Word for 2 faced person

Well, unfortunately, they’re usually just called «a two-faced person», and most other words dealing with it are adjectives that in noun form simply refer to the abstract quality of the adjective (a -ness noun, e.g. «deceitfulness») rather than one who has the quality of the adjective. Let’s see what I can come up with though.

«Double-dealer» — One who says one thing and does another, or one who does two things which are diametrically opposed to one another (such as selling weapons to both sides in a war, playing both sides against the middle)

«Fake» — usually slang in this context, one who acts one way but thinks something else. Like someone who pretends to be your friend to your face, but talks about you behind your back

«Sociopath» — Sociopaths usually display an overt duality of personality, one which acts as a front to cover for their real (completely unemotional and ruthless) personality. Hence, you get Sociopathic serial killers who live completely normal lives while nobody suspects that they’re torturing people to death in their spare time. However, this refers to an actual medical condition, but it’s not uncommon to use.

«Traitor» — One who betrays.

«Turncoat» — A traitor who switches sides, principles, etc.

«Deceiver» — One who deceives.

That’s all I can think of right now.

Table of Contents

  1. What is the opposite of doubling?
  2. What is the opposite of a double negative?
  3. What is the antonym of double faced?
  4. What is another word for 2 face?
  5. Is being two faced bad?
  6. How do you deal with a two faced manager?
  7. Why does my boss give me anxiety?
  8. How do you ruin your boss?
  9. What to do when your boss hurts your feelings?
  10. Is it OK to tell your boss how you feel?
  11. What to do when your boss is trying to discredit you?
  12. How do you know your boss is trying to get rid of you?
  13. How do you stand up to your boss without getting fired?
  14. How do I tell my boss I don’t yell at me?
  15. Should you tell your boss you’re frustrated?

adjective. 1’she’s nothing but a two-faced liar’ deceitful, insincere, double-dealing, hypocritical, back-stabbing, false, untrustworthy, duplicitous, Janus-faced, deceiving, dissembling, dishonest. disloyal, treacherous, perfidious, faithless. lying, untruthful, mendacious.

What is the opposite of doubling?

What is the opposite of doubling?

abridging compressing
condensing curtailing
decreasing diminishing
dividing halving
lessening reducing

What is the opposite of a double negative?

There are no categorical antonyms for double negative. The noun double negative is defined as: A phrase in which there are two negative words or their compounds (e.g. no, not, never, none, etc), occasionally leading to ambiguity in the meaning, but necessary in some foreign languages.

What is the antonym of double faced?

What is the opposite of double-faced?

artless candid
ardent cordial
fervent profound
wholehearted deep
unaffected devout

What is another word for 2 face?

Find another word for two-faced. In this page you can discover 39 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for two-faced, like: deceitful, duplicitous, dishonest, fake, devious, double-faced, insincere, double-dealing, pecksniffian, phony and slippery.

Is being two faced bad?

Originally Answered: What is the benefit of being two-faced? There no benefits, unless, of course, you do not mind being regarded as a hypocrite by people you interact with. It is a dangerous game to be two-faced and you will always be exposed for your lack of integrity and your dishonesty.

How do you deal with a two faced manager?

Working With A Two-Faced Boss: What To Do (Or Avoid Doing)

  1. Do Try To Maintain A Decent – But Distant – Relationship.
  2. Don’t Take Your Boss’ Words Or Actions At Face Value.
  3. Do Develop Trust With Coworkers.
  4. Don’t Engage In Any Gossip With Your Boss.
  5. Do Keep Clear Records When Possible.
  6. Don’t Live In Fear: Stand Your Ground.

Why does my boss give me anxiety?

Chronic stress that can result when someone must deal daily with a bad boss has been linked to high blood pressure, sleep problems and anxiety and is also associated with several unhealthy behaviors such as smoking, excessive use of alcohol and overeating.

How do you ruin your boss?

8 Savvy Ways to Outsmart Your Jerk Boss

  1. Learn the difference between a difficult boss and a bully.
  2. Know if you’re a typical target.
  3. Then make yourself bully-proof.
  4. Rally your coworkers’ support.
  5. Expose his or her bad side.
  6. Don’t go to HR.
  7. Instead, complain upwards.
  8. Get emotional support so you can quit.

What to do when your boss hurts your feelings?

Allow your boss to respond without defending yourself. Let your boss have an emotional reaction. Stay calm and patient….Follow these steps for your conversation:

  1. Briefly state what happened in your view.
  2. State the impact the event had on you.
  3. Ask for what you need.

Is it OK to tell your boss how you feel?

It’s okay to tell your superiors about your dissatisfaction with certain issues, as long as it’s done properly. Diplomacy is crucial for addressing workplace tensions, and this is especially true if a particular situation involves your boss or another superior.

What to do when your boss is trying to discredit you?

Remind him of positive examples of your work and the contributions you provide to your team. Let your boss know that you want him to stop bullying you and trying to discredit you, and that if he does not stop you will take your concerns to his supervisor or the human resources department.

How do you know your boss is trying to get rid of you?

10 Signs Your Boss Wants You to Quit

  1. You don’t get new, different or challenging assignments anymore.
  2. You don’t receive support for your professional growth.
  3. Your boss avoids you.
  4. Your daily tasks are micromanaged.
  5. You’re excluded from meetings and conversations.
  6. Your benefits or job title changed.

How do you stand up to your boss without getting fired?

How To Stand Up To Your Boss (Without Getting Fired)

  1. Arrange a private meeting. Grabbing a quick word or catching your boss at the end of a meeting is not the right setting for a serious and potentially confrontational chat.
  2. Be clear.
  3. Watch your language.
  4. Come with a solution.
  5. Don’t poison the well.

How do I tell my boss I don’t yell at me?

Here are some suggestions for ways to react and what you can say when your boss is yelling at you:

  1. Ask To Schedule A Private Meeting.
  2. Explain Yourself. Again, remain calm, but speak up.
  3. Own Up To Your Mistakes. Don’t make excuses.
  4. Offer A Solution.
  5. Never Yell Back.
  6. Always Follow Up.

Should you tell your boss you’re frustrated?

Approaching your boss to voice your concerns is never easy, and you might worry that speaking out will hurt your standing in the company. However, sharing your frustrations can be a positive experience that leads to improvement – so long as you handle yourself professionally and appropriately.

In this page you can discover 22 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for two, like: twin, dual, binary, both, double, bifid, two-of-a-kind, brace, couple, pair and brace.

Herein, what is a two sided person?

The definition of twofaced is someone who is insincere or who acts one way in certain situations and then in a contrary manner in others. An example of someone who would be described as twofaced is a person who pretends to be your friend and then starts calling you names as soon as you leave the room.

Similarly, what does it mean to be two sided?

adj capable of being reversed or used with either side out

Synonyms: reversible double-faced. (of fabrics) having faces on both sides. Antonyms: nonreversible, one-sided. not reversible or capable of having either side out.

What is it called when you have no choice?

Hobson’s Choice: When There Is Really No Choice at All. One of these expressions is Hobson’s choice. It often is used to describe a difficult choice. But that is not what it really means. Its real meaning is to have no choice at all.

What can I say instead of I Am?

For conditions, such as “I am hungry,” or “I am uncertain,” “I am” or its contraction “I’m” is usually clearest, unless you wish for some reason to wander into roundabout constructions such as “dogged by uncertainty” or “in the throes of hunger.” You could write, “I get discouraged,” “I feel hungry,” or “I grow anxious

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Asked by: Miss Cheyenne Koelpin MD

Score: 4.8/5
(26 votes)

: not honest or sincere : saying different things to different people in order to get their approval instead of speaking and behaving honestly. See the full definition for two-faced in the English Language Learners Dictionary. two-faced. adjective.

What does two-faced mean slang?

/ˌtuːˈfeɪst/ Someone who is two-faced is not sincere, saying unpleasant things about you to other people while seeming to be pleasant when they are with you: I don’t trust her — I suspect she’s a bit two-faced. Synonym.

What do you call someone that is two-faced?

deceitful, insincere, double-dealing, hypocritical, back-stabbing, false, untrustworthy, duplicitous, Janus-faced, deceiving, dissembling, dishonest. disloyal, treacherous, perfidious, faithless.

What does Faced mean in slang?

As a slang term, face has many senses. It can be a shortened form of the common retort, in your face! It can also refer to oral sex, or consuming something (like food or weed) quickly.

What does the :$ face mean?

Summary of Key Points. «Embarrassed» is the most common definition for :$ on Snapchat, WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok. :$ Definition: Embarrassed.

25 related questions found

What do you call a deceiving person?

deceitful Add to list Share. … Then you’re deceitful — someone who’s untrustworthy, two-faced, or fraudulent. Being called deceitful is not a compliment: deceitful words are misleading and deceitful people tend to lie or deceive others. You can say a corrupt business is deceitful, and a two-faced politician is deceitful.

What do you call someone pretending to be someone else?

An imposter is a person who pretends to be someone else.

Is two-faced a character trait?

As you know, the adjective «two-faced» describes someone who may have a wonderful personality but a very bad character. a. For example: A co-worker who is always smiling, laughing, and complimenting you.

What is a two-faced person like?

The definition of two-faced is someone who is insincere or who acts one way in certain situations and then in a contrary manner in others. An example of someone who would be described as two-faced is a person who pretends to be your friend and then starts calling you names as soon as you leave the room. adjective.

Is two-faced an idiom?

The idiom ‘two-faced’ is used as a description for someone who appears as two different people, two versions of themselves, often in a deceitful way….

How do you confront a two-faced person?

11 Ways To Deal With Two-Faced People

  1. Take stock of who you can trust. 25.media.tumblr.com. …
  2. Put your faith where it belongs. media.giphy.com. …
  3. Limit your interactions. …
  4. Keep your guard up. …
  5. Don’t forget to stay positive. …
  6. Let your actions speak for themselves. …
  7. Avoid stooping to their level. …
  8. Try not to take their words to heart.

What is the 4 personality types?

The four temperament theory is a proto-psychological theory which suggests that there are four fundamental personality types: sanguine, choleric, melancholic, and phlegmatic.

What is the similar word of extremely bad in the text?

Horrible is popularly used to mean extremely bad—awful, dreadful, or horrendous.

Is it illegal to pretend to be someone on social media?

Whether it’s an email account or a social media profile, Duque says it’s not illegal to impersonate someone online although it could result in a civil lawsuit. However, if that online account is used to make threats to others, it’s possible criminal charges could be filed against the impersonator.

What is it called when someone pretends to not care?

The pathological personality of a narcissist manifests itself in his pretense of not caring for someone, particularly a person who ceases to be an instrument of the narcissist’s self-gratification.

What’s the word for someone who believes their own lies?

A pathological liar tells lies and stories that fall somewhere between conscious lying and delusion. They sometimes believe their own lies. It’s difficult to know how to deal with a pathological liar who may not always be conscious of their lying.

What is a sneaky person called?

In this page you can discover 46 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for sneaky, like: devious, sly, surreptitious, tricky, clandestine, deceitful, two-faced, conniving, dishonest, underhanded and stealthy.

What is a better word for evil?


1 sinful, iniquitous, depraved, vicious, corrupt, base, vile, nefarious. 2 pernicious, destructive. 6 wickedness, depravity, iniquity, unrighteousness, corruption, baseness. 9 disaster, calamity, woe, misery, suffering, sorrow.

What is the rarest personality type?

Of the 16 possible outcomes, the INFJ personality type — which stands for introversion, intuition, feeling, and judging — is the rarest, accounting for only 1.5% of the population, according to data from the Myers & Briggs Foundation.

What is personality type C?

People with the C personality type tend to be objective, skeptical, and logical in their behavior. They are usually fiercely pragmatic and frequently solve problems with an analytical, fact-driven approach. They are likely to be more reserved in groups and may take a long time before they build enough trust to open up.

What’s a phlegmatic person?

not easily excited to action or display of emotion; apathetic; sluggish. self-possessed, calm, or composed. of the nature of or abounding in the humor phlegm.

How do you deal with a two faced sister in law?

How To Deal With A Two Faced Sister In Law

  1. #1. Always Be Nice.
  2. #2. Try To Understand Where The Attitude Is Coming From.
  3. #3. Don’t Try And Explain Yourself To Them.
  4. #4. Try To Ignore It.
  5. #5. Talk To Your Partner.
  6. #6. Sit Down For An Adult Conversation.
  7. #7. Set Boundaries.
  8. #8. Focus On The Solution, Not The Problem.

How do you deal with a two faced boss?

Working With A Two-Faced Boss: What To Do (Or Avoid Doing)

  1. Do Try To Maintain A Decent – But Distant – Relationship. …
  2. Don’t Take Your Boss’ Words Or Actions At Face Value. …
  3. Do Develop Trust With Coworkers. …
  4. Don’t Engage In Any Gossip With Your Boss. …
  5. Do Keep Clear Records When Possible. …
  6. Don’t Live In Fear: Stand Your Ground.

How do you deal with a double faced mother in law?

15 Ways To Deal With A Manipulative Mother-In-Law

  1. Make an effort to understand her. …
  2. Reassure her as much as possible. …
  3. Do not get your husband involved. …
  4. Communicate with your mother-in-law on a daily basis. …
  5. Act in a mature manner. …
  6. Behave smartly when things fail to work out. …
  7. Ask for your mother-in-law’s advice.

Table of Contents

  1. Is Prudency a word?
  2. How do you describe someone who has been through alot?
  3. What is another word for gone through?
  4. How do you describe hardships?
  5. What’s the opposite of Tenacious?
  6. What is the meaning of unshakable?

(adjective) in the sense of hypocritical. deceitful or hypocritical. He had been devious and twofaced. Synonyms. hypocritical.

Is Prudency a word?

noun. Prudence; discretion, circumspection, caution.

How do you describe someone who has been through alot?

Someone who endures hardships over a long period of time is long-suffering. If an adjective will do, you might say that that person is beleaguered.

What is another word for gone through?

What is another word for gone through?

seen undergone
encountered experienced
been through endured
realisedUK suffered
sustained tasted

How do you describe hardships?

a condition that is difficult to endure; suffering; deprivation; oppression: a life of hardship. an instance or cause of this; something hard to bear, as a deprivation, lack of comfort, or constant toil or danger: They faced bravely the many hardships of frontier life.

What’s the opposite of Tenacious?

tenacious. Antonyms: irretentive, inadhesive, pliant, yielding, liberal, prodigal, bountiful. Synonyms: retentive, adhesive, obstinate, pertinacious, stubborn, jealous, chary.

What is the meaning of unshakable?

: not possible to weaken or get rid of : not able to be shaken an unshakable habit unshakable determination/opposition.

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