Terms in this set (10)
do subject
вивчати предмет
do research
проводити дослідження
do harm
do somebody good
йти комусь на користь
do your best
дуже старатись
do well
добре справлятись
do away with
покінчити з, відмовитись від
do up
have something to do with
мати щось спільне, стосуватись
have nothing to do with
не мати нічого спільного, не стосуватись
Do Away With
do away with somebody or something
избавляться, упразднять, разделаться, уничтожать кого-либо или что-либо:
The prior covenant is done away with. – Прежний договор упразднён.
Bluebeard did away with all his wives. – Синяя Борода разделался со всеми своими женами.
do away with oneself
покончить с собой:
He did away with himself. – Он покончил с собой.
Do By
do by somebody
обращаться, относиться к кому-либо:
But Father Jack did well by me; he had me placed in a free school, at seven years of age, and always paid my board in advance for a year.[1] – Но отец Джек хорошо ко мне относился; он отдал меня в бесплатную школу, когда мне было семь лет, и всегда платил за мое питание вперед за год.
And Stanley did love this world, he loved it well, even when it did badly by him.[2] – И Стэнли действительно любил этот мир, он любил его, даже когда мир относился к нему плохо.
Do (by others) as you would like to be done by (others). – Поступай так, как ты хотел бы, чтобы поступали с тобой.
Do For
do for someone or something
заботится, присматривать за кем-либо или чем-либо:
She did for me while I was sick. – Она ухаживал за мной, пока я болел.
портить, губить кого-, что-либо; убивать кого-либо:
Without my glasses, I’m done for. – Без моих очков, мне конец.
My shoes are done for. – Моя обувь развалились.
This car accident nearly did for me. – Меня чуть не убило в этой аварии.
Do In
do somebody or something in:
убить кого-либо; положить конец чему-либо:
He tried to do me in with a screwdriver. – Он пытался убить меня отвёрткой.
погубить, испортить кого-, что-либо:
I’ve done my back in. – Я надорвал себе спину.
Do Out
do out:
приводить в порядок:
You room needs doing out. – Твоя комната нуждается в уборке.
Do Out Of
do somebody out of something:
обманывать кого-либо на что-либо:
They did him out of a thousand bucks. – Они кинули его на тысячу баксов.
Do Over
do something over (again)
повторять, переделывать что-либо:
He did it over again. – Он опять это сделал.
Do Up
do something up:
приводить в порядок, отделывать, латать, подправлять:
She did up her hair in a bun. – Она собрала волос в узел.
застёгивать (об одёже):
How does this coat do up? – Как застегивается эта куртка.
завязывать шнурки:
Do up your shoe-laces. – Завяжи шнурки.
Do With
do with something
обходиться, довольствоваться чем-либо:
I can do with less provisions. – Я могу обойтись и меньшими запасами.
закончить что-либо:
I will do with the work in five minutes. – Я закончу с работой через пять минут.
do with oneself
занять себя; проводить своё время:
I don’t know what to do with myself. — Я не знаю, чем заняться.
A smart man will always find something to do with himself. – Умный человек всегда найдет себе занятие.
could do with something
желать, хотеть чего-либо:
I could do with a meal. – я бы что-нибудь съел.
be/have something to do with someone or something
быть чем-либо связанным с кем-либо или чем-либо; иметь какое-либо отношение к чему-либо:
I have nothing to do with it. – Я не имею к этому никакого отношения.
What does that have to do with me? – Какое это имеет ко мне отношение?
It is nothing to do with us. – Это не имеет к нам никакого отношения.
Do Without
do without someone or something
обходиться без кого-либо или чего-либо:
Girls can’t do without sweet food. – Девушки не могут обойтись без сладкого.
См. также
William H. Gass. «A Temple of Texts». Великобритания, Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group, 2010.
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Английский глагол do можно по достоинству назвать одним из важнейших глаголов английского языка. Представьте только, сколько действий мы выполняем при помощи этого глагола! А сколько словосочетаний! Глагол do также является и фразовым глаголом и насчитывает множество различных значений с различными предлогами и наречиями.
Давайте рассмотрим основные значения этого фразового глагола в примерах.
- Do away (with) – покончить с чем-то (кем-то), кончать с кем-то (чем-то), уничтожать, избавляться от чего-либо, искоренять что-то. Выражение do away with oneself означает покончить с собой.
• I have done away with all documents on this case – Я избавился от всех документов по этому делу.
• I wonder what made him do away with himself – интересно, что заставило его покончить с собой. - do by – обращаться с кем-либо.
She shouldn’t be done by this way – не следует обращаться с ней таким образом. -
do down – перехитрить, взять верх, надувать (обманывать), унизить.
• How can she live with the man, who does her down — как она может жить с человеком, который унижает ее.
• He did me down – он меня обманул. - do for – губить, присматривать, быть совершенно негодным.
This news will do for her – эта новость убьет ее . - do in – убирать (убивать), изнурять, изматывать, сжить со свету, погубить.
• We were walking the whole day and were completely done in. – мы ходили целый день и были полностью измотаны.
• If I don’t fulfill their conditions they will do me in – если я не выполню их условий, они убьют меня.
- do out – убирать, вычистить, вычищать; украшать.
• The housemaid comes every morning to do out the house.– домработница приходит каждое утро чтобы убрать дом.
• The wedding place was done out with white and red roses – место свадьбы было украшено белыми и красными розами. - do over (again) – покрывать, обмазывать, переделывать, обшивать.
I don’t like how you have painted this room. You will have to do this room over again. – Мне придется заново это переделать. -
do up – ремонтировать, отделывать (комнату), чинить, застегивать (платье), завязывать (пакет); измучить, утомлять.
• Do up your coat if you don’t want to catch cold. – застегни свое пальто если не хочешь простудиться
• Do you know anybody who can help me to do up my house ?– ты знаешь кого-нибудь, кто мог бы помочь мне отремонтировать мой дом?
• All the presents were beautifully done up – все подарки были красиво упакованы.
- do with – обходиться чем-либо, ладить с кем-либо; выносить, быть довольным, терпеть; относиться к чему-либо (иметь отношение к чему-либо).
• I can do with a sandwich for dinner . – я могу обойтись бутербродом на обед
• I have nothing to do with his problems. – я не имею отношения к его проблемам. - do without – обходиться без кого-либо или чего-либо.
• Can you do without coffee ? – Ты можешь обойтись без кофе?
• He can’t do without his mother. – он не может обойтись без своей мамы.
2 Comments on Фразовый глагол do
The following idioms and expressions use the verb ‘do’. Each idiom or expression has a definition and two example sentences to help understanding of these common idiomatic expressions with ‘do’.
Do a Double Take
Definition: look twice at someone or something because you are surprised
She did a double take when he walked into the room.
Did you see that man do a double take as he looked at the price?
Do a Number on Someone
Definition: trick someone, cheat someone, hurt someone very badly
I’m afraid she did a number on him when she broke up.
That guy did a number on John to the tune of $500!
Do an About Face
Definition: turn around, return to where someone came from
I’d like you to do an about face and go clean your room!
As soon as I got to work I realized I’d have to do an about face because I’d left my briefcase at home.
Do Away With Something
Definition: prohibit something, make something not available
They tried to do away with coffee in some cultures to little success.
Anytime they do away with something people want it even more.
Do Justice to Something
Definition: do successfully and with honor, complete in a befitting manner
I think that painting doesn’t do justice to him.
Alice really did justice to the presentation.
Do One’s Duty
Definition: complete a responsibility, do something that is expected of you
Remember to do your duty by honoring your parents.
I’ll do my duty but nothing more.
Do One’s Part
Definition: do something that is required of you, join in doing something that requires many people
He feels that volunteering is doing his part.
Do you part and get along and you’ll have no problems here.
Do or Die
Definition: complete a task or utterly fail
It’s do or die time now. We’re getting married!
Well John, it’s do or die. Let’s go!
Do Someone Good
Definition: be beneficial for someone
I think taking the week off will do you good.
She told me a massage would do me good.
Do Something Over
Definition: repeat an action often because of a poor start
Let’s do that over! I wasn’t concentrated enough!
I’d love to do college over if I had the chance.
Do Someone Proud
definition: do something so well that another person is proud of you
David did his father proud throughout his successful life.
I think you’ll do your family proud this year.
Do Someone’s Heart Good
Definition: be good for someone emotionally
I think listening to some classical music would do your heat good.
Getting straight As did her heart good.
Do Something by Hand
Definition: build something on one’s own
He built his house by hand.
I created that desk by hand.
Do Something in Vain
Definition: do something with no reason or chance at success
Peter feels his doing the job in vain.
Never feel you’re doing something in vain. There’s always a reason.
Do Something on the Fly
Definition: do something quickly without thinking
I did it on the fly, it’s nothing special.
Let’s do it on the fly. It won’t take long.
Do Something on the Run
Definition: do something while on the way to somewhere else
We did it on the run while on the way to Arizona.
You can do it on the run. Let’s go!
Do Something on the Sly
Definition: do something without having other people notice
She did it on the sly. Her husband never had a clue.
He made lots of money by doing it on the sly.
Do the Honors
Definition: do something like cutting a cake, or giving a speech that is an honor
I’d like to let your father do the honors.
I’ll do the honors and toast to happy and long life!
Do the Trick
definition: complete the task, function as a solution
I think this pen will do the trick.
You’ll come up with something to do the trick.
Do You Read Me?
Definition: question asked usually in a stern manner to ask if someone understands
We’ll have no more talk! Do you read me?!
That’s enough. Do you read me?
Мы настолько привыкли использовать тут и там глагол do, что не задумываемся о том, что он может быть фразовым и вообще не обозначать «делать». Вы удивитесь, как много в английском языке существует сочетаний предлогов и наречий с do. Давайте обратимся к ним и посмотрим как они переводятся.
Убедились? А теперь давайте изучим, как эти фразовые глаголы работают на практике – в предложениях.
Do in – утомить
I’m completely done in after all that running around.
Do to – менять
What have you done to your hair?
Do up – застегивать
You don’t need to do up the top button.
Do for – мешать
It was the flu that did for her in the end.
Do out – разобрать
While I’m down here, I’ll do out these cupboards.
Do down – унизить
He’s been done down by the teacher so often that he’s lost all his confidence.
Do over – ограбить
We were done over by a gang of vagabonds.
Do with — быть связанным с
Was the dispute anything to do with safety regulations?
А теперь как насчет небольшого теста? Глаголов немного, поэтому мы уверены, что вы с легкостью с ним справитесь!
01 You must do …… your seatbelt; it’s the law.
02 If you don’t do your shoes ……., you’ll probably fall over
03 That’s got nothing to do ……. me; it’s absolutely none of my business.
04 The accident did …. him; he never recovered.
05 Do ….. others what you would have them do to you.
правда ведь? Но вот беда – в реальной речи всё гораздо запутаннее. Пройдите
наше упражнение по отработке фразового глагола do в речи и
убедитесь в этом. Мы уверены, вам понравится, несмотря на небольшую трудность
In this lesson, you will learn a list of commonly used phrasal verbs with DO in English. Each phrasal verb includes a definition and an example sentence to help understand the context for each word.
Learn phrasal verbs with DO with meaning and example sentences
Do down
- Meaning: criticize someone or something
- For example: My son, stop doing yourself down.
Do over
- Meaning: Beat up
- For example: Her shop was done over by a Street gang.
Do up
- Meaning: Fasten, close
- For example: Do your coat up before you go outside.
Do out
- Meaning: Decorate something
- For example: They’ve had the living room done out in blue.
Do without
- Meaning: Manage without something one needs
- For example: She can‘t do without a bicycle.
Do away with
- Meaning: Abolish
- For example: It’s time to do away with the death penalty.
Do over
- Meaning: Repeat
- For example: My friend made many mistakes, so I want to do the report over.
Do in
- Meaning: Kill someone
- For example: He threatened to do my father in if he didn’t pay up by Saturday.
Phrasal Verbs with DO | Image
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by Rebecca
The English verbs do and make are frequently confused, so pay particular attention to the expressions below. It is best to learn the expressions by heart. Some guidelines do exist to help you determine which word to use when, but in general you will not have time to think through the rules before choosing a word. The best approach is to practise, and then practise some more! When you think you have learned them, try the free quiz that appears after the lists to test yourself.
- to do a favour
- to do a project
- to do a test
- to do an assignment
- to do an exam
- to do badly
- to do business
- to do damage
- to do exercise
- to do good
- to do harm
- to do homework
- to do housework
- to do nothing
- to do research
- to do something
- to do some letter-writing
- to do some reading
- to do some studying
- to do some writing
- to do the accounts
- to do the cleaning
- to do the dishes
- to do the ironing
- to do the laundry
- to do the math
- to do the maximum
- to do the minimum
- to do the paperwork
- to do the shopping
- to do the vacuuming
- to do time
- to do work
- to do your best
- to do your duty
- to do your hair
- to do your nails
- to do your job
- to do your makeup
- to do 50 miles per hour
To Do
- to make a booking
- to make a bundle
- to make a call
- to make a cake
- to make a choice
- to make a comment
- to make a complaint
- to make a compromise
- to make a deal
- to make a decision
- to make a difference
- to make a fire
- to make a fool of yourself
- to make a fortune
- to make a fuss
- to make a habit
- to make a move
- to make a phone call
- to make a point
- to make a presentation
- to make a profit
- to make a promise
- to make a remark
- to make a reservation
- to make a sales call
- to make a sound
- to make a speech
- to make a suggestion
- to make a threat
- to make a visit
- to make amends
- to make an appearance
- to make an appointment
- to make an attempt
- to make an enquiry
- to make an exception
- to make an excuse
- to make an offer
- to make arrangements
- to make believe
- to make friends
- to make fun
- to make changes
- to make corrections
- to make do
- to make love
- to make money
- to make noise
- to make peace
- to make plans
- to make a profit
- to make progress
- to make sense
- to make someone angry
- to make someone happy
- to make (someone) mad
- To make someone sad
- to make someone’s day
- to make sure
- to make time
- to make trouble
- to make dinner
- to make lunch
- to make breakfast
- to make a snack
- to make tea / coffee
- to make a mess
- to make a mistake
- to make the bed
- to make time
- to make war
To Make
Test your understanding of this English lesson
Test your understanding of the English lesson by answering these questions. You will get the answers and your score at the end of the quiz.
Have you _______ your homework?
Did we _______ a profit this year?
Oh no! I think I _______ a mistake on my exam!
Excuse me. I need to _______ a call to my mother.
When are you going to _______ the dishes? The kitchen looks so messy!
I’m so tired of _______ the housework. I need a holiday!
Have you _______ any coffee? I could really use a cup.
They _______ an excuse about why they couldn’t come to the party.
After this, I need to _______ the laundry.
To _______ business in another country, you need to be aware of local customs.
Top 10 Confusing English Verbs for Beginners
DO & MAKE – How to talk about housework in English
English Grammar – DO & MAKE
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