Word for 100 000 years

No, there is no more commonly used word for a period of 10000 years. But I would also advise against using myriaannum; it does not look especially well-formed to me as a classical compound (it combines Greek myria- and Latin annum), and the prefix «myria-» seems to be obsolete in scientific compounds (like mega-annum). In my opinion, it’s best to just go with

The Old Man of the Mountain was formed ten millenia ago by glaciers.

Your question, and vickyace’s answer, both mention the Greek root myria— which was used with the meaning «ten thousand.» But I cannot find any English word derived from this (aside from the aforementioned myriaannum) with the specific meaning «a period of ten thousand years.»

I found a Math Forum thread about this topic: Year 10,000? There were lots of miscellaneous suggestions for neologisms of unclear validity, but among these I found the following interesting information in a post by Patrick T. Wahl:

The Greek word «myrioi» for 10,000 is the source of «myrietes» and
«myrieteris,» which mean «a period of 10,000 years.» Similarly, there
is «chilieteris,» a period of 1,000 years, which uses the «chili-»
prefix that became our «kilo-.» By the way, there’s a very long word
for a myriad of myriads = 10^8 in Greek. Nothing like these spellings
seems to have entered English.

Classical Latin seems to have had a wealth of «-ennium» words,
including some that I didn’t suspect ( like triennium, tricennium,
tricentennium for periods of 3, 30 and 300 years respectively.) The
word «millenium» is the biggest I found. It appears that a modifier
got stuck on the front if there was more than a thousand of anything.
Something like «decei millenii» for ten millenia seems to be what they
used. […]

Consulting the Oxford English Dictionary, I found no word for «10,000
years» that survived into English. ( Particularly NOT «myriennium» or
«myriayore»: those are not in the O.E.D. ) I was surprised to find the
Greek «chili-» word above as the English word «chiliad.» It means «a
group of 1000,» but also «1000 years.» Might «myriad» have the
alternate meaning, too? Only a scholar can say, and the O.E.D. gave no
citation for such a use.

The entry for μυριετής myrietḗs in Liddell, Scott, and Jones’ Greek-English Lexicon confirms that it was used to refer to 10,000-year periods. It seems to have been an adjective rather than a noun.

We can give names to certain lengths of time when we write about them to make things easier. Most people already know about decades, centuries, and millenniums, but did you know more words can be used? This article will help you understand them.

“Decade” is ten years, “century” is one hundred, and “millennium” is one thousand. After that, we can use words like Epoch for one million years and “Aeon” for one billion years. There aren’t many official words for other year types like 10,000 years, but we do have some unofficial variations.

“Decade”, “Century”, “Millennium”

Typically, official counting after millenniums is not possible. Nevertheless, we have some great words that work well with increasing values:

Decade  Ten years
Century  One hundred years
Millennium  One thousand years
Decem millennium  Ten thousand years
Centum millennium  One-hundred thousand years
Mega-annum or Epoch  One million years
Aeon  One billion years

How Many Years Is A “Decade”?

A decade is ten years in length. It’s one of the most common ways to reference ten-year periods, and we can use it to show that a certain amount of time has passed.

The definition of “decade,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “a period of ten years, especially a period such as 2010 to 2019.”

You might be familiar with common phrases like “the 90s decade” or “the 00s decade.” These all work well to show that a period of ten years has taken place.

  • It’s been a decade since we last saw each other.
  • I was a kid in the 70s decade, and I loved every second of it.
  • This decade is a joke! We need to move on to the next one!

How Many Years Is A “Century”?

A century is one hundred years. We use it whenever one hundred years have passed (i.e. from 2000 to 2100). It’s common to use this in history books to reference certain times when wars took place.

The definition of “century,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “a period of 100 years.”

In most cases, we say the century that’s one above what you might expect. Since the years started at 0, the years 0-100 were known as the 1st century. Similarly, the current year is part of the 21st century (even though it’s only 2022).

  • The 21st century has been a nightmare.
  • I wish I was around in the 17th century.
  • This isn’t the 18th century anymore. We have more power now!

How Many Years Is A “Millennium”?

A millennium is one thousand years. We are technically in the third millennium in time, but it’s rare for time to be spoken about in this way.

The definition of “millennium,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “a period of 1,000 years, or the time when a period of 1,000 years ends.”

Millennium is much less common than a decade or century, but we still have a specific meaning associated with it.

  • It’s been an interesting millennium, and the history books definitely show that!
  • This millennium is going to be the most innovative one yet!

What Is A Period Of 10,000 Years Called?

If you follow the same Latin words are trends, then 10,000 years would be called the Decem millennium. While this is not the official name, it makes sense to refer to it in this way since we use Latin words to demonstrate every other type of year.

What Is A Period Of 100,000 Years Called?

Likewise, we can use Latin phrases to come up with the Centum millennium for 100,000 years. Again, it’s uncommon to see it used in any way since most people would rather use “one hundred thousand years” over the Latin form.

What Is A Period Of 1,000,000,000 Years Called?

One billion years is called an Aeon. It’s a well-known phrase that is used in certain scientific books or fantasy novels and games. While it’s not common to talk about one billion years in most contexts, we can attribute “Aeon” to the amount of time if needed.

What Are 20 Years Called?

A period of 20 years is known as a vicennial. However, this is not a common phrase, and many native speakers don’t know about it. Instead, most people simply use “two decades” to refer to a period of twenty years.

What Is Every 30 Years Called?

“Tricennial” is the correct term for 30 years. Again, this is not common, and many native speakers don’t know about the Latin form. Instead, they would simply use “three decades” if they wanted to talk about this period of time.

What Is A Period Of 50 Years Called?

You might be noticing a pattern here, and 50 years tend to follow the same idea.

Technically, 50 years is known as a semi-centennial. This refers to fifty years of time but is a Latin form that many native speakers don’t know about. Instead, they would either say “five decades” or “half a century.”

What Do You Call 100 Years?

100 years is a simple one. We use “century” to refer to it. Since it doesn’t use Latin forms in obvious ways, native speakers are familiar and comfortable with this form.

You’ll often hear people using “century” whenever they’re talking about 100 years. It’s best to remember it whenever you need to use it.

Is There A Word For 1 Million Years?

There is also a word for 1 million years that we haven’t touched on yet.

You can call 1 million years an Epoch or a mega-annum. “Mega-annum” works best if you want to stay true to the Latin form that includes the “mega-” prefix and “annum” (meaning year). “Epoch” is better if you’re using it scientifically or in a fantasy novel set.

What Is A Half Decade Called?

Finally, a half-decade is known as a quinquennial.

You might think this sounds a bit strange, and that opinion is shared by most native speakers. Therefore, it’s not a common form, and most people stick to the more simple term of “five years” or “half decade.”

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

“Ding! Is the host signed in?”

“Signed in.”

“Ding! Congratulations to the host for signing in for 100,000 years. 5,256 million check-ins, and now with Perfection, the check-in space has begun to be unlocked, and the countdown is 10 minutes…”

In a deep space.

Ye Yun, who exists as Primordial Physique, suddenly heard the voice of system, and his numb soul was finally infused with a touch of life.

100,000 years!

He can finally go out!

In this mysterious space of all black, no daylight.

Sign in every ten minutes, and sign in for 100,000 years.

Ye Yun waits silently…

He doesn’t know what world is outside 100,000 years later.

Is Divine Dragon Sect stronger or more lonely?


The ruins of Divine Dragon Sect.


“Master, I finally let your old man settle down!”

“On the way to transport your ashes, the three of us, Senior Sister and Junior Brother, were chased and killed. In order to cover us, Big Senior Sister is still alive and dead…”

“I guess…mostly it was dead…”

“Little Junior Brother, I was arrested on the way. I went…”

“Now the entire Divine Dragon Sect, I am the only one left…”

“Master, although you passed Sect Lord’s Position before you died I gave it to me, but I’m afraid…I can’t inherit your last wish.”

“After making arrangements for your old man, I will also leave my hometown and stay incognito, and never show my face again… “

“Master, don’t blame me, I can’t hold on by myself…”

In front of a brand new grave.

An unkempt girl wearing a daoist robe, knelt on the ground and burned for 5 minutes, her dusty face was full of sadness.

The girl is about sixteen or seventeen years old. There are many holes in her robe, revealing her shining and snowy skin, and some places are filled with dark red blood stains, which is very horrible to see.

I babbled in front of the grave and said what was in my heart.

The boulder in the girl’s heart seemed to fall to the ground.

The whole person’s expression is much more relaxed.

Luo Li stood up and looked all around.

I saw her within the valley, densely packed with nearly 300 graves.

She should have been buried here after she died.

But now, she decided to disband Divine Dragon Sect.

So after death, I am destined to miss this place.

Although Divine Dragon Sect is a rateless little sect, it has a long inheritance. Every Sect Master must enter this valley after death.

In front of those densely packed graves, there are stone tablets. Some stone tablets are extremely old. If time is calculated, they are at least 100,000 years old.

“Ai, my Divine Dragon Sect is said to be the eternal sect Great Sect of the cream of the crop, didn’t expect, but now it has fallen to…”

Luo Li sighed , Her dark little face, wrinkled, her expression depressed.

As a fallen Sect Master, Luo Li is just Qi Gathering Realm 8-Layer.

It is the weakest Sect Master ever.

Following Master cultivation these years, several of them have either been hiding in Tibet, or trying to flee for their lives under the chase of their enemies.

Where is there time for cultivation.

So Luo Li’s cultivation base is pitifully weak.

It is said that their Divine Dragon Sect 250th generation Sect Master once offended a big power.

From then on.

Divine Dragon Sect, generations of disciplines, have embarked on the road of escape.


Divine Dragon Sect has lasted for nearly fifty generations, and passed to Luo Li. It is already the 298th generation of Sect Master.

Recall the sad past.

Luo Li’s face became even more sad, and he sighed silently.

Perhaps with the Divine Dragon bloodline, the successor of Divine Dragon Sect has a strong belief. Generations of Sect Masters have survived in the cracks, avoiding waves of enemies.

It’s been a long time.

Divine Dragon Sect is getting weaker and weaker. In the Luo Li Master this generation, several decades, only three disciplines have been received.

And her Master is just the cultivator of Origin Sea Realm.

“Ai, the past is unbearable…”

Luo Li’s sad gaze swept across several ancient graves in the depths, and suddenly said to himself: “Forget it, anyway. Never come again, let’s give Sect Old Ancestor the last 5 minutes!”

After speaking.

Luo Li took a bundle of incense and walked to the first row of graves in the depths.


Starting from the first grave, Sect Founder, the incense is on, Luo Li said nothing, with a small black face covered with dust, with a solemn expression.

At the 13th tomb.

Luo Li glanced at the ancient stone tablet in front of the grave. In the long and narrow phoenix eyes, his eyes suddenly changed like Celestial Phenomenon in the rainy season.

“Is this, the most powerful Old Ancestor in Divine Dragon Sect’s history? It is said that arrogant and domineering offended many people, even Bing Phoenix Sect Saintess, dare to molest him! I was so angry and bitter that I finally only became a Sect Master for six years, so I abdicated and let the virtuous…”

Speaking of which.

Luo Li’s plump lips curled up, and he let out a sneer: “hmph! It can be called the shortest-lived Sect Master of Divine Dragon Sect!”

Although he feels good in his heart.

Luo Li is still on for 5 minutes. In any case, the 13th-generation Sect Master has led Divine Dragon Sect to achieve the most brilliant results.

It is worth her 5 minutes for this Old Ancestor.

For the previous 12 Old Ancestors, Luo Li knocked his head every 5 minutes.

But facing this 13th-generation Sect Master, she did not kowtow.

Stand straight.

“Old Ancestor, if it weren’t for you to be too arrogant and forge that many enemies, how could the Divine Dragon Sect in the back quickly decline?”

“And you, it’s said that Cultivation deviation, straight up your pigtails! Let many of your enemies at that time clap their hands one by one, saying that we Divine Dragon Sect have done all the bad things and deserved the sin…”

After the grievances.

Luo Li muttered and turned around, preparing to go to the 14th grave to offer incense.

Suddenly the soil loosened, and there was a sparse sound.

Looking at the turbulent soil, Luo Li was shocked, a look of fear suddenly appeared on his face.

You cheated the corpse?

Old Ancestor alive?

Crawled out of the coffin?

Luo Li was shaking like chaff, she was scared to death at this moment.

An Old Ancestor who has been dead for 100,000 years, can she still crawl out of the coffin when she sneered at it?

A piece of white bone hand suddenly stretched out from the mound.


The head of the grave exploded suddenly!

A white skeleton jumped high and landed in front of Luo Li.

“Mom, ghost!”

Luo Li was so scared that he sat on the ground, his eyes rolled white, and he almost didn’t urinate.

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What is the scientific name for 100 years?

A century is a period of 100 years.

What is the word of 100th?

the ordinal number of one hundred in counting order. synonyms: centesimal hundredth ordinal.

What is the another name of century?

In this page you can discover 17 synonyms antonyms idiomatic expressions and related words for century like: 100 years centennial centurial era age centenary hundred time cenury years and one-c.

What is 100th anniversary?

A centennial or centenary in British English is a 100th anniversary or otherwise relates to a century a period of 100 years.

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What does it mean to be 100 years old?

A centenarian is a person who has reached the age of 100 years. Because life expectancies worldwide are below 100 years the term is invariably associated with longevity. In 2012 the United Nations estimated that there were 316 600 living centenarians worldwide.

What does 100% refer to?

The 100 emoji is used in digital communication to express or emphasize achievement support approval and motivation. It also generally means “absolutely” or “keep it 100” (keep it real). Related words: keep it 100.

Is a 100 year old person old?

A person who is 100 years old or older is a centenarian. … Meanwhile here are some other words for people who are not quite as old as centenarians: a person who is between 70 and 79 years old is a septuagenarian. a person who is between 80 and 89 years old is an octogenarian.

What word means 1000 years?

Since in Latin mille means “thousand” a millennium lasts 1 000 years. Thus we’re living today at the beginning of the third millennium since the birth of Christ.

What is the synonym of years?

golden age. golden years. infirmity. latter part of animate life. longevity.

What is a word for a long time?

What is another word for long-time?

many years ages
very long time years
years on end yonks
forever eternity
eonUS age

What’s a synonym for decade?

a period of 10 years. Synonyms: decennium ten decennary tenner. ten 10 X tenner decadenoun.

What is 100 year jubilee called?

Latin-derived numerical names

Anniversary Latin-derived term
100 years Centennial / Centenary
125 years Quasquicentennial
150 years Sesquicentennial
175 years Dodransbicentennial

What Stone represents 100 years?

Gemstones or Precious Metal by Anniversary

Gemstone or Precious Metal
85 Years Diamond & Sapphire
90 Years Diamond & Emerald
95 Years Diamond & Ruby
100 Years 10k Diamond

What color is 100th anniversary?

Although there are standard colors for every anniversary year up to the 25th and colors for every five years to the 75th anniversary there are few conventions for reaching the 100-year milestone. Although purple tends to be the most commonly used color the choice is up to you.

What do you call someone who is between 90 and 100 years old?

A person between 90 and 99 is called a nonagenarian. A person between 100 and 109 is called a centenarian. A person 110 years old or older is called a supercentenarian.

Does Centurion mean 100?

The definition of a centurion is a leader of 60 to 100 soldiers in the ancient Roman army. The leader of 80 soldiers in the Roman army in 100 BC is an example of a centurion.

How many 100 year olds are there?

There are now more than half a million people aged 100 or older around the world.

What does this emoji mean ??

? Meaning – Hundred Points Emoji

See also what is the moho layer

? 100 Emoji indicates a perfect score of 100 out of 100 shorthand for 100%. This symbol is displayed as a red number 100 underlined twice. Essentially this emoji means “keep it a hundred” (%) basically it’s another way of saying «keep it real» «great job» or «well done».

How do you become a centenarian?

How to Become a Centenarian

  1. Have one drink per day to de-stress. …
  2. Take brewers yeast for nutrition. …
  3. Live in Blue Zones for lifestyle culture family exercise diet and low stress. …
  4. Close the toilet lid before flushing. …
  5. Hand washing and germ mitigation. …
  6. Dog and cat ownership. …
  7. Eat to 80 percent full.

How rare is it to live to 100?

However living to the age of 100 remains a remarkable and somewhat rare feat. Individuals aged 100 or older referred to as centenarians make up less than one percent of the U.S. population.

How can I live 100 years old?

Extending your Life with Healthy Living. Exercise to make your body strong enough to live for 100 years. Doing a small amount of exercise will keep your body strong and fit as you age. Develop an exercise routine while you are young and then maintain it over the decades to come.

What are 20 years called?

20 years = 2 Decades. 30 years = 3 Decades. 40 years = 4 Decades. 50 years = 5 Decades or Half a Century and so on.Other words for years are. 100 years = 10 Decades or century.

What is 500 years called?

1. quincentenary – the 500th anniversary (or the celebration of it) quincentennial.

What is the name for 10 centuries?

millennium – Dictionary Definition : Vocabulary.com.

What is another word for many years?

What is another word for many years?

ages decades
centuries donkey’s years
long time very long time
years years on end
yonks eternity

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What is another word for 10 years?

A decade is a period of 10 years.

What are the synonyms of yearly?

synonyms for yearly

  • annual.
  • annually.
  • regularly.
  • yearlong.
  • perennial.
  • once a year.
  • per annum.
  • year by year.

What can I say instead of a long time?

What is another word for for a long time?

on and on at length
forever for hours
incessantly relentlessly
unremittingly at great length
continually endlessly

What’s another word for a long time ago?

What is another word for long time ago?

long ago ages ago
many years ago many years back
some time ago in the old days
years ago yonks ago
long since before the rinderpest

What word means lasting indefinitely?

lasting forever eternal: everlasting future life. lasting or continuing for an indefinitely long time: the everlasting hills. incessant constantly recurring: He is plagued by everlasting attacks of influenza.

How do you say every ten years?

Occurring every ten years. Relating to or lasting for ten years.

What is a synonym for changing?

  • alter
  • make over
  • modify
  • recast
  • redo
  • refashion
  • remake
  • remodel

What is a diamond jubilee year?

A diamond jubilee celebrates the 60th anniversary of a significant event related to a person (e.g. accession to the throne wedding etc.) or the 60th anniversary of an institution’s founding. The term is also used for 75th anniversaries although the human lifespan makes this usage more common for institutions.

Why should you read “One Hundred Years of Solitude”? – Francisco Díez-Buzo

100 Synonyms to Expand Your English Vocabulary

Life Lessons From 100-Year-Olds

100+ Ways To Avoid Using The Word VERY | English Vocabulary

100,000 words is 200 pages single-spaced or 400 pages double-spaced
. Typical documents that are 100,000 words or more include full-length novels. It will take approximately 333 minutes to read 100,000 words.

A 100,000 word count will create about 200 pages with single spacing or 400 pages double-spaced when using normal 1-inch margins, 12 pt. Arial font, and a standard A4 (letter size) page size.

However, the number of pages will vary depending on your margins, font family, font size, whether you use multiple spaces after a period, and your paragraph spacing settings. For example, 1 page single spaced created using Arial font will generate only 0.9 pages with Calibri or Times New Roman font.

Table of Contents

How Many Pages Is 100,000 Words Single-Spaced?

100,000 words single-spaced is 200 pages. A standard single-spaced page contains 500 words.

How Many Pages Is a 100,000 Word Essay or Paper?

A 100,000 words essay will be 200 pages single-spaced or 400 pages double-spaced. A standard single-spaced page contains 500 words.

How Many Pages Is 100,000 Words Double-Spaced?

100,000 words double-spaced is 400 pages. Teachers may ask you to write an essay using double spacing so that it’s easier to read and easier to add comments/feedback to. A standard double-spaced page contains 250 words.

How Many Pages Is 100,000 Words Handwritten?

100,000 words handwritten and single-spaced produces 400 pages. Handwriting is about twice as large as words typed in 12 point Arial or Times New Roman font which makes single-spaced handwritten pages equivalent to double-spaced pages.

How Many Paragraphs Is 100,000 Words?

100,000 words is about 500-1000 paragraphs for essays or 1000-2000 for easier reading (to allow skimming). A paragraph length typically has 100-200 words and 5-6 sentences.

How Many Sentences Is 100,000 Words?

100,000 words is about 5000-6667 sentences. A sentence typically has 15–20 words.

200 pages is 100,000 words when single-spaced or 50,000 words when double-spaced. A standard single-spaced page contains 500 words.

Which Font Produces More Pages?

Of the standard fonts used in essays and other documents, Verdana will create the most pages. On average, Verdana will create 1.1 pages for every 1 page written using Arial and 0.9 pages for every page written with Times New Roman or Calibri in Microsoft Word or Google Docs. These are just estimates . If you’re looking to write the fewest number of words for your school assignment to meet a page count, we recommend using Verdana (if allowed) or Arial. A good rule of thumb is to use Arial font unless your teacher provides different guidelines for font or spacing.

How Long Does It Take to Write a 100,000 Word Essay?

On average it will take approximately 41.7 hours for the average writer typing on a keyboard at a typing speed of 40 words per minute.

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