Word follow by gerund

In English, if you want to follow a verb with another action, you must use a gerund or infinitive. For example:

  • We resumed talking. (gerund – verb + ing)
  • I want to see a movie. (infinitive – to + base verb)

There are certain verbs that can only be followed by one or the other, and these verbs must be memorized. Many of these verbs are listed below.

Common verbs followed by a gerund:

Example: He misses playing with his friends.

  • abhor
  • acknowledge
  • admit
  • advise
  • allow
  • anticipate
  • appreciate
  • avoid
  • be worth
  • can’t help
  • celebrate
  • confess
  • consider
  • defend
  • delay
  • detest
  • discontinue
  • discuss
  • dislike
  • dispute
  • dread
  • endure
  • enjoy
  • escape
  • evade
  • explain
  • fancy
  • fear
  • feel like
  • feign
  • finish
  • forgive
  • give up (stop)
  • keep (continue)
  • keep on
  • mention
  • mind (object to)
  • miss
  • necessitate
  • omit
  • permit
  • picture
  • postpone
  • practice
  • prevent
  • put off
  • recall
  • recollect
  • recommend
  • report
  • resent
  • resist
  • resume
  • risk
  • shirk
  • shun
  • suggest
  • support
  • tolerate
  • understand
  • urge
  • warrant

Common verbs followed by an infinitive:

Example: She threatened to quit if she didn't get a raise.

  • agree
  • appear
  • arrange
  • ask
  • attempt
  • beg
  • can/can’t afford
  • can/can’t wait
  • care
  • chance
  • choose
  • claim
  • come
  • consent
  • dare
  • decide
  • demand
  • deserve
  • determine
  • elect
  • endeavor
  • expect
  • fail
  • get
  • grow (up)
  • guarantee
  • hesitate
  • hope
  • hurry
  • incline
  • learn
  • manage
  • mean
  • need
  • neglect
  • offer
  • pay
  • plan
  • prepare
  • pretend
  • profess
  • promise
  • prove
  • refuse
  • remain
  • request
  • resolve
  • say
  • seek
  • seem
  • shudder
  • strive
  • struggle
  • swear
  • tend
  • threaten
  • turn out
  • venture
  • volunteer
  • wait
  • want
  • wish
  • would like
  • yearn

Verbs followed by a gerund or infinitive with little to no change in meaning:

Example: It started to rain. / It started raining.

  • begin
  • can’t bear
  • can’t stand
  • continue
  • hate
  • like
  • love
  • prefer
  • propose
  • start

Verbs followed by a gerund or infinitive with a change in meaning:

forget I forgot to meet him.
(I didn’t meet him because I forgot to do it.)
I forgot meeting him.
(I don’t have the memory of meeting him before.)
go on He went on to learn English and French.
(He ended one period of time before this.)
He went on learning English and French.
(He continued learning the languages.)
quit She quit to work here.
(She quit another job in order to work here.)
She quit working here.
(She quit her job here. She doesn’t work here anymore.)
regret I regret promising to help you.
(I’m sorry that I made the promise.)
I regret to tell you that we can't hire you.
(I’m telling you now, and I’m sorry.)
remember She remembered to visit her grandmother.
(She didn’t forget to visit.)
She remembered visiting her grandmother.
(She had memories of this time.)
stop I stopped to call you.
(I interrupted another action in order to call you.)
I stopped calling you.
(I stopped this activity. Maybe we had a fight.)
try I tried to open the window.
(I attempted this action but didn’t succeed.)
I tried opening the window.
(This was one option I sampled. Maybe the room was hot.)

List of prepositions + gerund

Instead of studying for her exams, she went out every night.
  • about (in “how about”/ “what about”)
  • after
  • apart from
  • because of
  • before
  • by
  • in
  • in spite of
  • instead of
  • on
  • without

List of adjectives + preposition + gerund

I am interested in visiting the museum.
  • afraid of
  • angry about/at
  • bad at
  • busy
  • clever at
  • crazy about
  • disappointed about
  • excited about
  • famous for
  • fond of
  • glad about
  • good at
  • impressed by
  • interested in
  • keen on
  • like
  • near
  • proud of
  • sick of
  • sorry about
  • tired of
  • worried about
  • worth

List of nouns (with/without preposition) + gerund

There’s no point in waiting any longer.
  • advantage of
  • alternative of
  • chance of
  • choice between
  • danger of
  • difficulty in
  • doubt about
  • experience in
  • fun
  • hope of
  • idea of
  • interest in
  • opportunity of
  • place for
  • pleasure in
  • point in
  • possibility of
  • problem
  • reason for
  • trouble
  • trouble in
  • use
  • way of
  • waste of money
  • waste of time

List of verbs + gerund

I enjoy cooking.
  • admit
  • advise
  • allow
  • appreciate
  • avoid
  • can’t help
  • can’t stand
  • consider
  • delay
  • deny
  • dislike
  • enjoy
  • escape
  • fancy
  • finish
  • go (e.g. in “go swimming”)
  • imagine
  • involve
  • keep (e.g. in “keep going”)
  • mention
  • mind
  • miss
  • permit
  • postpone
  • practise
  • reject
  • resist
  • risk
  • stop
  • suggest
  • understand
  • waste time/money

List of verbs + preposition + gerund

I’m looking forward to seeing you again soon.
  • accuse of
  • adjust to
  • agree with
  • apologise for
  • approve of
  • ask about
  • ask for
  • begin by
  • believe in
  • be used to
  • blame for
  • care for
  • carry on
  • complain about
  • concentrate on
  • congratulate on
  • consist of
  • cope with
  • decide against
  • decide for
  • depend on
  • die of
  • dream about/of
  • escape from
  • feel like
  • forgive for
  • give up
  • insist on
  • keep on
  • look forward to
  • object to
  • pay for
  • prevent sb. from
  • protect from
  • put off
  • rely on
  • spend money on
  • spend time on
  • succeed in
  • suspect of
  • take part in
  • talk about/of
  • thank for
  • think of
  • use for
  • warn against
  • worry about

Герундий или отглагольное существительное   это особая отглагольная форма, сочетающая в себе признаки глагола и существительного. В английском языке герундий образуется добавлением окончания -ing к глаголу. Несмотря на то, что герундий выглядит как глагол с окончанием ing, он отвечает на вопросы, характерные для существительного, и в предложении выполняет функции, характерные для существительного (подлежащее, дополнение).

Наибольшую сложность для нас представляет тот факт, что некоторые глаголы английского языка используются с герундием в качестве дополнения, а другие – с инфинитивом. О других различиях между этими двумя отглагольными формами вы можете узнать здесь.

Как же понять, какую форму использовать после глагола? Чаще всего мы, конечно, получаем ответ: «никак», мол, только выучить, заучить, зазубрить. Однако есть ряд признаков, по которым можно отличить глаголы:

Давайте рассмотрим глаголы с транскрипцией и переводом. Некоторые глаголы приведены сразу с предлогами, с которыми они используются.  Для вашего удобства, глаголы описанные выше, и относящиеся к описанным выше группам, выделены в таблице соответствующим цветом.

Verb, transcription, translation


acknowledge [ək’nɔlɪʤ] сознавать, допускать, признавать, подтверждать получение чего-либо

We acknowledge receiving a parcel form you. – Мы подтверждаем получение посылки от вас.

admit to [əd’mɪt] допускать, соглашаться , признавать (вину),  признаваться, сознаваться

The accused admitted to committing the crime. – Обвиняемый признался в совершении преступления.

advise [əd’vaɪz] советовать

I strongly advise seeing a doctor. – Я настоятельно советую посетить доктора.

approve of  [ə’pruːv] одобрять

My father doesn’t approve of drunk driving. – Мой папа не одобряет вождение в нетрезвом виде.

allow [ə’lau] предоставлять, давать возможность, делать что-либо возможным

The new law allows leaving the country. – Новый закон делает возможным покидать страну.

anticipate  [æn’tɪsɪpeɪt] ожидать, предвидеть, предчувствовать, предвкушать

We anticipate visiting the circus. – Мы ожидаем, когда пойдем в цирк.

appreciate [ə’priːʃɪeɪt] оценивать, (высоко) ценить, быть признательным, благодарным

We highly appreciate your participating in the conference. – Мы высоко ценим ваше участие в конференции.

argue into/out of [‘ɑːgjuː] убеждать кого-либо делать что-либо

She argued him into staying at home. – Она убеждала его остаться дома.

She argued him out of leaving. – Она отговаривала его от ухода.

avoid [ə’vɔɪd] избегать, остерегаться, сторониться, уклоняться

They avoided being caught. – Они избежали поимки.

He couldn’t avoid talking to me. – Он не смог избежать разговора со мной.

be worth [wɜːθ] достойный, заслуживающий

The new movie is worth seeing. – Новый фильм стоит посмотреть.

begin [bɪ’gɪn] начинать

He began mowing the lawn in the morning. – Он начал стричь газон утром.

believe in [bɪ’liːv] верить, придавать большое значение

I believe in having a healthy diet. – Я придаю большое значение здоровому питанию.

cant help обуздывать, удерживать, избегать, удерживаться

He couldn’t help smiling looking at the baby. – Он не мог удержаться от улыбки, глядя на ребенка.

can’t stand не выносить, не переносить

I can’t stand reading. – Я терпеть не могу чтение.

care about [keə] беспокоиться, тревожиться, волноваться

They should care about arriving on time. – Они должны побеспокоиться о том, чтобы прибыть вовремя.

cease [siːs]  переставать, прекращать

He ceased digging and sat under a tree. – Он перестал копать и сел под деревом.

celebrate [‘seləbreɪt] праздновать

Let’s celebrate our working together for 10 years. – Давайте отметим десятилетие совместной работы.

complete [kəm’pliːt]  завершать, заканчивать

She completed typing a letter and sent it. – Она закончила печатать письмо и отправила его.

confess to [kən’fes] признавать, признаваться, сознаваться

In the end he confessed to stealing the money. – В конце концов он признался в похищении денег.

consider [kən’sɪdə] рассматривать, обсуждать, взвешивать, обдумывать

They are considering moving house. – Они обдумывают переезд.

concentrate on [‘kɔn(t)s(ə)ntreɪt] концентрироваться, сосредоточиваться, собираться

Why don’t we concentrate on making a plan? – Почему бы нам не сосредоточиться на создании плана?

continue [kən’tɪnjuː] продолжать

She continued laughing and annoyed me. – Она продолжала смеяться и раздражала меня.

complain about [kəm’pleɪn] жаловаться на что-либо, выражать недовольство

Some people are always complaining about being underpaid. – Некоторые люди всегда жалуются на то, что им недостаточно платят.

delay [dɪ’leɪ] откладывать, отсрочивать

They decided to delay responding the letter. – Они решили отложить ответ на письмо.

deny [dɪ’naɪ] отрицать, отвергать, не признавать

He denies being involved into the plan. – Он отрицает, что он был вовлечен в план.

depend on [dɪ’pend] зависеть, находиться в зависимости от кого-либо

Your exam results depend only on your reading and writing. – Результаты твоего экзамена зависят от твоего чтения и письма.

despise [dɪ’spaɪz] презирать, относиться с презрением

All colleagues despised him for being a whistleblower. – Все коллеги презирали его за доносы.

detest [dɪ’test] ненавидеть, питать отвращение, не выносить, не терпеть

She detests answering questions about her private life. – Она ненавидит отвечать на вопросы о своей личной жизни.

disapprove [ˌdɪsə’pruːv] не одобрять, осуждать, неодобрительно относиться к чему-либо

My grandmother strongly disapproves of smoking. – Моя бабушка не одобряет курение.

discuss [dɪ’skʌs] обсуждать, дискутировать, дебатировать, спорить

The politicians are discussing joining the union. – Политики обсуждают присоединение к союзу.

discourage from [dɪs’kʌrɪʤ] мешать осуществлению, препятствовать, отговаривать

He tried to discourage me from leaving my job. – Он пытался отговорить меня от увольнения.

dislike [dɪ’slaɪk] испытывать неприязнь, нерасположение, не любить

Children usually dislike sunbathing. – Дети обычно не любят загорать.

dispute [dɪs’pjuːt] спорить, дискутировать

The scientists disputed on conducting more experiments. – Ученые обсуждали проведение дальнейших экспериментов.

don’t mind [maɪnd] возражать, иметь что-л. против (в вопросительном или отрицательном предложении, а также в утвердительном ответе)

Do you mind working overtime? – Вы не возражаете поработать на выходных?

dread [dred] страшиться, бояться, трепетать от страха

I dread driving this car. It can be dangerous. – Я боюсь ехать на этой машине. Это может быть опасным

dream about/of [driːm] мечтать, грезить о чём-либо

I dream of spending my holiday on a tropical island. – Я мечтаю провести отпуск на тропическом острове.

endure [ɪn’djuə] вынести, вытерпеть, выдержать

I can’t endure being alone. – Я не выношу одиночества.

encourage [ɪn’kʌrɪʤ] ободрять, поощрять, поддерживать в чем-либо

The teacher encouraged writing compositions. – Учитель поощрял написание сочинений.

enjoy [ɪn’ʤɔɪ] любить что-либо , получать удовольствие от чего-либо

A lot of people enjoy jogging in the morning. – Многие люди любят бегать по утрам.

escape [ɪs’keɪp] избежать, спастись, отделаться

They could escape being punished. – Они могли избежать наказания.

evade [ɪ’veɪd] избегать, уклоняться (от уплаты, от ответственности), обходить (закон, вопрос)

Tom evaded paying taxes and was arrested. – Том избегал уплаты налогов и был арестован.

excuse for [ɪk’skjuːz] извиняться, просить прощения

Excuse me for interrupting you. – Простите, что перебиваю.

explain [ɪk’spleɪn] объяснять, раскрывать, разъяснять, изъяснять

The strangers couldn’t explain being in the office. – Незнакомцы не могли объяснить нахождение в офисе.

fancy [‘fæn(t)sɪ] очень хотеть, страстно желать

All girls fancy going to parties. – Все девочки хотят ходить на вечеринки.

feel like быть склонным, хотеть

I feel like helping you. – Я хочу тебе помочь.

finish [‘fɪnɪʃ] заканчивать, завершать, доводить до конца

We finished painting the fence and went home. – Мы окончили красить забор и пошли домой.

forbid [f?’b?d ] запрещать, не позволять, препятствовать

The guardsmen forbade entering the building. – Охранники запретили входить в здание.

forget (about) [f?’get] забывать о

I forgot meeting him. Can you remind me when it happened? – Я забыл, как встречался с ним. Можете напомнить, когда это произошло?

forgive for [f?’g?v] прощать

She will never forgive him for telling lies. – Она никогда не простит его за ложь.

give up оставить, отказаться, бросить что-либо

You should give up eating fast food. – Вам следует отказаться от фаст-фуда.

hate [he?t] ненавидеть

Everybody hates being ignored. – Никому не нравится, когда его игнорируют.

imagine [?’mæ??n] воображать, представлять себе

I often imagine winning the first prize. – Я часто представляю себе, как я выигрываю первый приз.

insist on/ upon [?n’s?st] настойчиво утверждать, настаивать на

They insisted on leaving without delay. – Они настаивали, что нужно уходить без промедления.

involve [?n’v?lv] включать в себя, содержать, подразумевать

Life in the countryside involves working hard. –  Жизнь за городом подразумевает усердную работу.

justify [‘??st?fa?] оправдывать, находить оправдание, извинять, объяснять

I can’t justify his being so impolite. – Я не могу оправдать то, что он был так невежлив.

keep [ki?p] продолжать делать что-либо

The teacher told me to keep reading. – Учитель сказал мне продолжать читать.

like [la?k] любить, нравиться

My friends like listening to rock music. – Мои друзья любят рок музыку.

love [l?v] любить что-либо

I really love dancing. – Я очень люблю танцевать.

mean [mi?n] подразумевать, включать

Setting up a company will mean working hard.- Основание новой компании подразумевает усердную работу.

mention [‘men?(?)n] упоминать

In his stories the captain mentioned being captured by indigenous people. – В своих историях капитан упоминал, как он был схвачен туземцами.

mind [ma?nd] возражать, иметь что-либо против (в вопросительном или отрицательном предложении, а также в утвердительном ответе)

I don’t mind helping you with moving house.  – Я не возражаю помочь тебе с переездом.

miss [m?s] чувствовать отсутствие чего-либо, скучать, избежать, уклониться

She misses walking in the fields very much.  – Ей недостает прогулок по полям.

She hardly missed bumping into the tree. – Она едва избежала столкновения с деревом.

need [ni?d] нуждаться в чем-либо

The car needs checking. – Машина нуждается в осмотре.

neglect [n?’glekt] пренебрегать чем-либо, не заботиться, упускать, не делать чего-либо нужного, не выполнять своего долга

Some students neglect doing the homework. – Некоторые студенты пренебрегают выполнением домашнего задания.

object to [?b’?ekt] возражать, протестовать, выдвигать возражения

I object to signing the contract with him. – Я возражаю против подписания контракта с ним.

permit [p?’m?t] позволять, разрешать, давать разрешение

We don’t permit smoking in the restaurant. – Мы не позволяем курить в ресторане.

picture [‘p?k??] представлять себе, воображать

He pictures being rich and famous but does nothing to achieve it. – Он представляет себе, как он будет богатым и знаменитым, но не делает ничего, чтобы этого достичь.

plan on [plæn] планировать

They are planning on spending Christmas holidays in Paris. – Они планируют провести рождественские каникулы в Париже.

postpone [?p?ust’p?un] откладывать, отсрочивать, оттягивать

I will postpone giving an answer as long as it will be possible. – Я буду тянуть с ответом столько, сколько будет возможно.

practise [‘prækt?s] практиковаться, упражняться, тренироваться

All soldiers practise shooting. – Все солдаты упражняются в стрельбе.

prefer [pr?’f??] предпочитать

They prefer cooking by themselves. – Они предпочитают готовить сами.

prevent from [pr?’vent] мешать, препятствовать

Your parents just want to prevent you from getting into trouble. – Твои родители просто хотят обезопасить тебя от неприятностей.

prohibit from [pr?’h?b?t] запрещать

Her boyfriend is so jealous that he prohibits her from going out with her friends. – Ее парень такой ревнивый, что запрещает ей гулять с друзьями.

propose [pr?’p?uz] предлагать, вносить предложение

Betty proposed going to the exhibition . – Бетти предложила пойти на выставку.

quit [kw?t] бросать привычку, прекращать что-либо делать

He quitted smoking five years ago. – Он бросил курить пять лет назад.

recall [r?’k??l] вспоминать, воскрешать в памяти

She recalled talking to him. – Она вспомнила, что разговаривала с ним.

recollect [?rek(?)’lekt] вспоминать, припоминать

Can you recollect reading my letter? – Помнишь, как ты читал мое письмо?

recommend [?rek?’mend]  рекомендовать, советовать, предлагать

They recommended leaving this idea and concentrating on something real. – Они посоветовали оставить эту идею и сосредоточиться на чем-либо реальном.

refrain from [r?’fre?n] воздерживаться от чего-либо

She can never refrain from eating chocolate. – Она никогда не может удержаться от поедания шоколада.

regret [r?’gret] сожалеть, испытывать сожаление

I regret telling you the sad news. – Я сожалею, что рассказал тебе печальные новости.

remember [r?’memb?] помнить, хранить в памяти

I remember coming here as a child. – Я помню, как приходил сюда ребенком.

resent [r?’zent] негодовать, возмущаться, обижаться

The people in the queue resented having to wait. – Люди в очереди возмущались, что им пришлось ждать.

resist [r?’z?st] воздерживаться от чего-либо

I can’t resist humming this catchy tune. – Не могу удержаться, чтобы не напевать эту мелодию.

resume [r?’zju?m]  возобновлять, продолжать (после перерыва), начинать снова

The lecturer waited until we stopped talking and then resumed explaining. – Лектор подождал, пока мы закончим разговаривать и продолжил.

risk [r?sk] рисковать чем-либо

You risk being dismissed so be careful . – Ты рискуешь потерять работу, поэтому будьте осторожны.

start [st??t] начинать, браться за что-либо

I started reading this book a month ago and I am still reading it. – Я начал читать эту книгу месяц назад и до сих пор ее читаю.

stop [st?p] прекращать, заканчивать

My daughter stopped playing with dolls when she was ten. – Моя дочка прекратила играть в куклы, когда ей было десять.

succeed in [s?k’si?d] достигать цели, преуспевать, иметь успех

She succeeded in writing short stories and screen scripts . –  Она добилась успеха в написании рассказов и сценариев.

suggest [s?’?est] предлагать, советовать

Mother suggested buying some ice cream. – Мама предложила купить мороженного.

support [s?’p??t] поддерживать, выступать в защиту, быть сторонником

I support giving more freedom to workers. – Я поддерживаю, что рабочим нужно больше свободы.

talk about [t??k] говорить, разговаривать, вести беседу

The students were talking about taking exams. – Студенты разговаривали о сдаче экзаменов.

think about [θ??k] размышлять, взвешивать, обдумывать

We are thinking about getting married. – Мы думаем о женитьбе.

tolerate [‘t?l(?)re?t] допускать, позволять, разрешать

My girlfriend can’t tolerate swearing.  – Моя девушка не выносит сквернословия.

try [tra?] пробовать

You should try getting up early. – Тебе стоит попробовать раньше вставать.

urge [???] убеждать, советовать

The local government urges recycling paper. – Местные власти убеждают перерабатывать бумагу.

worry about [‘w?r?] беспокоиться

Don’t worry about having headache. It’s one of the side effects. – Не волнуйся о головной боли, это один из побочных эффектов.

Список глаголов после которых идет -ing (герундий). Verbs followed by -ing form (Gerund)

  • 10.06.2019

Глаголы после которых идет -ing (герундий)

В данной таблице представлен список глаголов, требующих после себя герундия:

admit признавать He admitted cheating on her.
advise советовать The doctor generally advised cutting on the amount of cigarettes he smokes.
allow позволять Ireland doesn’t allow smoking in bars.
anticipate предвосхищать, предвкушать I anticipated arriving late.
appreciate ценить I appreciated her helping me.
avoid избегать He avoided looking at her.
can’t help не быть способным поделать что-либо He can’t help laughing at their silly jokes.
can’t see быть не в состоянии I can’t see spending so much time on the report.
complete заканчивать, завершать They completed restructuring the company.
consider рассматривать, обдумывать She considered moving abroad.
defend защищать The lawyer defended her making such statements.
delay откладывать He delayed doing his part of the job.
deny отрицать He denied revealing the secret.
despise презирать, ненавидеть She despises having to work such long hours.
discuss обсуждать We discussed launching a new project.
dislike испытывать антипатию He dislikes working night shifts.
don’t mind не возражать I don’t mind having another try.
encourage воодушевлять, поощрять He encourages eating healthy foods.
enjoy наслаждаться We enjoy going to the cinema.
imagine представлять себе He imagines going abroad there one day.
involve предполагать, включать The job involves doing a lot of paper work.
keep продолжать делать что-либо She kept interrupting me.
mention упоминать He mentioned studying at that college.
mind возражать Do you mind waiting here for a few minutes?
miss скучать She misses living near the lake.
permit позволять California does not permit smoking in restaurants.
postpone откладывать He postponed taking another day-off.
practice упражняться, тренировать She practiced playing the piano twice a week.
recall припоминать Tom recalled opening the door with the key.
recollect вспоминать She recollected seeing him the other day.
recommend рекомендовать Tom recommended going by plane.
report сообщать, докладывать He reported her being absent at the meeting.
require требовать, нуждаться The position requires doing an on-the-job training.
resent возмущаться, гневаться Neil resented Monica’s being there.
resist сопротивляться, противиться He resisted going out that night.
risk рисковать He risked being sent to prison.
suggest предлагать They suggested having a walk in the park.
tolerate терпеть, допускать I tolerated her talking non-stop.
understand понимать I understand his quitting the job.
urge настоятельно призывать, побуждать They urge recycling bottles and paper.

Дополнительные материалы:

  1. Герундий
  2. Времена герундия
  3. Роли герундия
  4. Герундиальный оборот

Тесты и упражнения


  1. Упражнения на Инфинитив и Герундий — A1


  1. Тест на инфинитив и герундий


Материалы и упражнения доступны только подписчикам этого сайта. По получению доступа к сборнику упражнений, обязательно в начале ознакомьтесь с Содержанием.

  1. Глаголы, после которых идет Герундий (- ing) (Тут объяснение, а сами упражнения во второй половине этого курса. Смотрите Содержание.)

Verbs Followed by Gerunds! Learn the useful list of verbs followed by gerunds in English with example sentences, video and ESL pictures.

Verbs Followed by Gerunds List

  • Admit
  • Advise
  • Anticipate
  • Acknowledge
  • Appreciate
  • Avoid
  • Bear
  • Begin
  • Complete
  • Consider
  • Defer
  • Delay
  • Deny
  • Discuss
  • Dislike
  • Enjoy
  • Entail
  • Finish
  • Forget
  • Hate
  • Intend
  • Involve
  • Justify
  • Keep
  • Like
  • Love
  • Mention
  • Mind
  • Miss
  • Postpone
  • Practice
  • Prefer
  • Quit
  • Recall
  • Recollect
  • Recommend
  • Regret
  • Resent
  • Resist
  • Risk
  • Sanction
  • Start
  • Stop
  • Suggest
  • Tolerate
  • Try

YouTube video

Examples of Verbs Followed by Gerunds


He was embarrassed to admit making a mistake.


He advised applying at once.


I didn’t anticipate having to do the cooking myself!


She acknowledged receiving assistance.


I appreciate having enough time to finish.


She decided to be a nun in order to avoid meeting him.


I wish she wouldn’t eat so fast. I can’t bear watching her.


I began teaching in 1984.


He completed drawing his pictures.


Investors should consider putting some money into an annuity.


She deferred writing my thesis.


Big companies often delay paying their bills.


She denied taking the money.


We briefly discussed buying a second car.


I dislike being the centre of attention.


I really enjoy talking to you.


This review procedure entails repeating the test.


He finished cleaning the kitchen.


I’ll never forget visiting them.


I hate getting to the theatre late.


I hear they intend marrying.(U.K)


This procedure involves testing each sample twice.


My results justify taking drastic action.


I keep thinking about Joe, all alone in that place.


She likes playing tennis.


I love going out to restaurants.


He mentioned going to that college.


Would you mind repeating what you just said?


He had missed being elected by a single vote.


He postponed returning to Paris.


Today we’re going to practice parking.


Chantal prefers travelling by train.


She quits worrying about the problem.


I don’t recall seeing any cars parked outside.


I recollect seeing Ryder some years ago in Bonn.


I would never recommend using a sunbed on a regular basis.


I regret leaving school so young.


Many conscripts resent having to do their military service.


She can never resist buying new shoes.


He risked being caught.


They will not sanction copying without permission.


He started tipping the pea pods into a pan.


I hoped he would stop asking awkward questions.


Tracey suggested meeting for a drink after work.


We don’t tolerate smoking in the library.


They decided they would try living in America for a while.

List of Verbs Followed by Gerunds | Images

Verbs Followed by Gerunds List | Image 1

45 Common Verbs Followed by Gerunds in EnglishPin

Verbs Followed by Gerunds List | Image 2

45 Common Verbs Followed by Gerunds in EnglishPin

List of Verbs Followed by Gerunds | Image 3

45 Common Verbs Followed by Gerunds in EnglishPin

Verbs Followed by Gerunds List | Image 4

45 Common Verbs Followed by Gerunds in English 2Pin

Last Updated on August 29, 2022



Example Sentence


to hate

John abhors working outdoors.


to recognize what someone has done

She acknowledges his working hard on the project.


to say that you have done

Peter admits wasting time and money.


to give advice

I advise saving a little money every month.


to permit

She allows using smartphones in class.


to expect

I anticipate visiting New York next month.


to be grateful for

Jack appreciates your helping him out with the project.


to try not to do

She avoids dating men over 30.

be worth

to be a good idea to spend the time on

It’s worth spending some time on the grammar.

can’t help

to be able to not do

Tom can’t help complaining about the heat.


to party about

We’ll celebrate working together for over 50 years.


to admit that you did

Alice confessed stealing the money from her sister.


to think about

We’re considering buying a new house.


to give reasons why you did

They defend purchasing the new car because they have two jobs.


to postpone, put off

We’re going to delay meeting until next week.


to hate, despise

Jack detests learning new vocabulary.


to stop doing, providing

The store discontinued providing customer service on demand.


to talk about

We like to discuss learning techniques.


to not like

Bob dislikes having to work so hard.


to say you didn’t do

They dispute stealing the merchandise.


to fear doing or experiencing

I dread taking tests.


to go through

We endured listening to him for three hours.


to have a good time doing

Sarah enjoys cooking fine dinners.


to get away from

The students escaped taking the test because the fire alarm rang.


to avoid

He evades doing yard work on Saturdays.


to give details about

He’ll explain purchasing online next week.


to like very much

They fancy eating donuts.


to be afraid of

I fear flying in airplanes.


to pretend to do

Mary feigns not knowing anything.


to stop doing

We finished shopping and went home.


to not be angry at someone anymore

They forgave stealing the candy as the children didn’t know it was wrong.


to continue doing

We keep studying the same grammar every week.


to say in passing

They mentioned buying a new car last week.


to object to

I don’t mind smoking.


to want something you don’t have

I miss having more free time.


to require to do

The job necessitates lifting heavy objects.


to leave out, delete

We omitted discussing the new Smith account during the meeting.


to allow

We’ll permit fishing on Saturdays.


to imagine

Doug pictures retiring to Brazil.


to put off, delay

We postponed traveling to Chicago for a week.


to do over and over again

Practice playing scales for 30 minutes every day.


to remember

Yes, I recall buying that book.


to remember

Tom recollects playing baseball as a child.


to tell someone they should do something

They recommend purchasing insurance with this product.


to tell about

Tim reported spending twelve hours on the job.


to not like that something that someone does

Susan resents having to work so hard.


to try to avoid doing

Many students resist studying more than two hours a day.


to start doing again

We resumed speaking about the problem at the meeting.


to take a chance on

Jack risks making everyone angry with his stupid statements.


to not do something you should do

Dan shirked paying for the children’s meal.


to avoid contact with

Don’t shun spending time with those you don’t know very well.


to say someone should do something

I suggest buying a new camera.


to help someone with words, thoughts or money

They supported our going to the doctor for help.


to comprehend

He understands investing in the stock market.


to suggest strongly

I urge spending some time learning the program.


to provide the reasons for doing

The situation warrants investigating Mr. Todd.

Just in case you are not familiar with gerund and you’ve already reached a pre-intermediate level, then you must read this lesson. It is about words and phrases followed by gerund.

What is gerund?

A gerund is a verb form with the ending -ing that combines the features of a noun and a verb.

Swimming is good for you.
I don’t mind helping you move house.

When do we use gerund?

1. We can use gerund as a noun:

Smoking is bad for you.
Flying always makes me nervous.

2. After preference verbs: love, like, dislike, enjoy, fancy, hate, etc.

I hate waking up early.
Sarah enjoys spending her holiday in the Bahamas.
Thomas fancies going to clubs.

3. After ‘go’ for physical activities:

We went skiing last winter.
John goes running every morning.

4. After certain verbs, such as: suggest, avoid, mind, admit, spend, imagine, deny, prevent, finish, start, propose, keep, consider, etc.

Jack has finished working.
The children admitted breaking the window.
Monica avoided driving during the rush hour.
Would you mind not smoking here?
They suggested flying to India.
Will you stop teasing him?
They are considering living in London.
Although it was very hot, they kept walking.

5. After expressions: can’t stand, be busy, be worth, be used to, give up, feel like, have trouble, look forward to, seem/look like, it’s (no) use, there’s no point, etc.

Fay couldn’t stop thinking about Martin and his proposal.
I am looking forward to seeing you next week.
Sarah was busy packing in the other room so she couldn’t hear the doorbell.
How difficult is it to give up eating sugar?
It seems like raining.
It’s no use buying winter clothes if you live in a tropical country.
I am used to eating breakfast as soon as I get up.

6. After prepositions

After some time, Sylvia got tired of waiting.
He left without taking his umbrella.
Our children are interested in learning foreign languages.
The student was punished for cheating on the exam.
Heidi improved her essay by adding a few linkers.
Take this medicine in case of feeling worse.
Why don’t you ask someone to help you instead of doing it alone?
Don’t forget to take your sandwich before leaving.

Now when you know when to use gerund, you should read the post about Words and Phrases Followed by Infinitive in order to complete your knowledge of verb patterns in English.
I also recommend reading about Verbs that Change Meaning with Infinitive or Gerund.

Words and phrases followed by gerund

Words and phrases followed by gerund

Download a FREE PDF document about words and phrases followed by a gerund

Download the exercise for this lesson

Do the quiz to perfect your knowledge

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I’m a big fan of lists. Shopping lists, to do lists, meal plan lists, hopes and dreams lists, and even lists about lists. When teaching or learning English, lists aren’t the type of fun communicative task that modern language teaching thrives on, but lists get the job done. That’s why I spent time developing this gerunds and infinitives list. Gerunds and infinitives are a big deal in English grammar, coming up anywhere from A2 level onwards. However, it’s at B2 level where gerunds and infinitives become essential. You’ll need to know the rules (and the exceptions) to speak or write well at this level. You also see gerunds and infinitives in transformations exercises if you are doing the B2 Cambridge First exam.

gerunds and infinitives list

We use gerunds (verb+ing):

  • After prepositions – I was exhausted after working all day.
  • As the subject or object of a sentence Doing regular exercise is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle.
  • After certain verbs (see list) – Leire enjoys listening to music in the car.

We use infinitives with to (to + verb):

  • After most adjectives – It’s not always easy to break a bad habit.
  • To indicate purpose – Sarah left her job to start a business.
  • After certain verbs (see list) – Jimmy promised to do his homework after dinner.

We use the bare infinitive (verb without “to”):

  • After modal verbs – She can’t believe her luck!
  • After “why” expressions – Why bother if it’s all for nothing?
  • After certain verbs (see list) – My parents never let me stay out late.

Gerunds and infinitives list

Here’s a lovely downloadable gerunds and infinitives list. Use it wisely. Share it with your students, use it in combination with games, grammar exercises, communicative tasks or conversation questions like these ones here: Gerunds and Infinitives – Conversation Questions.

Gerunds and Infinitives Verb List

Verbs followed by gerund (verb+ing)

anticipate – We didn’t anticipate winning this match.
avoid – Let’s avoid being late.
can’t help – I can’t help counting those calories.
complete – He completed baking the apple pie.
consider – She never considered moving to England.
delay – We delayed moving to the new house until spring.
deny – He will deny stealing that car.
despise – She despises asking for favours.
discuss – We discussed buying a bigger apartment.
dislike – She dislikes cooking and baking.
enjoy – She enjoys reading.
fancy – I fancy having chicken for dinner.
finish – She finished eating before everyone else.
forgive – Can you forgive me for not fixing the car?
imagine – Can you imagine living on the moon?
involve – The new project involves writing many reports.
keep – She keeps coming late!
mention – I never mentioned meeting him.
mind – Will he mind switching rooms?
miss – I miss chatting with you.
postpone – Let’s postpone going out of town.
practise – He practises playing the guitar daily.
recommend – The doctor recommends resting in bed.
report – They reported seeing her leave with a stranger. 
resent – He resents doing it all by himself.
resist – I can’t resist liking him.
resume – They resumed talking after the teacher left.
risk – Would you risk losing everything?
suggest – I suggest not taking him too seriously.
tolerate – We can’t tolerate being screamed at. 
understand – He couldn’t understand her leaving so suddenly.
worth – It’s worth visiting the cathedral if you have time.

Verbs followed by infinitive (with “to”)

afford – He has no money so he can’t afford to buy a car.
agree – They agreed to give him a try.
appear – He appeared to know everything.
arrange – I have arranged to meet him on Monday.
ask – She asked to see her doctor.
choose – We chose to ignore it.
claim – He claims to be an expert.
decide – She decided not to go to the party.
demand – I demand to see the person in charge!
deserve – He deserves to win the contest.
expect – He expected to be home sooner.
fail – They failed to follow the instructions.
get – It’s not fair that she gets to see him first.
happen – I happened to pass by, so we had a chat.
hesitate – Don’t hesitate to call.
hope – I hope to see you soon.
intend – She didn’t intend to hurt you.
learn – He learned to speak Spanish very quickly.
manage – We managed to finish everything on time.
offer – He offered to go for a walk.
prepare – We were preparing to leave when he arrived.
pretend – She pretended not to hear a word.
promise – She promised to take us with her next time.
refuse – I refuse to cooperate.
seem – It seems to be broken.
swear – He swore to take revenge.
tend – These plants tend to grow slowly.
threaten – He has threatened to hurt us.
wait – The runners were waiting to start.
want – I want to speak with you in private.
wish – I wish to change my address.
would like – I would like to make a comment

Verbs followed by bare infinitive (without “to”)

can – I can help you if you have any problems.
could – When I was young I could play the piano.
had better – You had better finish your homework before it’s too late.
let (+object +verb) – My parents never let me go out late when I was young.
make (+object +verb) – The boss made her employees stay late.
may – I may go to the party, but I’m not sure.
might – They might make money with the new business plan.
must – You must renew your passport before travelling abroad.
should – You should try the new restaurant in the centre.
would rather – I would rather cook at home than eat out.

Verbs followed by both gerund and infinitive with no change in meaning

can’t stand

She can’t stand sitting in the sun when it’s hot.
She can’t stand to sit in the sun when it’s hot.


He continued talking when I asked him to stop.
He continued to talk when I asked him to stop.


We prefer eating dinner early.
We prefer to eat dinner early.


She started working at the company in May.
She started to work at the company in May.

Verbs followed by both gerund and infinitive with different meaning


He forgot lending me the money.
(He has no memory of lending the money.)
He forgot to lend me the money.
(He forgot to complete the intended action.)


I remember locking the storage.
(I have a memory of locking the storage.)
I must remember to lock the storage.
(I must remember to complete the intended action.)


The house needs cleaning.
(Passive voice, we don’t know who will clean.)
We need to clean the house.
(Active voice, the subject does the action.)


I regret going to your wedding.
(I went, and now I regret it.)
I regret to tell you I can’t go to your wedding.
(I feel bad that I plan to tell you that I won’t go.)


She stopped chatting.
(She was chatting, and then she stopped.)
She stopped to chat.
(She was doing something, then she stopped and chatted.)


They tried using bleach to clean the stain.
(They experimented with bleach as an option.)
They tried to use bleach to clean the stain.
(The attempt to use bleach was a failure.)

List of Verbs followed by Gerunds PDF!

What are Verbs in English?

A verb express action of something. Verbs are the action words in a sentence that describe what the subject is doing. Verbs are words that describe an action or talk about something that happens. Verbs are millions in numbers and are very basic of English grammar.

What are Gerunds in English?

Gerunds are words that are formed with verbs but act as nouns. They are created out of verbs, but function as nouns. some examples of verbs followed by gerunds are:

  • recall
  • tolerate
  • dislike
  • recollect

Download the Pdf of the List of Verbs Followed by Gerunds:

Download PDF

List of Verbs Followed by Gerunds

Below is the list of Verbs followed by gerunds:

  • celebrate
  • miss
  • prevent
  • finish
  • appreciate
  • regret
  • can’t bear
  • discontinue
  • recall
  • tolerate
  • dislike
  • recollect
  • consider
  • start
  • like
  • keep on
  • recommend
  • imagine
  • enjoy
  • advise
  • delay
  • report
  • appreciate
  • recall
  • need
  • encourage
  • complete
  • defend
  • admit
  • try
  • practice

Verbs Followed by Gerunds – Infographic

list of verbs followed by gerund

  • recall
  • risk
  • detest
  • sanction
  • forget
  • despise
  • hate
  • delay
  • allow
  • warrant
  • necessitate
  • prefer
  • forget
  • begin
  • neglect
  • dread
  • quit
  • consider
  • enjoy
  • fear
  • enjoy
  • endure
  • dislike
  • practice
  • postpone
  • allow
  • mind
  • try
  • despise
  • resist
  • keep
  • urge
  • risk
  • shirk
  • mention
  • appreciate
  • try
  • avoid
  • recommend
  • intend
  • begin
  • resent
  • shun
  • recollect
  • discuss
  • dislike
  • resent
  • report
  • anticipate
  • understand
  • urge
  • resist
  • finish
  • acknowledge
  • abhor
  • resist
  • risk
  • admit
  • report
  • delay
  • mention
  • stop
  • continue
  • tolerate
  • cease
  • understand
  • admit
  • recollect
  • mind
  • forget
  • imagine
  • allow
  • admit
  • deny
  • involve
  • cease
  • entail
  • postpone
  • discuss
  • tolerate
  • delay
  • miss
  • like
  • suggest
  • finish
  • advise
  • neglect
  • consider
  • quit
  • require
  • resent
  • propose
  • can’t see
  • justify
  • bear
  • defend
  • recommend
  • acknowledge
  • love
  • tolerate
  • recollect
  • stop
  • love
  • fancy
  • begin
  • dispute
  • finish
  • forgive
  • omit
  • prefer
  • understand
  • resume
  • prefer
  • recall
  • anticipate

List of Verbs Followed by Gerunds – Infographic

verbs followed by gerund

  • continue
  • feel like
  • recommend
  • avoid
  • discuss
  • involve
  • mind
  • propose
  • consider
  • can’t stand
  • complete
  • can’t
  • urge
  • need
  • support
  • advise
  • resist
  • permit
  • discuss
  • dislike
  • explain
  • dread
  • can’t help
  • avoid
  • appreciate
  • risk
  • advise
  • hate
  • resent
  • mention
  • dread
  • defend
  • picture
  • hate
  • permit
  • permit
  • defer
  • mind (object to)
  • love
  • practice
  • mention
  • anticipate
  • involve
  • keep
  • give up (stop)
  • keep (continue)
  • confess
  • be worth
  • don’t mind
  • keep
  • practice
  • require
  • can’t help
  • postpone
  • avoid
  • start
  • like
  • start
  • anticipate
  • feign
  • suggest
  • quit
  • suggest
  • put off
  • evade
  • escape
  • encourage
  • stop
  • complete
  • enjoy
  • suggest
  • deny
  • postpone
  • deny

Verbs Followed by Gerunds Examples


I want to celebrate my 1st year anniversary.


We should prevent forest fires.


Let’s finish our homework before dinner.


I appreciate everything my parents do for me.


I regret my decision to work late.


I will discontinue my piano lessons.


Don’t recall what I said.


Keep on tolerating. You are doing great.


I dislike driving without my glasses.


Recollect what you did last night.


You should consider going to college.


Let’s start dancing.


I like cake, pizza, and ice cream.

Keep On

Keep on truckin’!


I recommend that you read this book.


Imagine you are flying in a plane.


Enjoy this ice cream.


The flight was delayed by the storm.


John submitted a report for work yesterday.


I really appreciate that you got it for me.


We have to recall all the food that was pre-packed.


I need a new pair of shoes.


Encourage your kids to do their best in school.


Complete the following sentences.


She defended her dissertation.


Admit when you have done something wrong.


Try the Chinese food.


Practice and you will see improvement.


You need to do a recall on your car.


He is afraid of risk.


The sanction of the ICC is for war crime.


I FORGOT to mail this letter yesterday.


I hope she does not despise me in the future.


I hate the cold weather.


Allow people to drive cars.


You need to get a Warrant










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