Word focus in english

Lesson 2. 

Word Focus

Read, translate and learn

to speak — говорить, выступать

a) Do you speak German? — No, I don’t. I only speak Russian.

b) Speak slowly, please. My English isn’t so good and I don’t understand you.

c) Will you speak at the meeting today? — I think I will.

to say — сказать что-либо, говорить что-либо

a) They say: «East or West, home is best.»

b) She says that she is happy to be back at school.

c) He didn’t say anything about his trip to Russia.

to tell — говорить (кому-либо), рассказывать (что-либо)

a) Tell me about your holidays, Mike.

b) My grandma told me to buy some milk after school.

c) Don’t tell me the answer. I’ll try to guess.

Последнее изменение: Четверг, 24 июля 2014, 21:54

Seb Oliver / Getty Images 

Updated on August 04, 2019

Pronunciation can be improved by focusing on the right words. Knowing the difference between content words and function words is the first step. Remember that we stress content words in English as they provide the words that are most important to understanding a sentence. In other words, function words like the prepositions «at,» «from,» or «to» are not stressed, whereas content words such as the nouns «city» or «investment» and main verbs like «study» or «develop» are stressed because they are key to understanding.

Step 1: Find the Focus Word

Once you are familiar with using content words to help with stress and intonation, it’s time to take it to the next level by choosing a focus word. The focus word (or words in some cases) is the most important word in a sentence. For example:

  • Why didn’t you telephone? I waited all day!

In these two sentences, the word «telephone» is the central focus. It’s the key to understanding both sentences. Someone might answer this question by saying:

  • I didn’t telephone because I was so busy

In this case, «busy» would be the focus word as it provides the main explanation for someone being late.

When saying the focus word, it’s common to stress this word more than the other content words. This may include raising the voice or speaking the word louder to add emphasis.

Step 2: Change Focus Words to Move the Conversation Along

Focus words may change as you move through a conversation. It’s common to choose focus words that provide the next topic for discussion. Take a look at this short conversation, notice how the focus word (marked in bold) changes to move the conversation forward.

  • Bob: We’re flying to Las Vegas next week.
  • Alice: Why are you going there?
  • Bob: I’m going to win a fortune!
  • Alice: You need to get real. Nobody wins a fortune in Las Vegas.
  • Bob: That’s not true. Jack won a fortune there last year.
  • Alice: No, Jack got married. He didn’t win a fortune.
  • Bob: That’s what I call winning a fortune. I don’t need to gamble to win a fortune.
  • Alice: Looking for love in Las Vegas is definitely not the answer.
  • Bob: OK. What is the answer in your opinion?
  • Alice: I think you need to start dating girls from here.
  • Bob: Don’t get me started on girls from here. They’re all out of my league!
  • Alice: Come on Bob, you’re a nice guy. You will find someone.
  • Bob: I hope so…

Stressing these key words helps change the topic from a vacation in Las Vegas to finding someone to marry to solving Bob’s love life issues. 

Practice: Choose the Focus Word

Now it’s up to you to choose the focus word. Choose the focus word for each sentence or group of short sentences. Next, practice speaking these sentences while making sure to emphasize the stress word more. 

  1. What do you want to do this afternoon? I’m bored!
  2. Why didn’t you tell me she had a birthday?
  3. I’m hungry. Let’s get some lunch.
  4. Nobody’s here. Where has everyone gone?
  5. I think Tom should buy lunch. I bought lunch last week.
  6. Are you going to finish work or waste time?
  7. You always complain about work. I think you need to stop.
  8. Let’s get Italian food. I’m tired of Chinese food.
  9. The students are getting horrible grades. What’s wrong?
  10. Our class is going to have a test on Friday. Make sure you prepare.

The focus word for most of these should be clear. However, remember that it’s possible to change the focus word in order to bring out different meanings. Another good way to practice is to use sound scripting — the marking up of your text — to help you practice dialogues.

In linguistics, focus (abbreviated FOC) is a grammatical category that conveys which part of the sentence contributes new, non-derivable, or contrastive information. In the English sentence «Mary only insulted BILL», focus is expressed prosodically by a pitch accent on «Bill» which identifies him as the only person Mary insulted. By contrast, in the sentence «Mary only INSULTED Bill», the verb «insult» is focused and thus expresses that Mary performed no other actions towards Bill. Focus is a cross-linguistic phenomenon and a major topic in linguistics. Research on focus spans numerous subfields including phonetics, syntax, semantics, pragmatics, and sociolinguistics.

Functional approachesEdit

Information structure has been described at length by a number of linguists as a grammatical phenomenon.[1][2][3] Lexicogrammatical structures that code prominence, or focus, of some information over other information has a particularly significant history dating back to the 19th century.[4] Recent attempts to explain focus phenomena in terms of discourse function, including those by Knud Lambrecht and Talmy Givón, often connect focus with the packaging of new, old, and contrasting information. Lambrecht in particular distinguishes three main types of focus constructions: predicate-focus structure, argument-focus structure, and sentence-focus structure. Focus has also been linked to other more general cognitive processes, including attention orientation.[5][6]

In such approaches, contrastive focus is understood as the coding of information that is contrary to the presuppositions of the interlocutor.[7][8][9] The topic–comment model distinguishes between the topic (theme) and what is being said about that topic (the comment, rheme, or focus).[9][10][11]

Formalist approachesEdit

Standard formalist approaches to grammar argue that phonology and semantics cannot exchange information directly (See Fig. 1). Therefore, syntactic mechanisms including features and transformations include prosodic information regarding focus that is passed to the semantics and phonology.

Fig. 1 The Y-Model of Syntax, Semantics and Phonology

Focus may be highlighted either prosodically or syntactically or both, depending on the language. In syntax this can be done assigning focus markers, as shown in (1), or by preposing as shown in (2):

(1) I saw [JOHN] f.

(2) [JOHN] f, I saw.

In (1), focus is marked syntactically with the subscripted ‘f’ which is realized phonologically by a nuclear pitch accent. Clefting induces an obligatory intonation break. Therefore, in (2), focus is marked via word order and a nuclear pitch accent.

In English, focus also relates to phonology and has ramifications for how and where suprasegmental information such as rhythm, stress, and intonation is encoded in the grammar, and in particular intonational tunes that mark focus.[12] Speakers can use pitch accents on syllables to indicate what word(s) are in focus. New words are often accented while given words are not. The accented word(s) forms the focus domain. However, not all of the words in a focus domain need be accented. (See [13][14][15] for rules on accent placement and focus-marking). The focus domain can be either broad, as shown in (3), or narrow, as shown in (4) and (5):

(3) Did you see a grey dog or a cat? I saw [a grey DOG] f.

(4) Did you see a grey dog or a grey cat? I saw a grey [DOG] f.

(5) Did you see a grey dog or a black dog? I saw a [GREY] f dog.

The question/answer paradigm shown in (3)–(5) has been utilized by a variety of theorists[12][16] to illustrate the range of contexts a sentence containing focus can be used felicitously. Specifically, the question/answer paradigm has been used as a diagnostic for what counts as new information. For example, the focus pattern in (3) would be infelicitous if the question was ‘Did you see a grey dog or a black dog?’.

In (3) and (4), the pitch accent is marked in bold. In (3), the pitch accent is placed on dog but the entire noun phrase a grey dog is under focus. In (4), the pitch accent is also placed on dog but only the noun dog is under focus. In (5), pitch accent is placed on grey and only the adjective grey is under focus.

Historically, generative proposals made focus a feature bound to a single word within a sentence. Chomsky and Halle[17] formulated a Nuclear Stress Rule that proposed there to be a relation between the main stress of a sentence and a single constituent. Since this constituent is prominent sententially in a way that can contrast with lexical stress, this was originally referred to as «nuclear» stress. The purpose of this rule was to capture the intuition that within each sentence, there is one word in particular that is accented more prominently due to its importance – this is said to form the nucleus of that sentence.

Left periphery structure, according to Rizzi (1997)

Focus was later suggested to be a structural position at the beginning of the sentence (or on the left periphery) in Romance languages such as Italian, as the lexical head of a Focus Phrase (or FP, following the X-bar theory of phrase structure). Jackendoff,[18] Selkirk,[13][14] Rooth,[19][20] Krifka,[21] Schwarzschild[15] argue that focus consists of a feature that is assigned to a node in the syntactic representation of a sentence.
Because focus is now widely seen as corresponding between heavy stress, or nuclear pitch accent, this feature is often associated with the phonologically prominent element(s) of a sentence.

Sound structure (phonological and phonetic) studies of focus are not as numerous, as relational language phenomena tend to be of greater interest to syntacticians and semanticists. But this may be changing: a recent study found that not only do focused words and phrases have a higher range of pitch compared to words in the same sentence but that words following the focus in both American English and Mandarin Chinese were lower than normal in pitch and words before a focus are unaffected. The precise usages of focus in natural language are still uncertain. A continuum of possibilities could possibly be defined between precisely enunciated and staccato styles of speech based on variations in pragmatics or timing.

Currently, there are two central themes in research on focus in generative linguistics. First, given what words or expressions are prominent, what is the meaning of some sentence? Rooth,[19] Jacobs,[22] Krifka,[21] and von Stechow[23] claim that there are lexical items and construction specific-rules that refer directly to the notion of focus. Dryer,[24] Kadmon,[25] Marti,[26] Roberts,[16] Schwarzschild,[27] Vallduvi,[28] and Williams[29] argue for accounts in which general principles of discourse explain focus sensitivity.[12] Second, given the meaning and syntax of some sentence, what words or expressions are prominent?

Prominence and meaningEdit

Focus directly affects the semantics, or meaning, of a sentence. Different ways of pronouncing the sentence affects the meaning, or, what the speaker intends to convey. Focus distinguishes one interpretation of a sentence from other interpretations of the same sentence that do not differ in word order, but may differ in the way in which the words are taken to relate to each other. To see the effects of focus on meaning, consider the following examples:

(6) John only introduced Bill to SUE.

In (6), accent is placed on Sue. There are two readings of (6) – broad focus shown in (7) and narrow focus shown in (8):

(7) John only [introduced Bill to SUE] f.

(8) John only introduced Bill to [SUE] f.

The meaning of (7) can be summarized as the only thing John did was introduce Bill to Sue. The meaning of (8) can be summarized as the only person to whom John introduced Bill is Sue.

In both (7) and (8), focus is associated with the focus sensitive expression only. This is known as association with focus. The class of focus sensitive expressions in which focus can be associated with includes exclusives (only, just) non-scalar additives (merely, too) scalar additives (also, even), particularlizers (in particular, for example), intensifiers, quantificational adverbs, quantificational determiners, sentential connectives, emotives, counterfactuals, superlatives, negation and generics.[12] It is claimed that focus operators must c-command their focus.

Alternative semanticsEdit

In the alternative semantics approach to focus pioneered by Mats Rooth, each constituent   has both an ordinary denotation   and a focus denotation   which are composed by parallel computations. The ordinary denotation of a sentence is simply whatever denotation it would have in a non-alternative-based system while its focus denotation can be thought of as the set containing all ordinary denotations one could get by substituting the focused constituent for another expression of the same semantic type. For a sentence such as (9), the ordinary denotation will be the proposition which is true iff Mary likes Sue. Its focus denotation will be the set of each propositions such that for some contextually relevant individual ‘x’, that proposition is true iff Mary likes ‘x’.[30][19][20]

(9) Mary likes [SUE]f.

In formal terms, the ordinary denotation of (9) will be as shown below:

  •  .

Focus denotations are computed using the alternative sets provided by alternative semantics. In this system, most unfocused items denote the singleton set containing their ordinary denotations.


Focused constituents denote the set of all (contextually relevant) semantic objects of the same type.

  •  , where E is the domain of entities or individuals.

In alternative semantics, the primary composition rule is Pointwise Functional Application. This rule can be thought of as analogous to the cross product.

  • Pointwise Functional Application: If   is a constituent with daughters   and   which are of type   and   respectively, then  

Applying this rule to example (9) would give the following focus denotation if the only contextually relevant individuals are Sue, Bill, Lisa, and Mary


The focus denotation can be «caught» by focus-sensitive expressions like «only» as well as other covert items such as the squiggle operator.[19][20][30]

Structured meaningsEdit

Following Jacobs[22] and Williams,[29] Krifka[21] argues differently. Krifka claims focus partitions the semantics into a background part and focus part, represented by the pair:

The syntactic/semantic tree of the sentence John only introduced [BILL] f to [SUE] f.[21]


The logical form of which represented in lambda calculus is:


This pair is referred to as a structured meaning. Structured meanings allow for a compositional semantic approach to sentences that involve single or multiple foci. This approach follows Frege’s (1897) Principle of Compositionality: the meaning of a complex expression is determined by the meanings of its parts, and the way in which those parts are combined into structured meanings. Krifka’s structured meaning theory represents focus in a transparent and compositional fashion it encompasses sentences with more than one focus as well as sentences with a single focus. Krifka claims the advantages of structured meanings are twofold: 1) We can access the meaning of an item in focus directly, and 2) Rooth’s[19][20] alternative semantics can be derived from a structured meaning approach but not vice versa. To see Krifka’s approach illustrated, consider the following examples of single focus shown in (10) and multiple foci shown in (11):

(10) John introduced Bill to [SUE] f.

(11) John only introduced [BILL] f to [SUE] f.

Generally, the meaning of (10) can be summarized as John introduced Bill to Sue and no one else, and the meaning of (11) can be summarized as the only pair of persons such that John introduced the first to the second is Bill and Sue.

Specifically, the structured meaning of (10) is:

  where introd is the denotation of introduce, j John, b Bill and s Sue.

The background part of the structured meaning is; introd (j, b, x); and the focus part is s.

Through a (modified) form of functional application (or beta reduction), the focus part of (10) and (11) is projected up through the syntax to the sentential level. Importantly, each intermediate level has distinct meaning.

Focus markingEdit

It has been claimed that new information in the discourse is accented while given information is not. Generally, the properties of new and given are referred to as a word’s discourse status. Definitions of new and given vary. Halliday[31] defines given as «anaphorically» recoverable, while new is defined to be «textually and situationally non-derivable information». To illustrate this point, consider the following discourse in (12) and (13):

(12) Why don’t you have some French TOAST?

(13) I’ve forgotten how to MAKE French toast.[32]

In (13) we note that the verb make is not given by the sentence in (12). It is discourse new. Therefore, it is available for accentuation. However, toast in (13) is given in (12). Therefore, it is not available for accentuation. As previously mentioned, pitch accenting can relate to focus. Accented words are often said to be in focus or F-marked often represented by F-markers. The relationship between accent placement is mediated through the discourse status of particular syntactic nodes.[33] The percolation of F-markings in a syntactic tree is sensitive to argument structure and head-phrase relations.[15]

Selkirk and accent placementEdit

Selkirk[13][14] develops an explicit account of how F-marking propagates up syntactic trees. Accenting indicates F-marking. F-marking projects up a given syntactic tree such that both lexical items, i.e. terminal nodes and phrasal levels, i.e. nonterminal nodes, can be F-marked. Specifically, a set of rules determines how and where F-marking occurs in the syntax. These rules are shown in (1) and (2):

(14) Basic Rule: An accented word is f-marked.

(15) Focus Projection:

a. F-marking the head of a phrase licenses F-marking of the phrase.
b. F-marking of the internal argument of a head licenses the F-marking of the head.
c. F-marking of the antecedent of a trace left by NP or wh-movement licenses F-marking of the trace.

To see how (14) and (15) apply, consider the following example:

Judy f [adopted f a parrot f] f] foc[33]

Because there is no rule in (14) or (15) that licenses F-marking to the direct object from any other node, the direct object parrot must be accented as indicated in bold. Rule (15b) allows F-marking to project from the direct object to the head verb adopted. Rule (15a) allows F-marking to project from the head verb to the VP adopted a parrot. Selkirk[13][14] assumes the subject Judy is accented if F-marked as indicated in bold.[33]

Schwarzschild and accent placementEdit

Schwarzschild[15] points out weaknesses in Selkirk’s[13][14] ability to predict accent placement based on facts about the discourse. Selkirk’s theory says nothing about how accentuation arises in sentences with entirely old information. She does not fully articulate the notion of discourse status and its relation to accent marking. Schwarzschild differs from Selkirk in that he develops a more robust model of discourse status. Discourse status is determined via the entailments of the context. This is achieved through the definition in (16):

(16) Definition of given: An utterance of U counts as given if it has a salient antecedent A and

a. if U is type e, then A and U corefer;
b. otherwise: modulo  -type-shifting, A entails the existential F-closure of U.

The operation in (16b) can apply to any constituent.  -type-shifting «is a way of transforming syntactic constituents into full propositions so that it is possible to check whether they are entailed by the context».[33] For example, the result of  -type-shifting the VP in (17) is (18):

(17) [hums a happy tune]

(18)  x[x hums a happy tune][33]

Note that (18) is a full proposition. The existential F-closure in (16b) refers to the operation of replacing the highest F-marked node with an existentially closed variable. The operation is shown in (19) and (20):

(19)  x[x hums [a happy f tune f] f]

(20)  Y x[x hums Y][33]

Given the discourse context in (21a) it is possible to determine the discourse status of any syntactic node in (21b):


a. Sean [hummed a happy tune] VP
b. Angie [hummed [Chopin’s Funeral March] f] VP[33]

If the VP in (21a) is the salient antecedent for the VP in (21b), then the VP in (21b) counts as given.  -type-shifed VP in (21a) is shown in (22). The existential F-closure of the VP in (21b) is shown in (23):

(22)  x[x hums a happy tune]

(23)  Y x[x hums Y][33]

(22) entails (23). Therefore, the VP of (21b) counts as given. Schwarzschild[15] assumes an optimality theoretic grammar.[34] Accent placement is determined by a set of violable, hierarchically ranked constraints as shown in (24):


a. GIVENness: A constituent that is not F-marked is given.
b. Foc: A Foc-marked phrase contains an accent
c. AvoidF: Do not F-mark
d. HeadArg: A head is less prominent than its internal argument.

The ranking Schwarzschild[15] proposes is seen in (25):

(25) GIVENness, Foc >> AvoidF >> HeadArg

As seen, GIVENness relates F-marking to discourse status. Foc relates F-marking to accent placement. Foc simply requires that a constituent(s) of an F-marked phrase contain an accent. AvoidF states that less F-marking is preferable to more F-marking. HeadArg encodes the head-argument asymmetry into the grammar directly.[33]


Recent empirical work by German et al.[33] suggests that both Selkirk’s[13][14] and Schwarzschild’s[15] theory of accentuation and F-marking makes incorrect predictions. Consider the following context:

(26) Are the children playing their game?

(27) Paul took down their tent that they play their game in.[33]

It has been noted that prepositions are intrinsically weak and do not readily take accent.[32][33] However, both Selkirk and Schwarzschild predict that in the narrow focus context, an accent will occur at most on the preposition in (27) as shown in (28):

(28) Paul took down their tent that they [play their game [in f t f] foc].[33]

However, the production experiment reported in German et al.[33] showed that subjects are more likely to accent verbs or nouns as opposed to prepositions in the narrow focused context, thus ruling out accent patterns shown in (28). German et al. argue for a stochastic constraint-based grammar similar to Anttila[35] and Boersma[36] that more fluidly accounts for how speakers accent words in discourse.

See alsoEdit

  • Information structure
  • Topic–comment
  • Topic-prominent language
  • Question under discussion
  • Squiggle operator


  1. ^ Prince, E (1981), Towards a taxonomy of given-new information, New York: Academic Press
  2. ^ Chafe, W. L. (1976), Givenness, Contrastiveness, Definiteness, Subjects, Topics and Points of View, New York: Academic Press
  3. ^ Halliday, M. A. K. (1967), Notes on Transitivity and Theme in English, New York: Academic Press
  4. ^ Weil, H. (1887), The order of words in ancient languages compared with that of modern languages, Boston: Ginn
  5. ^ Levelt, W J. M. (1989), Speaking, Cambridge: MIT Press
  6. ^ Tomlin, R. S. (1995), attention, voice, and word-order: an experimental, cross-linguistic study
  7. ^ Givon, Talmy (2001), Syntax: An Introduction Vol. II, Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Co.
  8. ^ Lambrecht, Knud (1994), Information Structure and Sentence Form: Topic, Focus, and the Mental Representation of Discourse Referents, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
  9. ^ a b Camacho, José; Rodrigo Gutiérrez-Bravo; Liliana Sánchez (2010), Information Structure in the Languages of the Americas: Syntactic Approaches, Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter
  10. ^ Bates, Elizabeth; Brian MacWhinney (1987), Dirven, Rene; V. Fried (eds.), «A functionalist approach to the acquisition of grammar», Functionalism in Linguistics, Linguistic and Literary Studies in Eastern Europe, Amersterdam: John Benjamins, 20: 209–264, doi:10.1075/llsee.20.12bat, ISBN 978-90-272-1524-6.
  11. ^ Mel’čuk, Igor A. (2001), Communicative Organization in Natural Language: The Semantic-Communicative Structure of Sentences, Amsterdam: John Benjamins
  12. ^ a b c d Beaver, David I. & Brady Z. Clark (2008), Sense and Sensitivity: How Focus Determines Meaning, Malden, Mass.: Blackwell Publishing
  13. ^ a b c d e f Selkirk, E. (1984), Phonology and Syntax: The Relation between Sound and Structure, Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press
  14. ^ a b c d e f Selkirk, E. (1995), «Sentence Prosody: Intonation, Stress, and Phrasing», in J. A. Goldsmith (ed.), The Handbook of Phonological Theory, London: Basil Blackwell, pp. 550–569
  15. ^ a b c d e f g Schwarzschild, R. (1999), «GIVENness, AvoidF and other Constraints on the Placement of Accent», Natural Language Semantics, 7 (2): 141–177, doi:10.1023/a:1008370902407, S2CID 17528648
  16. ^ a b Roberts, C. (1996), Information Structure in Discourse: Towards an Integrated Formal Theory of Pragmatics, OSU Working Papers in Linguistics 49. Papers in Semantics.
  17. ^ Chomsky, N. & M. Halle (1968), The Sound Pattern of English, MIT Press.
  18. ^ Jackendoff, R. (1972), Semantic Structures, MIT Press
  19. ^ a b c d e Rooth, M. (1985), Association with Focus, Ph.D. thesis, UMass. Amherst: Graduate Linguistics Students Association
  20. ^ a b c d Rooth, M. (1992), «A Theory of Focus Interpretation», Natural Language Semantics, 1: 75–116, doi:10.1007/bf02342617, S2CID 14108349
  21. ^ a b c d Krifka, Manfred (1992), «A Compositional Semantics For Multiple Focus Constructions», in Jacobs, Joachim (ed.), Informationsstruktur und Grammatik, Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag, pp. 17–53
  22. ^ a b Jacobs, J. (1983), Fokus und Skalen, T¨ubingen: Niemeyer.
  23. ^ von Stechow, A. (1989), Focusing and backgrounding operators, Universitat Konstanz, Fachgruppe Sprachwissenschaft, Arbeitspapier Nr. 6. Konstanz. Press.
  24. ^ Dryer, M. S. (1994), «The pragmatics of association with only», Paper Presented at the 1994 Winter Meeting of the L.S.A., Boston
  25. ^ Kadmon, N. (2001), Formal Pragmatics: Semantics, Pragmatics, Presupposition and Focus, Oxford: Blackwell.
  26. ^ Marti, L. (2003), Contextual Variables, Ph.D. thesis, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT and MIT Working Papers in Linguistics.
  27. ^ Schwarzschild, R. (1997), Why Some Foci Must Associate, Unpublished ms., Rutgers University.
  28. ^ Vallduvi, E. (1990), The Information Component, Ph.D. thesis, University of Pennsylvania
  29. ^ a b Williams, E. (1997), «Blocking and Anaphora», Linguistic Inquiry, 28 (4): 577–628
  30. ^ a b Buring, Daniel (2016). Intonation and Meaning. Oxford University Press. pp. 36–41. doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199226269.003.0003. ISBN 978-0-19-922627-6.
  31. ^ Halliday, M. (1967), «Notes on Transitivity and Theme in English (Part 2)», Journal of Linguistics, 3: 206
  32. ^ a b Ladd, Robert D. (1980), The structure of intonational meaning: Evidence from English, Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
  33. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n German, J., Pierrehumbert, J. and Kaufmann, S. (2006), «Evidence for phonological constraints on nuclear accent placement», Language, 82 (1): 151–168, doi:10.1353/lan.2006.0035, hdl:10220/19266, S2CID 9034490
  34. ^ Prince, Alan, and Paul Smolensky (1993), Optimality theory: Constraint interaction in generative grammar, New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University, and Boulder, CO: University of Colorado, MS.
  35. ^ Antilla, A. (1997), Variation in Finnish phonology and morphology, Stanford, CA: Stanford University dissertation.
  36. ^ Boersma, P. (1997), «How we learn variation, optionality, and probability», Proceedings of the Institute of Phonetic Sciences of the University of Amsterdam, 21: 43–58


  • Cinque, Guglielmo (1993). «A null theory of phrase and compound stress». Linguistic Inquiry 24: 239–267.
  • Neeleman, Ad and Tanya Reinhart (1998). «Scrambling and the PF-Interface». In The Projection of Arguments, CSLI Publications, 309–353.
  • Ocampo, Francisco (2003). «On the notion of focus in spoken Spanish: An empirical approach». In Theory, Practice, and Acquisition, ed. by Paula Kempchinsky and Carlos-Eduardo Pineros. Sommerville: Cascadilla Press, 207–226.
  • Pereltsvaig, Asya (2002). «Topic and focus as linear notions: evidence from Russian and Italian». Proceedings of the Conference on the Interaction between Syntax and Pragmatics at UCL.
  • Szendrői, Kriszta (2004). ‘Focus and the interaction between syntax and pragmatics’. Lingua 114(3), 229–254.
  • Xu, Y., C. X. Xu and X. Sun (2004). ‘On the temporal domain of focus’. In Proceedings of International Conference on Speech Prosody 2004, Nara, Japan: 81–84.

Since pronunciation is so multi-faceted and unique to each student, it can feel like a really difficult language skill to teach! It’s easy to get overwhelmed, especially if you have a multicultural and/or multi-level classroom. After all, each native language present in your classroom lends itself to different pronunciation struggles.

One of the best methods for approaching pronunciation in your classroom is The Prosody Pyramid, which is an approach that seeks to highlight the inter-relatedness of speech. The first layer, or the base of the pyramid, is comprised of thought groups. Thought groups are chunks of spoken language that you can find within longer sentences. They’re typically book-ended by short pauses. Teaching your students how to identify these pauses and other attributes of thought groups into their speech can help English language learners incorporate thought groups into their daily language and communicate more clearly with others.

Before You Finish this Article, Learn More About Teaching Thought Groups by Clicking Here!

Once your students have learned about and begun to incorporate thought groups into their speech, you can begin to improve pronunciation even more by taking it a step further and moving up the pyramid. Every thought group has a focus word within it. Native speakers naturally pause in between thought groups and they know how to emphasize and pronounce focus words to communicate effectively.

Today I want to focus on these words (pun intended), and I want to talk more about how native speakers unintentionally use them. Below you’ll learn more about what focus words are, how they’re pronounced, how to teach your students about them, and a few fun activities to help your students practice identifying them.

What is a Focus Word?

A focus word is simply the most important word within a thought group. The most important word within a sentence will change depending on the context that the statement is made in and who is speaking.

A simple statement, such as “I love red bell peppers” can have 5 different focus words. If I want to stress that I love the red bell peppers as compared to you or someone else loving them, then “I” will be the focus word. If I want to stress that I love them, not just like them, then “love” will be the focus word. I think you can see where I’m going here. The intent of the statement is integral to the selection of a focus word.

That being said, it really isn’t that difficult to identify the focus word in a statement, if you know what to look or listen for. Each and every thought group contains one, and you can figure out which word is being stressed by listening for the stress and by analyzing the intent of the message.

Listen: The first way to identify a focus word is through listening for pitch change. There will be a pitch change on the vowel of the stressed syllable of the focus word. The change in pitch can be either up or down.

Try saying the sentence, “I love red bell peppers,” and placing the stress on different words. I love red bell peppers. I love red bell peppers. I love red bell peppers. I love red bell peppers. I love red bell peppers.

Meaning: The second way that you can identify a focus word is through the meaning of the sentence and words. The focus word is usually, but not always, a content word. A content word is any nouns, main verbs, adverbs, adjectives, or question words. They are not pronouns, prepositions, articles, or conjunctions.

Knowing which words will most likely hold the most meaning, based on their definitions and connotations, can help you identify which word is the focus of the thought group. If you’re looking for the focus words within a conversation, it’s helpful to know that at the beginning of the conversation the focus word will usually be the last content word in the thought group. 

Hey! I was just about to run to the store.

Hello, I’m looking for the closest Bookshop.

However, as the conversation continues, the focus will change because the speaker wants to draw attention to new information. After the focus is already established, details will become more important. It’s not necessary to continue to emphasize the original point.

Which store?

There is an antique bookshop around the corner.

Take a look at the conversation below, and notice how the focus word shifts as the conversation progresses. While it begins with «keys» being the focus word, as the conversation continues «keys» becomes less important.

Person A:  Have you seen my keys?

Person B: What keys?

Person A: The car keys. The ones for the Subaru.

Person B: No, I haven’t seen them.

Teaching Your Students

When creating this resource, I kept asking myself what information you would need in order to feel confident enough to teach your students about focus words. I decided to separate what focus words are from how to teach your students because you don’t necessarily need to tell your students everything about focus words when you’re teaching. However, it is helpful for you, as a teacher, to have a more complete knowledge of the subject.

If you’re teaching a beginner or intermediate-level class, I don’t recommend teaching all of the information above. Just give them the most important parts. Talk about how focus words are the most important words in a thought group and how they’re usually stressed with a change in pitch.

Focus words are really apparent when the individual(s) speaking are seeking clarification. Clarification-based conversations are a great place to start when trying to locate focus words and practice using them.

When teaching, it’s always helpful to have examples. While video clips can be engaging, it’s sometimes hard to catch focus words in the midst of a fast interview, monologue, or conversation. Sometimes it’s better to just say the sentences yourself.

As you say the sentences, speak more dramatically than you typically would, so that your students are able to really hear the change in pitch. As they get more practice hearing focus words and practicing them, bring it down to a normal rate and tone.

Another thing that can be helpful when teaching is to show your students how a focus word can be different within the same sentence or phrase. Take the, “I love red bell peppers,” sentence above, for example, and show them how a different focus word means a different focus for the sentence.

It’s important to teach ESL students that the way you say something can change the meaning or the tone of what you are saying. Vocabulary words and grammar are not the only important parts of successfully speaking and communicating in English.

Activity Suggestions

Tap it Out: If your students are having a hard time identifying the focus words, have them tap or drum a sentence. Start out by simply saying a sentence, such as “I’m going to be late to work.” Then demonstrate how you want your students to tap out the sentence. For each syllable, tap the table. However, when the syllable is stressed, you’ll want to hit louder.

Another alternative to tapping out the sentence is to use a kazoo to “say” the sentence. Anything that will allow your students to hear the rhythm and the stress of the focus word will help them to take note of the intonation. 

Worksheets: While I’m not usually a big fan of using a lot of worksheets, you can use a worksheet in so many different ways to practice identifying focus words. In fact, I’ve created a 3 part worksheet that you can use with your beginner-level students to help them identify focus words through listening and conversational context. 

You can download this worksheet for free in our free resource library, just sign up for our newsletter below and receive access to the library. You’ll need to prepare a few sentences for the first activity, but other than that there is no prep! Make sure your sentences are natural and flow well. There’s nothing worse than «stiff» examples. Use language you would use in your daily life.

Teaching pronunciation doesn’t have to be tedious and frustrating! Remember to take it slowly. The best way I’ve found for teaching pronunciation slowly is to begin with thought groups and then move on to focus words.

I Want to Hear From You!

When do you start to introduce pronunciation practice and how?

Which do you tend to focus on more in the classroom — individual letter sounds or overall rhthym?

A focus word is a word that receives the most stress in a thought group. Every thought group has at least one focus word, and the focus word tends to be the last important word in a thought group. It is generally a content word. Although there are general rules for what is chosen as a focus word and why, focus words can change depending on the speaker’s meaning and mood. You will learn more about this in Style & Tone.

Here are some examples:

I’ll call you tomorrow.
I’m waiting for you.
I noticed you didn’t have your notebook, so I took notes for you.

Now, can you identify the focus word? Click below to check your answer.

    1. I’ll see you in class.
    2. I know you ate, but are you still hungry?
    3. I’m waiting for you.

Click to see answers

1. class
2. ate, hungry
3. waiting

Practice repeating each sentence. Be sure to stress the focus word. It may help to clap your hands or tap on a table to make sure you are fully stressing the focus word.

Multiple Focus Words

There are times when a thought group will have more than one focus word. You can identify which words are focus words based on the context, and how they sound. We will visit these topics further in Style and Tone, Highlighting, and Contrasting and Clarifying.

Speakers tend to stress the important words. What is important may change from sentence to sentence, but these stressed words are meant as a clear indicator of what the listener must understand.

Let’s look at some examples where two focus words are used. Why are these words stressed more than others?

    1. Please call me back.
    2. She finally invited me.
    3. I would never leave this job.

Click to see answers

    1. Please is stressed because the person may be frustrated or or desperate to get a phone call. Back is stressed because it is the last important word in the thought group.
    2. Finally is stressed because it shows that this person has been waiting a long time to be invited. Invited is stressed because it is the last important word in the thought group.
    3. Never is stressed because it is important to emphasize that this person plans to always stay at this job. Job is stressed because it is the last important word in the thought group.

Now, repeat each sentence. Really emphasize the focus words.

Now, can you identify ALL the focus words in each sentence? Choose the focus words based on what you hear. Then, try to guess the context or feeling of the speaker as to why each word is stressed.

    1. I don’t need the bracelet, but I want it.
    2. These trucks are so loud.
    3. Are you really still upset?

Click to see answers

    1. Need is stressed to show that this bracelet is a desire. Want is stressed to show the contrast, and because it is the last important word in the group.
    2. Trucks is stressed because it is an important content word. So is stressed to highlight that the trucks are VERY loud. Loud is stressed because it is descriptive, and the last important word in the group.
    3. Really is stressed because the person is surprised or critical about the other person’s emotions. Upset is stressed because it is the last important word in the thought group.

Now, repeat each sentence. Really emphasize the focus words.

Extra Speaking Practice

Write one to two sentences to answer each question below. Then, circle which words are your focus words. Practice saying these sentences out loud, first reading, and then without looking at any notes. For an added challenge, experiment with changing a focus word and seeing how it sounds and how it changes the meaning or feeling of the sentence.

    1. When was the last time you went grocery shopping (online or in person)? What is one thing you bought?
    2. Why did you choose your major?
    3. What did you do yesterday?
    4. What is your ideal work environment?

For more practice with thought groups and focus words, visit Thought Groups and Pausing.

For more practice with focus words as new or contrasting information, visit Highlighting, Contrasting and Clarifying, and Introducing New Information.

For more practice with focus words dealing with expressing emotion, visit Style and Tone.

When English speakers talk they emphasize the content and focus words in a sentence. That’s because these words are the most important for meaning. Function words are said quickly because these words, while needed for structure, are not always key to meaning.

In spoken English each sentence or phrase contains:

A Focus word-the most important word

Content words-very important for meaning

Function words-not important for meaning

Content Words and Focus Words

The most important words in English sentences are content words and focus words. Content and focus words are pronounced a bit louder and with a higher pitch than the other words in a sentence.

Content words are usually nouns, main verbs, adjectives, adverbs, question words, negatives and numbers. The focus word is usually, but not always, the last content word in a thought group or phrase.

Look at the example sentences below and read them aloud emphasizing the content and focus words. Stressed syllables are capitalized.

1. SUsan is HAPpy with her poSItion.

2. She teaches ENGlish at the UniVERsity.

In longer sentences, there is a focus word in each phrase or thought group.

3. If you PLAN to become a TEAcher, you need to have exPERience with REsearch.

Function Words

The unstressed words in a sentence are called function words. Function words are important to the grammatical structure of a sentence and they are pronounced quickly with a reduced pitch.

Stressing Function Words

In certain situations, speakers may choose to stress a function word rather than a content or focus word. For example, when someone presents you a with a choice and you want to choose both items, you should stress the structure word.

Student A:  Are you taking phiLOsophy or linGUIStics?

Student B:  Actually I’m taking phiLOsophy AND linGUIStics?

If you can emphasize the content and focus words in a sentence, while reducing the function words, your spoken English will be easier for native speakers to understand.

Susan Ryan is an American English pronunciation teacher and accent reduction coach. She currently lives in South Florida. Read more articles by Susan at http://www.confidentvoice.com/blog/

Download ELTWeekly Issue#82 in PDF Version

sentence stress

Last updated:

August 16, 2022

Every language has a rhythm.

When you learn a new language, you use the rhythm and music from your native language without meaning to.

But when you do this, your English might sound off-beat!

By improving your rhythm and sentence stress in English, you’ll be improving your speaking and listening skills, as well.


  • What Is Sentence Stress in English?
    • Content words
    • Structure words
  • Focus Words in Sentence Stress
    • Pitch changes in focus words
  • Thought Groups
  • Sources to Master Sentence Stress

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What Is Sentence Stress in English?

So you know that sentence stress is the music of the language, but what does that mean exactly? English is a stress-timed language that has a pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables and words. You change stress to emphasize, give new information, contrast information or to clarify.

In other words, English lets you put the stress on different words (or parts of words) to change the meaning of the whole sentence. You can make some information more important than the rest of the sentence through sentence stress.

In English, we have content words and structure words. You can think about it in terms of “strong” and “soft” beats.

Content words

Content words are the “strong” beats and usually include words with more lexical (more in-depth) meaning, such as nouns (cat, house), verbs (sleep, run), adverbs (slowly, quickly) and adjectives (small, large). The main stress in these words get the the emphasis, or stress, in a sentence:

I’m SORry. The CLASS is FULL.

LIons and TIgers and BEARS, oh MY.

Try saying the sentences above out loud, putting a stronger stress on the capitalized parts. You can even drum the beat on a table, hitting harder as you say the stressed words.

In this video, Tom Hanks, an American movie actor, performs slam poetry about the classic television series “Full House.” You can really hear the emphasis on the content words.

There are other words that can be content words, depending on the meaning. These include the following: Wh-words (who, what, where and why), interjections (Yes, ahh, dear me) and negatives (can’t, won’t). For example:

NO, you CAN’T come.

WHAT are you SAYing?

Structure words

Structure words are the “soft” beats with less meaning in the sentence. They provide the grammatical elements of the sentence and are said with a quieter beat. Structure words are articles (a, an), prepositions (in, on), conjunctions (but, and), pronouns (I, you) and auxiliary verbs (is, was).

For example, the words “I,” “the” and “is” in the following example are structure words:


If you give a strong beat to the wrong word or even the wrong syllable, you can change the meaning or make the sentence hard to understand. “You enjoy HIStory,” can sound like “You enjoy his STOry.”

Here’s a video from Rachel’s English going over content and structure word stress in action.

Focus Words in Sentence Stress

You now know about the strong and soft beats that make up the music of the English language. In every sentence or phrase, there’s one word that has the main emphasis or focus. The loudest part is the strong syllable of the focus word.

Focus words help your listener understand the main point of what you’re trying to convey. It can provide essential or new information. It can contrast ideas or even make a correction.

Many times, the focus word is the last content word in the phrase or sentence:

Taylor Swift is AMAzing!

Sometimes, though, you might move the focus word to change the meaning of your sentence. For example. if someone asks you what you plan to do next year, you might answer:

I’m going to COLlege.

The focus is the answer to the question: College is where you’ll be going.

On the other hand, if someone misheard that your sister is going to college, you might respond:

I’M going to college.

In this case, the focus is on the fact that it’s you (and not your sister) who’s going to college.

Pitch changes in focus words

Along with placing a stronger stress on the focus word, you’ll also need to raise the pitch—that is, make the sound of your voice higher.

To understand this better, St. George International has a great video that shows how stress and pitch placed on different words in the same sentence can completely change the meaning of the sentence.

Understanding the pitch change can also help improve your listening comprehension skills. When you hear the pitch change, you know what’s coming is critical. For those taking the TOEFL or IELTS listening test, practicing listening for the pitch change can improve your score.

Jill Diamond offers up some quick tips on how to identify the focus words in her online videos.

If you want more help on the topic, English with Lucy is super popular for a reason: She has lots of useful videos on English pronunciation.

Thought Groups

If you’re going to practice sentence stress, you have to also understand thought groups. Thought groups are phrases or sentences that express your “thought” by using natural pausing and a focus word.

In writing, we use punctuation (periods, commas, question marks) to show the natural pause.

Roses are red, violets are blue. (The comma shows the natural pause.)

In speech, you do this by adding a slight or quick pause before going to the next thought group. If you don’t pause, the sentences stream together, making your ideas unclear or completely wrong.

Let’s eat GRANDma!

Let’s EAT, GRANDma!

In the first example above, you’re telling the listener you want to eat Grandma. And in the second, you’re telling Grandma that it’s time to eat. Both mean very different things, shown through a correctly emphasized and paused thought group.

Not only do you pause at the end of a thought group, but you also use pitch and intonation—or the rise and fall of our voice—to signal the pause.

I love eating ↗GRANDpa. I love ↗EATing,↘ ↗GRANDdpa!

You can hear this in action with this silly animation from Justin Franko.

You can also have more than one thought group within a sentence. And within each thought group, you have a focus word:

It’s better to be SAFE than SORry.

Where there’s a WILL, there’s a WAY.

You can think of it like you’re “chunking” the language. Pronunciation Pro has some “chunking videos” that break down intonation and pausing.

Gabby Wallace from Go Natural English has some dynamic English pronunciation videos on thought groups that help you chunk like a native speaker.

Sources to Master Sentence Stress

Learning about sentence stress isn’t enough! These resources help you hear and practice the music of the language:

  • “Well Said”: If you want to buy a pronunciation textbook, it should be the “Well Said” series by Linda Grant and Eve Einselen Yu. The books have fun activities that focus on all the important features of English pronunciation, including sentence stress.

    The series goes over the latest research in pronunciation, TOEFL iBT preparation exercises and a full audio program.

  • FluentU: This website and app lets you learn with short English videos featuring native speakers. With the help of the “loop-back” rewind feature, you can listen to clip sections over again and imitate what’s being said. All the videos come with transcripts and interactive subtitles that allow you to follow along and learn vocabulary.

    After watching, you can test out your writing, speaking and listening skills with personalized quizzes.


  • English Club: This is a free website for English learners that covers the rhythm of sentence stress. You can listen and practice with included bite-sized chunks of dialogue or learn about sentence stress rules. English Club is an excellent place to start when first learning about the beat of sentence stress.


  • Oxford Online English: If you love YouTube, then you’re going to love Oxford Online English. You can subscribe to their channel and watch and learn from pronunciation experts all about English sentence stress.

    You’ll never become bored with a vast (large) selection of pronunciation videos, taught by certified teachers.

Sentence stress is all about hearing the beat and using the English rhythm correctly. It’s not about having a perfect accent, but rather about emphasizing the correct focus word by raising and lowering your pitch, and taking a pause when needed.

Mastering sentence stress is a small step you can take that’ll help you sound much more natural when speaking English!

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