Word first sentence paragraph

Write your first sentence Professionals refer to the first sentence of a paragraph as a topic sentence. Often, topic sentences establish a paragraph’s main idea. To write a topic sentence, start with a transition word or phrase. Then, make a claim or address a certain topic.


  • 1 How do you begin a paragraph?
  • 2 What words can I use to start a paragraph?
  • 3 What are some good sentence starters?
  • 4 How do I start just writing?
  • 5 What are the 6 sentence openers?
  • 6 What are the 7 sentence openers?
  • 7 What can I say instead of begin?
  • 8 How do you start a body paragraph 1?
  • 9 Can you start a paragraph with furthermore?
  • 10 How do I start my introduction?
  • 11 How do you start off a story?
  • 12 What are prepositional openers?
  • 13 What is a varied opener?
  • 14 What is a starter sentence?
  • 15 What is the WWW Asia B clause?
  • 16 Is it beforehand or beforehand?
  • 17 What does Genesis stand for?
  • 18 What are the 3 types of transitions?
  • 19 What is introductory paragraph in essay?
  • 20 How do you transition from your body to intro?

How do you begin a paragraph?

5 Tips for Structuring and Writing Better Paragraphs

  1. Make the first sentence of your topic sentence.
  2. Provide support via the middle sentences.
  3. Make your last sentence a conclusion or transition.
  4. Know when to start a new paragraph.
  5. Use transition words.

What words can I use to start a paragraph?

Linking words and phrases weave sentences together to create a cohesive paragraph.

First, firstly, second, third, thirdly next, last finally
in addition, moreover furthermore
also In conclusion, to summarise
The first… The/a second

What are some good sentence starters?

Good sentence starters for sequences or lists

  • First . . ., Second . . ., Third . . ., etc.
  • Next . . .
  • Then . . .
  • Subsequently . . .
  • After that . . .
  • Afterwards . . .
  • Eventually . . .
  • Later . . .

How do I start just writing?

How to ‘just write’

  1. Write any old drivel.
  2. Start with a word-count goal first, then progress to project goals.
  3. Track your progress.
  4. Make specific appointments with your writing.
  5. Get the conditions as right as possible, but work with what you’ve got.
  6. Get an audience for your writing.

What are the 6 sentence openers?

There are six sentence openers:

  • #1: Subject.
  • #2: Prepositional.
  • #3: -ly Adverb.
  • #4: -ing , (participial phrase opener)
  • #5: clausal , (www.asia.b)
  • #6: VSS (2-5 words) Very Short Sentence.

What are the 7 sentence openers?

Used at the beginning of a sentence, these words signal to you that a sentence opener follows: After, Although, As, Because, Before, If, Since, Unless, Until, When, While.

What can I say instead of begin?

Synonyms & Antonyms of begin

  • commence,
  • embark (on or upon),
  • enter (into or upon),
  • fall (to),
  • get off,
  • kick off,
  • launch,
  • lead off,

How do you start a body paragraph 1?

Though a body paragraph should always begin with a topic sentence and end with proof of your objective — sometimes with a direct connection to the essay’s thesis — you don’t need to include the transition in that paragraph; instead, you may insert it right before the topic sentence of the next paragraph.

Can you start a paragraph with furthermore?

Of course, you can also use link words and phrases in the middle of a paragraph to start a new sentence. However, make sure you don’t over-use words such as ‘furthermore’, ‘moreover’, ‘additionally’, ‘nonetheless’ and ‘similarly’ to start either new paragraphs or new sentences.

How do I start my introduction?

How to Write a Good Introduction

  1. Keep your first sentence short.
  2. Don’t repeat the title.
  3. Keep the introduction brief.
  4. Use the word “you” at least once.
  5. Dedicate 1-2 sentences to articulating what the article covers.
  6. Dedicate 1-2 sentences to explaining why the article is important.

How do you start off a story?

Find out which starter makes your partner most interested in reading your story.

  1. Start with action or dialogue.
  2. Ask a question or set of questions.
  3. Describe the setting so readers can imagine it.
  4. Give background information that will interest readers.
  5. Introduce yourself to readers in a surprising way.

What are prepositional openers?

a prepositional opener is placed at the beginning of the sentence and is ALWAYS followed by a comma. Today you have learned a prepositional opener changes the structure of the sentence, consists of a preposition, a modifier, a noun, AlWAYS begins at the sentence and ALWAYS is followed by a comma.

What is a varied opener?

By using different sentence openers to delay the subject and/or verb of the main clause, we create tension and draw attention to certain aspects of the sentence.We can also create cohesion when we use different sentence openers.

What is a starter sentence?

A sentence starter, also known as a sentence opener, is a word or phrase used to begin any given sentence. It’s useful for children to learn to work on these to vary their language and therefore improve their writing. Different styles or types of writing will require different sentence openers to be effective.

What is the WWW Asia B clause?

www. asia. buuba Clause: Do not confuse this clever acronym with a website! This stands for 12 different words that begin an adverbial clause.The 12 words that can begin one of these clauses are:when, while, where, as, since, if, although, because, unless, until,before, after.

Is it beforehand or beforehand?

Before is merely an outline of time in question prior to an event, action, date or time. Beforehand is the description of the duration of time outlined in question.

What does Genesis stand for?

The traditional Greek name for the first and best-known book of the Bible is Genesis, meaning “origin”.

What are the 3 types of transitions?

10 Types of Transitions

  • Addition. “Also, I have to stop at the store on the way home.”
  • Comparison. “In the same way, the author foreshadows a conflict between two minor characters.”
  • Concession. “Granted, you did not ask ahead of time.”
  • Contrast.
  • Consequence.
  • Emphasis.
  • Example.
  • Sequence.

What is introductory paragraph in essay?

The introductory paragraph, or opening paragraph, is the first paragraph of your essay. It introduces the main idea of your essay, captures the interest of your readers, and tells why your topic is important.

How do you transition from your body to intro?

For example, if your introduction ended with a thesis statement about how the author establishes setting, you could start the first body paragraph with a sentence like, “The first way the author establishes setting is through…” This phrasing creates a transition between the first body paragraph and the intro, because

The way you start a paragraph will determine the quality of your essay. Therefore, you need to be careful when choosing words to start a paragraph. The use of transition words to start a paragraph will make your text more engaging. These transition phrases will tell the reader that you know what you are doing.

Words To Start A Paragraph

Using the right keywords and phrases to start a new paragraph will link it to what you had said in the previous ones. We refer to these link phrases and words to as signposts. The reason is that they inform the reader when one point comes to an end and the beginning of the next one. The words or phrases also indicate the relationship between different points.

When you carefully use transition words to start a paragraph correctly, they will guide the tutors or examiners through your essay. Besides, these statements bolster the impression of a flowing, coherent, and logical piece of work. Here are some tips that will help you learn how to start an essay.

  • Transition Words to Start a Paragraph

    Transition words prompt the reader to establish relationships that exist between your ideas, especially when changing ideas. It is recommended to vary the transition words that you use in your text. Take time and think about the best transition words that will assist you in moving through the ideas you wish to put across. The most important thing is to help your readers get to understand the point that you are putting across. It is meaningless for students to produce academic papers that don’t flow well. For instance, you need different transition words to start a conclusion paragraph than what you use in body paragraphs and the introduction. Take time and make sure that all your points are flowing well within the text of the academic essay.

  • Topic Sentences

    You need to start with a topic sentence at ideas the beginning of ever paragraph. It gives you an exclusive opportunity to introduce what you will be discussing in the paragraph. The words that you use in the essay topic sentences should tell the reader of the ideas that you will be sharing in that paragraph. Remember each paragraph should carry a specific theme and this should be reflected in the topic sentences. You can use a transition phrase or word to elevate your topic sentence. It will tell the reader that you are now switching to a new idea.

  • Organization

    The way you organize your paper can also assist in boosting the transition of paragraphs. As you plan on the supporting ideas that you will include in your body paragraphs, you need to determine the orders that you will use to present them. Think about the best ways in which the ideas in each paragraph will build one another. You need to know whether there is a logical order that you need to follow. Try to re-arrange your ideas until you come up with the right order to present them. The transition words to start a body paragraph are very different from the introduction and conclusion.

  • Relationships

    In addition to how you write your academic essay, you can also enhance how you transition your paragraphs by discussing the relationships that exist between your ideas. For instance, as you end the first supporting paragraph, you can discuss how the idea will lead to the next body paragraphs. Assist the person reading your essay to understand the why you ordered your ideas the way you have done. What is the relationship between the first and second body paragraphs? Do not allow your readers to guess what you are thinking about or trying to communicate. The readers should also know how your ideas relate from the proper use of words to start a paragraph (see the picture below).

Words to start a paragraph

Examples of Transition Phrases and Words to Start a Paragraph

Transitions show how the paragraphs of your academic essay build of one another and work together. When you don’t use these transition words or phrases in your essay, it may end up having a choppy feeling. The readers may begin to struggle while trying to follow your thought train.

Due to this, you need to use paragraph transitions in all your essays. You have to make sure that you are choosing the right words to start a paragraph. In this section, we are going to look as some examples of sentence starters. You will discover that you choose the right transition words to start a body paragraph depending on what you are communicating. You may need transition words to show contrast, add to idea, show cause, or even add emphasis. Moreover, if you’re stuck with your paper and cannot find a motivation to write on, the sound use of words to start a paragraph may be your solution! So, here is a list of transition words that can help you in each category. You can use them as tips to get the right words to start a sentence and bring great expressions to the readers.

Transition Words and Phrases That Show Contrast

  • Otherwise
  • Instead
  • Rather
  • Comparatively
  • Whereas
  • However
  • Conversely
  • Still
  • Nevertheless
  • Yet
  • On the other hand
  • In comparison
  • On the contrary
  • Although
  • In contrast
  • Even though
  • Different from
  • Whereas
  • Even though
  • Other than
  • Comparatively
  • Besides
  • Outside of

Transition Words and Phrases to Add to Idea

  • Additionally
  • For example
  • Again
  • Also
  • Moreover
  • In addition
  • Coupled with
  • Furthermore
  • Similarly
  • As well as
  • In deed
  • One other thing
  • Correspondingly
  • In fact
  • Whereas
  • Another reason
  • Identically
  • Along with
  • Like wise

Transition Words and Phrases That Show Cause

  • Accordingly
  • Particularly
  • Hence
  • Singularly
  • As a result
  • Otherwise
  • Usually
  • Because
  • Generally speaking
  • Consequently
  • Unquestionably
  • For the most part
  • Due to
  • In this situation
  • For this reason
  • Undoubtedly or no doubt
  • For this purpose
  • Obviously
  • Hence
  • Of course
  • Otherwise
  • Ordinarily

Transition Words and Phrases That Add Emphasis

  • As usual
  • As a rule
  • Above all admittedly
  • Granted
  • Especially
  • Chiefly
  • Certainly
  • Assuredly

Remember you don’t need to use the above transition words to start a new paragraph all the time. You may discover that each new paragraph is becoming repetitive and distract you from the key component in the critical analysis of your academic work.
Succinctly identify the key sections or paragraphs of your essay in the introduction paragraph. You also need to restate them in your conclusion paragraph. Students who have this knowledge will not struggle with starting or how to end an essay. You can also be sure that you will please those who read your work. The most important thing is to choose good transition words for your essay. These tips will help you to choose the best words to start a paragraph in your essay.

There’s a lot to get right when you’re writing an essay. And a particularly important skill is knowing how to start a paragraph effectively. That first sentence counts!

Luckily for you, we’ve compiled HEAPS of advice, example phrases and top connective words to help you transition between paragraphs and guide your reader with ease.

So read on for a pick ’n’ mix of how to start a paragraph examples!

Table Of Contents

  1. Paragraphs: the lowdown
  2. How to create clarity for your readers
  3. What type of paragraph are you starting?
  4. How to start a paragraph: 200+ top words and phrases for a winning first sentence
  5. Time to get writing your paragraphs!
  6. The Science Of Studying Smart

Paragraphs: the lowdown

So why exactly are paragraphs such an important tool for writing effectively? Well:

  • They’re an important part of keeping your reader captivated
  • They help your reader to follow your argument or narrative
  • And they keep your writing in easily digestible chunks of information!

And an important part of all that is nailing the start of your paragraphs. Honestly!

Start off strong and your reader will know exactly what you’re going to do next and how your information interrelates. Top marks here you come – and for the low, low cost of some clever vocab!

Start your paragraphs off weakly however, without setting up effective signposting and transitions, and they’ll get lost and (horror!) might have to re-read your essay to make sense of it. Ugh.

how to write a paragraph

What should your paragraphs contain?

If you’re writing an academic essay, there are a lot of popular conventions and guides about what a paragraph should include.

Academic writing guides favour well-developed paragraphs that are unified, coherent, contain a topic sentence, and provide adequate development of your idea. They should be long enough to fully discuss and analyse your idea and evidence.

And remember – you should ALWAYS start a new paragraph for each new idea or point.

You can read more about paragraph break guidelines in our helpful what is a paragraph article! If you’re wondering how long your paragraphs should be, check out our guideline article.

Paragraph structure (the PEEL method)

Academic paragraphs often follow a common structure, designed to guide your reader through your argument – although not all the time! It goes like this:

  • Start with a “topic sentence”
  • Give 1-2 sentences of supporting evidence for (or against) your argument
  • Next, write a sentence analysing this evidence with respect to your argument or topic sentence
  • Finally, conclude by explaining the significance of this stance, or providing a transition to the next paragraph

(A quick definition: A “topic sentence” introduces the idea your paragraph will focus upon and makes summarising easy. It can occur anywhere but placing it at the start increases readability for your audience.)

One popular acronym for creating well-developed academic paragraphs is PEEL. This stands for Point, Evidence, Explanation, Link. Using this method makes it easy to remember what your paragraph should include.

  • I.e. your point (the topic sentence), some evidence and analysis of how it supports your point, and a transitional link back to your essay question or forwards to your next paragraph.

NOTE: You shouldn’t start all your paragraphs the same way OR start every sentence in your paragraph with the same word – it’s distracting and won’t earn you good marks from your reader.

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    How to create clarity for your readers

    Paragraphs are awesome tools for increasing clarity and readability in your writing. They provide visual markers for our eyes and box written content into easily digestible chunks.

    But you still need to start them off strongly. Do this job well, and you can seamlessly guide your readers through the narrative or argument of your writing.

    The first sentence of your paragraph is an important tool for creating that clarity. You can create links with the surrounding paragraphs and signal the purpose of this paragraph for your reader.


    • With transitions and connective words that form bridges in your writing.
      • Transitions show the links and relationships between the ideas you’re presenting: addition, contrast, sequential, conclusion, emphasis, example/citation
      • Connective words help you to join together multiple paragraphs in a sequence
    • And through the careful use of signposting words and phrases to direct your reader through your essay.
      • Note: there is quite a lot of overlap in vocabulary! Some transitions are also great signposts etc.

    Tip: Don’t overuse them! These techniques can make your writing sounds more professional and less like spoken language by smoothing over jarring jumps between topics. But using too many will make your writing stilted.

    A common term that encompasses these three tools is “sentence starter”. They are typically set apart from the body of your sentence by a comma.

    You can learn more about these key skills in our two helpful articles linked above – or explore a range of other writing skills advice, such as how to start an essay, structure an essay, and proofread an essay effectively!

    Picking the right tone

    It is important that the paragraph-starting phrases and connective words you choose complement the style of your writing and the conventions of the subject you are writing for.

    For example, scientific papers usually have much clearer and expected structure and signposting conventions than arts and humanities papers.

    If you’re unsure, it’s best to check some of the sources you’ve researched for your essay, explore the relevant academic style guide, or get help from a teacher – ask them for some examples!

    Getting your grammar right

    Grammatical conventions can be a minefield, but they’re worth remembering if you want to get top marks!

    If you’re looking to increase the clarity of your writing and paragraphs, make sure you pick the right spot for your commas and colons.

    For example, when you’re starting a new paragraph, many of the common signposting words and phrases require a comma. These include: however, therefore, moreover, what’s more, firstly, secondly, finally, likewise, for example, in general … (and more!).

    These phrases should always be followed by a comma if it’s at the start of a sentence, or separated with a comma before and after like this if placed mid-sentence:

    However, we cannot say for sure what happened here. We know, for example, that X claims to have lost the icon.

    A word about “this” (a tip for really great writing)

    As you start writing your paragraphs (and even sentences), you might be tempted to kick off with the word “this” – as in the classic “this shows that …”.

    But that’s not a great idea.

    Why? Academic essays aim should aim for maximum clarity, and “this” is just vague!

    What’s important is that the connections that are clear to you, the writer (who is – hopefully – intimately familiar with your argument), are ALSO clear to your reader, who has probably never read your essay before.

    Just imagine, your reader might be muttering “this what??” as they read, and then having to re-read the paragraph and the paragraph before to check … which is not ideal for getting good marks.

    In complex documents (especially essays and theses) where a lot of information is presented at once, the points you’re referencing might be spread across several paragraphs of evidence and argument-building. So, unless your sentence/paragraph-starting “this” follows on immediately from the point it references, it’s best to try a different phrase.

    And all it really takes is a little signposting and clarification to avoid the vagueness of “this shows that”. Ask yourself “this WHAT shows that?” And just point out what you’re referencing – and be obvious

    Here’s some examples:

    You can also do a similar exercise with “they” and other demonstrative pronouns (that, these, those).

    Specifying what your pronouns refer to will great help to increase the clarity of your (topic) sentences. And as an added bonus, your writing will also sound more sophisticated!

    What type of paragraph are you starting?

    When it comes to essay writing, there’s usually an expected structure: introduction, body (evidence and analysis) and conclusion.

    With other genres of writing your paragraphs might not conform to such

    Consider the structure of your paragraph. What do you want it to do? What is the topic? Do you want to open with your topic sentence?

    How to start an introductory paragraph

    Nailing the introduction of your essay is simultaneously one of the most important and hardest sections to write. A great introduction should set up your topic and explain why it’s significant.

    One of the primary goals of an effective introduction is to clearly state your “thesis statement” (what your essay is about, and what you are setting out to achieve with your argument).

    A popular (and easy) technique to start an introduction is to begin your first paragraph by immediately stating your thesis statement.

    Here’s some examples of how to start a paragraph with your thesis statement:

    • This paper discusses …
    • In this paper, you will find …
    • This essay argues that …
    • This thesis will evaluate …
    • This article will explore the complex socio-political factors that contributed to the decline of the Roman Empire between the reign of Constantine (312-337AD) and the fall of Rome in 476AD.

    However, starting your introductory paragraph effectively is not all about immediately stating your thesis!

    So head over to our great article on how to start an essay, for lots of more advice and examples on how to kick off your introductions and capture your reader’s attention with style!

    how long is a paragraph

    How to start a body paragraph

    Unless you’re writing an introduction or conclusion, you’ll be writing a “body paragraph”. Body paragraphs make up the majority of your essay, and should include all of your main points, data, evidence, analysis, deductions and arguments.

    Each paragraph should have a particular purpose and be centred around one idea. Your body paragraphs might be analytical, evidential, persuasive, descriptive etc.

    To help your reader make sense of the body of your essay, it’s important to guide them with signposts and transitions. These usually occur at the start of your paragraphs to demonstrate their relationship to preceding information.

    However, that means there are LOTS of different techniques for starting your body paragraphs! So for 200+ words and phrases for effectively starting a body paragraph, simply keep reading!

    How to start a concluding paragraph

    Concluding paragraphs are a little different to other paragraphs because they shouldn’t be presenting new evidence or arguments. Instead, you’re aiming to draw your arguments together neatly, and tie up loose ends.

    You might find them as part of a smaller sub-section within a longer academic dissertation or thesis. Or as part of the conclusion of your essay.

    When starting your conclusion it’s always a great idea to let your reader know they’ve arrived by signposting its purpose. This is especially true if your essay doesn’t contain any headers!

    Here are some examples of how to kick off your concluding paragraph:

    • In conclusion, this paper has shown that …
    • In summary, we have found that …
    • A review of these analyses indicates that …
    • To conclude, this essay has demonstrated that we must act immediately if we want to halt the drastic dwindling of our global bee population.

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      How to start a paragraph: 200+ top words and phrases for a winning first sentence

      Choosing the best start for your paragraph is all about understanding the purpose of this paragraph within the wider context of the preceding (and following) paragraphs and your essay as a whole.

      Where does it fit into the structure of your essay? Is it:

      • Opening a new topic or theme?
      • Providing explanations or descriptions?
      • Continuing a list or sequence?
      • Providing evidence?
      • Presenting a different opinion or counter-argument?
      • Beginning an analysis?
      • Highlighting consequences?
      • Drawing a conclusion?

      It’s important to be direct in how you start each paragraph – especially if you’re struggling to get your point across!

      The best way to craft a killer first sentence is to be clear on what you want it to do. We’ve covered 12 options below, packed with vocab and examples to get you started …

      And don’t forget to consider when you should start a new paragraph, and how long you want your paragraphs to be. Where you place your paragraph breaks will have a big effect on the kind of starting sentence you need!

      Finally – remember that the best time to craft effective opening sentences is after you’ve written your first draft and decided on your paragraph breaks! You should already have all your ideas arranged into a logical order.

      Showing structure and presenting concepts

      This first type of paragraphs are commonly found throughout your essay, whether you’re introducing your ideas, providing evidence and data, or presenting results.

      There a lots of useful types of connective words and phrases to help you kick off your paragraphs with clarity:

      how to start a paragraph

      Most notable are the sequential signposting words, which you can use throughout your essay to guide your reader through the steps of your argument, or a list of related evidence, for example.

      If you’re looking for something a little more specific, read on for four sets of example academic phrases to use to start a paragraph!

      1.       Starting or continuing a sequence

      One of the most important types of transitional phrases to help you start a paragraph is a sequential transition. These signposting transitions are great for academic arguments because they help you to present your points in order, without the reader getting lost along the way.

      Sequential connectives and transitions create order within your narrative by highlighting the temporal relationship between your paragraphs. Think lists of events or evidence, or setting out the steps in your narrative.

      You’ll often find them in combination with other paragraph-starting phrases (have a look at the examples below to spot them!)

      Why not try out some of these examples to help guide the readers of your essay?

      • Before considering X, it is important to note that …
      • Following on from Y, we should also consider …
      • The first notion to discuss is …
      • The next point to consider is …
      • Thirdly, we know that Y is also an important feature of …
      • As outlined in the previous paragraph, the next steps are to …
      • Having considered X, it is also necessary to explore Y …

      2.       Providing evidence, examples or citations

      Once you’ve made your claims or set out your ideas, it’s important to properly back them up. You’ll probably need to give evidence, quote experts and provide references throughout your essay.

      If you’ve got more than one piece of evidence, it’s best to separate them out into individual paragraphs. Sequential signposting can be a helpful tool to help you and your reader keep track of your examples.

      If your paragraph is all about giving evidence for a preceding statement, why not start with one of these phrases:

      • For example, X often …
      • This stance is clearly illustrated by …
      • Consider the example of Y, which …
      • This concept is well supported by …

      If you want to quote or paraphrase a source or expert, a great way to start your paragraph is by introducing their views. You can also use phrases like these to help you clearly show their role in your essay:

      • [Author], in particular, has argued that …
      • According to [source], Y is heavily influenced by …
      • [Source] for example, demonstrates the validity of this assertion by …
      • This [counter-] argument is supported by evidence from X, which shows that …

      Always remember to provide references for your sources in the manner most appropriate for your field (i.e. footnotes, and author-date methods).

      3.       Giving emphasis to your point

      Not all points and paragraphs in an essay are made equal. It’s natural you’ll want to highlight ideas and evidence for your reader to make sure they’re persuaded by your argument!

      So, if you want to give emphasis to what you’re about to discuss, be obvious! In fact, you may need to be more direct than you think:

      • This detail is significant because …
      • Undoubtedly, this experience was …
      • Certainly, there are ramifications for …
      • The last chapters, in particular, are revealing of X …

      4.       Acknowledging uncertainty

      In academia it’s common to find a little uncertainty in your evidence or results, or within the knowledge of your field. That’s true whether you’re a historian exploring artefacts from Ancient Greece, or a social scientist whose questionnaire results haven’t produced a clear answer.

      Don’t hide from this uncertainty – it’s a great way to point ahead to future research that needs to be done. In fact, you might be doing it in your essay!

      Why not try one of these examples to highlight the gaps in your academic field or experiment?

      • Whether X is actually the case remains a matter of debate, as current explorations cannot …
      • Although not proven, it is commonly understood that X …
      • Whilst the likelihood of X is debateable …
      • Given the age of the artifacts, it is impossible to say with accuracy whether Y …
      • Although we cannot know for sure, the findings above suggest that …
      • Untangling the causes of X is a complex matter and it is impossible to say for sure whether …

      Showing the relationships between your points

      As your essay progresses you will need to guide your reader through a succession of points, ideas and arguments by creating a narrative for them to follow. And important part of this task is the use of signposting to demonstrate the relationship between your paragraphs. Do they support each other? Do they present opposite sides of a debate?

      Luckily there are lots of agreement, opposition and contextual connectives to help you increase your clarity:

      how to start a paragraph

      Read on for four more sets of example academic phrases to help you present your ideas!

      5.       Making a new point

      If there’s no connection between your new paragraph and the preceding material, you’re probably starting a new topic, point or idea.

      That means it’s less likely (although not impossible) that you’ll need transitional phrases. However, it’s still important to signpost the purpose and position of this new paragraph clearly for your reader.

      • The next point to consider is …
      • We know that X …
      • This section of the essay discusses …
      • We should now turn to an exploration of Y …
      • We should begin with an overview of the situation for X …
      • Before exploring the two sides of the debate, it is important to consider …

      You can find some great ideas and examples for starting a new topic in our how to start an essay article. Whilst they’re definitely applicable to introductions, these strategies can also work well for kicking off any new idea!

      6.       Presenting accepted concepts

      If you’re aiming to take a new stance or question an accepted understanding with your essay, a great way to start a paragraph is by clearly setting out the concepts you want to challenge.

      These phrases are also an effective way to establish the context of your essay within your field:

      • It is commonly believed that …
      • The accepted interpretation of X is …
      • Until recently, it was thought that …
      • Historically, X has been treated as a case of …
      • Over the past two decades, scholars have approached X as an example of …
      • The most common interpretation of Y is …

      7.       Adding similar points

      Agreement connectives are an important tool in your arsenal for clearly indicating the continuation or positive relationship between similar ideas or evidence you’re presenting.

      If you’re looking to continue your essay with a similar point, why not try one of these examples:

      • Another aspect of X is …
      • Another important point is …
      • By the same token, Y should be explored with equal retrospection for …
      • Moreover, an equally significant factor of X is …
      • We should also consider …
      • Proponents of Y frequently also suggested that …

      8.       Demonstrating contrast

      In contrast, if you’re looking to present a counter-argument, opposite side of a debate, or critique of the ideas, evidence or results in your preceding paragraph(s), you’ll need to turn to contradiction and opposition connectives.

      These phrases will help you to clearly link your paragraphs whilst setting them in contrast within your narrative:

      • A contrary explanation is that …
      • On the other side of this debate,  X suggests that …
      • Given this understanding of X, it is surprising that Y …
      • On the other hand, critics of X point to …
      • Despite these criticisms, proponents of X continue to …
      • Whilst the discussion in the previous paragraph suggests X to be true, it fails to take into consideration Y …

      Note: some paragraph-opening sentences can be modified using connective words to show either agreement or contrast! Here are some examples:

      • It could also be said that X does [not] …
      • It is [also] important to note that X … OR It is important, however, to note that X …
      • There is [also/however], a further point to be considered …

      Presenting analyses, arguments and results

      An important stage of any essay is the analysis – that’s when you bring your own arguments to the table, based on your data and results.

      Signalling this clearly, therefore, is pretty important! Happily, there are plenty of connective words and phrases that can help you out:

      paragraph starters

      Read on for four sets of example academic phrases to use to start your analysis, results and summary paragraphs!

      9.       Conducting an analysis and constructing your argument

      Once you’ve set out your evidence or data, it’s time to point out the connections within them. Or to analyse how they support the argument you want to make.

      With humanities essays it is common to analyse the impact of your evidence as you present it. In contrast, sciences essays often contain a dedicated analysis section after the data has been presented.

      You’ll probably need several analytical paragraphs to address each of your points. So, a great way to get started is to dive straight in by signposting the connections you want to make in each one:

      • Each of these arguments make an important contribution to X because …
      • In order to fully understand Y, we need to analyse the findings from …
      • Each model of X and Y changed throughout the experiment because …
      • Exploring this dataset reveals that, in fact, X is not as common as hypothesised …
      • Notwithstanding such limitations, this data still shows that …
      • Of central concern to Y, therefore, is the evidence that …
      • This interpretation of X is …
      • This critique implies that …
      • This approach is similar to that of Y, who, as we have seen above, argues that …
      • The resulting graphs suggest that …
      • Whilst conducting the survey, it was discovered that …

      10.   Presenting results

      Having completed your analyses of any evidence (and hopefully persuaded your reader of your argument), you may need to present your results. This is especially relevant for essays that examine a specific dataset after a survey or experiment.

      If you want to signpost this section of your essay clearly, start your paragraph with a phrase like these:

      • The arguments presented above show that …
      • In this last analysis, we can see that X has shown …
      • As we have seen, the data gathered demonstrates that …
      • As demonstrated above, our understanding of X primarily stems from …

      11.   Demonstrating cause and effect

      When writing an academic essay you may often need to demonstrate the cause and effect relationship between your evidence or data, and your theories or results. Choosing the right connective phrases can be important for showing this relationship clearly to your reader.

      Try one of these phrases to start your paragraph to clearly explain the consequences:

      • As a consequence, X cannot be said to …
      • Therefore, we can posit that …
      • Provided that X is indeed true, it has been shown that Y …
      • As such, it is necessary to note that …
      • For this reason, the decision was made to …
      • The evidence show that the primary cause of X was …
      • As a result of Y, it was found that …

      12.   Summarising a topic or analysis

      In general, summary paragraphs should not present any new evidence or arguments. Instead, they act as a reminder of the path your essay has taken so far.

      Of course, these concluding paragraphs commonly occur at the end of an essay as part of your conclusion. However, they are also used to draw one point or stage of your argument to a close before the next begins.

      Within a larger essay or dissertation, these interludes can be useful reminders for your reader as you transition between providing context, giving evidence, suggesting new approaches etc.

      It’s worth noting that concluding your topic or analysis isn’t always the same as presenting results, although there can be some similarities in vocabulary.

      Connect your arguments into summaries with clear linking phrases such as:

      • Altogether, these arguments demonstrate that …
      • Each of these arguments make an important contribution to our understanding of X …
      • From this overview of X and Y, we can conclude that …
      • We can therefore see that …
      • It was hypothesised that X, however, as we have seen …
      • Therefore, we can [clearly] see that …

      Time to get writing your paragraphs!

      And that’s it! You should now have a much-improved understanding of how to start a paragraph.

      Whether you we’re worried about how to start your introductions or conclusions, or were wondering about specific types of body paragraphs, hopefully you’ve found what you need in the examples above.

      If you need more writing advice to help you nail top marks for your essay, we’ve got a whole series of articles designed to improve your writing skillsperfect! Have a read for top tips to for capturing easy marks 😊

      You can learn:

      • how to create effective paragraphs
      • about the ideal length(s) for your paragraphs
      • how to start an essay AND how to structure an essay
      • the 70+ top connective words and phrases to improve your writing
      • how to signpost your essay for top marks
      • about improving clarity with easy proofreading tricks

      Good luck completing your essay!

      • About
      • Latest Posts

      The greatest difference between success and failure is not the lack of ideas, but their implementation. We all think of the next-big-thing over a dozen times a day, but the ability create that ‘big thing’ is what defines us. Same is the case with writers, we have great stories and arguments rummaging through our head, but when it comes to jotting them down, you don’t know where to begin. You are stuck with thoughts like ‘where do I even begin?’, ‘how to start a paragraph?’, ’Do I even have a great idea?’

      Table of Contents

      1. Writing Help With Sentence Starters
      2. Why You Need to Know about Different Words to Start a Paragraph?
      3. List of Suitable Words to Start an Essay
      4. List of Transition Words to Begin a Paragraph that Show Contrast
      5. Body Paragraph Starters to Add Information
      6. Paragraph Starter Words Showing Cause
      7. Words to Start a Sentence for Emphasis
      8. Sentence Starters for Rare Ideas
      9. Paragraph Starter Words for Common Ideas
      10. Inconclusive Topic Sentence Starters
      11. How to Start a Sentence that Shows Evidence
      12. Paragraph Starters That Focus On the Background
      13. Words that Present Someone Else’s Evidence or Ideas
      14. Words for Conclusive Paragraph Starters
      15. Tips for Selecting the Right Words to Start Sentences
      16. FAQ

      Paragraph starter words provide assistance in getting that head start with your writing. Following is all the information you require regarding different ways to start a paragraph.

      Writing Help With Sentence Starters

      Whether you are looking for the right words to start a body paragraph in an essay or the right words to effectively conclude your ideas, there are plenty of effective ways to successfully communicate your ideas. Following are the three main types of words you can use to start your paragraph:

      Begin with Adverbs

      Too much of anything is nauseating, including adverbs. All those ‘ly’ words in a sentence can get pretty overwhelming pretty fast. But when effectively added to the beginning of a sentence, it can help transition, contradict or even conclude information in an impactful manner. For instance, ‘consequently’ is a great transition word, ‘conversely’ helps include a counter argument and ‘similarly’ enables you to break an idea into two paragraphs. The trick to using adverbs as sentence starters is to limit them to just one or two in a paragraph and to keep switching between them.

      Synonyms for ‘However’

      If only there was a penny for every time most writers use the word ‘however,’ there’d be a shortage of islands to privately own on this planet; and perhaps on a few more planets too. Anyhow, nobody’s got those pennies to spare! Might as well opt for other, equally effective substitutes! Some good options include:

      • Alternatively
      • Nonetheless
      • Nevertheless
      • Despite this

      Why You Need to Know about Different Words to Start a Paragraph?

      The simplest answer to this question is to mainly improve your writing. The beginning of a paragraph helps set the mood of the paragraph. It helps determine the W’s of writing (When, Why, What, Who, Where) you are trying to address. Following are some ways learning the paragraph starter words can be assistive in writing great essays:

      1. Sentence starters help the resist the typical format of using subject-verb structure for sentences.
      2. Transition words help you sound more eloquent and professional.
      3. They help differentiate your writing from the informal spoken language.
      4. They help transition your thoughts more effectively.

      List of Suitable Words to Start an Essay

      • The central theme
      • This essay discusses
      • Emphasized are
      • Views on

      words to start paragraph

      List of Transition Words to Begin a Paragraph that Show Contrast

      • Instead
      • Comparatively
      • However
      • Otherwise
      • Conversely
      • Still
      • On the contrary
      • On the other hand
      • Nevertheless
      • Different from
      • Besides
      • Other than
      • Outside of
      • Whereas

      Body Paragraph Starters to Add Information

      • Moreover
      • Furthermore
      • Additionally
      • Again
      • Coupled with
      • Correspondingly
      • Similarly
      • Identically
      • Whereas
      • Likewise
      • Not only

      Paragraph Starter Words Showing Cause

      • Singularly
      • Particularly
      • Otherwise
      • Unquestionably
      • Generally speaking
      • Consequently
      • For the most part
      • As a result
      • Undoubtedly
      • In this situation
      • Otherwise
      • Hence
      • Ordinarily

      Words to Start a Sentence for Emphasis

      • Admittedly
      • Certainly
      • Granted
      • Above all
      • As a rule
      • Chiefly

      words to start paragraph

      Sentence Starters for Rare Ideas

      • Rarely
      • Not many
      • Uncommonly
      • Seldom
      • A few

      Paragraph Starter Words for Common Ideas

      • The majority
      • More than
      • Many
      • Numerous
      • Almost all
      • Usually
      • Mostly
      • Several

      Inconclusive Topic Sentence Starters

      • There is limited evidence
      • Maybe
      • Perhaps
      • Debatably
      • For the lack of evidence

      How to Start a Sentence that Shows Evidence

      • The result
      • Therefore
      • Predictably
      • The connection
      • Considerably
      • With regard to
      • It can be seen
      • Subsequently
      • As a result
      • The relationship
      • Hence
      • After examining
      • The convergence
      • Apparently
      • Effectively

      Paragraph Starters That Focus On the Background

      • Customarily
      • Originally
      • Earlier
      • In the past
      • Prior to this
      • Historically
      • Over time
      • The traditional interpretation
      • Up until now
      • Initially
      • Conventionally
      • Formerly

      words to start paragraph

      Words that Present Someone Else’s Evidence or Ideas

      • As explained by
      • According to
      • With regard to
      • Based on the ideas of
      • As demonstrated by
      • As disputed by
      • As stated by
      • As mentioned by

      Words for Conclusive Paragraph Starters

      • In conclusion
      • Obviously
      • Finally
      • Overall
      • As expressed
      • Thus
      • Lastly
      • Therefore
      • As a result
      • All in all
      • In essence
      • By and large
      • To sum up
      • On balance
      • Overall
      • In any case
      • All things considered
      • In other words

      Tips for Selecting the Right Words to Start Sentences

      Evidently, there are hundreds of starter words to select from. Qualified assignments writers can give you hundreds of them. How do you determine which of these essay starters will be the most impactful? Word selection mainly depends on the type of ideas being shared. Are you about to enter a counter argument or plan to introduce a new idea? Before you can begin hunting for the right words to start a new paragraph, do the following three steps:

      1. Determine what the previous paragraph discussed.
      2. Decide how the said paragraph will relate to the one before this?
      3. Now scan the appropriate list from the list to find a word that is best suited based on the purpose of the paragraph.

      Keep the following tips in mind to make your paragraph starter words impactful and relevant:

      1. Always put a comma after every transition word in the beginning of a sentence.
      2. Add the subject of the sentence immediately after the comma.
      3. Avoid using the same transition word again and again. Opt for selecting different but suitable transition words.
      4. Don’t fret too much about using sentence starters during the first draft. It will be easier to add appropriate words during proofreading. Needless to say, always proofread your work to help make it flow better.

      When looking for the right sentence starters for essays, make sure you are clear about the objective of every paragraph. What are you trying to tell? Is it an introductory paragraph or the body discussing ideas or contradictory information? The beginning of a paragraph should immediately reflect the ideas discussed within that paragraph. It might take some time, but with a little conscious effort and a lot of practice, using transition words would soon become second nature.


      What is a good word to start a paragraph?

      The word you use to start a paragraph depends on the information you want to communicate. However, the right word to use should offer a smooth transition from the previous paragraph so readers can easily transition into the new section.

      How do you start a paragraph example?

      When writing essays that require evidence to support your claim, start your paragraph with the words like; For instance, For example, Specifically, To illustrate, Consider this, We can see this in, or This is evidence. That helps the reader to explain the ideas in the real world.

      How to introduce a paragraph?

      The best way to introduce a paragraph is by using a topic sentence that will briefly explain what you intend to discuss in the paragraph. Remember that the introduction of a paragraph is a topic sentence or the thesis of the entire essay.

      How to start a second body paragraph transition words?

      An essay shows the flow from the introduction to the last paragraph. Use transition words when writing a second body paragraph. By doing this, you show that the ideas in each section relate to each other.

      What are some good words to start a conclusion paragraph?

      Examples of words you can use are briefly, by and large, finally, after all, in any case, as a result, etc. After writing an engaging essay, ensure the conclusion paragraph is just as interesting by carefully selecting the types of words you will use.

      What words to start a new paragraph?

      You can begin with adverbs like Similarly, Consequently, or Conversely. Other words to start a new paragraph are: Nevertheless, That said, Alternately, At the same time, etc. Capture your readers’ attention by choosing the right words to use when starting a new paragraph.

      I would like to create a style for list paragraphs that I could apply to the other paragraphs of the document, instead of doing it manually for each one of them.

      I’d like to get it to look like this —

      First sentence, is not a heading and goes in bold. Rest of the
      paragraph goes normal, unformatted.

      How could I do this in Office 2016 — either in the Windows or OS X versions.

      Isheta Bhatt's user avatar

      asked Jan 29, 2018 at 3:00

      Melissa Castera's user avatar

      I don’t think there is a way to do this with existing Word functions, but it is possible with VBA.

      Within the VBA Editor (Alt+F11), insert a new module into your document and paste the following subprocedure:

      Sub BoldFirstSentence()
      Dim DocumentParagraph As Paragraph
      For Each DocumentParagraph In ActiveDocument.Paragraphs
        DocumentParagraph.Range.Sentences(1).Bold = True
      End Sub

      You can run the subprocedure by typing BoldFirstSentence into the immediate window and pressing Enter. The code will bold the first sentence of each paragraph in your document.

      answered Jan 29, 2018 at 17:50

      davidmneedham's user avatar


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      Paragraph writing in English requires knowing how to write a great topic sentence, using supporting details and transitional words as well as finding a strong concluding sentence.Paragraph writing in English

      Also, read for dialogue writing in English

      What is paragraph writing?

      A paragraph is a group of sentences that, in totality, introduces, develops, and suns up an idea.

      As we have already learned, a paragraph consists of a topic sentence, a few supporting sentences, and a concluding sentence.

      What is paragraph writing in English explain

      A paragraph is a composition designed to assess the creativity and organisational abilities of a student. A paragraph is a group of sentences written on a topic. In writing a paragraph, the writer should first collect his ideas on the given topic and then organise them in a fluent and grammatically correct order. A paragraph must contain a key sentence that introduces the topic in one line. (Paragraph writing in English) One must ensure coherence in the organisation of sentences so that the thoughts and ideas are presented in a united manner, with an eye organisation of sentences so that the thoughts and ideas are presented in a united manner, with an eye for fluency. A simple format can be observed to make the paragraph effective. 

      How to write a paragraph in English?

      It is very important that while writing you do not repeat your ideas. (CBSE) Hence, you haven’t introduced many more points to support the main idea of your paragraph.Paragraph writing, How to write paragraph in english

      However, the basic structure remains the same.

      The Topic Sentence

      It is the first sentence of the paragraph that introduces the topic. In a way, it conveys the overall theme of the paragraph. This sentence is very important as it introduces to the reader the subject matter of the paragraph.

      A top sentence needs to catch readers’ attention in order to make them want to continue to read. The topic sentence should also give readers an idea of what is to follow.

      The Supporting Sentences

      These sentences are used to support the main idea stated in the topic sentence. These sentences are used to elaborate on what the topic sentence says in brief. They give more information about the main idea through examples.

      Without strong and clear supporting details, a strong topic sentence can’t survive. It is the supporting details, in the form of facts, descriptions, and examples, that back up the claim made by the topic sentence.

      1. Transitional words

      Using transitional words between sentences builds the unity and clarity of paragraphs. Transitional words like next, similarly, or for instance make sentences flow together, showing

      2. The Concluding Sentence

      This is usually the last sentence of your paragraph that sums up what the topic sentence and the supporting details talk about. This sentence is used to tie up all the loose ends and give a logical end to your paragraph.

      It is very important for students to know how to write a conclusion. The writing conclusion confirms everything mentioned in a paragraph. A conclusion usually restates the claim in the topic sentence.


      Let us take up a topic, for example, ‘Sending Cards’, and jot down the ideas as they occur, randomly.

      • Especially sent on certain occasions
      • Different kinds of cards are available
      • Most popular occasions
      • Miscellaneous cards
      • E-cards are popular now
      • Hand-painted cards are treasured
      • A card can cheer up

      Now expand the ideas into complete sentences. You can change the order if need be.

      Sending cards

      All cover the world, people send cards to one another on special occasions. There are many kinds of cards available in stores for every occasion. However, birthday cards are the most popular ones. Other than occasion cards, there are also miscellaneous, like get well soon cards, thank you cards, congratulation cards, etc. However, these days, e-cards have become very popular with the advent of the Internet. Most e-cards are available free on select sites. These days, very few people take the paints to send hand-painted cards. Nevertheless, a hand-painted card not only brings a smile but is also treasured by the receiver as it shows the effort the sender has taken to cheer him/her up. Any kind of card with beautiful words written inside is a wonderful way of greeting someone.

      Salient features of a paragraphTypes of Paragraph in english

      Before you actually begin to write, you should have a clear understanding of the subject at hand. Remember, just as a sentence deals with one though, a paragraph deals with one topic or idea.

      First, write down the main idea or topic. Paragraph writing in English, It can be a single word, more than one word, or a short phrase. Build on the words or short phrases to come up with additional ideas that support the main idea. You may change the order of the points or supporting ideas according to their occurrence or importance when you actually begin to write your paragraph.

      What are the steps in writing a good paragraph?

      Before you start writing your paragraph, jot down points that are related to the subject matter at hand.

      • The topic sentence is the introductory statement of your paragraph as it introduces the main idea. Keep in mind, that the readers will greatly rely on what it says to decide if the paragraph is worth reading or not.
      • Develop the main idea with the help of relevant details, examples, etc.
      • Do not write unrelated sentences. One idea should lead to the other.
      • Try to come up with a concluding sentence that is thought-provoking or appealing so that it lingers on the reader’s memory.
      • Every sentence in the paragraph must be closely related to the main idea or topic. Do not write sentences which are not in any way  related to the topic
      • Ensure that the structure of your detailed sentences is such that there is no logical gap in the sequence of thoughts or development of the main idea.
      • Remember to write complete sentences.
      • Re-read all that you have written, and if need be, change the order of the sentences.
      • Once you have completed your paragraph, revise for spelling, punctuation and grammatical errors.

      Types of Paragraphs in English

      Here we study three types of paragraph:

      1. Literacy paragraph
      2. Narrative paragraph
      3. Persuasive paragraph

      1. Literacy paragraph

      Topic Sentence: The fairy golden hair did not like rain

      Paragraph writing in English

      Whether it rained, dark clouds would cover the sky and block the sun, making the entire day seem deary and gray. If it rained on a chill day, then the day seemed even colder and more miserable than before. Moreover, regardless of the temperature, rain meant that the fairy’s hair would get frizzy and messed up no matter how much time she spent on it. Even a few raindrops were enough to undo an entire morning’s worth of styling.

      As far as the fairy was concerned, the rain was not certain her friend.

      Note: Moreover is an example of a transitional word.

      2. Narrative paragraph

      Topic sentence: My hometown is known for its several wonderful natural features. First, it is 

      Famous for the Vandana River which is very wide and beautiful. Also, on the other side of the town is Vandana Hill, which is unique because it is very steep. The third amazing feature is the big old Banyan Tree. This tree stands two hundred feet tall and is probably about six hundred years old.

      Concluding sentence: These three landmarks are truly amazing and make my hometown a famous place.

      Note: Also is an example of transitional words.

      3. Persuasive paragraph

      Instead of staying at home during professional activities days, students in grades six and above should be fixed to do some volunteer work in their community. For one thing, there are a number of worthwhile agencies that are in need of extra help. Also, volunteering would get students out of the house and active, which is much better for them than sitting on the couch playing video games. Finally, volunteering would teach students responsibility and commitment to someone/something other than themselves. Paragraph writing in English, Overall, professional activities days spent in this way would be a win-win situation for both students and their communities.

      Format for paragraph writing

      1. Introduce the topic in one or two sentences so that the reader immediately comes to know what the paragraph is about.
      2. Put all your thoughts, ideas, and information about the topic in a logical and organized fashion.
      3. Conclude the paragraph in a suitable manner.

      Points remember: While writing a paragraph

      1. Follow the word limit given in the question paper.
      2. Avoid using irrelevant information.
      3. Be careful about grammatical accuracy.

      Example of a paragraph with a topic sentenceParagraph writing Solved example

      Example 1

      Write a small paragraph on “the importance of books in the Life of a Student’ Paragraph writing in English.


      • A medium that cuts across times by presenting the views of people of yesterday’s times
      • A vista of how the world has been the collection of knowledge and gain of various subjects to date.
      • Undoubtedly the best friend for a person
      • A guiding light
      • Initiates and stimulates thought processing on a subject.


      Books are often mistaken to be a burden by a lot of students. On the contrary, they come to our rescue in our dire need. They are a window to our big world and present it from different times on a whole variety of subjects. They let us see how mankind has progressed over its long journey. And until we go through that, we can’t know how the future world would shape up for us. Books give a jumpstart to a professional in his field, as he can go through all that has been achieved in that field and save his time and effort by avoiding the repetition of the same task. Books, as a guiding light, initiate and stimulate thoughts on various subjects. They are a milestone of the journey mankind has covered and the details of it. 

      Example 2

      Discuss the ‘Negative Aspects of Television in a Child’s Life’ in the form of a paragraph.


      • Excessive strain on eyes.
      • Multiple channels promote surfing endlessly.
      • Wastage of time
      • Academics take a back seat
      • ‘200 channels but nothing on’ is the common complaint of a viewer
      • Promotes violence, aggression, immorality, etc. in young nimble minds
      • Reality shows go beyond the possible limits to gain viewership
      • Kids have often suffered dire consequences due to reality shows
      • Parents, children and the media need to exercise restraint on what is being aired and what needs to be watched


      Television has become one of the most important sources of entertainment in the modern scenario. It occupies a central position in the homes of almost all strata of society with children forming a major part of its spectators. On one hand, if it is one of the greatest sources of knowledge and general awareness, it has, on the other hand, become a medium to show programs that most of the time are not suitable for children. The minds of young children are like raw slates in the deterioration of moral values. With the advent of cable and satellite television available twenty-four hours a day, literally, hundreds of programs cannot be viewed by all the family members sitting together. As a result, television, ultimately, has more negative aspects and thus TV viewing must be limited and selective for children.

      Example 3

      Paragraph writing in English, Most the students usually find writing skills difficult. Write a paragraph describing ‘Ways to Improve Writing Skills in English’.


      • Take notes in class and always complete homework
      • Don’t get discouraged by red-ink marks in your note-book, keep trying 
      • Read as many books, short stories, magazines, and newspapers as you can 
      • Interactive websites provide online practice and correction
      • Always make an outline, listing items/events/paints you need to include
      • Rank these points in order of importance and expand on each
      • Attempt spell-bee, crosswords, word scrambles, etc.
      • Use a dictionary often
      • Practice writing in English on any topic


      Writing expression is a must to score good marks in English. IN order to acquire good writing skills one should always take notes in class and should try to complete homework time maintain a steady always take notes in class and should try to complete their homework on time to maintain a steady pace. One shouldn’t get discouraged with the red-ink marks in the notebooks as they are mere reminders. One shouldn’t lose hope and should keep trying. Developing a reading habit, be it short stories, magazines or newspapers is a must to acquire a vast vocabulary and improve spelling, these days several interactive websites on the internet provide online practice worksheets and correct them too. While writing a piece of information, one should always draft a word sketch or outline of points to be included. After that, these points should be listed in descending order of importance. Some fun ways to keep yourself busy are spell-bees, crosswords, word search puzzles, and scrambles. Using a dictionary also helps in improving vocabulary and the most try writing in English a few lines on any one topic of your choice.

      How to begin your paragraph using words/ideas

      Now, observe the following examples, see how you can begin your paragraph using words/ideas, and then expand or build on these to come up with effective sentences that will form the paragraph. Then write the paragraph.


      Words You Know

      • Done on snow
      • Winter season
      • Famous skiing grounds in India
      • Skiing competitions
      • Skilling instruct instructor


      1. Skiing is an exhilarating sport practiced on snow.
      2. However, skiing can be done only during the winter season when the layer of ice is thick in mountainous regions.
      3. Gulmarg and AUli are the most famous skiing grounds in India.
      4. Skiing competitions are held there during the winter months.
      5. Even if you are a beginner, you can find a skiing instructor who can train you.

      Best Holiday Destination

      Words You know

      • Goa-best place
      • Sunny and warm
      • Blue waters and balmy beaches
      • Water sports
      • Fine restaurants 


      • Goa is the perfect place for a vacation.
      • It is always sunny and warm
      • The deep blue sea and the balmy beaches are beautiful.
      • People can avail themselves of various water sporting activities like speed boats, parasailing, water scooters, etc.
      • It has many fine restaurants where you can gorge on a variety of dishes, the origins of which can be traced to various parts of the world.

      Airplanes and the Modern Day

      Words you know

      • Airplanes changed human lives
      • Traveling is much faster
      • You can travel to distant places 
      • Delivery of goods has improved
      • The world seems smaller


      • Airplanes are a boon to modern man as they have made traveling much faster and easier.
      • Airplanes have made distant places accessible.
      • Now, delivering goods to remote corners of the world is not a problem as cargo planes ensure smooth and hassle-free delivery.
      • Because of airplanes, the world has shrunk and distance no longer matters.

      Paragraph writing examplesParagraph writing Examples

      Paragraph writing 0n ‘Important of Fruits and Vegetables in Our Daily Diet’

      Vegetables and fruit are an important part of a healthy diet. Fruits and vegetables are packed with vitamins and minerals that help to keep our body functioning smoothly. It gives us the energy and strength to lead a healthy and active life. In addition, they have lost of fiber to help our digestive system work properly. Finally, it has been scientifically proven that the nutrients in fruits and vegetables can help fight diseases. If we take a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, we’ll be on the road to better health.

      Paragraph writing 0n, Important of Fruits and Vegetables in Our Daily Diet

      Paragraph writing 0n ‘Sense of Humour’

      Laughter is an expression of joy and happiness. Man alone, among countless creatures of God, has the capacity to laugh. Life, indeed, would have been very dreary without humour and laughter. The ability to laugh relieves man of stress and enables him to see the brighter side of life. A man with a good sense of humour is welcomed at every gathering – he often enlivens a dull conversation with his sparkling wit and jokes. Humour in many ways helps people not to lose their temper. It helps to maintain mental equilibrium even, as it helps to attract friends. A man devoid of a sense of humor always remains tense and unhappy. He is unable to see the lighter side of life. Hence, humor has great practical value in an individual’s life.

      Paragraph writing 0n, Sense of Humour

      Paragraph writing 0n ‘The Art of Conversation’

      The manner in which a man speaks and communicates his ideas sets him apart from the rest. The art of conversation is one of the most distinctive features of human personality. It is aptly said that a man reveals himself through his conversation. A man, who has mastered this art, can make a great impact on people. He can enliven a social gathering with his wit and gain popularity among friends and colleagues. We may strive for perfection in the art of dressing well but tend to be rather sloppy when it makes his presence felt. He exudes confidence and poise. The ability to speak well is undoubtedly an art and like all other art forms, it can be acquired with practice.

      Paragraph writing 0n, The Art of Conversation

      Paragraph writing 0n ‘Time is Money’

      Life a journey traveled on the highway of time. Therefore, time is precious. Every moment in life should be properly utilized, as time, once lost, can never be recovered. And there is no way to stop should be properly utilized, as time, once lost, can never be recovered. And there is no way to stop the hands of time from ticking. Hence right from childhood, one should learn to appreciate the value of time. Just as one should learn to make the best use of money, Should learn to make the best use of time, too. It has been rightly said, ‘Time and tide wait for none.’ People who realize the value of time, believe in action rather than procrastination. They use it to acquire knowledge and various useful skills.Paragraph writing 0n, Time is Money

      Practice questions for paragraph writing

      Write a paragraph on each of the following topics. Pointers have been given for each topic.

      Question 1: Conversation of natural Resources


      • Several ways to conserve natural resources
      • Turn off lights and other appliances when not in use
      • Use lights that consume less power
      • Drive less – adopt carpooling distances
      • Use recycled items
      • Don’t waste-water
      • Don’t waste-water
      • Use waste-water for watering your plants
      • Each of us should do our bit

      Question 2: Knowledge is Power


      • Man is a social animal who can think
      • Despite being physically weak, he rules over all other animals
      • Man has knowledge which makes him powerful
      • Even among men, the ignorant bow before the knowledgeable
      • Philosophers, scientists, religious leaders, etc. have great influence over others
      • Thus, knowledge is power
      • However, knowledge cannot control the natural processes

      Question 3: Our Cultural Heritage


      • A rich and unique cultural heritage
      • Religious tolerance is an important aspect of our cultural heritage
      • Unique works of sculpture, painting, and architecture
      • There are negative aspects of our culture, too
      • Western culture should not be followed blindly
      • Preserve what is good and discard what is bad

      Question 4: Write a paragraph on ‘Friendship – A Beautiful Relation’.


      • Provides comfort and peace
      • True friends help you through tough and testing times
      • A good friend is honest, trustworthy and caring
      • Accepts you unconditionally
      • Not governed by caste, creed, colour, blood or status
      • Always there to give advice and share the best and the worst without hesitation

      Question 5: Write a paragraph describing how you celebrated Diwali without crackers.


      • Distributed sweets and gifts among the needy
      • Helped mother clean the house
      • Organised a cultural festival in locality
      • Learned to cool a sweet dish
      • Initiated a signature campaign requesting everyone to celebrate a ‘cracker-free’ Diwali 
      • Used the money (received for crackers) to purchase Clothes/Shoes/Games/gadgets etc.

      Question 6


      • Describing your aspirations.
      • How do you plan to achieve it?
      • Which individual or incident inspired you?
      • Who is helping you to achieve it?

      Important topics for Paragraph writing

      Write persuasive paragraphs on the following topics: Paragraph writing in English.Paragraph writing Topics

      1. Longer recesses in schools
      2. More holidays during  the year
      3. Online learning
      4. Recycling
      5. School uniform – an evil
      6. E-mail
      7. Population-Free towns

      Also, read for 

      • Notice writing
      • Report writing
      • Dialogue writing
      • Message writing
      • Invitation replies

      The introductory paragraph of any paper, long or short, should start with a sentence that piques the interest of your readers. 

      In a well-constructed first paragraph, that first sentence leads into three or four sentences that provide details about the subject you address in the body of your essay. These sentences should also set the stage for your thesis statement.

      Writing a good thesis statement is the subject of much instruction and training, as it’s the driver of your research and the subject of your paper. The entirety of your paper hangs on that sentence, which is generally the last sentence of your introductory paragraph and is refined throughout your research and drafting phases.

      Writing an Intro Paragraph

      It’s often easier to write the introductory paragraph after you’ve written the first draft of the main part of the paper (or at least sketched out a detailed outline, section by section or paragraph by paragraph). After the drafting stage, your research and main points are fresh in your mind, and your thesis statement has been polished to gleaming. It’s typically honed during the drafting stage, as research may have necessitated its adjustment.

      At the start of a large writing project, it can also be intimidating to put those first words down, so it’s often easier to begin composing in the middle of the paper and work on the introduction and conclusion after the meat of the report has been organized, compiled, and drafted.

      Construct your introductory paragraph with the following:

      • An attention-grabbing first sentence
      • Informative sentences that build to your thesis
      • The thesis statement, which makes a claim or states a view that you will support or build upon

      Your First Sentence

      As you researched your topic, you probably discovered some interesting anecdotes, quotes, or trivial facts. This is exactly the sort of thing you should use for an engaging introduction.

      Consider these ideas for creating a strong beginning.

      Surprising fact: The Pentagon has twice as many bathrooms as are necessary. The famous government building was constructed in the 1940s when segregation laws required that separate bathrooms be installed for people of African descent. This building isn’t the only American icon that harkens back to this embarrassing and hurtful time in our history. Across the United States, there are many examples of leftover laws and customs that reflect the racism that once permeated American society.

      Humor: When my older brother substituted fresh eggs for our hard-boiled Easter eggs, he didn’t realize our father would take the first crack at hiding them. My brother’s holiday ended early that particular day in 1991, but the rest of the family enjoyed the warm April weather, outside on the lawn, until late into the evening. Perhaps it was the warmth of the day and the joy of eating Easter roast while Tommy contemplated his actions that make my memories of Easter so sweet. Whatever the true reason, the fact remains that my favorite holiday of the year is Easter Sunday.

      Quotation: Hillary Rodham Clinton once said, “There cannot be true democracy unless women’s voices are heard.” In 2006, when Nancy Pelosi became the nation’s first female Speaker of the House, one woman’s voice rang out clearly. With this development, democracy grew to its truest level ever in terms of women’s equality. The historical event also paved the way for Senator Clinton as she warmed her own vocal cords in preparation for a presidential race.

      Finding the Hook

      In each example, the first sentence draws the reader in to find out how the interesting fact leads to a point. You can use many methods to capture your reader’s interest.

      Curiosity: A duck’s quack doesn’t echo. Some people might find a deep and mysterious meaning in this fact…

      Definition: A homograph is a word with two or more pronunciations. Produce is one example…

      Anecdote: Yesterday morning I watched as my older sister left for school with a bright white glob of toothpaste gleaming on her chin. I felt no regret at all until she stepped onto the bus

      Supporting Sentences

      The body of your introductory paragraph should fulfill two functions: It should explain your first sentence and should build up to your thesis statement. You’ll find that this is much easier than it sounds. Just follow the pattern you see in the above examples.

      During the revision stage for the paper as a whole, you can make further refinements to the introduction as needed.

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