men as well.

For example, you can compliment a guy for their shoes for example.

Or for their shirt. Even for their phone or their watch.

Follow-up questions

Some good follow-up questions here are:

“Cool! Do you buy often from that shop/website?”

“Do you like watches/bags/shoes in general?”

“Can you recommend me a good shop where I can find a nice watch?”

12. How’s your salad/tacos/soup?

If you’re at a restaurant, a great question you can ask the other person is if they like what they’re eating in that moment.

It’s a very spontaneous question and it doesn’t sound forced.

You can also ask if they like what they’re drinking.

Follow-up questions

A good follow-up question here would be, “Is that your favorite dish?”

Or, “Do you often order it?”

If they answer they don’t like what they’re eating or drinking, you can ask, “So, what is your favorite food/drink?”

Or, “What would you prefer to be eating/drinking?”

good conversation starters

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Conversation Starters You Can Use at Work

Here are some great ice breakers you can use at work that won’t sound awkward or forced.

13. How was your weekend/bank holiday? Did you do anything fun?

This ice breaker is spontaneous and it’s perfect in the beginning of a week, after a long weekend, or after a bank holiday.

14. How long have you been working here?

I personally love this convo starter because it’s perfect to get to know better coworkers from other teams or anyone if you’ve recently started to work at your company.

15. Who has been your favorite manager in your career so far?

This is a nice ice breaker that can help you understand better what a coworker values in a leader, and it’s a great way to start an interesting conversation.

16. Do you know anyone from marketing/finance/[any department or team]? They seem to be a great team.

I like this question because it can be used in virtually any situation and you can ask it to anyone – a manager, a coworker or someone who reports to you.

17. Do you know any good restaurant nearby that it’s not too expensive?

Great, spontaneous conversation starter if you’re new in a company. It will give you the chance to follow up with anyone who gives you some local recommendations for your lunch break.

Conversation Starters You Can Use at School

What follows are some great conversation starters you can use at school with virtually anyone.

18. Who’s your favorite teacher?

Teachers are one of the best and easiest conversation starters at school.

You can talk about teachers with virtually anyone and it’s a great way to start an interaction with any classmate or people from other classes you want to get to know better.

19. What’s your favorite subject this year?

Another great way to start a meaningful interaction at school is asking someone what’s their favorite subject.

It will not only help you have an interesting conversation with them but it will also help you get to know them better.

20. I feel a bit nervous about the XYZ exam. Have you already taken it? Is it as difficult as they say?

This ice breaker is great because it’s not just a smart way to start an interaction with someone.

It also shows a vulnerable side of your personality, which helps you connect with the other person and makes them feel closer to you.

Conversation Starters You Can Use at a Birthday Party

Here are a few conversation starters for a birthday party.

21. Do you like the cake?

As the conversation starter 12, “How’s your salad/soup/pizza?”, this simple yet smart ice breaker perfectly fits the situation and it’s not a random question you’re asking out of the blue.

22. What present did you give [the birthday person]?

If you know everyone bought a present to the birthday person, this convo starters is a great way to start a conversation.

23. Have you known [birthday person’s name] for a long time?

This is a nice, spontaneous question you can ask any friend of the birthday person, especially if you don’t know them very well yet.

24. How did you meet [birthday person’s name]?

This is similar to the question number four, and it’s worth mentioning it here.

It’s a great way to start a conversation with virtually anyone at a birthday party – except for their family as the question would sound weird.

25. Do you like this house/restaurant/[any place you are in]?

Here’s another great ice breaker you can use with anyone.

To keep the conversation going you can say what you like about the place – for example, you could say, “I really like the color of the kitchen” or “I absolutely love this garden”.

Bottom Line

You don’t need to be a super extrovert or a people person to be a good conversationalist.

Knowing a few good conversation starters for different situations and using them properly can help you get to know other people, better connect with them, and prevent awkward silence.

However, the best way to have pleasant conversations is to choose questions that fit the situation and don’t sound forced, and to combine them with follow-up questions that show you are interested.

Also, as Susan Krauss Whitbourne Ph.D. explains in Psychology Today,

“Sometimes it’s also important to note whether the other person would like to break off the conversation. To be a better conversation partner, you sometimes need to know when to close as well as to open.”

Bonus: here are some additional ice breakers you might find useful

Here’s a list of some other nice conversation starters.

These might sound a bit less spontaneous than the ones we’ve already mentioned, so you can use them if you already know the person in front of you.

You can also use them if you want to keep a conversation going.

As you will see, these tend to be open-ended questions, which will help you get some interesting answers.

  • What’s your favorite movie?
  • Are you watching some interesting TV series?
  • What’s your favorite food?
  • What do you like to do in your free time?
  • Do you have any “sacred morning habit”? Like the first thing you normally do in the morning?
  • What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done? (No worries, there’s no wrong answer!)
  • What’s your biggest pet peeve?
  • What’s the worst movie you’ve ever seen?
  • What would you take with you to a desert island? You can choose 4 items.
  • Are you a dog or a cat person?

Image: iStock

The most effective conversationalists in the world are not necessarily the ones who can come up with the most interesting conversation topics. They’re the ones who can maintain a conversation — not to mention engage their listeners — for as long as it takes to get the point across or accomplish a task.

When you’re trying to win an argument or to start a conversation, you need to have a topic that is compelling enough that nobody is going to resist discussing it. 

Great conversations are all about knowing where to start and how to end them. In fact, when done well, they can be quite stimulating and mentally challenging — an experience all on its own.

Also read: 900+ Questions to ask people (huge list of topics for deep conversation)

You might have heard that a question asked is a half answered. Some people think it is easier to make friends if you initiate conversation starters by asking friendly questions. They are some people who are naturally introvert and hate talking, but that does not mean you cannot get them out of their shell.

The best part about these conversation starters is that you don’t have to force them on anyone.

These conversation starters are not just ideal for friends; they are also good for couples who want to strengthen their relationship and bring back the spark in their love life.

If you want to create a good first impression and deepen your relationship, in this article let’s discuss how to start a conversation with a huge list of conversation openers and conversation starters.

Also read: 200+ Deep Conversation Starters (On deep topics to break the ice)

Before going into the list of conversation starters, let’s see:

  1. What are conversation starters?
  2. What makes a good conversation starter?
  3. How to start a conversation?
  4. Way to start a conversation
  5. Conversation starters
  6. Conversation topics
  7. Good conversation starters
  8. Relationship conversation starters
  9. Deep conversation topics
  10. Best way to start a conversation on tinder
  11. Tinder conversation starters
  12. Deep conversation starters
  13. Funny conversation starters
  14. Convo starters
  15. Best questions to start a conversation
  16. Conversation starters for crush
  17. Best conversation starters
  18. Good conversation topics
  19. Fun conversation starters
  20. Conversation starters for teens
  21. Questions to keep a conversation going
  22. Good conversation topics for texting
  23. Interesting conversation starters
  24. Great conversation starters
  25. Good convo starters
  26. conversation topics for couples
  27. Conversation starters for couples
  28. Conversation starters for married couples
  29. Funny conversation topics
  30. Interesting conversation topics
  31. Good questions for conversation
  32. Conversation topics for friends
  33. Online dating conversation starters
  34. Date conversation topics
  35. Flirty conversation starters
  36. Conversation starters with a guy
  37. Text conversation starters
  38. Conversation starters for texting
  39. Bumble conversation starters
  40. Random conversation starters
  41. Conversation starters on social media to make friends
  42. Questions to ask to keep a conversation going
  43. Conversation starters with boyfriend
  44. Questions for conversation starters
  45. conversation starters with a girl
  46. conversation starters questions
  47. Conversation starters for dates
  48. conversation starters for friends
  49. conversation starters over text
  50. conversation starters game
  51. conversation starters when texting a guy
  52. conversation starters with girlfriend
  53. Conversation starters questions to ask your crush
  54. conversation starters for students
  55. conversation starters to get to know someone
  56. conversation starters at work
  57. conversation starters with strangers
  58. conversation starters card game
  59. conversation starters dinner party
  60. Conversation starters for new friends
  61. Conversation starters about god
  62. Conversation starters on hinge
  63. Stupid conversation starters
  64. Conversation starters at a party
  65. Good conversation starters for texting

What are conversation starters?

What are some good conversation starters? Conversation starters or simply conversation questions are some sentences that provoke your thinking on a topic. The idea is to start a conversation with someone you don’t know or have just met, in order to share information and experiences.

What makes a good conversation starter?

To be a good conversation starter, a question must generate curiosity in the listener. The more you can pose an interesting, open-ended question that requires some effort to answer, the more likely you are to get a full and satisfying response.

It’s tempting to ask “How was your weekend?” or something equally generic, but it’s unlikely that your conversational partner will have anything compelling to say in reply.

In contrast, if you ask “What did you do this weekend?” or “What were the best and worst parts of your weekend?”, the other person has to actually think about their answer for a minute.

Even if their actual experiences weren’t all that thrilling, forcing them to consider what did make their weekend good will probably result in a better conversation than asking them how it went — because when someone thinks hard about something before replying, they feel more engaged with the discussion at hand.

It’s important to choose the right question for the right moment. For example, it’s not very appropriate to ask about a person’s job if you’ve only just met, So, in conversation opener what topics to talk about?

  • Ask about their day
  • You can ask about hobbies or free-time activities.
  • Share something you found online
  • Talk about something new in your life
  • Ask about their family and friends
  • Give them a compliment
  • Talk about something funny you saw recently
  • Talk about your childhood
  • Take a guess at what they’re doing next weekend
  • Ask a follow-up question or two!
  • You can build a better relationship by asking good questions.

Also read: 1000+ Truth or dare questions game for your next party (Good Clean and Dirty edition for friends, family, teens, couples very funny)

How to start a conversation?

how to start a conversation 750+ Conversation starters on topics for any situation (Your ultimate questions list)

The most important thing to remember when starting a conversation is to remember your objective. Is it merely to have a casual interaction with someone who you may or may not know? 

You want to ask something that can be answered within 5 seconds of the other person answering, because you don’t want to waste time talking about things that don’t interest you.

Next, try and find common ground. This can mean anything from sharing something in common with the other person, such as your favorite movie star, or although this is not really happening in our situation, it could be how much each of you likes the same soda.

When you’re speaking, try and make eye contact with your conversational partner; this shows that you’re interested in what they have to say and will keep their attention focused on what they are saying. When the conversation becomes more interesting for both parties, move on to step 4.)

Last but not least is… Ask Questions! This is an easy way to start a conversation because everyone loves people who are genuinely interested in them.

The trick here is asking questions that require more than one word answers: “Where did you grow up?” isn’t a question worth asking someone because it only requires a one-word answer. 

If they tell you where they grew up then politely nod along so as not to interrupt them (unless they’ve finished telling their story by then). 

Keep asking questions by prompting your conversational partner with short questions like “Hey!” or “What’s…” or even just pausing after their answer if necessary so as not to interrupt them again.

To start a good conversation, try starting with these ideas:

  • Compliment the other person. Not only will it make them more comfortable, it’ll make you more attractive to them. Just don’t go overboard: too much flattery can be insecure and creepy.
  • Say hello. If you’re at a networking event or party, simply saying “hello” when you meet someone is a great way to get things started. It’s friendly, straightforward and most people are expecting it.
  • Ask for help with something specific that relates to the other person or their interests. This is guaranteed to get their attention and usually leads naturally into talking about other matters related to the topic at hand, giving both of you something to talk about! Plus they’ll think you’re smart because they gave helpful advice on how best to solve whatever problem it was that needed solving.

Also read: 1000+ Random Questions (The only list you need to ask for deep conversation)

Way to start a conversation

What is a good way to start a conversation? The biggest problem of all is that you can’t think up anything. You have no idea what to say, and you’re just not sure how to start a conversation with a girl, guy, crush or some strangers at the party.

You’re afraid to make the wrong move, or sound stupid. It’s like the red button on your computer. You know if you click it, everything will blow up.

So instead of making a move, you just do nothing …

And you wonder why nothing happens in your life…

Conversation starters can be used in almost any situation.

If you are nervous about starting a conversation, or find it difficult to talk to people you don’t know, using a few good conversation starters can really help to break the ice and get a conversation going.

There are many different ways to start a conversation, but some work much better than others. The best way to start a conversation is with an interesting question or statement that relates directly to the person you are talking with. 

For example, if you are talking with someone at work who has just come back from vacation, asking them what they did while they were away is likely to result in an interesting and informative discussion.

So, what are some conversation starters?

Here are some examples of conversation starters:

What is the funniest thing that has ever happened to you?

What would be your superpower?

What is your favorite movie?

Where would you like to travel if money was not an issue?

Also read: 200 Good conversation starters to talk to anyone in any situation

conversation starter questions 750+ Conversation starters on topics for any situation (Your ultimate questions list)

List of conversation starters:

1. Do you think we both met before?

2. If I guess, your name is *** right?

3. Where are you from?

4. May I know more about you?

5. In which field are you working now?

6. Do you have any plans to start your own business?

7. How has your life been going these days?

8. Are you traveling alone?

9. Where do you live?

10. How much time do you spend alone?

11. What do you do?

12. What do you enjoy doing in your free time?

13. What is your favorite food?

14. Do you have a good relationship with your family?

15. Are you religious or spiritual?

16. Do you consider yourself an introvert or an extrovert?

17. Which parent are you closer to and why?

18. Have you traveled anywhere really cool lately?

19. Are you more of a cat or a dog person?

20. What is your absolute favorite meal?

21. What’s the most spontaneous thing you’ve ever done?

22. Where did you go to high school/college/uni?

23. Who has been the biggest influence on your life?

24. What’s one day you would love to relive?

25. What is the craziest scene or event you have ever witnessed?

26. If could meet anyone in the world dead or alive who would it be and why?

27. If I asked your friends about you what would they say?

28. If today was your last day on earth, what would be left for someone to remember about you after 100 years had passed?

29. When was the last time you cried in front of another person? Between parents and kids, which generation do you think has it tougher these days and why (if either)?

30. What are your plans and goals in life?

31. What was the high-point and low-point of your day so far?

Also read: Huge list of 650+ questions that make you think (on different topics & concepts to ponder)

Conversation topics

conversation topics 750+ Conversation starters on topics for any situation (Your ultimate questions list)

Here are the Top 10 conversation starters topics

1) Movies

2) Books

3) Music

4) Food

5) Hobbies

6) Travel

7) Sports

8) Celebrations

9) Memories from childhood

10) Best moments of your life

Good conversation starters

good conversation starters 750+ Conversation starters on topics for any situation (Your ultimate questions list)

Here is a list of good conversation starters:

1. What is your true purpose in life?

2. What do you think happens when we die?

3. Who has been the most influential person in your life?

4. What is one thing you would like to accomplish before you die?

5. How much time per week do you spend alone?

6. What are you most grateful for?

7. If you could change your past, what would you change?

8. If there was one thing you could change about the world, regardless of guilt or politics, what would it be?

9. Has a book ever changed your life? If so, which book and why?

10. Have you ever tried to make a difference in someone else’s life? How did it go?

11. Do you prefer to stand out or fit in? Why?

12. Has anyone ever told you that they see great potential in you? Did they explain why they thought so? Do you agree with them or not and why?

13. Do you believe that all people are equal or do some deserve to be treated better than others and why do they deserve that treatment?”

Also read: 200 Good Conversation Starters to talk to anyone

Relationship conversation starters

These are some best Conversation starters for relationship topics:

1. How would your parents describe you?

2. What do you like to do for fun?

3. What are your hobbies?

4. What is your favorite movie genre?

5. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?

6. Describe your perfect night.

7. If you had to eat one meal every day for the rest of your life, what would it be?

8. What is the best book that you have ever read?

9. Do you have a role model or someone who inspires you? Who is it and why?

10. What is something that most people don’t know about you?

11. Is it time to change the batteries in your smoke detector yet?

12. What’s the one thing you could change about yourself that would make all of your relationships better?

13. Your house is on fire – what do you grab before leaving?

14. If you could be any animal in the world, which one would you be and why?

15. What’s one subject you wish was taught in school but currently isn’t?

16. If you could create a new holiday, what would it be about and when would it fall on the calendar?

17. If you had to live in another country for the rest of your life, which one would you choose and why?

18. Would you rather be able to fly or be invisible? Why?

19. What’s the weirdest way someone has died whom you knew personally?

20. Which TV show do you most want to see come back as a reboot/revival?

21. If money didn’t matter and there were no consequences, what would be your dream job/lifestyle/hobby/etc.?

Deep conversation topics

Here is killer list of deep conversation topics:

1. Extraterrestrial Civilization life

2.  Enlightenment

3. Philosophy

4. Near death experiences.

5.  Government surveillance issues

6. Chinese dynasties

7.  American history

8. Behavior of animals in nature

9. Artificial intelligence

10. Human psychology and behavior

11. Theories of evolution

12. Literal and metaphorical meaning of poems and songs

13. Theories of the universe, galaxies and planetary systems

Also read: Deep questions to ask on topics that make you think

Best way to start a conversation on tinder

When you’re matched with a new person, you could start the conversation off with something standard like “Hey, how’s your day going?” or “Hi, what have you been up to recently?”. 

But before we get into Tinder convo starters, let’s talk about why starting your convo off with a boring question is so wasteful.

First of all, the person you’re talking to probably already has at least one match who sends that same boring opener every time. 

So why would they want to respond to yours in a different way? It’s unlikely! And if they do respond – you never hear from them again after that because their interest was lost as quickly as it was gained.

But when you ask your conversation starters on tinder with a light-hearted joke or funny remark about something in his/her profile, they will be intrigued and more likely to reply instantly. 

This means he/she wants to hear from you again and sees potential in continuing the conversation.

Tinder conversation starters

The following are some opening questions for Conversation starters for tinder:

1. What are you passionate about?

2. What type of music do you listen to?

3. What’s the most spontaneous thing you’ve ever done?

4. Do you have any pets?

5. How long have you been on tinder?

6. What’s your favorite book/movie of all time and why did it speak to you so much?

7. Who is your biggest role model? And what qualities do you love about them?

8. Which do you like more, going out or staying at home?

9. What is the most interesting place in the world that you’d like to visit and why?

10. If you could live anywhere, where would it be and why?

11. Do you enjoy cooking and if yes what’s your specialty dish to cook for people?

12. Would you rather go skydiving or scuba diving and why? (or rock climbing, bungee jumping, etc.)

13. Which celebrity do people say that you look like the most, who do YOU think that celebrity is, and how accurate are both answers lol?

14. Have you ever done anything extreme like skydiving or bungee jumping? If not – what would be the first thing

Deep conversation starters

These are some deep conversation starters to keep the discussion going:

1. What is the point of living?

2. What do you want to do before you die?

3. Would you rather be blind, deaf or mute and why?

4. What are the best things that have happened to you in life?

5. What is your biggest fear?

6. Do you believe in God? Why or why not?

7. What makes you unhappy?

8. What would you do if I gave a billion dollars right now to your face?

9. What is something that happened to you that made you feel like no one else could understand what it was like for you?

10. What is one mistake you have made in the past that changed your life forever?

11. Who are the six people that matter the most to your life, and what about them is so important to you?

12. Do we live in a simulation, and if so, does it even matter?

13. If time travel was possible, would you go back in time or visit the future? Why would choose to visit either one of those places and what would do there when you got there?

14. Would it be worth sacrificing all of humanity in order to make sure our species survives an extinction event

15. Do you feel the world is a better place because of your existence?

16. Can you handle the truth?

17. Can you handle the consequences of telling someone the truth?

18. Do you control your emotions or do your emotions control you?

19. How much time do you spend making yourself happy as opposed to others happy?

20. If a random stranger came up to you and said that they were going to commit suicide would you stop them from doing it or walk away?

21. If someone told you a secret would you tell anyone else about it even if they said it’s okay to say something about it?

22. Do you think that the people around actually care about what happens to you or are they just there because of convenience or popularity status?

23. Do other people’s problems get in the way of your personal happiness or vice versa? Does one person’s happiness have an effect on another person’s happiness or sadness?

24. If you could change anything about yourself what would it be?

Funny conversation starters

These are some hilarious and funny conversation starters:

1. If you could be a man for one day, what would you do?

2. If you could be a girl for one day, what would you do?

3. If your life was a movie, which actor would play you?

4. Do you think aliens exist? If they do, where are they hiding?

5. What is the worst pick-up line someone has used on you? Has it worked?

6. If you were stranded on an island and could only bring three things with you, what will these things be?

7. Which celebrity would like to kidnap and make him/her your slave just for one day? Why him/her? What will you do with him/her in that one day?

8. Which five songs best describe your personality and why?

9. Did you know that if you put your hair in a bun and spin around, you can make yourself dizzy?

10. Do you think that people are born with a funny bone or is it something that develops over time?

11. What is the funniest thing that has happened to you recently?

12. Have you ever had an embarrassing accident while in public?

13. What is the most ridiculous goal that you have spent hours trying to achieve?

14. What is your favorite comedy movie or TV show?

15. Do you think it’s important in life to laugh at ourselves? Why or why not?

16. If we were to go on a road trip together, what would be your ideal destination? And why?

17. If money was no object, what would be the ultimate vacation destination for you and why?

18. If you could choose any person dead or alive who would be the person that you would want to meet and why?

19. What is your biggest pet peeve and how does it affect your mood when it happens repeatedly throughout the day?

20. What was your least favorite subject in school and why did it bother you so much?”

Convo starters

Here are some more best convo starters for any situation:

1. Are you conscious when you are sleeping?

2. Can you describe your love?

3. Do you have a dream job?

4. Do you consider yourself pretty or ugly?

5. Do you ever fart in public places?

6. Do you have any fear of something? What is it and why?

7. Do you have any pet peeves?

8. Do you think money is important in life? Why do you say so?

9. Do you think that your friends consider you as a weird person or not? Why do they think so?

10. If you were to write a book, what would it be about?

11. How do you think your friends would describe you in three words?

12. What are the qualities that you like in your best friend?

13. What would be your last meal before execution?

14. If you had a time machine and could go back to any time era, where would you go and why?

15. If could have dinner with anyone, dead or alive, who would it be and why?

16. What is the craziest thing that you have ever done in your life?

17. If you could have three wishes, what would they be? (The only rule is that they couldn’t involve money)

Best questions to start a conversation

Here are some best questions to start a conversation:

1. What do you think is the greatest invention of the 20th century?

2. What is your favorite book and why?

3. Who is your hero and why?

4. What is your favorite thing that happened to you this year? Why?

5. If you had just 24 hours left to live, what would you do with your time?

6. In one sentence, how would you like people to remember you after you’re gone?

7. If someone wrote a biography about you, what would it be titled and why?

8. If you could have a conversation with anyone from the past or present, who would it be? Why?

9. If you could live in any other time period, when would it be and why?

10. What is the most important thing I should know about you that is not on your resume?

11. What are some things that make you nervous/anxious/uncomfortable/irritable? How do feel when these things happen to you at work? How do they affect your performance and attitude at work (and in life)?

12. How would your close friends describe you in three words each? (They don’t have to use the

Conversation starters for crush

How to Start a Conversation with Your Crush:

1. Ask them a simple question.

2. Be polite and respectful.

3. Arrange your body properly.

4. Make it clear you’re interested in talking to them.

You can always initiate conversation starters with your crush

 in the beginning by asking them some easy questions which they might be able to answer comfortably

Here is a List of conversation starters with crush

1.About your dreams

Every one of us has a dream in his heart, and the dreamer is the happiest person. Tell your partner about your dreams. Maybe they will help you realize it?

2.The happiest day in my life

A happy day is a good topic to talk about with your loved one. It also gives you a chance to know more about her past and what makes her happy (and sad)

3.Story about our first meeting

Talk about how you met each other, how she captured your attention, how quickly you fell in love with her, etc. This kind of story always brings a smile to everyone’s face because it reminds us of that sweet feeling when we first met someone special for the first time.

4.What does family mean to you?

You may not have talked much about this topic because most people think family is not a hot conversation topic on date night. But you should know that family means a lot to her because she grew up in an environment surrounded by love and care from parents and relatives. She may have had some unforgettable stories or even lessons learned from her family when she was young, so don’t hesitate to ask her questions about this topic!

5.Your first time doing something new?

6. What do you like the most about yourself?

7. Is there any place you always wanted to visit but haven’t yet?

8.Who is your celebrity crush? Who do you think is the most attractive person in the world?

9. Have you ever lied to your parents and hid something from them?  If yes why did you lie to them?

10. Who is your favorite superhero and why?

11. Do you like talking to strangers or are you shy when it comes to meeting new people?

Best conversation starters

Here are some best conversation starters for introverts:

1.If you could do one thing without suffering the consequences, what would you do?

2.What does it mean to be human?

3.What is your favorite journey you have taken so far?

4.What is your most used emoji or emoticon?

5.What is the strangest dream you have ever had?

6.How have you changed in the past five years?

7.Would you rather be smart and ugly or dumb and beautiful?

8. Where do you see yourself in ten years time?

9. If you could travel back in time, what year would you visit and why?

10. Would you rather have a rewind button or a pause button on your life? Why?

11. If you could know the absolute and total truth to one question, what question would you ask? What answer would disappoint you the most?

12. You are given a choice: live life as it currently is with no pain and no pleasure, or take a pill that will wipe your memory clean and allow for a new life that will not be your own but will give you endless joy in return for never being able to remember any of it. Which do you choose, and why?

Good conversation topics

These are some Good Conversation topics:

1. Friendship

2.  Affairs

3. relationships

4. Black magic

5. Mind Uploading

6. Cryonics and Cryopreservation

7. Transhumanism  and Futurism

8. Your Life Purpose

9. Quantum Mechanics, Subatomic particles and Entanglement Properties

10. The Multiverse concept and Parallel Universes Theory

11. Human Consciousness, Awareness, Presence and Mindfulness Quotient (MQ)

12. Artificial Intelligence (AI), Robots and Cyborgs

13. Science of Time Travel, Time Dilation and Time Loop Theory of Everything

14.  Neuroscience of Psychology, Neurophysiology and Neurobiology

15. Energy Medicine, Energy Psychology and Energy Healing Techniques like Reiki and Pranic Healing 

16. The Divine Feminine Spirituality 

Fun conversation starters

Here is a list of conversation starters for fun:

1. What’s the most impressive thing you know how to do?

2. What’s something that’s considered a luxury, but you don’t think you could live without?

3. What’s the best single day on the calendar?

4. When was the last time you climbed a tree?

5. Who do you text the most?

6. What song or album do you know every word to?

7. How many states have you lived in?

8. If you had to change your first name, what would you change it to?

9. Have you ever been out of the country? If so, when and where?

10. Who’s one person you admire for their intelligence?

11. If animals could talk, which would be the rudest?

12. What are some of your favorite cat videos on the internet? (For more funny questions like this, click here.)

13. What is something that everyone looks stupid doing?

14. What is something that never goes out of style no matter how much time passes?  (For more funny questions like this, click here.) 

15. What’s something that gets better with age? (For more funny questions like this, click here.)

Conversation starters for teens

Here are some killer conversation starters for teens:

1. What is your most favorite subject in school and why?

2. What do you want to be when you grow up?

3. Tell me about something that happened at school today.

4. What is your favorite season and why?

5. What kind of music do you like?

6. Do you like going to church? Why or why not?

7. Tell me about your best friend and why he/she is your best friend.

8. What is the funniest thing that’s happened to you lately?

9. What was the last thing you dreamed about?

10. Who is the most influential person in your life, and why?

11. What’s your favorite and least kind of sandwich? Why?

12. What toppings would be on your dream sandwich? What do you think others would say is on their dream sandwich?

13. If you could only eat one food every meal for the rest of your life, what would you choose?

14. If you were an animal, what would you be and why?

15. Who was your first crush and how old were they when you first crushed on them?

16. Do you like this class?

17. What do you think about our teacher?

18. Are you going to have a part-time job this semester?

19. What’s your favorite movie?

20. Do you like shopping?

21. Do you like to cook?

22. How often do you go out with your friends?

23. Are you interested in playing video games, such as League of Legends, MapleStory, or Overwatch?

Questions to keep a conversation going

Here are some interactive questions to keep a conversation going:

1.What’s the most important lesson you’ve learned in your life?

2.What’s the biggest risk you’ve ever taken that you would never take again?

3.What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?

4.If you could go back to a certain time in your life, what age would you choose and why?

5.If you were given three wishes, what would they be?

6.If money was no object, what would you do all day?

7.Do you have any regrets about your past decisions or actions? If so, what are they and why?

8.What do you want to change about yourself?

9.How did your parents influence the person you’ve become today?

10.When was the last time someone made a positive impact on your life and how did it change them for the better?

11. Should we be more worried about the Earth’s overheating or freezing?

12. How likely is it that human beings will go extinct in the next 100 years?

13. What is the best way to measure a country’s prosperity?

14. Does capitalism have an expiration date?

15. How much of our lives should we spend working?

16. How many people can live on our planet without ruining it?

17. Do you agree with Elon Musk that our world is a computer simulation run by a higher being?

18. Is it possible to completely depoliticize science?

19. Are people getting smarter or dumber?

20. Is there a scientific explanation for love at first sight?

21. Why do you believe in God (or not)?

22. Do you think humans are fundamentally different from all other animals, or just another species of primate?

23. Is terrorism effective as a political tool?

24. Do you prefer dogs or cats, and why?

25. If you could travel to any time period, which would it be, and why?

Good conversation topics for texting

Here is a list good conversation topics for texting:

1.How do you like to spend your free time?

2.What is a life-changing experience that you have had?

3.If you decided to quit your job and move abroad, where would you go?

4.What is the weirdest thing that’s ever happened to you?

5.What is one thing that would make your life easier?

6.Would you rather be world-famous or extremely wealthy?

7.What matters most in life for you?

8.How do you think other people view you as a person?

9.If someone paid you $1 million to break up with your significant other, would you do it? Why or why not?

10.Do you think love at first sight is possible?

11.Do you have any regrets from your past relationships or dating experiences? If so, what are they and why did they happen?

12.Would you say that you are a romantic person or not really? Where does this come from – nature or nurture?

13.What is the best compliment that anyone has ever given to you, and what did it mean to you?

14.If I could take us on a trip anywhere in the world right now, where would it be?

Interesting conversation starters

Here is a list of interesting conversation starters 

1. I’m thinking of making a change in my career and looking for advice. Can I run some ideas past you?

2. What are the biggest challenges people face when they first join our team?

3. What are the most important skills I should learn if I want to advance in my career?

4. Could you tell me about your career path and how you got to where you are today?

5. How did you decide what to do with your life? Any regrets or things you’d have done differently?

6. What makes this company a great place to work? What keeps you here?

7. Can I buy you coffee and pick your brain about how best to approach a project I’m working on?

8. Do you have any suggestions for how I can get more involved with the community here at work?

9. If we were having a beer, what would be the first thing we’d talk about?

10. Do you have any recommendations for books, blogs, or other resources that would help me in my job?

Great conversation starters

These are some Great conversation starter questions

1. If you could go back to the past and change something, what would it be?

2. What makes you feel safe?

3. Do you believe in soul mates?

4. Are humans good or bad by nature?

5. What are your thoughts on online dating or tinder?

6. Which would you prefer, a day at the spa or a night out clubbing?

7. If you had to describe yourself using three words, it would be…

8. How do you think your friends would describe you in three words?

9. Where is your favorite place to be kissed?

10. What is the best compliment you’ve ever received?

11. What was the best phase in your life?

12. What was the worst phase in your life?

13. Who was the most important person in your life when growing up and why?

14. What are five things you can’t live without?

15. If we were in a movie, what song would be playing when I kiss you for the first time?

Good convo starters

Continue reading for more Good convo starters:

1. Who are you?

2. What are you doing with your life?

3. What is the purpose of life?

4. What do you want to be when you grow up?

5. How much time do you have on this earth?

6. Why do we exist?

7. Where did we come from?

8. Where do we go after we die?

9. What would happen if everyone was happy all the time?

10. Why do people get married and have children? 

11. Why is marriage important in our society today?

12. Why do people get divorced so often now days?

13. Is it better for children or adults when parents break up their home or stay together even though they don’t love each other anymore or because they think they can’t make it alone financially without each other’s help anymore because of how expensive everything has gotten today in our society today?

conversation topics for couples

Here are some best conversation topics for couples:

1. Talk about your past

2. Talk about your future

3. Talk about the present

4. Talk about your family

5. Talk about your friends

6. Talk about your interests

7. Talk about your dislikes

8. Talk about your likes

9. Talk about what you want to do before you die?

10. Ask her what she wants to do before she dies?

11. What is her biggest fear in life? Does she have any phobias? Is she afraid of heights, snakes, spiders or something else? 

12. What is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to her? Did it happen in front of a lot of people or was it just a few close friends? 

13. Does she have any guilty pleasures that make her feel bad after she does them? Maybe a certain kind of food or reality TV show that she watches on a regular basis but feels guilty while doing so? 

14. What was the last book she read and did she enjoy it? Does she have any recommendations for you based on what you enjoy reading? 

15. Does she have any pet peeves when it comes to how other people act in public or at home when they are around other?

Conversation starters for couples

These are very good conversation starters for couples:

1.What is your favorite childhood memory?

2.How do you define love?

3.What is the one thing you cannot live without?

4.What makes you happy?

5.If you had three wishes, what would they be?

6.If you had to change your name, what would you choose?

7.What’s one thing on your bucket list that you never tell anyone about?

8.What is the first thing that comes to mind when I say… (insert random word)

9.If you could have a superpower, what would it be?

Conversation starters for married couples

Here is a list of conversation starters for married couples:

1. Do you think the world will have more or fewer wars in the future?

2. Do you think that the government should spend more time on improving the education of children or on improving health care for everyone?

3. If you could change one law, what would it be and why?

4. Would you rather learn a new language or play a musical instrument? Why?

5. What was your favorite meal as a child? Do you still like it today?

6. What is the best food in your country? Why do you like it so much?

7. What country would you like to visit and why?

8. How has your family influenced who you are today?

9. If we visit your home town, what is a must-see place we should go to?

10. What are some ways that people can stay healthy and fit without spending any money at all on gyms or sports equipment?

Funny conversation topics

Here is a list of funny conversation topics:

1. Ghosts

2. Funny pictures (in magazines, newspapers, ads and everywhere)

3. Drunk moments

4. Video bloopers

5. Party Club

6. Halloween

7. Hilarious movies

8. Quotes from movies, cartoons and series

9. Funniest songs ever heard in your life

10. Time travel: whether you want to be born earlier or later? Or maybe you would like to return back? What century would you choose? And why?

11. Your family, friends and relatives: how do they influence on your personality and outlooks.

Interesting conversation topics

The following are some interesting conversation topics:

1. Your goals and dreams.

2. Your first work experience and how you got it.

3. Your best and worst memory from school.

4. Your family and the relationships with your relatives.

5. Your hobbies, likes and dislikes.

6. A pleasant memory from childhood, a frightening experience, or an embarrassing situation.

7. The most important lesson you learned in school or university or college (or any other place).

8. Someone you admire and why you admire them (or “someone you admire who is still alive”).

Good questions for conversation

Here are some good questions for conversation:

1. If you were offered a dream job in another location, would you take it?

2. Would you rather be twice as smart or twice as happy?

3. What was the last book that made you cry?

4. Do you think love at first sight is possible?

5. When is it appropriate to tell a highway it’s adopted?

6. Have you ever stolen anything?

7. What’s the worst thing that’s ever happened to your mom?

8. If your boss gave you one week paid vacation and $2000, how would you spend it?

9. Which qualities do all your friends have in common?

10. What’s the best thing about your family?

Conversation topics for friends

Here are some conversation topics for friends:

1. Talking about your past and future dreams.

2. The things that you have in common.

3. Your hobbies and what you love to do.

4. Talk about your favorite author or poet.

5. What is the most important lesson that you have learned in life?

6. Are you a cat person, dog person, both or neither?

7. Talk about your biggest mistake and regrets in life.

8. What was the best day of your life?

9. Talk about your siblings and any other family members that you are close with.

10. Where did you grow up and how was it?

11. Ask them what their favorite food is.

12. What is the longest relationship that they have been in? What did they learn from it?

13. Have they ever been on TV or radio? Talk about their experience if they have been in this situation before.

14. What are some of the things that you do not like?

15. Is there a dream place where they would like to retire one day? Where is it and why do they want to go there?

Online dating conversation starters

For the first date, make yourself as comfortable as possible and be yourself. Here are some conversation topics for dating and some good online dating conversation starters that can help you with this:

1. What would you do if you won the lottery?

2. Who do you most admire in your life?

3. If you had a warning label, what would it say?

4. If you were to die this evening with no opportunity to communicate with anyone, what would you most regret not having told someone? Why haven’t you told them yet?

5. Your house, containing everything you own, catches fire. After saving your loved ones and pets, you have time to safely make a final dash to save any one item. What would it be? Why?

6. Of all the people in your family, whose death would you find most disturbing? Why?

7. Share a personal problem and ask your partner’s advice on how he or she might handle it. Also, ask your partner to reflect back to you how you seem to be feeling about the problem you have chosen.

1. Your Favorite Childhood Memory

This is a great way to find out more about your date, and get to know them for the first time. This lighthearted question will also reveal a lot about what they like to do and what their interests are.

2. A Time You Faced Fear

Talking about a time that you faced fear can show a lot about what your date likes to do and how they handle themselves when under pressure. If you want to find out if your date is adventurous or loves adrenaline-filled activities, this is a good question to ask them.

3. The One Thing You Can’t Live Without

This question gives you an idea of what they value most in their life, and it could be something as simple as their phone or laptop, or it could be something deeper like family or friends. Whatever it is, it gives you an idea of what’s important to them and how they like to live their life.

4. Their Favorite Movie Quote

This is another fun conversation starter that can lead into a deeper conversation about movies and popular culture, which can spark some interesting conversations between you and your date.

5. What They Are Most Afraid Of?

This can tell you a lot about how they handle things and keep their mind calm in every situation.

Date conversation topics

The topics of interest are endless on a date night. You can talk about life, love, loss, death, and even something as simple as the weather. But you also need to keep them interested enough so they want to see you again.

Here are some conversation topics for a date that will help you get started:

1. Home Town

You can begin by talking about where you live and how your home town is famous for something good or bad. It does not matter if you come from a small town or a big city, just talk about it. Talk about the history of your town and what makes it special.

2. College/High School Days

You can also talk about your college days or high school days if you did not go to college. Everyone has some fond memories of their school days; so share those memories with each other and see where the conversation leads to next. If one of you had a sad past then make sure that you listen carefully and do not go on.

Here are some date conversation starters:

1. What was your best date ever?

2. If you could live anywhere, where would it be?

3. If you had to describe yourself in 3 words, what would they be?

4. Who is the most interesting person you’ve ever met?

5. What is the most romantic thing a guy/girl has done for you?

6. What do you love about your job? What is the worst thing about your job? Do you like your job more than when you first started working there?

7. What are some things everyone should try at least once in their lives?

8. If I asked your parents what is special/unique about you, what do you think they would say?

9. What do you consider to be your best find? (example: a thrift store find, person, restaurant, etc.)

10. Do you have any phobias (fears)? Do you think those fears hold you back from doing anything in life?

11. How did you meet your best friend(s)? Do you have a lot of friends or a few close ones?

12. Tell me about the first time we met… when and where was that and how did it go for

Flirty conversation starters

Start a conversation with anyone with the following list of flirty conversation starters.

1. I know how you can make that outfit look even better!

2. You’re not very good at hiding your thoughts, are you?

3. You must be Jamaican, because Jamaican me crazy!

4. If you were a vegetable, you’d be a cute-cumber.

5. Your lips are like wine, and I want to get drunk.

6. You’re so beautiful that you made me forget my pickup line!

7. You get the best parking spot in the mall: right next to me!

8. I’m not trying to impress you or anything, but… I’m Batman!

9. On a scale from 1 to 10, you’re a 9 — and I’m the 1 you need!

10. Are those space pants? Because your butt is out of this world!

11. Is that sunburn, or are you always this hot?

12. Can I borrow a kiss? I promise I’ll give it back!

13. Let’s commit the perfect crime: I’ll steal your heart, and you steal mine!14. You know what material this is? Boyfriend

Conversation starters with a guy

These are some conversation starters with a guy:

1. Would You Rather Have A Time Machine Or A Teleporter?

2. What Would Be Your Superpower?

3. If You Could Be Any Animal What Would You Be?

4. Who Do You Think Was The Greatest Inventor Of Our Time?

5. What Is The Best Piece Of Advice Anyone Has Given You?

6. Have You Ever Been In A Real Life Scary Situation?

7. What Are The Weirdest Things That Turn You On?

8. How Often Do You Google Yourself? (and what do you find?)

Text conversation starters

Here are some conversation starters by text:

1. What do you think about the latest craze in town?

2. Do you believe in aliens?

3. What is your favorite book/movie of all time and why did it speak to you so much?

4. If you were a super-hero, what powers would you have?

5. Which is the worst date that you have ever been on?

6. If someone wrote a biography on your life, what do you think the title should be? What would be the first chapter about?

Conversation starters for texting

The following are some conversation starters over text:

1. What did you think of me when we first met?

2. What do you remember most about the night we first met?

3. If I said you had a beautiful body, would you hold it against me?

4. Is there anything I do that turns you on more than anything else?

5. Would you like to go out with me this Saturday?

6. Do you believe in love at first sight or should I walk by again?

7. Do you think it’s right for a man and woman to live together without being married?

8. Do you want to be my friend with benefits?

9. What was the most romantically romantic thing anyone has ever done for you?

10. If you could have one wish, what would it be? (And no, you can’t have more wishes!)

11. How long have we known each other, and why haven’t we gotten together yet?

12. Did your parents have any children that lived?

Bumble conversation starters

Here is a List of conversation starters on bumble

1. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?

2. What’s your favorite thing to do on a Sunday?

3. Who is someone you admire and why?

4. What’s your favorite way to spend a Saturday?

5. Who do you text the most?

6. How many kids do you want to have (if any)?

7. What are you looking for on Tinder?

8. Are you an early bird or a night owl?

9. What’s your biggest dealbreaker when it comes to potential dates or relationships?

10. Do you have any nicknames? If so, what are they and why do you have them?

11. What are three things that are essential to every person’s pantry?

12. Who’s the most important person in your life right now and why?

13. What song makes you happy no matter what mood you’re in when it comes on?

14. Which three fictional characters do you most identify with and why?

15. Do you have any cool tattoos/piercings/other body modifications? And if not, which would you get if you had the chance right this instance, no regrets guaranteed tomorrow morning?

Random conversation starters

Here are some random weird conversation starters:

1. What Is Your Girlfriend’s Biggest Strength?

2. What Is Your Girlfriend’s Biggest Weakness?

3. What Do You Love Most About Your Girlfriend?

4. How Has Your Girlfriend Changed Since You First Met Her?

5. What Would You Do If Your Girlfriend Broke Up With You For Someone Else?

6. How Well Do You Know Your Girlfriend?

7. When Is It OK To Lie To Your Girlfriend?

8. Do You Miss Your Ex-Girlfriend?

Also read: Variety list of questions and topics of conversation to ask anyone to build relationships.

Conversation starters on social media to make friends

Here are some amazing conversation starters on social media like instagram, tiktok, snapchat, facebook to make friends:

1. The biggest fear you have about your relationship

2. If you could change one thing about your partner, what would it be?

3. What is the biggest regret you have from last year?

4. What is the most important thing to you about your parents’ relationship?

5. What do you think are the two most important elements of a successful relationship?

6. Your partner’s biggest insecurity

7. Your partner’s favorite memory with their family

8. What was your partner’s best holiday and why?

9. When was a time when you felt really proud of your partner?

10. Something that always makes you laugh no matter what 

11. The moment when you felt most vulnerable in the past year 

12. An unforgettable memory from your childhood 

13. What makes you feel loved by your partner 

14. The best piece of advice someone has given you about love 

15. What do you think about the legalization of marijuana?

16. Would you ever consider a tattoo?

17. Do you like spicy food?

18. If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would do?

19. What is your favorite drink?

20. If someone gave you 1 million dollars to start a business, what would it be?

21. What is your favorite food to eat when sick?

22. What do you think about public displays of affection in public places?

23. What’s the most embarrassing thing that has happened to you at work?

Questions to ask to keep a conversation going

Here are very engaging questions to ask to keep a conversation going:

1.What is your perfect weekend?

2.If you could get rid of one state in the US,which would it be?

3.If you were a superhero,what powers would you have?

4.If someone paid you $10,000 to wear the same exact outfit every day for a year,would you do it?

5.If you found out you were going to die in 24 hours ,who would you spend that time with? 

6.Who inspires you most and why?

7.What’s the best way to start a conversation with someone new ? 

8.How would you describe yourself in three words ? 

9.What’s your favourite place on earth and why? 

10.If you could ask your future self one question what would it be ? 

11.What big world event do most people not know enough about ? 

12.What are some things that sound like compliments but are actually insults ? 

13.How would the world be different if humans had never existed ? 

14.What’s something that didn’t exist 10 years ago but now we can’t imagine life without it ? 

15. What’s the worst thing about being a kid in elementary

Conversation starters with boyfriend

List of conversation starters with your boyfriend

1. Ask him what his favorite thing to do on the weekend is.

2. Ask him a random question about life, like what he would change if he could go back and do it all over again.

3. Ask him about his family and how he grew up.

4. Just say hi to him, and then start a normal conversation with him about something you have in common, like school or work.

5. Ask him what his favorite thing to do is right now, like if he likes going out with friends or if he likes staying at home watching movies or reading books.

6. Ask him if he’s ever been in love, and if so, what it was like for him and how long it lasted before it ended.

7. Ask him what his favorite movie is right now, and tell him yours too so you can talk about them together!

Questions for conversation starters

These are simple and genuine questions for conversation starters:

1. Discuss the last book you read

2. What’s your dream job?

3. What’s your favorite memory from childhood?

4. What chore do you absolutely hate doing?

5. If you were ruler of your own country what would be the first law you would introduce?

6. If you could witness one event past, present or future, what would it be?

7. If you were famous, would you still want a private life or is being a celebrity all part of the job?

8. What three words best describe the last three months of your life?

9. If money was no object, what would you do all day?

10. What was the best compliment you’ve ever received? The worst insult?

11. What’s your absolute dream home (inside and out) like and where is it located? 

12. How many pairs of shoes do you own and how often do you buy a new pair? 

13. Would you rather be twice as smart or twice as happy? 

14. What was the last thing that made you cry (other than a movie)?

conversation starters with a girl

Here are some caring conversation starters to ask your girl:

(1) What was the last movie you saw?

(2) What’s your favorite food?

(3) What do you like to do in your spare time?

(4) Do you have any hobbies?

(5) Is there anything that really annoys you?

(6) Where did you grow up?

(7) How many brothers and sisters do you have?

(8) Are your parents still married?

(9) Where did you go on vacation last year?

conversation starters questions

The Following are some unique Conversation starter questions:

1. What is the best way to learn a new language?

2. How do you define success?

3. What do you believe is the most important invention in the last 100 years?

4. How much time should students spend on homework each day?

5. What is the best way to motivate others?

6. What are the benefits of working with a team?

7. Do rules help society or prevent people from developing as individuals?

8. What is the best way to influence someone’s opinion?

9. When should a person choose a career that has low pay but offers job satisfaction vs one that pays well but may not offer fulfillment?

10. Should we be more concerned about others or ourselves?

11. Why is it important to learn at least two languages other than your own?

12. Is it ever okay to lie in a relationship?

13. Should people be allowed to own guns for protection or hunting purposes?

14. Is it acceptable for people to choose not to have children even if they are physically and financially able to support them?

15. Should it be illegal for people to drive while talking on their cell phones, even if they use a hands-free device?

Conversation starters for dates

Here are some questions about conversation starters dating

1. What did you want to be when you grew up?

2. What’s the biggest risk you’ve ever taken?

3. What would people be surprised to know about you?

4. Who do you look up to the most?

5. What do you value more: loyalty or honesty?

6. Are your friends more like family or are your family more like friends?

7. Would you rather not have a TV or not have a cell phone for the rest of your life?

8. Is there a book that changed your life? If so, what book was it and how did it change you?

9. Do you think it’s possible for people who used to love each other to stay friends in the long run?

10. How often do you lie and what do you usually lie about?

11. If a genie came out of a magic lamp and said he would grant three wishes, what would they be (and why)?

12. If you could meet one person (dead or alive) who would it be and why?

13. If you could have dinner with anyone (dead or alive) who

conversation starters for friends

Here is a good list of conversation starters with friends

1. What are you looking forward to in the next 10 years?

2. If you were guaranteed a successful business, what kind of business would you want to start?

3. What is the most important thing you learned in school?

4. What do you feel most passionate about?

5. Would you rather be rich or famous? Why?

6. Which movie changed your life?

7. Where do you see yourself in five years? Ten years? Twenty years?

8. If money was not a factor, what would you do all day long?

9. What’s the one thing that makes you feel old?

10. If you could learn any language fluently, what would it be and why?

11. Who is the person who has made the biggest impact on your life so far, and how did they do it?

12. What is one piece of advice that has had the biggest impact on how you live your life today?

13. What book has influenced your life the most? How so?

14. Have you ever been caught doing something by your parents and then lied about it to get out of trouble only to have them find out later and get in even more trouble for lying about

conversation starters over text

These are some conversation starters over text:

1. Your favorite book, movie or song

2. A bad experience you had in a restaurant

3. If you could change one thing about your life, what would it be?

4. The most courageous thing you’ve ever done

5. An embarrassing experience you’ve had

6. What’s the best advice you have ever received?

7. The best day of your life and why

8. A happy childhood memory

9. What makes you really angry?

10. What is your greatest fear?

conversation starters game

You can ask these questions in a conversation starters game:

1. What is the world’s most dangerous animal?

2. Who is the most famous person in your country? Why?

3. If you could be invisible for one day, how would you spend it?

4. What do you think is the biggest problem facing the world today?

5. Are you good at keeping secrets?

6. Have you ever broken a bone? How did it happen?

7. What was your favorite toy when you were a child? Why did you like it so much?

8. Do you believe in aliens? What do they look like? Have they visited Earth before?9. Who do you admire most in the world? Why do you admire them so much?

10. What is the best piece of advice anyone has ever given to you, and who gave it to you?

11. Do you think that humans will eventually visit other planets in our solar system or beyond, or are we happy on Earth and have no need to travel further into space?

12. What’s your favorite thing to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner (if different)?

13. If money wasn’t an issue, where would you choose to live in the world and why would you choose that place?

conversation starters when texting a guy

Here is a great list of conversation starters when texting a guy:

1. How do you define a good time?

2. Do you like to dance?

3. What was your first job?

4. What’s the most adventurous thing you’ve done?

5. If you were going to move out of the country, where would you move to?

6. What kinds of things make you laugh your ass off?

7. Are you good at keeping secrets or do they always seem to spill out of you at the worst times?

8. Do you believe in soulmates?

9. What is your definition of a perfect day?

10. Have you ever had a nickname that was so embarrassing it made your skin crawl each time it was uttered? What was it and why did people call you that name?

11. Have you ever won an award for something silly like being able to burp the alphabet or hold a glass of water without spilling it on yourself when laughing hysterically at something funny during dinner? If so, what award did you win and for what silly talent did you win it for?

12. Would you rather be able to read and speak any language fluently or have the ability to talk with animals? Why do you feel that way about this question and what kind of animals

conversation starters with girlfriend

Here are some cool conversation starters with your girlfriend

1. What did you want to be when you grew up?

2. What’s the biggest risk you’ve ever taken?

3. What would people be surprised to know about you?

4. Who do you look up to the most?

5. What do you value more: loyalty or honesty?

6. Are your friends more like family or are your family more like friends?

7. Would you rather not have a TV or not have a cell phone for the rest of your life?

8. Is there a book that changed your life? If so, what book was it and how did it change you?

9. Do you think it’s possible for people who used to love each other to stay friends in the long run?

10. How often do you lie and what do you usually lie about?

11. If a genie came out of a magic lamp and said he would grant three wishes, what would they be (and why)?

12. If you could meet one person (dead or alive) who would it be and why?

13. If you could have dinner with anyone (dead or alive) who?

Conversation starters questions to ask your crush

Here is a list of conversation starters questions to ask your crush:

1. What’s the one thing most people don’t know about you?

2. What is your dream car?

3. What was the best birthday you ever had?

4. Who was your best teacher and why?

5. If you could be any animal, what would it be?

6. What is the most unusual thing you have ever eaten?

7. Do you eat breakfast every day? If so, what’s your favorite food to start your day with?

8. Do you think that money can make people happy? Why or why not?

9. When did you last cry in front of another person? By yourself?

10. Would you like to be famous? In what way?

11. When was the last time you climbed a tree/went camping/did something adventurous outdoors?

12. If you could change one thing about the world, regardless of guilt or politics, what would you do?

13. What is the best piece of advice someone has given to you? The worst piece of advice someone has given to you?

14. Where do you see yourself in five years’ time (or another length of time)?

15. What are some things you would like to ask me?

conversation starters for students

These are some conversation starters for students:

1. “What is the most recent book you read?”

2. “If you had an opportunity to quit your job and do something else, what would you do?”

3. “What’s your favorite guilty pleasure?”

4. “If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be? Why?”

5. “What is at the top of your bucket list?”

6. “What was the last movie you saw? Did you like it? Why or why not?”

7. “Who was your favorite teacher in school and why?”

8. “What’s your funniest memory from childhood?”

9. “Is there anything new that you’ve been dying to try? If so, what is it and why are you interested in trying it out.”

10. What is one thing that always puts a smile on your face when you think about it?

conversation starters to get to know someone

Ask these conversation starters to get to know someone:

1. Have you ever been to a foreign country?

2. What’s your favorite place in the entire world?

3. What’s your favorite movie?

4. How long have you lived here?

5. What’s your favorite kind of food?

6. What is something you’re really good at doing?

7. If you could travel anywhere, where would you go?

8. Would you rather be rich and miserable or poor and happy?

9. If you had to be named after one of the 50 states, which would it be?

10. If you were trapped on an island, what are three things you couldn’t live without?

conversation starters at work

Talking with co-workers can be difficult if you’re not used to the business environment. But it shouldn’t be too hard to find topics that interest your colleagues, especially if they share your work interests.

By asking the right questions with conversation starters at work and listening carefully, you can build more rapport with your co-workers and have more satisfying conversations at work. So, here are a few Work related conversation starters:

1. What are you currently working on?

2. How did you get into this line of work?

3. What is your favorite thing about working here?

4. What do you like best about working here?

5. What’s your favorite thing you’ve learned from a coworker?

6. What’s the most interesting project you’ve worked on?

7. How was your weekend?

8. What’s your favorite place to eat lunch around here?

9. Do you have any vacation plans this summer?

10. Do you have any travel plans coming up?

11. Are you going to watch the game tonight?

12. How did that project you were working on go last week?

13. What do you like best about working here?

14. Have you seen the new movie in theaters right now?

15. How are your kids/pets/family doing?

16. Where are you going for vacation this year?

conversation starters with strangers

Here are a few conversation starters with strangers:

1. I have a feeling that you’re going to be a very successful person.

2. You can talk about your problems with me. I am always here for you.

3. What do you think about our friendship?

4. How was your day?

5. Where is your dog?

6. how are you?

7. what are your hobbies?

8. do you like traveling, if yes then how many countries have you visited?

9. have you heard about my latest book?

10. have you ever been to a concert? if yes then which one?

11. do you like food? what are your favorite dishes?

12. do you like cooking? if yes then what do you like to cook the most?

13. which is your favorite sport and what is the sport that you play?

14. what do you think about this dress that I’m wearing today, does it look good on me or not?

15. have you seen the latest movie of my favorite actor/actress, it’s a must watch!

16. I love chocolates, which one is your favorite one as well?

17. do you have any pets at home and which one is that?

18. are you planning a vacation soon and where are you planning to go next weekend or in the coming month or so?

19. can I see your snaps on snapchat and can I add myself on Instagram as well please share your username with me.

20. Do u have any idea about this song’s lyrics, it’s my all time favorite song?

conversation starters card game

These questions definitely can be used for conversation starters card game:

1. How do you think this will help the business?

2. What’s your favorite thing about working here?

3. What would be your superpower if you could have one?

4. What’s your favorite book/movie?

5. If you could have any job, what would it be?

6. What’s the worst job you’ve ever had?

7. What’s the most exciting thing that happened to you last weekend?

8. Who was your favorite teacher in school and why?

9. Do you have any pets and what are their names?

10. If we had a company mascot, what animal should it be and why?

Also read: 370 Never have I ever questions (Make your day special)

conversation starters dinner party

Here are a few conversation starters for dinner party:

1. How do you know the host of this party?

2. What’s your favorite thing about parties like these?

3. Have you ever met someone here that became a close friend?

4. What are some topics of conversation to avoid at a party like this?

5. What’s the best vacation you’ve ever been on?

6. What do you think about when you’re alone in your car?

7. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

8. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?

9. Where’s the most interesting place you’ve been?

10. What’s one thing that always makes you laugh?

11. Would you rather be twice as smart or twice as happy? Why?

12. If a crystal ball could tell you the truth about yourself, your life, the future or anything else, what would you want to know?

13. Who’s your hero and what makes him/her such a great role model for others?

14. Is there something that everyone looks up to you for? Why do they look up to you for this particular thing?

15. If money were no object, where would we go on vacation next year?

Conversation starters for new friends

Here is a list of conversation starters for new friends:

1. If you could live for 1,000 years, would you?

2. What do you think your life will be like in 10 years?

3. Would you rather have a newborn or a 100 year old?

4. Could you eat the same food every day for the rest of your life?

5. Would you rather lose all of your money and valuables or all of the pictures you have ever taken?

6. How long have you been living in this place?

7. Where do you stay exactly?

8. Do you often come here for gym?

9. Where do you want to travel next week?

10. What’s your instagram handle?

Conversation starters about god

These are some conversation starters about god and philosophical concepts on life.

1. Why did God let the devil have any power?

2. How can a loving God send people to hell?

3. What is the meaning of life?

4. Why does God allow evil and suffering?

5. Why did Jesus have to die for our sins?

6. Is God real or just an outdated concept?

7. Is there free will or are we all puppets on strings?

8. Are there multiple paths to God, or only one?

9. Where was God before Creation?

10. Does God really answer prayer? If so, why do my prayers go unanswered?

11. Why are there so many denominations in the church today, and which one is right (if any)?

12. What is the purpose of human sexuality, and how should it be used (i.e. is there a divinely ordained role of men and women in society)?

Conversation starters on hinge

These are some conversation starters hinge

1. How are you doing today?

2. what’s your name?

3. where are you from?

4. how old are you?

5. are you single?

6. when was the last time you had a relationship?

7. what happened in your past relationship?

8. do you have any kids?

9. do you like pets?

10. which do you prefer, dogs or cats?

11.  What’s one thing you want to do this year but haven’t done yet?

12. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

13. What is your most terrible memory?

14. When was the last time you did something courageous for yourself?

Stupid conversation starters

Here are some stupid conversation starters:

1. What did you think of the ending of LOST?

2. Why is there a “D” in “fridge” but not in “refrigerator”?

3. If the universe is constantly expanding, what’s it expanding into?

4. What was your favorite food when you were little—and does it taste as good now as it did then?

5. When do they have the release party for new prison inmates?

6. Are eyebrows considered facial hair?

7. Would you rather have a flying carpet or a flying car?

8. Would you rather be able to control fire or water?

9. Would you rather live without the internet or without AC and heating?

10. Would you rather wake up in 20 years as the opposite sex or in 50 years as the opposite s#x?

11. Would you rather live in a world where there’s always only one person online, or a world where everyone is online all the time?

Conversation starters at a party

These are some conversation starters party

1.Tell Me A Secret

2.If You Could Have One Superpower, What Would It Be?

3.What’s The Best Compliment You’ve Ever Gotten?

4.What’s Your Favorite Pizza Topping?

5.If You Could Only Eat One Food For The Rest Of Your Life, What Would It Be?

6.What’s The Best Book You’ve Read Recently?

7.If You Could Visit Anywhere In The World Right Now, Where Would It Be?

8.What Song Gets You Fired Up When You Hear It?

9.What Do You Do For Fun Around Here?

10.Are You A Cat Or Dog Person?

11. What kind of animal you would be?

12. Name three things that you have on your desk right now?

13. What do you think is the most unusual characteristic about you?

14. If you could have any superpower, what would it be?

15. If you could travel back in time, what year would you travel to?

16. If you had one wish instantly granted, what would that be for?

17. What does a perfect day look like to you?

18. When was the last time you have tried something new?

19. Do you prefer books or movies? Why?

20. Who is your favorite artist/musician/actor? Why do you like him/her so much?

Good conversation starters for texting

These are some good conversation starters for texting:

1. If you could be a superhero, what would your power be?

2. What’s your favorite non-alcoholic drink?

3. What’s something that you’re bad at?

4. What do you like to do on the weekends?

5. What’s your favorite pizza topping?

6. Do you prefer to eat out or cook your own meals?

7. Who was your best friend in high school?

8. If you could only have one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?

9. Is there anyone who inspired you when growing up?

10. Which TV series do you wish had never been cancelled?

11. How did you meet your best friend(s)?

12. How many countries have you been to?

13. Would you rather have a rewind button or a pause button on your life?

14. Are you an early bird or a night owl?

15. What did you want to grow up to be when you were little?

16. What is the luckiest thing that has happened to you so far in life?

17. If a genie granted you three wishes right now, what would they be?

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Engaging Text Conversation Starters - Spark instant connections.

via: Bigstockphotos / viewpart

You’ve got her number, you want to have a chat, but you just don’t have the right text conversation starters. Or, you didn’t, until now. 

One of the main tricks to how to get a girlfriend is simply figuring out how to text a girl in a way that makes her want to text back.

There’s a lot of advantages to texting over flirting in person. You don’t have to worry about looking nervous, you have time to think up the right comment, and you can get a lot more personal without feeling embarrassed.

For all that, you have to know how to start a text conversation with a girl and what to text a girl after you’ve got the conversation going to get all these advantages.

So, start where you need to start: use these conversation starters to make her eager to chat all day and all night, and maybe meet up in person for that big first date.


Engaging Conversation Starters - Best Text Conversation Starters

via: Unsplash / Maxwell Nelson

Below you’ll find some of our best conversation starters. If you’re going for a real banger upfront to get things started, this is where you’ll find it.

1. What is something that is popular now that annoys you?

Sometimes those wacky, passing fads aren’t for everyone.

2. What was the last time you worked incredibly hard?

Push yourself daily if you want to always have an answer for this.

3. What were you really into when you were a kid?

I liked gems and minerals. I also collected keychains for some reason… Kids are weird.

4. What is a controversial opinion you have?

This can spark an extremely interesting conversation so long as you have an open mind.

5. What is the most annoying habit someone can have?

Bonding over dislikes is a surprisingly powerful way to get to know someone. However, if she never talks about anything positive… That’s a red flag.

What is the most annoying habit someone can have

via: Unsplash / Holly Mandarich

6. What do you bring with you everywhere you go?

Girls get purses so I’ve started carrying my new backpack with me everywhere. It’s ridiculously convenient and I highly recommend it.

7. Where is the worst place you have been stuck for a long time?

Airports, the side of the road, and inside an elevator with a bunch of wet dogs are all perfect examples.

8. What is something that really annoys you but doesn’t bother most people?

We all have pet peeves.

9. What is your guilty pleasure?

What do you like that most people love to hate?

10. What trends did you follow when you were younger?

We were all a little confused in middle school.

Best Text Conversation Starters - What trends did you follow when you were younger?.jpeg

via: Unsplash / David Grandmougin

11. What is the silliest fear you have?

Maybe you can help her overcome it!

12. What smell brings back great memories?

Smell and memory are two very powerful combinations. It’s been 10 years and Love Spell from Victoria’s Secret still takes me back to my first love in high school.

13. What are you best at?

Everyone has that one thing they’re awesome at.

14. What’s the best show currently on TV?

Impractical Jokers? Game of Thrones? Pawn Stars? Everybody has a favorite.

15. What cartoons did you watch as a child?

Childhood memories are fun to talk about because they bring you back to a time when life was much simpler.

Best Text Conversation Starters - What cartoons did you watch as a child?

via: Pexels / Pixabay

16. What do you do to get rid of stress?

How she deals with stress will tell you about how she’ll deal with you when you stress her out.

17. What is something you are obsessed with?

Hopefully not you.

18. Where is the most beautiful place you have been?

You should travel more. 

19. What weird talent do you have?

Everyone is a little weird. That weirdness is what makes us different!

20. What’s your favorite genre of movie?

A classic.

Best Text Conversation Starters - What’s your favorite genre of movie?

via: Unsplash / Yuvraj Singh

21. What is the most useful app on your phone?

Furthermore, how many apps do you have on your phone that you haven’t opened in the past 6 months?

22. What is the worst restaurant you have ever eaten at?

Hopefully not the one you wanted to take her to.

23. Would you eat at a restaurant that was really dirty if the food was amazing?

Dirty restaurants have the best food… But your stomach will probably hate you for it.

24. Do you prefer traveling alone or with a group?

Try solo traveling sometime. It’s hard to travel with people afterwards.

25. Do you prefer to go off the beaten path when you travel?

Or does she prefer sticking to an itinerary?

Best Text Conversation Starters - Do you prefer to go off the beaten path when you travel?

via: Unsplash / Holly Mandarich

6 Good Morning Text Conversation Starters For Her

Good Morning Text Conversation Starters For Her

via: Unsplash / Road Trip with Raj

Nothing keeps you in a girl’s mind like starting a great conversation with a good morning text for her. Try a few of these to start a tradition that makes you her favorite part of getting up.

26. You just popped into my head and I thought I’d say Hi

This is so casual and cute. I use it all the time.

27. Hey, good morning! I just looked out the window and saw what a beautiful day it was – it made me think of you.

Sweet, a bit flirty, and a great message to wake up to.

28. Rise and shine sunshine! Ready to make the world a better place? You have a way of doing that

Empower her and let her know how you feel all at once.

29. The whole world is ours, so let’s rock it. Good morning!

Tell her you’re a team and you can accomplish anything…together!

The whole world is ours, so let’s rock it. Good morning!

via: Unsplash / Artem Beliaikin

30. Good morning, do you have time to meet me for coffee?

Perhaps the simplest way to get a date right at the start of the day.

31. Good morning, how’s my favorite lady?

Cute, a little romantic, but not too committed.

6 Good Night Text Conversation Starters for Her

Good Night Text Conversation Starters for Her

via: Unsplash / Rui Silvestre

If you and the girl you’re texting are more night owls than early risers, try some text conversation starters designed to be a good night text for her to send her sweet dreams of texting with you.

32. Always end the day with a positive thought and grateful heart. Good Night!

Good advice, and a great way to inspire her.

33. I know that you are busy, but I wanted to tell you to have a good night.

A subtle way to make her think of you without being a bother.

I know that you are busy, but I wanted to tell you to have a good night.

via: Pexels / Andrea Piacquadio

34. I just wanted to wish you a restful night’s sleep after your long day at work. How was work, by the way?

Give her the opening to unburden herself to you.

35. A good night has maybe a movie, some pizza and a couple beers; but do you know what will make it a great night?

Lead her into asking, and then invite her over for that great night.

36. Call me if you can’t sleep and we can talk all night if you want

An invitation you’ll be happy for her to take up.

37. Do you know my favorite reason to lose sleep?

An interesting topic she may spend the whole night chatting about.

7 Flirty Text Conversation Starters for Her

Conversation Starters - Flirty Text Conversation Starters for Her.jpeg

via: Unsplash / Samantha Gades

Texts are great partly because it’s so much easier to flirt for some guys. All you need are the right flirty texts for her, and you don’t have to stress about how to flirt with a girl over text or in person.

All it takes is a few flirty conversation starters. It’s just that easy.

38. I can’t even remember the last time we spoke. We need to change that.

A little coy if you were chatting recently, or a great invitation if it really has been ages.

39. I was going to wait another day or two to text you, but I can’t wait that long to talk to you.

It’s honest, makes her feel special, and starts a great conversation.

40. Stop sending me mixed signals and start sending me memes.

She’ll chuckle and know you like her, and you’ll get some new memes. A win-win.

41. My dog wanted you to know that he misses you.

A cute way to get her attention. Send pictures of the dog.

42. I suck at starting conversations. You want to try?

Put the conversation pressure on her, and get a smile while you do it.

I suck at starting conversations. You want to try?

via: Unsplash / Laurenz Kleinheider

43. You look so good right now. I can’t actually see you, but I assume you look good, because you always do

Sweet, silly, and a great compliment. An unbeatable flirty option for your conversation starters.

44. They say that a picture is worth a thousand words. They were wrong. Whenever I see your pictures, I just think “Wow”

At least chuckle worthy, and sure to make her feel special.

8 Love Text Conversation Starter Messages for Her

Love Text Conversation Starter Messages for Her

via: Pexels / Andrea Piacquadio

When you’re getting serious with a girl, flirting isn’t enough when it comes to conversation starters. You need something stronger. That’s where love messages for her come in. Send these to show just how important she is to you.

48. You’re Attractive, Gorgeous, Sexy, Intelligent, Smart, Charming, Sophisticated, Fit, Kind, and Generous. In fact, you’re becoming more like me everyday!

Flirty, silly, and full of compliments for her.

49. Your smile is literally the cutest thing I’ve ever seen in my life.

Put that perfect smile on her face with this one.

via: Bigstockphotos / deagreez

50. My six word love story: “I can’t imagine life without you.”

Nothing says love like this text.

51. You’re my paradise and I’d happily get stranded on you for a lifetime.

Poetry and romance in a single text.

52. The only time I stupidly smile at my phone is when I get text messages from you.

This one has the benefit of likely being honest.

53. I love all those things you don’t do: you never tried to change me, you never minded my quirky moods, you never laughed when I attempted to be serious, and you never turned away when I needed you most.

A twist on a text classic: tell her all the ways she has proven she’s the best girl out there.

54. You are my happy ending.

She’s like a fairy tale princess, after all.

via: Bigstockphotos / holbox

55. For once I don’t have to try to be happy because when I’m with you it just happens.

Make her happy by telling her how happy she makes you.

6 Text Conversation Starters to Ask a Girl Out Over Text

Text Conversation Starters to Ask a Girl Out Over Text

via: Pexels / Andrea Piacquadio

To take your text relationship to the next level, you’ll need conversation starters that show you how to ask a girl out over text.

Use these to open the door to that relationship you’ve both been circling around.

56. What’s your favorite restaurant or fast food place?

Get the answer and ask her to meet there.

57. Hey, I know these great places where they have (something you know she likes) Let’s go tomorrow!

The perfect transition to a date. Ask her to meet somewhere you know she can’t resist.

58. You are bored? Well, if you play your cards right, I could take you to a great place to have (something she likes) this afternoon.

Flirty and silly, but with a great opportunity to meet up for something she likes to do.

via: Bigstockphotos / JacobLund

59. Hands tired . . . fingers aching . . . all this texting is giving me RSI. Let’s carry this conversation on in person—after work good for you?

Get a giggle and a date from her in one text.

60. You’re ridiculously busy. I’m ridiculously busy. Let’s multi- task and do a study date. Just promise not to distract me

Start with books and move on to more fun activities.

61. You’ve never had Indian food? Well then, we have to get you some.

Start a potential relationship showing her you’ll open up new worlds for her.

7 Text Conversation Starters After She Didn’t Text Back

Text Conversation Starters After She Didn't Text Back

via: Pexels / Vlada Karpovich

The scariest idea when sending conversation starter is the panic you know you’ll feel if she didn’t text back.

There’s no need to panic, though, just throw out one of these texts to restart the conversation.

62. Wow! You’re playing hard to get already? Aren’t we moving a little too fast lady? We haven’t even dated yet!

Acknowledge the missed text in a fun way.

via: DepositPhotos / Khakimullin

63. I have to tell you a little secret: even my grandmother types a text message faster than YOU do.

Another one to make her smile at her failure to respond.

64. You seem to be busy right now, so I’ll leave you alone so you can do your thing!

A sweeter way to remind her you’re still waiting for a response.

65. Have you googled me yet?

She may just do it now.

66. Hey, I passed by that pizza place you were telling me about and thought of you. How are you? Up for a slice of pepperoni soon?

Turn the radio silence around and turn it into a date.

67. Oh so you fainted from excitement of getting a text from me? Totally understandable. Text me when you wake up.

A great way to move on from a good night text that she didn’t respond to.

via: DepositPhotos / sergio_pulp

68. I bet you’re having an awesome day.My day can beat up your day.

Now she’s curious.

12 Funny Text Conversation Starters

Funny Text Conversation Starters.jpg

via: Unsplash / Austin Distel

It’s almost always great to start a conversation with a laugh! Whether it’s over text or in person, a sense of humor can really help let your guard down.

Next time you want to text her, break out one of these funny conversation starters! Expect a text back right away — these are too interesting to resist. 

69. There’s a spider in my apartment. Will you come over and get rid of it, or do you also have an irrational fear of bugs?

Sometimes it’s easier to be brave in front of others.

70. What’s your go-to video or gif for a laugh?

I love those bad lip reading videos.

71. What song has the best intro?

Are they good at knowing music from the first chords?

72. How many questions can you answer in just pictures?

Time to put those emojis to good use!

How many questions can you answer in just pictures?.jpg

via: Unsplash / Markus Winkler

73. What app on your phone do you think I should get?

Which is the best time waster?

74. What’s the best photo you’ve taken? Can I see it?

Maybe one of them and one of something else.

75. Did accidentally sent a text to your parents that is something private?

What happened?

76. In your opinion, what’s the world’s most incredible job?

Would they do it without pay?

77. If you had the ability to break a world record what would it be?

Do they really want to be in that record book?

If you had the ability to break a world record what would it be?.jpg

via: Unsplash / Marcel Heil

78. What’s the most bizarre thing you have ever eaten?

Would they eat it again?

79. Do you have a signature dance move that was posted on Tiktok?

Is it the floss, or something else?

80. If you were in a circus, what would your job be?

The Greatest Showman gave us all the ideas.

13 Deep Text Conversation Starters

Deep Text Conversation Starters.jpg

via: Unsplash / Sarah Brown

Bored at night and want more than just a recall of the day? These deep conversation starters will get a meaningful talk started that may very well last until the wee hours.

Remember, if you’re going to ask, you have to answer! Make sure you are ready to put the work in when you ask a deep question. 

81. Do you keep in touch with your childhood friends?

Which ones made it this long?

82. What is your favorite item of clothing and why is it your favorite?

Do they have more than one of them?

What is your favorite item of clothing and why is it your favorite?

via: Unsplash / Sarah Brown

83. What is the most adventurous thing you have ever done?

Did they need someone to help them get it done?

84. Have you ever had the opportunity to help someone?

Do they remember the details?

What would they want to replicate for their kids?

Has it changed as they’ve gotten older?

Or maybe they prefer private islands.

Do you like small towns or big cities?.jpg

via: Unsplash / Chris Ried

85. What do you think determines happiness?

Can they be happy no matter the circumstances?

86. Do you fear change?

How do they manage anxiety around it?

87. Is there a relationship that you look up to?

What do they love about it?

88. Do you believe in other dimensions or parallel universes?

What is happening in the other timelines?

89. Do you believe in Déjà vu or synchronicity? Have you ever experienced it?

Is it real, or just our brain malfunctioning?

Do you believe in Déjà vu or synchronicity? Have you ever experienced it?.jpg

via: Pexels / Carlo Aguada

90. Do you think we create our own destiny?

Can we remake our paths to suit us?

12 Text Conversation Starters with Your Crush

Text Conversation Starters with Your Crush.jpg

via: Unsplash / K X I T H V I S U A L S

If you’re looking for a smooth way to get an exchange going, try out some conversation starters with your crush that are sure to get them interested. 

More than just, «how you doin’?», these questions will have them wanting to tell you been more about themselves, and finding out about you as well.

91. What do you have planned this weekend?

Can you talk along?

92. What are you currently binge-watching?

What do they love about it?

93. I’m trying to pick a movie to watch and I’m curious: Is Parasite as good as everyone says?

Maybe yall can watch it together?

94. Do you prefer coffee or tea, and why?

Can they take you to their favorite shop?

Do you prefer coffee or tea, and why?.jpg

via: Unsplash / Harry Cunningham

95. Will you send me the best meme you’ve seen today? I need a good laugh.

Laughter is the best medicine.

96. What’s an emoji that sums up your day so far?

This seems like a great daily question!

97. What do you never leave your house without?

Is it chapstick? We all need chapstick.

98. What are some favorites on your playlist right now?

How often do they mix it up?

99. What is your favorite fast food?

Let’s go grab some!

What is your favorite fast food?.jpg

via: Pexels / Caleb Oquendo

100. What talent do you have that people think is awesome?

Can you get an in person example?

101. What would make you stay up late at night?

Would you be bitter about it the next day?

102. Are you someone who likes to text people or call people?

Or are they more of an emailer?

Downloadable and Printable List of Text Conversation Starters

Here is a downloadable and printable list in jpg/pdf of text conversation starters (right-click the image and select Save Image As…):

Downloadable and Printable list of Text Conversation Starters as jpg/pdf

via: Mantelligence

How to Use Text Conversation Starters

How to Use Text Conversation Starters

via: Unsplash / Maliha Mannan

Now you have your conversation starters all lined up, it’s time to actually do some texting. Just follow these 5 steps to ensure a successful conversation.

1. Get Her Number

Get Her Number

via: Unsplash / Shawn Fields

You have to start with the obvious. You need her number. If she’s handing that out to you, you already know she wants to hear from you, which means you’re on the right track.

2.: Use What You Know About Her and Trust Your Instincts

Use What You Know About Her and Trust Your Instincts

via: Unsplash / Isaac Viglione

Choosing the right text conversation starter all comes down to building on what you know and trusting yourself. If she’s sporty, choose something in that category. If not, avoid it.

Work with what she has told you about herself and then make a call. You’ll find you’re usually right.

3. Choose the Right Time

text conversation starters - choose the right time (1)

via: Unsplash / Rachael Crowe

Texting her right before a big test is a great way to waste the perfect text. Choose a time when she’s likely to be available and eager for some text-based distraction.

4. Text Away

Text Away

via: Unsplash / Hannah Busing

To get the conversation going, you’ve got to press «Send.» Don’t put it off. You’ve done the hard work choosing the conversation starter. Now use it.

5. Keep Extra Conversation Starters Close at Hand

Keep Extra Conversation Starters Close at Hand

via: Unsplash / Tim Tebow Foundation

You may or may not need more conversation starters, but it’s always good to have them ready. If she doesn’t respond right away or if the conversation lags, pick out another one and try your luck again.

How To Start A Text Conversation Again After She Didn’t Text Back

she didnt text back

via: Unsplash / Campbell Boulanger

What do you do if you sent out a great conversation starter over text and she didn’t text back?

First things first, don’t panic. There may be all kinds of reasons she didn’t respond, and most have nothing to do with you.

Give her a little time to respond if she’s going to. If not, head back to the drawing board, think about what she might not have liked in your last message, and send her a text that moves in a different direction.

More Ways On How To Talk To Girls

There’s plenty more to learn about how to communicate with girls beyond sending some text conversation starters. Become a conversation expert with these topics:

  1. Use compliments for girls to make her feel special when she talks to you.
  2. Find some things to talk about with a girl to keep the conversation fresh in person and in text.
  3. Make the feelings reciprocal with your excellent conversation by working on things to say to a girl you like to keep her interested.
  4. Avoid messing up a potentially good thing by learning how to tell if a girl likes you over text.

In Conclusion

To harness the power of the text for your potential relationships, you first need to figure out how to text a girl by working with top-notch conversation starters.

With the conversation starters listed above, you’ll always know what to text a girl and how to start a text conversation with a girl.

Once you’re texting away, the path to how to get a girlfriend will start to open up. So start texting, and get that little closer to your goal.

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